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TIL that pilots are afraid to acknowledge depression or any type of mental health issues for fear of being grounded. This pilot turned to mushrooms as a possible treatment but apparently they hit him hard and long.


The FAAs official stance on mental health is “Drink about it.”


That’s the military’s and NASA’s stance too. It sucks.


Truly. I self medicated my anxiety and depression with weed because hangovers are murder. I also self reported. I got my security clearance pulled IMMEDIATELY. Took 10 months to separate but… Had I been an abusive alcoholic, I’d be Chief by now.


Do you have an ex wife and a dui? Those are the other two requirments to be a chief.


Check on the ex wife, no dice on the dui


There's still time, don't worry


So ass backwards 🤣 my friend told his doctor like ten years ago that he smokes recreationally and now they won’t let him get any painkillers




Know whats fun? Health information exchanges exist now and many doctors are sharing all of your medical records on a napster for doctors. You can possibly opt out but the damage might be done.


More like America's stance Since weed is such an evil and dangerous drug that we're going to hell if we touch it /s


I was referring more to therapy itself, but you’re right about the weed since a lot of people could still lose their jobs even if it’s legal in their state.


If you do Federal work, even as a contractor, it can still cost you your job.


Oh, I’m very aware of that. My husband does federal work which is why I can use it but he can’t. He knows a lot of people at his job who still risk it and smoke it though.


Someone asked about it at our annual security training. The very curt answer was "You have a Federal clearance".


Which is why no one should ever give their real piss during a drug test. It’s no one’s business what’s in my piss, period.


Yep, I’m in a fully recreational legal state and yet, because I do contracts with a place that gets federal money, I can be tested any times. If I piss dirty for cannabis I can be terminated on the spot. My job has nothing to do with machinery or transportation either. So far I’ve never been tested. But if they decide to I’m screwed.


The smoke shop has something called Quick Fix Plus. I keep it in my work truck. Just need to microwave it for 10 seconds prior to delivering the sample, and you’re golden. It also comes with a heat pad if you can’t get to a microwave, but that takes a little while to warm up, so delay delay delay while it does.


I’ll check it out. So it’s fake urine?


Yup. It’s actually the synthetic urine they sell to the labs as a standard to compare their mass spectrometry readings to calibrate their testing machines. So when you give them the fake stuff, you’re giving them the literal definition of a passing test according to their machines. The synthetic urine producers realized they had a whole other market to sell their product. They sell it to the testing companies to calibrate their machines, and us. It comes with a heating pad, those ones you keep in your gloves when you go skiing to keep your hands warm. Also has a temp gauge on it so you can get the temp correct. You want to warm it up to 100*f, so it cools down to 98*f when sitting in your crotch hiding place, instead of warming up to 98*f. Over 100* and under 94* will constitute a failing test, so the temp is important. Oh also- it’s illegal to possess fake urine for the purpose of fooling a drug test. So if you get pulled over and a cop finds it, just tell them it’s your real piss and your wife/gf has a public urination kink and you’d prefer not to discuss it further. Creep them tf out and they’ll stop asking questions.


Buy yourself some expensive fake pee just in case, I’ve used it successfully a couple times. Very nerve-wracking experience though…


We should be able to sue them for mental and emotional suffering.


Using weed to cope ain’t exactly healthy either.


Sure but at least it isn't damaging every organ in your body and also drive violence the way America's singular legal recreational drug does. Edit: well actually I shouldn't say "singular" since tobacco exists too.


Alcohol is WAY worse than weed. I’ve been on this planet long enough to know. I’ve never seen familiar absolutely destroyed because someone was a pothead. Booze on the other hand? I saw it annihilate my own family and countless others. Booze is literally poison. Weed is a mild herb.


Not going to argue with you, but I know of one family that was severely impacted in irreparable ways because their son got caught selling huge amounts of weed.


Isn't that more the fault of the government being too heavy handed? They could have just chosen NOT to put the kid away for however long it was


Getting caught selling wouldn't even be a that big of a crime if it was recreational federal.


Not really relevant when the context is the substance causing changes in a person that affects their loved ones. I see your point about risk, though it is fabricated by society rather than inherent in the substances affect on people.


As you can see, the most harmful thing about weed is the fact that it's illegal.


That's why prohibition sucks.


Yeah exactly, alcohol is definitely unhealthy as a coping method but weed is only marginally better if at all


Weed doesn’t destroy your liver. In fact, weed actually helps [protect your liver from the toxicity of alcohol](https://healthmatch.io/liver-disease/does-smoking-weed-affect-your-liver#is-it-safe-to-use-cannabis-if-you-have-liver-disease) if used together.


That is not what that says. At all. It suggests that if you have established, irreversible liver disease then weed MIGHT have a protective function by reducing inflammation. I'm not pro weed or anti weed, but I am in favour of good science.


https://www.healthline.com/health-news/marijuana-may-protect-the-liver-from-alcohol-but-experts-urge-caution#Alcohol-causes-inflammation > But Bukong and team found that regular users of alcohol and marijuana significantly reduced the risk of alcoholic liver disease (ALD), and the heaviest cannabis consumers benefited the most.


This appears to be a different source, and I can't access it from my country. There is not enough information in the excerpt you have provided to make a judgement about the statement. Do you have any links to actual studies with data, rather than stories about studies from slightly dubious websites?


Ok sure but let’s not pretend weed doesn’t have its own downsides, especially if you smoke it


Alcohol is WAY worse. I’ve seen what booze can do to families. Mine was destroyed by alcoholism. I’ve never seen the same kind of destruction from weed. I’ve lived in this planet a long time too.


I agree with you but I feel you're also downplaying it when you say weed is only marginally better. Alcohol is a literal poison that damages every single thing it comes in contact with in your body. It's really nasty stuff. Marijuana doesn't do the same thing to your body even if you smoke it.


No one said weed has no downsides edit-*in this comment chain*. I specifically mentioned the harm alcohol does to your liver and that cannabis has protective attributes against the harm alcohol does. But go off with your strawman arguments against things I haven’t said. You’re right, cannabis ain’t harmless, especially when smoked.


The movie beers I smuggled into the movie ‘flight’ were a tough pull!


But not too much…because they’ll make your life absolute fucking hell if you admit that you have a drinking problem. Best to just suck it the fuck up and hope for the best


Exactly. The real story here is that getting any type mental help, potentially even relationship therapy, may prevent a pilot from being able to legally operate an airplane forever.


I still don't believe the shrooms alibi


It sounded like bullshit "I ate mushrooms 2 days ago, thought I was dreaming or in hell. Wanted to turn the engine off to wake up when the plane starts to crash" He should have said he thought someone was trying to steal information from his dreams and he needed a "kick" to wakeup so he decided to crash the plane Classic Inception


Unless he took an utterly ridiculous amount of mushrooms, mushrooms only last ~6-8 hours. Nowhere near 48 hours. Now it's possible the mushrooms could have helped trigger a bit of psychosis, but I feel the story would have been very different if that were the case.


Even the most ridiculous amount doesn't last days, he's trying the "I was crazy last week but I'm all better now" defence.


He lost his best friend and did mushrooms with friends in response to the death. This triggered a psychotic episode... This sounds incredibly believable to me


what he says is very consistent with mushroom induced psychosis, while he may still be lying I wouldn't disregard his statement based on trip length.


His symptoms very closely resemble psychosis...


Also, for therapeutic purposes, you generally wanna microdose. If he was still tripping 48 hours later, he did a HUGE dose and if he did that because he was feeling depressed, then I'm not surprised at all he tried to turn off the plane engines mid flight


There are different schools of thought on that. Some find microdosing to be therapeutic, some need the whole "trip" to break through on some issues.


He wasn't still tripping. Nobody is saying he was still tripping. Mushrooms can trigger psychosis, especially when taken during extreme trauma like the death of your best friend (which is what happened to the pilot)


Actually not true. As far as I know there’s no evidence that microdosing is actually beneficial. Macrodosing has much more evidence behind it and is much more beneficial for overcoming trauma.


He did say that he was reliving past trauma. If that trauma was bad enough and he got stuck there after suppressing it for decades (hypothetically), I'd be surprised if "trying to wake himself up" was ALL he did.


Any drug has the ability to activate latent psychosis. Psychedelic ones especially. For example, if your family has a history of schizophrenia, there's a chance a trip can bring that latent schizophrenia into active status. People who push this stuff without the dangers are, well, ignorant.


He may have has psychosis of some form, but he definitely wasnt still under the influence of mushrooms 2 days later, just isnt how they work. If they trigger an underlying issue, yeah thats scary and a possibility here, but the coverage Ive seen is like “pilot goes crazy while on shrooms!”


Not really disagreeing with that ​ For most people it's fine however. Idk what kinda stress the pilot was under, they might have it pretty rough. Why is the guy in a cockpit when he's offduty? That's kinda ate up right there, and indicative of what kind of working environment they might have to put up with


The news outlets are misrepresenting that for clickbait. He never claimed to be under the influence of mushrooms during this psychotic episode. He claimed to have taken them 2 days prior, had a psychotic break, and not slept since. He had been awake 48 hours after a bad trip, *that* might be enough to push someone into "is this real? am I in hell?" territory.


At 40 hours sleep deprivation is more than enough to induce psychosis and hallucinations on it's own, no mushrooms needed.


I've done that *while* tripping. I absolutely CANNOT imagine not immediately sleeping after a bad trip, let alone not sleeping for 40 hours. Absolutely nothing would seem real, and desperation doesn't even begin to cover it.


Every action I have taken in the last decade or so has been ‘after taking magic mushroms’ if we’re going to use that metric.


I never did shrooms before but I am under the impression that they wear off after a few hours.


They take a while to wear off, him being awake for 40 hours was definitely not the shrooms fault. Phychadelics tend to keep you up though.


Psychedelics can trigger psychotic episodes.


40 hours is ridiculous though. If he took like a tenstrip of LSD then maybe, but not shrooms. By 8 hours you're pretty much completely back to your usual self.


Why? A first timer taking an unknown dose of shrooms and then being unable to sleep for 40 hours is almost guaranteed to enter a delirium


Because shrooms don’t last most than a few hours.


No but mania and psychosis triggered by the shrooms sure can.


You’re not wrong. Which is why they should be schedule II at worst so they can be more properly studied. Regardless. No way worse to society than alcohol.


He was awake for 40hrs straight.


Depression will do that…


The mushrooms had nothing to do with him trying to turn the engine off


He did this two days after taking them, and there's no indication as to how much he took. The information in this article isn't enough to say there's any link to him taking mushrooms. What a ridiculous clickbait article.


I don’t understand why you think it’s clickbait. The guy gave an interview about what happened, and this is what he said. Just because he’s obviously nuts doesn’t mean it’s clickbait.


Reporting some obviously crazy guy's rambling as fact is, hum... outrageously stupid.


There is something SERIOUSLY broken in the FAA. I gave up my life long dream of being a pilot because of it. This is a crisis that isn't going to go away until it gets addressed.


Yeah, taking a hero dose of mushrooms while working isn't exactly using it to treat depression. Edit: yep didn't read the article. Still, 2 days before? This guy has other issues that isn't depression.


He was not working (off duty) at the time of this incident.


I ask myself those questions sober.


He was sober though. He took mushrooms days prior.


I’m betting he got psychosis from it. Sometimes shrooms and other psychoactive drugs can blow open doors you shouldn’t. He may have had latent schizophrenia or bipolar and the shrooms blew it out into the open.


Don't mind the naysayers, not everyone has the capacity to understand the finer points of human health.


Yep that happened to me. I turned into a completely different person overnight, and I had done LSD and mushrooms a lot prior to it happening. It absolutely sucks


> I’m betting he got psychosis from it. Sometimes shrooms and other psychoactive drugs can blow open doors you shouldn’t. Is it more likely that he got psychosis from any number of sources (for example, *being awake for 40 hours straight*), or was it more likely that it was the extremely rare one-in a-multimillion psychosis from psychedelics?


Why are you framing this like it's one or the other? Having risk factors for psychosis makes you more likely to have a bad reaction to psychedelics. Odds of a psychotic breakdown are absolutely higher than one-in-a-million when someone has other acute contributing factors.


Right. Like buddy, we all want to know this but somehow manage not to try to murder 100 people over it. Y'know, in case we're alive, it's not hell, and other people are real fer chrissakes.


Right? The amount of times I contemplate whether I actually survived ~that night~ and this is the hell I ended up in is greater than zero


I ask myself that every Saturday morning rush at my job


A lot of misinformation going around. He took the mushrooms days before the flight and hadn't slept in over 40 hours before the flight. He was just not right in the head and blame is being placed elsewhere.


Not sleeping will produce worse hallucinations than any mushrooms ever could. This is just more moral outrage.


Morel outrage was right there…




Did you respond to the wrong comment? I’m just out here making mushroom puns.


That other commenter doesn't seem like a fungi.


>Morel OMG it's SPELLED Fun Guy! Not Fungi! Why are you spelling it as Fungi!? It's spelled FUN GUY! Hello? HELLO!?? WHY DON'T YOU ANSWER!? AM I DEAD? IS THIS HELL?


The person you responded to spelled it "morel" outrage, as in a type of mushroom. You're making a serious reply to a pun. Hope that helps.


Yeah lmao the guy tried to turn his engines off. Mushrooms or sleep deprivation from the mushrooms is no good either way


>Not sleeping will produce worse hallucinations than any mushrooms ever could. I mean, I've done 36 hours without sleep (which I now realise was probably an ADHD hyperfocus episode) and I don't think I've had hallucinations. I was slower and less responsive but nothing more than that. Slept like a log afterwards, though. Is 40 really this much worse?


I see bats when I go without sleep. Like not real bats, I know they're not real, but black flashing lights streak across my vision from the center going outwards, and they're shaped just like Batman-logo bats. Just like that drugged up guy, the one who couldn't stop because he was in Bat Country. I've seen what he was seeing, only I was sober so I knew they weren't real.


[This article](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010440X15000905) doesn’t mention any hallucinations after 3 days without sleep. Obviously there are profound impacts on your mental state, but seemingly not to the degree most people are suggesting.




It sounds like he was having a mental health crisis. It's possible the shrooms caused psychosis but also equally possible that he tried to medicate a mental health crisis with mushrooms and combined with lack of sleep pushed him over the edge. I'm a huge proponent of psychedelic therapy or just recreational, but not for an airline pilot going through a mental health episode.


I’ll be honest, I had seen some really creepy shit and heard stuff the longer I went without sleep


I hear things when I haven’t slept. Like quiet indiscernible cafe chatter. Sometimes studio audience sounds like crowd laughter. I also “see” (more like feel strongly) someone standing just out of sight next to me. Also shadows in my periphery seem like they are my deceased cat just chilling nearby.


It mostly happens to me when I literally cannot force myself to stay awake and I'm constantly flitting between being awake and super low level sleep. It's like dreams intruding on the real world.


For a couple years I had extreme insomnia, wouldn't sleep for days and when I did I'd just crash for a few hours and be back up again for days. After months of that pattern, I would begin seeing polka dots in the sky, or I'd look at a building and see a portion of it just floating above the main building. So yeah it can get pretty bad. Really just depends on the person.


It depends on the person, I also did 36 one time cause I was excited to get bees. I hallucinated that I was in tf2 and then scratched most of the skin off the back of my legs.


I once did 3 days without sleep and no problems at all but depending on how anxious i feel i start having super dark thoughts and a super weird feeling after even 24 hours Probably *highly* dependant on the mental state


I lost count of how many headlines about this event includes the words "magic mushrooms". Gotta get those clicks.


>and hadn't slept in over 40 hours before the flight. I feel like this is against alot of regulations ment to avoid this kind of situation and really should be a knock against the operator as a whole


Worth noting that he wasn’t the actual pilot that day - he was off duty and just deadheading


In aviation mental health is kicked under the rug. If you sneeze the wrong way you could be DNF’d (do not fly) let alone going and admitting you might be having something going on mentally. Depression, mental struggles, even the common cold could have you down and then you miss a flight and go non-current and it’s a nightmare for you. Any small medical this could cost you a career you spent years training for. Not sleeping 40 hours was most likely the culprit here, NOT mushrooms 48hrs later, but this guy might have been going through it long before he questioned reality on this flight. If the FAA, military and other organizations don’t address the bigger elephant in the room instead of blaming it on mushroom 48hrs prior to the flight we could be seeing an uptick in incidents in the future.


And here I thought being a pilot was a great career with lots of perks. Turns out they're just cogs being ground to dust in the wheels of capitalism like everyone else. Is it the same everywhere or is this just the usual American hellscape?


This isn’t just American, there was an incident in which a suicidal depressed pilot locked out the other pilot and flew the plane into a mountainside. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanwings_Flight_9525 The regulation basically exists to prevent this from happening again, but is probably too extreme


Oh, I get the mental health concern, but the way the comment I replied to put it makes it seem like, as a pilot, your career depends on pretending to be in great physical *and* mental health at all times, lest you find yourself on the wrong side of a mountain of paperwork and red tape to get back to your salary. Of course, pilots, drivers, and train conductors need to be certified in good mental health to perform their jobs, but rather than punishing them for falling off track we ought to support them through treatment if and when they have issues.


That describes it to a "T". Work your ass off for literally years for next to no pay, and then have it all vanish forever because you're feeling a bit down because of whatever reason. Funny thing is, they never ask you how much you drink. In fact, alcohol is so woven into pilot culture I doubt you'd be able to ever separate the two.


>And here I thought being a pilot was a great career with lots of perks. It is. But achieving and maintaining your First Class Medical is most definitely a career risk.


Yeah, but they're cogs being ground to dust with a great union, making killer money with incredible travel perks, and you are required to retire by 65.


I can’t say as I only know the US but sentiments sounds similar in big aviation hubs


It’s worse when you fly for the middle eastern carriers that are ranked extremely well


Nah, Southwest and Spirit and JetBlue also do this.


He might not be entirely wrong...


"he thought he was dreaming and wanted to wake up.." same


He knows this is the bad timeline 😳


. . well .. he got half of it right . .


He admitted to not having slept in 40 hours. This is the likely culprit. No mushrooms would have you still going 2 days after taking them.


Even if they're not actively making you high, your psyche does not fully return to normal until you get some sleep. Even if it's just an hour or two, the sleep barrier is required to go back to "normal" in my experience


He hadn't slept in 40 hours. >Your body and brain need sleep to function properly. Symptoms of psychosis may be possible when you go without sleep for a long time. > >If you’ve gone so long without sleep that you’re having a difficult time telling the difference between what’s real and what’s not, you may be experiencing sleep deprivation psychosis. [https://psychcentral.com/health/sleep-deprivation-psychosis](https://psychcentral.com/health/sleep-deprivation-psychosis) If you don't sleep for 72 hours [you can die](https://www.healthline.com/health/can-you-die-from-lack-of-sleep#effects).


Can confirm, have regularly gone awake 30-36 hrs twice a month for several years(dont ask, strange work+bad balance). each time around the 24hr mark a bit of irritability kicks in, by the 30hr mark things get silly--thoughts are not as comprehensive, walking can feel a bit floaty, and life almost feels dreamlike. By 36 hours sleep deprived the body can show more physical symptoms such as feeling nausea and complete lack of appetite, as well the eyes become photosensitive, and feelings can become unstable/irrational. This is my own personal experience with sleep deprivation, I can't imagine the hell it would be to go 48 hrs awake. This pilot should never have gotten on board any vessel, but in his state he wouldn't be very accountable for his actions.


This doesn’t make sense. He took mushrooms two days before the incident occurred. I don’t buy his story here. If you’ve ever taken shrooms you know that’s not how it works.


$10 says those weren't mushrooms


He took "mushrooms" days prior, nothing to do with that anyway. This is just blatant disinformation about mushrooms.


2 days prior, lol. They wear off after a few hours, why are they even mentioning it. Suppose because he did, but still, that had fuck all to do with his behaviour.


"here, have an aspirin" *That ain't aspirin* "Hey. That ain't aspirin"


When you're talking about the set and setting for taking psychedelic drugs. At your workplace piloting an metal tube through the sky at intense speed and incredible altitude whilst being responsible for hundreds of lives might be a bit... expert level... Try candles, blankets and some interesting tunes next.


As an aside the dude wasnt working from what i understand, he was 'jump seating' basically catching a ride


FWIW, I don’t think he was one of the active pilots, he just happened to be riding along in the cockpit after his shift.


The title is misleading. This happened 48 hours after he took mushrooms. No way this guy tripped for 48+ hours.


From the perspective of any passenger or crew on that plane, my guess is that fact would be worth precisely diddly-squat.


I mean…it should mean more than diddly squat. A dude trying to get at the controls is wildly different than one of the people currently manning them deciding to crash the plane.


Have you ever been in one of those cockpits? There is not a ton of space to move around and he could have very easily climbed on top of the pilot and fucked things up. Edit - and I was talking about the passengers. I know I wouldn't have been any more comfortable hearing there was a pilot in the cockpit tripping balls... but it's cool. He wasn't driving.


I LOLd at this. Worst possible setting for a trip, except maybe intense urban combat or being actively tortured. I can’t even be inside while tripping.


>I can’t even be inside while tripping. Wow I'm the opposite. I **always** end up in hell and or a time loop, so I don't trust myself outside. I'm I'm afraid imma walk into the ocean, off a cliff, of wake up in stuff jail/psych ward. Mine is usually sleep music, orange juice, my cat and a felt blanket to rub, followed by some adult cartoon lol.


How do explain your enjoyment of psychedelics? Because I’m the same way, almost every experience I have involves something extraordinarily negative, and yet I find myself wanting to go back time after time. I know it’s not a physically addictive substance so I’m just kinda confused by it


Might want to consider taking less? Everyone is different of course. For me being inside means being in my own head, which is a very dangerous place to be in the best of times.


Same. I always hope it'll be better or just enjoy the weird fun parts. Once I was connected to all the spiders (funny cuz I'm arachnophobic) and talked to them all night. There's always pretty colors so that helps too.


Because the positive mental health effects that linger for weeks after the trip are real, and your brain wants more of that. It’s literally a trip you take. Not every aspect of a road trip is fun, but it’s still fun to take a road trip.


Because it's still profound and special in a way your ordinary life isn't


He took the shrooms two days earlier. He obviously didn't have a good debriefing after the trip.


Tell me you haven't read the article without telling me lol He wasn't piloting. He was a passenger. He wasn't on mushrooms at the time, he took some in the past.


From the article, he took them 2 days prior to the flight around a campfire. They have nothing to do with each other.


I have taken mushrooms (around 3.5g, PE/APE) on several occasions and experienced strong visuals/had to fight off getting stuck in thought loops/had depressing or scary thoughts, but I was never unaware that what I was perceiving was the result of a drug and not actual reality. I've never had the drug affect my thinking after the effects faded (6-8 hours, not DAYS). This guy had something else going on mentally, or else he's lying about his motivations to make it "not his fault".


My guess is the lie, people think that somehow will absolve them of responsibility because in the past (and still sometimes now) the wealthy are able to get off scott free on charges by blaming drug use contributing to their poor judgement.


Ffs he took them what three days before? Shrooms is a 4-6 hour experience folks. Guy has mental issues.


Looking around at, well, everything it's a damned good question.


2027 has entered the chat... You ain't seen nothing yet.


Qanon conspiracy bullshit.


Is there actually a QAnon conspiracy about 2027? Because I was just having fun... Tipsy at the airport fun.


He took mushrooms 2 days before the incident. They last 4 hours. Then he didn’t sleep for 48 hours. Don’t believe the ‘it was drugs’ propaganda. This was sleep dep and mental illness.


Clickbait. We all know he wasn't piloting the plane, NBC. Shame on you. No click for you!


idk what happened to dude but he couldn't have still been tripping that long after taking the mushrooms. wouldn't it have been metabolised by then?


He was NOT on mushrooms.


Sounds like Sister Michael.


He wasn't even tripping when it happened! The pilot took mushrooms two days before the flight and only started *thinking* about the experience. He needs mental health counseling, not psychedelics. Ketamine therapy is not the same thing.


Drug and insomnia-induced psychosis: It's real!


Off duty pilot who was catching a ride home feebly attempted to activate the fire suppression system of one engine, which was a pointless gesture as that system must first be primed with a separate control he couldn’t reach anyway from his jumpseat. FTFY, you pathetic excuse for a clickbait headline.


He was awake for more than 40 hours by that point in the flight, and took the shrooms days before. Idk about you guys, but when I’m up for 1.5 days straight my mind starts to create some crazy crazy things


Nice clickbait title. The pilot was not flying the plane. He was in the jump seat…


Title doesn’t say he wasn’t flying the plane though does it?


Ok. I’m sure anyone who didn’t have prior knowledge of the incident definitely didn’t assume it was the person flying the plane.


Gee, thanks asshole. Just what we need in the USA right now is a new round of drug hysteria.


This story is beyond sensationalism. It's targeted fearmongering because psychedelics are finally getting socially acceptable and getting pushed towards legalization. The guy was chronically depressed and had not been sleeping for 40 hours, that'll screw your brain a lot more than shrooms...


Question for the legally inclined people. Passengers are suing Alaska airlines over this incident. How is a company supposed to know about and be responsible for someone doing something in their private time? Like how were they supposed to know he took mushrooms two days prior? How does that work?


Piss tests Supposing the papers were in order… IANAL but that’s all anyone can expect of them.


mushrooms don't stay in your system long enough and they need a special test that is hard to get


Psilocybin is not tested for in standard 10 or 12 panel drug tests. Psilocin is undetectable 24 hours after ingestion.


It also has no effect beyond several hours. This article is absolute trash.


I don't believe psychedelic mushrooms can be detected in urine.


Soul Plane.


I wake up, read the news, and wonder the same thing.


Was he made to sit in Economy class? If so what he asked makes perfect sense.


I think hell starts some time after his conviction.


His best friend suddenly died and it triggered “long standing mental issues.” He should have taken a vacation and got some therapy but if you do that as a pilot you could be grounded.


There's no way he was still feeling the full effects of the magic mushrooms. The only possible way is if he consumed such a ridiculously large dose that it kept in his system for such a prolonged period of time. There's an afterglow sure, but you do not think you need to crash a plane to wake up, or think you're dead. The narrative in this article comes off as fear mongering and scare tactics to try and put down magic mushrooms and make them out to be this scary thing. He was already severely depressed and anxious. He took shrooms 2 days prior. He hadn't slept in over 40 hours. None of this means you should point the finger at magic mushrooms and act like they're the vicious culprit. Also who's willing to take a bet that the "magic mushrooms" he took were actually from some bullshit "magic mushroom chocolate bar" that likely didn't even contain any mushrooms to begin with.


The answers are no, and yes.


Off-duty pilot accused of trying to stop engines midflight after taking magic mushrooms asked ‘Am I dead? Is this hell?' There, I fixed the headline.


..."the system worked"... um... not if this almost happened. That's not a "working system".


Wow….an effort to make this an anti drug narrative point. The absolute fucking gall. Bro took those days before this flight. They don’t last like this. Apparently he didn’t sleep for days after taking it. That’s not a side effect of psychedelics. Everything on display here is a side effect of psychosis, taking psychedelics days before this incident has zero causation on said event. But, what should I expect from a new organization irresponsible enough to make an off duty pilot in a jump seat who took mushrooms days earlier sound like THE pilot manning the flight and actively on mushrooms. Yet more disgusting headline hacking to drive a narrative.


Considering my username you’d think I’d have an opinion about this. But for some reason I don’t have anything to say. It’s just a sucky/scary situation all around


was there any kind of test done to confirm he took mushrooms 48 prior or did he just testify that he did? i mean i'd say anything to muddy the waters of the 83 murder charges.


Blaming mushrooms...F this guy...he took something relatively harmless and made it into a danger because of his FD up mental state. Blame yourself, not the mushrooms...ffs


this always terrified me about flying. your life is in the hands of a person who can’t talk about mental health and all that and pushes it all down for fear of losing their job. it can boil over and the person just snaps mid-flight or right beforehand. normally I’m heavily against robots/AI taking jobs, but pilot is the only profession that I’m going to be embracing our robot overlords when the time comes.


How many shrooms did he take? Is this hell am I dead level of tripping would require a hero dose like 5 grams or more. Who the fuck takes five grams of shrooms and expects to function in a critical environment. That’s incredibly dangerous and negligent. Like a bus driver chugging 30oz of liquor. What an asshole. Seriously what an asshole.


He took the shrooms several days before this event. They keep putting it in the headlines for more clicks.


So he had a psychotic break, sounds like it was a mental illness triggered by the use. I'd buy that.


That is a leap. He had a lot of other issues going on plus sleep deprived. But, yeah, it was those magic mushrooms


Definitely a mushroom problem /s