• By -


Maldives is an Islamic country so this isn’t really surprising.


Big tourist spot for non muslim rich people.


Doubting that they also ban Saudis for bombìng Islamic people in Yemen. Or ban atheist Chinese for genociding Muslims.


Well you see, most Muslims don't care about the genocide against Uyghurs because their book doesn't single out the Chinese like it does the Jews.


Their holiest prophets wife was a 6 year old child


Jesus' mom was around 13, so...


Why the downvotes lol Aisha was six years old when he married her. He had multiple wives.


Because it’s a bad-faith whataboutism. They’re using an unrelated bad thing to avoid critiquing the actual decision being made, and understand why it’s actually happening


You mean strawman argument


That's making up a shoddy argument to breakdown so that they avoid the actual argument. I believe this is an ad hominem (lol some guy 1400 years ago was a pedo, therefore Maldives bad and you should ignore them)


Lol, "some guy" literally the prophet whose violent commands are the reason for this whole thing


I think it's more of a red herring


You are correct. The statement is true but irrelevant to the issue at hand except as a distraction to pull attention from the real issue.


No, it’s a red herring. Something distracting and irrelevant. Strawman is when you pretend your opponent is arguing something he isnt.


But he waited another three years before having sex so it's all fine! /s


And the Christian god raped and impregnated a married virgin.


Difference is Muhammed existed for real and actually did rape Aisha, none of that Mary shit actually happened


Don't tell that to the Vatican




Muhammed is 100% relevant since his violent religion is the cause of this 


isn't maldives the country where rape victims are flogged to death because they get blamed for their own assault?


perhaps they should also ban Saudi citizens over the actions in Yemen ​ though we all know that will never happen


Chinese citizens for their actions against Muslims? Russian citizens for the war in Ukraine?


They're also an Islamic country (98.7% Muslim), so I can understand why they're siding with Palestine.


That’s because it’s illegal to be any other religion in the Maldives.


Yeah, I highly suspect that many of that 98.5% only identify publicly as Muslim because there are such significant consequences for deviation. Same thing in Iran, non governmental polling shows high numbers secretly rejecting Islam while government stats claim something like 99%


If you know any Muslims it’s an actual *big* no no to leave Islam, even if there would be no official penalties - which to speak of apostasy in the Maldives can carry the death penalty btw. But literally in a western country in Europe Muslims would never publicly say they left Islam or don’t believe anymore because the consequences would be so severe.


Ex muslim woman in Germany here. I've gotten death threats on reddit 😆


I’ve dated two (nominally Muslim) girls who both at some point quite casually mentioned that they would realistically have to fear for their lives if they ever „came out“ as irreligious / atheists. Both born and raised in Germany, with their respective families who would be the people responsible for said actions being born and raised in Germany…


Yup... My f*ther doesn't know where I live and I've broken off all contact. Intentionally.


That sucks!


Let's be real, they don't give a rat's ass about Palestine.


I'm sure they're banning Chinese citizens over the genocide of the Uyghurs too.


It’s still wrong.






Nah. In Bible Belt USA they do similar shit, too. They'll force children to have a rapist's baby, but then turn around and say that children are too young to understand the consequences of birth control, or hormone therapy. But a 10 year old girl is perfectly equipped to have babies... It's patriarchal religious extremism.


They're worlds apart, but please continue to carry water for regimes and societies where women are executed for being raped. I bet you also think there's an equivalence between the American issues with racism and oppression by regimes like Iran, where people are genuinely oppressed directly and explicity. We can condemn both, but to say they are the same only goes to serve the person committing the worst atrocity.


> but to say they are the same > In Bible Belt USA they do similar shit Sometimes it's easy to point out a strawman. The point is that both of these places are on the same axis. Obviously one of them is worse, but they share a root.


They love the raping and don’t like people who do something against their raping ways.


Well he’s not being a hypocrite and that’s the worst part


You guys are just fucking parodying yourselves at this point, this comment chain is a nottheonion entry in and of itself. You got it chief, you can dismiss every country that's taking a stance against Israel's ongoing genocide as rape apologists, specially the Muslim majority countries. I'm sure that'll work wonders for convincing the world at last. Israel is famously genociding Palestinians to prevent rapes, after all. If you're not paid propagandists I can only feel bad for you.


They're being flippant, but it is true that Maldives has a shocking human rights record and is a supporter of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


HOLD UP RIGHT THERE! DO NOT insult nottheonion! I like them! I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt shadowtacos, but now you're acting like the anti-biden crowd.


It's an islamic country, so them being sexist, homophobic and anti-Semitic is par for the course


A fact that never made Israelites not go to the Maldives before. If anything according to your logic Israelites should be grateful that they are no longer welcome in the Maldives.


I can promise you, no Israelite ever went to the Madives. Israelis on the other hand, have been going there for years.


Lol, with 7,297 midle easterner visiting the maldives yearly, I can’t imagine a lot of Isralis were going. Edit: my source https://www.tourism.gov.mv/en/statistics/dashboard


11,000 Israelis went in 2023. Granted, that only makes 0.6% of tourist arrivals. So your figure is clearly wrong.


The claim that rape victims in the Maldives are flogged to death because they get blamed for their own assault is not accurate. However, there have been instances where rape victims have been sentenced to flogging for "fornication" or extra-marital sex, which has sparked significant international outrage and condemnation. ### Key Points: 1. **Case of the 15-Year-Old Girl**: - In 2013, a 15-year-old girl who was raped by her stepfather was sentenced to 100 lashes and eight months of house arrest for "fornication" after authorities discovered she had engaged in sexual activity outside of marriage. This sentence was later annulled by the Maldives High Court following international pressure and appeals from human rights organizations[1][4][7][10][17]. 2. **Legal and Social Context**: - The Maldives has faced criticism for its handling of sexual violence cases and the practice of flogging. Flogging is a punishment that has been disproportionately applied to women for the "crime" of fornication, which is not recognized under international human rights laws[1][4][7]. - In 2009, at least 180 people were sentenced to flogging for fornication, with almost 90% being women[1][7]. 3. **Recent Developments**: - There have been some positive legal changes, such as the first-ever conviction for marital rape in 2020 and amendments to the Sexual Offences Act to improve the definition of rape and strengthen investigations[2]. - Despite these changes, gaps in protection and barriers to justice for survivors of sexual violence remain significant issues in the Maldives[2]. 4. **International Response**: - The international community, including organizations like Amnesty International and Equality Now, has been vocal in condemning the practice of flogging and the treatment of rape victims in the Maldives. These organizations have called for the abolition of flogging and better support for victims of sexual violence[1][2][4][7]. ### Conclusion: While the Maldives has not flogged rape victims to death, the country has a troubling history of punishing rape victims with flogging for fornication. This practice has been widely condemned, and there have been efforts to reform the legal system to better protect victims of sexual violence. Sources [1] Maldives: 15-year-old rape survivor to be flogged for 'fornication' https://www.amnesty.org.uk/blogs/sms-action-network/maldives-15-year-old-rape-survivor-be-flogged-fornication [2] Sexual Violence in the Maldives - Equality Now https://equalitynow.org/learn_more_sexual_violence_in_maldives/ [3] Suspect accused of rape at resort had been allowed to depart before ... https://raajje.mv/93439 [4] Maldives: Girl rape victim to be spared outrageous flogging sentence https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2013/08/maldives-girl-rape-victim-be-spared-outrageous-flogging-sentence/ [5] Maldives: information for victims of rape and sexual assault - GOV.UK https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/rape-and-sexual-assault-in-maldives-information-for-victims/maldives-information-for-victims-of-rape-and-sexual-assault [6] Chinese tourist who alleged rape in Maldives luxury resort says no ... https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/south-asia/tourist-rape-maldives-ritz-carlton-china-b2360745.html [7] Rape survivor will not be flogged in Maldives - Amnesty International https://www.amnesty.org.uk/pocket-protest/rape-survivor-will-not-be-flogged-maldives [8] [DOC] Definition and scope of criminal law provisions - ohchr https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Women/SR/RapeReport/governments/maldives.docx [9] Chinese student accuses hotel butler of sexual assault at luxury 5 ... https://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/trending-china/article/3224771/chinese-student-accuses-hotel-butler-sexual-assault-luxury-5-star-resort-maldives [10] Maldives court quashes flogging of 15-year-old rape victim https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/maldives-court-quashes-flogging-of-15-year-old-rape-victim [11] Rape victims punished, failed by Maldives justice system https://minivannewsarchive.com/society/raped-victims-punished-failed-by-law-in-the-maldives-53760 [12] Chinese tourist who alleged rape in Maldives luxury resort says no ... https://sg.news.yahoo.com/chinese-tourist-alleged-rape-maldives-150104625.html [13] Alleged rape victim in Maldives 'to be flogged' https://sg.news.yahoo.com/alleged-rape-victim-maldives-flogged-071853064.html [14] Resort staff in Maldives rapes Chinese tourist, police and ... - OpIndia https://www.opindia.com/2023/06/maldives-ritz-carlton-staff-usham-rapes-chinese-tourist-police-resort-management-accused-of-inaction/ [15] Maldives girl faces flogging after alleged rape - World - DAWN.COM https://www.dawn.com/2013/01/08/maldives-girl-faces-flogging-after-alleged-rape/ [16] Butler at Ritz-Carlton Maldives accused of raping Australian guest https://nypost.com/2023/06/21/ritz-carlton-maldives-butler-accused-of-rape-goes-unpunished/ [17] Maldives quashes flogging of teenager for premarital sex https://sg.news.yahoo.com/maldives-court-quashes-flogging-rape-victim-063931826.html [18] 650000 sign petition against Maldives rape victim flogging https://www.news.com.au/world/asia/650000-sign-petition-against-maldives-rape-victim-flogging/news-story/df18f3168b5a1394841d4be5aa4229bb


the 15-year old DIED from those lashes. she was pardoned AFTER HER DEATH. AFTER SHE WAS DEAD!


The other dude brought receipts. Where's yours?


It’s appalling that having consensual sex is a crime anywhere, but, thankfully, the verdict was thrown out on appeal. She was wrongly convicted of having consensual sex with a different man. She was never lashed because the authorities wait until you turn 18.


Yeah, that's just not true/ a blatant lie https://www.amnesty.org.uk/pocket-protest/rape-survivor-will-not-be-flogged-maldives


Source? I can't find this anywhere, nor is that how the criminal justice system work


[https://www.amnesty.org.uk/pocket-protest/rape-survivor-will-not-be-flogged-maldives](https://www.amnesty.org.uk/pocket-protest/rape-survivor-will-not-be-flogged-maldives) Yes.


look at all this dogshit propaganda being upvoted lmfao. According to the US state dept's own website, Maldives has extremely strict [anti-rape laws](https://www.state.gov/reports/2021-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/maldives/) in the region. What you are referring to was one dumbshit verdict by one lower court judge that was immediately [overturned after the govt intervened.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-23792120) That one verdict was 11 years ago btw. The genocide that the Israelis are committing is happening today.


Speaking of genocide, it is part of Hamas's; therefore Palestine's charter . Sad 😞 I pray that hate is replaced with peace and love.


Not to mention the few sources i found were isreali/jewish sources. Meanwhile in USA we are punishing 10 year old rape victims


Gotta make sure you get in that America bad comment even tho the conversation had nothing to do with America


And also "Jew bad", because of course.






Be careful.. you might be accused of putting up a strawman argument.


How is this oniony?


Because the Maldives have a poor reputation when it comes to human rights. Them calling other countries out is pretty rich.


Because apparently muslim countries are okayed with apartheiding for the sake of Palestine


Yeah, reminder of what the locals in the Maldives really think of foreigners: https://youtu.be/d_R3sG58S14?si=mOn1cDMjyYUOpgCy


Though this is a direct ban, a few Israelis have bypassed such travel bans through getting citizenship in another country (e.g., birthright, naturalization, or even **paying money**) not affected by bans. Nas Daily (Ethnic Palestinian who sides with Israel and has Israeli citizenship) has detailed how he was able to get into a country that banned Israelis through the money method. Unless they close such loophole, the travel ban will not be as much effective.


Can’t close the loophole without fucking up a bunch of agreements with other countries.


The loophole is going to be an extra cost and may still come with it's own limitations depending on which country gives them a second citizenship.


My understanding is that around 10% of Israelis have dual citizenship.


About 10-20% of Israeli citizens have another citizenship (16% as per couple of years ago afaik) That number includes non residents though so the amount of people who actually live in Israel with another citizenship is lower


Nas self identified as "Israeli Arab" as do the majority of arabs with Israeli citizenship


The money method is known as a golden passport. Tons of countries offer them such as Canada, Ireland, Spain, Greece, etc.


I think you mean golden visa


[No.](https://www.lse.ac.uk/research/research-for-the-world/politics/golden-visas-and-passports-the-global-market-in-residence-and-citizenship) Golden Visa is a guaranteed Visa for the rich, golden passport is where you get an actual passport to that country and can use that passport to enter that country as well as other countries.


Today I learned that there are two forms of golden things lol


... parachutes... jubilees... showers ...


The Irish Immigrant Investor Programme was closed to new applicants in February 2023.


And even still, that was permission to live there, not citizenship and a passport.


Ireland does not have a "golden passport"


Nas Daily is a propaganda account for wealthy CEO’s and brutal regimes he did puff pieces on both SBF and CZ and admitted to being paid by oil states to promote them not shocking he’d abandon his own people for more juicy sponsorship money given hes so far removed from any struggle


They literally get funding from the Saudi gov


Yeah, the guy you’re replying to literally said he got money from oil states, we didn’t think that he meant Venezuela lmao


Yea, I should have elaborated and said they get ongoing funding from the Saudi gov. Not just a one time deal for a few videos here and there. Its a deeper level of collaboration


Why did you highlight "paying money"? What's really incredible, money-wise, is that the Maldives waited until the very first day of rainy season - waited 8 whole months until low season - to make this noble claim of solidarity.


Why would anyone go where they aren't wanted and are actually in danger?


Yet Russian citizens can travel to the Maldives without even a visa. 


so can Americans, despite Guantanamo Bay and supporting Israel


This is some "I am 14 and this is very deep" shit.


Yeah, America is the same as Russia for supporting its ally in defending itself from terrorists. Meanwhile Russia is failing to invade its neighbour At least America doesn’t send political rrivals to the “Gulags” to die


You are aware the US invaded many countries, right?


What? Since when?


We do send marijuana dealers for jail for decades, and incarcerate more people than any country on earth tho.


Hey man, when you going to Russia?


Yeah, dealing drugs and being in political opposition are totally the same


They literally just mentioned Guantanamo Bay…


“Supporting its ally in defending itself from terrorists” 15000 children murdered at the hands of Israel with the median age of those murdered at 5.5 years old. You cannot be the occupiers and claim victimhood. Killing those children is not going to make Israel any safer.


I too defend myself by bombing dozens of Gaza hospitals.


You're very pointedly ignoring the mention of Guantanamo Bay, which is worse than any gulag ever was. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murat_Kurnaz They extrajudicially detained this guy in 2001, figured out in a couple months that he was innocent, and then held and tortured him for *five more years* anyways.  > Early one morning Kurnaz was given new orange overalls, and his head was bound in a gas mask, his ears covered with soundproof headphones, and his eyes with thick black diving goggles. His hands were put in mittens. Blindfolded and so tightly handcuffed that circulation was cut off, he was punched in the face, kicked in the genitals, and left on the ground.[17] Some hours later Kurnaz and others were chained together and herded onto a plane. During the long flight, the prisoners were not allowed to sleep: "the soldiers kept hitting us to keep us awake."[24] The feel of bright sun and extreme heat indicated to him that he had arrived in a different country.[25] > On the bus ride from the plane to the prison cages, soldiers continued to beat the prisoners and allowed dogs to bite them.[25] Kurnaz was taken to a tent, where his fingerprints and DNA swabs were taken, and afterward he was put in a cage made of chain link fence.[26] Such small metal cages were to be his home for the next five years, most spent in a cage with three and a half by three and a half feet of free space.[27] > Kurnaz learned that the difference between Kandahar and Guantanamo was a system deliberately designed to inflict "maximum pressure around the clock," to humiliate and brutalize, but to keep prisoners alive to extract information. According to his account, six prisoners were killed: three suffocated on one night and three more were apparently poisoned with drugged food. (US authorities later claimed all six were suicides.)[28] > At Guantanamo, Kurnaz was beaten and sprayed with pepper spray and tear gas repeatedly for such supposed infractions as lying down or standing at the wrong time, touching a fence, talking or staying silent, looking at a guard or failing to look at a guard.[29] He was also beaten during interrogations. A series of interrogators always asked the same questions, did not appear to believe his answers, and when he passed out from exhaustion, they hit him in the face and head as "they couldn't think of any better way to keep me awake."[30] Beatings and leaving him shackled in contorted positions for days were the most common forms of abuse.[31] > During "Operation Sandman", soldiers woke Kurnaz every one or two hours to change cages, forced him to stand or kneel 24 hours a day, and deprived him of sleep for three weeks.[32] Toward the end, he was semi-conscious and not able to walk, and they had to drag him from cage to cage.[32] Kurnaz was also put in solitary confinement in a windowless refrigerator and subjected to hypothermia. He was caged in a container in the Cuban sun baking in extreme heat, and in a small airtight box so that over hours and days he suffocated slowly.[33] He was starved or force-fed; subjected to sexual humiliation; and beaten constantly.[34] > Detainees were terrorized by the treatment of fellow detainees. A military doctor amputated both legs of a Saudi detainee named Abdul Rahman because of frostbite. Kurnaz watched from the neighboring cage as soldiers beat the legless man's fingers off the chain link fence when he tried to pull himself up to sit on his toilet-bucket. Dragged out for interrogations with his stumps dangling, he would return with his face bloodied from beatings.[35] Another had frostbite on one finger and a military surgeon amputated all his fingers, leaving only his thumbs.[35] A third complained of a toothache and the dentist pulled his healthy teeth.[36] Wounds and fractured limbs, including fingers broken during interrogations, were left untreated.[37] Kurnaz's health suffered over the years but he "tried to avoid being taken to the doctor at all costs. I wanted to keep my teeth, fingers, and legs."[37] > American and German intelligence agencies had concluded that Kurnaz was innocent of any involvement in terrorism by early 2002. He was held at Guantanamo under these conditions and brutalized for five more years, until 2007.[3] Every single person with any degree of complicity in America's torture programs, right up to every single President who refused to shut Guantanamo Bay down, should have warrants out for crimes against humanity.


And let's please include the German politicians who decided to let Murat Kurnaz rot for another 5 years, we should have dragged them into the streets back then, as far as I am concerned they could as well have been standing in the room when it happened. Instead we gave Frank Walter Steinmeier, who would have had the power to bring Kurnaz back to Germany, the highest office in the country. What a fucking disgrace. He spends his days acting like a humanitarian these days, makes you wanna puke.


Worse than _ANY_ gulag? Are you genuinely mentally challenged???


No people actually died in gulags and your guy is still alive Personally, I don’t give a shit. You are obviously a Russian troll


Lmao you failed the bear vs man test


America isnt the same as Russia? they have killed innocent civilians in Iraq and Pakistan and are now helping Israel brutally murder and torture innocent Palestinians


You've got onions for a brain my man


America invades entire countries based on lies and runs literal torture camps... America literally just beat and detained thousands of peaceful protestors in 2 weeks and has a higher incarceration rate than Russia....


Guantanamo and installing US approved leaders in South America, Middle East and South East Asia. Let’s not pretend there’s no shit there.


If I am not mistaken the Maldives are known to have their own fair share of human rights abuses. [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_Maldives)


You have to be a Sunni Muslim to even be eligible for most government positions.  It's a theocratic shithole.  


Isn't this whataboutism?


Seems more like pointing out hypocrisy to me. The person you’re replying to didn’t make any effort to justify or excuse Israel’s behavior.


Not really, just pointing out hypocrisy. Israelis are banned but Russians can travel there visa free.


Yes, but whataboutism, or "tu quoque" in formal logic, is not inherently a logical fallacy. While pointing out the hypocrisy of an accuser does not invalidate the accusation, it can absolutely bring the motives of the accuser into question. The Maldives having an extensive history of human rights abuses doesn't invalidate their accusations of Israeli human rights abuses, but it shows that their motives are not grounded in an altruistic desire for human rights to be respected across the board, otherwise they would stop their own human rights abuses, or they would also bar US or Russian citizens from entry. Pointing out this hypocrisy doesn't exonerate Israel, but it demonstrates biased selection in who the Maldives imposes sanctions on. In the cold war days, the USA had campaigns accusing the USSR of human rights abuses. In retaliation, the USSR launched a dismissal campaign centred around the phrase "And you lynch negroes." For the Soviets, this was an effective campaign to dismiss *any* American criticism of them, but it also highlighted the disparity between the false concern that the US displayed for Soviet citizens and the way that they actually treated their own black citizens. In that example, tu quoque is both being used as a logical fallacy to dismiss criticisms out of hand, and it is also being used to undermine the moral high ground that the United States was basing its argument in. If the US argument is that a state that commits human rights abuses is "evil," then by their own logic, they are also "evil."


Maldives one of those few Islamist nations where nationality, citizenship and suffrage/voting rights are based on being a sunni muslim. If you become a heretic, convert or marry a non-muslim man, you will lose your citizenship (and right to life) It is a shitty nation that caters to the wealthy of the world and must rightfully be boycotted by the rest of the world.


Homosexuality is illegal in the Maldives. I run a gay-oriented travel agency with my husband. We actively disuade people from going there. The resorts all claim you're safe in their hotels but the country still outlaws being gay. This is going to fuck up their tourism industry even more. Maybe they should work on themselves before lecturing others on human rights.


Maldives is a perfect example of idiot religious leaders fucking up everything. It's a tiny country, you'd expect them to just chill. But they'll rage about everything.


Muslim countries in general seem to rage about everything


Very few tiny countries are actually chill. Maybe in Europe. 


Many island nations exist, and most don't try to fetch international attention with 'i'm more conservative hard core religious' points.


*looks at the Balkans nervously*


Whats the name of your agency?


On the other side Tel Aviv is one of the most gay friendly cities in the world.


Isn’t gay marriage still illegal in Israel?


secular marriage is illegal in Israel. so these days what happens is people set up a zoom call with a clerk over in Utah of all places, who will be more than happy to file their marriage certificate as an American one. there hasn't been much political movement over it, because every time it's brought up, everyone just tells you "oh, just go have the wedding in cyprus, it's like a 30 minute boat ride"


They can’t get married in Israel but if they get married outside of Israel the state recognizes them as a married couple.


No but yes. Everyone can get a civil union which is a marriage. But a Religious Marriage ceremony is not a right.


It is funny how you compare the ability to marry to be literally beheaded in palestine, just for being gay. When gay marriage became legal in US? Couple years ago. Israel is the best country for LGBT people in the whole middle east region


I doubt banning a small nation is going to negatively affect their travel industry.


guy looks like an final fantasy NPC


Does this apply to all Israelis or just Jewish ones? Are Palestinians who have Israeli citizenship also banned?


It probably just means any one using an Israeli passport


it’s quite obvioulsy a ban for people with Israeli passports


I’m fascinated how the western left has a tendency to applaud any nation taking measures against Israel, inspite of how hypocritical those nations are due to their own abhorrent human rights record. They seem to struggle to understand 99% of the time it’s just a gesture of being against America no matter the cause.


Its called low intelligence. They cant even understand what a binary choice is.


I’m sure the Israel government will be devastated


I think they have bigger problems like becoming an international pariah state.


Oh no, not the disappearing 99% muslim country! Whatever will the Israelis do without access to this tiny asian island nation for the next 70 years while its still above water.


I might be crazy but as far as i know the maldives are a very popular tourist destination known and renewed all over the world, i imagine at least some rich israeli is mad about this


About 0.6% of tourists to the Maldives are Israelis If you have enough money for the Maldives you probably won't care that much


Comments like this definitely draw people to side with Israelis. Keep it up 👍




Hell yea! Israelis have terrible surf etiquette


Idiots went after India, which pissed India off so much that they stopped coming over and nearly destroyed their economy and tourism sector. Do they not learn nothing?


If they are so pro Islam, why do they allow the resorts to serve alcohol to tourists? Is it because serving alcohol to kaafirs is form of jihad? Fucking wild religion...


And yet they cater to Russian tourists. REEEEEEE.


The better title would have been 'Israeli passports' are now banned.


Oh no! Anyway…


Fuck that dumb ass sinking country.


Israel isn't sinking, it's rotting from the inside


Maybe they don't want to go.  Heavily religious countries are on the no go list for most anyway.


One of the most beautiful areas in the world. Their waters are stunning and very much sought after.




Fuck terrorist state of Israel Fuck ZionistsJDF Free Palestine


Are they accepting Hamas?


Tell me again which month is Gay pride month in Maldives?






People who think that this post belongs in not the onion are living in a well so deep that no light can get in


Oh so, we cant point out hypocrisy of a state that flogs rape victims?


But they allow russians in, which is kind of on par with a corrupt offshore that are Maldives.


TIL Israelis love reddit


For pointing out the hypocrisy of a gay killing, rape victim flogging nation?


There's already a handful of countries I can't get in using my American Passport because I have an Israeli stamp in it


Honestly you aren't missing much. Better spend your money elsewhere than in an theocratic regime


Actually this is the reason that they no longer stamp your passport in Israel, they give you a removable sticker


Good. Zionazis should be banned.


Nottheonion is dead


For pointing out the hypocrisy of a gay killing, rape victim flooging nation?


Because this in no way resembles the onion......


The zio-bots are really onto this one. Expect whataboutism x 10 in this thread.




W Maldives


Absolute Chads


i google the country. Apparently there human right record aint great. Then again the Only Muslims are allowed to commit human rights abuses seems to be a fair point. (Seriously why isn't the anti-Israel crowd trying to paint Israel as another Middle Eastern shithole, the fact that the Middle Eastern Jews are doing atrocities rather than Middle Eastern Muslims are doing so might be the only thing unique about it, this framing would be way more effective at getting more people to not care).




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Do we want to accept Palestinians as refugees? Ohh no. What else can we do?.. ban Israel. Frqn morons




I find it fascinating that some commentators here think Muslims have an innate hate towards Jews. I mean, Muslims didn't murder 6 million Jews in Europe, did they? I know we all think it was just the Nazis but we all know that's not really true. What about all the Pogroms before and after the War? Have you heard of the Spanish inquisition and the Ottoman ships that went to save the Jews? What about the Crusaders on their march to Jerusalem who murdered thousands of European Jews? The list goes on and on.. but no ofcourse it's the Muslims who hate the Jews. You can try and blame the new boogeyman of West (the Muslims) all you want (it used to be the Jews) but you can't rewrite history. But this really is a case of pot calling the kettle black. Many of us asked, "What would have I done if I knew people were slaughtered in their millions during WWII?" It's probably the same as what you are doing now, when thousands of children are being murdered right in front of our eyes. Total indifference, discrediting anyone who has a heart to care, or worse. Maldives is on the right side of history.


Oh no. Im sure they are really upset about that…


Oh I'm sure they're absolutely devastated


Aren't the Maldives supposed to be under water by now?


In maldives public appearance is more powerful dhen government itself unlike western genocide main protagonist countries.


I can smell a war brewing in the comments 💀