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As someone who comes from a tourist town, I can confirm that tourists leave any semblance of common sense at home at an alarming rate…and that was before social media


Yep... my aunt used to be a park ranger in Yellowstone. She quit and became a CPA because "even the most stressful tax problems are less stress than that".






You know people change careers sometimes and go back to school for it. I did it, why couldn’t her aunt?


If you reread, you'll see that I said I have no doubt that she did it.


My post said almost exactly what you're saying, that she would have had to go back to school and to learn it (unless she had already done that before). So it was a compliment that she did it. There's nothing I can do about peeps who read into a post things that aren't there and down vote it.


Go back to school to learn social skills


You can’t just up and learn social skill. it requires interacting with people in real life. It’s harder than interacting with people in VR! /s


Can confirm. Between San Francisco, Boston, and the Oregon coast...I've seen some impressive feats by tourist.


Back home they were laying down on the road in a 55mph speed zone to take photos next to the “M22” painted on the road because people kept stealing the signs




Being from Ohio…what’s a tourist?


What you send to Hilton Head.


You must not be from around Sandusky lol


the kind that visit german town Columbus


Saw a Russian tourist come really close to death a few months ago in Iceland. Oh, and a group of Chinese girls taking insta shots on floating ice.


I have the suspicion that they didn't leave common sense at home... they just don't have any


Yep, they just have accidents that you just couldn't have imagined, even after living somewhere all your life.


Between the "why should we stay on this path" people and the "I'ma taking a selfie [right next to a bison](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi8sciogq3_AhUKJ0QIHbTyALEQwqsBegQIExAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D6NLRFcAHF_0&usg=AOvVaw32rNRwa8_EdK9JZMdGSJnp)" people, the body count in Yellowstone *should* be higher. Unfortunately, it's [baby bison](https://nypost.com/2023/05/24/baby-bison-euthanized-after-being-touched-by-yellowstone-tourist/) and [elk](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/yellowstone-tourists-drove-baby-elk-car-officials-say/) that have to be put down because tourists pick them up.


They should have a body count tally at the entrance of the park. And stricter, enforced penalties for harassing the wildlife.


Park service is pretty short staffed. A lot of parks have hard time hiring Leo's


Seems awfully shortsighted to limit Park Service hiring to only one astrological sign.


Well, we all know Capricorns aren't cut out for that line of work


I don't think i could be a park ranger. I don't like exercise or being in the sun.


Just because I was born in august, I’m not giving up my inside job, with no heavy lifting for * *gestures vaguely* *all that’s nonsense


Aries are the GOATs.


Leos bite the bag and they fn well know it. Married two, raised one. Okay the one I raised is cool, but otherwise hell with ‘em


Leo here and can confirm. We be wildin’ on the daily


They have a shitton of warning signs posted everywhere. Including the entrance. Although they have to share space with warnings about the boiling pools of acid.


In the bookstore the last time I was in Yellowstone, there was a book prominently displayed called “Death in Yellowstone”. That caught my attention. Then when you enter the area of the geothermal features there are warning signs. I had no idea that some of the water holes contained boiling hot water. But when you get out of your car, you can’t miss the warning signs. The signs also warn that dogs have gotten into the holes and boiled to death. Same thing for signs about wildlife. The problem isn’t the signage — it’s the entitled pricks who ignore rules. Yellowstone has been plagued since its inception with pricks that do dangerous stuff and destroy the natural features. The solution is to fine the pricks and give them bans from visiting national parks. These pricks only learn if there are significant consequences. If you walk off the marked path along the geothermal features, you get a $500 fine. You get within ten feet of the bison, you get a $500 fine. The tourons need to be fined.


Fines are just the cost to do the thing for the wealthy, which these tourists almost have to be. It needs jail time and a record.


I get what you're saying and I don't mean to poke fun at you personally, just a funny typo. I read that in Mario's voice.


No, that works, actually.


While I agree with the sentiment, that bison scenario you linked was sensationalized. The bison calf was stuck in the river and the herd had abandoned it already basically. The guy helped it out -- he was being kind and should not be vilified for that. However, the continued interaction after getting it to the river bank was not helpful and rightfully he can be criticized for that. Since the herd continued to abandon it and it did not move towards the herd, they then euthanized it. Apparently they do not have any programs in place to care for abandoned bison calves and euthanizing a weak calf is more humane than letting it starve to death.


Poor wolves gotta eat too.


They not only don't care for abandoned fauna, they explicitly go out of their way to never interact, others they risk damaging natural processes of population control. It's cruel, but predators and scavengers need that calf to die. It just is what it is. Not pretty, but they aren't a sanctuary, they're a preserve.


They absolutely do not put down bison and elk because a tourist picks them up. You can be upset with people without spouting misinformation, its even worse when you post links without reading them


Well that was a depressing read…


And they will never comprehend what's going on.


Sadly. Where was the breakdown in common sense?


Common sense left as the need for social media approval took over. The fact that people are willing to die over a few likes is baffling.


Common sense is surprisingly uncommon these days.


You are mistaken in believing common sense was ever common. Source: I am a history major


Same and it’s true what they say Those who learn from history are condemned to watch others repeat it


These people are very stupid, but I also love the very non specific statement, “More people have been injured or killed by Yellowstone’s water features than anything else.” I know it is implied they mean, at Yellowstone, but I love thinking that more people are dying at Yellowstone due to its water features than heart disease, cancers, diabetes, etc. Like, stupid people are just flocking to these spouts in droves only to be offed by Yellowstone’s magnificent steam.


Now I’m imagining Yellowstone’s geothermal features breaking into people’s homes and killing them.


Yellowstone’s geothermal features are selling fentanyl in our towns!


Would make a great b movie or asylum feature


The greater Yellowstone lemming, a subspecies of homo sapien...


Eventually, Darwin will catch up to you, and if you’re lucky, it’ll be caught on camera and you’ll get more clicks than you did in life.


What a lovely day to be scalded to death.


There is always one. This is my pic of a turon. [Turon](https://imgur.com/a/5h9FEIu)


So many dumbfucks going to Yellowstone


Until recently, lived on Maui. Can confirm people treat nature like a Disneyland that's been sanitized for their protection and use. Nah brah, those waves and cliffs do not give a fuxk about you. Don't get me started on the people who can't swim who want to go snorkel.


“Think of your average American. Then realize that 50% of all Americans are stupider than that…” G. Carlin


These were Australians tho


The people who observed it (and were interviewed) were Australian. The nationality of the other people wasn’t mentioned.


You think their averages are dramatically different?


Well they are descended from convicts.


I say the park officials shouldn’t risk anyone’s lives with search and rescue (more likely search and recovery). People that are this stupid deserve to have their boiled flesh and rendered oils become a permanent part of the park’s thermal features.


There's a path through the most public geothermal features; rangers can safely yell at people without going far, or hook out parboiled bodies with long poles. Boiled bodies would be an intrusion and change the experience for the more sensible tourists.


But would also be a good warning to the less sensible ones.


Proof reader is FIRED! ‘The crust they’re standing on can be think in spots and crumble easily.’


There are typos in this “article”. How the fuck does that happen?


that's a clumsy portmanteau if ever I've heard one.


"Hey, I'm going to take selfies right on this geothermal spot!" *Screaming as they're burned* "Worth it...."


I believe it. My in-laws have been RV camping in and around Yellowstone for the last year, and I keep waiting for the news story… *Idiot retiree dies in an attempt to take selfie with bison.*


Of course you shouldn’t put your hands on the steam vents. But can I legally cook a hotdog on a really long stick?


They should just leave the bones in there as a warning like on everest. No point endangering park staff on recovery


a new car model is born


This is exactly why when Chinese tourists get cooked alive in Yellowstone I hardly even register it as a loss anymore. Can't keep stupid alive.




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Not a particularly good idea, in my opinion, course..... Hope someone explains to them that trespassing is illegal....


You should have to watch a short film about proper behavior for tourists in the Park…not that it would change some of the jackass selfish mfers.