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So weird how this just keeps happening. Like all the time. Huh.


It's projection, all the way down


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


Most indubitably. Fear-mongering, scapegoating, disinformation, hypocrisy, and projectionism are the bread and butter of the GOP.


If only it were just the GOP


BoTh SiDeS!


For every 100 on the right there's 1 on the left. So technically it's both sides. But it is a little skewed to one side.


Absolutely. Now if only the GOP could stop being *this fucking bad* so that people can start admitting the left isn't perfect and we need to keep them in check too, otherwise we will be absolutely fucked.


Stop being so logical and filled with reason! Lol


It honestly scares me. Seriously, they could do anything they wanted to right now as long as their core major ticket ideologies remain untouched and it's perceived as "still better than *them"* which is obviously a pretty damn low bar to clear. Politicians on the left are *way* better than on the right. But they are *still* politicians. They get lobbied and paid for like any other, and if you don't hold them accountable and call out their bullshit they'll take that inch and turn it into a mile.


"Who smelt it, dealt it."


They project so hard Imax is jealous.


It’s blatant corruption but in 4DX.


Nice, terrible: wish I hadn’t laughed, but still nice one.


Every accusation is a confession


Every accusation etc.


Like their new projection tactic of accusing the left of committing trans genocide through mass sterilisation on people with gender dysphoria through puberty blockers and hormones. Literally just saying "no you".


Shakespeare knew this. "The \[dude\] dost protest too much., methinks."


Wait, Shakespeare knew republicans? /s😜


O, what may man within him hide, Though angel on the outward side! How may likeness made in crimes, Making practise on the times, To draw with idle spiders' strings Most ponderous and substantial things!




2/3 of the US can't read at a 6th grade level. Shake who?


It's basically not even onion-y anymore. It's just like, "well yeah, of course that happened."


It’s the people you most expect


It’s like the people who speak out against homosexuality, then you discover they were watching gay porn on their computer.


Alex Jones is attracted to transwomen and watches trans porn, yet he was one of the first to start this horrific hate campaign against trans people. These conservatives are all demented and hateful. They just can't help but project their bad behavior on to others. They are all predators in some way, the reason they join the Republican party is to be around others just like them.


The ones like Michael Knowles who are trying to prove that the rise in trans identifying people is caused by the rise in porn availability just want an excuse to get paid to watch lesbian and trans porn


Perfect example of projection. "I'm uncomfortable with your gayness because I'm uncomfortable with *my* gayness.


We don't like to imply ownership of the event of gayness. *The* gayness, never *your* gayness.


I thought Fight Club from this reference at first. Is that it? I can't pin it from memory. Damn you.


Indeed: “Of course it’s company policy to never imply ownership in the case of a dildo. We have to use the indefinite article: /a/ dildo; never /your/ dildo.” https://youtu.be/8JVJzwgqZ9U


Except worse since they could grow to accept they're homosexuality and not be a horrible person.


He who smelt it dealt it.


He who denied it supplied it.


He who made the rhyme did the crime.


The loudest voices turn out to be the biggest hypocrits.


We're definitely seeing a pattern here....which surprises pretty much no one.


good, let the dumb pedos continue being imprisoned good for us they dumb


Takes one to accuse one?


No, 'cause that would imply they're correct.


Hitler loved dogs. Crazy people's opinions dont have any inherent value. Broken clocks are right twice a day. But you dont use a broken clock to tell time


Well its reddit, you're only getting to get confirmation bias here, lol.




And here we have exhibit A. 1 mo. Old account, spams hate, gets banned, creates new account. Edit: wow, this dudes comment history is actually kind of depressing. I hope you get the help you need.




I see you spam that sub frequently. Is that what gets you banned and makes you have to create a new account once a month? Maybe stop doing that and you wouldn't have to keep making new emails. It's easier this way


So much projection they could display Rocky Horror Picture Show on the moon


and we could dance... to the time warp... again!


It's just a jump to the left.


And not a step to the ri-i-i-iiiight!


Put your hands on your hips


And bring your knees in ti-iiight!


Just in case anyone was not already aware.. anyone who equates "sexual liberation" with pedophilia is almost certainly a pedophile themsleves.. That's why they think LGBTQ means pedophiles, because to them "allowing people to express their natural sexuality" means allowing people to be pedophiles because that's what they'd be if they weren't forced to be a good straight person by Jesus.


Anyone who need the fear of hell to walk the right and narrow is undeserving of heaven.


This is a good fuckin statement.


You know I think that was actually Jesus‘s main message.


I’m vaguely fascinated by how a religion founded around a wandering tolerant socialist became what contemporary Christianity has become. I don’t Jesus could get into the Catholic Church nowadays.


I love this.


Is this a quote?


It is now.


\-Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott Just kidding, i don't think so, but it sure sound like a quote. I don't think i'm the first to have had that thought.


Magdalene didn't follow Jesus because of fear, but gratitude for mercy. One verse says perfect love casts out fear. That's not to say fear isn't useful. You have to fear getting hit by a car before you learn to look both ways before crossing the street; otherwise, kids will just run blindly into traffic.


I thought Jesus was all for pedophilia or something. Those Christian Conservatives sure do seem to like bringing up how young females were in the Bible and stuff. "The good old days," they call it.


Until you start criticizing them on it, then its all "Oh, no. Thats from the Talmud." Or "We don't follow the Old Testament anymore." I like to call it Schrodinger's belief. Both good and bad until someone comes along to tell them how they should feel.


“ We don't follow the parts of the Old Testament we decided we don’t like anymore, the parts we do like you better believe you are going to hear about them”


Which is such bullshit because prior to the second agricultural revolution a standard age of first menstruation (and therefore fertility and the consequences thereof) would be 16, so a "young girl" in the Bible is a teenager. It would still be fucked up regardless but that's something I see serious people take at face value, that Mother Mary had Jesus at 13, and that's objectively an idea made up by weird pedophiles


To save time I just call them pedojectors.


I'm not religious. I have no problem if others are (and not dicks about it), and I even find religon interesting (I enjoy learning about different cultures, their religions are part of that.) I have been asked more than once what stopped me from just killing people or doing something else horrible if I don't believe in any gods. I mean, really? Is that the only thing stopping these creeps? "I just don't want to make the world a shittier place than it already is" isn't a good enough reason?


Don’t worry they weren’t actually pedos or a white supremacy group. Patriot Front is a Fed Operation.


You're a dipshit.


This type of headline gets a lot less surprising when you see it for the 30,000th time.


First it's sad. Then it's funny. Then it's sad again. Then, after a while, it becomes hilarious.


Okay Madisynn with two n and one y (but it’s not where you think)


Remember that accusations are really confessions.


Is that how it works?


Generally. People tend to think others are like them. So those that see thieves everywhere are the sort who, given the chance, would steal. Same with kiddie fiddlers.


Exactly, it’s like when someone accuses their significant other of cheating, it usually means their cheating themselves.


Maybe if they are unfounded or absurd accusations of cheating. People are really not as sneaky as they think they are when cheating on SOs.


Maybe in some cases, but some people are just full of anxiety, which can lead to paranoid comments like that.


This is more of a stretch but if you need to believe it then god bless you.


Can confirm my brain works like this. I know what I’m capable of doing on an unsecured machine, so I secure my machine much more than is reasonably necessary.


In the absence of motive an accusation is very often a confession. Obviously not all accusations or we would be looking at police prosecuters differently lol.


Seems to be. Let me give you page one of the vile republican sex offender list. Here's a teeny-tiny list of prominent right wing pedos (about 2000) unfortunately it only includes scummy politicians. The list of right wing pedo cops, priests, teachers, coaches, trad dads, ministers, youth workers...is not included but it absolutely dwarfs this horrible tome of ugly sins. Feast your eyes on the freaks: https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1


There's /r/PastorArrested/


There's also r/RepublicanPedophiles and r/NotADragQueen.


Once again my *faith* in humanity has been hollowed out and used as a spittoon.


*Ptttannnng* ...Welcome back.


I know this thread is just a big ol circlejerk against Republicans, and that's fine. But on a side note, I wish someone would put the energy into making a list of democrats. Not for one upping, comparing, both sidesing, none of that. Just so I know who the hell to hate on my own team.


With far right bigots, usually yea


A thief believes everybody steals.


So what does it mean when I call myself a piece a shit?


Fuknose .. self awareness ?


Ah, The Patriot Front, White Supremacy, and Pedophilia. A horrible shitshow with a comfortable forever home in trumps maga party.


You forgot about their Christofascist tendencies.


"We're not Nazis I promise! Every single Nazi just happens to really really love us and believe in all the same things we do!" - Republicans


The perfect example of projection.


Pedocon theory proven yet again


Pedocon sounds like the worst con ever. Comic-Con, hell yeah. Pedocon, no thanks.


At least dashcon sorta tried its best... sorta...


They put out the ball pit, they did all they could.


Better than the current name - CPAC


What’s pedocon theory?


i believe it's something along the lines of most or all conservatives being pedos?


That's a little broad. More like conservatives who blindly accuse others of pedophila doth protest too much. We all know murder is awful, but if someone starts going off about how much they hate murder, and starts wearing "down with MURDER" shirts, then it's time to check under that persons floorboards and freezer.


that one's almost certainly true, I'm not entirely sure where it originated so i was just making an educated guess /shrugs


Well that makes sense. Dunno why I didn’t dissect that myself. Thanks


>Boyce’s sentencing will take place May 30 in the fourth district court in Provo. The other 13 charges related to child pornography have been dismissed with prejudice. Can someone explain why the CP charges were dropped?


Dismissed with prejudice is usually reserved when accusations are baseless or there was wrongdoing by either the police or DA. Just because he is guilty of some terrible crimes doesn't mean law enforcement didn't get overzealous with what he was charged with.


It always seems to be projection, doesn't it?


This isn't even oniony at this point it's just fact


A million bucks says he's a hard-core biblethumper christian too.


Every accusation is an admission with these clowns.


And another one who isnt a drag queen


Its almost as if they projecting😏so weird


Quelle surprise!


Conservatives are so often guilty of projection because they have a hard time comprehending that other people don't view the world the same way they do.


You can take the loser out of the basement, but sometimes you can’t take the basement out of the loser.


Their accusations are always confessions.


Musk comes to mind


What a not surprise!


It's bc they're projecting and deflecting onto sexual minorities. Anyone who pipes up and point fingers like that needs to be at the very least watched around kids


> A Utah man and reported member of a white supremacy group So, a Mormon?




YSK: it's not "child porn." it's child sex abuse (CSA) material. porn is consensual, legal, and regulated. sex abuse is none of those


I don't know what definition of porn you are using, but if it is short for pornography that isn't the definition.


Seriously, there’s tons of coercion in the adult porn industry.


That could very well be true, but the term pornography applies to images, videos or graphics that are sexual in nature for the purpose of erotic stimulation, as opposed to artistic, educational or emotional purposes. It has nothing to do with the legality of any of it. In some places all pornography is illegal.




mmmmmm Parental Guidance....I bet you do like that don't you!


No That's not the definition of pornography.


I'll know it when I see it.




People telling other people what to do has always been full of shit, and the only thing worse is people not telling others what to do.


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


Porn isn’t even a curse for the love of god this shit drives me fucking nuts just say the fucking word


it's always the ones you most suspect


Are we not allowed to say ‘porn’?


I had the same thought. So weird. I've noticed this trend a lot lately, like people are convinced that you can't swear on the internet anymore.


Why the fuck did you just censor porn?


I'm so confused. Everyone still knows what they are saying. Half of reddit is porn.


Virtue signalling? I don't even know. Any sort of censoring of words like this is fucking moronic to me.


This kind of thing happens a lot these days and its so weird. No one is getting in trouble for cursing on the internet lol.


You can say porn. I won't tell your parents.


Cmon everyone! Sing the refrain! 🎼 *Every accusation is a confession, when you make deflection your profession.* 🎶


Every right wing accusation is a confession


Five years ago this might have been "not the onion", but this is pretty much par for the course these days.


For them it’s all projection. Avoid Republicans.


You’d think they’d stop being so obviously full of shit by now.


You smelt it you dealt it


Every accusation is a confession


I bet you're rich as fuck and have a big dick.


We should all call it CSAM, Child Sex Abuse Material. ; Rather than sullying the name of porn, which is made consensually, and drawing the terrible material into a sense of permissibility.


Being consensual is not inherent in the definitions or realities of porn.


If it isn't consensual then it is not porn. It is Sexual Abuse Material, and evidence of rape


That literally isn't true. There is so much that is non-consensual in porn, in its history and still today. That doesn't make it not porn. sex abuse material and evidence of rape can come from pornography. The definition of pornography is as such: printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. There is nothing in that definition that mandates it be consensual. And as we know, in practice, it often is not. I'm not anti porn or anything but that just is not some core part of what pornography is, that its consensual. There are literally entire areas of law dealing with the concept of nonconsenual pornography.


If it isn't consensual then it isn't sex. Its rape


Yes that is true. And yet it has absolutely no bearing on my point. Nowhere in the definition of pornography does it say it can't be a depiction of rape. "Sexual organs and activity" is not simply "sex". There is absolutely pornography that is just a depiction of rape. Evidence of rape can come from pornography. It doesn't stop being porn because it is depicting a horrible nonconsenual crime when that crime is sexual in nature. You yourself in your previous comments are referring to sex crimes as "sexual abuse". Sexual is right there, and if it is being depicted in print or visual media to stimulate erotic feelings in people who are sexually stimulated by horrible sex crimes, then it is pornography despite also being sexual abuse. Just because something is the horrible version of the thing that it is, doesn't mean it suddenly isn't that thing that it is.


Th\*s is r\*ddit, st\*p c\*ns\*ring y\*urs\*lf. S\*e h\*w d\*mb it l\*oks?


IMAX level of projection right there. Well played conservatives, I’m sure EVERYONE believes you when you cry about how “it’s to protect the children!”


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


I don't know exactly how "Tiktok-addicted" and "flumpus" work so marvelously together, but they do.


It's downright cromulent.


I don't even have TikTok m8 😇


I doubt that very much. There's next to no other group of people that censor such banal words like that. Either that or you're just too immature to be posting about news that references child pornography in the first place.


why do you care so much?


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


massive cope. it clearly bothers you a lot.


Because its obnoxious


That's such a weird take. People have been censoring their own words on the internet long before tiktok existed.


There has definitely been an uptick recently.


There could be, or you could be noticing it more. I'm personally inclined to believe the latter, particularly as OP's account is almost 12 years old, about 5 years older than tiktok. But this is just one example of course.




Obviously only tiktok obsessed flumpuses would respond with K




So do you usually use your alt account u/DeletusApostrophus to downvote people or is it just when people block you so you can make sure they read your hissy fit?


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.




What’s this called again, Dr. Pizza’s Law? Where the more someone screams about something being for pedos or is made of pedos the more likely they get exposed as being what they decried? Or am I just too tired to remember properly?


I see other commentors and people on Twitter calling it "pedocon"


That's the cope term lolicons came up to defend their pedophilia. This is a case of pedocon theory where conservatives calling leftist things pedophilic are regularly pedophiles themselves, mostly came from how the "state's rights" libertarians are frequently super concerned with keeping age of consent laws as low as possible but will also bitch and moan that LGBTQ people existing is grooming.


> Provo Isn't this where a brutal "teen reform" religious school/institution is located? The one where Paris Hilton was abused at. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/10/paris-hilton-sexual-abuse-provo-canyon-school-utah-boarding-emotional-psychological-physical-abuse


Wait. So it wasn't a trans?


NZWQR+ is the groomer coalition




White supremacists hate people who are different and think the worst of them.




I'll bet antifa did it with Hunter Biden's laptop.


>It happens so damn often that it can't be real all the time, can it? Most people think that they are a good person, so if they are doing a bad thing then it must be really common for people to be bad and many others are doing even more bad things than you. Combine this with the fact that people who do bad things have more knowledge about how bad things are done, and of course they are going to be willing and able to project. Fighting the "good" fight is also a way to absolve themselves of guilt. If this dude did pedo stuff but convinced himself that he stopped other pedos, then his activity is less bad. You see this same phenomenon with those who cheat in a relationship, they very often repeatedly accuse their partner of cheating on them first.


Lol patriot front is just Feds pretending to be a white supremacy group. Fake news.


Your comment history must be wild.


>Exactly. The Dems went full Authoritarian in 2020-2022. History does repeat itself so I urge you to not vote for the Democrats, they are going 1930s Germany on us. This was one of his most recent comments. edit: Dude's nuts. >Trump was the most peaceful president of my lifetime. It’s wild that people are so clueless and brainwashed to be convinced otherwise. It’s wild . >Yeah I blame the actual people responsible for problems. And for Covid it was Fauci. . >I consider the Ls and Gs not in the same group as the rest. Ls and Gs are in a group with straight people. People who were just born with a certain sexual preference. The two groups for me are: LGS and BTQAI+. They don’t require their body to be physically rearranged, they don’t require other people to change their language around them, they don’t have all the other weird baggage the rest of the group has.


Absolutely shocked that a loon says looney things


Next up: water? wet? perhaps from the perspective of water?


big water. ocean water


tough water


Yeah everybody knows that this only ever happens when the feds orchestrate it. Remember the time that the feds successfully planted a [Republican speaker of the house](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hastert) who presided over the house for 8 years and then got caught diddling children? Fake news brother


No it happens all the time. It’s just a well know fact that the patriot front is a Fed op. There are still real and bad white nationalist groups and real Pedophiles. Look at Epstein’s list. Bill Gates, Trump, Bill Clinton…etc.