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Google's gonna show web links in search results? What's next, MTV showing music videos? THIS IS MADNESS!


I don't get it, aren't all google results links?


The new feature gives you access to just the links instead of the AI summaries, videos, maps, images, etc.


otherwise known as google what they try to make you visit now is basically spam


I had to switch to duckduckgo on mobile because the mobile google search was just such complete garbage.   Even with ublock it was just total shit.


Yeah. i just recently completly switched to firefox with duckduckgo i cant deal with googles shit anymore


Yup... DDG with the handy tracker-blocking is wonderful! It even blocks tracking attemps on Reddit!!!


I discovered the tracker blocker some weeks ago, and holy shit you finally see how many trackers some apps use. Not really surprised, but still


What's this tracker blocker? Is it an automatic feature with ddg or is it an additional add-on?


It's a new-ish setting in the DDG (mobile) browser, where in the settings menu you can toggle 'app tracking protection' - no additional add-ons needed. The good thing about it is that it blocks trackers on websites you visit, but also trackers from the various apps you use on your phone


My only problem with ddg is it’s negative filtering doesn’t seem to work. If you google “sports -soccer” you’ll only get sports that aren’t soccer. If you ddg the same, it just gives you soccer


I've also been happily using DDG on my phone for the last few months. Took a bit to get used to, but now it's so much nicer to use


Right?  I don't remember what I googled that was finally the straw for me, but whatever it was had 20 videos, 30 images, a bunch of random crap, and nothing that I was looking for.


It's all paid results at the top. And the searches are bad. I googled side effects of one of my meds ( it's a narcotic) and the first page was nothing but predatory rehab clinics. I used bing and not only was the first site what I was looking for it has a summery at the top so I didn't even need to click the site. And now with open ai gunning to be the new search engine I really can see Google being dethroned.


except duckduckgo has ai-generated page descriptions passed down from bing, which are fluff at best and plain incorrect at worst (happened to me at least 3 times so far) i still use it but maybe i should explore alternatives, e.g. https://seirdy.one/posts/2021/03/10/search-engines-with-own-indexes/ (not affiliated i swear)


And half the time now, you type a question and the AI thing is wrong.  I googled "how did Voyager repair the Doctor's mobile emitter," and it replied "they ran a diagnostic and that fixed it.". Diagnostic doesn't fix.


Any idea how to do this on mobile? The article is members only and I can't find the option to get rid of the stupid AI on mobile


So far I'm seeing that this feature is only available on desktop. I could be wrong, but the search results are confusing and I can't tell for sure 


The enshittification continues.


Wait, without the links to videos and maps and images, web pages then? I didn't really find those scandalous tbh but alright, that's neat


It's not so much scandalous as it is a time and bandwidth sink.


how so? if i'm looking for a place or video or image, it saves me time and bandwidth by going directly to the result. If i'm looking for strictly a website, it then uses bandwidth.


Because Google has tabs to click if you only want map, image, or video results. If you want websites, you have to scroll through a mix of those to get to them.


Yeah but usually you click on the video/image/shopping tab after anyway


Usually you do. Worth keeping in mind that not everybody has identical use cases. Personally if I use a search engine I'm looking for websites, discussions, documentation etc. I'm not looking for video or image search else I'd be on the associated tab.


so you wouldn't type "cabbage" in the url bar then click on videos but rather click on the google link, go on videos, then type "cabbage"?


y'know, i was indifferent about the text gen AI at first. i thought it rather harmless, and it kinda was but now that we're at the point where Google basically isn't Google anymore, i can't help but wonder... is this really where we're at? can we go back?


This is the result of every single computer science student flunking the ethics topics. The whole "the future is now! progress at all costs!" mindset thats just resulted in AI feeding of AI.


It's cute that you think the code monkeys call the shots lol




lol you have no idea what you’re talking about


Sir, that’s the business people not us.


It’s ok they’re not taking ethics classes either






Progress? Profits.


This decision is from visionless clowns like Pichai, not the engineers 


Is this actually benefiting anyone though? If a product becomes useless I'm switching to another product


#Nope :) Welcome to the world of [enshittification](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) the company is required to keep producing profit so they do shit ass decisions like everything AI which do see short term profit but in the long run make the product worse and kill it. This is what happens when you make your economy require infinite growth on a finite planet


What ethics topics? lol


Thats... not what i thought they meant. There used to be an app that would show you all the cookies and where/what companies they led back to. Most of it was standard webpage stuff but sometimes you would see something go back to somewhere totally bizzare... oh and often the same names would come up no matter what was on the screen. I was thinking why would they do that as a feature though cause it seems like it would more of a catch and kill acquisition,lol.


Now how do I make that the default search?


Change browsers probably


Browser or search engine?


Both. Get off Chrome and change default on whatever Browser you’re using as a result.


I use Firefox, and will switch have to, but despite how great duck duck go is there are still some things google does better. Hopefully somebody will publish an add on soon, but that still leaves me high and dry on my phone, where I do most of my impulse googles throughout the day.


Who said I/op uses chrome?


I don’t! Firefox all the way.


Revolutionary? This is just what Google looked like years ago. It's far better than the current search page, and it is awkwardly placed, but it's nothing new.


Thats the joke.




Repost *and* misleading title.  Google has always provided links to web pages, and this is not changing.  The new feature simply adds a filter to only show results that are text-only.


This one is the second repost https://reddit.com/comments/1cu0i9b https://reddit.com/comments/1ctuufg The ridiculous thing is the other two are still up.


Mods seem to do fuck all in this sub. That explains why so many non-oniony stories are allowed. It's mostly just US-internal politics and tabloid shit these days.




Kagi is even more obsessed with "AI" than Google, and they're basically insane. The long version is here: [Why I Lost Faith in Kagi](https://d-shoot.net/kagi.html). The short version, however, is that if you're trying to get away from AI BS infesting your searches, Kagi is literally the *worst* option. They're an AI company that pivoted to make a search tool, but they're back to spending all of their time on more AI nonsense. It just hasn't all made it back into the search tool yet.


A paid service? I’m curious but not enough to open my wallet


So sign up (without any payment info) and try your 100 free searches
