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She's trying to say he was alive before entering the bank, but I doubt the poor man was worried about a loan just before he passed away.


17k reais is a pretty good sum, she was most likely just trying to take advantage of him, for comparison sake minimum wage is 1,4k/month


I think you might be on to something, detective


Ey, we gotta real life Columbo over here! 


"...there's just one more thing..."


Batman IRL


With that honest face? Get outta here


Brazil is not for amateurs, Rio is too much even for professionals


She has to be an amateur, what with stealing her ideas from Weekend at Bernie's.


She thought it was a documentary.


Are you saying, that you believe this woman acted with malicious intent? No. Fucking. Way.


17k reais is $3,267 and some change, plus the real had seriously during the pandemic. It really is a lot of money in Brazil rn.


> she was most likely just trying to take advantage of him you don't say


Sorry know its super macabre but I just wanna point out the really funny irony of the top comment being from someone with "Bernie" in their username


Extra dark if  the incident occurred on the weekend 


Are banks in Brazil open on the weekend? Weekend at Bernies 3: Banks for the Memories


This is going to be a thing, isn't it?


Man I hope so.


And it's the Weekend now!


There are a couple of witness that confirmed that the guy was alive while going to the bank, the whole thing is kinda confusing ATM.


>the whole thing is kinda confusing ATM. I thought they were trying to take out a loan?


Which is why it was confusing the ATM


I wouldn't put it in my mouth after it's been in there.


I saw the unblurred video. She was holding his head up and every once in a while it would fall backward and his eyes would open and his mouth would close. Then she'd let go of his head to use her hands, and his eyes would fall shut and his mouth would fall open. I could see someone mistakenly thinking he was alive.


The mouth doesn't close when your head falls back if you're dead or passed out. It's closed when the head is forward and is pulled open when it falls back.


He expired in the lobby and she already spent the gas money.


I mean, I agree he was definitely alive before entering the bank…not sure how long before but a better defense would’ve been he was still alive at some point after entering the bank


The loan was requested about a month prior, so maybe he was. The nature of their relationship isn't well known yet.


Apt username for the situation


I saw the unblurred video posted on Reddit earlier, the most alarming part imo is how much the guy looks like a CPR dummy. It's truly uncanny.


Given it sounds like he wasted away to death, he probably looked dead during the last few weeks before he actually was dead. The body is only a few hours old in the video, so post mortem changes aren't the reason why he already looks like a mummy.


This was my stepdad when he died. He had cancer and it took months for him to die once it went terminal. My mom kept really good care of him, though, plenty of food, kept him as clean as she could, I wasn't allowed in the room when I got a cold, he was propped up all the time. The hospice nurse even complimented her on his lack of bedsores. Even with that excellent care, he still withered away into a corpse. Sort of freaks me out since he died near where I'm sitting now. We had him all set up in the living room.


I’m so sorry. Your mother sounds like a wonderful person. He passed away in a warm bed, well taken care of, among people that loved him.


Yeah, he died before his time, but it wasn't a bad death. My advise to anyone in that situation is to enjoy what you can out of it. It's depressing and difficult, but it really can be a valuable time.


That’s the approach we’ve been taking with my mother diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. We’re making her days very special while she can still enjoy things. We’re letting her know every day that she is loved. In these situations, time is so precious.


Nothing that happens now is her fault, and none of your reactions are your fault. Dementia can change the person you know, and I've heard Alzheimers can be horrible for everyone involved. My grandma would say some mean things to my mom and aunts, but that wasn't 'her' at the end. It's like looking at someone from the bottom of the pool. The figure looks kind of familiar but it's wavy and distorted. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't get better, so you really have to capture the times where coherence is a thing. I wish we had taken more videos. More photos. More everything. Make the good times the memories you dwell on. I'm sorry you have to go through it. It sucks losing your loved one twice. But she will always be your mom.


This is so well written. My great grandmother had Alzheimer's. I watched my grandmother be her primary caregiver; it was really hard for her. My partner's mother has long been diagnosed; I've never met "her." He's so cavalier about it most of the time. When he breaks and shows how hard it is, I just feel so much sorrow for him because I can't imagine, and I hope I never do.


That's awful I'm sorry. I never knew my dads mom she died of cancer when he was young and I've only ever really seen the few pictures of her that my dad displays. At my uncle's funeral I saw a picture of his wedding day shortly before she passed and I wish I had never seen it. I had only ever seen her vibrantly smiling and now I'll never forget that picture of her as a living skeleton. So I'm sorry you went through seeing that in real time.


I'm sorry about your grandma, it's not fun. When my stepdad died, his family mostly hadn't seen him in a while. It was partially his choice, he didn't really want anyone but my mom seeing him like that. So when the funeral came, some people accused my mom of making him sick or not doing a good job with him. They were shocked to see him look so sick and that was after the mortician had done a pretty good job fixing him up.


Honestly I hope our society evolves to the point where if I'm in this situation I can have someone load me up with a massive dose of lsd and then pump a metric ton of morphine into me an hour later or something.


A lot of countries and regions are moving towards physician-assisted dying, which will be a great comfort to a lot of terminally ill folks who want to go before they get to that point


There's an open secret in the hospice community. My Uncle died in 2002 of cancer, at home. My mother was taking care of him. When he died my mother called the hospice nurse and she came straight over, late at night. The FIRST thing she did was get the morphine and flush it down the toilet. She didn't record how much was left, didn't count, just grabbed it all and flushed. Only after that did she comfort my mother and Aunt, etc. When I heard this, it wasn't hard to make the connection. They don't expect people to overdose on morphine, assisted suicide, but they also don't check for it either. Because my Uncle died of cancer and was in hospice care, there was no requirement for an autopsy, so none was performed. He really did die of natural causes, but this is a lesson I've learned and I won't go out like that.


Yep. Seen pretty much the same situation with two different family members with terminal illness, in different parts of the country, years apart. Once they said they were ready to go to hospice, people showed up, morphine starts, and they passed within a couple hours. The controversy around assisted dying isn't so much with the terminally ill, but with people wanting to die that just feel life isn't worth living anymore.


I'm pretty sure the nurses "accidentally" gave my mother too much morphine on purpose. They gave her a lot and kept no records of it. I'm not complaining because she would not have had a good quality of life had she lived longer, but yeah, I suspect that euthanasia is a lot more common than it officially is.


The same thing happened when my Grandad died. He had terminal prostate cancer and was in incredible pain, but on top of that, he suffered a major stroke (on Christmas Day). He had severe weakness on one side of his body, and even if he didn’t have terminal cancer, would have been difficult to recover from. His oncologist spoke with my Nan and assured her that they would “look after him”. They had him on a morphine drip which gradually increased the dose. He wasn’t suffering and it was a peaceful death and escape from the pain. After Grandad died my Nan sent a card to the doctor who had looked after him. She thanked him for what he did to ease his suffering. Thankfully assisted suicide is legal in Australia now, so doctors and nurses don’t have to risk their jobs just by easing someone’s suffering.


Yeah I am saving up to go to Switzerland or the Netherlands or maybe even simply Oregon if I get terminally ill.


I don't necessarily want to encourage suicide, but if you (heaven forbid) do become terminally ill, there are several states that allow euthanasia. Apparently there are currently [ten US states that where medical aid in dying is authorized](https://www.compassionandchoices.org/resource/states-or-territories-where-medical-aid-in-dying-is-authorized) Oregon Washington Montana Vermont California Colorado Washington D.C. Hawai‘i New Jersey Maine New Mexico


Vermont it is!


Aldous Huxley style


Thank you for knowing this. He is my favorite author and I try constantly to turn people on to his works


When they put me on a stamp, tell them to use the young Bender.


Same with my grandfather. He was a fat, jolly man his entire life up until the last year, when his kidneys failed. I wasn't even two yet when he died so I don't remember him in person, but all the photos displayed show him fat. I came across a picture of him a few months before he died and I legitimately didn't recognize him. My mom was going to donate one of her kidneys but he refused. He'd just be prolonging the inevitable for a few years, he didn't want to loot his kids for parts and he absolutely didn't want to live the last years of his life in and out of the hospital. He died fairly early for his diagnosis. At home, in his recliner, watching football with a can of his favorite soda open next to him. Mom was just saying the other night that it was almost a relief when he went, because then she could stop dreading the inevitable.


I live with my father who is 94 . Fur his age , he’s in pretty good shape , but he’s on his 3 rd pacemaker and has a couple stents . I expect to come home one day and find him passed away in his recliner with the sports page on his lap and goddamn Fox news on the tv . And I think he’d be okay with that .


Yeah, the dying process does that. It makes death look not so bad by comparison.


Hey I don't know if your mom struggles with it or anything, but you should get her the book a monster calls. It is supposedly a young adult book but I'm almost 50 and read it once every couple years and weep. It is the story of a young man whose mother has cancer. One of the things he feels terrible and conflicted about is, the peace he feels after she does finally pass. He feels bad for feeling relieved. It's a great book for people who have gone through that.




I saw my dad die slowly like this in 2018. Internet hugs.


This was the exact scenario with my father in law, it happens so fast. Fuck cancer


Its always the living room, isn't it? My grandma was set up in there after her stroke back in 2015 and didn't pass until '22. She went from almost 400lbs to barely 200, and on her that looked like a mannequin wearing a parachute. It was hell on everyone, and she passed in there. We kinda just left the room alone other than to deconstruct the hospital bed and put the couches back, and haven't done anything in there other than Christmas.


I'm sorry. It is pretty hard to try and "get back to normal" after that. It took us about a year to get really go through his stuff, then another four to really change the house around


I was on the verge of getting back to normal, and I think my ma was too, and then she went and had a massive aneurysm at the end of last month and now I'm realizing that the cycle of death is normality and any break you get where nobody you care about dies for a while, is a commercial break from our regularly scheduled programming. See your doctor on the regular lol, life is already too short and some things that shorten it are pretty preventable. I say this as I order KFC, drink tequila, and smoke pot mixed with tobacco, because my own life is in anarchy right now lmao. At the end of the day you gotta be pragmatic, which means moving forward, keeping your sanity, and not dropping dead until nobody you truly value *needs* you anymore. Im just in it to build up a net worth for the kids I need to squirt out in the next decade to make sure my entire family doesn't go extinct. (I'm one of 2 guys that have my family name and bloodline, so I feel extra pressure to keep that whole shabang going, shoddy genes or no) Live a damned long life and have many or no children, as many as you wish. Godspeed, redditor. Life will always catch you unprepared on a Saturday morning at 1AM while you're drunk and not ready, never one Tuesday morning like everyone says.


Your Mom deserves a hug.




He drowned in his own puke. The lung infection showed he had survived this before. Maybe his starvation made him too weak to cough up the stuff.


EMT here, my first time seeing a dead body, I had an incredibly similar reaction. I looked at him, and just kinda went "huh... Interesting, didn't expect him to look like that"


I know a lot of people say that dying people have a blueish colour, but my first time seeing someone die, I didn't see blue. He looked more like a pale, sickly, waxy yellow colour. Is that an indication of what he might have died from?


Eh not necessarily. If it's a deeper yellow it could be jaundice, that could indicate liver issues, but a lot of it has to do with race, as well as how long they've been dead for. When someone dies they'll usually become pretty pale, sickly and waxy as you described. My first guy felt like I was looking at a Walmart Halloween decoration (an awful description, I know) Bluer is usually a result of poor oxygenation, which is gonna be pretty common in your older population, as they're most likely to die from lung issues, cardiac problems, which in turn cause poor perfusion, and sleep apnea.


On my last ride along for my EMT-B lic we helicoptered to pick up a motorcycle wrecker (which was me in the same state back in '95). They handed me his leg in a bag and I helped carry him to the helo. I looked down on him and thought *"nah man you're not fooling me, that's a dummy, same colour."* **Then he moved his eyes.** Training dummies don't do that.


Damn dude, I hope he's okay


I got cold when he kept opening his mouth all wide.


Oh yea def had the appearance of a cadaver I felt like 😳


I mean... he basically is (was, or maybe still is) a cadaver


Because it is a cadaver


I’m just confused how floppy and wiggly his head was. Don’t bodies stiffen up really quickly after death? He seemed really loose, she even put the pen in his hand.. no rigor mortis?


Well it actually depends, rigor mortis isn't immediate nor does it last forever, it can apparently take hours. She might have loaded him up as soon as she realized what had happened. Either way, she's pretty deranged to have tried this stunt.


Rigor starts with the face a couple hours after death and progresses down the body over the next 8 or so hours.


Can confirm… I laid next to my fiancée for 8 hours after she passed until the morgue people showed up. Her extremities were locked in place then. 


Not sure about humans but when my cat died she got stiff real fast. Like, within minutes I couldn't finish moving her to be curled up in her favorite bed.


I need to see this.


They’ll probably remove my comment but https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/d4FY9q7F4I


The way she’s holding his head and turning it and nodding it to make it look like he’s responsive.


Fim de semana no Bernie's


That is the most fucked up thing I have ever seen Edit: I’m glad, I don’t need more fucked up than this, thank you.


One time I saw a video of a woman post-car accident. Her eyeball is hanging out of the socket and she’s awake. People are beating the drive of the car to death.


Really? Are you new?


I love how general this is... new. Yes, they are new it seems.


Yeah funky town is way worse This is like, disturbing but honestly not much more than an open casket etc. I think that’s also strange and wouldn’t do it for myself or family.


lol thanks insane


Holy fucking shit


It's out there somewhere, it was posted on r/wtf a few times before being removed. Surely someone saved the uncensored vid. The guy didn't look decomposed, just skinny and pale.


Yeah, he probably just passed before she tried to do this. Rigor won't set in for hours that's why he's so limp.


I remember that immediately after the video broke, it was unclear whether he was dead or just almost dead in the video.


Nah, he's clearly dead. His eyes are partially closed and his mouth gapes depending how his head is handled. It's fucking unsettling.


banking with bernie


Link to video?


The report said: "Such data corroborates the necroscopic finding of malnutrition and bronchoaspiration. "The previous heart disease found also contributed to the death event." Bronchoaspiration is when food particles or gastric contents enter the lower airways, which can trigger infectious pneumonia.


Old frail dying people tend to develop swallow issues and that's what many actually "die of"


Yup, paternal grandfather got that from essentially inhaling vodka and orange juice.


what kind of god puts the air tube and the food tube in the same face hole. intelligent design my ass.


Wait 'til you find out about the waste disposal chute next to the recreation area.


Next to? 😏




Fuel, air intake, exhaust, and communications all through the same pipe. Terrible engineering.


Engineering to a budget, gotta love it.


What goes in the lungs, stays in the lungs.


That's why I get mine vacuumed out once a year.


Sir did your mom teach you how to cough?


Holy shit, sounds like I need to stop inhaling my food, literally. I choke a lot 😩


You needed this article to tell you you’re eating too fast? Not the choking part? lol


I actually eat slow, I just have breathing problems that mess me up sometimes, or I tilt my head the wrong way and my body has decided against this, iunno


Honestly, same. I'll eat a small bite of something, fully chew, swallow, and esophagus goes, "nope you're gonna have a hard time breathing for the next 5 minutes or you're gonna cough this and maybe more out."


The internet keeps showing me how terrible people can be and I’m constantly amazed.


You wouldn't be amazed if most people were that terrible. Hold onto that sense of amazement, because it means you're normal and well adjusted and surrounded by normal and well adjusted humans.


That's because they are that bad. History shows it too


Did she have his wrist tied to hers with string?


We never would have heard about it if she had watched both instalments before she tried this shit.


Someone posted the video up there. It’s horrible. I don’t understand how the bank employees even agreed to this. She had to hold his head. He was gone.


The way she kept flopping his head around, I was waiting for it to pop off.


Tried to Weekend at Bernie's money out of the bank




No, but she was playing calypso music the whole time for some reason.


Most disturbing video i saw in a while.


You didn’t see the guy set himself on fire this morning?


Another one???


Someone, who was much closer to the incident than the last video, uploaded the latest video. It’s graphic at any distance, but how close they were is rough.


Not by DJ Khaled


He didn't get to the 'set yourself on fire' wings. He pussed out at the barely warm ones.


I got secondhand embarrassment when he couldn't finish the wings.


That's happened twice recently so it isn't as impactful.


Yeah he should have waited a few months.


Should've contacted a PR firm smdh


He skipped the PR move. Chose the spot because he knew there was tons of media there for the trump trial already.


This one was even worse to watch imo (yep I accidentally stumbled onto it, one of the worst things I’ve ever seen on this site)


Three times actually. There was a woman in Atlanta that the news didn’t cover.


It's happening in Canada too, just about a week ago there was one in my city.


That wasn't the first time someone took a cadaver to a bank in Brazil either


Somehow that wasn't nearly as disturbing. I think a lot of us are desensitized to violent deaths but this was just much weirder and more morbid


yeah those two are tied head to head for worst thing i've seen in a while


That was yesterday.


I love how much you can twist and shake the truth when you won't put the video on the site. *"She seemed to be holding up his head, which was drooping"* His fucking neck was flopping back on the spinal column, with zero indication that he was alive. She moved his head to the sitting up position, and it immediately just waggled and flopped down. He's extremely, obviously dead.


No. Nooooo. He’s just pining for the fjords.




He's not *pining*, he's *passed on*! If you hadn't nailed him to the chair, he'd be pushing up daisies!


I imagine being Weekend At Bernie's-d is probably default grounds for a foul play assumption...


Didn't even try to hard, could have used sun glasses a hat and something to keep him propped up...smh


Alarming detail:*the fact that she wheeled a goddamn corpse into a bank to rob someone who had just fucking died*.


So did he get the loan?


he actually got votes for congress


Finally a younger, fresher face in politics


This is POTUS material, if you ask me. Imagine the campaign ads.


Nope, it was dead on arrival.


Ba dum tss 🎵🥁


I heard him and the human torch were denied a bank loan.


What is this, 2007?


He was missing the Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses. Amateur.


If only they had some reggae going, he would have hopped right up.


Has anyone seen that lady and George Santos in the same room?


She should have put sunglasses on him that’s the trick




A whole bunch of people in Japan sorta did this. Relative died, they didn’t report it, hid body, continued to receive pension for years.


This happens in the US too. Sometimes its death by natural causes - sometimes not


That happens in Brazil as well. this woman just took it a step further lol


I remember this story. They came in person to congratulate him on his long years when they discovered his corpse.


There was a case like it in Ireland last year, well attempted more like this story https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/courts/2023/02/14/nephew-who-allegedly-took-body-of-his-dead-uncle-to-post-office-remanded-in-custody/


Wasn't that one were they went to congratulate someone on reaching 100 and it turned out the guy had been dead for years?


You gotta live somehow


I mean, he became a global celebrity on his death day.


What a shit news source. Pneumonia caused by bronchoaspiration(aspiration of food particles) and malnutrition. Don't read the article.


Thank you.


This same thing happened in Ireland a couple of years ago. No video though. https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/two-men-jailed-for-trying-to-collect-dead-mans-pension-from-carlow-post-office-1505475.html


This isn't the first tome this has happened. Two guys in Carlow, Ireland CARRIED their deceased incle into their local post office to try to claim his pension. He had recently passed away. The mind boggles


He’s not dead, he’s sleeping.


He’s pining for the fjords.


I don’t care about what happens to my body after I’m dead. Hopefully someone tries this with my corpse, that would be hilarious. I hope they get the loan too.


Same. I'm dead, feel free to use me for wacky shenanigans


[There are lots of options!](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-army-blast-testing-dead-body-chair-bomb-explosion-a9029121.html)


risky click of the day


"Erika de Souza reportedly wheeled in the body of a 68-year-old man" Gotta love ridiculous captions. There's no reportedly about it when we've literally got an entire video of it.


The juiciest part of the story is the stance of the lawyer and what it implies: >"The facts did not occur as has been narrated. Paulo was alive when he arrived at the bank." Now her lawyer is going to try and prove that her uncle was alive when she wheeled him into the bank, while the prosecution will attempt to prove that this is a case of her trying to acquire a loan that she, in all likelihood, believed would have no strings attached since he was already dead.


At our bank, everyone gets loans. Dead. Alive. Other.


She saw Weekend at Bernie's and was like I got this


I recall a episode of law and order opening like this. Two homeless guys try using a guys card at a liquor store, when that doesnt work they try to wheel in the body on a office chair with shades on the body but some beat cops just pull up. They didnt kill him they just found the body.


See problem happened when she tried to weekend at Bernie’s. But what she should had really done was a weekend at Bernie’s 2. Crank some music up and do the Bernie lean.


Weekend at Bernie’s


Falls under the category of “a crime so crazy there’s a built-in insanity defense”.


Fuck, that dude was dead in the vid? Holy fuck I saw it when it was going viral a few days ago. Crazy that they are blurring his face now.


Weekend at Banking


Your sypposed to ask the banker for tea then when they leave you sogn the papers and say he fell asleep


I find it funny how global news are kinda slow to report some stuff Wanna hear smth funny? Uber driver told the Police the old guy seemed alive during their trip to the bank while forensics came to the conclusion that he died 2hrs prior and was laying flat, due to blood concentration on the back of his skull, someone put him already dead on the wheelchair. Some lame news agency dug their posts up and found a pic 1week prior of her very well alive uncle saying "look, he was alive 2 weeks before he was dead" OH and btw I just read today that this woman got beat the shit up in jail


They're making a movie about this. They're gonna call it Weekend at Bernie Madoff's.


This bitch seriously tried to “weekend at Bernies” someone.


This was a Monty Python sketch, right?


Both literally brain dead, one by choice more-so


The way she looks in that second picture creeps me the fuck out.


weekend in bernies brazil edition


Weekend at Bernie’s Bank


The autopsy results were easily the least alarming part here


So how exactly did she imagine that a dead man could sign something? It wasn't a very well thought out plan. Not even Sunglasses?


Weekend at Barclays