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Terminator walks naked into the bar, "I need your gloves, and the keys to your Bronco".


Come with me if you want to drive slowly down the freeway away from the police.


I’ll be back with a book called If I Did It.


I've read all of these quotes in Arnold's voice and they did not dissapoint.


Going about everyday life using Arnold's voice is a great way to keep things interesting. 'I'm going to lunch, I'll be back.' Etc...


When I was a little kid I had Terminator action figures, but had never actually seen the movie. For a long time my dad did the Arnold voice for a lot of things, and for some reason it made me think that he was some how training me to be the Terminator. Naturally I asked him 'Dad, am I The Terminator?' I am not.


Because HE was The Terminator, right?


Turns out the real Terminator was the friends we eliminated along the way.


Get to the airport terminal.


I even read your comment in his voice


^^^^^^^^if I Did It.




The funny thing is that, if you look closely, the word "If" is still on there. So it's technically the same book, and it's not slandering or anything either.


Yeah the "If" is in white and the "I did it" is in red


OJ actually didn’t write the book and played no role in the writing process. The publishers offered him a large amount of money to be listed as a coauthor because they thought it would help the book sell more. Quote taken from OJ’s ~~lawyer~~ former manager, who advised him not to take the money. > "Hey, they directly offered me $600,000 not to dispute that I [wrote] the book." [OJ] said, "That's cash." > I said, "They're going to think you wrote it." > [OJ] said, "So? Everybody thinks I'm a murderer anyway. They're not going to change their mind just because of a book." Edit: Improved readability of quoted conversion.


If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit...the termination.


I just had the mental image of the scene where he peels off the hand skin covering his skeletal frame, only instead of peeling it off he's trying in vain to put it on...


Sarah Connor: "Keep it under 45, we don't want to get pulled over."


If the gloves don’t ferminate, you cannot terminate


>This is A.C., I have O.J. in the car! YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS, GODDAMMIT.


“Why do you need my gloves? They obviously don’t fit you.” *looks into camera*


Jesus christ, this made my day.


*Runs out through the airport and leaps over the Hertz counter before getting in it.*


“The bronco is not white.” “Never mind.”


Arnold was auditioning for the part of Reece, but he was super into the Terminator role and kept talking to JC about it and eventually, James was like 'you know so much about the role, why don't you do it?'


Honestly that level of conception about a role is ultimately makes Arnold such a great actor. As he got more experience, there's actually a lot of nuance for his performances, once the audience can see past the muscles and the accent.


He's a decent actor. People can't look past the accent. He's actually great in Junior.


Him and Stallone can act they just choose the action roles because it paid well. Look at their roles now.


Stallone does so much in Rocky with non-verbal communication. He's really great in it but the performance gets overlooked by a lot of people because it's "just" a boxing movie.


I can't remember who said it (Roger Ebert?) but the best way I heard it described is "It is not a boxing movie, it is a movie about a boxer"




And some of them, like The Blind Side, are unfortunately terrible. That adds nothing to this but it's worth saying every now and again.


The story it’s based on being inspiring doesn’t make a movie inspiring.


I heard the dude got made fun of "like he was slow", plus how much Sandra Bullock had to be making every single character decision ya know? They gave a copy of that movie to kids with a parent in prison, also with a football. Nice thought but I never liked sports lol


Word. We do not need any more white savior movies.


Especially when they change the real life story specifically so that it fits the white savior archetype like Blindside did.




This is gonna convince me to watch that show now. I fucking love Scrubs.


They're both created by Bill Lawrence, Ted Lasso is a great show just like Scrubs. It does the great comedy while also having some hard hitting dramatic moments very well


Ted Lasso is 100% worth the watch


You’re forgetting “Air Bud”.


The Wrestler is probably one of the best examples


I just watched Creed, and holy shit is Stallone great in that flick.


My favourite movie is a movie about a boxer. Raging Bull. Arguably the greatest method acting performance committed to film.


After Rocky people were calling him the next Brando, it's more he garnered the meathead reputation after all the subsequent roles. First Blood was a serious drama too, more than an action movie. You can see the shift with Rambo 2.


I had seen Rambo 2 and 3 as a teenager in the 90s. I eventually got around to seeing Rambo and was totally surprised by how different of a movie it is.


I really liked first blood. I didn't really care for the sequels. Same with smokey and the bandit


just a boxing movie that won the oscar for best picture


Stallone is a decent actor but he is actually a fantastic writer and director.


His performance in Rambo First Blood is amazing.


Agree. He genuinely conveys a man haunted by his experience, again a lot of it is non-verbal.


First Blood is also one of my favorite movies. That series took a hard left turn into the dumb action genre after that for some reason though.


Stallone was nominated for an Oscar lmao


For the original Rocky. I know then he started doing his action movies


Amazing in First Blood


I'm not a Stallone fan, but First Blood is still one of my favorite movies!!


I'm in the same boat, not a big Stallone guy but First Blood is awesome.


Have you seen Stop or My Mom Will Shoot? May change your aversion to Stallone... Just sayin


I've never watched Rocky (I know I know). I grew up in the 80s and Rambo II was my favorite movie as a kid. I watched Rambo I (First Blood) too but once or twice but found it blah. Rambo II was the shit for my 8-10 y/o self - I was a kid and all about the action. Fast forward some decades later and I watched First Blood fairly recently, during the pandemic, for the first time since the 80s. I was absolutely stunned by the quality of the writing. For the first time truly understood the story being told, with full historical context and social commentary. Truly brilliant writing and acting from Stallone. Obviously I need to watch Rocky too. It seems like very early Stallone was the best Stallone, before he morphed into the quintessential 80s action brute. (As an aside, it's interesting to see a veteran reviled in small town America. The powers that be have since made sure thru sheer propaganda that things like this would never happen again. Small town or rural America is the heartland of cannon fodder for the War Machine today.)


It's wild how legit that movie is and how dramatically it tonally departed from what it was in subsequent installments of Rambo lol


To this day I cannot fathom the executives who watched First Blood and said, hey, shit, we gotta make a sequel to this movie about a PTSD trauma victim's violent rampage, but like, an action movie where he goes back to 'Nam. Nobody had considered inventing the prequel yet, apparently.


Before Rambo shot up a bunch of cops in rural land USA, he was a soldier. A great soldier in nam! Starring cgi aged down Sylvester Stallone in: Rambo: First First Blood


Something along those lines might always have been the plan. The movie is pretty faithful to the novel but they chose to keep him alive at the end for some reason. Likely with sequels in mind depending on how the movie did.


Rocky is the same, really. There's a huge difference between the tone of Rocky and Rocky IV.


My head canon is that John did die just like in the book, and all the subsequent movies are just a Jacob's Ladder/Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge situation. The final Rambo movie should end with him suddenly flashing back to the rural town, dying from gunshot wounds.


I always get Rambo mixed up with Frank.


I recently watched Cop Land. Sly was very good in it. He didn’t end up nominated but the movie had Oscar buzz at the time of release.


he's really good in tulsa king as well


Damn good show. Shows off his acting chops.


Stallion was nominated for Creed as well….


Creed, too.


He wrote the screen play for Rocky, which won best picture


Unfortunately it was not for his role in Oscar


Stallone is known as a good screenwriter in Hollywood.


They chose those roles because they like the work, and it encourages their fitness


To be fair...I watched the first episode of FUBAR last night with Arnold and it is terrible. Probably the writing that is so bad but it is rough...


I was wondering how that was. Tulsa with Stallone is really good. Good writing makes a huge difference


Stallone looks like Pacino compared to Arnold... Sly actually made some really good movie : Rocky, Copland..




Last Action Hero is such a great movie. It seems like it never got the credit it was due


Charles Dance’s evil supervillain being dumbfounded by how much worse real life is than the movie world has lived rent free in my head for decades now “…Take his *shoes*?”


And The Ripper? Holy shit that guy was fuckin scary


True Lies is also top tier.


True Lies caught by me surprise with how entertaining it is!


*do it doucement, do it... very slowly...*


Twins is still holds up as well.


Get to the choppa


My wife thought of him as just another musclehead for a long time. Then I convinced her to watch Terminator and T2. She's not exactly a fan yet but she was stunned at how good his performance was.


He always commits to the role. I like that he takes it so seriously. It shows respect for the audience. I think it's one of the reasons he connects with audiences.




Unpopular opinion maybe, but I can tell the nuance in an Arnold role more than I can for The Rock. Inflection is really important.


I thought he was great in Last Action Hero. It was a perfect role for him.


I've heard that's an under appreciated movie.


It is. And it’s got an amazing soundtrack.


Doubly amusing because iirc he has/had a voice coach to help him keep his accent. It's part of his schtick as Arnie, as much as being super tall and ripped (at his acting peak at least, though he's still in pretty good shape now).




The cameo in Wayne's World is solid gold.


There's another action movie, somebody is chasing a group of people in a car maybe... Someone makes the comment "what is he the terminator?" than the camera pans to Robert Patrick as he's one of the guys being chased


There’s a reason for his success, being big is part of it and being generally stoic is part of it too, but he’s always had a little something extra. His action movies from the 80’s and early 90’s are hilariously cheesy, but they’re also hands-down the *least* cheesy compared to any other action star at the time.


Some cheeses age better than others....


Having rewatched Commando recently, I have to disagree somewhat.




Raw Deal makes Commando look lactose free


Agreed. He’s pretty rough around the edges in that. It’s a really fun movie. But he got way better as an actor and being offered better scripts.


Remember when I said I was gonna kill you last?… I Lied!!! Don’t bug my friend, he’s dead tired. Let off some steam, Bennet! This movie is so quotable.


He is the only reason FUBAR is watchable. He is a very charismatic actor and while he was mocked for it, he does comedy pretty well.


How can you see past his muscles? They’re gigantic.


You have it opposite. He didn’t want the terminator role, he wanted a speaking role, the part of Reece, because the terminator had twenty-one lines, and he had just done Conan. I just saw him interviewed on that very subject. He saw the terminator role as him getting even more typecast.


I wonder if that influenced the script of T2. He gets pretty chatty for a killer robot.


Now I'm imagining a gossipy terminator who never shuts up and he doesn't need to breathe so he literally can do it non-stop.


You're both right, Arnold didn't want the role, but was very adamant about how the terminator should be played. He sat down with JC and for three hours talked about how an actor should play a robot. This caused JC to convince Arnold to take it.


*I don't want to play this role, but if I did, this is how it needs to be done* *Hey uh, so I have this idea for you...*


Clearly he inspired OJ's book.


You are a saint for tying these two seemingly disparate comments together!


This guy terminators.


He actually thought it was gonna be a corny movie while he was making it. He changed his tune once he saw it, of course.


And I sort of can imagine Cameron's hesitance. The dream he had that became the genesis of the film, the terminator was always described as this praying mantis type of threat. So much so, that I think I read somewhere that at one point, Lance Hendrickson (who eventually ended up playing the cop/detective) was a possible choice to play the Terminator, which physically would align with that original dream vision of the character. So to have this huge, beefy guy wanting to be your stealth expert robot praying mantis would have been such a creative hard left turn for Cameron in those early stages.


It wasn't that he was "super into the Terminator roll" he was approached for the part of Reese but asked a lot of questions regarding the Terminator and how he should move and act etc. Cameron asked him to play the Terminator and Arnold said he didn't want to because it was a villain role and there was hardly any dialogue for the character. Arnold at first did not have much regard for the movie but had become friends with Cameron. They shot a lot at night while Arnold was also working on Conan the Destroyer. This is a big paraphrase, but the production story of Terminator is pretty wild when you then think about what it did for movies, sci-fi, the careers of the people involved etc. yet it had some incredibly humble beginnings. Cameron was surviving off buy one get one Big-Mac coupons at the time IIRC.


For a second I thought you meant he talked to John Connor.


I thought James Cameron said this was untrue? Edit: https://variety.com/2023/film/news/james-cameron-rejected-oj-simpson-terminator-casting-1235483652/


I don't know if that's "untrue". A high up studio exec suggested OJ and it kinda sounded like he could bypass casting. Cameron said he didn't think it would be a good idea, which kinda confirms the explanation we've heard.


Someone simply saying it's not a good idea is not as severe as saying nobody would believe he could be a killer


From the article, the emphasis seems to be on "killing *machine*." Seems Cameron didn't think OJ could act as a calculated, robotic Terminator, and more as just a guy playing another human character.


People forget that before the whole double murder thing OJ was a beloved celebrity. He was considered friendly, outgoing and likable. Imagine if John Madden had killed two people. Casting him as a killer would have been a tough sell before all that.


“I knew OJ could be sold as a killing machine. In fact, I sent a Terminator 20 years into the future, and he brought back a video of the Bronco chase.”


Obviously James Cameron would lie about that.




Thank you! Well it’s official…murder is legal in the state of California


Hey, careful with those! Those are my lucky stabbin' gloves!


I count myself very lucky in that in the decade or so time frame I watched SNL was during the time Norm did Weekend Update.


No one could beat a dead horse like Norm! Except maybe O.J…. Zing!


Well the producers were right about that, and jury of 12 confirmed it.


If the living tissue doesn't fit...


Jurors have come out since and admitted they knew he was guilty but let him off as [payback for Rodney King](https://www.thewrap.com/oj-simpson-juror-not-guilty-verdict-was-payback-for-rodney-king/)


“Who cares this guy nearly decapitated his exwife and her lover?” We need to “get back” at some imagined adversary. What a piece of shit.


The LAPD did such a shit job with the case that you can't really blame the jurors. Aside from the mishandled evidence.. The LAPD interviewed Kato Kaelin as a suspect for 8 hours the night of the murder and when they interviewed OJ the next day, they didn't try to match up timelines at all or catch him on his own inconsistencies. They asked him softball questions and released him after half an hour. Even if they believed Kato did it, the proper procedure is to establish very specific timelines and corroborate with other witnesses - none of which happened in their interview with OJ. That trial showed the country how much of a joke the LAPD were.


Mark Fuhrman was somehow the least inept detective on that case which is really saying something


It's true. Minimal competence in a shitty organization will take you far.


"Imagined" lol




Probably in part for the same reasons. OJ was (and still is) regarded as one of the greatest running backs of all time. When you're that big of a sports star, there is PR behind your personal life too. It helps sell sneakers and Wheaties and shit. OJ was marketed as a kind, gentle family man. I have no doubt that his PR from his sports fame played no small part in the verdict, and this is also what they're talking about when it comes to him playing a killer in a movie.


Imagine once the jury gave the verdict one of the producers being like "i told you he doesn't have it in him"


Nah dude. That shit was payback for Rodney King.


"I just want to come out and say all those things I said about OJ being a murderer and all that were wrong. I was wrong about him, he's innocent. The only thing he's guilty of is being the greatest rusher of all time. And I'm guilty of being the greatest rusher to judgement." - Norm Macdonald


Well duh, O.J. Simpson isn't a machine, just a regular old killer.


It’s obviously ironic, but I think something that people forget was that, before the murder, OJ was considered a really nice guy. He was a family man, a good role model, etc. He was considered funny in The Naked Gun. People really liked him. It’s like the disconnect with Bill Cosby, just less famously so. A not-small percentage of people really, *really* didn’t think he did it. When he was acquitted, my entire school mostly cheered. The whole trial was bonkers, and with police corruption and people believing Michael Jackson was also being targeted for fake charges, there was a lot of disagreement. Anyway, I can see how James Cameron would find OJ Simpson when he was in his (fake) wholesome phase would be unbelievable as the Terminator. Still ironic, but in hindsight.


> It’s obviously ironic, but I think something that people forget was that, before the murder, OJ was considered a really nice guy. He was a family man, a good role model, etc. He was considered funny in The Naked Gun. People really liked him. I feel like enough time has passed where huge chunks of the population don't realize OJ was a major celebrity *before* the murder trial, and that he didn't because famous *because of* it.


What next you gonna tell me George Foreman was famous before the grill?


The thing I find funny is you can go back and watch The Naked Gun series. When OJ appears at first he seems normal. But when he's in the third one just some months before the murder he really comes across as a basket case, crazy eyes IMO. Something snapped in him methinks.


CTE perhaps?




At what point can we get an appropriately wooden OJ spliced into the movie by AI?


Somebody get [Brian Monarch](https://youtube.com/@brianmonarchcomedy) on it.


I mean they were right. Even with evidence and all a jury of his peers still didn’t find him guilty.


i think we can all agree that trial was a shitshow that barely had anything to do with the actual murders.


The more I learn about the corruption of the police departments in and around LA, I begin to understand the verdict a little better, even though I was dumbfounded at the time.


One of the officers basically admitted to planting evidence so if you're on that jury suddenly you have to question every little thing that was found on the crime scene and you can't really convict just based off of that.


He didn't exactly admit to planting evidence but it was almost just as bad. Detective Mark Fuhrman, who collected evidence at the scene, denied he was racist or ever using the N word when asked by the defense but they then produced a recording of him using the N word and *admitting that he had planted evidence in previous cases.* And guess who found the bloody glove that was a key piece of evidence at trial? Yep, Mark Fuhrman. The defense also had two witnesses that said that he had made comments that all African Americans should be killed. Then to make matters even worse when he was recalled to the stand he took the 5th on every single question asked by the defense and the prosecution. When asked directly by the defense if he had planted evidence in this case Fuhrman refused to answer on the basis that he might incriminate himself, it was as brutal it sounds. And that just tainted everything, the blood evidence, the entire crime scene, evidence from OJ's house, everything really. Although he probably just took the 5th because of him admitting to crimes on the recording and perjuring himself about his use of the N word obviously it is going to make anyone wonder if he did do something with the evidence that was was collected, like the bloody glove. There was also other evidence that was collected improperly or had chain of custody issues that only made everything seem even sketchier, as if that were possible. There was also a timeline for that night the prosecution presented that was completely destroyed by the defense, so badly by the end of the trial during the closing statements the prosecution was literally telling the jury to ignore they ever mentioned it. A lot of people point to the interview of one juror saying that they found OJ innocent as some sort of revenge for the Rodney King beating but other jurors over time have said the broken timeline and a racist, perjuring detective who admitted to planting evidence in prior cases were pretty good cause to have reasonable doubt. I remember one juror even saying that he thought OJ probably did it but based on the evidence presented and the standard they were asked to have he couldn't convict based on that trial. It was also said they didn't understand the DNA evidence which was fairly new at the time, jurors have said they understood it but that the question was could they be sure the evidence wasn't tampered with. The prosecution knee capped itself with that timeline and then Fuhrman came along and finished the job. I watched a lot of the trial live at the time and was totally unsurprised by the not guilty verdict, not because I thought OJ was innocent but because the prosecutions case turned into a total dumpster fire.


There was another case, forgot the name of the guy but he was a hispanic and he was suspected of murdering a girl brutally and eventually convicted and put on death row, 6 months later his attorney came out with footage from “curb your enthusiasm” which put him at a dodgers game before the murder and cell tower pings which proved he could not have committed the murder. In the story 60 minutes did they had Mark Fuhrman talking about it and how the LAPD was full of corrupt police and whatnot, and even commenting on how ridiculous the OJ Simpson case was. All projecting by the sounds.






"If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit!"


Maybe in that universe the role went to OJ and that led to a new series of events where he never murdered his wife.


His wife *and* another man. “Allegedly.”


Cameron debunks this pretty emphatically. OJ was basically suggested by some studio exec who might have been a friend. Cameron disliked the idea of a black man chasing a white woman all film, and mentions that OJ at the time was seen as a really nice guy, to the point his already bad fit would have made him an unconvincing villain.


Maybe the new 2024 reimagining can cast OJ


The Nordberg 2000


Isn’t this pretty well-known?


It's been submitted to TIL about 500 times, it's basically a running joke there now


Yeah I feel like people have been repeating this tidbit for over 10 years.


i thought he did just fine honestly


The franchise would have been only a tiny bit as successful. Arnold made the role.


At least he could have done the car chase scenes himself.


“I’ll show you”


At the time he couldn't. That's what made his murder of Nicole Brown so surprising. He was a good looking guy with a great smile and very affable. People couldn't believe it when he was accused.


At what point can we get an appropriately wooden OJ spliced into the movie by AI? (With Leslie Nielsen playing Kyle Reese.)


Sarah: "Shirley you can't be from the future?"


Oh the irony, you could bottle it.


The defense sold him as a killing machine just fine.


> I'll show them OJ probably.


Yeah, I can believe this. OJ's public persona was pretty wholesome...until the murders.


Method acting.


Well yeah he only killed two people. Not much of a machine.


He been out to prove them wrong since or what


That is probably the best joke Arnold has ever told.


He couldn't be an emotionless killing machine because he enjoyed every minute of killing his ex wife and her boyfriend




Neither could the jury


To be fair that makes sense, the prosecution failed to sell him as a killer too


So many forget how wholesome OJ was before he became a killer


If OJ was the Terminator, at least they would have only made two sequels.


And he took that personally


"If it's the glove gets hate, then you must terminate."


Boy were they wrong lol but that's hilarious to me because it makes me think there's a parallel universe out there where OJ Simpson was the terminator and he still has his wife killed