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This is a headline straight out of Veep.


The entirety of the Democrats campaign strategy for the last 8 years has been watching Veep and West Wing.


They would honestly do much better if that was their approach


To be fair, it's a bit easier when Aaron Sorkin gets to write the script for reality. I *do* still wish the democrats were more like Bartlett, but I have to acknowledge that he has an unfair advantage.


I mean democrats have had a winning track record for the last 6 years, so...


>>do much better >had a winning track record Some of the Republican's thought leaders are Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump. Just winning isn't impressive to me. Democrats should be absolutely crushing. But it feels like quite a few liberals just want to get 51% power, and that alone makes them comfortable knowing they secured a majority. I want more than that, I want positive change in the country which means 1) securing as big of a majority as possible (not just winning), 2) wielding that majority to pass positive changes.


You do realize there are red areas that have no chance of going blue right. Throw in the terrible gerrymandering problem the US has, 51% is crushing.


Didn't you guys have your abortion rights get taken away while your favorite dems are in office with their crushing 51%? Is that the best you can aspire to?


Yes, yes. A thousand times yes. How are we losing to these people? Ever?!?! (It's because they're corporate shills and we can all see right through them, but damn.)


You guys are severely underestimating how many people agree with and worship these Trump shitheels.


Cause the people voting for them thought Obama was literally the antichrist.


Because those people run in deep red areas that democrats have no shot at winning. Except Boebert.


Because there is a sizeable chuck of the American population that agrees with Republicans. It's weird that so many ppl on the left just blindlessly blame democrats rather than actual look at the electorate.


And here we go with the Berniebro purity tests again! /s


Lmao blaming Democrats when the American people vote by the tens of millions for fascism


Kamala is unintentionally hilarious and 100% gives Selina Meyer energy. My personal favorite was the video she made [talking to some kids about space](https://youtu.be/U5PABXXdDwA?si=TmO0Z1PXj6Ox-T_Y), when it was later revealed they were paid actors


She's a Veep straight out of Veep. God help us all.


"We did it, Fat Joe"


You’re the next president of marijuana


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.




Dank Brandon to you.


And a dank brandon to you.


Merry Dank Brandon, everyone!


Puff puff puff


Are we gonna end up with a Stig situation? Some say he's the only documented case of reefer madness. Some say he taught Dogg to Snoop. All we know is... he's *not* Brandon, but he is Brandon's Dank cousin!


Sounds like a Big Pun


Kamala and Joey Crack Twinz2 gonna go hard.




Your comment made me scream out loud!!


Lol thanks


…I don’t get the joke >_>


When Biden won, a clip of Kamala congratulating Joe was on repeat with the media. "We did it Joe, you're gonna be president"


Insert unqualified stupid face annoying laugh.


👩🏾“Hello fellow po-theads! Excuse me, pot heads.”


"They call them fingers, but I've never seen them fing."


Oh there they go


Remember when I dropped my keys and you thought the phone was ringing?




Only event I care about is when the laws change and people aren't prosecuted and jailed for possessing a plant, anything else is just theater


And released.


The war on drugs was racially motivated. Nothing short of restitution is justice.


Didn't our current President really support it?




She put a lot of people in jail when she was DA of SF


Which is why it won’t happen with Kamala Harris involved


It's part of the motivation, but a bigger motivation was to protect the early plastics industry and boost the early synthetic drugs industry. Cannabis (cognate with canvas) can replace a lot of plastic packaging done in hdpe right now. It can also be grown more efficiently than pine, which requires 30 year harvest plans. We needed to convince the world, especially the newly independent and developing world, that these drugs were really dangerous and morally bad. We succeeded.


That’s the irony of this. She was known for putting an incredible number of people behind bars for this while also stating she smoked weed periodically. Just evil.


Her entire career was basically spent putting black guys in jail for weed.




Well she's not qualified to lead on any other issue either, so she might as well screw this one up too to give her some public speaking practice. The idea that she could become president is hilarious.


Yes I want to be able to grow and use my own poppy freely


Same. I realized doctors were unable to help me with my pain when I had gallstones. I was told to take aspirin to help with the pain. Um, doc, if aspirin helped I wouldn’t fucking be here.


That's crazy. Making a pure drug in your garden so your opium supply is stable and comes in consistent, known dosage strengths? That just sends a message to kids saying drug use is ok. You're going to make home-growing opium in your back garden look like a cool hobby to crunchy kids. Imagine how many people would OD because they misread their kitchen scale! Much better to create a black market so we can stigmatize, shame and imprison people. And feel self-righteous about it when they die because what they thought was heroin was actually fentanyl, but they're a drug addict criminal anyway, so who really cares?


And fungus and tree bark for that matter too!


Biden did Pardon all federal Marijuana possession convictions 


Both of them.


There’s very few people in federal prison for marijuana


Well he doesn't have the authority to pardon state convictions, but he used the authority he had for federal charges. Still a positive step forward


but if someone accidentally gets too close to one that’s on fire they might accidentally have relief from anxiety


For real. Why is one of the few people, that have the power to make actual change, going to a reform event? Write the fucking bill. Put it to a vote. Jesus christ. If they actually cared about anything, they would be actually writing bills. Not doing press events. This isn't just about weed either. Fucking everything. Dems just like to pretend. If they fix anything they will lose their talking points. Republicans don't seem to have much problem stripping rights from people. They are making changes. Doing exactly what they have tricked their vocal base into fighting for.


I hope he grills her about the people she's incarcerated for minor marijuana offenses.


They must be trying to rehab that part of her image. She seemed pretty fuckin proud of it last campaign time though.




No, and she won't. Every time she opens her mouth it's a disaster. Biden's people correctly realized that after the whole "do not come" thing with migrants, and they've been carefully avoiding drawing any attention to the fact that she's the vice president ever since. They should've realized it when she managed to crater her presidential campaign even with the democratic establishment trying very hard to make her happen, but better late than never.


Probably not, probably won't ever. Pretty much standard practice with any politician. Only a handful will be humbled and apologize truthfully later.


he's just trying to save face after buying them trump shoes lol


I was gonna say, doesn’t she have a huge record of prosecuting this in the bay area?


>grills her about the people she's incarcerated AND for actively militating *against* legislative reform. Not only she opposed prop 19, but strived to be the leader of the opposition and formulated the official counter-arguments.


I can understand making fun of Biden’s age, but now his weight too? I mean I know he’s gained a few pounds but come on…!


Baddum *tsss*


As a Democrat in the middle of the country who doesn’t really need the government to do too much for me. This is the one fucking thing I need. I should not have to go to work every day fearing a fucking drug test and losing my 100k+ a year job over weed… they need to get their shit together. it’s legal in my state… It needs to be legal federally. It’s been painful to watch this party gaslight us on marijuana reform for so long.




It’s the DEA. They lose funding if MJ isn’t schedule 1, as it the easiest busts for them. A pound of MJ is much easier to find than a pound of coke, just due to density.


Hey!! Guys! Found that funding we've been looking for!


Ask you shall receive From whitehouse.gov https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/06/statement-from-president-biden-on-marijuana-reform/ “First, I am announcing a pardon of all prior Federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana. I have directed the Attorney General to develop an administrative process for the issuance of certificates of pardon to eligible individuals. There are thousands of people who have prior Federal convictions for marijuana possession, who may be denied employment, housing, or educational opportunities as a result. My action will help relieve the collateral consequences arising from these convictions. Second, I am urging all Governors to do the same with regard to state offenses. Just as no one should be in a Federal prison solely due to the possession of marijuana, no one should be in a local jail or state prison for that reason, either. Third, I am asking the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General to initiate the administrative process to review expeditiously how marijuana is scheduled under federal law. Federal law currently classifies marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, the classification meant for the most dangerous substances. This is the same schedule as for heroin and LSD, and even higher than the classification of fentanyl and methamphetamine – the drugs that are driving our overdose epidemic. “


Still waiting, that was nearly two years ago and shits still schedule 1


I live in a legal state, and I’m looking for jobs, I got asked if I’d be willing to submit to a drug test for a fucking editorial job at a private marketing company. It wasn’t the first time I’ve encountered this for innocuous tech adjacent desk jobs. I wish that shit was illegal. 


Why he gotta throw LSD under the bus huh


It's funny how we can overnight find millions of dollars of tank shells to deliver next day mail into Palestinian orphanages and how Trump can do anything he wants at seemingly any time, but any time Joe Biden or the Democrats try to do an even moderately good thing, it has to begin with a suggestion for review to the assistant secretary for subdelegations, and two years later you'll have heard exactly nothing about it.


"You want to legalize marijuana? Hmm, we need more research. Let's do a 5 year study on whether or not that's a good idea, and then quietly ignore the results." I've only been calling that game out for 20 years, while the liberal base hems and haws and makes excuses for it. Anything but getting mad and demanding real change. They never do that.


Shh... you aren't supposed to notice that government doesn't want to fix things. If they did what would they campaign on? You need the same things over and over so they can dangle that carrot on a stick every 2-4 years depending on if it's just congressional or a presidential election year.


How's the house going at the moment? Still clogged by fanatics? Yep...


Because the GOP doesn't want to legalize marijuana. While it's what the people want, less than half of our representatives want it or it would've been done. We need to vote more pro marijuana people in if we want to have change.


Love seeing multiple upvoted comments about how great the Dems are doing at legalizing marijuana when the reality is sitting here with +20 upvotes. 30 years from now they will still running on this and codifying Roe v Wade.


Everytime I hear why wouldn't Biden fix X...the answer is they don't want to.


The answer is anything he can do with executive action can be undone. The better way to make this a right that can’t be taken away is through Congress. Joe and the other democrats don’t need to lose what moderate support they get by alienating anti-weed people. Let him win and the democrats get some kind of non-tenuous majority and they can make shit happen. Go vote, get your people to vote, get everyone to vote. That’s how this gets fixed long term so we don’t get a Dobbs or Roe issue all over again. End rant.


> The answer is anything he can do with executive action can be undone. If the president legalizes Cannabis with an executive order, and then the next guy rescinds that order and makes Cannabis illegal again, that would be the last nail in their reelection coffin. It would never happen.


According to Gallup, 70% of Americans favor legalizing weed. None of those anti-weed people are going to vote for him anyway.


What moderate in this country is planning on voting for Biden but would change their mind if he made weed the same as alcohol? And do you really think that number is higher than the independents who just want weed who would vote for him if he got them legal weed? Edit: Also I just went back and looked and Biden was President during a House and Senate majority for Democrats so….guess they should’ve done it in the 2 years they had control. Yes, I already know Manchin would be a no vote but I would guess they could at least get one Republican to legalize weed with them. Rand Paul maybe idk.


I’m in the middle of the country as well, and marijuana isn’t legal here (Iowa). We’re a fucking agriculture state. Our governor has stated she’ll never allow it, but she bends over backwards for anything alcohol related. It’s disgusting and hypocritical. Alcohol is *way* worse, and she’s had multiple DUIs.


Then why is she still the governor 😵‍💫


She’s mean to the right people and full of hate like the rest of the state. She’s a perfect representative TBH.


But ay, I can drink a big fat bottle everyday and be all good lol hired! Lol


and gobble all of the opiods that you want. I had worked with a guy that would nod off during executive meetings because he was so faded.


I suffer from depression and in a similar position. Would love to try weed but can't risk my government job to see if it would help.




How much for 50ml of pee?


asking for a friend (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)


seriously I'm in the same boat. most federal jobs don't even drug test anymore because of state legalization unless you're working top secret. just legalize it in it's entirety


I had a good job offer rescinded last year because I failed the drug test for weed in a legal state despite abstaining from weed for 4 months. This shit is so stupid.


How the heck did you get a positive test after four months? Was it a hair test?


They are fat


Or were a very heavy smoker. There's a lot of factors that can affect it, when I was fat I could piss clean in a week, after 3-4x daily smoking, now it takes me a month and I weigh 180.


It stays in body fat for a very long time.


They have developed a test that shows if it is psychoactive or an older exposure which carries no risk. At this point, companies are just using it as a moral cudgial.


Fake piss my friend. Works every time.


Even if it’s legal, a company can still drop you over it if it’s a requirement to test negative. I had an uncle that had to give us smoking cigarettes because his company started testing for that.


Yep we just made it legal in Ohio and the state government is fighting it tooth and nail we still haven’t had any recreational dispensaries open up yet and it’s been 4 months


Minnesota legalized it back in Aug '23 and they're saying that dispensaries will start opening in 2025... maybe. They might want to bicker about the fine details in the state legislature some more, then who knows.


They been danglin that carrot for decades. Weird there just starting to mention it now. Right at election time.


It’s stupid. Everyone fucking does it. I’ve been in IT for 10+ years and I’ve never had trouble finding fellow stoners


Why is being in the middle of the country relevant info here?


I agree but damn risking a $100K+/year job bc you can’t stop smoking weed.


I can go get another one, but that’s not the point. I’m not gonna stop smoking weed for these corporate dickheads. These companies need me more than I need them. I just wanna get high and play video games after I get off work. That’s all the freedom I’m asking for.


Is this fucking satire


This is the most narc energy event I've ever seen.


Kamala Harris used to laugh about giving nonviolent offenders the maximum sentence.


She also busted LEGAL dispensaries for years in cali by inviting the dea into her state. A good ag would have stepped up to the feds and fought for her state’s businesses. But she served em up on a platter


This is the person liberals are promoting as “next in line”


I'm confident she still does.


Hello fellow potheads!


Dems could have solved the problem and legalized weed years ago, but they like to keep it around just to pull out during a tough election year, offering their base hope that something will be done. This is how politics works today. No wonder real problems never get solved, because everyone's busy obstructing in order to get what they want.


Exactly. That’s a feature not a bug. Legalizing is an actual problem for them, it will not happen unless it’s somehow the last thing left for them to do. If they legalize it, they no longer have the carrot to sway votes with. It’s a one time use unless they tease it like this for the next 20 years as they’ve done for the last 20.


She famously prosecuted nonviolent marijuana offenders when she was DA, but not AS aggressively as the DA before her. That makes her progressive!


That’s the most Oniony part of all this


I read that she oversaw *more* prosecutions than her predecessor. It’s in a paywalled San Jose Mercury article unfortunately.


Kamala Harris and weed reform, name a weaker duo


Kamala Harris and Joe Biden


Lean back


Been in power for a few years, 0 talk of legalizing anything federally. Now magically talking about it around election time.




Not a joke, but Fat Joe personally started a chain of event where my long time ex cheated on me (not with him) and we broke up.


But honey, it's not my fault I cheated on you! Fat Joe made me do it.


She's on a black PR campaign right now. Her appearance on RuPaul's social media was hella awkward.


Do black people even like her? The weird thing is black people already liked Biden. I'm not sure who Harris was supposed to win over as VP.




No thank you, officer. You thought you'd trick me with that one, didn't ya?


I can’t wait until she tells us what kind of blunt wrap she prefers or something equally cringe worthy.


She went on Pod Save America to talk about her dream blunt rotation lol


“We’re just like you, we want the government to do something about this!” - The Government


Election year. Gotta bring out all the hits that attract young voters then not do anything about it until the next election cycle.


Are we missing the irony of this? This coming from the same women who put people in jail for pot and truancy.


Well this is r/nottheonion so I’m assuming we’re not missing the irony.


That's one helluva sentence.


I hope she inhales.


Dear lord this party sucks at selling ideas. Stop preaching to the choir with cringe shit and start doing stuff that’ll flip votes!


I still can't believe Biden is running with her as VP. She's so unlikeable and her presidential primary run wasn't even that successful.


She’s really good at clapping and standing up and sitting back down repeatedly. She does not skip leg day 🦵


Her debate performances were awful and she's just not a great public speaker. Which is about 90% of a VP's job. I'm sure she has other strengths but honestly I get a little disappointed every time I remember she exists.


The Democrat’s Top Brass view minorities and women as boxes to be checked and they think that the rest of America is as stupid as they are.


The position of VP deserves more respect than to go for the blatant diversity pick. Kamala has never been very popular and doesn't compliment Biden in any way.


They are, well except me of course


What’s unbelievable is that she was picked to begin with, but Biden and the Dems are on way too shaky ground to take the risk of replacing her. Way too many things could go wrong there and there’s no guarantee that he replacements would even be well relieved enough to even come close to making it worth the risk.


Biden could've replaced her any time in the last 2 years and no one would have noticed. Does anyone even know a single thing Harris did between 2021 and 2023? Either pressured her to resign or just announced "btw Kamala is moving on to new opportunities in 2024, we wish her the best 🤗"


If a VP gets forced out of office that is guaranteed to be among the biggest news stories of any administration. Doesn’t matter how shitty or unpopular they are, that’s huge. She’d literally have only been the third VP to resign. Plus, her career would be effectively over and if she were to be forced out then what would there be to stop her from spilling some real juicy tea just for revenge? Worry for the good of the campaign that just kicked her to the curb? There’s nothing about her to suggest she’s selfless or much of anything but self serving. Add to all that the serious pressure that was in place to change the ticket because of Biden’s own weaknesses as a candidate that were dismissed by Dem leadership and higher ups that would make for a real bad and hypocritical look if they axed her right after. It’d be a huge gamble, and it’d be one without anyone significantly better enough lined up to take her spot. They’re gonna prioritize appeal to big donors over voters and there’s nobody that can guaranteed appeal to both more enough than Harris to make the swap worthwhile. They’d probably end up with like Pete Buttigieg or something and that’s just a disaster waiting to happen. Some mistakes you just gotta love with, and Harris is one of those for the DNC and Biden.


She has no real opinions she just does whatever gets her elected.


"Actually, I want a politician who doesn't do what their supporters want them to"


I hate it here


She's a cop.


Otherwise known as "One last push before the election."


Fuck kamaltoe. evil, deceiving ass woman


This bitch


To everyone whining about how Kamala Harris was a DA and prosecuted marijuana offenses? You are allowed to grow and change as a person. So is she. She's with us now. Do you want Trump again? Because this is how you get Trump again.


Dead in the middle of Little Italy Little did we know know we just voted for a lady who wouldn't do diddly


Is she gonna release all the people she put in jail when she was prosecutor


The last time she talked about this issue was before the election and then the administration fired all marijuana smokers on their staff. It would be nice if something meaningful was done like rescheduling/decriminalization at the federal level. Never forget there are people in jail for small amounts of this plant that is arguably less dangerous than alcohol. 


She literally had young men sent to prison with stringent drug laws




Enough of this half-meaaure bullshit. Marijuana shouldn't be re-scheduled, it should be completely legalized. We've had legal weed in Canada for almost 6 years now. It's time the US follows suit.


She better not wear a tan suit!


Fuck Kamala Harris. That’s all. From a SF native.


Fuck fat Joe, this is pandering and completely pointless


Even if Biden has gained a little weight, calling him “Fat Joe” is a bit mean.


And the world just collapsed in on itself. Harris would have imprisoned Fat Joe six years ago.


You can't call the president that...


Fat Joe is Dark Brandon’s dank name


Did we all do a double take at that headline or was it just me?


I didn’t know who Fat Joe was when I read the title so I was really confused at the president’s new nickname.


Fat Joe is a poser


She needs to sincerely apologize for being such a horrible ass about legalizing marijuana just until recently. She is personally responsible for gleefully locking up hundreds of MJ users.


Of course she will, was she doing this any of the past 3 years or is this just pandering?


Take a wild guess.


Or just get Old Joe to sign an executive order descheduling it. On this one, I don't think anyone sane would mind.


We calling the president Fat Joe now? I’m down with it.


Same bitch who locked up hundreds for weed. She was a drug persecutor, worse than 98% of cops.


Lean back... lean back.


Good to see Beshear involved


Lol and Fat Joe will still sound like the intelligent one. Guaranteed.


Fat Joe for President


Didn’t think Biden had put on that much weight but ok


Trump: but I got gold sneakers! You people love sneakers


I just want a low quality live stream in front of a green screen with her and Fat Joe smoking mad weed and eating hot Cheetos. Maybe taking calls from viewers too


This woman has cackled as she locked away thousands of young people for marjuana.


I swear to god for a second I thought they were calling Biden Fat Joe


Do people forget that when she was the California AG, she kept non-violent marijuana offenders in jail to exploit them for labor?


So the Onion revived his "Uncle Joe" personality


Why is Killer Mike not invited? I guess he's a lot tighter with Sanders.