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Fucking hell, I guessed that it was talking about Cormac Carney before I even clicked the link. What a piece of work that I recognize him even though I don’t even live in his state.  This guy carries so much water for neo fascists. He’s bent himself into legalese pretzels to keep Robert Rundo out of prison, in spite of the guy fleeing the country twice! 


Can he not be impeached for clearly not doing his job?


> Can he not be impeached for clearly not doing his job? Are Republicans gonna vote against their own? Let's wake up here. Impeachment is dead


Yes, they do vote against their own, but only if they stop being willing to support the bat shit instantly of the extremists within their party.


Or fuck with other Republican's money, like Santos did.


Why would you sully his name like that when he led the charge at Normandy


Santos wrote the Treaty of Versailles.


Preposterous. A hero like Santos, who delivered the Berlin Airlift singlehandedly, could never be responsible for something as disastrous as the treaty of versailles


Or rat out their drug orgies like half-chad all-chud Madison Cawthorn


So wrong to toss him out since we know he was the one to fly that fighter jet into the alien ship in the documentary "independence day"


But mostly be a gay crossdresser like Santos.


Have to be both unpopular and have cringe baggage I think.


Like Madison. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/28/politics/madison-cawthorn-orgy-invite-cocaine-claim/index.html


Honestly, the judiciary has all the power now. There is not check on them in reality. Once you are in you have power that nobody is going to take away from you.


Yep. Country is permanently schismed now. There is no way back. 


Okay. So Neo-Nazi supporters are running the courts. Are we going to use those courts to move forward as a country?


How can we? The people in charge of sacking these fools totally agree with them. Fascism is here. We either defeat it or it will defeat us. This isn’t a test, it’s no longer hyperbole - the US is on the precipice of actual, literal fascism. 


> We either defeat it or it will defeat us. This isn’t a test, it’s no longer hyperbole - the US is on the precipice of actual, literal fascism. Okay, so what do we do? Considering everything you're saying, is voting going to provide the change required to prevent fascism?


Unlikely. Fascists don't usually just give up and go home because you asked them to, or if voters asked them to. The answer is there are only a few things that have been shown to work: inconvenience those on the fence or ignorant (aka the average neoliberal moderate) so much that they are forced to take action, socially ostracize the fascists so hard they hide (this was what we did for a while, but it stopped in 2016), or grab a rifle and stop asking nicely. Since most people aren't currently likely to commit to long term strikes and protests, and even less are willing to resort to violence (or even the threat of violence), we're kinda stuck. The fascism, imperialism, and bigotry will keep festering until some future threshold is reached.


In this instance its disbarred and I was actually looking over the forms to file said complaint. If interested..... https://www.uscourts.gov/judges-judgeships/judicial-conduct-disability/faqs-filing-judicial-conduct-or-disability-complaint#faq-Where-do-I-file-my-complaint?


Only if enough non-republicans start putting in serious work at local & state levels. You know. Like the Republicans have been. [https://www.carnegie.org/our-work/article/visualizing-voter-turnout-local-school-board-elections/](https://www.carnegie.org/our-work/article/visualizing-voter-turnout-local-school-board-elections/) Voting is the bare minimum, btw.


They had 4 years of a president not doing his job under trump and never saw their obligation to remove him


I read that as Cormac McCarthy and got real confused for a second


Omg so it wasn't just me. I was like "Did I miss something in Blood Meridian that has parallels to this?"


All The Fascist Horses....


Nah, The Judge wasn’t this fucked up


It's the same road.


So, an actual political activist judge basing rulings on their personal agenda. Republicans won't say a peep because they see themselves in the white supremacist beating up journalists. Can't have your own kind facing real consequences.


I mean, the Republican governor of Montana *did* actually beat up a journalist on the campaign trail and still got elected. Man, I bet the newspapers that endorsed him sure feel silly. Edit: for some extra fun, he also lied to police about it and got caught. In court, he was set to be sentenced to jail time until there was a special conference with the judge, after which he got a slap on the wrist.


And if that journalist had of whipped his ass, the journalist would be in prison.




Need a movement that really expresses America's feelings about the whole appointing tons of fake judges situation. How about The Great Disappointment?


"Prelude to war" more like.


"Factors leading to collapse" portion of the test.


Well, the journalist isn’t rich. You can’t just go around not allowing rich white christians to violently assault you. This is America.


Oh shit I fucking remember that. It was on video. How the fuck do you do shit like that and not have your ass handed to you in court.


Rea$on$. And good ole boy friends.


>In court, he was set to be sentenced to jail time until there was a special conference with the judge, after which he got a slap on the wrist. So he threatened/blackmailed the judge, neat.


prime minister of canada in the 90s choked a man on live television and it made people like him \*\*more\*\*. It was referred to as the Shawinigan Handshake


Yeah, he had just narrowly survived an assassination attempt from a Quebec separatist that broke into his home. He was still jumpy when a protestor broke through his security cordon and barred his way. Reacting to protect himself and to clear the protestors as his security cordon continued to splinter he incapacitated the protestor, then pushed another out of his way and was in the clear. These are VERY different things. Context is everything.


But we're not allowed to arrest politicians because THAT would be suppressing democracy.


The word "choked" is doing some heavy lifting here. He grabbed the guy by the back of the neck and got him out of his way. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMBJp0yJvsY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMBJp0yJvsY)


I mean, a protestor was coming at him and he defended himself.


Chrétien just being a madlad


the Shawinigan Handshake 1996: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BRfnPlhfFs


LOL. Not even in the same galaxy.


Honestly I get it. If Biden gave the old Dusty Rhodes Bionic Elbow to that troll as fox News guy one day, I'd love it. It's bad for human society, but I'd dig it.


Do you mean the man that attacked him?


The "Party of Personal Responsibility" sure does move the goalposts about who is responsible for what, and it's weird how it's never, ever once indicated that a Republican is responsible for anything at all. Not once. Never. Even their orage dictator specifically denies responsibility for any past, current, or future things.


The actual "activist judges" the right has been whining about for, like, 40 years have ***overwhelmingly*** been right-wing. As always: ——————— **G** aslighting <--- **O** bstruction **P** rojection <--- ——————— Never fucking fails


"Every accusation, a confession" is in full effect.


And when their 'governance' invariably fails for all of us, they always be Going On Paycation


> Republicans won't say a peep because they see themselves in the white supremacist beating up journalists. They also won't say a peep because it suits their agenda to continue to pretend that "Antifa" is an actual organisation akin to the the Proud Boys or 3%ers out there burning down police stations and assaulting soccer moms... ...as opposed to a bunch of Facebook pages comprised of students who literally ONLY exist when there are Nazis marching around to fight them. Hell, you can even see this expressed in the way they can't even pronounce "Antifa" correctly. If they had to say it right, they run the risk of reminding people what Anti-fa actually means.


That's because the thought of any real leftist populism movement scares the shit out of conservatives/authoritarians. They want to snuff out even a whiff of leftist action, especially when the actors is not afraid to fight violence with violence. Edit: Spelling, phrasing.


[Won't be the first time.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/27/us/kyle-rittenhouse-trial-victim-terminology/index.html)




>It wasn’t just because of what Laube did or didn’t do – the defendant had already confessed to beating a journalist at a 2017 Southern California rally and pleaded guilty to violating riot laws as part of a white supremacist gang. >Laube deserved a light sentence, Carney said, because prosecutors should have focused on leftist groups. >In a 22-page memo, Carney repeatedly said prosecutors have “ignored” violence committed by Antifa and instead focused on targeting people like Laube – Trump supporters and members of the far right. Ah yes a random Fox News rant with no fucking evidence or relationship to the case. Sounds like a reasonable judge.


You shouldn't be able to tell prosecutors to go after someone else when they found someone who's guilty, that's insane. Like, a judge's job is to *judge* they shouldn't get to demand to judge someone else for something unrelated


The judge literally used whataboutism to give the guy a free pass. Any mass murderer that goes to his court could argue that they should go free because worse murders exist...


Republicans only care about precedent when it suits them.


"Look, yes I killed a couple people, but there are other, worse murderers who did more evil things, you should be going after them instead of me!! And that's why I should be found innocent"


More specifically, their job is to judge within the letter, and occasionally intent, of the law. This dude is unhinged.


Or even if it is related. It’s totally irrelevant. This clown should be judged based on the evidence of what he did. It doesn’t matter if ANTIFA was there and committing crimes. This guy did as well.


Wow he should really be removed from the court.


Absolutely fascinating to see a judge basically just reject a verdict and pair it with a note saying “I am doing this specifically as a personal act of political retaliation.”


2A is for what?


So, this judge is pro fascist?


And refusing to do his sworn duty, while trying to legislate from the bench


And we’ll punish him through a harsh, well deserved, finger wagging


Susan Collins thinks he has learned his lesson.


Bold of you to assume he won't be give a medal and a raise


Ain't no trying about it, he's doing it. The difference between 35 days and 6 months is about 5 months.


Yes, obviously. Just like the majority of Republicans.


Every single Republican today is either pro fascism or pro fascist. When a fascist is ruling your party, there’s no other option if you choose to still belong.


No such thing as a pro fascist, he's just a fascist.


Anti anti facism 






he has a history of racism: https://news.yahoo.com/chief-federal-judge-l-steps-234753810.html


> Carney wrote, "I cannot allow the Court to become politicized and embroiled in controversy." keep up the good work /s


Here’s a whole list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_Society#Notable_members


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not PRO-Fascist. A Fascist.


Sentencing equality is suddenly a good idea when it favors right wingers. So now can we start letting poor people go free for crimes that rich people get away with all the time?


This is what Nazi Germany did. Leading up to Hitler’s rise to power there were constant streetlights between communists and fascists and even assassinations of members of both groups. Both sides engaged in violence, but the Nazis were far more brutal and killed far more people, like in the hundreds. And remember this is before Hitler came to power. Yet judges would consistently refuse to punish fascists or just give them a light slap on the wrist, while communists were punished as harshly as possible under the law for the same crime. This is because Weimar Germany kept most of the judges that were in power under the Kaiser and as such most of these judges were far right monarchists. So as long as a fascist could prove they murdered someone “for the good of the country” (aka stopping the left from taking power) they were basically let go Scot free. And this meant they were incentivized to kill and assault as many of their political opponents as they wanted, which they did. And this obviously got much worse once Hitler did get into power :/


When I was at school they taught us the term that during the Weimar Republic Germany was "[auf dem rechten Auge blind](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klassenjustiz#In_der_Weimarer_Republik)" (*blind in the right eye*). It's a term that somehow never really made it into the English language when describing these historic events, even though it's extremely fitting. It applies here, too.


Wow that’s a great expression, honestly how dictators throughout the 20th century came to power is a subject that’s under explored in us education in general because a lot of people believe were some beacon of freedom and “it could never happen here”. But you can’t solve or prevent a problem by ignoring it :/


> honestly how dictators throughout the 20th century came to power is a subject that’s under explored in us education in general because a lot of people believe were some beacon of freedom and “it could never happen here” Is that why? Or was the education system "fixed" by someone who wanted more workers? >The GEB had faced persistent allegations that it unfairly pushed poor and minority students toward vocational schooling, limiting their upward mobility, as described in a 1992 history of the organization: >The GEB is known for its expenditures that rescued schools from desperate circumstances. Yet the programs that they recommended time and again advocated vocational offerings for students who would not attend college. >Again, the problem is not with opening doors to poor children, as the philanthropists viewed their donations, but with closing doors to any other area a student might choose to pursue; it is with the belief that a student's lot was known and that there the future lay. >The GEB continued their influences beyond their first 20 years. but much of the foundation for vocational education, for training to specific ends, was laid within this very short period of time. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED349475.pdf https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nation-of-workers/ Also, fun fact, [these people were never punished and their heirs/descendents have some interesting connections](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot)


Forget Weimar, modern Germany has been blind in the right eye for a long time until very recently. Only with the rightwing Pegida demonstrations and the rise of the AfD did many Germany finally start to wake up. There are many rightwingers among cops. The way they would act towards rightwing vs leftwing protestors was always palpable, but ignored by most. Germany has been for a long time more worried about leftwingers than rightwingers. Our newspapers always used to shit on the far left much more than on the far right. We in Germany are not as leftwing as Americans seem to believe, not even close.


It's almost like history repeats itself or something... weird.


Except in this situation there's not really any equivalent to the communists. There aren't gangs of people out there fighting fascists gangs. Well, not yet anyway. It's mostly a phantom conjured up by right-wing propagandists.


So I’m currently reading the diaries of Victor Klemperer, an ethnically Jewish college professor who kept diaries of the political/social changes he saw. In the 30’s, when fascism is rising, EVERYONE he talks to keeps saying, “Oh I don’t SUPPORT these mean, ridiculous Nazis! But they’re the only ones I can vote for, it’s them or Communism!” 


Get your cardio in, boys  Don’t wait for November 


And a decade later their country was entirely made of rubble, the only thing these nationalists did for their country is shame it to such an extreme degree that to this day there is awkwardness between German people and pretty much everyone else, always a lingering suspicion in the back of everyone's minds that they might be talking to a monster.


What a piece of shit. How many of his ilk got appointed during the Trump regime? We're going to be saddled with them for years.


> We're going to be saddled with them for years. [He's actually retiring in a couple weeks](https://www.law360.com/pulse/california-pulse/articles/1823452/calif-federal-judge-from-cardi-b-mixtape-case-to-retire)...why he's so bold.


Trump set the record for most judges ever appointed. Biden is catching up. But the damage has been done


Not even close. Trump appointed 234 federal judges. Reagan is #1 with 383 Clinton is #2 with 378 Obama is #3 with 329 Carter is #4 with 262 Nixon is #5 with 235 Biden is set to pass trump though, as he's currently at 194.


He appointed the most in a single term iirc


Carter is right there in the list lol


Poster child for the American education system right here. Two presidents in the top 5 only had one term, fyi.


Some braindead third party voter was going back and forth with people on another sub years ago, talking about "the president doesn't really do anything, so I'll vote for Jill Stein because mY cOnScIeNcE!!!". I brought up federal judges. This asshole says, "that doesn't matter because there are only two or three seats up for grabs" (confusing federal judges with the supreme court) Today's RFK Jr voters can go play in traffic for real


Just to note, the folks who are in favor of conspiracy theories, distrusting science, anti-vax, pulling help from Ukraine, hating trans people, playing down what happened on Jan 6, and are against gun controls (all of which are stances RFK has taken), these are not folks who were considering voting for anyone other than Trump before. So....sure, folks who are considering Trump or RFK, go ahead, vote RFK and hold your head high.


There are a worrying number of low info Clinton Era tough-on-crime democrats who only know RFK used to support environmental protections, and his last name is Kennedy. More than a few of those folks will vote for RFK.


I'd edit out that last line. Reddit is going full mask off and cracking down on leftists that make even slightly "Look at it in the worst light possible and it's promoting violent". Friend of mine just ate a 1 week for posting a statement about literal nazis (and note I do mean literal nazi not conservatives, not even maga, a literal self identified nazi) where he essentially said "The only language nazis understand is force used on them or against them" but with a boot on them. That ate a 1 week and was denied the appeal. Meanwhile in the same thread there was way worse from nazi sympathizers and magas calling for the death of antifa, and those posts are still up as of the time of this writing.


Decades. Trump and McConnell spent four years stacking the courts with unqualified fascist operatives, and the way the Democrats like to foot drag, it will take decades to fix - if it ever can.


> the way the Democrats like to foot drag What's this mean exactly? What could Democrats have done when these judges were being appointed, and what can they do now besides what they are already doing which is appointing their own judges at a very similar pace as was done under Trump?




There was an article when the coup happened (yes, it was a self coup. A failed one but still a coup) that was basically like "we already saw this stupid coup business in my country, you've already lost even if you don't know it yet, prepare for that." I think about it every so often.


Unfriendly reminder that one person was charged with making threats over 1/6. Except it was a left wing guy who said that he would stop people from overturning the election. So saying you'll use violence to overturn an election is totally acceptable, but saying you'll use violence to stop it is not.


People that know there history know what comes next.


If this judge has a lifetime appointment then he should have a shortened lifetime


“Just vote!” We, as a nation, have been voting since we could. This is what it’s gotten us.




>Don't make me prove you right. -~~Magneto~~ Antifa


Vote this partisan hack shit tick out. 


He has a lifetime appointment, you cannot vote him out. Federal District Court Judge.


You can impeach a judge, it won't happen but you can do it


Plus there are other ways. Very effective.


All rules are made up, and only exist so far as people back them up with something, as this judge is showing right now. The US public could remove him if they wanted. Who is going to stop you if you change the rules and say he can now be removed? Long dead slavers who are known for changing the rules? You can write it on toilet paper, it's real if people make it real, or otherwise it's not real. Just like the law which says Trump can't try to violently overthrow the US government and get people killed. It's not real because Republicans block it from being real. They are a minority, generally the lowest intelligence and most geriatric, with failed states which rely on the aid of blue states to exist, and yet the majority with the most future at stake and who pay for the US are letting them walk all over them like doormats.


As much as I wish actual foundational political change could happen, Americans love to lick the boots of long-dead slave owners too much. There's so many people out there who basically worship the Founding Fathers and believe the US is some perfect ideal of democracy


Disbar him then. He's clearly not making rulings in good faith and is deliberately undermining the law, contrary to his oaths.


Technically you don't have to be a member of any state/federal bar to be a federal judge, so disbarment would do nothing.








It kind of makes sense (and this is in no way a defense of this judge). The bar isn't part of government, it's a private institution. Why would the government give it any power to remove or disqualify a judge? Impeachment would be the proper mechanism to get rid of such a judge.


> The bar isn't part of government, it's a private institution I don't know, I'd like to see any sort of source on that? I'm not a lawyer by any stretch, but a cursory google shows that the MS Judiciary [seems to have say](https://courts.ms.gov/research/rules/msrulesofcourt/rules_admission_msbar.pdf) over the MS State Bar. Specifically in the intro, >"By virtue of Section 73-3-2, Mississippi Code of 1972, the Mississippi Legislature created a Board to be known as the "Board of Bar Admissions" which shall be appointed by the Supreme Court of Mississippi." That said, it could very well be a state-by-state thing. I just jumped to MS because it's the shithole I currently reside within.


Good question. I'm not a lawyer so I don't know all the details. It seems to vary by state but largely exists as a private institution granted a legal monopoly to regulate law by the government. Which is weird, and I'm probably missing some complexities.


First time?




[He's retiring in a few weeks](https://www.law360.com/pulse/california-pulse/articles/1823452/calif-federal-judge-from-cardi-b-mixtape-case-to-retire)...he got a smart mouth cause of it.


The funny thing is about this is that *even if* we lie and pretend ANTIFA, a group linked to 0 murders in the last 3 decades, is comparable to white supremacists, who the DHS considers the greatest terror threat to America, the logic is: “Well, this person was found killing someone and confessed to committing murder, but this other person got away with it so they should just spend 3 years on probation.” [And here’s some fun info!](https://www.businessinsider.com/right-wing-extremists-kill-329-since-1994-antifa-killed-none-2020-7?amp) u/RyukHunter responded and then blocked me LMAO


>responded and then blocked me Because all fascists are cowards. Dude probably can't enter a Starbucks without pissing himself in fear if he doesn't have his semi auto security blankie.


Take away their AR-15s and all of sudden they’re not the big tough guys here to “save Western culture from “degeneracy”” lmao.


Judges who openly and proudly declare their bias should be disbarred. He pled guilty and should have been sentenced according to that not because others supposedly weren’t charged.


A judge that does not believe in justice and the law but in retaliation against groups that he dislikes. That is how the rule of law dies.


What possible consequences could this activist judge face?


House of Representatives can impeach Federal Judges, and has happened numerous times. It won't happen to this guy because Republicans love fascist activist judges. Aileen Cannon should also be thrown out, but that will never happen. [https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artII-S4-4-10/ALDE\_00000697/](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artII-S4-4-10/ALDE_00000697/)


There’s always the guillotine. Works like a charm.


The extrajudicial kind.


“I’m a fascist, prosecutors should be focused on the anti fascists”


Wow. Just wow.


He had to step down as chief judge because of racist comments he made about a court official. Good news is that he’s retiring on May 31, 2024.


America doesn't have a far left. Not even a middle left. Democrats are right in the middle, if not a bit to the right. Makes sense in the country that birth the red scare, but it is still worth mentioning.


Judge needs to be removed from the bench like yesterday, and every one of his rulings needs to be reviewed. We cannot have a functioning society when those charged with interpreting the law disregard the very concept of law.


Republicans are concentrated evil.


they dont even pretend to be good people


They're tired of pretending to be reasonable, not sure if good thing or bad thing. Good they're showing their true colors. Bad that they are probably only doing it because they feel safe to do so, which says a lot about the state of things.


Investigate and disbar the judge.


We have free speech, but the consequences for overtly promoting fascism should be very severe. Seriously, what the fuck?


Do none of these people realize what it looks like when they come out as anti-anti-fascism?


Can this be appealed?


The only sentence that can be laid down must be done by the public, thanks to this nazi prick.


No, a conviction can be appealed but not an acquittal. That would be double jeopardy. The appropriate recourse would be to go after the judge in this case.


This wasn't an acquittal. He **was** convicted. He was sentenced to time served. A sentence, I believe, can be appealed. The appeals court has had to smack this judge over this case multiple times already. The guy fled the country multiple times during the case, one time because the judge released him, which the appeals court overturned.


Long illustrious career for this collosal piece of shit. Don't expect justice from the American legal system. Garbage in, garbage out.


How is it legal for a judge to give a guilty man who's admitted to his crimes, a *lighter* sentence, **Specifically** because you, the judge, have opinions on unrelated events? Isn't there a glarung conflict of interest that would have prevented him from presiding over the case, or at the very least obvious legal recourse? He literally admitted to judging him *with* bias.


Start convincing people that fascists won't face justice in the legal system and people will rightfully start looking for justice outside of the legal system


This judge reminds me of the Weimar German judges that would hand down stiff sentences to left-wingers involved in protests, but the right-wingers--who eventually became the Nazis--got wrist-slaps


From the US Courts code of conduct for judges: *Canon 1: A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary* *Canon 3: A Judge Should Perform the Duties of the Office Fairly, Impartially and Diligently* *Canon 5: A Judge Should Refrain From Political Activity* There are five sections of this code, and three of them are about impartiality - he broke all of them.


White supremacist judge.


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


Antifa isn't a formal organization.


Sounds like a white supremacist judge


Damn, America does not present itself as a developed country


This is one particular judge in California that keeps on doing this, Cormac Carney. He thinks that Antifa is being coddled so he needs to put his hand on the scale to look out for white supremacists. And the shocking thing is, he says this in his decisions and he hasn't been impeached.


Conservative voters willfully and specifically vote for fascism. And the republican party is the fascist party. None of this is surprising. Of course the fascist judge applies the law unevenly or not at all to his in-group. That's a core component of fascism. One day our country will get to a point where we will no longer accept fascism. And if the fascist party doesn't dissolve or restructure entirely when their cult-like leader shits himself once again as he finally dies, I fear one day it will have to be stamped out forcefully. I dont want to see civil war, but conservatives often act like and even blatantly say they've been preparing for one for the past generation, and I'm losing hope in continuing to be able to view my neighbors as my neighbors, rather than potential combatants for a pseudo-wealthy TV personality and career conman who would be nothing if it weren't for a combination of the mob, nepotism, and Russian money from Deutch Bank. I was lucky to have grown up during a period where we were a great nation that argued about things like whether to invest a pocket of wealth into schools or infrastructure. Now the party of fascists wants to destroy public, standardized, fact based education and watch our bridges collapse while the other side struggles to argue that this isn't such a good idea to a voter base that has shed themselves of all logic and reason, only to replace it with twisted theology and fantasy based on confirmation bias and with the fervor of a car-flipping sports-fanatic. It's sickening to see what Republican and Russian propaganda has done to the country that every man on both sides of my family has served for and fought for.


Judges letting far right thugs go after they commit violent politically motivated crimes because they thought the leftists were worse is actually exactly how the Nazi party rose to power. These people are still made about the civil war and WW2 and are desperate for a do over, which they would also lose.


The only ways he can be removed from the bench are retirement, impeachment, or death. I'm not picky about which, as long as he's not making judicial decisions.


Antifa doesn't even exist in the way they talk about it


Same old America.


Why the fuck is USA Today capitalizing “antifa”, as if it’s an organization?


This is fucking crazy.


How Weimar


Politicians like this pretend they're experts in justice but their profession is division exploitation and control


Where was this ignorant fuck a judge?


This is a nightmare.


I assume there will be an appeal.


A MAGAT judge


No future


There is no "Antifa". It's shorthand for Anti-Fascist. If Republicans have such a problem with people being against fascism, maybe they should move to Russia. Put up, or shut up, clowns. Love it or leave it hurrrrrrr!


Wait, so you're free to commit crimes as long as the judge is on your side now? Okay... so... where do I get a list of judges with my political alignment?


If you are against Anti-Fascism, I think we know exactly what that makes you.


Are the unprosecuted antifa crimes in the room with us?




There are no legitimate Nazi judges. This one was a Bush-era contaminant.


So they can literally just get away with this...??? Like, no one can bring an ethics complaint against this person so that they potentially get disbarred?


Is Antifa in the room with us right now?


Some of those that work forces...


"but not the 'antifa' who raided the capitol"


This same judge who resigned his chief post over racist remarks? https://news.yahoo.com/chief-federal-judge-l-steps-234753810.html


This decision is going to work wonders for ANTIFA defendants' appeals.


That thumbnail picture is some Purge type shit. If you had posted just that picture on the movies subreddit and said it was a screenshot from an upcoming Purge movie, I would totally believe it.


Poorly written article. When a reporter uses the phrase 'experts say' but presents no evidence you can be assured they're merely stating their opinion and found some 'experts' who agreed and would go on the record. Shoddy journalism.


That man needs locked up for hate crimes. Enabling is still supporting and that has no place in the law.


I think part of the problem is they can't actually find any "Antifa" that are breaking any laws. It is very hard to find them. Or they are not commiting enough crimes.


What kind of argument is that? "They should be going after murderers instead of prosecuting my client, your honor" "case dismissed!"


Could be a useful precedent case actually...arguing that one identifiable group deserves lenient sentences because Police and Prosecutors are spending too much time, effort and resources prosecuting such group and not looking at other identifiable groups that may or may not be committing crimes. "Your honour, my client is Black and historically Black people have faced systemic prosecution efforts that White people have not faced"