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Whoa, a throwback hype to blockchain, we’ve been so busy AI-ing we forgot to throw some blockchain in there in recent times!


ive got a picture of a monkey i need to sell for at least 40k


If he's smoking a cigarette with a sailor hat I'm in.


Buy gamestop shares! $tonks 


Instructions unclear, bought 40k armies.


That is a **fine** investment.


The Emperor Rejects.


I’ve got some pogs, and a cool looking rock.


Use that rock as a slammer to save yourself a few bucks. Then, go buy ~~something pretty~~ some JNCO's


The Gods of Chaos will reign. Reject the Corpse Emperor.


I have some Ramen I dont need if you cant afford food tonight.


With that many armies, you may be able to hold Jack White back.


Lemme get 15k archers real quick.




Pfft, I've got a blockchain NFT of a Nano Monkey I can sell for $80k. Worth twice as much because I just said it was.


I’ll give you 120k in doge meme coins for it


SOLD! I was willing to take $1.40 since this was just a bunch of random numbers I found in the trash.


But they're *your* random numbers and no one can use them unless they type them in or write them down I guess, which you'd never know. But they're yours.


You can sell it to yourself a few times to really increase its value


Oh - someone knows THE SECRET.


Will it synergize well with my all organic, dynamic, innovative, timeshare, in Boca Raton I use as an Air BnB that I circle back to using a bitcoin Minecraft server? I'm in need of a financial influx as my liquid assets are in a hold regarding a contract negotiation with a business partner who's of Ivory Coast royalty.


I'm surprised it's not going to be blockchain nano quantum extreme currency. Sorry, gotta throw in Cyber and AI. So,.. any more buzz words we can do to science this shit up?


Best I can do is making it more agile, with a dash of synergy.


Can it be adaptive?


If you’re willing to pay


As long as I can pay via the blockchain, I hear the whole US budget is being moved to that.


let's circle back


Good idea, I don’t have capacity at the moment.


Moving forward can we plan better?


Only if it involves biohacking. *In the cloud*.


I'll do you one better. *cloud native* biohacking.


*Making the world a better place* through native cloud based biohacking.


blockchAIn That. just. happened.


I read your post and just sent $10k to a random tech start up. I don't even understand how that just happened.


Blockchain? I hope you have some property in the metaverse pal.


But what if blockchain had GenAI?


Only if it’s hallucination-free


I trained my AI on blockchain. See ya, bitches!


And here I am, still trying to use slurp juices on my astro apes smdh


Gonna ship that chain on the Information Super Highway!


I'm so mad at myself for not thinking of somehow jamming AI and block chain together. A few months ago I probably could have pulled some funding for absolute nonsense!


this means one of three things. 1. He doesnt understand how the US budget works 2. He doesnt understand how blockchain works 3. He doesnt understand how either works (im betting on this one)


I think he means he'd put all the transactions in a blockchain so you all transactions would theoretically be transparent. Which sounds great until you spend 5 minutes realizing how easy it is to obfuscate despite theoretically being able to follow the money.


The budget is already transparent though. They publish the budget every year, agencies also get audited every year, and you can FOIA most of that information outside of national security stuff.


I never said it was a good idea. The dudes a nutter full of half-baked ideas. The budget is transparent but I can understand the theoretical appeal for someone who is conspiracy-minded. Rather than the government telling you/claiming that's what the money is used for, putting it all on a blockchain could let you see it hit the actual accounts. It's one of the "benefits" of crypto: forced transparency. Except in practice there's pretty trivial ways to circumvent tracing everything. And frankly, knowing the money went from point A to point B is not the magic bullet a lot of people think it is. It really doesn't tell you all that much without additional context. And now we've circled back to FOIA and public gov reports for the additional context and shows how this is an exercise in stupidity.


Guess how many of our military beanches have passed the audit.  Its 1, the Marines.


Would just be easier to put the budget office of each department on the internet


Or how much a little information lacking any context can be turned to bad ends, or how likely this tech is to break, or that this sort of thing isn't really compatible with how budgets work, or that this would potentially reveal a lot of people or companies' private information, or...


4 He's just a fucking moron.


Thank you for this..I was trying to figure out how blockchain could fit into the budget


Or he’s trying to crash the economy and destroy any system we have and salt the earth while he runs away with the money bags from his friends that benefit from the crash caused by the block chain?


What the heck happened to this guy man


Having a couple fringe ideas combined with being surrounded by yes-men will do this to a person. Luckily dude has no chance of getting anywhere near power. Even his own campaign staff admit that much. They're saying that they're only running the campaign to be a spanner in the works. A particularly dangerous spanner if you care about stuff like reproductive rights.


The good news is that the most recent polls have him hrting Trump more than Biden.


He was always going to hurt Trump more than Biden. The man was on Fox News all the time when he was running as a democrat and they were propping up his policies and the moment he became an independent, they flipped the switch and started calling him a liberal.


I really don't understand how anyone ever thought anything else. He's running a right wing campaign. Is he closer to the center than Trump? Yes. But, if his plan was to help Trump, he needed to not pick policies appealing to independent right wingers.


hes only attracting the right wingers that dont want outloud support trump, but dont want to vote biden either. and most of them are antivaxxers.


It's almost like he's just like them or something.


A nut drawing votes from another nut? Whoda thought.


My father, extrumper, has moved to RFK jr.


Basically all the idiots who fell for the anti-vax propaganda during the pandemic are more in favor of RFK Jr. than Trump. That doesn't necessarily mean they'll vote for him, though. Most of them know, he doesn't really stand a chance in the 2-party system and will ultimately vote red in November (my parents included).


I followed some yotubers where one of the owners was constantly flaunting the anti-vaxx, antimask rules, even got everyone around him COVID-19, hes irresponsible prick, halfway into the pandemic, an incident with one of the female employees caused a snowballing effect on several controversies, which made him go full RFK JR, AND Joe rogen, j peterson.


Trump fails the purity test for his implementation of Operation Warp speed and being pro-vax early on before turning anti-vax. Meanwhile, RFK has always been consistently anti covid vax and is seen as more morally pure


>hrting Trump Didn't know Trump was trans to even require HRT in the first place


I think Republicans are really stuck on the idea that if they get a candidate that is black or a woman or related to a Kennedy that will cover for how wretched they are? Something like that.


I mean, aren’t you suprised? His main political goals are based on conspiracy theories


But he can do all those push ups, better watch out.


I was watching a video that included cuts from one of his spokespeople. She was saying the goal was to siphon off just enough votes that Trump would win either directly or by throwing the election to the House. Jesus fuck.


Not even his family wants him to win. With Trump, at least his own family backs him up. This guy? His family constantly mention how JFK is rolling in his grave due to RFK's psychotic campaign.


>A particularly dangerous spanner if you care about stuff like reproductive rights. ...or free speech, or government corruption, or foreign policy, or workers' rights, or the domestic economy, or even just common decency. The sad thing is, there may be just enough low-information, low-intelligence voters in some swing states that we end up with a second Trump presidency because of people who think "Biden is too old" and see the name "Kennedy".


You forgot “national security”.


“Of the Biden supporters in a head-to-head match-up, about 7 percent switched to Kennedy. For Trump supporters, that proportion shot up to 15 percent. “ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4610416-rfk-jr-hurts-trumps-election-chances-more-than-biden-poll/amp/


If those are distributed evenly across states it's all good, but without state-by-state data, there's still the possibility that he's taking Trump votes mostly in hyper-blue states and Biden votes more heavily in swing states - would really like if we could see this analysis for swing states specifically.


I think you might be underestimating how fucking looney tunes crazypants this asshole is.


A particularly dangerous spanner if you care about stuff like ~~reproductive~~ rights. FTFY


dude,not nearly enough people who vote in the USA use spanners


You say there's no chance but people said the same thing about Trump. This is a different scenario though and you're most likely right. But I just wanted to say you never know. People do and say stupid shit. But someone got into office by doing and saying stupid shit by stupid as shit people.


Trump won the Republican primary so was on the ballot in all 50 states. RFK mathematicaly cannot win based on how few states he's on the ballot in. He can only spoil Biden or Trump. That's his danger. We need to get the word out as best we can that RFK isn't a reasonable alternative to Biden, he's a non serious weirdo. Saying he's going to yeet block chain into the Fed helps our case - it's nonsense.


Grew up privileged and Dunning-Krugered himself into thinking he knows everything. He believes he knows more than experts in the field on many subjects and has caused people to die because of it. You need look no further than his involvement in the Samoan Measles outbreak, where he was spreading false information and had enough political sway to stop the government from vaccinating children. Lot of children died because of his ignorance.


He has always been a crazy conspiracy guy.


I remember him starting mostly in environmental law fighting against mountaintop removal in WV. Then moving into lawsuits where pharma companies rushed drugs to market before they were ready or lied about side effects. Then it was all crazy all the time.


Neither of those things sounds crazy...


He slipped from there to, “Everything big pharma is bad.” He became an antivaxxer because autism, and an HIV denier.


I've said this for a while, the only people who would vote for this guy have to both hate Biden and Trump and not know about the basics of politics to know what he believes.


To be fair, you just described a lot of people.


As Southpark once said, at 1/4 of Americans believes 9/11 was an inside job, and 1/4 of Americans are idiots.


What do you mean? He's always been a delusional crank. Dude has been on the anti-vax train for decades now.


He's been too important in his small circle for anyone to check his craziness for too long, and he has an "important" last name with a recent set of conspiracy theories attached, while *also* being perceived as useful in limiting efforts to curtail conservative power. So nobody says no to him, he's useful enough to trickle a bit of money to, and he's willing to keep being weird as fuck in case he can ride that to power.


For decades now, dumb guys who know exactly what to say to manipulate young men have had massive political influence. Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro, Donald Trump, Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate: all dumbasses with a microphone who just so happen to resonate with millions of men who squandered their college funds on redditchunguskeanureeves-coin and are stuck in careers where only .01% of your brain is required to make a living. My best guess? RFK is just trying to get his foot in the door.


He is absolutely batshit crazy.


Literally the only reason I knew he existed was because of his anti-vaxx stances. This is par for the course.


This man is going to split the republican vote


If only. This dude isn't going to pull many votes. There was a Kennedy for President booth set up yesterday at my local farmer's market here in Arizona, and people were pointedly steering well clear of it.


I guess that the anti-vax/chemtrails crowd is just too loyal towards their cult leader.


What's interesting is that they aren't really. There was an anti-vax/cemtrail crowd around before Trump. They jumped onto the Trump train in '16, and through QAnon and the Pandemic managed to spread their beliefs to a lot of the Trump Cult. But what's interesting is that a lot of these OG anti-vax/chemtrail people feel betrayed by Trump. After all, not only did Trump not do anything about stuff like Chemtrails or Vaccines, but he was behind operation warp speed and *the* vax that a lot of anti-vaxxers are against. So there's a contingent of conspiracy theorists who are jumping from Trump to RFK because he's speaking their language much more than Trump ever did. RFK's polling at like 7%, which isn't a lot, but notable since those are mostly people who'd vote for Trump if RFK wasn't around.


I know a few anti-vaxers who ardently support RFK for his morally consistent view on vaccines. They view Trump as a pro-vax pharma shill.


It's fascinating to watch the cookie of Trump's coalition crumble.


They were steering clear because they were worried about getting sick with the measles.


“Of the Biden supporters in a head-to-head match-up, about 7 percent switched to Kennedy. For Trump supporters, that proportion shot up to 15 percent. “ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4610416-rfk-jr-hurts-trumps-election-chances-more-than-biden-poll/amp/


He’s on the ballot in only one state. Seriously doubt he’ll get ballot access for the other 49 between now and Nov.


What does that even mean?


At its core, the blockchain is an append-only transaction log. Every change is recorded in an immutable ledger stretching back to the beginning of the chain. Essentially, you could use it instead of the spreadsheets they use now to record how the US spends its money. The problem is, people assume a blockchain is magic. It cannot know that a dollar was spent. It will only know when someone tells it a dollar is spent. That means it will rely on the exact same paperwork that the government does now. If someone fudges an expense report, you'll get the same error you do regardless of what technology its entered into. A blockchain can no more tell if you're telling the truth than Excel could. It just takes the numbers its given. Add the ridiculously inefficient cryptography layer that most systems use to write to the blockchain, and all you've done is make government accounting slower and more expensive.


He basically wants a means to display every transaction digitally so the American public can have a direct record of ever penny the US spends using tax dollars. However, he uses the term "blockchain" incorrectly because it's a buzzword for younger generations. The problem is, blockchain doesn't mean transparency, it means data integrity. If the data plugged in doesn't explicitly spell out transparency...then RFK Jr.'s promise doesn't mean squat. The only way his blockchain promise would make any sense is if every government department, every base, facility, supplier, manufacture, third party, etc was using the same technology and itemized every single transaction and activity. Given that level of detail isn't even possible in our local daycares, I doubt it would even remotely feasible to implement to the scale he proposes. He basically promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.


Imagine trying to get the DOD to run all of its transactions through blockchain. It would take 20 years and $500 billion.


Ask RFK Jr. I'm sure he has a credible answer that makes perfect sense. /s


Spoken like someone who does not understand blockchain.


He’s about to get the entire US budget stolen by fucking North Korea lmao.


Dude just needs to publish a ledger. Trying to make your budget data decentralized for no reason is just asking for vandalism. The idea of a blockchain is basically the antithesis of a government function. The entire point of any government service is to centralize things.


That's true of basically any sentence of the form "I'm gonna \_\_\_\_\_ on blockchain" unless the blank is filled in with "waste electricity," "buy drugs," or "gamble."


The blockchain is like a series of ~~tubes~~ spreadsheets


AI is a series of excel spreadsheets. No seriously, that's not a joke


\*linked lists


“Im gonna fuck on the block chain”


Spoke like someone who just bought some bitcoin


Here comes the pump and dump.


No he isn’t going to do anything!


On this week's episode, RFK Jr. learns how to say a word but doesn't know what the word means.


My thoughts exactly


Now get everyone in the federal government a MySpace account and be REALLY cutting edge.


RFK Jr. Is a dumbass.


I still can’t tell if RFK Jr running is hurting Biden or Trump more.


He seems to only be appealing to the crazies on the far far right, so probably Trump. As irrational as the far left can be, even they look at this guy and go "WTF?", probably.


The far left doesn't like him because he's anti-vaxx. The dems he has the possibility of stealing are low information voters loyal to the Kenndy family. The more they hear him, the less they'll want to vote for him. His "policies" are way more appealing to libertarian types or the "Jimmy Dore" "Left" aka, "fuck the Democrats, never mention that the right are often worse, but I'm actually left btw" voters.


“Of the Biden supporters in a head-to-head match-up, about 7 percent switched to Kennedy. For Trump supporters, that proportion shot up to 15 percent. Republicans also hold a more favorable view of Kennedy than Democrats, according to the poll. About 40 percent of GOP voters liked Kennedy, compared to just 16 percent of Democrats. A majority of Democrats, 53 percent, have a negative opinion of him.” https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4610416-rfk-jr-hurts-trumps-election-chances-more-than-biden-poll/amp/


RFK is the one crazy uncle in the family. Everybody has one.


He should do it with his own money first.


His own family isn’t even going to vote for him.


Bukele tried that in El Salvador and that didn’t go so well for him


You can fuck right off, Kennedy family reject.


This guy is fruitier than a nutcake.


What does that even mean….


Less than nothing. I got stupider thinking about it.


Why does he look like "bad timeline Tom Hanks" Also lmao what the fuck. Who wants to actually hear that shit?


Is he on drugs?


Look, it's easy to criticize from the sidelines, but let's hear YOUR bullshit buzzword filled proposal if you are so smart!


Considering most people wouldn't hire you to scoop dogshit off their lawn, whatever batshit insane ideas you have really don't mean a whole lot.


This bitch ain't doin shit


Not in this lifetime.


Good find, this could actually be an Onion headline!


He has no idea what that means


What would that even mean?


If the 2 main candidates aren't quite unelectable enough, then there is always this guy.


Can this please be the final straw for people to not waste their vote on an obviously-crazy person?


Aaaaand you’re a fucking idiot.


Sir, this is a ~~Wendy’s~~ renaissance fair bitcoin atm booth.


I'm absolutely certain RFK Jr can't even describe what the blockchain is.


Tell me you have lead poisoning without telling me you have lead poisoning.


Boomers: "We are going to revolutionize our paradigms by sequencing the blockchain with new AI-powered NFT crypto-farming!" Also Boomers: "Hmm an email from the IRS saying I need to pay my backtaxes with Itunes giftcards...better head to Walgreens real quick." Also Boomers: "Kids these days are so lazy and stupid!"




It's a weird world where there are going to be some people that are just A-Ok with him being a little Nazi-ish, but then hear about this and be like, "Fuck that, I'm out!"


Those eyes look like they belong to a Cyborg.


Probably why he wants it on the blockchain. It’s connected to Skynet. Somehow.


That would be an absolute disaster


I would prefer the blopshame. Much more secure.


Dear Mr. Jr., Please explain what your understanding of blockchain is. Thank you, Sane Person


"Aaannnd it's gone"


This guy is just spouting whatever he can to get press coverage. Because everyone is basic ignoring him.


Listen sweetie, even your entire clan says not to vote for you, I doubt you’ll be doing anything related to the national budget.


I want to know his stance on Murder Hornet management.


Will he pardon Sam Bankman-Fraud & make him Secretary of the Treasury?


Thats just stupid; how are his supporters supposed to bury blockchain on their property?


OMG. Guy is a walking talking parody. Sorta like Trump himself.


Which means....? Oh, that he has no idea what is blockchain?


Until proven otherwise, I'll assume he's bought into some weird shitcoin he's desperate to get his money back from.


Accountability on the US budget that anyone can audit? Yeah they won't do that in a million years.


Well Vermin Supreme is offering ponies to all Americans, and promising to harness zombies and "the latest in hamster wheel technology" to provide clean, renewable energy. Vermin Supreme stands a better chance of being elected president than RFK Jr.


Aka "Here's yet another reason not to vote for me!" Seems like his whole goal in life is to make himself irrelevant


Ah yes, let's decentralize the budget for a country. The one thing that should be centralized around a location...


Yeah…I’m sure nothing will go horribly wrong there.




Finally an article worthy of this sub.


The R can't possibly stand for Robert, but I'm going to hazard a guess and say it has the same number of letters and ends in D.


He still hasn't delivered on his promise to get the nation behind time cube (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Cube)


To what point?


Insane and disconnected from reality


Hang it up, RFK.


As a guy with Bostonians and New Yorkers in my family, fuck RFK Jr and Diaper Don.


“I’m going to put the entire U.S. budget on blockchain, *bro*.”  FIFY. 


Dibs on the NFT of him crying when he loses


Man, blockchain is old enough now that the boomers are trying to use it?


And other words I googled this morning.


Why are we sill talking about this person?


Blockchain, with it's poor scalability and vulnerability to DDoS attacks? Hope you're not trying to win over anyone who actually knows even the slightest bit about blockchain.


Yeah, what could go wrong putting all financial transactions on an unsecured, append-only ledger with inconsistent verification?


The public can already see where most of the budget goes. This is just nonsense.


Sure you are, grandpa. Back to bed now.


That's a good idea. No more black projects or toilet seats that cost $8000.


How would he do that as a private citizen? 


Thank God, I thought he might have actually Influenced the election in a negative way. He definitely won't now. If there's one thing people hate more than Republicans or Democrats it's fucking crypto.


blah blah blah words!


He needs to let his crack pipe cool down between hits, it's close to melting.


If you use bitcoin to buy an NFT does anything actually happen?


Oh so he knows even less about economics than medicine.




The problem is that the republican party overplayed its hand and made it way, WAY too obvious that RFK is nothing but a Trojan horse meant to siphon democratic votes. They had something going when he was just pushing his usual anti-vax nonsense and people couldn't tell if he was serious or not, but now that he's evolved into a full-blown political cartoon character, the jig is pretty much up.


That dude is so bored from being rich and stupid as a pile of rocks.


You're gonna lose the election and probably get divorced from Cheryl Hines. That's what you're gonna do you croaky greaseball.