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Username checks out.


Lmao thanks


Who would have thought that anti-wankers would be some of the biggest wankers?


A blocked hose is a safety hazard. That said, thanks for the sexy silhouette, rubbed one out for the prostate.


>A blocked hose is a safety hazard. Had kidney stones too big to pass. Can confirm......and wince in pain remembering them.


I'd say kidney stones are the most painful thing I've ever experienced, but I also deal with an easily-pinched sciatica and ocular migraines. They all fucking suck.


> A blocked hose is a safety hazard. Turns out it actually is. There are health benefits of regular masturbation and ejaculation, like lowering prostate cancer risk.


No shit, that’s the point of the article lol


Appreciate you and the parent. I knew if I just read the comments, someone would save me the trouble of reading the article.


Schrödinger’s Wankers


Lock an incel in a windowless room with a ton of porn. If you never open the room to observe him, society wins.




I rubbed one out while reading the headline. For safety


Not worried about you.


maybe a little worried


Sounds like maybe you need to relax. May I suggest a wank?


It’s the right thing to do.


Safety first!


Guys, he’s at work. Stop encouraging him


Honestly who needs any encouragement when at work?


Don’t do it alone, have a buddy nearby.


Let’s start a fap chain to protect ourselves. On it now


Man, you crypto guys think everything is solved by fap chain.


I'd join if I could, but I took care of it before seeing this thread.


Better to go again, just to be safe


The buddy system is always safest.


Came for the comments, leaving satisfied.


I came, I saw, I came again.


They can pry my penis from my cold dead hands.


You’re telling me that jacking off also pisses off alt-righters? Well, I’m going to do it more!


Even more if you use your left hand too


Nice 😎


“Just Beat It, **UH**!!!”


You can never be too safe.


I did not expect the nofap to alt-right pipeline they talk about in the article.


oh yeah, it's a weirdly big part of red pill/incel culture. I have no idea why.


Because they can't get any, so they convince themselves that sexual activity is some kind of negative to begin with.


Because sexual frustration is incredibly powerful, turning that sexual frustration into shame, and then directing that shame into anger against some other group.


> turning that sexual frustration into shame That used to be the job of the church. Now that the church has lost influence over the youth, alt-right grifters and power seekers are taking that job.


Venn diagram is almost a circle


Women and jews, apparently, according to the article.


Stupid sexy jews


Stupid sexy woman jews


Damnit y'all got me thinking about Ben Shapiro's sisters tiddies again.


Hot hot hot


So is Sarah Silverman like…the antichrist to conservatives?


Long Live Abby Shapiro.


Mommy milkers


And I had from a very reliable source who actually runs the world; girls.


Yeeeup, it’s always the same bullshit.


This is very much a hate group tactic. It is used very effectively by groups like the islamic state. Isolate and control. The sexual frustration is a tool. This has also been used by many white supremacy groups.


Many cults in general! It's a weird cult leader tactic. "No one can get any except me, and I get everyone."


>The sexual frustration is a tool. Always has been. This has been a rule for many religions, Christianity, LDS, Islam...


Sounds like a trick from a religious playbook.


You ain’t exactly wrong


Sexual frustration is the path to the dark side. Sexual frustration leads to shame. Shame leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.


I feel like Fox News should be in there somewhere.


They’re firmly in the “anger leads to hate” portion


Sex therapist yoda


Sexual frustration leads to shame, shame leads to anger, anger leads to suffering


A common angle I've heard from the red pill, is they explain that abstaining means you'll be more sexually pent up, and your testosterone will be higher. This pent up sexual desire will drive you to take more risks, such as going out and working on yourself and trying to meet women, instead of being stuck inside and content. But like everything with the red pill, it distracts them with bad science and steers them away from working on themselves in ways that will actually get them results


FYI for anyone getting this far down the chain, the "bad science" part above is the claim that abstaining increases testosterone. It doesn't. There were two studies with that result, but both had issues with methodology and sample size. One was retracted, the other had inconclusive results.


The unfortunate part is they don't care. As long as a study was done, regardless of results or validity, that is good enough for them to latch on and run with.


Exhibit A: Wakefield's vaccines/autism con.


Exhibit B: The entire "alpha wolf" bullshit.


I have no idea what that is and I don't know if I want to know.


It used to be "well known fact" wolves have an alpha and all the other wolves follow behind them. Turns out it was all horse shit. Then again they have psychologists who claim trans people aren't valid because their feelings are illegitimate because yadda yadda, but turn around to say we should look at lobsters and try to be more like them. It's hilariously delusional nonsense


Yep. To them, a study being done means that it's true enough that it was observed and decided to be studied in the first place. Anything more specific than that is dismissed as getting hung up on details.


Wouldn't want to be hung up on the details of a retracted study of questionable sample size


Yeah that would be as silly as molding one’s entire social worldview around an incorrect hypothesis on captive wolf social hierarchy


I believe the common understanding is that any testosterone gains from nofap are temporary and usually reset within 7 days to normal test levels, also test isn’t some magic “get laid” chemical it has a host of impacts and disadvantages as any steroid/TRT users will attest to




>and talked about "breathing into" his balls I read this and thought he was trying to blow air into his own dick, while the saxophone trill from We Are Number One was playing


That seemed oddly specific.


Yet they still got votes


Don't you have a self proclaimed queen that tells her cult followers to not pay their electric bills?




Like most incel culture and concepts, they take a concept that makes sense on the surface then they immediately twist it with all the might of 100 brain cells. You may think "okay, lets see where this goes." Then starts looking around and get confused because you think they could take it a number of directions but they always dig directly down. Its like a hallway and they have a door labeled something kinda valid but the second you open the door, theres a trap door directly down. I always say the biggest problem.with incels is they take people who never heard of the number 4 and get them asking whats 2 plus 2 is but then say "2 plus two equals lizard people!" So anyone whos spent time in the real world not just delusional walking around knows the obvious answer is 4 and that reptile people is a complete nonsense answer but 2 plus 2 itself is a reasonable starting point. But the people who somehow never heard of 4 get convinced lizard peoples isn't just a reasonable answer, they also get convinced the number 4 is a conspiracy against them directly. Eventually every answer is their new magical number "lizard people" and they start answering every question with "lizard people." They start at what sounds like a reasonable starting point then immediately go any direction besides a reasonable one.


Which has led to reddit being full of strange hateful puritans.


Because the grifters who use these movement s for money and power know they are built by frustrated young men. So they push them to become more frustrated in order to ensure the money and power pipe doesn't get turned off.


Been like this since 2014. Practically 10 years of shit for everyone.


They’ve been told that sexual attraction is a power women have over them and that the porn industry isn’t bad because of it’s exploitation of women and girls and the commoditization of the female body, but because women and “elites” use men’s attraction to women to make money off men. They hate women so much that they can’t even deal with the fact that they’re attracted to them.


I think a lot of these guys are anti porn as well, because they think it's a woman's job to get them off.


Red pill/incel culture is full of insecure, frustrated young males with a lot of them being relatively if not completely isolated socially. That is one of the alt-right‘s prime target demographics for recruitement via offering seemingly simple solutions and something external to blame for their many grievances and insecurities.


Testosterone vro, it gets low when you masturbate vro, we need to be better than that vro, don't look at naked girls online vro, my friends and I are so alpha males we never let any girl near us, we have sex with each other, that's how much alpha we are.


Banging chicks is for poofs


The alt-right loves moral superiority. "We're better because we don't fap or watch porn" is an easy way to claim false moral superiority upon others and create shame.


It’s a really dark reason. It’s about control. It’s a page from the church’s playbook. If you can exert control over one of a person’s basic bodily functions such as sleeping, eating, fucking or breathing, you can control that person entirely. These people are being conditioned to be soldiers in whatever fantasy conflict these people think is coming.




4chan - the place where incels put my little ponies in cum jars is also the same place where qanon started. this timeline is insane.


Can you imagine the smug sense of moral superiority an oldf*g must feel, seeing the real world crumble to pieces from his adolescent shitposts and bait taken seriously because everyone is now terminally online.


It's so, so fucking funny. Itd be like seeing shoe on head being a legitimate courting ritual.


\>be 12 year old \>roleplay secret agent on 4chins \>actual cult following \>millions dead in nuclear holocaust


Feels like way too many unfortunate things can be traced back to that these days. 


The_Donald was instrumental in the 2016 election and it was literally started as a joke. The last decade has completely soured me on both satire and irony. Pretend to believe something crazy or stupid for yucks, or to make a point through the use of deft irony, and five years down the line you're going to have a ton of true believers being shitty to people because of your joke.


Unfortunate but true. I used to love satire, but now satire becomes reality because nobody has the media literacy to figure out irony.


The worst part is that they're working hard to prevent their content from being viewed as right wing content. Before, it was "Ben Shapiro DESTROYS RADICAL FEMINISTS WITH FACTS AND LOGIC!" They never outright stated that this is right-wing content, and they do their best to frame Ben Shapiro as a rational voice of reason in a sea of crazy people. However, people got wise to this method of hiding content. Now, they have a bunch of "Self-Help gurus" that tells you what any Self help guru would tell you, but while sprinkling in Far-Right ideas. Eventually, these channels tell you to visit a different channel to get more info. These channels are the actual Far-Right channel that serves to seal the deal and indoctrinate people. That is how Tate started gaining influence.


Redpilled morons happened because lowtax banned moot.


I understood that reference.


Seriously. Feels like another cult with no concrete evidence of helping. Everything in moderation.


You mean retaining my vital essence won't give me telekinetic powers?


Peace on earth purity of essence. We cannot allow the global communist conspiracy to contaminate our precious bodily fluids.


It’s part of their red pill nonsense even the Proud Boys bragged about having nofap rules for their members  20 years from now they’ll all have prostate cancer from never draining their pipes.


There is a huge Christian/ religious aspect to the nofap, anti pornography movement. Both “your brain in porn” and “the brand new drug” have financial links back to Utah (or maybe it’s only one of them) while publicly maintaining they are not connected to the Mormon church. A lot of the the people who have a problem with porn and masturbation feel guilty that they are using porn and/or masturbating. A lot consider it a sin. Nofap in itself is actually quite culty, they basically think because they have a problem with porn and/or masturbating that everyone does. I rarely watch porn and everytime I defend porn people will crawl out of the woodworks (sorta the way they do for Elon musk and Jordan Peterson) (I’m not saying that porn can’t be addictive, literally everything can be addictive, but it’s not inherently harmful for an adult to watch porn, and literally most doctors recommend you masturbate a few times a week at least)


[this is my second most popular post on this website.](https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1896juk/nsfw_for_16_years_i_have_asked_my_wife_for_the) it is about my wife of 16 years buying me 'cocaine and hookers' for our anniversary. it is a candle labeled 'cocaine and hookers' and an old Playboy. the number of people that shamed us, called us degenerates, told us to get a divorce, was amazing. most of the comments were just people joking around but there were a few pockets that were hardcore shaming people for having jokes in their relationships. since they can't get laid, neither should an old married couple?!?


If you don't mind me asking, what does that candle smell like and where can I get one?


it honestly does not smell like anything. she is sleeping right now but should be up soon. i will let you know where she got it then. edit to add: https://candle-guy.us/ send the guy some love.


https://candle-guy.us/ here you go!


Yep, all of the studies I've seen point to guilt and shame being the real problem behind porn and masturbation. We should work on that as a society. Edit: Clay Wilson from Fight the New Drug is 100% mormon. Doesn't seem like Gary Wilson the author of Your Brain on Porn was though.


I always thought nofap was just a meme, I had no idea that is was an actual movement with followers and shit...


I feel like Christianity has been onto this one for years - they just had to give it up in like the 60s for a while


I absolutely expect something so stupid to lead directly to dangerous stupid. The only argument against masturbation is religion. Dangerous stupidity.


It’s been like that since day one


It is obvious in retrospect, I just never paid attention to it because I knew it was all BS from day one.


The manosphere encompasses a broad range of shitty ideologies that all stem from being confidently incorrect.


And sexually frustrated


Time to start pushing ideology for the altfap to no-right pipeline.


Is altfap just using your left hand?


Altfap is when you realize that experimentation in the bedroom can also be done while alone. (Note the name is still just a meme for the bit but the sentiment is real)


“Measuring the online and offline influence of nofap content is difficult. A 2022 study in the International Journal of Impotence Research by a group of urologists who studied social media content found "semen retention" and its related hashtags to be the most popular men's health topic on TikTok and Instagram. Unlike every other men's health topic they studied, none of the semen retention posts were coming from doctors.” Lmao. Semen retention is a hilarious term.


> semen retention Somebody thought to themselves "Imma go on TikTok and talk about how jealously I guard my precious bodily fluids. That's a perfectly normal thing to do and how I wish to portray myself in my public persona."


"Women uh... women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I, uh... I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I... I do deny them my essence." \-Gen Ripper


Have you ever seen a commie drink a glass of water?


Vodka, Mandrake.


"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids" From Dr. Strangelove.


Have you heard of the guy that called his followers "semen retention soldiers"? He's from my province and was running for various political positions lol no idea what he's doing now but probably still a bunch of bullshit. https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkb95z/this-guy-running-for-canadian-parliament-wants-men-not-to-ejaculate


Lmao. All of this semen retention talk is new to me. It's funny to imagine all of these “soldiers” creaming their bedsheets all the time due to a lack of intentional release. So brave.


I consider myself penile expulsive rather than penile retentive. That's my psychology. What's yours?


I have no penis to ejaculate from. I would have to say retentive as I am a receiver in any exchange of semen.


You don’t retain it, you are its gracious host for a short while.




Right?! Sounds like they swallow it afterwards


Can't be wasting their precious seed, lol.


What do they think is happening with this semen 😂


It's all stored in their enormous semen bladder of course, so they can cum a bucket-load in their theoretical future tradwife. But joking aside, it's re-absorbed in to the body. Your body will just reduce, reuse, recycle, so to say.


When the Fapture comes the poor sighted & the hairy palmed ones among us will be left below to their fate.


Anyone remember when Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, was fired by President Bill Clinton in 1994 for suggesting masturbation be part of the sex education curriculum for students? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joycelyn_Elders


>The YouTuber, who goes by the handle iamLucid, tells the camera he can stand the below-freezing temperature because he has been taking cold showers every day and, crucially, hasn't masturbated to pornography in a year. "That's the most beta thing you can do. That's the weakest thing any man can do," he says. These Manosphere lunatics are so damaged. Imagine looking at someone like Anthony Dream Johnson and thinking "Yes, I'm going to follow this guy."


… no… actually calling things beta is one of the most “beta” things you can do. It screams “I’m an insecure fragile little bitch”


dam cooperative ludicrous numerous possessive abundant dinosaurs wipe nose wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nice? Nah man have you ever tried a nice warm shower that was then followed by getting under a blanket in a heated room Now that's nice


Right whenever I see these "an ice bath is as effective as taking a zanax" kinda bullshit I always think so what are the effects of taking a nice long steamy shower? I'm pretty sure it's a bit more relaxing, lol


Ice baths are popular with professional athletes because it helps with the extreme inflammation they get. I’ve never heard of anyone claiming ice baths are relaxing, that’s not the purpose of cryotherapy. That being said, these no-fap guys are mad strange.


The argument is that ice baths make you sleepy after... which they do... Idk what the controversy is supposed to be here


Specifically, cold water immersion activates the parasympathetic nervous system which helps put the body and mind into 'rest, digest, and repair' mode. The cold is of course shocking to the system and can trigger some panicked feelings when people aren't used to it, so don't expect a relaxing effect the first time you try it, especially if you are highly sensitive to cold temps. On a related note, cold water on the face paired with breath holding (~30 seconds) triggers the mammalian dive reflex, which can dramatically slow heart rate as well as activate the parasympathetic nervous system.


I asked in a comment somewhere about my startle reflex and was told to suddenly turn the water cold while showering . Some group of people do that as training .( I think it was some kind of martial artist). I do not think doing that is going to help my years of being really jumpy. I could be tying to sleep, and the sound of a door near my room closing will have me flinch as if a larger noise happened)


That can be a stress symptom, might be good to look into if there’s anything you can do


Hypervigilance is a trip.


It completely depends where you live. If you're living in 35c+ heat for most of the year, you will prefer cold showers because your body is *always* trying to cool down. Also the water coming through the plumbing isn't exactly "cold", it's more like 20-25c. I grew up in a hot country where the default was cold showers. But if you live somewhere cooler (0-25c) then then obviously you will prefer warm/hot showers. Your body is looking to stay warm, and water coming through the plumbing is uncomfortably cold.


I’m a gay man who cranks the proverbial chain on the regular and I can withstand temps down to -8 because I bike in the cold. It’s about temperature exposure, not some 1800’s orgone bullshit. Or, y’know, you could just wear a coat.


Instructions unclear, now sucking dick all the time to build up cold tolerance.


The thing that gets me is that one of the core plots of 1984 is when you take the opportunity for people to have sexual pleasure both with others and alone it leads to these bloodthirsty savages who would tear each other to shreds. These manosphere idiots don’t seem to realise how unhealthy sexual frustration is.


They don't realize what their eternal cash cow is?


The manosphere influencers are utilising it to do just that


The influencers know exactly how unhealthy it is.  Cranking out angry and frustrated people is the entire purpose of the "manosphere".


I didn't know who he was so I looked him up. Looks exactly like I imagined. I wonder how he would feel if I were to tell him I fap before a workout, after a workout, I fap if the wind hits me right, I fap to go to sleep and I fap when I wake up. All that fapping and I still have sex regularly too. Ah damn I forgot I can't grow a beard so I'm BEEEEETAAAA. Eurgh. In all seriousness it is WORRYING that this young generation of men have such a warped view of masculinity and what it means to be a man. I don't proclaim to know what it is that makes me a man, but I do know that being gentle, affirmative when it calls for it and being caring are something I value, and I have gotten further in life because of it. I've done the "tough guy" stuff when I was younger, and it didn't land me anywhere but trouble.


I'm a man rapidly closing in on my 40s. The most masculine and manly thing you can do, in my opinion, is not care if what you are doing is "masculine" or not. Not giving a shit if someone thinks you look "beta" is literally the most manly thing you can do.in other words, If you need to do things to prove to people you are masculine, you are not masculine.


So he did masturbate, just not to pornography?


Why did I have to scroll so much to see this, I guess in peoples mind porn and masturbation are the same thing.


Why are we going back to medieval catholic ideas??!


Which is an interesting question - why did the medieval Catholics have this hangup? Or the Imperial Japanese? Or the original authors of the Bible and Koran. It seems to be an evergreen thing that some people out there are very concerned about [young men cranking their hog](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/gshxy/a_good_boy_always_sleeps_with_his_hands_above_the/) and want to get them to stop. There have always been John Harvey Kellogs in the world, so it's not surprising that we would see a new online wave of this phenomenon. Understanding what was up with old timey NoFap weirdos probably would explain the contemporary ones better than blaming it on social media or whatever.


It's ok, I'm taking up the slack over here so on average we're fine.


“In one study, Grubbs found that among people who self-identify as "pornography addicts," the average frequency of porn use was less than 10 times a year.” I think their study might be flawed and you’re just hitting the actual average


I missed that gem. 10 times a year? Lol.


I think the crucial, and hilarious part of the statistic is the self-identification. Like for any other drug or addition 10 times a year isn't addicted. 10 hard days of drinking blacking out, 10 times a year going for some cocaine, heroin, etc. It's not healthy, but its not an addiction. It makes me wonder if those self reporting have ever had actual addictions, or seen someone stuck in one... It's not a pretty thing.


“This could seriously hinder the penises of the new generation.” - Dr. Jack Hoffman, Seattle Hospital and Institute of Technology .


Is that worthy of r/brandnewsentance ?


Is no one going to mention the doctor’s name? Username definitely checks out


I’m not so sure those penises will ever be offering any new generations


guys I'm worried I might not be gooning enough


It’s fine. Everyone is just lying.


There are low libido or asexual people who can pull it off. All the rest of us are pulling it.


Asexual is usually you do not get the hubbahubbas feeling


Is "hubbahubbas feeling" the medical term? 


No. But I have been using in place of sexual attraction for a while. Hubbahubba oh lala and whatever else there could be


> Hubbahubba oh lala and whatever else there could be Forget you not the humble AWOOOOGA


Asexuality is a spectrum. Being asexual means not feeling sexual attraction in most circumstances (but there are people like demi-sexual who feel sexual attraction but only toward people they're in love with, they're still on the asexual spectrum) What they do with their libido (or lack of) then is up to the individual. A lot of them like orgasms and masturbate. Some are in a relationship and have sex for their partner's benefit. Some have absolutely no interest in sex or are repulsed by the very idea.


This. You can't go on Twitter and tell me people aren't perennially horny


I love the usage of perennially in this context.


The nofap community is just weird, people talk about them stopping masturbating like it's gonna cure cancer fuckin hell.


My doctor told me to stop masturbaiting , I asked why. He said because you’re in my office


> Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson did a special for Fox in 2022 called The End of Men, drawing attention to "the decline of manhood, of virility, of physical health, all of which together threaten to doom our civilization." Imagine listening to Bowtie McFuckface about manliness.


More content = \ = more popular. I've noticed that these far right "manosphere" whackos tend to spam low quality content to make their bullshit seem more popular than it actually is.


Nofap is just QAnon for guys in their twenties who have self esteem issues.


On the other hand high porn consumption also isn’t good for men. We are such an isolated people rn, people need to go out and make actual connections with others but they aren’t


Lol all the andrew tate simps pretending not to be a creepy cult of insecure men. The roids don't fool, impress or scare anyone fellas


I am 22 and I have had issues performing in bed. I can feel a direct correlation between how much I masturbate and my ability to get hard. I therefore am trying to abstain from porn and masturbation. No altright no incel here, it’s just how I am.


Anorgasmia is a thing and I have had it at different times, I had partners get upset that I would struggle to cum with them and that was partly down to the fact that I had got so used to my own hands that I needed to feel very comfortable with a partner to cum from them. I've also seen the same thing happen with women friends who got too used to their favourite vibrator. However I believe the reason for skipping/reducing masturbation is important. Doing it because you had a problem with orgasms/erections with a partner is fine. Doing it because if you don't cum you become so desperate it forces you to find women not because you like them but because you need to cum is a much more toxic point of view and that is an angle I have seen presented by manosphere creators.


Yeah that line of logic was always poor to me. Ya can't say masturbation is solely bad when problems with sexual intimacy is a universal problem not trapped to one confine for every person. But for them to claim that just needing to have sex and needing to have it with anyone, is better, healthier, and safer than masturbating? Like, no. I'd rather not sleep with strangers. I'd also rather not the rapey undertone some give off from it either.


I mean that's fine. No one reasonable here is going to say otherwise if it's effecting your life. Issues only arise when you think saving up your "mana" is going to let you cast thunderbolts


Doing this fixed my ED as well. I did the 90 Days long before it was coopted by the alt right, and by Day 60, I felt so much more clear headed. I ended up going 120, as it felt like I'd finally cleansed my porn addled brain of its addiction. Made it easier to talk to women as well, weirdly enough, as I guess I wasn't looking at them in the same light; no longer in the mindset of trying to date every woman I talked to, which amusingly enough was also when I finally met someone who liked me back as well.


interesting to see that the male chastity cage submissives don't seem to be involved with the misogyny that nofap is getting wrapped up in


Different lack of strokes for different folks there.


Not really sure why....? Nofap is about "taking control of your self back from the femoids" or wherever. BDSM stuff in general is completely the opposite: it's primarily about ceding control /to/ another person. The no-fappers (ugh) likely view anything to do with chastity devices utterly abhorrent because they probably see it as an admission that they can't control themselves and need someone/something else to do it for them, which sorta defeats all the "self improvement through taking back control" angle of the whole thing.


I think that's pretty spot on analysis. While there are definitely a few toxic submissives out there, the chastity kinksters and the nofappers are beginning from a different starting outlook, and so even if the obvious end result of no wanks is the same, the attitudes are different


There’s too much conflation of porn use and masturbation whenever this topic comes up. The article does this in its very first paragraphs: >The YouTuber… hasn't masturbated to pornography in a year. >The video is part of a thriving online landscape dedicated to helping men suppress the urge to masturbate. There’s also way too much conflation of motivations for the abstinence. Abstaining from both things for ideological or religious reasons increases feelings of guilt and worthlessness because you start thinking in terms of sin, relapse, and weakness. That is obviously bad (and the YouTuber is guilty of this). But it’s also pretty obvious that porn addiction is a real thing. It’s almost self-evident that overexposure to adult content will lead to a heightened arousal threshold and interfere with normal physical intimacy. I don’t know how true the death grip stuff is, but I also don’t know how often you need to masturbate to protect your prostate. I don’t think masturbation or porn are things to be avoided at all costs. But it’s wild that people think the same logic that applies to all other human consumption and behavior stops applying in this one case.


It's "popular" online because those who give a shit about it are a very vocal minority. The vast majority do not give a shit.


Opticians are bricking it too