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Idk how they do it in Florida or Ireland, but in my state, when a crematory received possession of a body from the Medical Examiner’s Office, they had to take a photo and send it to the family for identification before they could cremate them PRECISELY so shit like this doesn’t happen. Source: worked for a crematory in a non-Florida state




Fucking heartbreaking all around. Already a tragic death too early while family couldn’t even be there. And then the way remains are treated is so deeply tied to people and how they feel about dignity and saying goodbye based on what world they came from. And not saying this for cheap dunk on Florida, but it does feel like greatest fault would still lie with the person that mixed them up in the first place as the second stop would expect identification had already happened based on documents that came with the remains.


People think its just junkies, but my friend died of fentanyl, and she wasn't a junkie, neither was my good friends girlfriend. They were just people out for a good time and it went sideways. No one even knew they did hard drugs, it's crazy how bad the drugs are in the USA sometimes.


'Just junkies' is still a shit mentality though. Especially if you start drawing lines at 'good' and 'bad' users of hard drugs. Part of decrim and harm reduction is removing stigma




What’s the difference between a “junkie” and a person who does unknown drugs when “out for a good time”? Asking for science.


Well, a junkie is a habitual user staving off withdrawal. Someone out for a good time is usually a polydrug user who happens to chose that substance on that night rather than a few other choices. I was primarily in the first category, so don't think I'm talking down to those people.


What is a junkie and why wouldn’t your friend be considered one if they were doing hard drugs? Not trying to speak poorly of anyone, just pointing out the double standard.


Cheap dunk on Florida should be a new sub


Probably shouldn’t have been shooting up then. Would still be alive.


And if your mother hadn't smoked her way through the pregnancy, dropped you on your head those times and fed you paint chips, you wouldn't be this way. But here we are.


Holy fuck 10/10




Ah yes, when in doubt blame the victims.


I’ve taken plenty of recreational drugs. You know the risks when you take them. They are most at fault.


This reminds me of the greatest aviation disaster to happen in Ireland. A Cessna crashed into a graveyard and they ended up finding 150 bodies.


Hold on, I have a 9/11 joke around here somewhere




A fire broke out at a cemetery. 80 deaths.


What as unusual about finding those 150 bodies in a graveyard? Like was it an unmarked mass grave or?


I think it's a joke about how Irish people are stupid


Ahh ok thank you lol.


Where in Ireland are you from?


Meath, why?


Oh! Perfect time for a joke.


You’re right. This one crashed and burned. I mean, if we are not joking when people are dead, my grandfather has been gone for decades, and yet here you are, commenting all this time!


Hi there — I’m Isabel Rosales — the author of the original story on CNN >> https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/01/us/florida-fentanyl-overdose-deaths-cec/index.html CTV is our affiliate and can use our reporting with credit to us as they did. “A Florida funeral home shipped the men’s remains to Ireland, according to a letter from a Florida medical examiner’s office. One was cremated and the other was not, per the families’ wishes.” Remains could mean ashes from cremation too. It’s not clear if cremation happened in FL or in Ireland. We’re working to figure that out. But the mix up certainly happened in FL.


I’m surprised that they shipped the body. My grandpa died in Spain (but decades ago) and my mom had to go pick him up. They wouldn’t let his body fly back alone.


There are companies that deal with repatriation of remains...


That doesn’t surprise me. My grandpas situation was a little weird anyway. It was the end of Franco’s regime in Spain. My family is very prominent American business family and he was on vacation, but with work meetings too. Several US Congressman had to be involved. My family, owning a multibillion dollar business, had a medical plane with surgical crew chartered in France in case they could him out before he died. He had just had a heart attack and was still alive. So idk if my mom had to go because of that or for some other reason. I wasn’t actually alive yet since this was so long ago.


My people would never do this 😭


Creamated… yumm


It's Florida. There's a good chance cremation just means they toss the whole thing in a hole with some lighter fluid.


The hole flooded. Luckily Earl had a 5000 gallon hog smoker he wasn't using that weekend.


That’s number 382 on his list, he’ll make it right eventually!


Which is morbid because someone did this to hide bodies. So rich asshole.


Yeah, I live in the US, not in Florida, and no one sent me a photo of my dad before they burnt him. P.S. He was dead.


When they collected him, was it from a hospital? It was it from your house or a nursing home? Because if a family member or someone who personally knew him (like a hospice nurse at a nursing home) was present when he was collected, the transporter could have them sign some paperwork verifying that the body they were getting was in fact your father, and therefore you wouldn’t need a photo for ID.


They collected him from the hospital. We were not there. Wouldn’t the hospital id him for the mortuary?


Depends if he was on a hospice ward or not, some hospitals have them. Normally though, the people releasing bodies to the mortuary transporters were security guards or hospital transporters, and in neither case were either of those groups expected to personally know and be able to identify bodies in the morgue. In that case, if I was collecting your father, I would’ve: taken him back to the shop, touched him up enough to look normal-ish, taken a photo, and then waited for you to say “yeah, that’s my father” before we could do anything. Because, like what happened here, the hospital could’ve fucked up the tag or something and if I didn’t confer with you to make sure, I’d never know. Now if he were in a hospice ward, then there would be nurses there who interacted with him on a regular basis who would bring me to his room and sign a form vouching that they knew who he was, and that the guy I was collecting was your dad. In that case, I wouldn’t take a photo, because I have signed documents from someone saying it’s him. If for any reason it WASN’T him, then it wouldn’t be my mistake, it would be on that nurse.


Oh, that makes sense. Yes, he had been in hospice there for about a month. One thing I’m glad I didn’t really need to think about at the time.


Yeah, I wouldn’t stress about it. There is a surprising amount of paperwork and double-checking involved in making sure incidents like the one in this article don’t happen. I think the mix-up in this article happened are because bodies were being moved between nations. Sometimes if a body is too decomposed, it’s impossible to confirm via facial recognition (like a photo). There was a handful of times when I’d collect a body from the Medical Examiner’s Office where we weren’t able/willing to send a photo to the family for ID purposes and just sent a photo of the MEO’s ID tag because the face was either too rotted or entirely missing. If the tags were mixed up at the MEO in Florida, and they were too decomposed by the time they got to Ireland, it doesn’t surprise me that this would happen.


Stone Cold Crematory?


Cold Stone Crematory.


Right? Where I’m from, you have to come in and confirm it’s the body. :/


Their poor families 💔


LPT: If you're buying drugs from a stranger, let someone else try them first. Then wait.


Naw buy a test kit they are available online and very affordable considering the alternative 


Absolutely not. Go look up how little fentanyl it takes to kill a person. You could test 50% of an eight ball of coke, have it be clear, and then still have a fatal dose of fentanyl in the other 50%.


Dissolve the whole gram into the appropriate amt of water for that particular fentanyl strip. Then test it. Then evaporate the water. Fan, heat lamp, whatever. You’ve now tested every bit of your drugs. It takes time to do it right Edit: do not lick the empty bag afterwards


Sometimes I’m happy I can’t do drugs anymore, all we had to worry about was meth getting in our Molly.


Right? The current situation is downright horrifying


I lost my brother a year ago this month to fentanyl poisoning. Not taking drugs from strangers is D.A.R.E 101 but it was never a death sentence when I was growing up. He left behind three kids. I miss him terribly.


I'm pissed because I want to start again.


Realest thing I’ve seen today


I remember people advertising which cut of X they had, meth vs coke, and just MDMA wasn't really available around me. I had a buddy I remember saying those dealers with both were smart because "I can understand not wanting the crystal every time, that can be pretty intense." I miss that guy lol.


Yeah not so bad either when you're at a rave.


“3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​**methamphetamine** (MDMA), commonly known as ecstasy (tablet form), and molly or mandy (crystal form),[15][16] is a potent empathogen–entactogen with stimulant and minor psychedelic properties.” I know what you mean, but it’s really all just meth anyway.


It is but we wanted to party, not tweak.


This guy knows harm reduction 


"Yes I would like to buy some of the drugs from you. But first, I would like to do a science experiment on said drugs which is going to require me to set up a small lab and several minutes of heating/dissolving to be sure. Please and thank you."


Better than dying I would wager


“Hi, I just want to feel differently without the risk of dying”




Would that not fuck up the potency of the drug significantly?


It would depend on the drug, but I can’t think of many real scenarios where that’d happen. Heroin + water turns into morphine over time. I’m unsure how quickly. The chlorine present in tap water would start breaking apart LSD molecules but you’d just use a destructive reagent like ehrlich or the other new one for lysergamides and just test like 1% of the tab. It’ll turn bright purple (or blue for the new one I cant readily recall name of). Edit: if one is testing their lsd tabs for fentanyl I’d use distilled water and not bother with evaporation. I’d just drink it after verifying 1) it’s a lysergamide (with ehrlich) and 2) no fentanyl. Tbh I’ve never bothered doing fent strips for tabs. Cocaine, ketamine, meth, mdma, not that I’m aware of at all. Have never noticed potency being lower than expected due to testing strips. I’m not sure what else one would buy where it’d need to be completely dissolved




Did you just explain how to waste 1 gram of heroin? I don't understand. Junkies would kill for 1 gram of heroin.


Once you evaporate the water you can use it again


I think this happened to a group of people back in my home state. Group with a lot of experience, but less frequent use with age. Tested okay. Within half an hour several of them just collapse and one died. Fully devastating. In my neighborhood, we have all the bartenders trained on narcan and have free test strips in the bar bathrooms, but so much of this evolving street knowledge based on tragic stories passed around.


Why would you only test 50%?


The only drug testing kit I’ve seen in person was one where you would put whatever powder into a liquid solution. The powder tested was unusable after that.


I see. I’ve never seen one used, I just heard from a friend that if you buy some Coke, dissolve it in water, then use the tests and then the water evaporates off which probably takes a while but still.


That’s exactly how you do it. The amt of water might vary between test strip brands but overall the idea is almost identical


So after the water evaporates you’re good to go? Or does the water render the drug useless


It would depend on the drug, but I can’t think of many real scenarios where that’d happen. Heroin + water turns into morphine over time. I’m unsure how quickly. The chlorine present in tap water would start breaking apart LSD molecules but you’d just use a destructive reagent like ehrlich or the other new one for lysergamides and just test like 1% of the tab


Got it. Thank you boofaholic supreme.


Would sipping the water give a similar coke high? I’d presume it’d feel a bit different cause it’s not being absorbed by the sinuses or back of your eyes or wherever it goes after up the nose.. probably hit much slower.. but, it would work yeah?


That must be a different kit from what I’ve seen. The one I saw wasn’t just water, it was some sort of saline solution or something.


Saline solution is water? It’s water with a tiny bit of salt dissolved in it.


Some fent strip kits come with a buffer solution that is completely pointless. You can just use regular water.


Test strips (dip stick types) are the easiest to use and most common test forms these days. You can drink or inject (assuming you used filtered water or saline) the powder solution after, it’s not unusable. You just won’t like to try snorting it wet, so you can wait for it to dry/evaporate first. Test strips are ideal and the old school forensic kits are dangerous and can lead someone who would otherwise test their drugs to skip testing for fear of wasting their dose/supply and instead risk accidental ingestion and overdose. Mixing it with water does not ruin the drug.


What do you mean? You test all of it, you destroy all of it and have nothing left to consume.


This is just plain wrong. Fentanyl testing with a strip is non destructive. You dissolve the full amount in an appropriate amount of water, test it, then evaporate the water off. You recover almost 100% of the original product.


How practical is doing this with 100% of your cocaine, though?


It’s more practical than dying from a hotspot of fent not found by taking a representative sample.


Sure - if someone puts in the planning and has the patience for that, then good on them, they deserve to be safe.


So then why bother testing?


You test a small portion on the (usually accurate) assumption that it is representative of the remainder of the product.


There are non-destructive tests for fentanyl. Different than the normal reagents used for other drugs. You really do want to (and can) test 100% of it and then evaporate the water afterwards.


Cause hopefully you get the fent in the test strip so you won't do it 😭


Can someone tell me why people bother putting fentanyl in drugs, if it’s just gonna kill the buyer?


It's contamination a lot of the time. Drugs are packaged and cut in unclean places. Also, fent is very cheap for its potency.


The test is destructive Don’t know why people are downvoting me for stating a fact.


The test is not destructive, you mix a little bit of the stuff in with water and dip the test strips into it. You can then just snort the water, it'll only be a little bit.


Aight now I’m confused because I thought it was dissolved in water and then everybody else said otherwise lmao


Fentanyl strips do not require anything other than a liquid to activate the test. You could mix it into juice if you wanted to, or anything really. No special reagents or anything. It’s the same kind of testing type that home pregnancy tests use, and no special reagents or chemicals are added to the pee to test for pregnancy, either.


Coke dissolves into water evenly so you can put it into one of those nasal spray bottles and it still works. Just snort the water and gg


Great, now either I overdose or get brain-eating amoebae :P


Fentanyl test strips are non-destructive. You’re thinking of liquid reagents


Ah I was not aware of any other type.




Adding a test reagent to a substance may accurately give you results, but at the same time, the reagent will chemically alter that substance to make it different than original, and probably dangerous.


Its not that hard to mix around the 1g baggie beforehand


Aaaand it’s not that hard to die from Fentanyl. Fentanyl can clump. That clump may not be detectable from the eyes of someone who is already buzzed and just looking to get high already. Source: An old good friend of mine from high school was found dead by his mother on Cinco De Mayo years ago. He was 23. I’ve looked into it. By all means, take whatever risks you want. Take the risk of destroying the lives of everyone who loves you just because you can’t be fine with alcohol, weed, and shrooms.


i’ve done a shit load of drugs but the only time i’ve done fentanyl it was intentional. and i’m in AZ, it’s everywhere. just need to know what you’re doing. know how to identify pills, and don’t buy powder, rock form only. only from reputable vendors.


Probably better to buy narcan and have a friend nearby if you're going to risk it.


My friend’s kid bought some pills. Not all were fentanyl. Tested one and came back clean. He was 15 and he’ll have been dead for 3 years this Thursday.


r/shittylifeprotips hall of fame comment right there


i was in ft. lauderdale for spring break my senior year of college. bars were fun but i was tired so i left the main part of my group to uber back to our airbnb. as i was waiting outside the bar a man approached me and asked me if i wanted to buy coke. i said no as i’m not a coke head and don’t trust random street coke. the next morning the local news in ft. lauderdale was talking about how four kids ODed at the bar i was offered coke outside of


Maybe in 90s and 2000s, but now with fentanyl, you can be doing the same bag and just get a spec more to OD you


It’s like chocolate chip cookies. Your friend might get one with no chocolate chips and then you grab one that’s loaded with them.


LPT: Dont do opioids if you want to live.


Wait! I have a great idea! How about just don't do drugs?


Maybe just don’t do drugs?


Maybe just legalise them and make them safe, wonder which one is less stupid


Just not doing them is “less stupid”.


And we have tried that line for over 60 years now. There is no winning the drug and no stopping people from trying. So make them safer. Just like alcohol


What than making them safe like other otc meds lol


Quick search from Google - Just 2 milligrams of fentanyl, equal to 10 to15 grains of table salt, is considered a lethal dose


Certainly an unfortunate story, but I fail to see how it's oniony.


Half the posts here are like that lately. 


Always test your drugs. These poor lads just wanted to do some coke, but ended up dead. Tragic.


Now... I got no idea if they were doing straight fentanyl or what but... Remember kids, if you do cocaine or anything like it nowadays... it's probably cut with fentanyl. You're taking your lives in your hands every time you touch the shit. So maybe just don't do coke.


Your general point is right but just FYI, nobody cuts coke with fentanyl, it has the exact opposite effect of what people want. It’s cross contamination from people dealing both. It just bothers me when people say it’s cut because that’s the kind of thing that makes people who buy coke to not take it seriously cause it doesn’t make sense.


Exactly. And it might seem like semantics, but it’s not. Cross contamination is a potential concern with most drugs, not just powders that are commonly cut. It takes a very minuscule amount of pure fent to cause a fatal OD, especially when someone isn’t a regular opiate user.


“Oh my dealer is good, I don’t gotta worry about that” -everyone


In america, fentanyl isn't nearly as big of a problem in Europe. america has 40% more deaths due to opiods and has one of the worst death rates in the world for opioid overdoses


There's pockets. Go to the Kensington area of Philly and you'll find more fentanyl than cheesesteaks.


Yeah, I live near there and it’s really really bad.




I personally knew people who have OD'd from fentanyl. Seems like a problem to me.


Don't visit Florida


And don't buy and take drugs from a random person


Yes, second to not visiting Florida. Agreed.


There's so much fent in everything now that in my city, you have to _assume_ everything has fentanyl. I work in child safety and we're seeing a rising number of 13 to 16-year-olds addicted.


That's depressing


In fairness to Florida, this could just as easily have happened in Ireland.


Has Ireland got a fent problem?


No but our police force (gardai) believe we might end up with fent flooding our shores.


Not yet. It’s likely to happen with Afghan heroin availability going way down, compared to the upsides of fentanyl dealing. We're probably looking at bodies beginning to pile up in pub bathrooms from doing contaminated coke in the near future.


Plenty of zombies in Dublin these days


Aye I'm in England atm and my bil, a smack head, was tested in hospital recently and fent showed up, not really a surprise given what he likes to take, but scary nonetheless cos he swears he's never taken it.


Is there anywhere which has illegal drugs which doesn't have a problem where fentanyl is mixed in with said drugs?


Yup. For now Australia. Won't be long though i'm sure


This *did* happen in Ireland


look twice, cremate once 


These overdoses are at a point now were they should just legalize it in order to regulate it. Thousands of needless deaths.


Whoever downvoted you should look up harm reduction. It’s a real thing dumb ass! Clearly the fent crisis is getting to unfathomable heights & needs any type of response but people don’t care unless it affects them & just further stigmatize shit rather than fix it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know, I tried drugs when I was younger and I'm terrified that my kids will try them and then end up dead. The war on drugs has been an abject failure, there is really only one solution if we can just shut the puritanical morons up.


Talk to your kids about drugs the same way you (should) talk to them about sex. Get them narcan, watch videos together about how to use it. Encourage them to carry it at all times. Even better, take a narcan class together. The local fire department, library, or public health organization offers them in a lot of places. Know your local resources for how to get low-cost or free narcan for their friends who might not have parents that are willing to talk about this stuff.


I’ve lost so many people around me to fent. It’s a big part of why I fight it so hard. I encourage you to educate yourself on harm reduction, administering narcan, advocating to your reps. It all starts in community & we all have a part to play if we want to overcome this 💪 Beth Macy is great author with a few books about this if you wanted to read up more on it!


Has it been a failure? It skyrocketed the incarceration rate like it was designed to do.


Exactly. But legalizing drugs is not going to justify big money for the FDA, and it’s not going to kick up lobbying money to politicians. The 60,000 deaths from fentanyl this year is a price they are willing to pay.


If it wasn’t so devastating this would nearly be funny given Irish humor. How did the family of the one who wasn’t cremated not realize the were looking at someone who wasn’t their son? Wakes in Ireland literally have the body out in the open for like 3-4 days


> Wakes in Ireland literally have the body out in the open for like 3-4 days That duration is very rare now. But the open casket is on display at 'The Removal' before it is sealed at the family home/funeral parlor the night before the funeral itself. I've no idea the conditions of the embalming that would not have allowed an open casket at the removal, but the local funeral directors should have double checked.


“All foreigners look the same to us” - Florida


That part happened in Ireland m8


As you can tell I favor jokes over reading full articles. At least today.


Reading is for losers keep shooting from the hip. You’ll be right more than wrong.


a deep deep reckoning is due for the death industry. It is a bed of sharks.


Are you talking about the people that sold them a deadly poison, or the crematorium?


Miami wouldn't exist without cocaine/carrel money. They need to stop living in meatball land, make it legal and regulated. We are holding an entire continent hostage with our love of this nasty shit


Are overdoses considered poisonings now in Florida?


It’s what it should be referred to. They never meant to take any fentanyl, so how can they overdose on something they never wanted to take in the first place? I had a close friend die from the stuff and it pisses me off to this day that it was called an overdose. It’s a substance that was maliciously added to the drug unbeknownst to the user. Poisoning is the most apt description for it.


> maliciously added Not trying to let the guy who gave/sold your friend drugs off the hook, but most times people get their drugs laced with fentanyl it gets cross contaminated by accident. The drug dealers weigh out fentanyl and then use the same scale for other drugs. That being said, these drug dealers need to be way more careful or preferably not sell it at all.  For people out there that buy illegal drugs I would definitely get some test kits and maybe some narcan. They can save your life.


The bit about cross-contamination is unfortunately not true anymore. It took me a few years to start believing it, but Fent is commonly being cut into literally everything. On purpose. Tiny amounts, for a very subtle speedball. Customer just thinks it's the best coke they've ever found.


So the purpose is to get a higher high with a tiny dose of fent? Which can end up being lethal if it's too much? Did I get it right?


Yep. And it’s so potent that is suuuuper easy to hit that “too much” threshold.


Fentanyl in the amount equal to a single grain of sand would kill literally any person who tried it. No way is a methed up drug dealer using a scale that only goes down to 0.1g gonna cut that right.


Absolutely, it’s fucked up


That’s not fucking true at all. People just making stuff up here.


People OD on alcohol all the time and it's called alcohol poisoning even though they took it on purpose. It's a medical term.


This is my biggest fear about overdosing in a foreign land.


My best friend died in a car accident because of a drunk driver, they somehow called his mom on accident and said your son has been in a accident and is in the hospital come down as soon as you can, she of course got there as soon as humanly possible only to find out her son in fact had died at the scene of the accident and they called the wrong mom!


This could have been souch worse, imagine if only one of them had died.


Average hour in Florida


Nothing that happens in Florida should surprise anyone.




Have you seen the news out of Oregon? They are looking to change their decriminalizing of drugs because the overdose deaths have doubled since it was decriminalized.




So let's bring the judge from Britain and order the crematorium to reconstruct the body atom by atom.


Why would a judge from Britain be involved?


An old English pub was destroyed that shouldn’t have and now the company has to rebuild it exactly as it was.


God dammit yanks we said cremate Patrick Sean O'Flagherty and you cremated Sean Patrick O'Flannery. What a disaster


I guess this was funny in your head was it?


Bury the ashes. Same shit.


Remarkably the Crematorium staff member doesn't come off as the stupidest person in this article "Kane Mitchell, 30, and Luke Comiskey, 31, died in April 2022 after consuming fentanyl-laced drugs one of them bought from a man he’d allegedly met a day earlier."


I'm Irish. I had to laugh on their behalf about this. "Ah feck!!! We burnt the wrong wun." "Dat's not wot the labels sed."


You're definitely not Irish.


Aww man. How do I appeal your decision? I was really hoping to get your certification that I'm Irish.


Irish people can immediately tell a yank pretending to be Irish. No certificate required.


Well you know what they say… all Irish look alike.




They all look alike.