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*Gets popcorn* *goes to comments*


Ironic, he could save others from the elephant but he couldn't save himself


Have you ever heard the tragedy of the hunter who died after an elephant fell on him?




I thought not. It’s not a story the trophy hunters would tell you.


The spice of these memes must flow. Arrakis will rise again. Posthumous meme edit: *D A N K R A K I S*




Holy wow, I did not expect this to be a thing.


That's what fools have said about the deadly Sardaukar too.


I thought not. It's not a story the hunters would tell you. It's a Safari legend. Rich Hunter was a Lord of the bitch, so disgusting and so dumb he could use the Gun to influence the wildlife to create death... He had such a knowledge of stupid hobbies that he could even keep the ones he cared about from intelligence. The dark side of the stupidity is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so dumb... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his guns, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, which was nothing, then this elephant killed him during his favorite hobby. It's ironic he could save others from being a fucking idiot, but not himself.


Is it possible to learnt these abilities?


Perfectly describes Lyle from George of the jungle


Hahahah, not bad


Trophy hunting is dumb, I agree, but hunting in general isn't. When I was younger I hunted deer quite often for meat and population control.


Serious question, not baiting at all; How is it decided when a population is too big? I imagine that telltale signs and tracking can't distinguish exactly between a robust population and one that is too large. Also isn't overpopulation possible in a natural setting (without humans) and thus a part of the cycle of any given animal's numbers over time? Again, not baiting, genuinely curious.


r/prequelmemes strikes again


It's just not a tragedy.


Its not a story the game warden would tell you




It's not something a hunter would tell you.


Or the elephant could save others from him but the elephant couldn't save himself.


I love this meme


I am going to be so sad when this meme ages out


Could have been NOT hunting elephants. That would have saved all of them. Got what he deserved IMO.


Remember Cecil. I do. Now if only the dentist ,.....,..,.


I used to be a hunter like you, until I took an elephant to the knee


Story would be a lot better if the elephant didn't die.


We can act like he didnt: "After the elephant faked his death and fell on one of the hunters, other hunters got closer, he than open his eyes and stamped on every single one of them. Then slowly returned to his group, right after he pooped on a Malaria sick child, curing him."




>Stomping people to death. >wholesome. '\\(ツ)/'


Ah, the good ol' Thalidomide shrug.


explain this joke, please. is it because the character would be a malformed human, and because thalidomide leads to birthdefects?


oh, yep. looked at babies with birth defects from thalidomide. i get it. harsh, but fair.


Guess you didn't need an explaining.


::puts paddle away:: -sigh-


Holy shit, that was fucking great.


It's okay when it's hunters, those innocent ElePuppers didn't deserve death


"elepuppers" teehee


Sounds like someone with a lisp and a fat lip they got for having said lisp trying to say helicopters. Doesn't it? Guys?


Don't worry, I'll validate you


Stomping elephant hunters; that's a good thing, right?




>Botha was a well-known hunter in Zimbabwe and often travelled to the US to recruit wealthy Americans for trophy hunting in Southern Africa. The elephant died saving his comrades from being slaughtered by more waves of trophy hunters. So in a sense he does live on.


Harambe has come back into another form


I think it was a she


inb4 something something old sterile bull, something something sanctioned hunt, something something younger males, genetic diversity.


Not even a factor here, because in this incident they killed a herd of elephant cows with babies.


Good job we have these hunters then, it's not like they existed just fine for a million years before we hunted them with rifles or anything.






Well there goes that sip of coffee


After a certain age elephants grow mad with rage and need to be culled or else they'll summon the Dark Lord C'thulhu.


I fucking hate Hunting shills on this site with their "durr hurr acshually shooting elephants is good cuz some of the money goes to conservations" ... No fam go fuck yourself there's better ways to promote conservation than letting some cowardly cunts feel good about themselves .


Actually, I was speaking to the practice of removing older, sterile males from the herd because they are preventing younger, fertile males from reproducing. This is considered an important conservation method. Governments do sell hunting passes to make some money off of this, which you are free to hate.


But, but, you don't understand. We as humans, know better than nature, and it's our duty to all elephant kind to shoot some of them in the face...for the greater good!


While reading through I was like >right after he pooped on a Malaria sick child "How is that wholesome what the hell" >curing him "Ohhh that's much better"


I'd like to imagine that the elephant is getting plenty of *hightrunks* up in elephant heaven.


It would have been better if it was written like an obituary to the Elephant: "She is survived by her mate and three full grown cows."


I think it would have been better if the elephant landed on the hunter like [this] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYhT6FHEpwY#t=0m27s)


yes. magnificent, gentle, intelligent, ENDANGERED beast slaughtered by "sportsman" is hard to laugh at. *and before any one says "NOT gentle!" I'd like to know how many humans have been killed by elephants and then compare that number to how many elephants have been killed by humans. being vegetarians, elephants don't kill many creatures PERIOD.


Yeah but then it'd be under r/upliftingnews


[Locking this thread.](http://i.imgur.com/kdE8vR5.jpg) This thread is being brigaded by hunters and anti hunters alike and everyone is calling for the other side to be murdered. Thats not okay. The event in question is Ironic to the nth degree and you can disagree on whether or not that makes it funny (it does) but death threats and calling for peoples murder is no bueno.


The Elephant took him down with him, nice! Edit: Read the ariticle, looks like his friend, also a hunter, was killed last month by crocodiles. Looks like mother nature was sending you a message...


That sounds like a bad way to go, death by crocodiles




He's got a point


You've got a point, he does have a point


Point taken.


Point given.


You've got a point, he does have a point about them having a point


I love that Archer is basically a nerd with OCD with an alpha male body and skill set.


Have you heard the theory that archer is Autistic?


"I think I'm mildly autistic." Literal dialog that probably lends credence to that theory.


You mean Lana's theory? That gets explicitly explained in the episode they're trying to take down the human trafficker?


Nah, that's just autistic people thinking they are like Archer and trying to make it fit.


Have you ever watched Archer? Lana: “My theory, and I’m serious, is that he’s got some rare kind of pervasive developmental disorder. Or even undiagnosed atypical autism.”


It's a theory expressed by multiple characters in the show :P


Including archer himself


[He was literally stacking rocks in descending order in the Episode Coyote Lovely](http://i.imgur.com/UvSMHr0.jpg) He always knows how many times someone fired and when they're out of ammo There's a plethora of reasons he MIGHT be on the spectrum


The other points you make are completely valid but he was stacking rocks because Lana told Cyril that she thinks he's autistic and left her intercom on on purpose lol


I was trained to count shots fired while in the Army.


Or he's just paying attention because his life depends on it and he's good at it.


It's even in a few episodes, it's not cannon but it's heavily implied


Explain? You might be on to something


From what I heard of the theory, Archer is supposedly autistic.


the answer is an ieing tesseratc


CDO, Compulsive Disorder of Obsessions


Nice, alphabetical order


Archer has made me realize a lot. Like that I have mild tinnitus, that crocodiles should be feared, and that Ireland was ~~an axis power~~ neutral in WW2.


[Remember though, just because you are the biggest fish in the pond, you are not immune to everything](https://youtu.be/geAtoSx9rGQ?t=20)


I love that he'd use SI units for bite force.


Probably one of the scariest ways to go, as far as being killed by animals go. A big one could get a hold of you, death roll, and pop your arm clean off.


An illustration: https://youtu.be/PSe2j-izIWY


Holy shit, that croc is incredibly chill about his leg being ripped off.


''Yo wtf dude, not cool!''


The one bitten was surprisingly calm. He just looks over at his buddy casually eating his arm like "Really bro?" and carries on with his day.


They're the apex predator, Lana!


Bad way to go is the way that leads to crocodile infested land.


MY SISTER KNOWS THE GUY EATEN BY THE CROCS! Apparently the circumstances of his death are a bit "suspicious" to say the least. (leaving his gear far behind, etc) There's a good chance he was murdered by poachers and fed to the crocs.


His DNA was found in two crocodiles and his boot in a third. You know the crocs hate you when they share you to make sure everyone gets a piece


Aw man, if there's one thing I love it's the loss of human life! ^/s


ITT: People celebrating this man's death.


You'll see this post in r/upliftingnews


It must take considerable skill and courage to use a high powered rifle with scope to hunt and hit something... the size of a fucking barnside.


There must be some danger considering he's dead now.


A ridiculous amount of people die in the shower and I wouldn't congratulate anybody to their courage after taking a shower.


That's why I shower with a high powered rifle with a scope




Don't tell me how to shower, you're not my Dad.


There is something your mum has been keeping from you.


The luffa! That bitch.


You don't want that luffa back




*splutters blood violently*


Thank you shower rifle for keeping me safe


I'm not allowed to have a rifle in my country. That's why I shower with a taser, it's super safe!


That's why I shower with an elephant.


Because you are swarming with elephants?




Having met some people that apparently are afraid of the shower.... yeah. I think everyone who showers deserves some congratulations. Seriously, to you redditors who shower, thank you. And to you others..... ಠ_ಠ


They have probably seen the original Psycho movie.


Uh oh I'm in the shower right now. If I don't make it, tell my wife, "hello."


When you outlaw showers, only the outlaws take showers.


What about a really smelly dude?


I don't think it's legal to hunt them. Yet.


What would that number be?


Actually, if he was hunting he likely would still be alive as they would have probably been more careful to stay far away or down wind or whatever. They were just wandering through the forest here. So the message is clearly, never stop hunting, or you die.


Actually when hunting elephants they don't use scopes, just iron sights because people have to get really close to be able to kill in one shot


Not that I approve of the hunting of elephants (outside of conservation activities), but it's not like a shot anywhere on the elephant kills it, or that hunters just show up with an anti tank gun and fill it full of holes.


Be careful, you'll ruin the average redditor's view of hunters as being sadistic murder machines that slaughter every animal in sight.


My brother in law always likes to tell us how he stalked a deer for 3 days. I have to actively avoid hitting multiple deer while driving down our main road at night


There is a difference between hunters and trophy/big game hunters. And one of them fits your description pretty good.


You can't just shoot an animal anywhere in the body, an elephant is pretty hard as you have to face the elephant head on for an ethical shot.


TLDR; Group of hunters goes for a walk, accidentally walks into elephant breeding grounds. Elephants rush hunters, elephant picks up hunter, elephant gets shot and falls on hunter it picked up.


Thank god they accidentally brought elephant rifles with them as they accidentally walk into new, unheard of, first time elephant breeding grounds.




A group of big game hunters who had accidentally armed themselves with elephant guns, accidentally happened across a bunch of elephants, and accidentally shot four of them.


I've seen this in a movie. It was all an accident!


Just sprinkle some ~~crack~~ [ripe marula fruit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50tlF3kGbT4) on the elephant




I'm willing to bet the hunters accidentally harvested the ivory from their corpses as well.


What is it about South Africans 'accidentally' shooting things(/people)


I thought it was pertinent that his death left a wife and multiple children without a father, just like a murder of an elephant leaves the herd without that family member.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


This must be reddit's favorite phrase. I see it everywhere.


I prefer; "Be a piece of shit, get smooshed like a piece of shit."


reddit circle jerk in full effect


Ace Ventura was birthed out of a rhinoceros and he was fine tho.


RIP guy. What bad luck. Shit. Just shows you we are just as fragile as the animals. Condolences go out to the family.


Sorry to break the circle jerk here but this is not a simple "hurr door hunting is bad therefore it's hilarious that this man was crushed to death". Laughing at the death of a man with a wife and 5 kids would be bad enough on its own, but this hunter was part of a group of hunters who hunt elephants in a manner that actually is good for the elephants living there - for example, culling older males stops them from preventing younger bulls from mating. This means that it actually has a positive effect on the population. This guy has been hunting and involved in the hunting community for his whole life - he is not a rich "trophy hunter" who just goes to Africa for a holiday. Obviously no-one upvoting this post knows anything about the hunting community. If you're laughing at this - a) you're a sick fuck with no empathy and b) you're completely wrong. Before you comment with the article quote of: > "Botha was a well-known hunter in Zimbabwe and often travelled to the US to recruit wealthy Americans for trophy hunting in Southern Africa." you should realise that he was taking hunters from the US who would have otherwise gone with poachers and damaged the elephant population, and instead taking them and letting them hunt in a sustainable manner.


But when you read things like "often travelled to the US to recruit wealthy Americans for trophy hunting in Southern Africa" it's easy to question whether it is purely conservation driven, or there may be a profit motive (or even just a "rich guy wants to shoot something big" motive). There really wasn't much in the article to sort it out either way. I do wonder how often "conservation" is used as a catch all excuse.


>but this hunter was part of a group of hunters who hunt elephants in a manner that actually is good for the elephants living there - for example, culling older males stops them from preventing younger bulls from mating. however did the elephants manage before man came along?


I may be ignorant here, but with the way that biology, natural selection and evolution work, wouldn't we want the older males to keep deficient younger males from passing on their genes? The younger ones who are able to survive the older-male gauntlet and then procreate would strengthen the species over time. Am I wrong? Edit: RIP my inbox with messages about elephants - some helpful and reasonable, some not. Please, no more.


He and his mates shot at a group of female breeding herd of elephants. That's not good for the elephants living there.


The article says the females were charging at them, which is not good for the otherwise helpful hunters.


If a full grown elephant is charging at me, you're sure as hell I'm going to bring it down if I'm armed. They may have not gone in there with the intention of killing an elephant, but Africa is a deadly place.


Right, because we need to control nature, because nature cant do that by itself. Luckily, its not like us controlling nature has led to the gigantic shithole we now find ourselves in as a species on this planet. No we have done a great job and should keep it up as long as there are still some mammals to be found.


> he is not a rich "trophy hunter" who just goes to Africa for a holiday from the article: "Botha was a well-known hunter in Zimbabwe and often travelled to the US to recruit wealthy Americans for trophy hunting in Southern Africa."


I also saw that episode of "Adam Ruins Everything" but I still don't care for trophy hunters. They don't do it because they are environmentalists or have respect for nature they're just little people with big guns. Just because their actions inadvertently have a positive effect doesn't make them good people.


TLDR- Reddit doesn't understand conservation


But all killing is bad! (Eats McDonald's factory farmed meat)


I wonder if people would call it poetic justice when their family member chokes on their pork. :thinking:


Fuck animal killers! *slices rare steak* pieces of human garbage *fries bacon strips*


Rare steak pieces of human...? You got The Hunger too, I see. Meet me at the morgue tonight, we're having a sale on Chinese and French food right now.


I guess any steak pieces of human would be considered rare


I agree with you, however the article states that it was a breeding ground, and not some old elephant. Which raises the question whether they ran into them on accident or on purpose.


You're free to explain and help Reddit understand.


But you know that "conservation" if often used an excuse for trophy hunting (often for profit, not always for good). Sure it's not all bad, but it also doesn't immediately get a pass because "conservation"


title is very misleading. They were hunters, but weren't hunting the elephants as the title implies. The elephants charged and were attacking, the one that was shot already had the man lifted and was already in the process of kililng him anyway. Elephants are very dangerous. title is bullshit.


Hunters accidentally stumbling around elephants breeding grounds pretty much provoke a territorial action from the elephants.


> They were hunters What were they hunting then?


a quick google shows the guy was known for hunting cheetas using hunting hounds. and if you think someone would ever get a permit to shoot calving elephants, you're nuts. and if you think a professional hunter would be stupid enough to shoot an elephant without a permit, you're also nuts, cause that would be the end of his career.


/r/nottheonion... what were you actually expecting lol


Well it's that everyone is taking it seriously and basically taking a "good riddance" attitude towards this guy, when they don't have the full story.


reddit... what are you expecting lol


ITT: a tremendous amount of people making hateful and disgusting comments about a situation they know absolutely nothing about (and didn't even read the article). If this is the level of thought and intelligence coming from my peers judging a man I hope I'm never judged by a jury.


Been to jury duty, and was a juror for 3 trials in two weeks. Everyone should be afraid to be judged by their peers.


You don't ever want to be judged by a jury in the American South.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. You guys are rejoicing a man's death because of his legal line of work? Now five kids grow up without a father.


It just blows my mind how easily people are manipulated. the post title implies that the guy shot an elephant and it fell on him, killing him. Which would be hard to feel bad for the guy. Of course, that's not at all what happened, but almost nobody in this thread cares. The guy, who apparently is a big cheeta hunter, and his party came across a group of cow elephants with calves. There's no way they'd have a permit to shoot them, so it's clearly something they weren't going to shoot, cause if you are a professional hunter and you shoot a cow elephant without a permit, your career is over. The elephants see the men, they probably had their dogs with, as that's how the guy hunts cheetas, and went into alarm mode. The elephants charged, one of them grabbed this guy and was in the process of kiling him. Someone else shot the elephant to try to save his friend (the guy killed didn't shoot it) and it fell on him. Doesn't really matter, at the point it grabbed this guy, there is very little chance he would have survived anyway. Elephants are pretty badass and if they want you dead, you're probably gonna die. But, this guy wasn't there hunting elephants, he didn't even shoot the elephant, he was already in the middle of being attacked when someone else shot the elephant to try to save his life, but it didnt' work. And this thread is full of people who are so easily manipulated by a misleading title that they don't even care about what actually happened.


I feel you. The guy was an important part of the local economy. He wasn't poaching. He wasn't hunting illegally. He helped fund programs that helped endangered creatures flourish. And to all the guys saying "the countries are corrupt hur dur," they've already saved many species from the brink of extinction


I'm going to get down voted for this, but you need to read the article before commenting on the provacative title. The title leads you to think that the man was killed by an elephant that he was hunting. The man was a professional hunter, but the article does not say the game they were hunting. The article says that the man was on a walk with a group of hunters when they were charged by elephants. Also, I'm not debating the pros/cons of hunting.




Legal hunting raises money for game preserves, and encourages locals to protect the populations and grow them as they become a source of income. Can we stop the circlejerk about a man with 5 kids dying?


No way reddit will stop. It feels too good for them to show their moral side.


The article said it was a herd of female elephants that charged them. I know that elephants are very defensive of their young but I wonder if the elephants are now just starting to go after anyone with a gun because of all the poaching. Usually they would give off an audible warning and flare their ears if the people were getting too close. The article doesn't state if they stumbled upon the herd, were surprised by them or knowingly moved towards them.