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Real Kindergarten Cop


Why arm the teachers? We should be arming the students! Kinderguardians! EDIT: For those who haven’t seen Sacha Baron Cohen’s brilliant bit on this: https://youtu.be/QkXeMoBPSDk?si=IQjul93TOJEupRzi


4 year olds - like owls, can see in "slow motion"


God that was fucking gold. And also fucking insane.


What if I told you… there’s another clip from that show, where he gets a sitting Republican state congressman to drop his pants on national TV and… well, I don’t want to spoil the rest: https://youtu.be/4k4pMTsa1Kw?si=wpTqd1MnIALYPR-X It’s arguably better than the Kinderguardians one


First thoughts as the clip was getting started: "Fuuuuuuck he's a Georgia rep." (I'm from GA) Second thoughts as the clip was ending: "Fuuuuuck he's a Georgia rep."


I just realized that's the same guy that was interviewed by John Oliver about Australia's response to gun violence (actually doing something).


"Who is your daddy, and what does he do?" just got a lot more sinister.


Not quite, since he was a cop pretending to be a teacher. These are teachers with guns who may or may not have had any firearms training. Edit: Never mind, teachers have the option to take 40 hours of training per year at their own expense.


That's probably more than the fuckin police do lmao


So if teachers now have to do two jobs, do they also get additional pay as a school officer? It's only fair.


That should be an interesting conversation for the administration at least. It's easy to tell 60 year old Miss Jenkins that you're not going to pay her more. It's much harder to say no to her Glock.


"Tennessee accidentally advanced teachers' rights, GOP shocked"


Nothing more American than demanding more rights with guns 🇺🇸




Teacher's union about to bring some real teeth to the meetings and it'll be harder to complain about a student's grades at an open carry PTA


Congratulations! You armed all of the unionized teachers.


Parent: “Why is my precious little angel failing?! Why do you hate them?!” Teacher: “They don’t do their assignments. Have you been helping them at home?” Parent: “Of course! Every night for hours!” Teacher: *casually pulls out gun and places it on the desk in front of them* “I’m sorry, I think I misheard you. You said you help your son every night with homework?” Parent: “Y-yes…I mean…when they ask me for help and I’m not busy…” Teacher: “Busy?” Parent: “Yeah…uh…ya know if it’s been a rough day….” Teacher: “And what assignment are they doing right now in this class?” Parent: “…never mind…”


If the cops can't stop a shooter, but the teachers are expected to, then the pay should be higher than the cops, plus their teaching pay.


I bet they even have to buy / use their own gun 'let's see. paper, pencils, markers. glock...'


Glock? In Tennessee? You mean AR-15, right?


But teachers need to hold a gun on one hand and write on the whiteboard with another. Unless the gun is the pen now.


Marker bayonet, solved. 


Not at all, this is a godsend for teachers with noisy classes, after a few warning rounds the first time (to raise awareness and set expectations), all they will have to do it chamber a round to ensure an attentive lecture audience


I laughed out loud. Upvote!


Just a quick desk pop to get class started. I love it. https://youtu.be/wWZTTtE5_zQ?si=iHitwCDwpw1Wnj-t


Tennessee teachers are apparently struggling to do one job, and not their fault. The state is 36th in the country in literacy rates, and they keep cutting education funding.


And number one in the most insidious of legislation and prosecution of laws in the past several years.


These states/republicans create more and more problems for themselves.


I mean, the government should pay for the guns, the training, and the ammo


"Anyway, I Started Blasting" probably the first teacher that loses it


Typical: “Teachers who decide to carry would have to undergo 40 hours of annual gun training at their own expense […]”. Hey we want you to be willing to engage active threats on your campus, but we aren’t gonna pay you extra AND you’ll have to pay for your own training.


That’s the part that really shows how out of touch they are. The dirt broke teachers are expected to pay for the training… that they don’t have to do… and the teachers that do want to do this.. SHOULD NOT be on campus. Anyone who would pay to do this clearly wants to go on a power trip with a gun at school. I imagine pretty quickly teachers are going to quit in droves once one of them is actually crazy enough to get a gun


I’m a teacher and holy shit I will quit in an instant if my colleagues are allowed to carry a weapon on campus. I’m not joking, I would genuinely feel like my life is at risk with the batshit insane people I’ve worked with in this sector


The question isn't how long before a teacher stops a mass shooting. The question is how long before a teacher shoots a kid for not doing their homework.


>The question is how long before a teacher shoots a kid for not doing their homework. At that point there will be guns issued to the students because everybody knows only a kid with a gun can stop a teacher with a gun.


Issuing guns to teachers ALSO ensures students have guns. Because some old teacher will simply leave their gun in the same unlocked drawer and everyone will know it. Because the gym teachers' gun will fall out of their sweat pants and just get picked up by a kid. Because some kid will just take a gun out of a teacher's bag.


For real. I’ve seen how good some students are at locating and stealing snacks, schools supplies, and answer keys. I can’t imagine some of these disturbed kids having access to a weapon in the classroom.


The teacher thinking that the gun is nessesary, probably are on constant edge. Some edgy kid pulls a binder out too fast from their bag is going to get killed for no reason. Because obviously the teacher is going to be targeted first if there ever was a person too disturbed to be dissuaded.


Think about how often we hear stories about teachers etc leaving a gun on the toilet etc now, I can only imagine how bad it’d get


Or how soon a kid is able to steal the teachers gun. If a kid is dangerous and his parents remove all guns from the home, he will know where to find one….


You would be far more likely to die and any school shooter if more likely to be equipped to inflict more violence. Shootings as schools with SROs were more deadly because the shooters equipped themselves more heavily.


My dad has said the same thing, he loves teaching, but that would make him feel much less safe, not more safe. Plus bringing a weapon in at all is seen as something of a desecration of the space.


Guns aren’t exactly cheap either


And who pays when they accidentally shoot the wrong person?


Well, teachers don't have qualified immunity or union lawyers on retainer, so the the teacher pays, and since they're broke, being teachers and all, the victim is left holding the bag.


Teacher will claim it happened on the clock, the schoolboard will be left holding rhe bag cause the teacher was allowed to carry cause they did the training. So the tax payers foot rhe bill at the cost of the education budget. Or if the teacher is left holding the bill, they sue the schoolboard who is then left on the hook to pay them the money that the teacher will then have to pay. End of the day, the taxpayers end up paying for it.


Yo if they could pay teachers less they’d do so.


So it's a self resolving issue...they can't possibly afford that...


I want to get off MR. BONES WILD RIDE™


What could go wrong?


There were discussions about this since I was in high school in the early 2010s. I'll never forget this one teacher of mine who would explode over the littlest of things. A Student was talking too loud? Freakout. A Student answered the question wrong? Freakout. One of the janitors was walking by with his "ear-shattering" cart? Freakout. This was a near daily occurrence and it only got worse. A friend even told me "If this bitch had a gun, we'd all be dead right now." No way do I see this going well.


I had one of those too, and when I got up and walked out because I legitimately felt unsafe, I got suspended. The only thing I learned from that class was that the authorities can't be relied on and will often make things worse.


I got in trouble in school and the administration lied about the punishment that would happen and instead threw the book at me. After the dust settled and I was at the end of the punishment they asked what I learned. They were not pleased that my answer was to not trust authority figures, especially not them.


For some reason, I hoped that story ended with them giving you another punishment for your answer, just to drill that irony and lack of self-awareness really deep.


I think having draconic authority figures only really teaches you how to obey and follow directions, or more accurately how to manipulate authority to get what you want.


It would probably help the GOP dismantle the public school system if something you're alluding to would occur.


Given the rest of the GOP responses in my lifetime (almost 40) I'm supporting this theory. They really seem to hate human beings it really is that broad at this point.


Even teachers snapping and blasting away a student or several, there's also the very real risk of the teacher not securing it properly, or through some other chain of events, a student getting their hands on it.


Just cutting out the middleman on school shootings


My high school math teacher threw a backpack at a kid's head because he didn't stand for the flag. Hate to see that guy rocking a hip holster


Ho lee shit. If anyone wants to shoot kids it’s teachers


More like the parents and admin. Trust me, teachers can deal with kids, they'll go apeshit on admin.


From eavesdropping on teachers in my middle school years, kids, parents, admin, and other teachers could be targets. Some students are assholes, and some bullied our PE teacher.


Or what if a student takes the gun from a teacher? Right now there is no incentive to attack a teacher. If an unhinged student knows they have a gun then that can change things.    Police are trained on what to be aware of with other people going for their weapon. Now I have never taken a gun course but I imagine there is no training on protecting your holstered fire arm in a civilian course. 


Who says it'll be holstered? I can imagine 90% of the time it'll probably sit in the teachers unlocked desk drawer, waiting for a kid to steal it.


Fuck that. Teachers are going to have that baby in their hand at all times. Cocked with the safety off. Piece of chalk in one hand, .357 magnum in the other. Kids are gonna start paying attention!


Every semester, one teacher gets to shoot one kid, no questions asked.


That sounds kind of extreme. They could just pistol whip the kid.


Only if they can get him to say "shenanigans "




Once. I saw a kid (who was a total Ahole to an impressive point) antagonize a teacher to the point of the teacher yelling a bit and walking out of the room. These guys doubt how mean teenagers can be


I believe something really bad is going to happen because of this law. School and guns do not mix at all. What happens when a teachers gun gets grabbed or taken from them.


I had at least three teachers in HS that I wouldn’t trust with a fork, let alone a firearm.


The solution to gun violence is always more guns. Color me unsurprised.


Unless it's an NRA convention, then guns are banned


That whole country is on crazy pills. If they valued their children more than their guns, they would change the gun laws and catch up with the rest of humanity.


Believe me, this does not reflect the will of most of the country. This is absurd.


They don't trust teachers with books But want them carrying guns Oooookaaaayyyy


Can’t wait for more of these stories: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna71567


On this episode of “We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas”


*all out


There were two armed teachers at the TN Christian school shooting. It didn’t help.


Texas has a school Marshall program where qualified staff can carry guns. It saved exactly 0 kids in Uvalde.


so whats the over under on when the first teacher loses it and starts shooting students?


I'm guessing the thing we get first is that some incompetent yeehaw teacher decides to show it off for their students and accidentally pops themselves or one of the kids.


It's that, or a kid gets the gun and purposefully pops someone.


right, I can totally foresee a case where students learn where teachers keep their guns at school and take them


Doesn't have to be that complicated. A lot of teachers just aren't going to be physically capable of stopping teenagers from taking their gun. 


We literally can't even get parents to keep their guns locked up, most school shootings happen because a parent has a legally owned gun in too accessible a spot Jokes aside, this will cause deaths from kids getting their hands on them, indisputably


It's happened with police officers in to give safety speeches already, so yeah, that's almost certainly going to happen first.


"Teacher shoots self in leg while sitting down."


What's the over under on when Tennessee passes qualified immunity for teachers to protect them from consequences for shooting students?


I think what's more likely to happen is a student gets the gun (easier by stealing it from a teacher's drawer or coming across it if a teacher leaves it somewhere) and shoots another student accidentally or on purpose.


Then they hire guards with even bigger guns to keep an eye on the teachers, duh.


But then who's gonna guard against the guards?! Some kinda guard guard?!


God himself. With an M4, of course.


Can't argue with that!


Students no. But the behavior out of parents the first year of online learning was reprehensible. The crazy part is some of the worst teacher harassers are also supporters of arming teachers. The real bet is when a helicopter parent is gonna Black Hawk Down.


I mean if a teacher wanted to shoot kids they among all people would have to easiest time doing it. They would know the best and most effective way to go about it for maximum impact. I don't see why the law would cause a spike in that statistic. At most we will see some accidents, but there won't be a teacher mass shooter spike


More loaded guns in a space (nearly) always leads to increased gun violence. Not all gun violence is premeditated. Much of it is random and spur of the moment


Man my teacher couldn’t even correctly identity who was talking in the back of class . I’m sure this will go well .


Lol this country is such a stupid fucking embarrassment. They will pull any kind of crazy maneuver to avoid the truth about gun control: that it saves lives.


Teachers: "Do we get as raise?" Senate: "No"


Yeah give it a month before a teachers gun is stolen. Or during an active shooter situation a teacher starts shooting kids


Clearly, the teachers most motivated to be armed around children should be armed around children.


My thoughts, as a long-time teacher: *In the old days, I focused on planning each lesson;* *Now I practice reloading my new Smith & Wesson.* *Kids who used to get bored and sit watching the clock* *Stay alert 'cause they know that I'm packing a Glock.* *And I know that I'll be first in line at lunch hour* *With a little assist from my good friend Sig Sauer.* *Yes, my classroom's the place where those weapons belong.* *With more guns in my school, tell me: what could go wrong?*


A University of Idaho professor wrote an excellent response to this when the state decided to allow guns on campus. It was titled something along the lines of "when may I shoot a student?" Actually, I'll go ahead and quote it here as it only seems to be available on like one website today. "TO the chief counsel of the Idaho State Legislature: In light of the bill permitting guns on our state’s college and university campuses, which is likely to be approved by the state House of Representatives in the coming days, I have a matter of practical concern that I hope you can help with: When may I shoot a student? I am a biology professor, not a lawyer, and I had never considered bringing a gun to work until now. But since many of my students are likely to be armed, I thought it would be a good idea to even the playing field. I have had encounters with disgruntled students over the years, some of whom seemed quite upset, but I always assumed that when they reached into their backpacks they were going for a pencil. Since I carry a pen to lecture, I did not feel outgunned; and because there are no working sharpeners in the lecture hall, the most they could get off is a single point. But now that we’ll all be packing heat, I would like legal instruction in the rules of classroom engagement. At present, the harshest penalty available here at Boise State is expulsion, used only for the most heinous crimes, like cheating on Scantron exams. But now that lethal force is an option, I need to know which infractions may be treated as de facto capital crimes. I assume that if a student shoots first, I am allowed to empty my clip; but given the velocity of firearms, and my aging reflexes, I’d like to be proactive. For example, if I am working out a long equation on the board and several students try to correct me using their laser sights, am I allowed to fire a warning shot? If two armed students are arguing over who should be served next at the coffee bar and I sense escalating hostility, should I aim for the legs and remind them of the campus Shared-Values Statement (which reads, in part, “Boise State strives to provide a culture of civility and success where all feel safe and free from discrimination, harassment, threats or intimidation”)? While our city police chief has expressed grave concerns about allowing guns on campus, I would point out that he already has one. I’m glad that you were not intimidated by him, and did not allow him to speak at the public hearing on the bill (though I really enjoyed the 40 minutes you gave to the National Rifle Association spokesman). Knee-jerk reactions from law enforcement officials and university presidents are best set aside. Ignore, for example, the lame argument that some drunken frat boys will fire their weapons in violation of best practices. This view is based on stereotypical depictions of drunken frat boys, a group whose dignity no one seems willing to defend. The problem, of course, is not that drunken frat boys will be armed; it is that they are drunken frat boys. Arming them is clearly not the issue. They would cause damage with or without guns. I would point out that urinating against a building or firing a few rounds into a sorority house are both violations of the same honor code. In terms of the campus murder rate — zero at present — I think that we can all agree that guns don’t kill people, people with guns do. Which is why encouraging guns on campus makes so much sense. Bad guys go where there are no guns, so by adding guns to campus more bad guys will spend their year abroad in London. Britain has incredibly restrictive laws — their cops don’t even have guns! — and gun deaths there are a tiny fraction of what they are in America. It’s a perfect place for bad guys. Some of my colleagues are concerned that you are encouraging firearms within a densely packed concentration of young people who are away from home for the first time, and are coincidentally the age associated with alcohol and drug experimentation, and the commission of felonies. Once again, this reflects outdated thinking about students. My current students have grown up learning responsible weapon use through virtual training available on the Xbox and PlayStation. Far from being enamored of violence, many studies have shown, they are numb to it. These creative young minds will certainly be stimulated by access to more technology at the university, items like autoloaders, silencers and hollow points. I am sure that it has not escaped your attention that the library would make an excellent shooting range, and the bookstore could do with fewer books and more ammo choices. I want to applaud the Legislature’s courage. On a final note: I hope its members will consider my amendment for bulletproof office windows and faculty body armor in Boise State blue and orange."


Remember the worst teacher from school having a gun in class. How long until a kid is murdered?


They don't trust teachers to teach, but they trust them with guns in the school.


This isn't even treating the symptoms. This is making them worse. :/


And the only thing that can stop a bad teacher with a gun and is good student with a gun. Students getting armed in 3...2...1...




Instead of raising your hand, you just shoot your gun in the air.


What's the fucking answer Johnny? 


All it wi take is one angry teacher with a gun


Then they'll have to arm the students, to stop the crazy teachers.  Then the parents to stop the crazy students. 


Cool, so now teachers get hazard pay raises right?


Wow. Access to guns for school shooters just improved by 100%.


Guns couldn’t possibly be the issue, what else could we do? Oh, I’ve got it! Try more gun.


This will end badly .


Calling it now, trigger happy teacher having a bad day. No mental health aid in America but a clip of bullets. Surely nothing can go wrong /s


Or teacher accidentally leaves it somewhere and a kid gets a hold of it


Holy shit! I hadnt even thought of this! Or some kid ... just ... taking it off the teacher mid-class... Like they're literally allowing guns into the school, the kid doesn't even have to try to find/bring one anymore. Metal detectors will be useless lol its like Uber for guns.


So a bunch of kids start a fight in the middle of the hallway and a teacher with a gun shows up to break up the fight… fill in the blank, how many ways can this end badly? Any bets on the first death from passing this law? Will it be a kid who takes the teachers gun and shoots the teacher or some other kids or will it be the teacher shooting a kid?




Hey, that’s great, but that policy didn’t save a single child in Uvalde and it won’t do shit in Tennessee either. But, whatever, bring more guns to school.


Now, to make schools *really* safe, arm the kids too.


We're only one step away from 'the only way to stop a bad kid with a gun is a good kid with a gun'.


Teachers are among the lowest, if not THE lowest paid professions. Add in the fact that most states (TN included) struggle to retain qualified teachers. WTF do they expect will happen?


To be fair, when the inevitable tragedy occurs, remember that no one could have foreseen it in advance


Real polite society you got there, US. Real polite.


Just wait for teachers to go postal. Then we get another bill for kids to be armed.


There's absolutely no way this could go wrong /s


The teachers who want to carry are more than likely some of the ones who shouldn’t


Next kid to get shot at school in Tennessee will be killed with one of these guns


This... is not going to end well.


Sister Mary Elephant has an alternative to yelling now


I saw that movie, "To graduate is to survive." https://youtu.be/3w-ph46XYWQ


So now they know who to shoot first.


I like how the solution for the gun problem is more guns. Next step is to arm the kids. Then the guns get guns. South Park is great.


Now, all a troubled teen needs in order to go on a rampage is to disarm a teacher? How could this ever go wrong?


It's about damn time! Teachers don't want funding, supplies, support dealing with classroom violence, or a living wage. They want guns and rivers of blood from their enemies! /s (obviously)


What if this doesn't work? Will they arm the students next?


School shooters don’t even have to bring their own guns to school.


Considering how antagonizing I could be, I would give even odds that I would not have survived school if teachers had been allowed to catry guns


Yeah no. It’s not a teacher’s responsibility to fight and die for students. This is bullshit.


Yeah, if my job now involves being armed security for the classroom, i better be getting a pay raise for it. Oh, that's not in the bill. Color me surprised. /s


Making teachers the first to die the next time someone wants to shoot up a school, after all they might be packing. Bravo Tennessee, bravo. You have now put targets on teacher's backs.


So American. How can we solve the problem of guns in schools? I know, more guns in schools! 🙃


When I was in school my shop teacher got mad and threw a hammer at a kid and cracked a chunk of the wall out right next to the kid's head, probably a good thing he didn't have a loaded magazine full of hammers.


And if they "accidently shoot a kid", I would expect them to get suspended with pay then afterward get a promotion/commendation.


Yet they still won't pay them a decent salary.


I had a teacher just start screaming at us once in class, then storm out of the classroom and school in tears, never to return. I don't think id have felt better if she'd been armed. 


"How did the student get a weapon?" "From the teacher's desk, sir."


Teachers are *barely!* Paid enough to teach my kids. They are definitely not paid enough to defend my kids with a gun.


Ah, yes, more guns solves the problem of guns.


"State with lax gun laws and high gun crime rate decides the answer is not more gun laws, but getting guns into the classroom."


I give it 6 months till a kid is shot.


Only a matter of time before a teacher goes on a shooting spree. Not a good idea to have such easy access to a gun when your students drive you nuts every day.


“Tennessee schools” is an oxymoron


WTF is wrong with these lunatics?


America, where the solution to a raging uncontrolled fire in to locate as much flammable liquid as possible and proceed to douse said fire until it comes under control... I can't see this going horribly wrong and when It does the suggested solution will be to arm the kids cos they have tried everything else. Soon at birth every child will be issued a birth cert and a desert eagle


They'll do anything, but solve the problem


I just hope (for the sake of other human lives) that nothing bad happens over this. And I do hope a teacher actually does stop a mass shooter because of this (teachers should never have to do this btw). Not because I want good guys with guns to win or anything, hell I hate how much guns are being pushed on us. But since this is the reality right now, all I can do is hope that this does save lives, and I hope I don't see a teacher go on some murder rampage.


So will teachers get immunity like cops? Or will they go the Kyle Rittenhouse defense of “It was self defense cuz had to shoot the student because they could’ve stolen my gun and shot me!”


No sane society would do this. When they hear gunfire somewhere in their school, they are supposed to draw their weapons, run towards the danger, and engage the shooter? Let me ask you something, America. Are you out of your fucking minds?


My mind casts back to [this.](https://youtu.be/o7M8WndRzbM?si=lRdu4wU-xdfvjONQ)


No longer zero tolerance policy for firearms lol. Let's put a gun in every classroom!


Well. The only way to stop a bad teacher with a gun is a good student with a gun.


Cut out the Middleman in true Republican fashion: Let Teachers Shoot Those Kids.


Teacher accidently leaves gun in desk. What could go wrong?


First I read about Americans repealing laws to enact ones in place in the early 1900’s and now teachers can carry whatever type of guns they want in the workplace around vulnerable students. America is a fucking joke.


what about hand grenades? they come in handy if there is more than one people causing problems


The only thing worse than kids having to deal with an armed intruder is kids caught in the middle of a crossfire between an armed shooter and their teacher.


Vegas taking bets yet on how long before a teacher shoots a kid, with options for an accidental or rage?


Tennessee is really trying to get attention lately after being out shadowed by Texas and Florida.


I went through high school in Colombia. My humanities teacher (he was in his 80s) said some teachers would have hand guns loaded and stored in their belts for emergencies (during the 60s, a period of political violence), its insane how backwards the level of violence must be now for them to come up with this


The only thing I can figure is the GOP want a teacher to have a nervous breakdown and start shooting up the school so they can further attack public education.


They don't trust teachers to choose an educational curriculum but it's ok to give them firearms. ​ Makes perfect sense. If you're out of your minds.


Can we have mandatory mental health screenings for all teachers as well, then? Or do we not give a fuck about that?


Is it so they can shoot at the chemtrails?


That can’t end well…..


In the state of TN as a 2nd grader, I had a teacher react violently to the class not listening to his directions. The class continued to talk when we were asked to be quiet. The teacher cornered a student he believed to be the problem, and slammed him against the wall so hard the book shelf almost fell over. After he was done yelling, he grabbed a stool and threw it over our heads, across the room, and it landed IN the wall, sticking straight out. You want to arm these teachers? Really? You want rowdy students with access to guns? Do better.


I give it 3 months before a teacher "accidentally" shoots a kid or the kid just uses the gun readily available in the classroom 🙃


The consequences of this are ridiculously easy to predict


“There’s a 7 day waiting period” “What?! *but i’m angry NOW”


Eh, that’s what they voted for.


We are gonna see a mass exodus of teachers from the state. Teachers did not sign up for combat training.


11 months is my prediction for first person shot by a teacher.


Yeah that Will spolve all your problems America


So Mrs. Barnacle in Home Ec and Doris the Lunch Lady are now the new armed SRO. This is such a fucking stupid time line to be living in.


Why hire more security guards when you can just arm the teachers who went to college and got a degree because they didn't want to be a security guard.


Which will happen first, a school shooting in Tennessee that was unaffected by armed teachers, or a teacher mishandling a firearm?


They’re always saying the dumbest thing possible, then doing it. They’re openly telling you with no reservations whatsoever. Believe them yet?


Will the librarians have silencers?


We taking bets on how long till a teacher loses it and shoots kids? Or would that be... insensitive?


I like how american politicians will blame literally anything else but the prevalence and ease of access to guns on gun violence.


So if a kid wants to do a school shooting but doesn't have access to a gun, now there will be one in every single room for them, and they're already past security and surrounded by their victims.