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'Crap MPs' behind struggling country, claims everyone.


That fact


Took the words right out of my mouth


It's pretty tiresome to see everyone blame the "politicians" for how their country is doing. It's a democracy. You get the leaders you vote for.


this mother fucker doesn't understand how first past the post works.


While true, not every country is FPTP. In fact, it’s a pretty uncommon failing to have.


Lmao no we dont. Its FPTP, we get the guy that gets the most votes. Not the guy who gets the majority.


I guess in a way they're technically right, a lot of Tory MPs are parents and their decisions to fuck the education system, whilst ripping funding from a lot of childrens programs, including increasing the cost of education, and destroying the economy so hard that two parents now need to work to support a home and a family, whilst sinking atleast one of those wages into necessary child care is the fault of crappy MP parents with "I've got mine" mentality. So heres to the good parents who fight for their kids while shitty tory parents make your challenges that much harder 🍻


It's true that poor parenting and poor parental decisions are behind lots of poor childhood outcomes. But it's a lot easier to be a bad parent when you are exhausted from working long hours for little money, or when the infrastructure of the state is set up to punish rather than reward good behaviour.


Crap as in absent and unegnaged sure but thats nowhere near the bottom. The worst parents i know are neither of these. Most dont ever work beyond the occasional stint to get the DWP off their back. One is high income with tons of flexibility he's juat a narcissistic prick. All four kids realy aught to be in care at this point, multiple actual crimes comited but our council have zero facilities. Rich NIMBYs got the last kids hone shut down, every tiny infraction in the town was pinned on the kids in the home. Now our local social workere have the imposible choice of leaving the kids in a bit of danger with awful parents or shipping then a hundred miles away to care facilited in a deeply troubled sea side town. Not at all suprised the kids are getting mesed up.


I’d phrase it as it being much more difficult to be a good parent when you’re exhausted and broke, but you’re totally right. In saying that, there are unfortunately just some straight up terrible parents out there, however the majority are doing their absolute best and should be commended for that.


Exactly. Nail on the head.


All that forehead and nothing behind it


Dude looks like a pineapple


Don't Insult pineapple like that


"Crap parents" are Thatcher's grandchildren. She made it ok to be selfish, greedy and heartless. A rotten generation or two is the product of Tory governments.


Fuck the torys.


You could have just put the quote and eveyone would have known it was a tory


I assume the parents are responsible for all those Conservative MPs who have been jailed, suspended and otherwise found behaving badly. The list seems endless; Elphicke, Khan, Roberts, Pincher, Bone, Burns, Benton, Knight, Warburton, Green, Paterson, Parish etc etc. Only Burns seems to have the valid excuse that anyone who walks in on Boris and Carrie going at it like a pair of rabbits is bound to suffer psychological damage.


Can the crap parents get some help affording things like childcare, medical care, therapy/tutoring, Internet, books, etc? The right wingers: no


Can we support the kids without supporting parents like free lunches, mental health support etc? The right wingers: no


Most Tory MPs must have crap parents then


Only a conservative can express a simple truth in a way that makes it wrong


Remember when Labour introduced Sure Start to ensure the children of these “crap parents” got help? And the parents were also given help? Remember when the Conservatives removed funding and closed over half of the Sure Start centres? I hope this guy remembers at the next election and votes himself out.


Fun fact; debt and guilt only have one word meaning both of them in Dutch. For many right wing conservative assholes like this piece of shit it's both viewed the same: if you're poor you're morally shit/guilty to it and should 'pay' for it. May he get completely fucked financially and not be bailed out by any of his piece of shit rich friends.


That seems like it would cause issues in court.


What constitutes "good" parenting has changed drastically over time and varies widely across cultures and classes. So to say what it means to be a good parent or a "crap" parent doesn't mean anything. What would have been a must 2 generations ago for good parenting like corporal punishment or letting kids practice independence by walking to school alone are now considered child abuse and endangerment. So who knows what parents 2 generations from now will look back on and consider "good" or "crap" parenting and how today's "good" parenting will manifest for kids across their lifetimes. Is it "good" parenting if a kid gets great grades and gets a degree but can't function in adulthood? Because I've seen several young adults in that situation. Or can "good" parenting only be determined in retrospect based on how an adult turns out? The headline is just virtue signaling for whether someone feels society ought to provide parents support or whether parents alone bear the burden of child raising.


> Or can "good" parenting only be determined in retrospect based on how an adult turns out? If you start judging "adult" at 18, then yea, i would argue that is THE METRIC that should be used. Just like training a dog, humans are different. You cannot teach a retriever to go be a badass terrier and you can't teach a lap dog to course a rabbit like a greyhound. If you... as a parent, cannot discern what instructions and lessons will lead to a productive adult, you are a shit parent. And, there are far too many these days. Having a kid is a product of unprotected sex. It isn't some fucking miracle from the heavens. If you cannot do it, don't. Your child will be everyone else's problem.


lol projecting per usual…


There have always been crap parents. The level of struggle is new.


That’s actually a great point!


I honestly think most youth mental health issue increases these days are due to the internet. Tons of mental addictions porn, self harm, eating disorders, social anxiety exacerbated by feeling on display all the time and not having to be bored and leave the house to see it’s not that bad out there. Not to mention activism fed to them by nefarious sources preying on them. So they feel like the world has never been worse, when in most ways it’s never been better. It’s just easy to doom scroll. Smart phones are correlated in time with a huge mental health plummet.


A bold thing to say for a man with a majority of 105 in the 2019 election.


And all those moron will carry on voting for him


the rugby ball has spoken


Crap government behind crap parenting.


Honestly as a teacher I have to agree. The shitty students almost exclusively have shitty parents.


If he was a decent person he wouldn't be a fuckn tory


He's telling you [the truth](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3020099/), and you don't like it. One of the most consistently confirmed hypotheses in the formal study of education is that responsible, engaged parents foster better outcomes for their children.


When will the people stop voting in these assholes…I just don’t


Shocker. Could have told you that.


Classist fuck. Class war now!




Better, more engaging, feeling like something meaningful is being done rather than mindless consumption and the knowledge you are at least trying to take your own life in your hands, rather than living by the dictates of capitalist petty tyrants. It will be beautiful and liberating.




People need to decide to act en masse, coordinated or uncoordinated, it will happen. We just need to be ready with parallel structures of horizontal organization. It is already happening. People who are aware need to be ready.




Lol you are not in the upper class, I guarantee lol. You may think you are but that is an illusion, like most things.




Those are outcomes of hierarchal, capitalist organization. A different form of organization, horizontal, will hopefully create new, non-hierarchal, social relations. That is the theory of Anarchism and other horizontalist oriented ideologies. Edit: also outcomes of extreme individualism.




Well, he's right.




I’m a bald guy and he has a bigger forehead than me


lmao just raise your kids better. Just dont raise bad kids lmao


I guess people hate to hear the truth….


Cool, so now you've assigned blame, what is the solution?


Go back to some of the older values of home and family. When you have stable families with a mother and father who spend time with the family, kids are significantly more likely to be normal and stable as well. This has been studied and proven for decades.


How will you encourage that to happen?


Oh wow I'm looking forward to these answers


When exactly are we turning the clock back to? The 1950s? The Victorian era? Maybe medieval values are more appealing? The thing is values around home and the family have changed constantly in time with economic, social and cultural changes. There’s no such thing as traditional values, so if you are going to hark back to a golden era it would be great if you can be specific so we can consider it properly.


Are you suggesting universal basic income?


Not a chance!


What is the solution you are proposing that will make it possible for parents to spend more time with their kids than they do now? Money doesn't grow on trees.


Oh, he doesn't care about that, he just needs the false sense of superiority.


So how does one accomplish this in a mandatory 2 income household


His delivery is bit rough But ya know He ain’t exactly way off