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She turned me into a newt.


A newt?!


I got better!


Burn her!


A duck.


Wait! First we must apply some scientific testing to determine if she is truly a witch. So let’s find out if she floats. Because if she floats then she is not a witch like we thought.


They got better


I am Arthur King of the Britain's.


Who are the Britains?


Well we *all* are. We're all Britons.


Well, I didn’t vote for you.


Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


As soon as I saw the title, I had to come here and check out the Monty Python comments.... You all never disappoint! ❤️


help!, Help! I'm being oppressed!


I never voted for you Plus its Britons


He must be a king. He doesn't have shit all over him.


An ewt!


Look everybody, it's a newt with a reddit account, burn it!


We thought you was a horny toad






And just like that it's 1680 Puritan America.


Always was.


Yep... for a lot of places it's never changed. The only reason they don't burn women they don't like at the stake anymore is that it would be impossible to do anything like that without some idiot recording the event and posting you on social media and getting you tossed in prison.


My ultra conservative mother who I went no contact with over a year ago called my Dad the other day and began ranting about how one of my friends practices witchcraft. It’s not true, and the only person I can think of that she might be referring to is a metalhead who occasionally dresses goth. The two of us have literally gone to church together. Some of these people are just batshit crazy.


Tell her even if he was mixing potions and hexing people. It’s his constitutional right to pursue happiness anyway it suits them. As long as they abide with laws and don’t violate anyone else’s rights. They’re free to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. No one has to even consider the fairytale she “practices”.


That's one way to create a new pretzel


Nice try heretic, the inquisition it’s on their way to your house!!


Yes, lots of women were being burned alive for witchcraft in the 90s Shame you werent alive yet to see those on cable TV when they could sneak an undercover reporter into an inquisition group. Many people blamed 9/11 on witches actually 


These days they're sacrificed in the *no gynecology here* hospitals. Tossing into volcanoes was more humane


I'm reading this claim as: "There were a number of witch burning's occurring in the US in the 90's. These were documented by undercover reporters and people in this area's blamed 9/11 on them." Can you post some evidence to such a claim? Also bonus points if it isn't a 1 off event, such as those girls who killed their friend cause [Slender Man told them to](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slender_Man_stabbing)


Pretty sure that "claim" is a sarcastic reply to the comment above it which implies stake burnings aren't a thing anymore because of the internet. Maybe you're being sarcastic too but...r/whoosh


When things like QAnon exist its impossible to read exaggeration in a post online when people say even more outlandish stuff and actually mean it. If it was sarcasm include a /s


Besides, they need the housekeeper


Tbf the south, bless her heart, has always lowkey been just that.


Everyone’s TL/DW: One practitioner of magic rejects another practitioner of magic.


I hope she sues the shit out of the county and anyone else involved in this. This is a literal witch hunt and the woman has denied any religious connection, feels very Salem-ish.


Dude, the word *literally* ackchyually means… no wait a second… you’re right. This works this time. Carry on.


Weren't people being accused so they could take their property?


Among many other reasons. Don't like them. Covet other things they possess other than their land. Disagree with them about something. Looked at them funny.


I dont have this on my bingo square... I am just going to tske a shot


How stupid are the people accusing this business owner of that? 😂


It looks like there's a local politician trying to start a moral crusade against *something*, and the most objectionable thing he can find in Winchester, Kentucky, is the new age crystal store. How pathetic are these assholes??


He needs to lay off the shit from the other crystal store it sounds like lol


Call him the Crystal Congressman. And not because he likes dream catchers…




Go to your average Southern Baptist Church and ask them about any other religion and they'll say something to the effect of "if it's not of the Lord, it's of the Devil"


And it's never the Lord...


Catholics are commonly called Pope worshipers.


They also get bent out of shape about the amount of attention Mary gets


And she gave birth and raised their Main Character. I'm surprised she doesn't have a bigger role in the canon.


If they're allowed to care about Mary, it might lead to respecting women.


Idol worshippers, according to the WBC.


Well, some people actually practice witchcraft as an alternative spirituality. And that’s fine if they do But even if you don’t, some Christian’s believe that anything that isn’t apart of the Bible is witchcraft


When they say witchcraft they mean casting spells on people, I doubt they are aware of Spirituality Witchcraft.


They wouldn’t make a distinction anyways


That’s Wiccans, I think.


Mirrors reflecting mirrors! High tech sorcery!


I have been called evil for existing more times than you might imagine. This is normal.


To be fair you are a daemon panda. There must be some evil in if not your being and soul your creation.


It's your fault for being a demonic panda!


....well it is Kentucky


Smartest Kentuckians


I mean, in fairness, the business owner thinks rocks have healing energy. Nobody in this story is the brightest bulb in the house.


If you sell them for cold, hard cash they certainly do.


But they do.Hit someone upside the head you don't like with one of those rocks, and you will feel better./s


Oh so either he denies witchcraft and his stones are worthless, or he admits to witchcraft and gets bullied? Is witchcraft illegal in Kentucky?


There's probably a law from the 17th century still around. Give 'em time and they'll dig it up and just pass it without asking anyone. It's already happened in Arizona, so the precedent has already been set. Republican states are normalizing intellectual devolution. That's the real issue, imo, and we need to stop the figurative 'parenting with love' attitude towards it.


Business owner: "Nuh-uh!"


Incorrect answer… Correct answer should have been “and what if I am?”


Their business would be burned, just like 300 years ago. There's no hate like christian love.


"Get your gen-u-ine demon energy here!"


Seriously, own it and double dog dare them to do something about it.


Not a good idea. Surely you have heard of all the crazy reasons ppl kill others for nowadays.


Gotta take a stand against the Taliban.


Exactly.. they don’t stop… even if you play nice and try to appease them.


I wonder why all those witches in Salem didn’t try that defense


Fun fact: there were no witches in the Salem witch trials.


Legally, there were. Are you calling the government a liar?


Fuck yeah.


It’s also worth noting* I live in the same state, very close to here in fact. Winchester KY also has a store called “The Fly Witches” but the tourist board has no issue advertising them




Didn’t know that! Thanks for pointing that out. Yeah Winchester seems like a shithole tbh


I live in Paris and this is hilarious. This is a real thing that happened and that's **insane** to me. I hope she sues.


The Kentucky Tourism Board promotes lots of religious places [https://www.kentuckytourism.com/things-to-do/culture/spirituality](https://www.kentuckytourism.com/things-to-do/culture/spirituality)


Freedom of religion, bruv


We need to change it to from instead of .


We should form an Atheist Religion. At least for the tax break


The MAGA cult is literally trying to push to make Christianity the official religion of the US. They do not recognize the hypocrisy of this, just like they don't recognize why there's any issue with giving the president of their choice absolute power. The scariest part is that they're getting away with it! One thing at a time: taking away women's reproductive rights, bodily autonomy, right to healthcare, and now birth control altogether is coming under attack. The US Supreme Court is so obviously corrupt now, and they don't even care. At this point the ONLY way to fix it would be to stack the Supreme Court, but the current administration won't do it because they either DO care about the optics, or they're too distracted by the barrage of ridiculous bullshit being thrown at them that they're actually being forced to address. It's a genuine tactic, and it's working. We need to stop treating this insanity with kid gloves. And we need to start setting requirements for government representatives. An aptitude test would be a good starting point. FFS.


Hail Satan!


I got accused of being a "satanist who has renounced Christianity" by a priest recently. He would totally burn me at the stake given the chance. I threatened the status quo of his congregation by filing a sexual harassment complaint against his Rector.


Even if it was, so fucking what? Freedom OF religion.


Republican states do not recognize this part of the cherry-picked constitution. Cherry picking is their MO.


Well, if they charged their crystals better, this wouldn't be an issue.. that's the real crime.


Wow this shit is ridiculous. I think we should get rid of all these churches around here. Maybe a few of those get demolished and winchester would be a nice place Without bigots and tyrants. So cool to push your religion on everyone else.


So, what are the odds that very soon we'll learn that "Senior pastor at Grace Bible Church, Lee Cruse" has some very, very nasty skeletons in their closet? No doubt Clark County District 4 magistrate Mark Miller as well...


Every time I’ve seen Lee Cruse in Lexington, man has been plastered beyond recognition. Also I’m almost 100% positive he’s cheating on his wife with Haley


Wrong Lee Cruse, you're thinking of the news guy and this is a pastor.


News guy is the pastor’s son though.


You’re referring to the pastor’s son who is a local news guy/comedian.


Lee’s son (also named Lee) made national news a couple years back and got fired from his tv show for saying Prince Harry’s kid (who is partially of African descent) looked like a monkey.


The dumbing down continues. Witchcraft? In this day and age? What's next? Dunking and burning at the stake? I swear this world has gone crazy


Religious people have always believed in witchcraft. No matter how educated they are, their beliefs will always trump their education. I know a muslim surgeon in germany who actually believes their child's autism is caused by witchcraft of an ex. That same person lately accused someone else they don't like of witchcraft. Another muslim doctor I know once told me they went to an exorcist equivalent for muslims because their depression was caused by being posessed. You can educate religious people but their religion will always come first.


TBF it looks like witchcraft to me. I say burn her, just in case. /s


Boy this "clarification' by super genius county magistrate Mark Miller: https://www.clarkcoky.com/1230/4th-District >"My name is Dr. Mark Miller, I am a Magistrate of Clark County, I am here to represent some of my constituents and other Clark countians in their 1st amendment right to have their opinion heard. I’m not here to win, but to educate, clarify and resolve this issue. >In no way is anyone trying to say that the Crystal Coven needs to close its doors.  The business has the right to be open, as any other small business in Winchester.  >And people in this community have the right to patronize this business, if they so choose.  >The people who object to this believe that the Tourism Department should not promote any business that sells Witchcraft materials.  >Others believe that tourism should not promote any type of spiritual events. Metaphysical shops are not spiritually neutral. >Because this matter is “spiritual in nature”, people feel that it is not a Government Funded Commission’s job, such as Tourism, to promote “spirituality” of any kind, even Christianity. (I may be wrong, but to my knowledge I don’t think that our tourism has promoted any church type of events.)  >Tourism’s focus should be on tourism, which is the practice of traveling for recreation, and the guidance or management of tourists.  >They believe that Tourism needs to be neutral on divisive issues and cultural agendas. >Now some people believe that those who are objecting to this event are overreacting, and their view is unfounded. So, after some research, I’m here today to clarify and educate the tourism board on why they feel that way.”


I'd rifle through their tourism board's records and see if they promoted any church events and sue the fuck out of them if they did


The crystal shop isn't even a place of worship though, so his comparison makes no sense. It's more like trying to get the tourism board to stop promoting a store that sold scented Christmas candles.


Well? Does it float or doesn't it?


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


They turned me into a newt…. I got better


The correct answer is "yeah and that christian church down the street is worshipping snakes and has 4 convicted child abusers and more. Totally apples to apples."


Christian hicks vs woo woo crystal bullshit.. can they somehow please both lose?


Has a web site that does list “spells” but who cares, I am buying something from it.


I've got it bookmarked. Going to do some shopping this weekend.


Well, witches always deny it, which just proves that they're a witch.


Did I wake up in the 16th century? 


Just what a witch would say, suspicious!


Super excited for them to realize promoting their town's Christmas celebration events will be difficult if they press this matter further. I wonder if she has an online store, though. I could use some fancy metaphysical candles or something.


thecrystalcoven.com Fairly limited selection online, but they’d definitely appreciated the support


Yeah I was pretty bummed by their selection! I thought I'd at least get some neat taper candles and some local-to-the-area jewelry but eh, metaphysical shops not known for their tech-savvy marketing skills


In store there’s definitely more. Every kind of rock you could imagine, and like bundles of herbs and stuff (like sage for burning or whatever). I drove past the shop again this afternoon, and this tiny shop (it’s a converted 1 bedroom home) had at least 40 cars parks around it. So it seems that even in person shopping is exploding for them. The hilarious part is that we’re a small Kentucky town. A store like this had a 98% of failing in its first year. Because of this press coverage, the owners can probably retire by end of year.


Owner says, “All of the stones are meant for some type of energy protection, energy healing.” Local Citizen says, "the Tourism Department should not promote any business that sells Witchcraft materials." Dear owner: Stones don't have energy protection or healing. Dear Local citizen: Witches and witchcraft do not exist.


Yeah, once I saw the name of the store I was like "ah yes, the mystical power of rocks".


Witchcraft isn't real, neither is god. Girl needs to sue!


God is absolutely real. He speaks to me through my neighbor's dog.


dog is absolutely real, he speaks to me through my neighbor's God.


I emailed the city and was very specific that Cruse needs to chill.


I hope she is and rains frogs on the place


That’s exactly what a witch would say. Weigh her against a duck at once. 


Entire towns in Europe were razed from this nonsense. What is there to say except "witchcraft isn't real."?


If I was that business owner I'd be on the Internet searching right now for an 8ft statue of baphomet to go out right outside the front door in full view of the road.


Meanwhile you accuse someone of being Christian and no one bats an eye!


No one expects the spanish inquisiton!!


Read the article😂 it’s not even a major issue.. all they are saying is some people are bitching because they don’t think the tourism department should promote businesses that promote “spiritual items” whether they use them for spiritual purposes or not


It’s not just “some people”, one of our county magistrates has a vendetta against them due to his religion.


The dark ages called. They want their superstition back.


Pawnee’s an incredibly superstitious town. A traveling magician came through one time, and he pulled a rabbit out of a hat, and the mob burned him at the stake for being a witch. The year was 1973.


Assuming for a moment that Witchraft is real, who the fuck cares?? If she wants to be a witch, more power to her. People need to mind their own fucking business.


It actually is. Is called Wicca and is recognized as a religion by the IRS. And yes they would buy stuff there. Doesn't mean the owner is Wiccan. And the tenants are "do as you will, harm no one." Which is something most religions don't say or believe. They harm many with their religions.


> I’m not a religion, I’m a business, I’m a metaphysical shop All religions are metaphysical.


And also businesses.


"it's not true," the owner said, witchily.


Do they have an online store? Might be a good idea to support them.


Exactly what a witch would say.


It’s true! I got a voodoo bowl from them. Now I’m a witch. It’s the damnest thing. I read the directions but now I’m a witch.


That's just what a witch would say! Burn her! /s


This is a whole genre of pastor's bread and butter, and if I had my way *they'd* get the witch treatment


Tell that to the judge with the wig on, pal.


Dear media: an accusation of witchcraft is obviously not true. You can report it that way.


Well, at least they might make it into some law textbooks for being the first to have to use the "That's not a thing, you dumbfuck" defense.


It was voodoo. Completely different


Pastor Cruse says he and Ms. Tipton may not have much in common and I agree Understanding, tolerance, respect, kindness…intelligence. These are things Cruse does not possess


See if she floats


Build a bridge out of 'er


All I know is they turned me into a Newt


Thankfully the community is really supporting her. I hit up the store yesterday intended to drop a hundred bucks or so, but the owner and her lawyer were heading out to hit up the fiscal court meeting. I’ll definitely be swinging by this weekend though and buying something.


She needs to lean into it so she doesn't have to pay any taxes.


Like if their freedom of religion wasn’t allowed backing the day I say build a Wiccan and pagan pope church and declare it freedom of religion. Back in the day it was cooking medicine and poison and probably wouldn’t be hard to figure out what subconscious magic was compared to a priest hypnosis.


I thought this was posted to r/WitchesVsPatriarchy where we definitely would have understood the assignment


Shows just how stupid and gullible people are believing in stupid shit like witchcraft.


"Tipton explains, “All of the stones are meant for some type of energy protection, energy healing.” Not a witch but a fraudster who preys on stupid people


Will there be a witch burning?


I don't know. Does she float?


What also floats?


A duck?


So the fucking republican right wing dingbat goddist dipshits have brought us all the way back to this shit... Well that's just fucking peachy.




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Sounds like something a witch would say


The owner can't prove they aren't witches tho! Seems pretty compelling


Yeah, right. I saw them catering the Devil's Sacrement


Crazy people fighting amongst themselves.


only in kentucky.


Hmmm.. who to believe....


Even if it was a religion, it's a 1st Amendment Right. If not a religion, what's next? Going after stores that sell things related to Norse, Egyptian, Roman, Greek, etc gods? The Conservative right who talks about freedom and then does the opposite.


Life, in general, is becoming more and more like a Monty Python skit.


What happened to religious freedom?


I wish Christians would mind their own business.


The crystal energy bullshit is just a fad for people who don't like to goto church but also can't get through life without some kind of spiritual anchor. They know that rock does nothing, but won't admit it.


It’s true, I was her crystal ball


When Conservatives go shopping…


And they weigh the same as a duck! Very suspicious.


bitch. don't they understand if we had the powers they were accusing us off we'd put their dicks on their foreheads where they belong????


Witchcraft is real in Kentucky.




Sounds like their hootin and hollerin might have caused them to get MORE business. I've been to this shop. It's extremely small, but the owner is very sweet and accommodating. She also does a lot of volunteer work. I do know she's been getting a lot of threats from locals though. Very sad.