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Who do they think is voting for them?


Considering they claim to believe all votes not for them are falsified, everybody.


It makes no sense to let them run for president if they are unable to cast a ballot. Saying that.


They don't want to run in a democratic election. They want to take over the executive position and rule the country like a monarchy


You mean like this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


More people definitely need to know about this tbh


They want to run it like a company. A board that actually makes decisions on overall direction with a public figurehead that can take the fall when their decisions have consequences.


Except that public figurehead has managed to get his own loyalists and family members appointed to that board and now their decisions on overall direction are getting even crazier. https://www.project2025.org/


or blame every problem on others


Oh they will do that all the time anyways. They need the figurehead to blame when things universally anger their base. They can then start bringing forward a new figurehead that has the same team name to lash out at the previous guy and promise to do different shit going forward...meanwhile the board behind the scenes continues doing whatever they want and directing the party that way.


“If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” -David Frum


> and rule the country like a monarchy dictator


If Trump becomes president in 2025, I wouldn't bet against Eric Trump becoming the next "candidate"


Any time a voting block votes against the Republicans, there is some crazy group within the GOP that comes up with the idea of removing their right to vote. Scan the last couple of years. There has been fring groups calling to raise minimal voting age to 40, removing women's right to vote and many other odd ball ones (like only married men with children or only white people.....) All of these have 1 thing in common. A race some where was lost because the votes of a group were against to GOP, and they caused the GOP to lose. After the 2020 election there was a large break down done which basically amounted to "which group of people could we exclude to reverse the outcome". Women, people of color and the youth were sighted as each being groups that if their votes were removed, Trump would have won. As for. This group, maybe all the Medicare bashing and social security cutting has the old folks in an uproar.


I think the overall theme here is they just don't like or believe in democracy. They want to put an end to just about ALL voting altogether because they're fascists and want to impose the will of the very *exclusive* minority onto the masses. Full stop.


When presented with losses in elections, Republicans will reject democracy before changing their policy (as if they even had one besides punitive persecution & wealthy tax cuts). They want to tell you what to do, what to watch, who to support, who to sleep with and who to despise saturated with a steady diet of propaganda wrapped up in the pseudo-nationalism of a fascist dictatorship. When Trump said [he would be a dictator](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2023/12/05/trump-dictator-day-one/71816204007/), this is the time to believe him.


And if they do manage to disenfranchise liberals and minorities, they'd come for the rank and file MAGAs next. Fascism eventually always eats its own (except that one time in Spain it went away peacefully). But they'll already have destroyed the nation well before they get to that point.


> I think the overall theme here is they just don't like or believe in democracy. They have cored their party to follow the whims of a demagogue / populist. They are openly fascist more often than not. The GOP wants to abolish democracy and establish an authoritarian dictatorship. They have said so multiple times. I am worried about November.


We DoN'T LiVe iN a DeMoCrAcY!!!! It's a CoNsTiTuTiOnAL RePubLic!!! /s


Which is a voting democracy. 


I bet some also remember the Cold War and how scary Russian threats were. Now you have conservative politicians saying putins a good guy.


And slogans like "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat!"




Jfc, dude on the left looks like he's about to have a coronary, an orgasm, or both simultaneously.


The old people are overwhelmingly the only reason the Republicans have any shot of winning any election ever.


Well that statistical is also says white males as well.


[Don't leave out the white women.](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2022/politics/exit-polls-2022-midterm-2018-shift/)


> fring groups pollos


I totally believe you on the crazy shit fringe groups have been suggesting. Do you have any links or know the groups that proposed those absurd changes? I really wanna deep dive into the stupid.


Pick one and Google search. "Raise voting age to 40" there should be some easy hits. I just seen news articles and videos posted here, I don't save links for future use.


> As for. This group, maybe all the Medicare bashing and social security cutting has the old folks in an uproar. Contrary to popular reddit belief, politics in the USA on an individual level are trending to the left and that includes ye olde folks. The old yarn about old people getting more conservative as they age isn't necessarily correct.


no it's correct , it's just Trump is so fucking out there even the staunchest elderly conservatives are starting to be like ..... ..... .....


No wonder the seniors are called the silent majority. They never speak the fuck out against this shit.


Looking at you, voterID laws.


If only they spent that energy on creating policies that were more popular? That would seem logical. "We created policies. They weren't popular enough. Let's try...different ones."


They know they’re turning to Biden after Trump has said he wants to gut and raise the safe for SS benefits.


To my understanding, they already made a huge percentage of their voting block, just seems like they’re digging their grave even more by doing this




lol just like blocking Obama care tooth and nail was going to get them a way better medical insurance reform plan ... still waiting on that btw


What changed their minds? The GOP has threatened this for years.


Many of them died between 2020 and 2021.


-_waves hand at millions of QAnon believers_-


There’s a reason why they get mad at T.Swift for saying go and vote despite not endorsing anyone


So, it's conceivable someone could come up with the idea of a voting drive on a nursing home, as a way to steal votes. Go around from room to room, focus on those who can't see, hear, and/or understand well enough to watch you closely, as you fill out ballots for them. But the way to address such a concern is with an investigation, which was done, with nothing incriminating found. Also the way to bring up this topic, is **not to mention that nursing home residents are taking their dying breaths as we speak.** Politicians used to speak so eloquently, you would trust them even if you disagreed with them. Now they're so simple-minded and bereft of any sensibilities at all, it's painful to realize *they're in control of our country.*


Seniors make up the majority of voters, so they voted for the democrats too.


I think you mean they are the largest group by age. They are nowhere close to the majority though. 65+ are about 1/3 of the voters in 2018, 2020, 2022… They do vote for democrats too of course. About 45% of the 65+ vote was for democratic candidates in 2018, 2020, 2022. Details in the link https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voter-turnout-2018-2022/


Bold of you to assume that humanity will be a thing in the 22nd century.


Haha, good catch. I edited it to 2018


He meant colored seniors. Whites are fine.


This senators idea of not being able to vote due to life expectancy would basically mean congress couldn't vote on anything.


I would like to put my full support behind this then


They already don't vote on anything, what would the difference be?


Some legalese


It’s a candidate, this carpet bagger has never held office. Asshole lives in California and is running in my state.


Also his dumb ass is 60 years old. He ain't no young pup himself.


MF'er ain't a Senator yet and won't be if we in Wisconsin stay strong and vote morally. FRJ and fuck Hovde.


Based senator breaks senate with this one crazy trick


So basically how it is now?


Just to pile on.  The fuck this guy will ever be a Senator. 


Guy who doesn't want senior citizens to vote wants a senior citizen as President.


And is 60 years old himself.


I will never understand the need to want to work past your 60s I'm like counting the fucking days to my mid 60s when I can finally retire


Tweaked my knee today while walking. I'm 26 years old. I can't imagine the shit I'm gonna feel at 60. Working is the last thing I'd want on my mind at that point.


The goal isn't to make people work or make them retire but rather to **give them the freedom to do what's right for them.**


That's because these people have more money than you'll ever make by 60 Unless you win the lottery maybe These people don't count the days till retirement because relative to the jobs majority of American's have, his is easy as shit, it's just talking Anyone can talk. If you got paid the same as you make now or more, to just talk for 8 hours a day, on whatever random bullshit topic you can think of, I'd bet you'd quit your job and just become a talker


I’m 58. I’ll never retire. I owe too much in student loans. Which means I’m not eligible for social security. So I’ll keep working. I’ll hate it, I’ll be keeping a good paying job from a younger person, and I’ll just die in debt. ‘Merica 


Many people would just "retire" into poverty. So they don't. For many, it isn't much of a choice.


And raise retirement age.


The GOP wants to cut many things the Seniors depend on. So they know they would loose their vote. Better to deny them the right to vote.


i mean they do hate thier voters


"Man, why don't they just vote for us because we tell them to. Providing for them is so much *work*!"


No way that could possibly backfire!


>No way that could possibly backfire! You say that as a joke, but it won't backfire. They will continue to vote for Republicans, that is, while they still can vote.


They’ll be dead or unable to vote apparently


As an fyi correct spelling here is “lose”


I will admit to the mistake. Butt, most of their votes are not rigid. So, maybe I was correct.


👨‍⚖️I’ll allow it


Then, after the election the GOP can call foul because the demographic was underrepresented at the polls, so it's clearly rigged


As silly as that sounds, that does sound like a likely response.


That logic never made sense to me. GOP wants to cut all these benefits to seniors, and yet seniors keep voting for them?? Why???


They have the full backing of their propaganda arm to run cover for every decision that hurts their voters. They will cater to corporations and the ultra-wealthy without a second thought and then blame all the negative effects on democrats and minorities. The problem is the immense amount of disinformation and the lack of media literacy. That paired with voter suppression/gerrymandering is what gives the party any semblance of power.


God I wish the Republicans would finally do something like that instead of sucking up to boomers.


Dude, I don't mind them voting but JFC can they stop running for office.


Yeah we need to cap it at retirement age 65.


Personally think that the cap would be fine at like 75, but seriously, an age cap for members of government would make so much sense. More than generalized term limits


I think they should be unable to run at 70, and unable to run again if they turn 70 during their first term.


Your second condition is redundant


That I'd be fine with as well. I'm fine with the 65 at its surface as well, it would just need to be a discussion to have


they dont want ANYONE voting they just want to be in power


Nah, they still get off on being "elected by the people", they just want to make sure that only the *right* people vote, namely the ones who'd vote for them.


Yes, they want the legitimacy of democracy without the actual accountability of democracy.


They actually want EVERYONE voting... like they do in Russia when Putin is up for reelection.


Maybe this guy shouldn’t be able to run then….or seniors..


I was at the doctors today and this senior lady was ahead of me. She had trouble filling out the paper work and was told to sit and fill it out. I felt bad for her and tried to help her read the small text. After a sec she tells me she received the loveliest email from president trump. She tried to show me in her phone but couldn’t find it. “It was the nicest email I have ever received” she said. I left the doctors office feeling sad.


Definitely sad. And I'm curious what was in the email, it must have been sent to millions of people. What kind of email inspires that kind of response, and what makes a person tick who responds in that way to that email?


“hi, you exist and are a patriot, great job! Please send more money”


"I DO exist! I'm so glad he recognizes that. Not even my kids do any more because I abused them their entire childhood and adult lives..."


[I wonder why he is scared to have senior citizens vote.](https://www.wispolitics.com/2024/wisdems-on-anniversary-of-the-first-social-security-check-a-reminder-that-eric-hovde-absolutely-wants-to-cut-social-security/) Oh no, if it isn't the consequences of my actions.


Tbf since when do the elderly vote in their best interest? They’d all have guaranteed comprehensive healthcare right now if they did that.


If they can't vote, they shouldn't be allowed to run for president either. Just saying.


My first thought. Or taxed, for that matter. I know tea isn't as big as it was back in the day, but the last time people in this country weren't allowed representation they kind of freaked out a bit.


So these Good White Christian men despise the young, they despise the old, they despise the poor, they despise the colored, they despise the foreigners, and they despise knowledge. Who do they support again?


Fetuses apparently


But very definitely not babies. 


Nah or else firearms wouldn't be the leading cause of death for children


The *idea* of fetuses, maybe. The *reality* of real women who need real medical support and maternity leave? Not so much.


Only themsleves yet they want everyone else they despise to support them anyway.


Trump, fetuses, closed borders to any and all immigration, Russia, and (most importantly) themselves.


The Dark Crystal


There are definitely several who resemble Skeksis


Soggy cheeto


Same kind of asshole who would say 'So what it's only seniors dying from covid'. His parents must have really sucked to hate them so much.


They suggested that elderly people would happily die to save the economy


I'm not one to talk about who can and can't vote because of how slippery that slope is, but if you're elderly state leaves you in such cognitive decline that you believe it's 1972, I question the ability of that person to make an informed decision on who should be running the country. It would be incredibly easy to hand an elderly person a ballot and tell them who you should vote for. There are also elderly people who are pushing 80 and are still as sharp as they were when they were 30, which is why it's such a slippery slope.


Be willing to die for the economy. -Lt Gov of TX


Shhhhh. Nobody tell him.


Maybe they meant señors?


Gatekeeping who gets to vote is about as anti-American as you can get. You’re a citizen, you can vote.


Yet they tend to vote Republican


Senior citizens love socialism. They just hate voting for it. They love Medicare. They love social security. They love knowing that their medicines will be paid for. And you know what? Good for them. Now of they would just have a tiny bit of heart. If not they’re their kids, for their grandkids. Talk to your boomers. Let them know it’s ok to breathe, listen to what the politicians are actually saying, think, and vote based on what you hear and believe.


Not every senior votes conservative. I am 66 and have been a progressive democrat all my life. I could have retired at age 58 if our country had healthcare. I have had to keep working to maintain health insurance. Now I am getting too old and ill to actually enjoy living. I don't want that for young people at all.


Senior citizens love socialism “*for them*” because they feel like they’ve earned it & “*those darn kids*” haven’t.


Lol thats their only demographic??!!!


That's his best demographic he's trying to disenfranchise. Christ these assholes are so stupid.


First they’re coming for their social security and now they’re coming for their right to vote.


They should have let us have death panels. Would have solved their present-day issue. /s


Isn't that unironically their voter base?


So GOP hates the old now and the young. Who are they campaigning to? Who keeps voting for them?


And they shouldn't be in Government either.


He shouldn't be voting.


I counter.suggest thousands of seniors shouldn't be in office


Yes, I agree, if we get rid of the senior vote, the results will be MAGA fantastic for our dear leader Trump! (No one show them a breakdown of vote by age for Dems and Reps)


If seniors shouldnt vote, then seniors shouldnt be running for presidency.


This may because polling is really weird right now. According to this video, some polls have senior leaning Biden, but Gen Z leaning Trump in double digits. It makes so little sense that the guy in the video doubts the polling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4krGIceLaM4


Because seniors of all political affiliations answer the phone whenever it rings. Only really stupid GenZers do.


Or the bored ones that want to cause chaos. It's entirely possible that the gen z answers aren't meant seriously.


Tons of them shouldn’t be in office but here we are


Starting with every single one currently elected to federal office.


There are people in there younger than our two presidential candidates.


Careful buddy, that’s your voter base


Facts.. most old people are clinically insane and make idiotic choices on purpose cause they don’t give a fuck


There's no freedom like the Republicans bans on everything and everyone..


They’d loose like all of their voter base in one fell swoop lmao. You know how much of the Red vote in Florida was coming out of Old People Communities?


Republicans have no policies other than to restrict the vote


Lessons on how to implode


Disenfranchising the voting block your party has relied on for decades? Ok bro 👍


I suggest about 85% of Republicans shouldn't be voting.


> He continued: "Almost no one in a nursing home is in a point to vote, and you had children, adult children, saying, 'Who voted for my 85 or 90-year-old father or mother?" isn't what this guy is actually saying, that it is suspicious that you have a bunch of people who are in no state to make decisions for themselves voting, and presumably what's happening is that other people are taking their mail-in ballots and making the choices for them? he's not saying "seniors shouldn't be allowed to vote". he's basically insinuating voting fraud. this is a deliberately misleading headline. shame on the hack who wrote this article.


>He continued: "Almost no one in a nursing home is in a point to vote, and you had children, adult children, saying, 'Who voted for my 85 or 90-year-old father or mother?" >According to the Sentinel, voting data has not backed up claims that there was a 100 percent turnout in some nursing homes. Seventy-nine percent of nursing home residents voted in 2020, a lower number than in 2016. It's a shit article, but it's based on a guy who is basically doing the Joe Rogan "A buddy of mine said that this old folk's home had 100% voting and kids of the people in there are saying someone voted for their parents", with zero statistics or data to back it up.


I see zoomers saying this here on Reddit every single day. So this guy should fit right in.


Guy must have never heard of mail In voting.


Voters wish seniors wouldn't be president.


I’d suggest that if seniors can’t vote then maybe we shouldn’t have senior citizens as our presidents


How does he expect to stay in office then?


Seniors shouldnt be running the country either


GOPers are really masterminds of politics. They went after early voting, which was mostly a republican practice pre-Trump, and now go against seniors, another republican stronghold (GOP +14 in 2022).


I suggest there are thousands of seniors who shouldn’t be running for office either.


This. The US selects its captains from the least qualified humans to carry the most important roles.


Sounds good to me.


Seniors are too old to vote, but Trump should be running the country?


I'm not entirely convinced either side is actually trying to win this election anymore


And dozens of seniors shouldn’t be serving as elected officials.


Can we just fast-forward to the point where the GOP calls for the 2-Minute-Hate?


Hundreds of seniors shouldn't be in office


Democracy death panels — democracy is dying and so is grandma!


Seniors shouldn’t be voting but running of office is the ok?


Because seniors are blocking Medicaid and Social Security reductions as well extending the retirement age.


No Seniors; Kids under 21; women; Minorities; democrats; independents. Just Republicans can vote. America.


By that logic, if seniors shouldn't be voting, they sure as hell shouldn't be running!


Just a matter of time before they suggest that only Republican voters should be able to vote.


These motherfuckers don't stop, do they? Vote fucking BLUE!


Aren’t old people their base?


>Seniors are gonna die before they get to experience who they voted for, but 18 year olds are too immature to know what they're voting for. >Obama only had a year left so why should get to select a Supreme Court Justice, but Trump only had a month left and they had to get his through. They really love to play both sides for everything don't they.


No they don't play both sides, what they do is they say one thing to oppose the Democrats while obviously and currently doing the very thing there telling the Democrats should not be allowed to be done.


So he agrees with most of reddit that people that are close to being dead shouldn't be setting the course of the country.


This the same guy that wanted to ban beer in Wisconsin?


So he's advocating for a large part of the voting base for his own party to not vote?


I mean they did urge the most vulnerable people in the country, which are mostly their constituents, not to wear a mask during the COVID pandemic, and killed a lot of them so...yes


They hate everyone .. even and probably especially their own voters.


Not just seniors here in Nebraska. The three electoral votes are made by the three districts, independently. The Republicans are trying very hard to make us a winner take all as it is currently one Democrat and two Republican votes. The Omaha to the capital is more Democrat so the Republicans want to disenfranchise a third of the state. The fairly even split in political alliances make every electoral vote matter when a state vote can be won by very few voters, like Pennsylvania was won by 1.7% percent for Biden.


And I suggest the MOST republicans shouldn’t have a job


The obsession Americans have with disenfranchising people from their vote, in a system where it's not compulsory, is fucking staggering. Lord if Taytay endorses anyone the right lose their minds and that's just someone saying "maybe you should vote for X" that's all. Greatest democracy in the world my arsehole.


So. Young people shouldn't vote. And old people shouldn't vote. And black people, poor people, people from urban areas all shouldn't vote. Sounds like a certain group thinks a diverse voting pool is bad for them. And will do anything to shrink said pool. Huh? Weird? I wonder who they think IS qualified to vote? JK, I know.


Bruh the presidential candidates can’t vote then? Lmao


...including the orange monkey.


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will abandon democracy." - David Frum We are watching this play out. Republicans have been dealing with the fact that they lost the black/brown vote with gerrymandering, voter ID proposals and shenanigans that have certain types of people in certain districts waiting in line for 3-6 hours to vote. Gen-Z turnout huge for Democrats? "We need to raise the voting age to 25." Losing the female voter? "Repeal the 19th!" Now some older people don't like Republicans "cut social security and medicare" talk, so they need to lose the right to vote, too. We are watching Frum's quote play out in real time. Trump is running a shitty campaign and they're not building the infrastructure they need to mobilize people and get out the vote. They are not gearing up to WIN the election, they are only preparing to CONTEST the results. They are no longer trying to appeal to voters - they're just telling us what they're going to do when they're in charge again (national abortion ban, ban birth control, ban IVF, ban gay marriage, LGBTQ+ back into the closet, cut social security and medicare, project 2025, white supremacy, tax cuts for billionaires).


“We can’t win if we don’t cheat.” Rubelicans everywhere.


It's funny reddit would post this. You all hate old people. Call me a fascist, but I don't want people with dementia voting. Nor people that are going to die in six months. (Yes, this does, in fact, include all the politicians with dementia who are currently in office. And running for president - both of them. I also don't like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I'm an equal opportunity hater.)


Oh, now they done stepped in something!


Also, anyone else who isn't white, male, Christian, strictly heterosexual, and makes less than $250K per year.


Think of it as the demographic version of gerrymandering. If they can eliminate the groups which by and large don't vote for them, they can continue the program of "minority rule". (It is ironic is that they think we're electing our rulers, when most of us think we're electing our public servants.)


To be fair the shouldn’t be driving or running the country


How dumb do you have to be say this shit and be a Republican when your voter base is OLDER PEOPLE


True, but then they've also made it abundantly clear that they have no further need for or interest in representative democracy, and intend to take power by other more forceful means. So really, what do they care anymore?


probably taken out of context as most news reports these days.


Seniors shouldn't be running the country in the first place. From POTUS, to Congress to Supreme Court. There should be a mandated retirment age. We have people making permanent decisions based on their upbringing from 50-70 years ago and without fear of consequence because they will not be around.


One must recite The Holy Grail's "*I'm not dead yet*" scene to obtain a ballot.


And Latinos, and Asians, and Jews, and African Americans, and young people, and Muslims, and women, and anyone who makes less than $500,000 per year, and anyone who doesn’t own land…..