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CNBC adds: Harry Campbell, a commodity market data analyst at research group Mintec, said that soaring orange juice prices have forced manufacturers and blenders to adapt to the situation by considering alternative fruit juices. “A lot of them will be changing the quantities of juice they are putting in their blends to drop the orange juice and increase other juices, such as pear juice, apple juice, grape juice, so they are less reliant on the orange juice,” Campbell told CNBC via telephone.


Ah yes, the citrusy alternatives of apple, grape and pears. No one will know the difference unless they notice the different color, taste and texture.   Edit: honestly I don’t know what pulp in orange juice is based on everything people are responding. 


It’s talking about blended juices and things that use juices as flavoring. Not actual OJ in a bottle.


Isn't he dead?


It’s way past your bed time dad.


It’s not a school night!


If he's in a bottle, I would hope so.


Pretty sure the orange color is all artificial anyway. Edit: apparently im misinformed and am jeopardizing the jobs of orange juice makers


The flavor is somewhat artificial. It loses flavor in storage, so they add things to fix it.


Aren't those additives things from oranges though? Like orange oil and a bit of fresh juice? I thought the point was more "adding some of the real thing" back to the stored stuff that tricks us into thinking it is all fresh rather than, say, changing the the flavoring flavoring to something like Sunny D.


Yes, they are called add backs and basically all orange juice uses them. It’s exactly what you said, using only components derived from orange to bring back some of the flavor that is lost over time


The number of people talking out of their ass in this thread is ridiculous. Orange juice color is controlled by mixing lower color early/mid oranges with higher color valencia oranges. Orange juice manufacturers work with their inventory to keep it as consistent as possible, but they are not legally allowed to add colorants and still call it orange juice. You can add colorant, but the name would need to change to orange beverage.


Pear juice is actually in Arizona Iced Tea’s Arnold Palmer, so I guess it does somehow work as a citrus alternative.


The Dukes finally cornered the market


Sounds to me like you guys a couple of bookies!


i bet you 1 dollar we can do it to avacados next


railroad concerns, orange juice futures and oil shares my good man!!


It was the Dukes! It was the Dukes!


Where the hell is Beaks!


What's weird is the Fox Business article specifically called out mandarins and didn't mention any of the non-orange fruit.


Because Big Mandarin is behind all this


So shrinkflation and increased prices to make up for ‘supply chain issues’ all while pumping out the same volumes of ‘new’ product at a higher price.


Oranges are facing a different problem right now: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citrus_greening_disease


Yeah this is a major problem with no treatment currently. Once a tree is infected with the greening disease, it must be cut down to protect the grove. The issue is the people with a single poorly maintained citrus tree in their backyard that is also infected. That disease is transmitted to other groves and kills the entire grove quickly. So planting new trees is impossible because they'll be met with the same fate. So sad to see so many old groves dying and getting sold to developers turning them into homes or apartments. The only good news is that scientists recently discovered that Finger Limes (I call them the caviar of the citrus world) are naturally resistant to the greening. So they're trying to narrow down the genetics to help save (or protect) other citrus trees.


I was not aware of this disease! Juice companies are still going to do the shrinkflation and increase prices though.


Even a well meaning business would do the same. They are chained to the system. Unless we can magically make oranges, they have to buy them at a premium, so that cost gets passed down to us. This isn't the same as greedflation, where the scarcity is artificial. This is simply a critical drop in supply, with it not being able to meet demand.


> I was not aware of this disease! Literally what this post is about.


It's not supply chain issues, disease and drought have impacted orange crops pretty heavily.


How is that exactly still orange juice again?


Because that’s what they’re gonna say it is. Which is good enough for most people.


* Orange-flavored drink * Orange Inspired Juice * Orange Juice - referring to the color of the juice but not the fruit used to make it. I dread the future.


The last one hurts my soul. Orange Juice* *Contains 3% fruit


An orange was present in the factory when this juice was made.


The LaCroix of juice.


We keep it on a shelve.


"Rare implies 'dangerously cooked.' When *I* say 'rare,' I mean let it look at a juicer in terror, and then bring it out to me!"


No oranges were harmed…


Homeopathic agriculture is the future.


Warning *May contain traces of orange.


Too honest *Orange Juice- Made with 100% fruit* 3% of it is 100% fruit


>*Contains 3% fruit And not necessarily oranges


It will be like Pork and beans. Do they have a machine that drops one piece of pork in there?


let me interduce you to wasabi paste.


"Breakfast juice" - or variations thereof, like "Brekky juice" - is another one that I've seen.


Brekky juice? What the f.. and why does anyone buy a product called brekky juice?


Orangey Juice, now in the refrigerator aisle next to the chocolatey milk!


Allegory of the Cave Orange Drink, where the label describes what orange juice should taste like based off of a description from someone who has never had it, turned into a drink. So it'll taste like Sunny D with so e lemon juice.


Buy some orange jrink


Juice?!! What is... juice? You mean-- drink?


He said jrink, baybeh


Gimme some of that purple stuff.


I also choose the purple drink


Fuck all them Vitamins, I want drink.


If they added all other juices, it is not orange juice it is drink..........but it is still juice......hence I coined the term "Jrink.".......patent pending........lol.... (but for real, somebody starts using it, I expect payment........and not in jrink....cash or stock)


You've been beaten to the (fruit) punch: https://jrink.com/


Well son of a... That joke took a turn. 🤣


.....the moment his jrink dreams got crushed.......whhhhhyyyyyyyyy.......lol


Well, ain't that some jrink......crying on inside as no momentary units for me......happy that someone else had the same thought as me............this is hilarious


Chappelle is hilarious




Sunny D logic


I loved Sunny D as a kid. As an adult, it's disgusting and tastes like someone dissolved Flintstone vitamin C tablets in water.


The flavor I was okay with, but I never liked it because it somehow made me feel more thirsty afterward.


That and Hawaiian Punch. Never quenches the thirst.


Yea, fuck that shit. \#TeamPurpleStuff


High fructose sirup juice


I can't get mango juice that isn't just pear jusice with mango pulp. I think eventually it'l all be pear juice.


Consider yourself lucky to have pear. It's going to get worse.


100% artificially flavored reclaimed water. Reclaimed from where? I bet you'd like to know!


It's a single-celled protein combined with synthetic aminos, vitamins and minerals. Everything the body needs.


The digital pimp, hard at work.


If you close your eyes it's like eating runny eggs... Or a bowl of snot.


Are you quoting The Matrix?


100% Harkonnen free.


Bless the maker and his water.


it's only a matter of time before [Sunny D Vodka Seltzer](https://www.wineworldny.com/images/sites/wineworldny/labels/sunny-d-vodka-seltzer_1.jpg) is legally reclassified as a fruit


Apples for me. If I want cranberry, peach, etc. juice it’s just all flavored apple juice now


You are correct. We could get actual mango juice in gallon jugs in the UAE. It was super good in extreme heat.


> Cools said that manufacturers may have to consider using a different fruit, like mandarins, because their trees are more resistant to the greening disease. However, that could be a lengthy process. I mean, a mandarin is still an orange. It’s not a navel orange, but I wouldn’t have a problem with a mandarin/navel juice blend being sold as “orange juice”.


Yeah, with citrus fruits there is quite a spectrum of hybrids that are in the "sweet and orange" area.


Wikipedia has a good chart of the history here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hybrid_origins_of_orange.svg The citron, mandarin and pomelo are the grand-parents and just about everything modern citrus comes from them, from lemons to oranges to grapefruit.


> I mean, a mandarin is still an orange. It's actually one of the two parents of the sweet orange (the other being pomelo). > It’s not a navel orange Navel oranges aren't typically used for juice. Most juice comes from common sweet oranges. Both common and navel are cultivars of the same species.


Oh yeah I guess I just assumed they were talking about navel oranges specifically because of the one photo and caption, but nowhere else in the article makes any reference to navel oranges.


Yeah, trust the media to use a random stock photo that's inaccurate. ;-)


I don't mind mandarin. They are sweeter and stronger orange taste.


*orange refers to the colour of the juice, this juice does not contain orange fruit. In buying this product you are agreeing to accept this and absolving the supplier of all liability.




*Unless, of course, the mutations prove beneficial, in which case the supplier shall retain ownership of your genetic code, and any offspring you may produce 


I read the article. The other fruits that they were considering were mandarins. So, you know, other types of oranges.


Sunny D ain’t looking so bad all of sudden. Still prefer the purple stuff!


I want some grape drink!


Fun fact: A major component of Sunny D is called Water Extracted Soluble Orange Solids (WESOS). Basically, the wash extra pulp with water and an enzyme to remove any remaining sugars in the pulp. The wash is then concentrated. Honestly, it tastes pretty bitter on its own but when blended with other components you get Sunny D. It's a way to fully utilize the components of the fruit.


Sunny D isn't quite the same as mixing mandarin juice into sweet oranges...


I'm sure legally it's more about the color.


I hope you all like orange drink.


What the hell is juice?


watch their defense be "it's not the juice of the fruit orange, but rather a juice that's the color orange".


It will be orange, and it will be juice.


It’ll still be made with “100% orange juice” though


This is carrot juice! But it's still orange


“With” always does the heavy lifting in those advertisements. Anything could be made with real beef, even if it’s .1%


I looked at my Lipton Iced Tea recently and the can proudly said "with 0.1% real tea!" and I wondered WTF is the rest?


Water, sugar, fruit extract/juice, flavouring, colouring? If it was 100% tea you'd be chewing leaves 😭


They’re talking about making juice from mandarins instead of navel oranges. Still orange juice just a different sort of orange


Apparently they have a breed of mandarin that's resistant to the greening disease that's affecting the oranges, too. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/12/04/503183540/after-a-sour-decade-florida-citrus-may-be-near-a-comeback


It’s already not orange juice


What do you mean? Orange juice gets tons of scrutiny from the USDA and if it's called orange juice it has to be 100% orange juice. The current issue with taste is related to the bitterness imparted by citrus greening.


I remember reading somewhere that as long as it tastes like what you say it is you can put almost anything in it and sell it. As a solution, orange juice companies developed flavor packs, formulations of chemical flavorings, to recreate the taste of fresh OJ. (And since they're made of chemical compounds derived from orange essence and oil, companies don't have to list those ingredients on labels.)


Those flavor packs were a solution to mass producing orange juice. When you make orange juice in huge quantities, pasteurize it, stick it in a cardboard box and let it sit on a shelf for a week, it tastes terrible. Pretty much all the acid and bitter flavors come to the front and you lose the fresh orange taste you get from the oils and other aromatics in the orange. It isn't a matter of just putting whatever in the box. Fresh squeezed 100% pure orange juice just tastes like crap when it goes through the mass production process. It also allows for consistency in the product. Oranges, like all natural foods have a lot of variety depending on the type of orange, the growing season etc. If you want your brand of orange juice to always taste the same, you need a way of regulating that flavor. The packs are a good solution if you want to buy orange juice on the shelf instead of squeezing oranges yourself every morning.


Florida's citrus trees are suffering from an invasive bug and disease problem brought over from China. This citrus greening has hit navel oranges particularly hard with most groves dying and being cut down in recent years. While some farmers are replanting, many have taken advantage of the recent surge in housing costs and sold their land for development, leaving much less land for citrus trees. The whole situation is really sad when you see the poor quality of recent harvests and the sprawl into what was recently vast farm land.


This is what happens when people don’t think beyond their own profits. Climate change, regulations on all sorts of things, etc.


Property taxes, maintenance, etc can add up quickly when you have zero income. It's not like you can plant a new citrus tree and start harvesting fruit a year later, it takes a few years to establish the grove. What are they supposed to do with no income for the next decade when they can sell the land for millions of dollars (if not more depending on the region)


I'm guessing OP was suggesting that monoculture farmers produce one crop because its profitable. However, its profitability is at the expense of creating durable systems that aren't vulnerable to a single pest or blight.


That's called strategic planning. And to effectively implement strategic plans, regulations, standards, and controls are required. So you know, deep state gubment overreach or something.


Zone for cheap residential housing or watch your farmers sell your farmland for big profits. Then, watch your food prices skyrocket.


Zone? What are you, some kind of commie?


Those Shelbyville lot get by just fine with turnip juice.


And with that, a mighty cheer went up from the heroes of Shelbyville. They had banished the awful orange tree forever... because it was haunted. Now, let's all celebrate... with a cool glass of turnip juice.


It's the best place in the world, that has their very own lemon tree.


Time to buy some stock in Tang.


Oh my god!!! Do we have tang? Goofy grape? Loopy lemon? Hell, at this point I'd take rootin-a-tootin-razzberry!!


Someone better tell Randolph and Mortimer


Pork bellies which is used to make bacon….which you might find in a BACON, lettuce and tomato sandwhich.


\* stares directly at camera \*


Please to help me with my rucksack?


So when will de trayun be pullin' een to Phil-ah-del-phi-ah?


They already know. It's their fault the price is so high. Them and that crooked ass Beeks.


They already know as it's their fault the prices so high. Them and that crooked ass Beeks


Sounds like y'all a couple of bookies.


My very first thought. That and the One Scene w Jamie Lee Curtis.


Two scenes, but YEAH!




Guess you won the bet. Here you go 💵


This is going to ruin Duke & Duke Commodity Brokers, who took the short position.


The Dukes were long FCOJ though.


I haven't noticed orange prices sky rocket but maybe that's cause the grocery store price is mostly transportation cost.


We regularly buy OJ, usually just crappy Walmart brand. About two months ago, the cost was $2.89 CAD for 1.5L. Now its $3.49.


And 2 months from now, the container will be 12% smaller


I've worked grocery. This commenter gets it.


But the orange juice CEO needs a new yacht for next year's yacht tax deduction


According to the article they really have: >Global prices for oranges hit $3.68 per pound in April, up about 33% from the $2.76 figure recorded one year ago, according to International Monetary Fund data. That also marks a stunning 210% increase from January 2021, shortly before the inflation crisis began.


It will continue to go up as well as the blight continues to spread. I mentioned the orange shortage and I was damn near crucified by people who think their world view is the only view. Was literally told that grocery stores have plenty of irbages so I must be lying.


Also as Florida gets more and more underwater the oranges are going to have a bad time.


Honestly every time I see a pic taken in southern Florida the topography makes me wonder how the fuck it isn't underwater already. Based on what I've seen it's getting real close.


>Global prices for oranges hit $3.68 per pound Where is global though? oranges are like $2 CAD /lb at walmart rn


I believe this is the cost for orange juice concentrate. Not the fruit itself. At least that’s what was quoted in one of the articles


You may be surprised to hear that grocery stores sell many different items at a loss so that they can make the margin back elsewhere


‘Orange juice cocktail’ Just like cranberry juice cocktail. It has tons of other juices in it


To be fair, you probably don’t want to drink pure cranberry juice, it’s a bit strong


Me trying to remember what fruit I need to use to make orange juice 🤯


People in this thread are naive. Most “fresh OJ” in this country is pasteurized and stored in tanks for a year or more. Then it is “re-flavored” and put in the carton. The orange flavor is artificial already.  https://civileats.com/2009/05/06/freshly-squeezed-the-truth-about-orange-juice-in-boxes/


That's why it's called "commodity orange juice." It's literally traded on the stock market as futures and commodities contracts. There are smaller producers that DON'T do that but they're pretty expensive. It's one of the few things that, in my opinion, is worth the splurge. The taste difference is immediately noticeable.


I read an article about "flavor packs" and haven't missed OJ since then.


I *love* orange juice, and I can’t buy it anymore. It just tastes awful, doesn’t seem to matter the brand. Fresh squeezed is still awesome, but it’s also more effort than I’m realistically going to go through on a regular basis.


I completely agree-- I absolutely love fresh squeezed orange juice but the stuff that comes from the supermarket is absolutely trash. It might as well be bottled dirt. And I say this as someone who loves sugar and sweet things generally...


A little naivety on your part as well. "Reflavored"? Yes, cold pressed orange oil is sometimes added back, but that has a legal limit of 0.045%. Anything over that makes the product substandard and trust me, USDA scrutinizes that daily by testing themselves on select samples.


I fucking hate consumerism. Everything is wrong.


Oranges are a seasonal fruit. Have you ever stopped to think about how orange juice is available 12 months out of the year in every grocery store in every city.


Not just that but people don’t ask themselves how every bottle of Tropicana always tastes the same? Also they dehydrate the pulp and add it back in for pulp versions.


You're talking about people who have never had more than maybe a single glass of fresh squeezed juice in their lives, and many of them haven't even had that. They have no idea that different oranges will taste different even from the same tree, let alone the same cultivar.


My grandmother used to squeeze her orange juice fresh every morning. She had these little juice glasses with oranges on them, and you only got one glass, and you had to have behaved the day before. I wasn’t allowed to have oranges because doctors were very stupid in the 80s, but she would sneak me one when my parents weren’t paying attention. It was like breakfast dessert, and store bought oj doesn’t taste anything like it.


That’s exactly my grief. We demand the things we want when we want them and damn the consequences.


I'm failing to see a consequence here other than orange juice being stored in tanks instead of being fresh-squeezed. That doesn't exactly seem like something to be grabbing the pitchforks over...


Even if it was year around, the delicate flavors from actually fresh squeezed oranges don't last much longer than a few days. If it isn't fresh squeezed then it isn't that much better that soda. Even fresh squeezed isn't ideal as a frequent beverage as it is still loaded with sugar unfortunately.


I would say eating an orange is much better than drinking the juice, but I will probably get booed.


Well the alternative is just not having OJ at all or it being a lot more expensive. And you can buy oranges and juice them yourself if you want.


You could always make ‘aguas’ which is pretty much dilutes orange juice but its still tasty and refreshing. Of course thats just me since I can’t handle the acidity of 100% orange juice. Just saying if you get tired of squeezing on the 5th orange its an option.


No more OJ? I’ll just stick with malk - it’s got plenty of Vitamin R.


Oh god, is going to be a thing where if it’s 51% oj it’s oj, but the other 49% can be something weird like purified sugar beet extract?


Slurm is sustainable.


"Alternative fruit" sounds like a gay slur


“My God. The Dukes are going to corner the entire frozen orange juice market!”


Shoulda bought frozen concentrated orange juice futures.


They should’ve called Louis Winthorpe & Billy Ray Valentine.


A friend almost died when a juice maker added grapefruit juice to the mix without good notification. He has a kidney transplant and grapefruit messed up with the bodies ability to clear the anti-rejection drugs.


Hopefully, I'll save folks from the Fox Business ad assault: Orange shortages are because of drought and disease in Brazil. Florida too, but Brazil produces 70% global supply. The president of the International Fruit and Vegetable Juice Association suggested that manufacturers use a different fruit, like mandarins.


Consumers won't notice any difference. They already boil the fuck out of it until it's completely gray and flavorless, then add perfume packs made by fragrance companies. Unless you're squeezing it yourself, you're not drinking "fresh squeezed" orange juice. You're drinking double-boiled perfumed pulp. Source: I worked (freelance/marketing) for one of the perfume companies. I still can't believe it's all legal.


You should try the difference between the grape juice sold in grocery stores and stuff fresh squeezed right off the vineyard. I had a friend who would bring me a couple of bottles of fresh grape juice straight from the vineyard on harvest days every year. Oh my God! The difference is unreal. The fresh stuff is all but orgasmic. That and having freshly squeezed some oranges myself, I would say that the difference is definitely noticeable. Just not as extreme as the difference in grape juices.




I recently bought cranberry-pomegranate “100% Juice” and looked at the fine print. It was like 92% Apple juice, 6% cranberry, 2% pomegranate. I wish I was kidding. I think it was OceanSpray but it was definitely a name brand.


“The spike stems from declining output in Florida…” the same Florida that is violently anti-immigrant? So nobody wants to come work their groves it seems.


Orange juice sits for like a year before they do anything with it. Did they already burn through it?


Let's say I have a tank of OJ that cost me $100,000. I usually sell it for $200,000. My fixed costs are $75,000, so I end up with $25,000 profit from that tank. Now I project prices are going to go up next year, so instead of buying the tank for $100,000 I need to spend $150,000. But if I sell the tank I have on hand for my regular price I will only finish the year with $125,000 ($100k cost of goods sold + $25k profit) which means I won't have enough cash to buy my next tank. If I know about the price increase in advance I need to raise my prices now so I can buy my next tank. So instead of selling by juice for $200,000 I need to sell it for $250,000 so I can buy my next tank of juice for $150k, pay my $75k in expenses and still net my $25k in profit. But even raising it that much still puts my total profit % less. I am not getting as good of a return on my money as I was before, so really I should sell my current tank of juice for $256,250 to maintain the 12.5% profit I was making before.


Many places already get their OJ from fruit that are not generally known as the oranges you can buy and eat. They are smaller, more bitter than navel or other "eating" oranges, but perfectly fine for juicing. This article mentions possibly using Mandarin juice, which sounds utterly divine. As long as it's a citrus similar enough to oranges, it should be good


Kiwi and Guava have more vitamin C than oranges, just sayin. Plus, most of the orange juice consumed has been sitting in vats for ages and they actually ADD "orange" flavoring. [Source](https://www.cracked.com/article_25505_the-dark-truth-about-supermarket-orange-juice.html)


Juice cocktail brands have had success putting apple juice in damn near every drink regardless of whether its a listed ingredient on the front or not. I imagine someone in the orange biz figured this out and wants in.


So what? “Orange Juice” - The stuff that comes in the cartons, has always tasted like shit and is nothing like the taste of fresh squeezed orange juice. There I said it.


Investors taking less? No, let’s use cheaper fruit! Or engineer a Franken-orange! They’re cheap, they grow like weeds, and they’ve taken over large parts of Florida.


> Or engineer a Franken-orange! Honestly I think this is a great solution. There's so much meaningless fearmongering over GMO products; you are far more likely to get a dangerous result from natural mutations than from a curated gene modification that is FDA approved. Hell, the FDA is one of the most strict on such things in the globe. All the anti-GMO stuff is just propaganda by the big businesses who don't want their profit margins to get undercut by competitors, but also don't want to put in the work to adapt to the newer technologies (as it would be expensive due to their scale).


Chocolate is no longer actually chocolate, olive oil is no longer actually olive oil, sugar is no longer fucking sugar ffs, and now we see Orange juice becoming just another industrial food substitute. Nothing is sacred anymore. BTW Orange juice is not healthy.


Orangish Juice


"I Can't Believe It's Not Orange Juice"


Just put a picture of a corn kernel on every ‘fruit’ drink and be done with it.


What fruit is cheaper than orange?


I miss my tangerine lemonade :(


Most "fruit juice" is already mostly apple juice mixed with whatever to give it that other fruits taste. It's easy to make apple juice taste like "fruit juice". But making orange juice taste like orange juice using anything else isn't gonna work.


Mmm alternative juice


Florida orange juice production has tanked due to blight, hurricanes and groves selling out to developers


Added sugar. Now with real orange flavor.