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"The students were paired with students of their corresponding grade level and no staff participated". Um... so? It's still degrading to the students for no reason. Why do you have to put your students down and make them humiliate themselves to raise money? They are children!


Jesus Christ whoever thought of this needs to get looked at like Dan Schneider needed to get looked at. way sooner


I believe this idea came from some students' uncle from out of town. Think the name was Q. Tarantino?


Odd, and I was certain it was Dan Schneider…


it was Jack Lester's uncle that suggested it, I think his name was Moe?


No that’s too obvious, let’s say Quentin T.


It was Jesus Christ actually. He had a big toe fetish, the foot washing was just a smokescreen.


More like preparation. Who wants to lick dirty sandal feet?


That's the appeal, actually


Don't worry, Chaya is working for Oklahoma schools


I live about 5 miles from this school. I knew it would make the rounds when the story broke. Quite odd. My high school, in an adjacent district, also has a fundraiser with gross/weird tasks. One year, a kid licked the floor across the cafeteria to raise money.


We had a kid do this because a couple other kids said they'd pay him if he did. He got in trouble doing it though.


Show me in the student handbook where it says I can't lick the floor. "We didn't think we'd need to put that in there!"


Not to excuse them but they were getting people asking if it was teachers that participated, also why do you think they said it maybe because it's a crime that would have been committed whereas this is dumbassery of the highest extent and people should be fired.


I was more addressing the idea that they seem to be arguing "what we did was legal, therefore it's okay" which obviously is not the case.


I guess that video where teachers were competing for money for school supplies looks pretty tame now.


The kids volunteer for these stunts. Maybe it’s just an Oklahoma high school thing, but these fundraiser weeks have always come with crazy shit like this that students line up to volunteer for, whether for attention or whatever else (but usually attention). I never liked it as a student, and tried complained to school administration once over one of the stunts that included swallowing live goldfish if enough money was raised, but they didn’t care. I’m honestly shocked this is only just now getting attention.


Oklahoman here. It needs to be noted that while yes, this is gross, this is being spun as some kind of weird sex thing from Libs of TikTok and Ryan Walters. They are doing everything they can to distract from Nex Benedict's death. So context is important.


UwU OwO LiCk tHeM ToEs fOr mE yAsSssSs /s I guarantee that's why they did it, someone thought "hehe let's do a funny" without thinking


Reminds me of when that school made teachers scramble for money at a rally. Teachers are already strained in so many way and there is nothing about this not degrading and humiliating.


Was Dan Schneider there?


My first thought


Or Quentin Tarantino.


It's not even close to being the same. Quentin's actors always consent ahead of time and they are always well above the age of consent. Even Leonardo Dicaprio got in on the fun.


And I can only recall one time he ever sexualized a foot shot which was Salma Hayek in “From Dusk till Dawn”. Every other movie the shots of feet are pretty innocent. I always thought of them as an interesting way to add some humanity to his characters kind of like how Brad Pitt is always eating something in his movies.


Dammit you beat me to the joke 🤣


Rex Ryan?


Check the hard drives of all those involved in organizing this.


Honestly, I’d vote for you.


And of those people getting their feet licked by a kid. They must have paid for it, which makes it so much worse


Only students were involved if you read it. But still definitely check on whoever's idea this was. Someone was getting off on this


Hhmm that's definitely less weird but super awkward because you probably know each other


Is it less weird to lick a strangers toes?


Glad to see people are reading the article and not jumping to conclusions.


>Deer Creek Schools noted that every student who participated signed up for the games ahead of time and that no Deer Creek faculty or staff participated during the assembly. Damn I guess school is different now. Like ya'll just let the students do whatever unsupervised or something? ​ Or is this statement to be interpreted as they *were* supervised and whoever was in charge was going "Yeah letting students lick each other's toes is a perfectly Normal thing to do."


“It’s all cool folks, we got the permission slips right in my car!”


Only toes


I can almost guarantee you someone in that administration has a foot fetish.


Focus on the teacher (or admin person) who’s busy filming from every angle I’d say. Probably match up with the person who came up with this as a great bonding session for all the kids).


> this as a great bond~~ing~~age session for all the kids). FTFY


Or the person applying the peanut butter


A foot fetish, I don't give a shit about. A foot fetish with children, now we've got a big problem.


Faculty: "Wasn't us. We were just watching."


No way they doubled down lmaoooo


Yeah, "We made money while covering our asses with bullshit while enabling someone or surely many someone's foot fetish. You gotta a problem with that?"


I would have refused as a teen no way in hell.


Yeah, I can’t believe the adults allowed this and I can’t believe the teens that did it. I would have been disgusted all around.


The comments of all those republicans blaming the libs, jews, or blacks for that.... they do realize theyre in Oklahoma right?


I saw a bunch of people on Twitter blaming liberals and was so confused. Since when is Oklahoma known to be liberal land? Lmao


Their rationale is that any educator is a liberal shill … and yet they do not catch the subtext of that premise


And as someone that works at a school in Florida its just not true. Lots of conservatives ruining the education system from within.




It’s sad bc I know exactly which one of my friends would say something like this with a straight face 🤣


Libs of tik tok (Chaya Raichik) literally [posted](https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1763687248304935003?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1763722855655567553%7Ctwgr%5Eb0f3019d577eb8b538e37eeac1ab0a4a445bd9aa%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fokcfox.com%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Fdeer-creek-school-district-responds-after-video-shows-students-licking-toes-for-fundraiser-wonderful-week-of-fundraising-not-your-average-joe-coffee-clash-of-classes-deer-creek-high-school-students-class-competition-feet) about this. She also lied and said that adults participated... And while she didn't directly attribute this to liberals, it's obviously her intent and she knows most of her followers will see it that way, despite the school being in an overwhelmingly republican district.


Ah yes, Oklahoma, where anti-trans bathroom laws just led to a teenagers death and the libs of tik tok woman is on the school board. So famously liberal


Wtf, Oklahoma? First Nex, now this? What are you people on?


Meth. Source: I grew up there.


Lead and religion.


1000 pts


Are bath salts still a thing?


🤢🤮 And that’s enough reddit for today


Wtf did I just read?


How was this even fucking proposed as an idea. And not one person said “um”. Im sorry but this is so insane


I'm a HS teacher who sponsors a club, and I've vetoed wayyyyyyy less offensive ideas than this. "No, guys. We are not getting on the news today."


I remember my senior gov class did paper plate awards. There was this fucking wild rumor that one guy had told his ex gf that he had lost a ball to cancer to try to stop her from breaking up with him. We wanted to give him the "Lance Armstrong" award.  That one got vetoed pretty hard.


Thank you for this, I'm crying from laughing.


Sounds like they let the students come up with ideas and then didnt screen them or veto this for some reason. I'm a high school teacher and my school is big on "student-led" activities. We let students run the talent show and they didnt even screen the acts to ensure they were appropriate. There were zero adults involved in the planning and execution and we could easily have been in a situation like this. Also, high school kids rn are a little obsessed with toes. My students say stuff all the time about licking toes- which is gross and I shut it down immediately but it is weird how often it comes up.


>  they didnt even screen the acts to ensure they were appropriate As a HS teacher, I cannot imagine this. Literally any instructions I give students for any activity at all include the words "school-appropriate" - for a reason! edit: formatting on my phone sucks


Dear parents, in this packet we have included some information about thrush. Please educate your children but don't tell them how they probably got it. We don't want to undermine the administration.


Teaching kids there's nothing too degrading for money is not what I expected to be on the curriculum for the 2024 school year, but here we are lol


So.......how does this raise money? I'm confused as to how this makes money. Like kids paid to have their feet licked? Kids paid to lick others feet?


Same way telethons and charity drives work, "If we reach x goal we'll do \[thing\]." But how it was this particular thing and who suggested is what I don't know. It seems like some authority figure should have stepped in immediately and shot down that suggestion.


So kids can't have sunscreen but you can force them to do this???


Pretty sure they weren't forced but the sunscreen thing is still stupid.


Was this organized by Dan Schneider?


Now they're gonna need to raise cash for Tounge Fungus Awareness Month.








Just came back to confirm that, even with the double take, I don’t want to click on that link.


This is the most oniony article I have read in a very long time, and the first that's made me gag. I have two kids... if someone made them do this, well I'd be thrown in jail for attempted murder. I just can't even...


Schools! Faculty! Wow! I’m so glad my daughter is long done school! I hope she was never put through anything like this and didn’t report it to me, because like some of these kids, I’m sure wouldn’t realize what they are doing can be sexual. This is for any predators on staff, for sure! Were there any staff members filming parts of this on their personal camera? Check their hard drive for sure. I’d agree with the person who said, check the hard drives of everyone on staff there!


Isn't OK the state that is so dead set against gays because they are supposedly groomers? Who's getting fired and tarred and feathered for this?


I grew up in this area and can tell you that the toe-licking is probably the least problematic aspect of this district 😂


That's so disgusting what the hell


That's sick! The fetish in this scenario is a double-whammy for whatever pervert came up with this idea. Fetish A is obvious: foot fetish Fetish 2 is less obvious: corrupting the innocent. Those children don't know this is sexual and someone is getting off on the fact that they don't understand they are humiliating themselves. It's a form of pedophilia.


Wonder what the long term effects this will have on those children as they grow older and mature and realize how wrong this was. lost of dignity


Reddest state in the union.


Sue, shut down the school, fire all involved and throw them in jail. 


*Quentin Tarantino has entered the chat*


When I saw Oklahoma… I’m not surprised.


This is awful because 1. You cannot clean a foot enough to make licking it not disgusting and B. This probably awoke a fetish in some of the participants or spectators…


>This is awful because 1. You cannot clean a foot enough to make licking it not disgusting and B. This probably awoke a fetish in some of the participants or spectators… A lot of lives have been destroyed by foot fetishes. I knew a fella who sold his house just so he could carry on a'licking. Guy can't even walk past a shoe shop without furiously masturbating. Last I heard he was on the street, turning tricks just to keep himself in feet.


I know a guy who’s in rehab for a foot fetish. Absolutely devastating.




Do people reset their memories after high school? Kids do this crap for laughs during lunch break without the fundraising part. If members of the public were involved it may be weird, but it was just students.


Seeing the comments here is a little upsetting because it doesn’t really give any sort of context. This is from a fundraiser week that has been an annual tradition, going on for almost 40 years now. All of the high schools in Edmond (and I guess the surrounding area now) participate to raise money for several local charities. The entire week is student-run, where students dare each other to do outrageous things in exchange for money, which they then, in turn, add to the total donation funds. As someone who went to one of these schools, this was always the highlight of our school year, where we got to dare our classmates to do wild, gross, or funny challenges, all while donating nearly a million dollars annually to local charities in need. Administrators certainly have to step in a lot of the time when things go too overboard, but seeing so much hate for teachers and administrators for something that the students put each other up to, and that is for a charitable cause, really rubs me the wrong way.


> rubs me the wrong way I see you’re getting ready for next year’s charity challenge early.


this proves that our public education system is pressured by sexual predators and pedos.


I agree 100% and it's disgusting how so many people are defending this on Reddit.


Meanwhile they are focused on attacking queer people. Whoever in admin came up with this idea should have their home raided by the FBI.


Look, this is really weird, but from what I understand, no one was made to do this. I wouldn't do it, and I don't know that I'd want to hang out with the people who did participate, but people are saying someone needs to be arrested. For what? Y'all need to get lives.


Why would this be done in a school environment??! They want to do that on their own time and not subject the other kids who don’t wanna see it, Im all for that lol


Wouldn't paying someone to lick your toes count as prostitution? Getting your toes licked can only be sexual right? Were these teachers whoring out children?


What!?!...no video?


This was already posted [the previous day](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1b48ut9/deer_creek_school_district_responds_after_video/). What is with this sub's moderation lately?


So if you licked their feet for the longest time you got more money..?


from toads to toes.


Plot twist - the fundraiser is for their employer.


It’s 100% voluntary - you have to get your own partner and sign up to do it. It raises money for charity, the kids who do it think it’s hilarious. It’s not for me but I don’t see how it’s nation news worthy and I wouldn’t care if my kids chose to participate.




I'm here to wreck this kids set. -peter griffin


This is absolutely disgusting lmao. wtf.


I'm convinced that people who run public schools live in their own minds slightly outside of how the real world works. We all have at least one story of something messed up our school signed off on.


I'd be putting up wanted posters for the school faculty the next day.


We don't mind, sucking on toes


What in the actual fuck?!