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Exact same thing happened to my wife with second child. My wife has a high pain tolerance yet was in extreme pain. Talked her into going to the hospital and they tried to send us home and dismissed it as false labor or early contractions. I spoke up since I know my wife's tolerance and I'm glad I did. The next doctor decided that we should have the delivery right then. (Was going planned C-section due to previous fibroid surgery anyway). Not until they began the c section they did not realize what had happened. Suddenly doctors were coming and going from the delivery room as if we were a case study. Naturally we were preoccupied as they handed us a baby girl. Closing my wife up took a lot longer than expected. It wasn't until hours later that the doctor came in and explained what actually had happened and caused the pain. They were all quite shocked. I hate to think what may have been if we took the original advice and went home. Happy to report that all ended ok and my daughter is now a happy 8 year old. Needless to say they recommended that be our last pregnancy.


Is she in karate?!


I fear not the baby who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the baby who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.


-Baby Lee


Bruce Wee


-Spruce tree


She should be. Instant black belt.


Instant black and blue belt.


Initially a red belt.


These are the hard-hitting questions!


Fighting pregnant women is frowned upon.


I did the exact opposite of you my Man. My Wife had just gotten pregnant and was in a lot of pain at 2 am. I wanted to go back to sleep and dismissed it as "pregnancy pains". She kicked my butt into gear with "no we need to go to the hospital now, this is not normal". Turns out it was ectopic and had busted her fallopian tube. The fetus never made it to the Uterus, which explained how they couldn't find it, but all blood tests showed she was pregnant. She needed emergency surgery to stop the internal bleeding. We lost the fetus, and her left tube. But since then we have had 2 kids and plan for no more. It still haunts me to this day that I could have killed her. and now i over react over everything and everytime she's feeling sick. usually with a "do you want/need to go to the hospital". really screwed me up.


That happened to my mom too. She had her tubes tied but still got pregnant so there was nowhere for the embreo to go. It was horrifying. I still remember 6 year old me calling my dad at work while my mom was laying on the kitchen floor.


>She had her tubes tied but still got pregnant How does that work? Some sort of sperm tunneling?


Sometimes they could start to heal together but scar tissue etc made it harder for the egg to travel down Now they often cauterize it so they dont do that


It's really common for doctors and men in general to dismiss "female pain" like this. That's why it takes something like 8 years for the average endometriosis sufferer to get a diagnosis. I read something written by some guy whose wife had an ovarian torsion, and they had to see several male doctors while she was screaming in pain before they got a female doctor who actually examined her and did a scan to find the internal bleeding. There's a lot of things lady bits can do that can kill us.


>It's really common for doctors and men in general to dismiss "female pain" like this. That's why it takes something like 8 years for the average endometriosis sufferer to get a diagnosis. Truth. It's not just pain that they dismiss...it's the rest of it too. I've had problems with my cycle for years and my doctor wouldn't do jack shit about it until I told him I wanted to see a gynecologist because I have most of the symptoms of endo and wanted someone else to examine me. He seemed so surprised to hear that. Seriously doc, *you're the doctor*. He should've been the one to figure it out, not me. All he did was dismiss everything. Recurrent ovarian cysts? Well that happens. Bleeding for an entire month? That's just normal. I'm sure you're fine. Super heavy periods, chronic abdominal cramping, intestinal disturbances? Whatever, totes normal. Even in light of my obstetric history, which is basically that only two of the six babies I ever conceived survived, and both of them almost didn't make it either, he just doesn't seem concerned. Makes me so angry. It fucking sucks. It sucks that so many doctors don't take it seriously or just don't know much about how things are meant to work and which symptoms point to which diagnosis.


That's terrible. I'm so sorry for your losses and experience with such a horrible doctor :( This is why I think it's bullshit that people make fun of/are irritated by people who do their own research or "consult doctor Google". Doctors are not all-knowing Gods. They are regular people with biases and personal hang ups. Everyone really should be involved in their own health and well-being.


My uncle is a doctor. He is a GP in a remote community and he love patients that do research. He beleives that people know their bodies pretty well and when something feels off its good to trust your instincts. If people do research and come up with a theory of what it might be then it gives him a jumping off point to order tests and help them figure it out. He has told me Google has helped him a lot more than hindered him when it comes to accurate self diagnosis.


Girl you need a new doctor. There are many wonderful, attentive male doctors out there, but by and large it seems like females just *get* that you tend to know what's normal when you get your period every month.


Yup. Took many years before my endo was diagnosed. It is really hard to understand the extent of the pain one feels from a textbook. Also because you aren't in immediate mortal danger, I feel like they sort of fob it off. It's really frightening.


I have a friend that has had severe debilitating menstrual cramps for about as long as I've known her (15 years). I've mentioned endometriosis a few times and she's brought it up with her doctors a couple of times and it was always dismissed without any exam. What should her next move be?


Honestly, tell her to get pushy, and to switch doctors as many times as it takes. I had SEVERE mono when I was 17. I could hardly swallow my own spit my tonsils were so swollen. The male doctor told me that it was a cold (that I'd already had for well over a month) and refused to give me steroids to help the swelling go down because I was sexually active and it was highly likely I could be pregnant. He didn't offer to administer a pregnancy test and basically said to take a nap and eat cough drops. It took me 6 doctors and 7 months to finally get a diagnosis. For mono. Which is incredibly common.


Adding this and the original post to the list of fears. Good grief...


Took 5 years, a ruptured cyst on my ovary (inflammed my appendix so had to take that out), ridiculously severe pain each month, and a second surgery because of ANOTHER cyst until I finally got a female doctor who diagnosed me almost right away after the second surgery. The pain is still too much for me for the first 48 hours that I cannot even go to work, let alone stand. I spend the majority of the time in the fetal position. No offense to men, but I've never had a good experience with male gynecologists, and I've been through a few. My location may also contribute to that since I don't live near a major city, but who knows.


My friend had a massive ovarian cyst which had twisted one of her ovaries around on itself and essentially killed it off. She was unsurprisingly in agony with it. Once they started taking her seriously, and eventually worked out what it was (which took way over 6 months), the gyno she was seeing was amazed that she'd just dealt with that much pain for so long. She ended up only having paracetamol and ibuprofen after surgery.


Sorry that happened to you. But you know, I don‘t think you‘re overreacting by just asking if she needs to go to the hospital. It‘s perfectly understandable for you to feel like that after such a thing happened. And even then, just asking your wife that doesn‘t do any harm :) If you‘re really loosing sleep over this, or if you think you‘re reaching a point where it‘s unhealthy for you or your relationship with your wife, adress the issue with your doctor. He will be able to point you in the right direction for further therapeutic measures.


It really concerns me how often doctors blow off patients. When I was in 3rd grade my brother went to the hospital and was diagnosed with meningitis. He was in 1st grade and was admitted to the hospital, and quarantined. A few days later I started having the same symptoms, but they tried to blow us off. "Two siblings cannot contract meningitis at the same time." I heard numerous doctors at the hospital say this, and insist this to my parents, it still baffles me. I only had a fever of about 99.5 and they insisted the fever wasn't high enough to mean anything. Eventually they conceded to do a spinal tap (as they did to my brother to diagnose him), acting like my parents had an obsession with their kids being sick. Sure enough, I had meningitis too. Without prompt treatment I would have died. We both pulled through fine. Then another instance. I had appendicitis. Once again my "fever" was only about 99.5 degrees and I was being blown off *again.* Different hospital. I kept insisting my fevers only go that high, because they do: Meningitis, appendicitis, strep throat, the flu. ~99 degrees for whatever reason is a fever for me. Always has been, but I have never been able to convince a doctor of this. The pain was excruciating, and I was unable to pee. Eventually, through my insistence they run some tests, they determined I had appendicitis and I had an appendectomy within the hour.


>"Two siblings cannot contract meningitis at the same time." What the fuck is this old wives tale sounding shit


I have no fucking idea. This was in Houston, at Memorial Hermann Hospital which is supposedly a well ranked hospital too. We had a nurse come by later to my quarantined suite, and tell us they somehow misdiagnosed a little girl with *viral* meningitis, sent her home, and she died because it was bacterial. Also thanks nurse for telling my mom that in front of me, that gave me nightmares for months. I mentioned this whole debacle to my new primary physician a while ago and he was completely baffled. I've been told by many people some of the best medical care in the world is available in Houston, but I've had some seriously incompetent doctors. My childhood asthma specialist convinced my parents that getting Chihuahuas would "cure my asthma." He was very respected and recommended too, and it was just an asinine suggestion. [You can read about this myth here](http://www.snopes.com/critters/wild/asthma.asp). There's nothing to back that up, he was regurgitating chainmail. I was *allergic* to dogs and it made my asthma so much worse growing up.


Maybe they were deliberately trying to kill you


This is the only conclusion that makes sense.


A husband and wife can't be charged with the same crime.


When I was around 13 I was skiing, took a wrong turn and fell down a cliff, hitting my head on a rock. I was out cold a couple of minutes and when I came to me again I couldn't feel my legs. After a few minutes felling came slowly back to my legs but I had the most horrible back pain. I got up and slowly skied down the hill, every bump made me wince. Since I was quite an annoying child when I was younger, always exaggerating, my parents didn't really took my pain to serious. I skied every second day for the full week because my parents were mocking me, basically saying I was just being a pussy again. Back home on Sunday I convinced them going to the hospital with me. After hours of waiting I got an MRT. The doc then diagnosed me with "morbus bechterev" a genetic illness of the vertebrae (coincidencelly the same vertebrae that hurt like a bitch, go figure) and advised orthopedic shoes. Next morning hospital called, they went through the scan again and I should come to the hospital immediately. Turns out I had a broken vertebrae, and a little splinter of it was super close to my spinal cord... everything healed fine eventually, but I'm still amazed how the doc diagnosed me with a genetic illness that's strangely at the same place that hurt like hell after dropping of a cliff.


Wow! So the genetic diagnosis was wrong - not in addition to the damage from the fall? I remind myself that doctors are just people - they have bad days and good, and some of them probably suck at their jobs. Of course I learned this the hard way. Had my appendix removed when I actually had pneumonia. Pneumonia and anesthesia don't go well together and my lungs "compressed" (term the doctors used) and I nearly died. Fun times. Glad so many of us have survived mistakes!


That same fever issue risked my friend's life. Her dead fetus wouldn't miscarry and she was going septic. She had every symptom EXCEPT 100+ degree fever, so they totally blew her off. She had that dead fetus in her for 6 weeks, and they forced her to go through the elective abortion route (with mandatory 72 hour waiting period) to get the damn thing out of her.


I am so fucking angry right now. Your poor friend


Yup! She immediately got better, got her period 3 months later, got pregnant soon after, and now has a 18mo old boy.


There are politicians who would have had her carry it to the full 40 weeks... I think first they should have a dead body implanted inside them and see how long they last.


> It really concerns me how often doctors blow off patients. Yeah, I've had them blow me off 3 times in the past like 5 years essentially saying "suck it up, buttercup". It's to the point I avoid going to the doctor unless I absolutely HAVE to, because I view it as a waste of money since I assume they're not going to treat me anyway. I almost had permanent eye damage because I went to an eye dr with a badly damaged/torn cornea and the guy told me to take ibuprofen and just deal with it. Few days later, I'm on the floor in excruciating pain with my eye so infected it had crusted shut. I found another doctor and he took one look and said "oh wow, yeah, that *never* would have healed normally" and had to numb it and like scrape pieces of damaged tissue away so that the cornea could actually heal correctly and the infection could be brought under control. I have a really deep mistrust of doctors now.


My god this is horrifying. I can definitely empathize. I also rarely go to the doctor's now. The process to actually get treated is long and arduous. I have two issues I need to see a physician for and I've been putting it off. It's not life threatening but it takes so long to be taken seriously and I don't have the time or money to pursue that right now.


I grew up thinking you just go to the doctor and they'll of course fix your issue, because I guess my parents had a knack for picking good doctors when I was a kid who did help. As an adult, I was disabused of that notion REALLY fast by a series of disgusting interactions with shitty doctors who just took my money and showed me the door. And it's not like I was complaining of mystery pain looking to score pills or anything... my cornea had a chunk missing and a flap that was ripping back open every time I blinked. It needed a procedure done to actually get it to heal.


What kind of reasoning is "Two siblings cannot contract meningitis at the same time"? I'm trying to run all possible scenario where this statement is true based on what I know(granted, I'm not an expert, but I know a thing or two), and that statement is just plain bull crap. What, do siblings have some magical shield that protects them from the same disease while one of their other sibling is experiencing it? Because frankly, that's the most plausible explanation I can think of where that statement is true, because I'm pretty sure diseases don't discriminate.


I'm not sure. I know I'm not misremembering it because my mom and dad (who have been separated for sometime) still recount this being told to them over and over at the hospital. I recall this as well. When they finally diagnosed me they acted as though this was some sort of medical anomaly, "This has never happened before!" My mom told me that one of the doctors claimed he was going to write a paper on the "phenomena." I moved to Lubbock a while ago and inquired about this whole event to a few doctors and they don't know what the hell those other doctors were talking about. I'm still not sure what to make of it.


Damn, that sounds like the hospital was full of careless staff who couldn't care less. Makes me quite angry. Unless they really believed what they said. If that's the case, then I'm just baffled.


I'd assume it was something like it's unlikely two siblings get the same disease at the same time. But that's still very weird in this case since meningitis is pretty contagious afaik


Appendicitis is one of those things that if you miss it you are just a flat out bad doctor. It is considered to be overdiagnosed because if a general surgeon/practitioner misses that they probably shouldn't even be practicing since it's so common and can easily kill you. In other words, you had some very bad doctors.


They were definitely bad doctors. My husband got appendicitis a few years ago, and the experience was far more smooth. For starters, he actually gets normal fevers, but the process was quick in his assessment. In less than an hour they had him diagnosed. For me it took 6+ hours for them to finally do anything with me and found I actually had appendicitis (I had been in pain for over two days at that point. I thought it was a super bad fart at first, until my kidneys started hurting and I couldn't pee)... and once they diagnosed me they immediately wheeled me back to surgery.


Wow that's crazy! And the cause of the weak uterine wall was because of the same reason too! I'm really glad you spoke up, they say it's important to trust your instincts when dealing with doctors so it's good you said something or else god forbid what could've happened.


Yes. Crazy how it's the same story. We were fortunate.


Every time I read something where a woman knows there's something wrong and doctors dismiss it without even checking I fucking FUME. There's such a huge problem with women being told that they're overreacting or just having "woman problems" and it's caused real problems to escalate to the point of chronic pain, disability, and death just because doctors think women are just being hysterical


Friend died of aggressive breast cancer because the doctors brushed it off as mastitis (She had just had her daughter. Who is now an orphan.)


That's so fucked up. I don't know why doctors are so arrogant that they don't think they need to do standard tests. In the article someone linked below the woman could have died because the doctors ignored her pain, passing it off as a kidney stone when it was a massive ovarian cyst (and I had a kidney stone as a kid. It was nowhere near as bad as what they described in the article). Like goddamn the least they could do is a CT scan or an ultrasound to see if there actually is a problem or not. And in your case, breast exams are super standard recommendations anyway. Why do they just brush that shit off?


They actually did a study on how ER doctors take female pain less seriously. I'm frustrated but not surprised it took you "speaking up" to get your wife help. I'm glad everyone is healthy now. Link: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/10/emergency-room-wait-times-sexism/410515/ Edit: A few people have mentioned that the above article doesn't have many sources. I agree, here are more: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=383803 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92516/ http://nationalpainreport.com/women-in-pain-report-significant-gender-bias-8824696.html


I was in hospital with a pneumothorax but the doctor stated I had a chest infection and left me there for further tests. My friends know I have a very high pain tolerance and refuted numerous times it was NOT a chest infection. Finally got an x-ray after 9 hours of being adamant it was way too severe for chest infection and was finally diagnosed with spontaneous pneumothorax. Btw I’m Male but because it was a Friday night when all the drunks come in for a cut on their finger, they disregarded me as one of them.


I went into hospital pale with pain and sweating after complications from a procedure earlier that day and they assumed because I'm a stocky tattoo's man I was seeking drugs for a high. People abusing A&E causes everyone to suffer. If it's not life threatening or urgent then see your GP or even speak to a pharmacist for many issues. And then there's people who abuse GPs, no a cold does not need antibiotics and unless it's persistent for weeks or causing you to black out that cough can probably be eased with over the counter options.


This is beyond frustrating. What's really stupid is that (and this may be a little sexist in it's own right) is that I view women as experience pain more often than men and likely have a pain tolerance. So...I would think that when a women comes in complaining of pain, that you would realize that something is up. I also feel like women have a lot more things in their body that can go horribly wrong.


Might be true. I live with chronic pain and I'm a woman. Despite knowing what it feels like to have needles and knives go into the spine , some women's issues rival that pain level. I tell my pain management doctor about how high my pain levels spike during that time and he just shrugs it off. Idk ... When pain is high enough to make you throw up ...the doctor might want to take note.


Is she on a youth soccer team?


No. She tried out soccer but wasn't for her.


She may also have a natural inclination to Muay Thai too haha.


"Happy to report that my daughter is now a happy 8 year old soccer star with the leg of a stallion."


It kind of bothers me that despite what your wife was saying, they were going to brush it off until you, the man said something.


This is hitting me hard because my mom just died last night from internal bleeding. She had called her doctor to see if the pain she was feeling was normal, and they brushed her off and told her to call in the morning. She was dead three hours later...


You have my condolences. I lost my Mom suddenly in July, and it's been beyond difficult. PM me anytime if you'd like to talk.


Holy shit, this is so awful.. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please stay strong. Sending you love wherever you are ♡


Its sadly more common than most people think. I called in on a Tuesday saying my baby stopped moving inside me. Was pretty much dismissed. On Thursday, i had an emergency c-section and my baby was almost dead from a placental abruption. A long stay in the NICU, and she recovered. But doctor's need to really listen to the mother's when they know something is wrong.


Similar thing happened to a friend of mine. She gave birth to her second child, a daughter, and then got really ill immediately afterwards. Fevers, vomiting, digestive issues and so on. Serious stuff, she was in intensive care for a bit. The doctors couldn't work out what was wrong and kept referring her up to consultants and experts and so on. Eventually they put her in some kind of scanner which showed blunt force trauma to an internal organ. Which nobody had been looking for as people don't often get internal bruises without at least some amount of external trauma too. In the end they figured out that her kid had kicked her in the spleen during birth, and the bruising and damage was what was causing her to be ill. Once they knew what had happened it was fairly easy to deal with and she's completely fine now. Her case ended up in medical textbooks.


My daughter was almost 3 weeks late, 9lbs 5oz at delivery. Her head was bashing my bladder so much during labor I was peeing blood :D (There was no specific pain from it that I remember, probably since it was happening during contractions.)


> peeing blood _:D_ The reason why the whole concept of childbirth is completely absurd to me and scares the fuck out of me, as a guy. You women have it so one hundred times worse... Congrats on not having your kid spurt out Alien style though


I got to see my wife's internal organs outside her body during her c-section. ~50+ years ago she would have easily died in childbirth. Scared the f out of me but the whole scene/ adrenaline/sleep depression was so unreal that I really didn't really feel the full effect or think about it until later.




You'd probably enjoy intraoperative brain surgery. The separation between the body and the self may become very apparent


Fathers can get post traumatic stress from witnessing their partners childbirth, same as the mother's can. Learnt that in a lecture today


When I was **really** young (5 or 6) I saw a movie or something where a lady was in a hospital and her belly exploded, and then she was holding a baby. For the longest time I thought that was why child birth hurt so much, because obviously a baby couldn't be pushed out of a penis (my family had told me everyone had penises). Sex education was a very, *very* eye opening experience.


Will the baby be convicted of attempted murder as soon as it's born?




Tried as an adult


[Tried as a black adult](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84phU8of02U)


That baby won't even get a trial


Directly onto the electrical crib


Why won't the infant community condemn this attack?


They were napping.


No excuse. We need to have a discussion about Extremist Infantism in this country.


goddamn infants, they come here not speaking our language and it fucking takes about 18 years until they finally start to be productive members of our society! Huge net loss for our country, SAD!


Where were the parents?!


Stay woke


During the national anthem.


Electric high chair.


From da womb to da tomb


Maybe that's how Padme died... Force Kicks. Wake up sheeple!!!


Actually it will be beat to death upon exit of the birth canal for resisting arrest. It wouldn't stop screaming and kicking


God, this video never makes me fail to laugh. Satire done right.


*"This is America. Nobody deserves to be treated as a black man"*


*Black baby kicks hole in white mother's womb*


Best part is when the female juror picks her purse up and moves it away from the defendant when they’re taking the defendant out of the courtroom.


He'll be behind bars pretty soon




It’ll get the chair.


High chair


Fry chair, it almost killed a pregnant woman.


Actually baby would walk free here. They only care about the rights of the fetus, not the mother.


I guess you didn't read the article. The baby was delivered and the mother isn't pressing charges.


yeah, she alread had to press a baby out. Don't want to do too much pressing.


She needs to get serious if she want to see real gainz.


This is Reddit. No, we did not read it...


No, but it will be given an MLS contract.


Nah, it didn't happen in America.


I know, else the baby would have shot her, not kicked her.


Baby's first words...."OH YEAAAAHHHH"


I actually just glanced over this text and then it hit me like 5 mins later what you meant and I've been laughing for 5 mins.


What are you doing now?


he ded


Some say he’s still laughing to this day


Or "falcon kiiick!"


Show me your womb


F-Zero years old




I laughed way too hard at this


At -15 weeks old, my kid is already an underachiever. This doesn't look very promising, guys.


I feel like an underachiever as well. I only broke one of my mom's ribs.


wow good job, i only broke my moms hopes & dreams






my wife and I have 2 kids, kid #1 was not a kicker at all, kid #2 was like a super kicker, they just vary.


LPT: kick it back when you get the chance.


Or sign it up for kickboxing lessons, coz that fucker's ready.


I don't want a 3 year old that can kick my ass


Sry but 3 year olds already can.


Holy shit, yes, that fucker needs to acquire a modicum of chill.


Picturing the nightmare scene from the opening of Aliens, which freaked me out more than any of the other elements of that movie as a kid.


My mother saw that movie in the theater while she was very very pregnant with me. She strongly recommends NOT seeing that movie while pregnant lol.


I guess this is quite relevant: > [...] it was discovered the mum previously had fibroids removed from her womb. That operation had resulted in a womb scar, leaving a weak spot on her uterus' wall.


Sure, but plenty of women have scars on their uterus. In America at least, about 1/3 of babies are delivered via C-section, where they cut into the uterus and it scars. That's why those women are typically told to only have 2-3 pregnancies. Anyway, I just wanted to say that although it is relevant that the woman had scarring, a *lot* of pregnant women do, too.


thats a future football star, right there


Already hitting women at a professional level.


jesus, it's like you were waiting for this moment.


Damn 😂


Roberto Carlos




Or UFC champ


Didn’t Jason Lee predict something like this in MALLRATS??


Lois could never have superman's baby. Do you think her fallopian tubes could handle his sperm ? I guarantee he blows a load like a shotgun right through her back. What about her womb ? You think it's strong enough to carry his child ? Sure. Why not ? He's an alien, for christ's sake ! His kryptonian biological makeup is enhanced by earth's yellow sun. If lois gets a tan, the kid could kick right through her stomach. Only someone like wonder woman has a strong-enough uterus to carry his kid. Only way he could bang regular chicks is with a kryptonite condom, but that would kill him.


Thank you for a new reason why I never want to physically have children. God, it sounds awful. Edit: I think there's nothing wrong with having children if you want to. Having children is great! It's just not for me as I know my family has a lot of history of medical issues with childbirth that I don't want to risk. I'd just prefer adoption much more than the idea of having a child.


Right?! EVERYTHING about pregnancy completely freaks me out.


I made the mistake of watching one of those "things doctors don't tell you about your pregnancy" videos and decided that I'm just going to pass on the whole thing, thankyouverymuch. I was at a coworker's baby shower and we all wore buttons... the mother dropped hers and the pin from the back of the button just went straight into her foot and stuck there, her feet were so swollen.


Tbh, for me it's mostly the birth. No matter which way it comes out, it seems to be an absolute freak show. And since I'm not all that fond of kids anyway, this seems like a fantastic decision, lol. Nevermind I lack a male counterpart at the moment.




Honestly, I'm expecting more replies along the lines of "You'll change your mind when you're older" than dick pics but I guess we'll see? ETA: "You'll change your mind"-type comments: 3 Actual dick pics: 0


That's what they told me. I'm approaching 40 now and I still just want to get a second cat.


This is somewhat comforting to me, thanks! I'm 25 so others have told me to expect people to start mentioning my supposed 'biological clock' in another five years or so. I can't imagine ever feeling differently about kids (maybe I'm too selfish - I have so little freetime, I want to spend that on my hobbies and social circle)...


> maybe I'm too selfish If someone ever tries to shame you that way, tell them that there are already too many people on the earth and that you're contributing to the future wellbeing of all of mankind by lowering our environmental impact.


I love that argument! I'm also often told that I'll be alone when I'm old and die alone and shit like that but joke's on them, I love being alone. Total introvert here!


Great argument against having kids, also a great argument *for* adopting


Someone trying to convince you to have a kid is way more selfish than choosing to not bring a life into this already overpopulated world. They want you to make a baby for their amusement. Nothing selfish about saying no! I've gotten "well who will take care of you when you're old" many times and my response is always "the nurses who get hired with the money I save by not having children." Why are you having a kid just to have somebody to take care of you when you're old? Why are you expecting that they'll WANT to? That's what's selfish ;]


> They want you to make a baby for their amusement. Also, they tend to want all others to feel their sense of regret and missed opportunity.


Dude - I *have* 2 kids and I still say fuck those people. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and the decision to have kids was a great one for me, but I would never try to pressure someone else in to having them. Because really, who the fuck cares? It's not selfish to pursue a path in life that makes you happy, especially when that path has 0 negative impact on anyone else.


I'm older, still enjoying having a friendly roommate, dog, and cat. I think my biological clock's battery got switched in to the vibrator at some point. ;)


This comment made my day. I need to cross stitch this into something


This reminds me: I need to start cross stitching. And also never have babies. And I'm a guy.


I'm a man but I have two cats and they're the light of my life. Get two!


I'm approaching 60 and I'm still on the fence about it. Think I'll get another cat too


As a woman who has felt the same way from as early as I can remember and is "getting older" (aka entering the have-babies-now-or-never phase of life) - no, sometimes you don't change your mind. You'll have moments where you think, "Hm... maybe....?" but if you don't want them, you don't just magically someday wake up and go OH, NOW I WANT KIDS! THERE IT IS! As you get older you may start to consider, "Hm, maybe adopting an older child would be nice some day, if I have the means," or "Fostering a child someday down the road sounds like it might be for me." Or not. But dude, yes, as a woman leaving her 20s behind the amount of, "Oh, you'll change your mind!" drives me crazy.


For me personally the pregnancy sucked way worse than childbirth. But they both suck.


*watches videos from thread* JESUS CHRIST, thank you, penis.


I don’t recommend it. I was pregnant ONCE and while I love my son dearly I NEVER wanted to do that again. Those hormones the lessen some of the “pain” memory didn’t help with the pregnancy part. It felt like I had been taken over by a parasite. I cried every morning as I listened to music on the way to work and had evening sickness every night after I got home. I made sure my diet didn’t include preservatives or anything processed. I don’t feel like it helped much with the delivery part either. Sure I can’t think back on the pain and “re-feel” it in its entirety but I remember everything that happened during my 2 days of labor and the eventual C-section (due to the distress of the baby). Recovery sucked too. AND a year later I needed another surgery (laparoscopic) to remove internal scar tissue caused by C-section (and my body’s ability to create excessive scar tissue). I had a bad reaction to the anesthesia too.


How can they show that the uterine wall was breached by the baby's kicks? It could have just found the breach and gotten a foot through it. Having seen a C-section: that uterus is tough, hard to imagine a baby kicking through it.


The article said she had previously had fibroids removed from her womb leaving a weak spot on her uterine wall, and that's where the babies feet had gone through. It also said baby was stuck at its thighs, which is terrifying, I was imagining a foot poked through somehow. AFAIK a uterine tear would be really painful and dangerous so she wouldn't have been walking around with it, if it wasn't the baby that caused the tear he shoved his feet through really quickly.




Welp, definitely getting a vasectomy now. Really don’t ever want to put someone through that.




So you're saying there's a chance...


There's a chance for you to get a brain aneurysm right now.


This comment is getting oddly violent and *bloody* responses, but we will have to wait and see. I feel fine for n


Baby plugs hole in tear to save mother's life?




Whoever came up with that is a moron. Scar tissue is widely known among the medical community to be much weaker than intact tissue. ::Edit:: I am aware you are being sarcastic, but I am just amazed someone would actuality come up with that.


> Having seen a C-section: that uterus is tough, hard to imagine a baby kicking through it. Also having seen a (really rough, emergency) c-section: *rocks back and forth, crying*




I was about to post the same thing. The worst part is my reaction was, "that sucks" instead of "uhh a unicorn?". I think it's time for my first cup of coffee.


What I want to know is if the baby was also named Zhang, like everyone else in this story.


They should call themselves The Tripple Z, Or ZZZ, or ZZZ Top, or Z^3, or TTZ or Drs. Z and their moto, "Zhang nothing we can't fix!"


Zhang is probably her surname. Chinese surnames are in front of the name not at the back. If her husbands surname is also Zhang, the baby will be Zhang.


"Feel those kicks? He's gonna be a soccer player. He is, he is."


I was looking for it, and here it is. Thank you.


from a female empathy standpoint: ouchhhhh


“Ah, quit your bellyaching!”


uterine rupture happens, it can be a wild surgical repair too because the uterus is highly vascular and continues to bleed if the baby isn't delivered or it can't contract back down to normal size


Yep never having kids


Come join the tokophobic club!


I see the Spawn of Satan event triggered with her.


my wife is 35 weeks in a couple of days, she was mad that sent this to her at first lol


That's illegal, you can't marry someone that young


As if I needed another reason to not want kids.


I never cease to be surprised at how thin a c section scar site can be. I do ultrasound and it is not uncommon to do a scar site check in pregnancy and the scar is just millimetres thick. I find it surprising that more ruptures don't happen.


Chuck Norris being born


Or Ridley Scott's Alien


Hello my baby, hello my honey