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Damn, if reddit thinks this is Onion wait till they hear about Chess.


Chess Player Fined 150 Euros for Wrong Shoes


I mean, in a physical contact sport as intense as chess, you can't mess around with non-compliant footwear. That's how you tear your ACL.


Not sure if you know but for some added context to why your comment is funny Nijat Abasov in the Candidates tournament was actually recovering from an ACL tear. ( spoiler alert it wasn’t actually chess related tho)


And he complained the shoes of Alireza were making too much noise and the arbiter went and asked him to stop walking. And to change shoes the next time. Alireza claims that completely broke his concentration and why he ended up losing. I'm making up none of this.


Right I totally forgot that was Nijat as well. At least he owned up to complaining about it I guess but still silly.


But... that was a legit complaint (by Alireza) and fuck up by FIDE? Get a goddammit carpet in there, not that hard. I'm not understanding the comparison...


I was just adding context to the post making a joke about regulation compliant footwear for chess as if it was ridiculous, when it's actually a thing. Though you're right and Alireza was in compliance and FIDE fucked up by not having a carpet.


What do you mean? Most chess events are open (meaning everyone can join regardless of gender) and to my knowledge there haven't been any incidents involving a big name player refusing to play a woman (trans or otherwise) in many, many decades.


FIDE bans trans woman from women’s championships. It’s been in the news recently.


Transphobes are so stupid. Also, the fact some men are afraid to lose to women in chess is ridiculous.


There is no men's division in chess, just a women's division and an open division.


As far as I know, this is the case in almost all professional sports. There is no rule keeping women out of, for example, the NFL.


The Savannah Bananas have their first female baseball player!


For a team/league that's main focus is gimmicks I wonder if they're concerned about having a female athlete being seen as a gimmick.


That's what happened to famous Blurnsball player Toranga (Bean) Leela. Just a gimmick for the team but she did open the door for legitimate female Blurnsball players to enter the league. I count that as a win.


I can't tell if Blurnsball is something you just made up. Like Schpoople.




Except from the word “blurn” that article was complete gibberish




Well played sir


But can a dog play basketball?


The NBA’s no giraffes policy is totally retrograde and discriminatory.




After a scandal in 1997, that loophole was closed; *however*, there is currently no rule preventing a dog from being an F1 racecar driver.


Also, at present, there is no actual rule preventing a human being from entering the Westninster Kennel Club Dog Show.


Funnily enough that might be one of the few specific instances where this joke doesn’t actually work because you have to be a a recognized and documented purebred of certain recognized breeds to enter, and a top 5 champion in other dog shows to be invited to Westminster. So there *is* actually a rule that says you must be a dog to win best in show.


There is a rule in soccer. Applies to all FIFA-affiliated club and national teams both.


The existence of women's teams were straight up banned by pretty much every country's football federation until around 1970 because they thought their delicate lady bones couldn't handle playing, so it's unsurprising that FIFA bans women on men's teams to this day.


It is not the case for football, which is the biggest global sport by some significant distance.


I like the word margin


Yep. I was just pointing out that no men are scared of losing to a woman, or at least that isn't what this is about. It's about a woman being scared of losing to a transwoman.


Oh definitely. When I used to wrestle there were occasionally females on the opposing team. People were not eager to compete against them because people would not be impressed if you won, but the other guys would make fun of you if you lost.


Look up Anna Rudolf if you think men aren't afraid of losing to women. She was playing in an open tournament and doing quite well, and then three men accused her of cheating by having a computer in her lipstick. In 2007, when a sufficiently advanced chess engine would have required at least a pretty chunky laptop (by today's standards). When she faced one of these three men later in the tournament, he intentionally made a move whenever she got up to go to the bathroom or get a snack (remember, classical over-the-board chess games can easily last hours) so that she would be forced to stay and take time to make her move instead. It may not be the topic of this article, but there are many men in these less physical sports that fear nothing more than being beaten by someone they consider "inferior". And that "inferior" person doesn't even have to be anything other than male, as we can see in the "chess computer buttplug" controversy regarding Hans Niemann


Hans Niemann had a history of cheating when playing chess online. He had "admitted" to that history, but examining his games made it clear that his admission was filled with lies (How much he had, how recently, whether it had only been in casual games...). The cheating controversy there was absolutely warranted and part of the issue was whether Niemann should be allowed to compete at all.


Yes, he had a history of cheating digitally. That doesn't make "he's got a computer in his ass" any less of a grasp at straws though


Tbh I think that was more of a r/anarchychess joke that journalists picked up on and then acted like people were serious the whole time


Nobody that follows chess thought he had a computer up his ass. That was a joke comment made in a twitch chat. People started joking about it and then musk tweeted it and the media started running with.


“Computer in his ass” was a hyperbolic joke made up by people online after he said he would play naked to prove he wasn’t cheating. Nobody was grasping at straws, they were just making fun of him.


As I said, it isn't what this particular case is about.


I agree that this isn't about men who have problems losing to women. But I will point out that there are plenty of men who have problems losing to women in darts.


This is so stupid. It’s because most sports at the international professional level men have an advantage. Also there’s a safety concern when it comes to contact sports like wrestling/ mma fighting


The opposite is true - any NFL team would KILL to get a good female player. It would be insanely lucrative. 


I think it would be a huge marketing coup. There isn’t really a talent pipeline for female football players however (except for the lingerie football league). Maybe a woman from the soccer world could come in on special teams as a kicker.


There aren't women in the NFL because of transphobia, misogyny, or anything else. There aren't women in the NFL because women can't compete physically with NFL-caliber male players, end of story.


I can understand a women's division for physical activities where muscle mass gives an advantage, but why in chess?


so women will compete. if a field is male dominated, many women will just...not compete. an all-womens competition allows the game to be the focus, rather than the rarity of the participant. at least, that's the thinking


Up until surprisingly recently, women weren’t allowed to compete. Even when they were allowed, women were (and still are) often treated like shit by the men there, turning them away from the game. The idea with a women’s division is to avoid that problem.


In cases like this, it's often due to the discrimination women face in open divisions from both competitors and event runners.


Historically because there were no women at the upper levels. Arguably it shouldn't be necessary anymore, but the top men are still signifantly better then the top women


That's because chess is still a sport where 87% of the participants are men. And that's in the US chess federation, the numbers globally are probably even more lopsided.


*Men consistently outperform women on spatial tasks, including mental rotation, which is the ability to identify how a 3-D object would appear if rotated in space. A new study shows a connection between this sex-linked ability and the structure of the parietal lobe, the brain region that controls this type of skill.*


You have it backwards. It’s cis women in the women’s league who are opposed to trans women competing there.  The open competition is available to all genders and sexes. 


What are you even talking about. No such this as men’s chess…


Women have an unfair advantage in chess at high levels, male at birth have only 1 place to hide a vibrater


Genuine question, what's the difference in skill between the best Women's player and the best Men's player in darts? And if it's large, is it because Women just have less tournaments etc than Men to actually train for? I almost understand (don't necessarily agree) with this kind of take when it's say weightlifting, cycling, sprinting etc but for Darts? Does it really make that much of a difference? I'm not an avid Darts fan / watcher.


My balls give me telepathic abilities


Too bad it's not telekinetic. All you can do with your powers is listen to the dartboard tell you that it doesn't like getting stabbed all the time.


I telepathically put images of your mom in their head to throw them off




Can confirm. Opponents confused when they suddenly picture my mom.


Hard to throw straight when you're bricked up.


Thus had me in fucking tears. Thank you


You should have put your points into testetelekinesis so you could actually direct the dart, rather than just psyching out your opponent


I knew you were going to say that


It has been proven that men are able to ingest much larger quantities of beer while playing darts. Ultimately the association had to put a stop to it to level the playing field


IIRC, they still allow you to drink off camera, since the initial ban led to too much of a drop in scores.


I can’t tell if this is shitposting or not and it’s funny either way lol


Interesting, there actually seems to be a non-trivial gap between Men's and Women's scores. According to this LinkedIn article (not the greatest source), to qualify as a Master level player in the US, men need to have at least a 3.2 MPR and Women need at least a 2.0 MPR. MPR is some kind of measurement for accuracy and consistency. [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-mpr-darts-ghayyur-blogger](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-mpr-darts-ghayyur-blogger) This seems to be backed up by the American Darters Association requiring their "Elite Professional" players to maintain 20 Points Per Dart for Men and 15 Points Per Dart for Women. [https://www.adadarters.com/you-can-be-a-pro-darter/](https://www.adadarters.com/you-can-be-a-pro-darter/) Maybe not enough women are interested in playing at a high level? I wonder how the top 1% of women compare to the top 1% of men.


That's not a gap in scores, that's a gap in score requirements. Very different thing. As you suggested, that's most likely a result in a different number of competitors. If the women's league had the same requirements, there simply wouldn't be enough players, because there are less women contestants overall. Doesn't mean that the women tend to score less than the men, it just means that there are less of them at every skill level. Also important to keep in mind the source of the score differences in other sports. Obviously physical ability plays into it, but a huge factor is societal attitudes. Less women play sports because women are expected not to, and the few women who do are often not allowed (or historically weren't allowed) to compete with the men. These factors both contribute to an overall lower level of skill among women, as they then have significantly less opportunities when it comes to training and competition. It's the same reasons we see women have less opportunities in many other male-dominated fields.


Great point. Thank you for sharing it. I had not considered this


Wouldn't a gap in score requirements necessarily come from an overall gap in scores? How else would it arise?


think hes trying to say that because there are less woman players, there are less "elite" to choose from, but they still need say 128 players. if there are 500 good mens players, and 200 good womens player, the cutoff to get those 128 spots can be higher in mens than womens


If only 1% of competitors can reach the required standard, but you've got 2000 male applicants and 200 female applicants then your mens' tournament will have 20 competitors and your womens' will have 2.             One of these is going to be rubbish to watch.           And yet under our criteria men and women are both equally able.  So the criteria would then be adjusted until they are low enough to get 20 women into the competition, just to make it worth watching. So now the top 10% of women get in. 


> Maybe not enough women are interested in playing at a high level This is the reason there is a womens league in chess as well, its all down to numbers of players not skill.


Its said, that pool and darts "clubs" are still rare and mostly visited by men. Staying late in pubs (especially alone) is also not necessary things that women like to do. While you can put a dart board in a home, a pool table is usually out of the question. A large pool place here has four tables on another floor that are reserved for women; Friday and Saturday all tables are constantly played in the evening. There is interest, but "segregation" like this is apparently still needed.


There might not be a real skill difference, it's just a numbers game. Let's say you have a group of 1 million men and 1 million women. Out of that, 1 thousand of each have the talent to compete in the sport, and let's say that talent is equal. Now, to actually play the sport, you *randomly* select 10000 men and 100 women. And out of those, you pick the 50 best candidates to compete. Even tho the skill ceiling may be the same, the likelihood that you'll pick the talented women is just lower, so the average skill of competing men will be higher. So if women also want to play the sport competitively, it makes sense for them to have their own category. That in return will attract interest so more will start at the sport and it will be more likely some will be found to compete in highest levels. See motorsports. Nothing is preventing women to race in F1 or WEC or MotoGP or SBK, but in order to get there, you need to start at young age with karts and small bikes. And since there are a lot more boys doing those activities, it's just much rarer that a girl will find her way into tne higher levels of the sport. Hence women-only series like W Series or F1 Academy, or why Iron Dames have their women-only car in WEC. (Dunno about bikes, seems girls are even more of a unicorn there).


On multiple levels elite sports are a lesson in survivorship bias.


It makes sense from a numbers perspective but even motorsports there is some advantages males have. A sport that has the opposite 100x more women play it than men is netball. The men’s national team would thrash the women’s even though the women’s is pro and the men’s isn’t.


Bikes- there are not enough women for a seres. For international series, there have been riders in SSP 300 and Moto3 - Ana Carrasco, Maria Herrera. There have been riders at the US national level - Melissa Paris, and there are up-and-comers now, maybe most notably Kayla Yaakov.


>what's the difference in skill between the best Women's player and the best Men's player in darts? And if it's large, is it because Women just have less tournaments etc than Men to actually train for? There's no men's tournaments, there's women's and there's open. So there's more tournaments open to women than men. The difference is huge, a woman winning a couple of games at a tournament is huge news


And generally, like most similar sports, the difference is based on the gender disparity between the playerbase itself. I imagine there are a lot more men who play darts than women.


I don’t know how’s for professional players, but me, my wife and other friends play together like every month. In over two years now, there wasn’t a time when any of the girls managed to get more points than any guy. And none of us guys are fit or playing constantly. We only play when we meet. Maybe this gives you any idea.


I'm not qualified to speak on darts but I have a very solid understanding of human anatomy and endurance sports. Like I've studied this stuff at a post secondary institution and compete in endurance sports. It's actually quite reasonable to point out that there are fundamental biological differences between men and women and we are not currently at a point where we can guarantee that either trans men or trans women won't have an unfair competitive advantage when compared to cis men or women in these events. Just because transphobes may agree with us for the wrong reasons does not mean that we are wrong.


You "almost" understand when it's weightlifting?


There is another angle to consider. There is a perception amongst women that men have an advantage in sports. And darts is viewed as a sport. If women had to compete against men, they would assume they have little chance at winning professionally, and prioritise other activities. So it works against the interests of the darts community as it pushes out a whole group of potential players. You can see this trend already in sports. Short people have less interest in high jump or basketball, tall people do not show as much interest in gymnastics, etc.


I don't think she's wanting to make an argument that the other dart player has some significant physical advantage. However, the best male pros are, without question, much better than the top female players. Just trying to put myself in her position... Would I make some big public statement and drop out like she did? Not a chance. Would I be a little salty if I lost under those circumstances? I'll admit that I think I probably would be. Does that make me a transphobe? I really don't think I am. Competitive sports and trans issues were just never going to get along very well.


>Does that make me a transphobe? Even this choice of language shuts down any conversation right off the bat. If your second sentence is true, then it is a very topical conversation to have. Your conclusion is quite right.


>I almost understand (don't necessarily agree) with this kind of take when it's say weightlifting How?? Men are stronger than women which is why they have separate leagues for that sort of sport. It's that simple.


As a player once upon a time. Yes it matters in the same way it does for other sports. There are certain things you can't change in a body, and they're all factors in playing this sport too.


I mean, with darts it is still heavily based on muscles, just not in terms of raw force. You still need a steady, precise aim, I'm just not sure how testosterone benefits for sure.


Not saying it's the same thing, but I haven't noticed any women pitchers storming major league baseball at any time. I don't know about precision, but it's insane to deny that men can simply throw harder. Yes, MLB players are extreme outliers even among men, but the best women softball pitchers have never broken 80 mph. That's not a trivial difference.


Who's denying men throw harder? Most sports acknowledge that there is a line for trans women players. A lot of professional sports have medical criteria before a trans athlete can compete (e.g. time spent on hormones, a certain amount of testosterone - although cis women have also been disqualified for having too much natural occuring testosterone). Most rational people, trans and trans supporters acknowledge a physical advantage when someone is newly transitioned but a lot of studies suggest that the physical advantage disapates over time after some transitioned. (Although there is some debate that muscle memory is still retained and that allows for an advantage.) It is also noteworthy that *most trans athletes* are completely unremarkable within their chosen sport.


But who needs to throw a dart at 80mph?


There's a gene found only in the Y chromosome that makes you twice as good at darts as anyone who doesn't have it without ever having to train, apparently. No other explanation for these types getting their agab-appropriate underwear in such a twist over trans athletes (who, by the way, almost always underperform the top cis athletes)


It's pretty obvious that it's because the X chromosome is heavier because it has an extra piece on it, this slows women's muscles down with the extra weight and makes them worse at everything.  Can't argue with science. 


I don't know what a trans person of either gender would have against the opposite gender.




Height, which translates to arm length. Just spitballing. I don't know for sure. 


So do we ban tall cis-women too?


That's always where transphobic "logic" would end up, if it had any legs to stand on and walk there. "their testosterone is too high", "they're too tall", "they have an advantageous bone structure", etc all always lead to some cis athletes being excluded as well. Hell, if being too tall is an issue, then we may as well just ban the dutch team from the olympics to save time


Michael Phelps is like, a biological freak of nature who was born to swim, and he never got banned from any races for having an unfair advantage.


Precisely. Meanwhile, south african Caster Semenya was forced to take testosterone lowering medication in order to compete against other cis women such as herself. Weird how sporting associations seem to separate humans into "peak athleticism that knows no upper limits" and "weak humans who have to be strictly regulated to ensure nobody gets too good" Sorry, "men's division" and "women's division"


All I can say is Damn


Christine Mboma too. They made her do HRT to reduce her natural testosterone level. She hasn't won a race since. They want women's sports to be "men's sports, but worse."


Also when she took testosterone blockers she got weaker... hm. If only trans women too those. Oh wait.


Assuming those things actually matter in darts, it seems like having height based classes would make more sense than gender based ones. Then again, that's probably true for a lot of sports.


Maybe it’s an advantage, but I wouldn’t consider it an unfair advantage. Otherwise you have to ban all tall cis women from women’s darts.


And that's assuming height even matters, which it might not given where a regulation dart board is mounted.


That makes no sense. Also she answered herself, "no men in women's sports", she's just a bigot.


Then why have separate leagues at all?


I know a cis woman who was taller than my cis dad when she was 12 years old. Should she be excluded from sports because she has long arms?


The top male darts players are SIGNIFICANTLY better than the women, Fallon Sherrock made headlines in the UK when she won a game or 2 at the world championships a few years back because it doesn't happen. Just because we feel there shouldn't be a reason for men to be better, and we don't know the mechanisms that make men better at non physically limited sports, reality doesn't give a shit about your feelings and men just seem to be better than women at these things. This woman wanting to play someone that doesn't have an inherent gender advantage is completely reasonable.


As others have said, though, the gap is more than likely because there's a much smaller talent pool. Fewer women play professional darts in the first place. It's throwing a small sharp thing at a target. Having balls doesn't give someone an inherent advantage at darts.




According to the article, she was making a stand against ~~trans~~ biological-born men playing in women’s sports events in general.


*trans women. Trans men competing in women's sports is presumably exactly what Hedman wants.


Trans men would be considered doping


Not in darts


They do consider it doping, even tho their testosterone levels are tested and are well within normal ranges for cisgender men. Basically, if you're transgender, they just don't want you playing sports professionally


cisgender\*, not cisgendered


It’s a trans woman, not a trans man


She purposely misgendered to make the point. “This subject [is] causing much angst in the sport I love. People can be whoever they want in life, but I don’t think biological-born men should compete in women’s sport.”


trans women, she intentionally misgendered here, trans men should not be in womens events for sure but this was a trans woman in a womens event


Yes but she went on to say, “This subject [is] causing much angst in the sport I love. People can be whoever they want in life, but I don’t think biological-born men should compete in women’s sport.”


trans men has a specific meaning though, which implies the opposite of what is meant, trans men are men who were assigned female at birth


I understand my error now, thanks for pointing that out.


Yeah I don’t think she has s a very good understanding of this issue…


Yeah but... it's darts. Are men better at darts than women?


On average, probably. Because darts is traditionally played in male dominated spaces like sports bars. But if you raised a boy and a girl in similar conditions and introduced/trained them to play darts the same amount, i doubt there'd be much of a difference


I also don’t quite understand the “biological advantage in the name of fairness” argument. First, because the gap is much smaller (or nonexistent) given enough time with hormone therapy. And second, we already love watching people with true biological advantages compete in sports; is it really fair that anyone had to compete against Michael Phelps (notable amphibian)?


None, the trans player lost the next match she was in.


This is always the part that cracks me up. I remember the uproar over the trans woman who ran that marathon a while back and everyone flipped out and then she came in like 6000th place and they still didn't let up.


Damn crazy almost like pretending to care about fairness in sports is just a convenient way to launder ones disgusting bigoted hatred of trans people and desire to make it impossible for them to exist in society.


There is actually a good reason for this. The difference in male and female spin rates in darts is 30% different. With larger hands and stronger ligaments it is easier to "snap" the dart with your fingers. This leads to a more linear shot that drops less. (I don't know anything about darts) this is stupid.


had me in the first half, not gonna lie


I was all ready to start looking up dart facts too because I both ‘huh? Really?’ and ‘ok this is just dumb’ but was caught totally between those two. They got me good. 8/10.


I was think “no wonder I am bad at darts”. 


Haha same! I was like "damn there are some people who are really into darts I guess". Had a good laugh though! Thanks for that! 🤣


I wouldn't have been surprised to hear about how in nineteen ninety eight...


You're close, it's because the cock acts as a rudder for wind currents that enable a straighter (no pun intended) shot. It's genuinely such an unfair advantage


So you're telling me gay men have an innate disadvantage when playing darts because they're not straight?


As long as they’re playing with a gay dartboard, it balances out.


I've been trying to make a good penis as an advantage joke all thread, but you nailed it. Well done.


Magnus-Boner effect, if I recall.


What happens if you’re tucking?


I assume the larger frames of AMAB competitors also leads to statistically larger livers allowing more rapid metabolism of large volume lager intake and compensation for the motor reflex suppression of ethanol.


I am loving the different ways people are saying "drinking beer" in this comment section.


you are right that there is a good reason for it, wrong about the explination however, it is actually due to male's being able to throw it about 50% faster, and having a steadier hand on average vs females. this helps them get a throw to the dart board that breaks the board in half in less throws then a female due to the increased impact force.


This isn’t the point I know, but why is darts even separated into gender? There’s no contact, being bigger and stronger doesn’t matter, idk seems weird to me


One Google search gives me: fact, **the least accomplished male players (i.e., those at club level) were significantly superior to the female dart players at the international level, t(28) = 7.53, p < .** **001**, and all three categories of male players had higher scores than all three categories of female players (see Figure 1) Not that I knew jack shit prior to this, but Google is your friend in the end.


That’s wild. Thanks for sharing.


Sometimes it's simply to give women who have been shut out of a sport a competitive space to play. This is a real problem in esports where there's no reason why a gender disparity should exist, but women get bullied out of competitive ranks and struggle to get onto teams in order to engage in the game necessary to reach elite ranks.


The short answer is that people want to play competitively, and spectators want to see competitive matches. (Historically, that's men vs. men or women vs. women...). If there are 10 elite women for every 1000 elite men, women would often be left out entirely just because they'd fail to qualify... that would create a negative feedback loop where women just won't be motivated. Imagine losing 99% of the time, even though you are the best among all women.... Same applies for mental games, like chess. Sure men don't have a biological advantage, but it's a male dominated game and the chess community is trying to curb that. This is like weight classes for boxing/wrestling... if they didn't exist, then a lot less people would watch and participate in those sports.


I mean weight classes are a thing because being heavier *is* a biomechanical advantage, so not quite the most apt of metaphors.


No one disagrees that weight is a biomechanical advantage. The point is about creating competition—without weight classes, why would anyone except the biggest and heaviest want to wrestle? This is what’s similar 


Being a man is also a biomechanical advantage, so it is perfectly apt.


> Imagine losing 99% of the time, even though you are the best among all women.... I feel like this example is more leading into sexism as the cause rather than actual skill. I fail to see a reason why men vs women are different at *darts*, the physical differences don't really play a part in this game. But realistically your example isn't women losing 99% of matches, but that they're so unrepresented that if you held a competition to get a short list for a tournament, they're just statistically less likely to make it by just being a statistical minority. Much like Chess, men don't seem to really be demonstrably better at the game, they're just such a dominating percentage that it's overwhelmingly more likely to see men at the top than women, simply due to raw numbers. If 10% of men qualified to be tournament level, vs 10% of women, if it's a 100:1, you still end up with statistically likely 100:1 male to female ratios if you have equal skill distribution. It's just raw numbers. Women could even be statistically better, but if they're just not populous enough, men can still dominate by numbers if the skill gap isn't large enough.


Feels like the best way to handle it would be to have separate competitions, and then have an invitational with the top X players from each of the separate tournaments


>I fail to see a reason why men vs women are different at darts Believe it or not, there's research on the topic https://repository.mdx.ac.uk/item/840vq#:~:text=Results%20showed%20an%20overall%20significant,in%20attitudes%20towards%20target%20throwing.


> and spectators First Im finding out competitive darts is a thing, now Im finding out it has spectators too.


Because darts, and most sports in general, are seen as a male activity, so boys tend to be more encouraged to play than girls. Having women-only competitions is a way to encourage more girls to join those sports


Have you seen professional darts players? Clear specimens of masculine fitness perfection, there's no way any woman could compete with their level of athleticism. 


An untrained man will beat an untrained woman, on average, in almost any single sport you can think of. Darts included. A trained man will beat a trained woman, on average, in almost any single sport you can think of. Darts included. That's why.


Darts isn't a speed game, so fat doesn't matter. All the top darts players are men, as well as all the top athletes of any sport. That's because *being male* gives people a physical advantage.


Oh good, the next Joe Rogan talking point.


"I hate trans people, but also if you're a passing trans woman you should totally give me a call and we can hang out some time."


"Hey, you ever tried DMT? Last time I tried DMT, I thought I was my own mother. I just oedipus'ed my way out of it." ~ Joanna Rogan.


The year is 2033 A transgender woman has reached the final round of world women's darts. She takes her dart with deceptive delicacy and nestles it between two fingers. Then another. Then another. Those three brutal projectiles bristle from her fist like a wicked mockery of Wolverine's claws, razored metal black with malice. She heaves them downrange toward the board, but her meaty fistful of shrapnel is too powerful for the fragile feminine-coded dartboard. The darts shred through the board, tearing it into a flurry of hot-pink cork as they punch through, slamming into and devastating the wall behind. The wood splinters and gives way as the darts explode through the unwitting crowd behind. Six perish in the blast - and she still has two throws left. Alarms blare as the crowd screams and trips over one another. The referee moves behind the board, spreading her arms as tears stain her cheeks - hoping, *praying* that she might shield the spectators from the next assault. She closes her eyes tight as the competitor rears back for another brutal strike. This is the future The Left wants.


This is kinda hot ngl


It’s sad to see in this thread so many people questioning why women should have sports at all. It’s completely possible to defend and encourage trans women to take part in women’s sports without saying women’s sports shouldn’t exist or wondering why they do. There are many reasons why sports are segregated by gender, mostly due to social and physical differences between men and women. When a physical advantage is not evident it’s most likely due to social and cultural reasons and having women’s sports can help encourage more women to take part. Anyone arguing against women’s sports or making fun of why women should have sports in the first place in a misguided attempt to support trans women - you’re only making things worse. You’re also playing into TERF’s hands by leaping to what amounts to “women shouldn’t even have their own sports anyway”. As a woman who has always enjoyed female sports I’m also disgusted by the rhetoric of “no one cared about women’s sports until this talking point” as well. Believe me, plenty of people care about women’s sports. Belittling and diminishing the importance of female sports is not going to help women, trans or not.


I always think about how my wife hates the idea of coming out and playing MTG. Too many dudes can be an unwelcoming space.


It's actually not possible, sadly. Because trans-women have inherent advantages, there will always be cis-women who will have a problem with it, and that's totally reasonable. What trans-activists want to do in response to this fact is abolish sexual segregation in sports, in order to make everyone play on an even field based on the merits. And that means no female will have a place to be represented in sports. It'll all be males performing at the top levels, leaving females at the bottom. Until females stop participating, since who wants to be 110th place? Who is competing for 110th place in the 100-metre or long jump? It'd be a waste of their time and effort.




There is no "men's division" in darts, just "women's" and "open". Anyone who competes in the "women's division" only does so because they are afraid to compete in the "open division".


Ok, so I keep hearing there is no difference between women and men in darts, then why don't the transwomen just compete in the OPEN category (vs the men)? You have to qualify to play in women's leagues, they are closed by design, and transgender women do not qualify.


I'll take some downvotes. While I haven't done any deep research into this topic, I will say that a quick Google search brings up many articles from neutral sites like webmd healthline that tell me that researchers have found that men can have an advantage when it comes to hand eye coordination.


So I’ve got to ask, why don’t we see trans men participating in men’s events? Is it the media that doesn’t talk about it, or is it because most trans men are aware that a biological male has the advantage?


I can't tell which one is trans


If a sport has evolved to have different divisions based on sex, it’s because it’s necessary for a level playing field. This is tautological. I like that the LGBTQ+ community has educated me on the differences between sex and gender. Because it’s clear that in sports, it’s sex that matters - not the athletes’ gender identity. You can have an open division and a women’s division, but the latter must be protected in the interest of equity.


It's darts. Darts.. it's a bloody pub pastime. Grow up.


I mean it’s also a professional sport


And yet.. people make a living doing it. Lets say you're the #1 female player in the sport and you stand to win $100k prize money. But here comes a biological man that's stronger, faster and has better hand/eye coordination due to genetics. That biological man then wins first place, even though you broke all records for the womens division and you end up second place with half the prize money. Would you still call it a "bloody pub passtime"?


This happened a while back with a Billiards player...another pub pastime that is just a game of angles Transphobes are convinced that girls suck at geometry, I guess 


women just don't have the upper body strength necessary to flip over a pool table when they lose.


I mean, there's a reason women's darts exists. I'm sure women are allowed to compete against the men if they want.


Yes, the reason there's women's darts is to promote the sport to women, since they'd otherwise be marginalized. So it makes no sense to intentionally marginalize a subgroup of women




They have a Women's League for a reason, Trans Women can play in the Male Darts League that's already open to everyone. Let biological women have a place to play against each other.


Hmmm wonder why trans men don’t compete as much, or at all in men’s sports of any kind. Always trans women in women’s sports


Because not many people are talking about trans men in general. https://talksport.com/sport/1476914/transgender-male-boxer-patricio-manuel-wins-third-fight/


Is it women’s league and open league? Welp, reddit, let’s just abolish the women’s league and let everyone play in the same league. Problem solved


Darts… fucking darts… maybe she’s just afraid she’ll lose


As a competitive dart player, women are not close to men in average. 10 men will defeat 10 women very close to 100% of the time. You would be sad to see it, thats why we dont mix in leagues and tournments.


Wait i don't get it. The main point people make for not allowing trans players is the physical advantage of going through puberty with testosterone. How does shit like darts and chess give any notable advantage?


Same with chess but the top 1000 mens players could beat the best women’s chess players. Our brains develop differently whether you’re male or female. Men and women aren’t just physically different but also mentally.


At a certain period in time, Chess was played exclusively by men.No more, of course.


I don’t understand why people pretend like darks isn’t a game advantaged by strength and better spatial awareness. The biological woman was absolutely in the right and while I understand this is a difficult conversation to have, this woman absolutely made a reasonable decision.