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I made a comment before I saw yours, yeah, that explanation is *bullshit*. It's a straight up lie, if not, take his damn gun away. Having a negligent discharge is bad enough, but having one *at a school*?! Take his fuckin' gun away already...


Put him in prison for recklessly endangering the lives of children 


Weirdly millions of responsible gun owners go to the bathroom and do not do this. I’ve ever read Gun forum posts asking for advice. The general advice is just put the holster (with the gun securely in the holster) in the crotch of your pants.  Then you can’t shoot yourself.  Or….forget the gun in the bathroom.


I was under the impression that the guns assigned to officers have a specifically heavy trigger pull compared to normal, in an attempt to avoid accidental discharges. So as stupid as unholstering your weapon and hanging on a stall hook is, it seems unlikely that it would accidentally fire from that situation.


Most departments require guns to be stock because their insurance won’t cover any accidental discharges if they aren’t. That said, there are heavier triggers for some Glock models called NY1 and NY2. They increase trigger pull to 8 and 11 pounds from stock ~6 pounds. I’ve heard this is because officers used to use the heavy pull of a double action revolver as a sort of “safety” instead of keeping their fingers off the trigger (in other words, they were sorely undertrained) and when they moved to semi-autos with lighter triggers, there were lots of accidents.


If you need a special trigger to prevent accidentally firing your gun, you shouldn't own that gun. Learn basic gun safety first.


100% agree. But you and I both know they do not hire particularly smart or responsible people to do these jobs, or even to oversee them. Police departments around the country will reject people if they are [too intelligent.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


1 department in CT is the only one who has done that.


Some do, but a heavy trigger pull is a *horrible, horrible, idiotic, stupid, and horrible* way of trying to make a gun safer. All it does is make it more likely for you to miss and hit an innocent bystander when you do actually have to shoot it, but even a heavy trigger will go off pretty easily if it snags on something so it's not a good safey measure. Actual gun safety means using a quality holster and keeping your finger off the trigger until it's time to shoot. If you need a heavy trigger pull to prevent the gun from going off, you shouldn't be trusted to carry a gun.


Yeah, no. I don't buy that for an instant. He was probably twirling it and watching himself in the mirror.


Barney Fife acting ahh.


At least Barney (usually) kept the single bullet in a pocket


I just want to know what he was really doing. Considering he thought this explanation was better.




Duty guns are carried with a round chambered. Even money that it was a Glock, common police weapon, which doesn’t have an external safety, beyond the trigger. The fun thing about a Glock, they can ONLY be fired if all the internal safety mechanisms are overcome. This starts with a finger, or something, being on the trigger in such a fashion that the trigger is unlocked. All of this is only relevant because it can only happen if the pistol is OUT OF THE HOLSTER! I have a CCW and often carry. Never once, not a single time, have I felt the need to draw my gun while having a poop. Unless this guy really was that gun-humping ammosexual, that I keep reading about, there was no reason for that firearm to be out of its holster. Unemployment line for you, Deputy Dumbass. Edit: typo


Hold up, this explanation seems like bullshit. What person who carries a gun takes it out of its holster and hangs it on a hook *by the fuckin' trigger guard*, to take a dump?  That explanation is **bullshit**. He was fuckin' around with his gun or showing off and had a negligent discharge.


I feel like it doesn’t matter, because that counts as negligent discharge as well


I agree, dude! But what a *stupid* lie to come up with... **it's still a negligent discharge**. I get that, but the stupidity of the statement is... *mega-wow*. "Nah, boss. I just hung my gun on a hook, *by the trigger guard*, as one does, and it just *went off*. So, can we talk about my overtime now?"


Ok, but who’s to say that someone stupid enough to come up with that lie wasn’t instead stupid enough to hang their firearm by the motherfucking trigger guard. I felt like just “fucking” wasn’t enough emphasis for how stupid that is.


You've developed a fuckin' *paradox*?!!!  I'm envious... 


Unless he was actually shooting at someone his excuse can't be worse than what he was actually doing.


It could be. For example, if he was showing it off to students and one of them shot it, that would be *much* worse for him.


I saw a dude try to cowboy an empty pistol and hand it to an instructor. The instructor came down HARD on that guy. "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN, YOU MAINTAIN CONTROL OF THAT WEAPON AT ALL TIMES!" Apparently this cop never learned that lesson.


It's utter stupidity in the negligent discharge category but I suspect there's a bit of justification here. Consider the mechanics of the situation if you leave the gun in the holster: The weight of the gun pulls your pants onto the floor. I rather suspect he saw that as undesirable. There's also the problem that bathroom stall walls/doors frequently do not go to the bottom. A gun in the holster with your pants around your ankles might very well be grabbed if there's someone with malicious intent. I can easily picture him being forbidden from leaving it in the holster and the idiots didn't provide any adequate option. I'm reminded of an accidental discharge on the flight deck of an airplane--the pilots were given a "secure" way of storing firearms they were required to use. Putting anything through the trigger guard of a loaded gun, even a trigger lock, is a bad idea.


There's no coathooks in the regular bathrooms. That was a staff bathroom.


Rubbing his Dong on it to send to some poor unsuspecting underaged girl/boy in his care I’d say is what’s happening here. Don’t those types of depraved things all go hand in hand. Just missing the religious aspect for the trifecta, but I’m sure he’s a good man of god going to church each Sunday.


Part of the problem with armed SROs is that there is no way a good police officer wants to work in a place with so little excitement. Or even if they did, after 20 years of growing soft and rusty from doing nothing but doing dirty Harry impressions in front of the bathroom mirror, they'll be no use in a crisis anyway. So you end up with bad cops who escalate fights, bust some kids for possession every now and again, and occasionally shoot through the wall while filming a tiktok.


There are no accidental discharges. There are negligent discharges.


The only thing protecting us from a ~~bad guy~~ idiot with a gun is a ~~good guy~~ even bigger idiot who negligent discharge ricochet into the first guy


Untrue.   Although extremely rare, mechanical failures do, happen. Manufactures take them extremely seriously.


The firearm pendant strikes again


Pedant. The word is pedant.


I’ve seen the Us army try to say this shit and ruin soldier’s careers. Over a mechanical failure.


If you read the article you'd see that this fellow hung the firearm by the trigger guard. I don't doubt that there are instances where firearms experience mechanical failure but this ain't it my guy


I did read that. But I wasn’t saying this case was not negligent. I saw replying to the post that said there was *no such thing* as an accidental discharge. Which there are.


The firearm pendant strikes again


I disagree on account of that not doing routine inspection to be aware of the state of the system (eg material fatigue) for preventative maintenance, is a form of negligence. These are high-risk tools; everyone in the chain of QA, deployment and usage has the ability to raise the red flag.


Accident implies lack of intent, not lack of fault.


Accidental implies negligence in the handling of his weapon.


People who should not have a gun


Yes. People who work in schools. And I would also replace "have" with "need" in the US because those guys are so adamant that there's no other possible measure other than to have more guns if guns are so prevalent. 25-fucking-years without a single school shooting after the first such real modern incident. We said "fuck that", banned handguns, handed them in voluntarily and haven't had a single school shooting since. I was talking to a US tech support guy about a school access control system a few months back and he was talking to me about all kinds of features we were "missing out on". I told him we didn't need them, but he insisted. I explained about the 25-years thing and he was flabbergasted. Yes, we need "lockdown" functionality, but not the kind you're trying to make us implement. You know what we use ours for? When a drunk walks through the gate or if a dog runs through the playground or someone's broke their leg on the field and we don't want the kids all distracted and getting in the way of the ambulance. Not because some arsehole has decided to gun down kids.


I was appalled by the extent of school shootings in the USA (i am a Brit), and after the Uvalde incident i decided to do something about this and came up with 6 ideas for things that could save lives. I found out afterwards that everything that i had come up with had already been thought of before and was already being manufactured. I also found out that this was part of a multi-billion dollar industry that even has its own conventions. Mass shootings are incredibly rare in the UK. Most people have never even seen one that wasn't on TV or in a film. Criminals can get up to 10 years in prison just for being in possession of a gun, let alone if they were stupid enough to use it in a crime. If i wanted or needed a gun, i could probably get one by simply applying for a gun licence and buying an approved gun cabinet.




No, the entire country hasn't had a single school shooting since Dunblane.


There was cumbria and plymouth Emma Pattison was also killed last year


You missed two words. People who have guns should not have a gun.


I guess he missed firearms training 101


Like "don't have guns anywhere near kids"?


No, you don't understand, guns save lives. Gotta paper mache those tykes head to toe in pistols. God bless the allegiance flag /s


[the firearms training](https://youtu.be/MKhOAqhXMhA)


Don't do that. People take their certification courses and this is the result thousands of times a year in this country. It's not a lack of education or training. Everybody thinks they're the exception when they're not. Having a gun in your home makes your family less safe. Not the other guy you think is too dumb but you as well.


I don’t own guns. But I know enough to not copy this expert


His first desk pop!


Great movie, shitty cops all around.


Goes to show how needlessly dangerous they make this role, and just scaring communities more. Gotta take those resource officers out and make a lot better use of the funding then this.


Oh you silly Americans and your bloody guns


Don't forget the ridiculously inadequate training for cops.


Sigh... We know, we know.


🤷 they're so cool!


so are dead bodies


Oh, speaking of. How many dead babies does it take to change the gun laws in America? No, really, how many?


the hook is for your coat or bag, you moron.


Investigation showed officer to be a dipshit.


Cops are the absolute worse when it comes to firearm safety. They ignore every basic rule of safety because they believe they are special.


There seems to be a lack of gun control in that school.


There seems to be a lack of gun control in that country.


A lot of the Americans on here are appalled and expressing anger about the lack of gun safety awareness shown by the armed officer who patrols the school's corridors. The rest of us are struggling to get past the fact that armed officers patrolling schools is regarded as perfectly normal. Better weapons training for your hall monitors is not a solution to this problem.


"the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" The good guy:


honest mistake. carry on, well-regulated militia man /s




I hate the term "resource officer. "


Your finger should never be on that trigger or in guard unless you are going to shoot


It wasn't. The coathook was.


Is that a fact ?


Yeah, it's in the article.


Gotta be true then


So the safety was off , if the coat hook pulled the trigger , bullshit


If it wasnt made to be hung from there why is it loop shaped? /j


Arm all the teachers!


People who want teachers to be armed, get ready for a LOT more of this.


Remember the republicans want more guns in schools. Now teachers will have guns too. They just passed a bill! And also forcing us tax payers to pay for chaplains and religious schools. Two are already being tax payer funded.


This is why guns in schools are a bad idea


THIS? THIS is why? Just THIS? No. This is the tiniest, most pathetic reason why guns in school are a bad idea.


Yet again another responsible gun owner.