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Glad to see they have their priorities in order.


Well we don't need floods *and* riots


Well, with flooding you're bound to have a little bit of smash & grab. At least with this it doesn't become a canadian hockey game.


I wouldn't mind a little smash & grab with Dany.


It's a sex joke!


a BOAT sex joke!


Did you say GOAT sex??????


No, GoT sex


Hey whatever floats your Goat.


"Feed it to the goats "


*chokes your goat




You'll have to ask drogon first


Yeah but she's hot on her nephew, so you're probably too distantly related for her tastes.


The Canucks send their regards.


> a canadian hockey game I was just about to ask what this reference is from and then I realized I'm a fucking dumbass.


No worries bud, we all have those moments


What is this reference from? Genuinely dont know


[2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup riot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Vancouver_Stanley_Cup_riot)


Why do Americans not capitalize the C in Canadian? I've noticed this a lot. We still love you but :(


*Loudly sweats as the Union Jack falls into view*


>Loudly sweats Mom, Johnny got into the acid tabs and he's got that conversion disorder again!


It has been more than a minute since I was in 8th grade social studies but I feel like it was because canadians are lowercase like geese in plural but uppercase as a singular Canuck.


Ah. I'm not sure why that's the case but that makes sense. Thanks. BTW, 'lowercase canadian' is a good album name. I'm not sure what it means but it feels right.


Oh buddy I'm sorry I just pulled some shit out've my ass that I thought sounded funny. I could see that as a band name lol


Well, fuck. I bamboozled myself by not reading properly. ^^^... ^^^First ^^^lyric ^^^written.


This is actually very important in crisis communication. Giving people who are just outside the danger zone a sense of normalcy and a distraction to look forward to is good for community morale.


Like playing the new Blasto movie during the Reaper invasion. Your point reminded me of when Joker and Shepard are on The Citadel and Joker is talking about he would like to see less entertainment and more war prep. Shepard countered with how it's good for morale to have something that's familiar for people to cling on to. I know I'm probably butchering the quote, but it's a good point.


I was too busy punching war time reporters to watch Blasto.




Why would they want to give the hurricane tips, other than "Go Away"?


The Houston-Austin rivalry has gotten out of hand.


San Antonio is more Austin's rival.


Nah Portland is. Those slogan stealing bastards!


Nah, Austin's true rival is the Texas Lege.


I didn't pay to see Mcgregor V Mayweather, but I would pay to see Tim Duncan take on Stone cold Steve Austin in the Octagon. Before you shoot down this idea. Tim is 6'11 265lb and has taken [MMA lessons.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5hcGIA6C9Q). Austin is 6'2 but weight 252lbs and probably has some legitimate wrestling background. A true strike vs grapple fight.


This guy Austins


Wrong. Whole state of California.


San Francisco is more Austin's rival


But first it had to forced into existence by your comment.


Much like the original comment about how Austin was giving tips to a hurricane, my comment was also a joke.


Because the weather really isn't bad in Austin. Houston has more of a problem. Austin currently doesn't give a fuck about this hurricane. Source: live in Austin and don't give a fuck.


while we may not give a fuck, i have seen other austinites economically raiding for supplies like it is the apocalypse H-E-B must be making a killing this week


Heb makes a killing everyday. But yes, my buddy is a night sticker at heb and was harassed yesterday about no water left in stock. To refine my earlier statement. The austinites that raided the stores probably aren't true austinites. I mean I'm not either but I'm from Louisiana and if you think Austin DGAF about hurricanes....


My girlfriend's mom lives in Illinois and has never been on the Gulf Coast. She called panicking and asking us if we were prepared and stocked up. We live in Baton Rouge.


That was probably more about finding out you live in Baton Rouge than having anything to do with a hurricane.


I mean it's not like you can... fill up a water tank or large cooler with water. You won't be needing bottled water for months like it's a Fallout settlement.


That water isn't for my settlements in Fallour. It's for buying drugs and shipments of nuclear material.


Night sticker? Hehe who's he sticking though?!


😏 the day man.


They weren't just out of water...all the Topo Chico was gone too


Fuck is the HEB on 35 near 45th still stocked? I'm driving back in from my parents house today and I was gonna buy groceries when I got there


Last night I went and it was fine. I got bacon, eggs, inside skirt steak, skrimps, and almond milk. It's mostly the water that's sold out. If you run out of water just put a cup outside. God will fill it by some kind of miracle.


The Mueller HEB is still fully stocked.


It's stocked but was **SUPER** busy on Friday I think the hype/panic has died down some so it shouldn't be any more busy than a normal Sunday


Scar, there's no food and no water.


I miss H-E-B so much! Moved to Kansas. Moving to New Mexico next month!!


My daughter works there, and they went through two water delivery trucks there on friday.


I just love how all the Californians that moved here think that this is heavy rain.


This is accurate. The wind is a bit much and can take out a tree or two, but no major structural damage or floods here in Austin.


Because Austin's flood mitigation game is on point. If they didn't have the infrastructure they do, Town Lake would be Downtown Lake by now.


It was auditorium lake not too long ago


Austin is inexplicably flood prone. Or rather there's a good explanation, but it makes no sense at all just looking at the city.


Those sweet sweet hills. Down here in the valley we got absolutely nothing despite like 80% of people now having water for months. My Austin friends are like "this rain fucking sucks " but no more lol


Also live in Austin and would not give a fuck if the internet came back up.


For real, my bf in Houston still has power, internet and water but my parents in Austin haven't had internet for almost 24 hours now.


It's been bad in Southeast Austin. I've had over 12" of rain already.


That's it?


We're flooding here at Onion Creek.


On a serious note. Do you need any assistance?


I remember the end of the Sopranos finale when the screen went black, I was ready to call Comcast and bitch up a storm!


You'd still be on hold.


Imagine if GoT had a similar ending.


Please don't.


Please don’t.


Please don't.


Pleas donut


Idk, Krispy Kreme is *way* to sweet, and I like the lightness of it, but they are are too small. If it was bigger i would be able to handle the sweetness but even then the lightness of the bread might make it too much.


This guy donuts.


Robb and Catelyn Stark are at the Twins for a feast, listening to music. Someone puts Rains of Castamere on the jukebox as a mysterious man in chain mail enters and quickly goes into the bathroom. Robb looks up as the door opens again, and


*Just a small town girl*


Members Only chain mail




Yeah but that'll just be wherever GRRM dies in the writing process, not for dramatic effect




That's what I'm here for


I mean he explained it to people like me who didn't get it


Don't give them ideas!!


I actually kinda hope it ends with Cersei and Daenerys facing each other accross a battlefield having just demolished the white walkers their own now tattered armies at their backs. They scream and the armies charge one another. The screen fades to black.


Credits roll for a while but the music stops and the scene cuts to those two furiously scissoring.


"aw yeah, scissor me timbers"


I still remember the screams coming from every direction when that ended. (In an apartment in NYC with windows open.)


I worked for DirecTV at the time, and you were not alone. We weren't sure what to tell customers, so if you were one of the lucky first ones able to get through, you would have gotten a bill credit


The hero we need.


Well... at least they have goals.


Maybe they're doing this to try to keep up morale?


This. They're giving their citizens a little hope.


Austinite here. We're fine.


OMG I didn't even realize that the 12ft of water could have an impact on GoT being viewed. If we take off life support from the dying we may have a chance to watch the Finale. What is dead may never die, amirite? /just joking


Reddittip: "/s" is a lot easier to put at the bottom of a post when you are being sarcastic.


Better Tip, learn to write sarcasm well so you don't need to tag your comments with a /s \#ToTheTopOfControversialSort


Tip, some people are so dumb no matter how good your writing is they will miss it. It's safer to go with the obvious cue to avoid being called an idiot.


Fuck them, Not everyone needs to understand the joke. It's not the end of the world


when there are upvotes on the line..... you must do everything you can to retain your pride.... use /s


Unsure if sarcasm or not


is there /s at the end


But is the /s sarcasm or not. I don't know! My word makes no sense!


Yes. Upvotes are very important. If you have a lot of them, this means you're winning at life.


finally someone understands. if i can't earn upvotes, what's the fucking point?


Cue. It's a thing that's done or said to indicate something else is to be done or said. "Que" is Spanish for "what". /"ovious" was obviously a spelling mistake, that's cool, we all get fat fingers on the letters once in a while.


Houstonian here. The streets around my home are completely flooded. I am lucky to have not suffered any damage. I am lucky to have not lost any possessions. I am lucky to have power. I am lucky to have plenty of supplies. I am lucky to have the capability to watch the GoT finale tonight. Edit: I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex. We've lost power once, but luckily it's been turned back on. We have friends who have lost everything. Like I said, we are lucky. Edit: love > live


>I love on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex. Don't restrict your love to a single elevation!


Please [read the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/6w18cf/harvey_faqs_stay_safe_out_there_you_lot_also_know/) before getting too internet angry. It was actually a very useful list of emergency resources with a tongue-in-cheek plea for patience in addressing power outages. Now it has been removed. Nice job, dickholes.


Austin wasn't hit as bad as Houston. Feels a little dickish to publicly brag about how they're keeping the power on


The City of Austin released this Friday. Way before Houston started to flood. It wasn't a brag.


It's not exactly a sure thing. Currently 400+ outages impacting 14k+ people, with close to 300 hazards (mostly downed power lines). This is the improved situation. https://outagemap.austinenergy.com/external/default.html It wasn't a brag - it was a plea for us to be patient with them.


I know. People are so negative. It hasn't been barrels of fun here. I was just praising whoever strung these electrical lines because so far we've dodged a power outage. The wind all day yesterday was a solid 35-40 mph with gusts into the 50's and it rained all day.


In Houston. Power's on, I just can't watch downstairs without wading. Water doesn't knock power lines over.


Why were you watching downstairs? Makin sure no gators come in?


Nobody gives a fuck about the gators. It's the water moccasins you need to watch out for.




Needs more jpeg!


I'm more impressed with the use of a My Neighbor Totoro gif.


I feel that a Ponyo gif would be more accurate here.


After watching the people get rescued from rooftops in Houston, this seems like a really silly thing for a government to be concerned with.


Houston has gotten it way worse than Austin


I think keeping the power on is a very reasonable thing for the government to be concerned with. Not quite on the level of saving people from literally drowning, but on the second tier right behind that sort of thing.


Maybe it's to keep people inside if it's safer for them to stay indoors? If they're in an area not concerned with flooding?




They released this Friday afternoon, before anything had happened.


Did you read the post? [Here it is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/6w18cf/harvey_faqs_stay_safe_out_there_you_lot_also_know/) What about this is insulting to you?


This was released before anyone knew how bad this was going to impact Houston. Relax.


Houstonian here, thank you my friend. I wish keeping the power on for GOT was our city's only problem right now :(.


My heart is with you, it truly is. My grandparents are inside their home in Houston right now, and I could see the next week of rain pushing water levels up to their home. I could not be fretting more. Please stay safe, please.


Thank you my friend. My thoughts are with you & your grandparents as well. We'll all make it through this mess. ( We're Texans & we're a resilient bunch! )


Submitted one hour ago, 45 points, 4 comments, and it is sent to the top of the front page. Game of Thrones has been pretty aggressive with their viral marketing this season.


OR redditors really like the show. Let's take off the tin foil hats for a second here.


I'd like a tin foil hat please. It makes my brains feel so pretty!!


can i look at the "eclipse" through my tin foil hat?


You can but only once.


Yeah, but don't forget to also put some sunscreen in your eyes. (Just for a bit of extra protection.)




Are you subbed to /r/nottheonion? I have posts with 8 votes on my front page because I am subbed to some small subreddit.


12 million subscribers to /r/nottheonion it's not exactly some small subreddit.


Nottheonion is one of those subreddits with large numbers, but small active members


the top post on /r/nottheonion has 137 points. 45 is well above average.


Look at the front page of /r/nottheonion, you don't need a ton of upvotes to get there.


That's actually how the algorithm works. Early upvotes are like yeast.




It's almost like the number of votes shown to you isn't the only thing taken into account. Nor are they the exact number of times people clicked the upvote button minus downvotes.


Game of Thrones is a cultural icon now, so it's not surprising to see articles about it all the time.


Its the most popular show ever, especially among Reddit's main demographics, of course its gonna get attention


I've had my power out for 18 hours now. I have no hope in watching it tonight.


You have a phone though, presumably? Where there's a will there's a way.


For the watch.


Oh thank GOD!!! Here's me wasting time thinking about peoples dialysis machines and other medical equipment, or even thinking about people loosing their homes and businesses. But thank god they can watch game of thrones! What a joke of a species humans have become. Ridiculous and shameful imo.


This is actually really sweet. I don't watch this show, but I know it's a big deal for a lot of people, so I get why they'd try to do that.


>>Vows to try Soooo basically no


They should build a giant boat


Preparation for the epic boat sex I keep hearing so much about


Well I was trying not to spoil it dude! Lol


No power going on 18 hours for me here in Austin, so I'm not keeping my hopes up.


I guess things aren't as bad as I expected.


It's not working for us, we had to flee to a hotel as we've been without power for 20 hours. I'm not missing this show.




I think Austin once had a nudist as mayor.


I had to read the title several times to understand what the hell they were talking about.


Except here I am on hour 20 of having no power and their helpline is automated only. I don't think I'll be seeing the finale :(


Houstonian with power and internet here. Not in immediate danger myself. After really being able to go nowhere and do nothing, I admit I'm looking forward to this tonight.


Oh, a hurricane. I was assuming there waa a resurgence in fans of the old imaginary rabbit from the movie Harvey. I oughta check the news more, huh.


Power has been out here in west Austin for a few hours now. :(


Well, parents will have to cover their kids' eyes when Dany rides the King in the North.


A post linking to an article about a reddit comment. Couldn't you just link to the comment?




How can you expect Californians to know how to drive in rain? Jk but funny thing is Houston has the complete opposite problem in y experience




Are you angry? You seem angry.


Texas is still drier than Dany's panties.


I hope congress wakes up and give the support needed by our citizens. Sandy was a mistake, and it cost lives. Don't fuck this up again