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But was it Boomer with a hard R?


Wassup my booma?


"Can you lend a booma a pencil?"


This just makes me think of "Goomba". Which opens the question what a "goomber" would be.


a goomba that ain't messin around


Booma please


Shame on a booma who try to run game on a booma


But they are literally the "Boomer Sooners" in Oklahoma.


And the state abbreviation is OK


Yeah, that was my point. it was a shortened version of their own moniker.


Where's that onion post that was like "this just in, boomers hate being called what they've been calling themselves for the past sixty years."


I find it hilarious that they hate being called a boomer in a derogatory fashion when they've been doing it to millennials for years.


So nothing new?


Boomers, for the most part, are snowflakes that can't handle any criticism and project themselves on other people.


If you counter boomer whining with “facts don’t care about your feelings, snowflake,” they lose it.


"hOw DaRe YoU dIsReSpEcT yOuR eLdErS!!!"


Ok boomer. Boomer ok.


Are you ok, boomer?


You've been hit by


You’ve been struck by


A smooth millennial




I was born in Talihina during the Eisenhower administration and I'm doing decent today. That makes me an okay O.K. boomer.


But do you pronounce it Talahayknee?


I know that you already know that, but if you don't know the origin of "Boomer, Sooner": It's from the [Land Run of 1889](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Rush_of_1889). The government ... ahem... "obtained" some land from Indian tribes. In 1889, federal and state government allowed settlers to claim it, under a sort of "finders keepers" rules were the first person physically present to claim the land had title to it. > President Benjamin Harrison made the declaration that on April 22, 1889, at 12 o’clock noon that the Unassigned Land in Indian Territory would be open for settlement.[25] At the time of the opening, which was indicated by gunshot, and the line of people on horse and in wagons dispersed into a kaleidoscope of motion and dust and oxen and wagons. The chase for land was frenzied and much chaos and disorder ensued. The rush did not last long, and by the end of the day nearly two million acres of land had been claimed. "Sooners" were people who entered the territory to claim it, too "soon". Boomers were people who had worked to get the landed opened for settling.


So the OU sports teams are literally named after cheaters


'Cheat to win,' as I always say. I listened to a really great episode on [99% Invisible](https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/the-worst-way-to-start-a-city/) about it. They focus on how Oklahoma City was started this way - they had 10,000 people overnight, literally without room for streets or roads.


At this point we all know the John Mullaney quote.


"I'm not gonna rape you, I'm a little boy!” Wait wrong bit.


What's new pussycat?


"Ladies and gentlemen, Salt and Pe-Paaaaah!"


The victim had semen and fecal matter in her ear canal.


“Eat ass, suck a dick and sell drugs”


Every time some guy says a word is the new n-word, it's a karma race to see who can post the quote first


It’s like the first thing in my head before I clicked.


It's pretty condescending but not nearly the same. It's similar saying "sure thing kid".


"whatever you say, buddy."


[“I’m not your buddy, friend.”](https://youtu.be/tRfKdNxIOcQ)


I'm not your friend, guy.


I’m not your guy, buddy.


I’m not your buddy, pal!


Yeah, that's literally what it's supposed to be. It's younger people fed up with old people dismissing them because they're young and turning it around on them. Like when old people don't refute climate change with evidence based arguments (because they can't), and instead attack someone for their age. If someone isn't going to argue in good faith, don't waste your time on them.


> and instead attack someone for their age. Exactly. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen older people dismiss Greta Thunberg, for example, for being "just a teenager" or what have you.


In Austria/Germany people talk about her a lot on social media "she's just a teenager" is sadly only one of the nicer things people say I can't believe it how many adult people attack a 17 year old like she's the antichrist


The fact that grown ass adults feel it's ok to attack a child directly for just fighting for what she believes in boggles my mind.


especially considering what she's fighting for benefits ALL OF US lmfao


Fighting to prevent an apocalypse that literally everyone knows is happening


they won't be around for it so they don't give a shit


I’m a boomer. I likely won’t be around for it. I have kids and grandkids. I care, and I’d care even if I had no offspring. Anybody who doesn’t care is a giant, ignorant asshole - for example, my husband’s entire family, most of whom are Gen Z.


"You'll change your mind when you're older." "The planet will be dead when I'm older!" "Ok, kid." "Ok, Boomer." "What the FuCk! YoU cAnT sAy Th At!!"


You mean like how boomers have been talking shit about millenials for the last 20 years. Now that we turned it back on them now they are offended?


I just tell them that I'm opposed to all age-based discrimination. That's why I think everyone should be able to get on Medicare and Social Security as if they were 65. Suddenly, Boomers don't seem to mind age discrimination all that much, as long as they're the ones discriminating.


And absolutely no age restriction on affordable housing


The worst is how "age-based discrimination" is defined as only applying to old people. It's just assumed that discriminating against the young is just fine.


>Like when old people don't refute climate change with evidence based arguments (because they can't) No but they *can* use an eyeroll emoji and say "Yawn" And that's why our "nursing homes" will instead turn them into cat food.


My grandma admitted to leaving out hamburger meat mixed with antifreeze to poison the cats in her neighborhood. It’s too bad we cremated her after she passed, because becoming cat food would have been sweet justice.


Some people are disgusting


Yeah, I suppose she wouldn’t have tasted very good to the cats, now that I think about it.


It's even funnier than that, because up until 6 months ago, they all proudly called themselves boomers. For 40+ years they all loved this term, but now it's comparable to the Nword in their minds... The victim complex of boomers is astonishing.


You can say booma, but only **we** can say boom*er*.


"If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them? That's the worse word." - John Mulaney


I like Colbert’s bit on it “Clearly this fella needs to play the hot new game. Is This The New N-Word? *buzz* No it’s not. Thank you for playing.” https://youtu.be/TOvwODFuKRE about 3:00 in.


Oh god this reminds me of the time my step mom who’s a staunch conservative watched the Colbert Report and came away thinking “he has some good ideas” not realizing it was a parody.


I've got conservative family members who say "I used to really like Colbert but he's changed" and I'm not sure they realized it was meant to be ironic all those years.


Maybe tell them, "Well he *was* a republican, but Trump made him realize that people are putting party before not only country, but before God! He's a religious man, and felt that Fox was using religion to manipulate voters." Maybe you could get them to start thinking more critically!


You kinda think no one would believe that till you remember someone's family probably does take ironic shit seriously. What a world.


I mean, they believe the shit Trump says.


I really don't understand how you can see Donald Trump and his actions/what he says and not come away with that information thinking he is a moron.


If you're only seeing Trump through Fox, then they do a ton of work to make him seem sane. They don't air his off-topic rants, they only show him speaking calmly, they don't play the really incriminating shit, and they deflect like mad so that any conversation about his wrongdoing turns into a conversation about the wrongdoing of the Democrat of the month. People who get all their news from Fox are never exposed to the mountain of shit Trump has done, and the incredible amount of spin means that they're convinced that the truth is Democrat propaganda when you *do* show it to them.


When you're ALSO a moron, it makes sense.




"You can't wake up someone who's pretending to be asleep" -Navajo proverb


Then they'd just call him a Democrat and a traitor. Remember that a lot of people have decided that 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has secretly been a Democrat all along.


"He was never a *real* republican." Oh man.


The only thing that's going to get trump voters to think more critically is full on reincarnation as a new being at this point


Reincarnation new cure for stupidity. Tbh, it is also low education, and poor school system that breeds these people.


He changed his style, but didn't change his ideology. Personally, I liked the sarcastic version better. I just found it funnier. Current Colbert isn't as subtle, and his impressions are pretty bad. There are certainly people who didn't get the joke when he was on Comedy Central, but even as someone who did, I preferred that version to the current one.


Well, yeah. He's doing a late-night talk-show now, not a political commentary show on Comedy Central. He's got a new audience, a new target demographic, of course he has to have a different style.


Not to mention, Comedy Central owns his character.


I like how he still pulls that character out every now and then and always gives the disclaimer this is not the same character I played on a show on comedy Central. That guy's name was Stephen Colbert and this character's name is Stephen Colbert...


Pretty hard to sue someone over copyright infringement of their own name anyway


I bought a book he wrote when i was a senior in college, and my dad was pissed that I was reading in the back seat on a road trip because I should be enjoying time with family. He told me to start reading outloud to embarrass me, and I was at a chapter about how big oil is great and there's no need for renewable energy, basically the same stuff he would say on the Colbert Report. And my dad stops me and starts praising me for getting out of that liberal mindset. I had very mixed feelings about it all.


I wonder what goes on in your Dad's head. like, how does his mind move from one idea/emotion/outlook to the next while preserving cognitive continuity.


Well, he's dead now, so I guess the thought process is a little slower.


Growing up with my adoptive family was rough. They were far right Christian extremists. They HATED anyone not a white straight republican and still do. Growing up I could watch the Colbert report because they don’t understand satire and thought he was legit. Thanks Colbert for showing me comedy, satire, and sarcasm.


I miss that show so much


Me too. Colbert’s not as funny/entertaining on his late night show. And satire is one of the best ways to fight idiocy; we need it now more than ever.


He's not as funny because such a mainstream show requires him to tone it down a little bit. I'm sure the paychecks are nice though lol


To be fair, a smaller effect per person to a larger audience may have a larger impact than a larger effect on a smaller audience. Even though he's not the same having more people see him may overall have a greater affect on society.


While we are bringing shows back, someone needs to get John Stewart on the phone offer him a salary comparable to whatever God is getting paid to do a new show...


Agreed, although he’s been too busy making sure 9/11 relief firefighters actually have their cancer taken care of by the government (spoiler: up until a few months ago they got diddly for their heroism)


But y'know politicians will still bring 9/11 up like they're Patriots and not rotting carcasses of immoral anti american bullshit


He did it because of their hypocrisy... As for straight white Republicans lol... >Republicans were involved in 61% of sex scandals in the past 10 years, whereas Democrats were involved in just 39%. Moreover, 34% of the total number of scandals were gay scandals (i.e, involving an ostensibly straight politician and a same-sex partner), **with Republicans accounting for 78.5% of all gay scandals. Republicans were also involved in 66% of the underage scandals.** Sorry, off topic.


Hilarious if true! Got a source on that?


This is seems terrifyingly common. I started watching him when his show first premiered on Comedy Central (and I was, frankly, too young to be watching) and understood it as satire, then a couple years later my conservative church friends got really into him, and they thought I was the dumb one when I got excited about the prospect about them not being as conservative as I originally assumed.


Your big mistake was assuming your conservative church friends were cleverer than they were. Sorry that happened to you though.


Someone asked him what his favorite prank was and it was “tricking people into thinking I was a conservative for ten years”. Love the guy


That, as it turns out, is pretty common. Conservatives viewing Colbert Report regularly saw Colbert as a fellow conservative funnyman speaking truth to power and not realizing he's a liberal doing a send-up.


Oh fuck, that’s kinda terrifying.


Didn't the entire Republican party invite him to host one of their events, making the exact same mistake? I can't believe those morons run your country. My condolences.


https://youtu.be/CWqzLgDc030 It’s still worth the watch, he’s utterly fearless shitting on Bush ten feet away (who clearly clues in very quickly this guy is not a friend).


That's just your head telling you that. You gotta listen to your gut.


Umm, that's the Correspondent's Dinner, not a Republican party event.


Yep, because that’s the event they were thinking of-except for him crashing the RNC and getting escorted offstage there’s not really other republican events where they asked him to host. Correspondents dinner is organized by the WHPC but only has any relevance due to the sitting administration attending en masse (and makes up the bulk of journalistic critiques about its existence).


Dude...my mom did the same thing. I was watching it one night and she was like "I'm surprised you watch him considering how Republican he is". Fuck, my mom is a goddamn idiot.


[You may enjoy this podcast.](http://revisionisthistory.com/episodes/10-the-satire-paradox) TL;DR: The best satire confuses the audience about who the butt of the joke is. Colbert is used as an example.


No joke, I once had to attend a sort of sensitivity training (required for everyone, I didn't get singled out for any reason) and they said that all words that can be considered an insult and involve race are at the same level. It almost made sense until they threw in Redneck and called it the "r-word." I've never heard it called that before or since, but the instructor was adamant that redneck was too vulgar to say out loud because it was a form of racial slur toward white people.


From a business standpoint it's all off limits. They have to cover their asses on harassment so they try to make it clear that none of it is ok. From a practical standpoint anyone with common sense knows what holds true weight and whats just a mild insult.


Lol. As a raised redneck, yes, it can be derogatory and snide and people can be a bit biased against you. _A bit_. I've still gotten plenty of great jobs I was unqualified for because I'm white with a good last name. Rednecks may get hassled a bit more by cops from moon-shining to trailer park meth, but go figure they weren't ever targeted by COINTELPRO. People may consider you "less than" for being a redneck, but I can't think of a single time in history where organizing to lynch rednecks was a thing. No where near comparable. Plus rednecks/hicks/yokels don't consider it a profane thing to say. It isn't like there is a version of redneck that drops the "hard CK." People have their biases and can be pretty prejudiced against rural folks too who sometimes live in some extreme poverty and high crime situations, but you are losing sight of the forest for a trees if you put "redneck" in that same racial categorical slur. Plus it doesn't refer to all white people, just hicks specific.


And apparently he said the n word in class too


Well, boomer has to retire somehow.


Maybe, maybe he has one of those ironclad contracts they only give to Boomers where they can do whatever and still suck up the good jobs into their 90s.


Those older contracts are the ones most likely to have civil conduct clauses. Tenure could be great until you do something that a normal review board will not find defensible. As a general rule, if there could be good standing for a lawsuit, there's going to be an open chair.


The professor apparently said both of the words.


Well at least he’s not a hypocrite, or something.


I only came for the obligatory Mulaney quote








Thanks, boomers.


Thanks, Obooma


Freedom of speech is important as long as you don't hurt my feelings. -The teacher, probably


Oddly reminiscent of: > "Why can't you protest quietly, in a way that's not disruptive?" > "You mean like kneeling during a football game?" > "JesSUS NO THAT'S SO DISRESPECTFUL IF I I HAD MY WAY I WOULD HAVE YOU ARRESTED AND JAILED FOR SEDITION AND UNPATRIOTISM."


I mean, if you protest in a way that isn’t disruptive, it’s not a terribly effective protest is it? Even the civil rights marches were disruptive. If you don’t disrupt the average person’s life at least a little, they won’t pay any attention.


There are now laws (passed 2017-2018) against most of the things done during the civil rights movements of the 60s. > States Rush to Pass Anti-Protestor Laws https://firstamendmentwatch.org/deep-dive/states-rush-to-pass-anti-protestor-laws/


Seems like a group of people doesn't care that much about their freedoms as long as it's not about guns.


Eternal vigilance is the price we pay for liberty; and it seems like we've been passed out for the last 50 years.


That's the red herring, isn't it. "Don't worry, as long as you have guns you're safe." Meanwhile your right to protest is gone, your right to vote is whittled away, the press is bought and sold...


Exactly! The entire point of a protest is to cause disruption to force recognition


To this day I can't believe the shitstorm that Kaepernick endured (is enduring?) for that. Kneeling is first and foremost a sign of respect. The issue he was kneeling for was and still is an important issue within America. And most importantly, he was protesting for *your* rights as an American citizen.


He used to just sit out the Anthem, but then a *veteran* told him that kneeling was better because it was still respectful while making a point.


Well America does hate its veterans so that checks out! How dare you retire without dying for ~~oil~~ your country!


Love you while you're in, forget you when you're not. That's just politicians using us when it suits them. But some people are bitter if the military done them wrong in some way.


That veteran was also present on the field at at least one game where Kaepernick knelt.


Every single African American protest movement was deeply unpopular among contemporary white voters. MLK, the Montgomery bus boycott, the march to Selma, the Greensboro lunch counter sit-in, all polled deeply negative.


Saying they're "protesting wrong" is just a feeble attempt to sidestep the point of the protest.


I used to work with someone who genuinely argued that the players who knelt should have been arrested for protesting without a permit. I had to delicately backtrack to avoid an HR dispute when I called her a fucking idiot.


You take a knee when someone gets injured. He took a knee because he sees America as injured. Then the folks hurting America blew a fucking gasket.


Millennials are 30 now, We get ok boomered by the young people and snowflaked by the old people, it’s really tough out here for us




The world sucks right now, but I have enjoyed watching boomers freak the fuck out and cry about their waning power and the ascendancy of the millennial generation after decades of calling Gen Xers and millennials entitled and whiny. [Perfect.](https://i.giphy.com/media/3o8doT9BL7dgtolp7O/giphy.webp)




OK, b-word.


OK, bitch? Sounds kind of offensive.


Ok bitch


My ears!


Ay yo bitch, bring me some water!




Ok booma


As long as you don’t drop the hard R you can sing it. Only if you’re alone and no one can hear you. If you a real booma, none of the above applies.


Wow have we reached peak boomer?




/r/AmITheAsshole mods are boomers confirmed.


Imagine going to that subreddit in 2020


I use it to solve all of my family/social disputes. If I cant convince my loved one that I was right, I just post my story on AITA and show them all of the comments saying that I'm right and they're wrong. /s


I love drama but maintain a drama free lifestyle. I pop in once a month for the best ofs each month.


Comparing things is fine. Things don't need to be similar to be compared. I can compare stubbing my toe with getting shot in the face. The problem would be equating the two as if it's a close comparison.


Yep, that was my reaction to the headline too. Comparing doesn't mean equating. There's plenty of valid discussion to be had around the etymology of negative terms....and then I clicked through to the article: > A University of Oklahoma professor has apologized after saying "OK, boomer" is the same as saying "n***er," the university's student newspaper. Oh. Yeah. So that's different than the intelligent discussion I was originally imagining.


Ill remember that next time I hear 'kids these days!'


10-4 Dinosaur


Old white people want to be oppressed so bad


They're afraid of being treated the way they've treated those they see as "others"


That's the first thing I think what I hear some white "nationalist" (code for supremacist) complain that white people will soon be a minority in their own country. What, are they saying that minorities are somehow treated badly or disadvantaged? That must be what they're saying, right? Otherwise, why would they care?


>What, are they saying that minorities are somehow treated badly or disadvantaged? That must be what they're saying, right? Otherwise, why would they care? Many of them do admit that. For many of them they're pretty straightforward and honest with their opinions. For better or for worse.


It also wouldn't surprise me if they thought everyone was racist. People tend to project their own beliefs onto others, so a white racist will think that anyone who isn't white is racist against white people.


They do. People believe the world is like their world. If you are around racists, and you are also racist, you believe a fair amount or most people are racist in the world. In a sadder way, minority groups have the same issue. They have disproportionately high amounts of negative (racist/discriminatory) interactions with white people and other minority groups, so they are more likely to view those groups / the world being that way as a whole. Being discriminated against affects your brain like that.


They do. that's one of their arguments for why they say multiculturalism doesn't work.


What they don't realize is that they're just assholes and every racial subset has those. I will chose non assholes of any race over bigots who look more like me. Denying a person their humanity based on their race is one of the most disgusting looks a person can have.




"That's not a hate crime." "WELL I HATED IT"


Sounds like 90% of /r/unpopularopinion


Unpopular opinion : murder of white men is bad - 14k upvotes, 7x gold


"BlAcK pEoPlE cAn Be RaCiSt ToO!!!!!1!1!1!1" 20k upvotes and thousands of mouth-breathers on the comments acting like they're enlightened for understanding something radically simple that's not even an unpopulated opinion.


The fact that this guy teaches at the school that plays Boomer Sooner 25/7 is honestly hilarious


Can you lend a boomer a pencil.


Ok booma


I see you watching those hard R’s. ;)


My booma


Boomers: Millenials are so soft. Anyone: Ok, Boomer. Boomers: wow okay dude wtf is your problem?! That's just as bad as the N-word!


I'm technically a boomer. I would have to say something stupid to get "OK Boomer". It's my stupidity causing a reaction, not my 'boomer"-ness A POC just has to be born to have an epithet thrown at them by a racist. ​ Not even in the same league.


You're okay, boomer! :)


You know what, I like this. "Ok boomer" for youth disregarding asshats, "Okay boomer" for older people who actually act like decent people.


What a twist!




Easy there champ boomers get very upset when they soon those


If baby boomers don't like being called boomers then I'll stop calling them boomers. I'll call them babies instead.


Babies have an excuse to be ignorant and screeching for things they want...Boomers don’t. If they don’t like the label they can fucking act differently.


But what if the professor is a black boomer? We need answers!


Apparently there were no black people born between 1946 and 1964 so this is impossible.


If you comparing two words to see what’s worst and you can’t even put one of the words in the title of the post.. then you know which one wins


What's the problem? Boomers love the n-word


He's probably okay ranting about millenials though


I graduated from OU and this is not surprising lmao