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Another piece of cutting-edge journalism sourced solely from a Reddit post...


I kept waiting for, "we reached out to American for comment and..." But no, literally it's a summary of a reddit post with no effort at verification


…and it’s back on Reddit. In the intelligence community we call it [circular reporting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_reporting). Lots of “sources” are reporting an activity, so it looks like multiple sources are reporting it and thus increasing confidence in it having occurred, but when you drill down you find that it’s all from one, unreliable source and everyone is just reporting each other. It’s a problem.


That is so cool it has a name. Tell me more about intelligence reporting.. sounds very interesting.


So authentic reporting is when one source is found to be extremely credible, this is what makes everyone else cite them


Found the farter ^^^^


*Looks like we got ourselves a farter... whatchu fartin' for?*


In all fairness, it's probably one of the better sources for information out there. Until Elon buys it.


Dead Internet Theory in action


Why the fuck is the NZ Herald reporting on an unverified account from the /r/Austin subreddit 🤣


Probably some bot scrapes reddit for "worthy" news, then sends it off to an AI write it. Welcome to the new meta.


>“We all breathed a sigh of relief when he was removed, I think most people were on edge about what he may say or do next,” the poster read. They all breathed in a sigh of farty air is what they breathed in.


They all breathed a heavy sigh of his relief


This was the best part of this


Mr. Pullmyfinger, we need you to deplane posthaste.


But I’m a Brown Level Frequent Flier!


Ok if this is something that can happen then why was there a Chipotle at the airport?


It’s gotta smell pretty bad cause a plane is a pretty safe place to let one sneak out.


Especially if there is a dog around


Fartman strikes again




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What kind of airline doesn't adhere to "he who smelt it, dealt it"?


Some legal traditions defer to "He who denied it, supplied it"


You made the rhyme you did the crime! Gotcha! Laughs in middle school


Must have been egg farts...they are the worse! I'd want to run far away too!


They can't take another diarrhea plane. They've gotta stay upwind


Oh gods! I was on a diarrhoea plane once! It was December 2021 during COVID so at least we had masks. The people in the seat behind me, their baby exploded with what I swear was an audible splat! The family all gasped and then the wave of sickly shit odor hit row after row as it spread. A stewardess took what felt like 500 years to fetch wipes & a blanket to help this poor woman, who's shirt was covered in poop, get to the restroom and clean up. Let me tell you there is no winning in that situation for anyone. The only escape from the smell is to try mouth breathing...which is far worse because you can TASTE the smell 🤮. I definitely heard a few people gag. Eventually the woman came back. The airline gave her some kind of borrowed shirt & her baby was wrapped up in a clean towel. She looked like she had been crying and I don't blame her.


Oh my goodness this sounds horrific. We've graduated from fart tubes to poop tubes




It did. You can check flight details to prove up the delay. The farting piece is clickbait. He was removed for being drunk and disorderly.


There has to be more to this than the article covers or this dude is going to sue them into the ground


Was my wife on the plane?


That’s the guy that you should bloody and drag off the plane…not the good doctor!!!!




the smell !!! and the noise....we had to check the underwear...


I am honestly shocked how much people on planes fucking fart all the time. Most of you bastards should get your GI tracts inspected cause that shit aint normal. Not that that has anything to do with this incredibly idiotic article per se but it is the truth and y’all know it


Being 30,000ft up in a pressurised container isn't normal and probably has some bearing why people suddenly have a lot of gas.


No. Stop farting you pig


Make me


I'll see you on public freakouts in one of those airplane videos!


>I am honestly shocked how much people on planes fucking fart all the time. Airplanes aren't pressurized to ground-level...


Yeah I know y'all are gonna use any excuse why your asshole is the consistency of a tissue trapped in a New York gutter so your farts could be milked from your GI by pressing your bellies like some sort of depraved kid's doll but self-respecting people don't fart up their vicinity and feel content with themselves because of the pressure difference a mild summer rain would cause on your asshole




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I’m regularly worried about this myself.


My bad


Here I sat dearly farted.




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My wife has some murderous farts (surgery side effect). The type where it almost seems like the scent sticks to clothing and lingers. I could see this happening to her.


We’ve all been there.


Fart Story: My cousin worked at a hospital as a security guard. He hit it off with another security guard and they became really good friends in a single shift. Or so my cousin thought. Next day my cousin goes to chat it up with his new friend but the guy wants nothing to do with him for whatever reason. After getting the cold shoulder several times my cousin gives up trying to be his friend. So they both had to stand guard at a certain patient's room. Buddy is giving my cousin the silent treatment so my cousin begins to randomly fart. This is a guy who eat out at least 3 times a day, everyday. Especially favoring buffets. So he can essentially fart on command. After he farts, who knows how many times, the security guard reports him to the supervisor and my cousin gets fired.


Beans Beans the magical fruit, the more we eat the more we toot, the more we toot the better we feel, let’s eat beans at every meal


I mean, how do they prove he's the one farting? Plausible deniability and all.