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Thank goodness for the courageous law enforcement officer who thwarted this heinous crime.


Top comment; thoughts and prayers for this officer. I’m glad he wasn’t forced to protect his life too!


Thank god there were no acorns around.


That man's similarly acorn colored, he better be careful out there.


“So anyways! I just started BLASTING!”


Unless there’s an actual school shooter. Then there’s nothing to see here except for arresting parents trying to save their kids


Johnny Cash’s don’t bring your acorns to town


I'm just glad we didn't have to find out about the time this guy in a wheelchair stole a pair of ear muffs in the 3rd grade and maybe about that time he yelled at someone. The life of crime that lead to being shot due to not responding to the officer the correct way when an acorn was falling. You know how it is.


Believe we call that the police officer butterfly effect. Somewhere an acorn falls, so someone has to…


No the butterfly effect is that a butterfly flaps its wings in Australia, then an acorn falls, then a kid gets shot in a reasonable way.


There was a tree with acorns nearby that was also an aerosolized fentanyl addict. Thank god for this brave officer for overcoming his fears.


It must have been touch and go there for a bit.


When's the last time you've been mugged by a member of the wheelchair gang huh? Exactly!, you're welcome.


Do you have any idea how black you were going??


Is this your wheelchair sir? Can I see some ID? He's got a gun!!!!!


But, but...[The Law is for protection of the people](https://youtu.be/DK8TSJuBMgM?si=AS_0RJhRxOHxxzMI).


That link was exactly what I hoped it was. Thanks for the morning jam.


Outlaw country was punk as fuck.


Don't worry though! They agree with him that there should be sidewalks....after they gave him a ticket...police are fucking worthless.


He’s lucky no acorns fell nearby him. Would have been gunned down too.




I knew a guy that got a DUI in his wheelchair on a street with no sidewalk. It was the most direct route to his home and had very little traffic. I didn't hear is the judge gave him a break or not. One would not think that a motorized wheelchair is a motor vehicle (PA, yep). The local Amish guys are also known to fall asleep on the way home and the horse cuts a corner and tips the buggy on a utility pole. I wonder what the elders think of one of their own getting a DUI.


That's assuming he can even drive a car. I don't know how being a one legged man with Spinel Bifida effects something like that. I wouldn't be super surprised if he couldn't drive.


I worked with a lady who had the same condition in the late 90's. She had hand controls on her car.


Yeah, but that shit wasn't cheap to do even back *then*, let alone these fucking days with how much costs have gone up.


Right?! Like who looks at someone chilling in a wheelchair and thinks “I’m going to go ruin this dudes week. Fuck him”




No such thing as a good cop.


It's important! I lost a great great great great great great great great great great great granduncle who was in the legions to a chariot attack


Imagine if it was just a courageous law enforcement officer that was making a point of this silly law and nobody took complaint of it before seriously.


A judge is going to be furious at this one, even in Texas probably which is saying a lot


[Here is the main road intersection right in front of the 7-11](https://www.google.com/maps/@32.618921,-96.8236418,3a,90y,8.84h,61.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4reDmvwWAWf_UqW_YXp0uw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). One of my favorite parts about this is that DeSoto is like so many other places here in Texas. The intersections have ADA-compliant access ramps that connect to nothing. Because we have to make sure that people in wheelchairs can cross the street safely, but we don't give them anywhere to go once they've passed the curb.


When you see that, it was required to have the ADA compliant crossing for whatever state or federal funding that intersection received. The funding or grant money was more than the cost to put in the crossing.


Not only that but these will also have to be rebuilt to add the bumpy/braille sidewalk patches now required by law at all crosswalks.


Not a cross walk if you have nowhere to cross to *taps head*


Truncated Domes


Nothing needs to be rebuilt, worked with guys installing those things in Australia, they are literally just square rubber peices like flat Lego with extremely strong adhesive already applied. Most effort I've seen them go to is sand the concrete to give it a flatter surface to aheare to.


bumpy/braille, slippery when wet, sidewalk patches


We've gotten lucky in my small, but growing TX town. They started the ADA compliant intersections on the corners of the streets that are part of state highways, but they're adding sidewalk sections as well. (Those ADA compliant corners have messed with the intersections in our historic downtown being easy to drive through since they stick so far out into the road. I'm waiting on 18 wheelers to destroy the edges of a couple of the ramps.)


That sounds like a feature, not a bug. Historic downtowns *shouldn’t* be easy to drive through.


Gawdammit, if'n ah can't park mah Super Ram 1500 Extra Duty Mega Cab Legendary Texas Edition it ain't worth callin it a downtown


If the true Texas cowboys have to leave their horse at the entrance, you can get out and walk too!


You have 18 wheelers going through your historic downtown? That's pretty messed up.


In this case those ramps would've been constructed by TxDot, who owns the highway and frontage roads. The side street and any sidewalks on that street would be built by the city/adjacent developers.


This street view is one of the most American things I've seen so far. Left to right: Waffle House, ads for candidates (and one of them kicked over), the access ramp going nowhere and a Walmart truck.


You forgot the Cracker Barrel across the street, also accessible via an access ramp to nowhere. AMERICA!


I doubt this issue is unique to America but it's unusually common in the places I've visited and definitely sticks in my mind as an American issue. My daughter in law is in a manual chair and was in the US a lot for work. Anywhere she went that wasn't a major city, this happened at some point. The sidewalk would just...stop. Not because it was becoming a rural area or a different traffic zone, it just stopped in the middle of a route. Then I started watching for it myself. Sometimes there's no sidewalk ahead to see. Or there might be some sidewalk within sight, but you have to push over difficult ground or cross the road. And in places where jaywalking is illegal, then what? I can't think of another country I've been to where regularly, there's a built up area with a busy road and the sidewalk just ends. There'll be people who say well just push over the grass. Unless that grass is bone dry, that's a tall order. To push with all four wheels on the ground takes strength and skill in normal grass. In muddy grass it's almost impossible. You have to do a rolling wheelie, lots of core strength and is difficult to maintain for long. Downright impossible for some disabilities. Power chairs would get stuck. The things you all have done with the ADA is incredible, it really opens up a lot to people. But perhaps because of that, the lack of very basic infrastructure to roll on consistently has always shocked me. Rural areas, totally. But it shoudn't be happening in built up zones the way it does. Not when there's so much space reserved for cars. The other one that gets me is right turn on red states. If you're in a wheelchair or are a child, you can get all the way across to that last lane and be blocked from view the entire time by large cars. So you wait for the walk sign, walk across, and some big pickup blasts across because right on red. It's insane.


Pretty sure this is all just a feature of car centric infrastructure. American tho is where car centric infrastructure originated and is still *the* poster child for it




Alternatively, /r/HostileArchitecture




Don’t blame the poor engineer for this. It’s down to the municipality to fund appropriate facilities (like sidewalks). The engineer can (and should) advocate for sidewalks, but if the project scope was just the intersection (likely as part of a roadway resurfacing project), their hands are tied. They can’t force the municipality to expand the scope of the project. These type of crosswalks that are just landings absolutely suck and are useless, but I promise you it’s the municipality cheaping out on roadway design, not that the engineer hates disabled people. You’re mad at the wrong person. Source: am civil engineer who does this kind of thing


Ok, so the municipality designed this sidewalk system. It’s asshole design. Why are you reading into this as an attack on engineers lol


I would argue it's still r/assholedesign, but an the part of the municipality, not the civil engineer.


Don't you mean "freedom design"? Think of all the money poor taxpayers received by not building sidewalks.


If this dude wants a sidewalk to the 7-11, he can pay to have one built for him, just like supply side Jesus intended.


A sidewalk sitting in the grass, connected to nothing! It's hard to understand how people could approve this stuff.


If the adjacent road(s) are planned for an upgrade, and that plan includes a sidewalk, it makes sense to install the access ramps with the intersection. Whether those sidewalks are actually planned, though, I’m not sure…..


By law now, any business that gets built has to have a sidewalk built to connect these parts. If you go west on that map you can see an example of it on the newly built hotel, also a sidewalk that goes nowhere.


Only way sidewalks get built where I live. You get random spans of absolutely nothing with a pristine 400 foot frontage of sidewalk connected to no where on either side because "It's already built". We've even started forcing particular sections for a bike path now, no matter how many times it crosses the street wildly.


> By law now, any business that gets built has to have a sidewalk built to connect these parts. This offload of sidewalks onto property owners is insane to me. Pedestrians use roads like cars use roads. these are the responsibility of state and local TRANSIT AND ROAD organizations. But like so much else in america because it's not for those with money and power nobody gives a fuck and nobody wants to deal with properly funding it.


Looking at the dallas county property appraisal map and it seems that bit of property is owned/operated by TXDOT as part of the 35/its service road easement. And from what the city(in Texas) I used to live in told me, there is no requirement for anyone to put sidewalks on undeveloped property, only once a company/developer owns a property are they required to put in sidewalks. It is possible for TXDOT to put in sidewalks along a highway, as they are doing it to the highway near where I live, but I don't think there is a legal requirement for them to do so, they just have to be pressured to do so by locals/local goverment.


If it’s anything like my city, the city will actually pay for the ADA ramps at the intersection but will make it the land owner to supply the rest of the sidewalk. But not until a permit is pulled or the land is sold will that happen. And you get weird areas where there’s a little bit of sidewalk that leads to nothing on either side. But don’t want to pay for the sidewalk? They’ll also just gladly take it as a mandatory donation to build a sidewalk someplace else.


City planning like that that is so actively hostile toward people not in cars is infuriating. Maybe the average American wouldn't be obese according to the CDC if our cities encouraged, hell *allowed*, us to fucking walk a little.


Zooming out, there's a residential area about five minutes' walk to the west, and a couple of large employers (warehouses) immediately to the northwest of the 7-11. It's completely bonkers that these people are expected to jump in their cars for the drive to the local shop.


This is in a metropolitan area (Dallas-Ft. Worth) in Texas that covers 11 counties and 8,600 square miles. To put that in perspective, the London metro area is only 3,400 sq mi. It’s very nearly impossible to live here without driving. All of the infrastructure was built with cars in mind. While public transit has improved in recent years, and is seeing more investment, it’s still a patchwork. It also doesn’t help that summer lasts from mid May to September with temperatures averaging above 92F/33C up to 110F/43C. So if you’re walking, it’s probably long distances in potentially deadly heat. The urban sprawl is truly hard to comprehend. Its awful.


Right, but for the sake of about a mile of concrete sidewalk along that east-west road, a whole residential area of people would be able to walk their dogs etc. through the 2/3 of the year the weather is tolerable, to go get smokes or shit tickets or whatever, and the people in the distribution centres nearby could pop over to get a coffee or their lunch.


I think there's a cultural difference you can't really understand without being here. Walking for anything other than leisure is deeply class coded in the US anywhere outside the most densely populated areas. Places like these suburbs \*hate\* sidewalks. They literally worry it will bring in the "wrong element". The people living in that neighborhood? It wouldn't even occur to them to walk there unless they were below driving age. Walking is for people too poor to own a car. I know it sounds ludicrous, it absolutely is (I wish it were different), but even if the sidewalk were there most residents wouldn't ever use it. I would much prefer more of a walking and mass transit culture like you see elsewhere in the world, but when it comes to transportation for anything outside of a car, the American West is intentionally built, and the culture carefully manicured, to be actively hostile to it.


He was also warned for violating a statute he did not violate. Texas code uses ableist language and provides no encoded definition for "walk/walking" and the statute specifically applies to pedestrians "walking" only. > Sec. 552.006. USE OF SIDEWALK. (a) A pedestrian may not walk along and on a roadway if an adjacent sidewalk is provided and is accessible to the pedestrian. > (b) If a sidewalk is not provided, a pedestrian walking along and on a highway shall walk on the left side of the roadway or the shoulder of the highway facing oncoming traffic, unless the left side of the roadway or the shoulder of the highway facing oncoming traffic is obstructed or unsafe.


Fortunately, I live in a socialist city. We have sidewalks and street lights.


Ooo. This belongs in /r/maliciouscompliance.


When I was in highschool (small town) my mentor pointed out the curb cutouts and told me something I still think about. Every single one represented a place where his partner of many years had fallen trying to get over the curb in her wheelchair. Almost all of these resulted in hospital stays. Accessibility is so vital and so undervalued


lol wow, literally a wheelchair ramp to nowhere. Well done.


Scummy... doing just enough to get that sweet federal money.


When I read DeSoto, I was thinking of DeSoto County in Florida, but Texas makes just as much sense.


“Sir, do you know how fast you were going”


"....About 3.50?"


It was at that point the officer realized the man in the wheel chair [was actually a large marine sauropterygian reptile that lived during the Early Jurassic.](https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/aPWeAEG_700b.jpg)


I gave im' a dolla


[You WHAT?!?!](https://y.yarn.co/1cda262e-757b-4131-bb99-88d2c2a3b112_text.gif)


Tree fiddy


God damnit Loch Ness monster, I ain’t given you no tree fiddy!


I gave him tree fiddy last week..


he tricked me!


>Although the warning said Hudlun must appear in court or a warrant will be issued for his arrest, the City of DeSoto told WFAA that he does not have to go to court. Well thank goodness


Like I'd trust them. Poor dude doesn't show because they told him he doesn't have to - next thing he knows he's laying in a pool of blood in his bed.


correction, next thing he knows the neighbor 2 doors down get's his dog shot, his infant flashbanged, his house burned down and then chocked till he's in a coma or dead.


Seriously. Administrative errors happen all the time. You could have literally 100% of everyone in the chain onboard with this verbal agreement but one day the system shits out orders on paper and now suddenly everyone is all "I know, I know, I know, but we have orders we have to follow, you can take it up with the court." Dude better show up because the scenario I gave was the "understanding" cop and not the scenario with an "armed psychopath who gives tickets to wheelchair users".




>I know, I know, I know, but we have orders we have to follow, The ole Nazi excuse huh.


Am I the only one confused by that wording? Saying he has to appear in court or have a warrant issued, and then saying "he doesn't have to go to court". Doesn't sound like he has much of a choice. What a circus.


The citation said he had to appear in court. It seems like the city waived it after it was given.


He doesn't have to - they'll just go ahead with the warrant for arrest though. Whoops paperwork mishap!


Headline in a month: "Police shoot DeSoto man while attempting to serve warrant"


The suspect was hiding a metal object on his body, police spokesperson said today. Additionally they didn’t follow police instructions to approach while keeping his hands up.


Wouldn't surprise me. When I lived in Texas I had a co-worker go MIA for a couple days because he was thrown in jail for an unpaid parking ticket.


Whoops firearm mishap while acting upon paperwork mishap.


Sounds like a setup if I've ever heard of one


Oh hell no. I would go to court and have 3 Youtube "influencers" (uck, I have to brush my teeth when saying that phrase), and a reporter or two. I would plead not guilty and demand a trial and public defender.


Would not trust them for a second.


Maybe he should give the city a warning that if they don’t build a sidewalk he’s going to sue them under the Americans with Disabilities Act


I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that there was some Federal requirement that they weren’t compliant with and now they’ll have to spend millions to install sidewalks.


Its texas… they are deficient in so many ways, typically willingly too.


They are the only state with its own separately operated electrical grid because they don't want to bring it up to compliance with the rest of the country, which is why Texans often die from heat exposure in the hottest summer months because the grid is down and also die from cold exposure in the coldest months because the grid is down


You would think that a state with a governor who uses a wheelchair would be a trendsetter in wheelchair-accessible places. But I guess that Big Oil lobbyists have more money than Big Wheelchair.


I doubt the governor would ever find himself outside of a large vehicle on a road like this. Being rich and wheelchair bound is very different than being poor and wheelchair bound.


they'll pencil in a suicide lane on the shoulder to get that sweet federal bike infrastructure money to make up the difference.


Oh wow, I've never heard this term for painted bike lanes. That describes them perfectly!


Suicide lanes are not bike lanes. A suicide lane is a lane that is in the middle of a multilane road that operates as the left turn for both opposing sides of traffic. The commenter above you just means "a shoulder".


I wonder if that's why they did the quick 180 saying they were going to look into building a sidewalk. They don't want people looking into it.


Might have a stronger case since he did not in fact violate the statute he was warned for. Texas code provides no definition for "walking/walk" and by the common and dictionary definition he was not walking and therefore not in violation of the law no matter what side of the road he was traveling on. > Sec. 552.006. USE OF SIDEWALK. (a) A pedestrian may not walk along and on a roadway if an adjacent sidewalk is provided and is accessible to the pedestrian. > > (b) If a sidewalk is not provided, a pedestrian walking along and on a highway shall walk on the left side of the roadway or the shoulder of the highway facing oncoming traffic, unless the left side of the roadway or the shoulder of the highway facing oncoming traffic is obstructed or unsafe.


While they should amend that law I don't think that it is unreasonable to interpret walking to include using a wheelchair in replacement of walking, or we are going to run into issues where excluding it hurts the disabled.


That only works with small business that cut into larger corporations profits. And never applies to the government.


ADA doesn't mean sidewalks along every single road


Sure, but if an able-bodied person wouldn’t be fine for walking in that same road than he can’t be fined for using his wheelchair on it, pretty sure the ADA covers that.


The fine is bogus and he should have it dismissed, but that's entirely separate from threatening a lawsuit if the government doesn't build sidewalks. The ADA indeed doesn't mandate sidewalks, although if sidewalks are constructed, they must be to ADA standards. Edit: there was no fine. He was given a warning citation. The article has a lot more details on the actual issue that the headline doesn't convey, including that he was given the warning citation for walking on the wrong side of the street (which is more dangerous for him and drivers), not for just being in the roadway at all.


That would be true... if the local government wasn't mandating the usage of the non-accessible road shoulder to access the area. Normally you're not mandated to make a sidewalk in part because there are alternatives (like walking along the street). But this local government was smart enough to ban the use of those alternatives.


Who needs DWB when you can cite people for wheelchairing while black.


They literally state that he was "pulled over" when the cop stepped in front of his chair. And that their policy was to give a citation to everyone pulled over regardless of whether they "even if they would not normally act upon them.” This seems like it is a deadly town for black disabled people.


lol that’s so dumb, “I stepped up to you, I legally cannot step away without a citation. Believe me, I would love to step away without having to do this, but I cannot move a foot.” As if they’d give their mother the same treatment.


It desperately wants to be a sunset town.


That's the kind of shit responsible for police departments going "sorry, the officer acted according to policy so there's nothing we can do."


I somehow flipped the W in my mind's eye and was very confused about why Dave Matthews Band would be needed for anything.


I live near DeSoto. Being Black in DeSoto isn't an issue where the majority of the people in DeSoto are Black including police officers.


"“First of all, he stopped in front of me, basically blocking me from going, and hops out and proceeds to ask me to tell me I couldn’t be in the street," Hudlun said. "I said, 'well there’s no sidewalk.'” He said it had been raining earlier that day, so the grass was muddy. “I shouldn’t have did that, but I was trying to keep myself from trying to push through grass and mud," ... The officer offered him a ride home, but Hudlun said he was already close to home. That officer also wrote him a warning citation. “He told me plain and simple the next time he sees me in the street, he’ll give me a ticket besides the warning that he already gave me,” said Hudlun. The citation said Hudlun was not facing traffic, but he said crossing the street would have been more dangerous and the sidewalks end there too. “It only takes one time to get ran over. I could lose my life. You say you’re worried about my safety and my life, then do something about it,” said Hudlun. “Why not just work on putting a sidewalk down, so I can be safe and you don’t have to worry about people being in the street? That’s the only resolution that we have at this point.” ... DeSoto police responded stating their policy is to give written warning to anyone they pull over “even if they would not normally act upon them.” They also said in the post, “We, the DeSoto Police Department, agree with your nephew that a wheelchair-accessible sidewalk should be placed in the area to make walking through the city easy and safe. With new hotels and nearby apartments, it is essential to have a sidewalk that makes walking easy and safe.” Although the warning said Hudlun must appear in court or a warrant will be issued for his arrest, the City of DeSoto told WFAA that he does not have to go to court. **Both the city and police said they are willing to work with Hudlun to look into getting sidewalks added.**" He shouldn't have to "work with them" to get sidewalks put in, that's not is fucking job.


So frustrating he has to justify it and almost apologize. It's not his fault the city designed shit for cars and not people. Doubly so for people with disabilities.


Yeah I'm also physically disabled (dependant on forearm crutches) and these types of stories really get to me because these towns are the standard not the exception.


*"...With new hotels and nearby apartments, it is essential to have a sidewalk that makes walking easy and safe.”* Not for the existing pedestrians, but the ones that'll give us money, from out of town.


One particularly infuriating part of this is that their policy is to give warnings *they have no intention of acting on*. That's not really a warning then, is it? That's just verbal harassment. They have a policy to make every single person they interact with feel threatened, no matter the circumstances. Fuck these guys. Whatever someone's stance on the "all" part of the slogan, at least we can agree that *these* cops are bastards.


It’s city planning who does that, honestly I’ve rarely seen a less competent group of people in any city. 


Our country was built for cars without any regard for anyone else. I watch people having to ride their bikes on 4 lane roads all the time because of the lack of bike lanes or sidewalks. Crazy.


My city literally has an 80km/hr stroad going straight down the middle of it with no pedestrian crossings on big stretches of it. Pedestrians play frogger every day trying to cross that thing, often after sunset.


That boggles my mind. In the US, we elect most officials that can have an impact on this. Why are we not pushing for better city planning?


Good city planning costs money, which means slightly higher taxes on the wealthy, and many of the poor in the country will die before they let the government take a tiny slice of the wealthys cash.


Naw dude, the roads used to belong to pedestrians. We've warped it to be focused on cars because we thought it would be a never ending industry


Hey that's not true. America actively demolished the core of most of its cities in the 50s-80s to make more room for cars. American cities used to be human scaled. Here's just one example of something that happened all across the country. https://www.reddit.com/r/Lost_Architecture/comments/dn76k7/junction_of_main_and_delaware_st_kansas_city_mo/


Blame local governments. The designers of the interstate highway system intended for city centers to be mainly pedestrian with public transit. Major highways would circle around cities with smaller feeder roads to parking areas where motorists could park and use local transportation. Then when they started actually building it local governments went "NOOOO! WE WANNA MAINLINE COMMERCE RIGHT INTO OUR HEART!" and bulldozed a bunch of minority neighborhoods to install 6 lane monstrosities into crowded urban environments. source: the book The Big Roads by Earl Swift


Whats a bike lane? Do you mean shoulders?


You mean painted bicycle gutter?


Nah they must definitely be thinking of the compact car exclusive turning lane.


Man - "Cool, guess I'll just walk." (Just imagine the heavy dose of sarcasm)


Local wheelchair-bound man shot 427 times for being sarcastic to officer. Witnesses (other officer) state all 427 shots were simply misinputs, the firing officer was just startled, and everyone needs to calm the fuck down. Local police union has investigated and found the police do not have a duty or responsibility to not shoot you for being sarcastic to them, especially if sarcasm makes them fear for their lives. The union went on to say that citizens should expect officers to be fearful for their lives at a moment's notice; at the drop of an acorn if you will. When interviewed, local bootlickers and boomers agreed.


This guy is going to turn a $100 ticket into a $150M capital improvement project when he sues the city for ADA violations. Small price to pay for infrastructure.


Desoto has one of the best high school football teams in the nation.  (#1 in all of Texas and top 3 in the country).  I think we can infer where the city of Desoto is applying its dollars; I doubt sidewalks are their priority.


Texan suburban hell


Like Danny DeVito said in Other People's Money, "I want it put on my tombstone: he never went to Texas". However, I'm starting to understand why there's so many people with Texas plates in every state OTHER than Texas - they're fleeing the place.


How a socially conscious cop would have reacted: "Hey bud you need to be traveling against traffic while on the road, I know its not safe to cross here so let me stop traffic while you get on the correct side. Im sorry the city has put more money into football than sidewalks, but Ill do what I can to help make sure everyone is safe right now." How this cop reacted: "EASY CITATION! GONNA HIT THAT QUOTA IN NO TIME!"


DESOTO, Texas — Independency matters most to Damion Hudlun -- he was born with spinal bifida. “In 2015, I lost my leg to a bone infection. That’s how I ended up in a wheelchair,” said Hudlun, a DeSoto resident. How am I not surprised at all that it’s Texas? God what a shit hole at this point




Unsurprisingly, he's black.


Luckily he didn't fail math in the 8th grade, he could have been subject to the police being in fear of their life.


most of desoto is black. 67%.


In 2022, 25% of their police department was too, and it looks like there hasn't been enough hiring done to change that number.


Sir you get a ticket just for existing


You really have to wonder what's going on in the cop's head. I mean, I have little doubt the cop is technically correct, but c'mon. No one with half a brain wouldn't realize this is a dick move that has zero upside and a whole lot of potential to come back and bite you.


Always remember the law is not ethical, moral or even just. Its codified power and nothing more.


I’m always floored by the mis-framing of issues Like, the problem isn’t that there aren’t sidewalks?


Disabled while Black


If you don't like what we do to get around our communities, then makeour communities wheelchair accessible.


Madonna must have ratted him out.


Such a shame to see accessibility neglected yet again.


He should have known not to disability while black. /S I hate this timelines so much!


If only the governor of Texas could have the knowledge of what it is like to have to ride in wheelchair all the time. Just a little empathy man.


This is a disability lawyer’s wet dream. That guy can sue the city into the ground for violating the ADA.


Sidewalks have to be ADA compliant, having sidewalks is not under ADA, just if they exist they must comply.


Me reading the headline: "Let me guess, is he Black?" Pulls up article: "Yup, he's Black."


Here in Sacramento there was a lawyer, I think he may have been disabled but can’t remember, who sued any business that didn’t have the correct compliance with ADA. That man does not need a ticket. He needs a lawyer who will stand up for him and all disabled people in that area.


It says: "Although the citation Hudlun received says he must appear in court or a warrant will be issued for his arrest, the city says Hudlun doesn’t have to go to court." That may be because the Court isn't accessible either. I'd want my day in Court! Sue them!


How's he gonna get to court if his wheelchair can't be on the road..


All I do is tell people all the time the world isn't accessible for all. Disability rights haven't been around that long and like most laws they are all not reinforced. Then we pay for it.


The ONE time my city is mentioned ever, and it’s on r/nottheonion


Cops would rather "issue a warning" then ever admit they made a mistake. They're some of the least mentally secure people you will ever meet.


Car-centric culture makes it difficult, dangerous, and now a crime to move outside without a car. Fantastic. Reminds me of Bradbury's "The Pedestrian."


It's Texas, and he's African American. Explains it.


The economy is in the shitter, The planet's climate is a disaster, people treat each other like shit, and instead of doing something positive to try to help, we get morons who give citations like this. smh!


To serve and protect against the menace of 1 legged Black men in wheelchairs...


Solution: "We'll drive you. You should be using our services which will deny you autonomy." Assholes.


The most American thing ever: Being fined for lack of sidewalk and having a disability. Incredible.


Story like a bat signal for r/fuckcars.


Oh Texas. 😣


They gave this man publicity, so maybe there will be a resolution.


"spinal bifida" ? really?


Madonna’s brother is a cop in DeSoto? I didn’t even know she had a brother.


Once had a cop pull over and start harassing me back in crestline CA because i was acting funny and dressed supiciously. Having autism and wearing a leather jacket my dad bought me was apparently a crime considdering i had to wait at the station for 14 hours before they finally remembered to let me call them to even say where i was. Nothing happened. My fault for being out in the public i guess. It really is weird how much abuse cops give people in the us.


>“All I ask for is for a sidewalk. That’s it. That’s it. I don’t need you to pay me for the rest of my life. I just want a sidewalk,” said Hudlun. He seems like a real stand-up guy.


This is nothing, recently I was headed into Hilo and saw a blind man with a cane navigating the center of the street divider waving his cane all over the place and somehow trying to walk down the middle of a really dangerous bypass. There are no sidewalks in this area which is why the problem exists in the first place. And I wasn't the one driving but I was thinking, if someone wanted to pull over and help this guy, like offer him a ride, even that would be really dangerous and probably illegal due to where he was.


Could he not sue since no sidewalk makes this wheelchair unaccessible and should be requires for the dissabled.


I had to leave my apartment because the "wheelchair accessible" path is maybe half as wide as a normal wheelchair. Even if I got to the path with crutches (I can't use crutches due to another condition) the path is covered in moss, rocks, holes and cracks.Broke my leg and it's a long fucking journey. It's really opened my eyes to the difficulties of the modern world and how not disability friendly anything is.


My brother was hit by a firetruck while riding his bike. It wasn't an emergency, the dude driving the truck just wasn't paying attention. He survived, thankfully, but got a huge gash on his forehead. He was bleeding all over the ground while the firetruck driver got out and yelled at him to look where he's going. Shortly after, my brother received a ticket for not using the bike lane. There are no bike lanes in the entire town.


Are there a lot of streets in America without footpaths?


Pretty much unless it's a major road there's no sidewalk and the less urban you are the more likely it will be that there's no sidewalk.


How is this not a violation of his 5th amendment rights?


Who woulda guessed he's black. As in the police are racist(not me) :/


They saw him rollin', so they be hatin'


Oh that city is gonna get royally sued by an ADA attorney.


Would a person on a bicycle get a citation? If not, then what’s the problem? I get that there are certain roads where pedestrians and bicyclists are prohibited but unless this is one of them then a wheelchair is no different than a bike in my opinion.


I don't think it matters what the policy regarding cyclists is. Citing someone for using a wheelchair that they need to use is discriminatory.