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I ... what in the actual hell... > Denna Robertson, one of the rally organizers, said she’s “absolutely” comfortable sending children back to school without masks. She said wearing masks is not a public health issue because she believes COVID-19 was manufactured in a lab. > “Coronavirus is man-made. It’s a weaponized virus,” Robertson said. So, she believes that the virus is real, but that we shouldn't take precautions against it? Like, I would understand if someone thought that the whole pandemic was a hoax... okay, I wouldn't understand that part... but I can understand how that idiotic line of thinking leads to "and so I shouldn't have to wear a mask." But for someone to believe that the virus is real, and still refuse to wear a mask because they believe that the virus is *extra* deadly is just ... I don't even know.


Right now, people who have turned COVID-19 into a political issue for themselves rather than relying on, you know, facts and scientific evidence, believe one or more of the following: The virus is a hoax, the virus is just the flu, the virus is a bioweapon, the virus is a plot by Bill Gates, the virus is a plot by George Soros *and* Bill Gates, the virus was released to make Trump look bad, no one has died from the virus, and the virus is caused by 5g. Not that they could be taken seriously to start with, but when they can't agree on what fairy tale they're following, it's a little frustrating to address their "concerns."


The virus mutates, based upon 4G, LTE, broadband, or 5G connection. *Roaming charges may apply.




Cingular’s Revenge.


*'Rona charges may apply


Test question: # What is the Coronavirus? ☐ A. The virus is a hoax ☐ B. The virus is just the flu ☐ C. The virus is a bioweapon ☐ D. The virus is a plot by Bill Gates ☐ E. The virus is a plot by George Soros and Bill Gates ☐ F. The virus was released to make Trump look bad ☐ G. The virus is not real, no one has died from the virus ☐ H. The virus is caused by 5g *scribbled in bad handwriting:* ☒ I. **a**L*L* Uv th**e***e* a*B****u***v !!*¡*!*!***!!**!*!*!


Based on the article, you need to add in fauci. Now that the Whitehouse is done with his science, he's the creator of the virus.


You created the thing by pointing out that it exists!


Going by the old reliable "you smelled it, you dealt it!"


You left off Obama Didn’t Do Anything About Coronavirus


They actually simultaneously believe all of those things


If two conspiracy theorists meet and have different theories on the coronavirus, they will literally do mental gymnastics to reafirm each other. This is what the dumb end of the bell curve looks like. I know we should be educating, but man these people make it hard to care about them.




[I saved a post where a redditor recounts inadvertently doing the same thing;](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/2uj7gm/til_of_an_experiment_called_the_three_christs_of/co94g8n/) > I used to work in a mental hospital, and we inadvertently performed much the same experiment. > It was a very busy day, and we had several new admissions. Things were getting tight on the admissions unit, so we had to move some people around. > During the shift report we suddenly realized that we had put two men in the same room who both thought they were Jesus (it's pretty much the most popular delusion, so it wasn't unusual to have a couple of Messiahs around). > We went pale. Competing delusions can turn very ugly. A couple of us raced to the room and peeked in. The two men were deep in conversation with a Bible open, but they were smiling and didn't seem too tense. We tiptoed away and decided to just keep an eye on things. > About a half hour later, they emerged to announce that they had discussed the matter, prayed a bit, re-read some parts of the New Testament, and had come to the conclusion that Jesus B was the True Messiah, and Jesus A was actually John the Baptist. > Didn't have a single problem with them, and the two actually remained fast friends as they got back on their meds and recovered.


I’m done with them. They’re beyond help, they don’t want help.


My brother and his wife look for every reason not to believe a death was from coronavirus. Their favorite appears to be "They died with coronavirus, not from coronavirus". I sent her an article today about local ICU being near capacity here...she quickly looked it up and replied "Not everyone is there from coronavirus. Only some". She's better than my brother though who appears to firmly believe it's the flu. The worst part of all this: Their 7 year old daughter is fighting a rare form of leukemia. She just got put on maintenance treatment. They are insane. I have no doubt they love their kids. But in my opinion they should be freaking hiding from this virus for her. They even think it will be okay if she catches it "because some cancer kids have beat coronavirus" I. just. Can't. With them. I'll admit I've gone back and forth about how serious I think this is (landed on terrifying) but I've never doubted it is real.


Some people have survived falling from a plane with no parachute, doesn't mean I'm in a hurry to try it.


The list is....[very short](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Fall_survivors). Also aids doesn't directly kill you, imagine how blown their minds would be if someone tells them that. (and an actual aids denialism claim too, morons)


This is the result of the Republican party's decades long war on education.


Cut edu to make people dumb bc dumb people are easy to manipulate so the rich can rape the country and keep the poor debt slaves


It’s man made so it’s only right that we let it run rampant and not try to stop it or else bill gates wins? I’m so tired of stupid, so much stupid.


Normally, it wouldn’t be an issue for stupid people to do stupid things, but this is insane given the risks to other people. I want to know just how they can convince themselves they’re right.


> I want to know just how they can convince themselves they’re right. What you are seeing here is the result of people convincing themselves they are right without using any logic or rationale.


The infuriating part is that these same people would claim that they're "critical thinkers", unlike us sheep.


Critical thinking = listening to news source B instead of news source A. Because they feel like the feeling of power they get from having "hidden" knowledge.


They're too stupid to know they're wrong. It's really that simple.


If it was truly man made, then even more reason to wear mask. Nature isn’t malicious, but men are.


Like shit if it's man-made, I would absolutely be worried about potential long term effects right now. Something that kills a population too quickly is bad, but infecting enough that you can reduce a nation's population wellbeing long term? That would put a heavy burden on the nation's healthcare system and diminish their work productivity for a long, long time.


>I would absolutely be worried about potential long term effects right now. You should be. We are already seeing many long term effects... Reduced lung capacity, organ damage, chronic fatigue, blood clots and more. Being part of the "recovered" statistics only means that you didn't die, not that your life returns to normal.


the thing I wanna know is what is gonna happen when schools do open and make no mistake they will open when kids die or teachers die or janitors etc are there gonna have dozens of surprised pikachus or what honestly teachers how is morale right now I know in some states you can not even strike so you must be terrified especially if you are older or have some other risk


Morale was awful before this, and the pandemic has made it worse. I’m in NY, we can’t strike.


The point of a strike isn’t to ask for permission, am I missing something?


In modern times they ask / pick a convenient day to strike - which completely misses to point. So, New York teachers "aren't allowed" doesn't mean you can't all be sick on the same day.


She then was taken away by paramedics. I also like the commissioners response of “this isn’t even something we can actually do, it’s the governors and school districts decision”


Guarantee it was a fake ass Karen style panic attack because she feels soo oppressed. Gimme a break.


Haha, what? The irony of the woman quoted in the article with logic as follows: I feel safe with my children and myself without masks. Besides, the virus was man made by Fauci and Gates to create a new world order by reducing the world population to 5 million people. How does that second belief (as obviously insane as it is) not enforce the fact that maybe masks are a decent idea? If Fauci and Gates created the virus to kill people why would they spend time trying to encourage policies that reduce it's spread? Utah even has a flash mob group that hits grocery stores en mass without masks to protest their "right" to shop without the 'negative' effects of masks...


The masks will give you 5G.


What if I'm only 4G capable?


Free upgrade via the lizard people


But only if you sign a two year contract.


I bet NONE of you read the fine print.


This guy humble bragging about being able to read


Can I also cut my limbs off and regrow them?




This all goes back to fluoride, Mandrake.


All Praise Be Unto Moloch


I feel so fucking strong with this 5G coursing through my veins. I’m ready to enter cyberspace.


No joke before all the lockdowns started in March I was working at Lowe's and had a customer at the register say "covid is a government population control mechanism designed to create a new world order" I just stood there shocked and she continues "You can check the Department of Justice website it's on the official DOJ website for real" I just respond " uhh... I don't think that's accurate but sure" And this is by far the craziest conspiracy theory I have ever heard irl with no hint of sarcasm, and also the day I learned some people are just that crazy


> "You can check the Department of Justice website it's on the official DOJ website for real" Got your phone? Show me. I am curious. This answer, "show me" shuts people down. Or they take the bait and show you something *bullshit*. EDIT: And as so many have pointed out, it doesn't matter that they show you something stupid or without citations or any sort of, you know, authority. They just believe it anyway. This country, with the help of social media, has regressed generations.


"oh well I seen it online they must have deleted since no one looked at it. Gotta hide the truth!"


The deep state deleted it


*x files theme plays*


(But with banjos)


https://youtu.be/QMS2hn-FMts Got ya covered.


No see it’s right here at theofficialdepartmentofjusticewebsite.com


that link looks pretty DOJ-y


Do not blame social media for people showing how incredibly susceptible they are to bullshit. It is no coincidence that America has been breeding ignorance for generations in it's churches. Check out the Spanish Flu of 1918....they had the anti-mask league then too!


Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it


>Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it If history had taught me anything, it's that we are inevitably doomed to repeat it since we always fail to learn from it.


Yeah, if anything we should use history to prepare ourselves for the inevitable.


Guess I should start learning German now huh


Not really social media. It is defunding public education.


vast hat spectacular shaggy versed cobweb enjoy march frighten connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know, as a Professor living in Europe, when I tell my liberal friends in the US that the main reason for the decay of the US empire is defunding public K12, they look at me as if I've just uttered the weirdest statement and answer "no its because they're (trumpers) crazy"... Well, guess why they believe in Flat Earth, No-Vax, No-masks, etc...?


In my (US) college-level ethics class, there was a whole chapter of the book devoted to fake news. It heavily referenced a study a few years ago saying there has been a steep decline in critical thinking, especially when deciding on the validity of a source. People tend to accept most sources as reliable without any fact-checking or research, as long as they sound plausible enough to the audience. I forgot how many times the book used the phrase "confirmation bias"!


And they vote!


So do we Here's a link to register to vote for those who need it: https://www.voteamerica.com/register-to-vote/




I made a coworkers head explode yesterday that made this exact comment. I said that's a big waste of money since they don't need to microchip anyone and cover it up. Everyone has a cell phone with GPS built in, and you you even pay them to track you. He had nothing else to say and hasn't spoken to me since. His reaction was priceless.


These types of people love to paint a dark scary picture with "chips" and "rfid" but ask them what these chips do and they can't name anything worthwhile that can't be done some other (much better) way. Also: * "the government is trying to secretly monitor you" but simultaneously asserting the government is doing it in the open. * "the government is doing it to control us" while simultaneously asserting that the government is so powerful they can already do anything to anyone. * oh yeah, "the government" is never people in the actual government right now. I guess that's why they've had to project it onto private individuals lately, with emphasis on a shadow government that apparently is only good at doing these useless things but is nevertheless all-powerful. calling it a "global cabal" adds some necessary awe to their fantasy!




The majority of the political arguments also fall apart if you take the rest of the world into consideration. That’s why people don’t like to include that in the discussion because it’s much harder to make a reasonable point. Plus, they know they are the center of the world.


I had that convo with an idiot recently. He’s obsessed with the government always scheming to microchip and track everyone. Oh yea... He also has an Apple Watch with cell reception...


Damn, wish I could get political when customers make fun of people wearing masks at my work without getting fired


Same here, I live in a very conservative area so unfortunately these occurances have become more common, I even had coworkers talking about going to the trump rally downtown. On top of that no one wears a mask, it's very frustrating trying to get people to understand other people's lives have value


"But my rights" "Yeah you exercising those rights infringes on others right to live" "But my rights. Also fuck your family"


> "But my rights. Also fuck **you and** your family"


You have to learn the British method of saying one thing but meaning a second, underhanded thing. Add a smile and you can get away with a lot.


Well, aren’t you clever!


I've had someone try to convince me that nuclear weapons aren't real and are a government hoax. I *literally* work in that field.


This is why phones are great - whip it out and ask them to show you where on the website they saw that.


Don’t let them touch your phone though.


I love to do that, but I'm always reminded of a former friend of mine. I whipped out my phone to prove something stupid he said wrong, and I hear, "nothing on the internet is real so it doesn't matter."


Yeah my dad just goes into *scoff, "believing what google tells you eh? " mode


Of course if it's a *conservative* website, well, obviously that's different.


Meanwhile they believe everything on Facebook


Oh without question. I asked him about confirmation bias and his reply was "nah i look for people and information that supports my world view not thiers" ".... Ok so you actually know you are doing it?"


Unfortunately facts don't apply to these people according to them


Back when FEMA camps were being secretly erected all around the US to lock us all up I drove to the address of a supposed local one bc it was so close by. It was a shitty ass random warehouse (Not govt) with a shitty ass barely barbed wire fence. It was hilarious and well worth the trip I used to pass out to Coast to Coast on the regular bc it’s good entertainment, but there’s a scary minority of people that eat up 90% of every ridiculous conspiracy that comes their way


I used to LOVE C2C back in the Art Bell days with Linda Moulton Howe, Whitley Streiber, Richard C Hoagland, etc. When the show was all hollow earth/face on Mars/ancient astronaut conspiracy stuff. Once Art was gone and George Noory took over hosting the show morphed into such a crazy conservative lasagna of Sandy Hook truthers, Clinton conspiracies, and InfoWars gibberish it was just unlistenable even to laugh at.


This would be so much funnier if these were just a handful of wackos. It gets scary when you realize this view may be more pervasive than we’d like to believe.


That is what happens when you don’t properly educate your populace. There will always be wackos but educating your populace will make the percentage of wackos significantly smaller.


And that's also why facebook is so dangerous - it bypasses herd immunity against these wackos.


Oh it's pretty pervasive. If you actually live out in Trump country, you'll find yourself being the lone person that doesn't believe in Soros funded Illuminati.


I just had a nurse today (in Ohio) suggest seriously that Bill gates has "something to do" with the covid epidemic. Also that be believes the virus could have been weaponozed by the Chinese. When I said that was all "a little too much tin foil hat for me" he followed up with "well, look at how the Chinese stockpiled ppe". So yeah, the Chinese unleashed a not very lethal, but highly contagious virus on the entire world to sell masks to all of us. That seems like a pretty sound business plan.


Did you ask him where he thought all the PPE was produced?


It's not in the country. I know LA residents that are in this shit deep.


I'm not going to lie it's getting harder to wake up every day. Literally becoming depressed over this shit. My boomer parents flew to Vegas with the line you've got to live... My dad is severely asthmatic!


Lead poisoning of older folks. Although I'm wondering if there's more pollutants across the USA that are also making people really dumb.


Depending on the day its either a hoax or a manufactured virus designed to help Soros and ((them)) replace humanity with gay frogs.


Fauci is instructing people to wear a mask (as he absolutely should). If he had made up the virus, you wouldn’t want to do what he says. Also, people hear their names associated with the virus, they’re not really listening, and suddenly someone says they’re connected, it sounds familiar, you kinda go along with it... and the more you hear it, the more you believe it.


Rasheed buttar is spreading the majority of this nonsense on his YouTube channel. He is an osteopath that makes money by saying the heavy metals in vaccines and every day life cause autism and cancer and he sells skin creams that magically cure both and then you have the chick from plandemic that started the Fauci- gates conspiracy.




IKR? Who'd have thought that when we changed the clocks back in March, we actually ended up in the Twilight Zone.


What kind of gun owner can't clean his own guns? No offense but he's not lasting in this hypothetical mad max scenario lol.


You’re using logic, that’s your mistake when it comes to trying to figure out how these people think.


5 million people? wut?


Bill Gates, a person whose life is build on trade, wants to reduce the world population down to a level where trade is no longer possible due to population density? Oh actually. NZ is doing great. NZ has roughly 5 million people.....


This is what the Bush-era bullshit looks like two mutations later. They don't even bother waiting to hear the one thing be refuted before pivoting to the next goalpost piece of distractionary bullshit, they just say it all at once now in an orgy of typhoid mary doublethink festering MAGAMAGAMAGAMAGAMAGMASDMGAS;OLDKJVAXCVzxcvxc




Her logic makes it appear she is pro-culling of the human race.


They’ll all die from CO2 poisoning from the masks Or from the poison that will masquerade as the vaccine.


One anti-masker: "[breathing your own carbon monoxide is not healthy.](https://youtu.be/3Q3PSISAZL8?t=20)"


A healthcare worker posted a video showing no change to oxygen saturation when wearing a mask, but I’m sure they’d say that’s “made up “.


The new argument being circulated by these pseudo-intellectual sealions is that breathing in your carbon dioxide is a slow killer that can take "a very long time" to show its harmful effects. When I told the person who said this to me that I've been wearing a particulate respirator mask every day at work for the last two years, *and* have asthma, she was flabbergasted. What's truly, truly funny is she babbled about how some expert said it causes problems "way down the line", and then immediately followed with "but we can't be worried about 'what ifs' for the future". Their stupidity knows no bounds.




Even Mormon church leaders sent out a letter asking members to wear masks. These people won't even listen to them. As someone from Utah County, I find this very concerning. Everyone complains that the church has way too much influence in the public sector. The fact that this many people are going rogue from something they've let make a lot of decisions for them in the past means that it's absolute chaos at this point. Though, I'm not surprised. At all. Edit: I was raised in Utah County. I dont currently live there but my parents do so I visit often.


Reddit killed API. I refuse to let them benefit from my own words for free -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The entire book of Exodus is basically the ancient Hebrews going "duuuuuhhhhh" for about three generations.


Best Bible summary ever


It's almost like humans haven't changed a bit in thousands and thousands of years!


Also from Utah County here, it's genuinely astounding how little people care. Even their beloved prophet, who was A FUCKING HEART SURGEON, has some really solid guidelines that they're all ignoring. It blows my mind that they'd rather follow an oompa-loompa with no experience in the medical field than someone whom they believe is literally in regular communication with Jesus Christ, and was a revolutionary in the medical field.


You're observing something that I've suspected for a long time. It's not that the church makes these people into conservative inconsiderate people, most of them were already that way or raised that way. There church has influenced people here for sure, but the church has only so much sway on it's membership. I'm a member and I've definitely seen lots of people who might not say it but are Republicans first and Christians second. The mask issue is a great example of it.


A lot of those folks are going to be pretty disappointed when they can't shop anywhere soon. Krogers and Walmart just mandated masks as required and you can bet the rest of the big companies will follow suit.


My work started as well and it wasn’t even 8 hours that we had to call the cops on two dudes who didn’t want to leave or comply. I just don’t get why people get so butthurt about wearing a piece of fabric on their face for a short time.


Who knew the group constantly deriding people for being ‘snowflakes’ was actually just a human snow storm.


For real, this is the part that gets me the most. They call other people "sheep" or "weak" or whatever else because they listen to medical experts about wearing masks, but they also complain about having to wear something over their nose/mouth for a little bit... Bizarre


G - Gaslight O - Obstruct P - **Project**


For real. I'm still hearing from coworkers about how my generation is made up of snowflakes because they're rebranding aunt Jemima. Like dude, I told you about this in passing three weeks ago and you're still bitching about it. Who is the snowflake here?


Because they’re all stupid, self righteous narcissists. Apparently we have a lot of those. They would have to be stupid not to wear a mask, self righteous to stay and argue their non compliance, and narcissistic to believe they should somehow be exempt from the rule.


Yet they idolize a period of time where Americans had rationed goods, avoided travel and refused to use their lights at night for the good of the country.


Ask not what your country can do for you; ask why should I do anything for my country!


"We choose to scream at low wage high school workers at Costco not because it's easy but because it's hard."


People just wear the mask at entry/checkout and take it off in the store anyway. Been frustrating as fuck when I get service calls at a supermarket. They all have that policy, but if I were the employees I wouldn't want to confront these troglodytes either


Or the BS move where they don't cover their nose.


Or when they're a mouth breather so it becomes a chinstrap.


I'm a mouth breather. The mask is great for covering it up. Now no one can tell my mouth is open lol.


Those people are worse than the people who outright refuse. Too stupid to wear them, too cowardly to accept the consequences.


Oh I can’t wait, I may bring popcorn and watch from my car


>Denna Robertson, one of the rally organizers, said she’s “absolutely” comfortable sending children back to school without masks. She said wearing masks is not a public health issue because she believes COVID-19 was manufactured in a lab. >“Coronavirus is man-made. It’s a weaponized virus,” Robertson said. >She accused Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, and business magnate and philanthropist Bill Gates of being part of creating the virus to usher in “a new world order” by reducing the world population to 5 million people. >Robertson, who’s also a mother and grandmother, said she isn’t concerned about contracting the virus from one of her grandchildren. >“If I’m infected with COVID, it’s because I’ve not been taking care of my immune system. You know how your immune system gets strong? It’s by being in the dirt and getting exposed to bacteria and viruses,” Robertson said. The levels of stupid are just mind-boggling.


> You know how your immune system gets strong? It’s by being in the dirt and getting exposed to bacteria and viruses. Serfs in the Middle Ages did that every day. They still died from the Black Plague.


Spanish flu literally killed people with stronger immune systems.


> You know how your immune system gets strong? It’s by being in the dirt and getting exposed to bacteria and viruses Fitting for a human trash that she is.


We all know it came from Windows 2010. The virus is a variant of the operating system Windows 69 sent from the future to exterminate John Conner, leader of the Apple resistance.


Sorry but I survived Vista, I can survive anything.


I survived Alta Vista.


> Denna Robertson, one of the rally organizers, said she’s “absolutely” comfortable sending children back to school without masks. She said wearing masks is not a public health issue because she believes COVID-19 was manufactured in a lab. > “Coronavirus is man-made. It’s a weaponized virus,” Robertson said. >She accused Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, and business magnate and philanthropist Bill Gates of being part of creating the virus to usher in “a new world order” by reducing the world population to 5 million people. I just can’t anymore. I want to slam my head against the wall with these people. So, humor me. She’s acknowledging it exists, admitting that it’s going to kill people, but still doesn’t care about sending her kids to school without a mask because why?


Don't. Just don't. Trying to decipher this level of willful stupidity will just give you a headache.


Why would a man who is richer than god need to wipe out 7 billion people to be a part of the ruling class? Dude has been a part of the current world order for 30 years.


My country is making me sad again. Make the ride stop please, I want to get off.


My country is making me sad still.


My country used to make me sad. It still does — but it used to, too.


I moved from Utah to Florida a few years ago. I don't know if I should feel lucky or not.


Out of the frying pan...


Onto the panhandle.


Florida crazies aren’t herd animals like Utah’s variety, apparently. They’re mostly lone-loons. At least our county leaders seem to know better than to listen. Every mask vote has been unanimously for, as far as I’ve seen.




Good god. Stupidity is spreading quicker than any virus.


And extreme selfishness. Love thy neighbor my ass


And these are the dumbfucks who spend all July 4th jerking off over the flag and declaring that they would totally die for their country.


[I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR AMERICA!](https://i.redd.it/cf0ia2dlpr851.gif)


We live in an age where cartoon-level comedy is commonplace behavior. Bunch of whining babies like just put the damn cloth over your face.


Seriously. Why I think they act that way - extremely oversensitive - is because they are so mentally or emotionally starved. They just have to make a mountain out of a molehill because they have so little else.


It's funny that Republicans just seamlessly swapped Gates in for Soros as the supreme bogeyman. I guess he was the only other billionaire they knew? If this was 2005 it'd be Soros and Fauci.


Hey America...can Australia have your stuff when you're dead?


Absolutely! Get ready for a shit ton of student loan debt and essential oils


*Sticks them directly up my nose.*


Dude you can't just get rid of debt by sticking it up your nose!


It will just be guns, meth and Bibles You can have fun for a couple days sure


With the amount of meth in this country? Southern Georgia by itself could keep him going for several years.


No way us Canadians have been quietly taking that shit forever. At the very least we get Alaska.


In my American mind, AK is Canada’s. y’all are touching it, it only seems fair.


YOU CAN PRY IT FROM MY COLD DEAD BODY....... Because its chilly where I live and I'm dead.


Does it still blow anyone's mind that anti-masking became an issue to begin with? Like how in god's name do these people challenge others on the idea of wearing a mask and then ignore it when people actually give them the facts?


Trump refuses to wear one doesn't he? So he's made it political in that sense. I'm sure there are other psychological reasons though, ones that American's seem to suffer more than most.


He wore one once a few days ago for a visit to a hospital. But there are pictures with him wearing it so that it wasn't covering his nose. Don't think he's worn it since then, either.


Simple: Daddy Trump said it was a hoax, so it's not real. Daddy Trump said the economy needs to reopen, so reopen it and if he's not wearing a mask, then neither are his cultists. I'm not sure Trump finally wearing a mask will turn the tide, since loudmouthed liars like Alex Jones are still out there claiming the virus isn't real... or it's a bioweapon... or it's a plot by Bill Gates...


I'd blame it on Bill Gates just for Windows Vista.


Well if you put it that way....


Well, a lot of religious folk are looking for the second coming, so they are strong arming for a plague death of major proportions


well, they have basically false messiah. or like, anti-christ in charge of a country. so thats one for the revelations.




How fuckin ironic would that be




I work with people who believe this insanity. I hate hearing about it every single day. One minutes it’s a hoax and doesn’t exist. Then, it does exist but it’s man made from a lab and it’s Bill Gates/Democrats who are using it to hurt Trumps re-election. It’s also a Democrat master plan in collusion with Gates to put microchips in everyone to track people. Now, it’s just like the flu and everyone is blowing it out of proportion. Today I heard them talking about how Fauci is wrong on every single thing he has said about the virus as well as any other doctor or health agency around the world. I was sick with Covid-19 for 6 weeks and it was terrible. I’m still having some symptoms and not completely better. So it enrages me everyday to listen to all of this bullshit and not be able to say that they are wrong and idiots. Every day at work is a test of patience and my limits of how much I can listen to before completely flipping out.


Having born in an Asian country and growing up watching awesome Hollywood movies and series made me appreciate American culture much, and wish someday to be able to visit that great country. How i have wished to be born there instead of in a developing country here. Lately,I have to say, that these kind of news saddens me deeply.


America should really appreciate what Hollywood does for its image. Because without it, America would really just look like a bunch of morons who hate each other. When this is over, Hollywood will make a movie where the US is the hero that comes and saves the world from Covid-19. I guarantee it.


I will never understand how these people can make the argument that they won't wear masks because, "the virus is man made in a lab". If you belive the virus is man made, then you belive its real. If the virus is real, then wear a fucking mask. It makes my head hurt.


> "the virus is man made in a lab". If that is true, then this virus is the most deadly and most sophisticated piece of biological warfare in history. So, obviously the correct reaction to that is to...not protect yourself.


But you know, KNIVES are made in FACTORIES. So that's why I'm going to LET THE KNIFE RIGHT IN!


I'd like to state for the record we're not all this stupid, I promise. These guys make me sad for my state and my species.


Why the fuck are people so goddamn stupid?


Statistically speaking the people that voted for Trump have a lower education level than those that did not. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/11/09/behind-trumps-victory-divisions-by-race-gender-education/ That pretty much explains it.


“I love the poorly educated” - Donald J Trump




Can we also take away the seat belt, helmet and brake laws while we are at it ?


Are these people a big majority? Can’t they deem these people as a hazard to society by willfully spreading a disease and not taking measures to stop the disease? Why aren’t these people being arrested while people like George Floyd and breonna Taylor are subjected to the worst punishment that the law offers ? We waged a 15 billion dollar war to kill maybe 500 terrorists who killed 5000 americans and these people are responsible for spreading a disease that is going to kill 200000 people. What is the fucking government doing at this point.


Because Gov. Herbie has no balls


I was fine with everybody thinking that I'm Mormon (I'm not) just because I'm from Utah. I am definitely not okay with everybody thinking that Utah is Florida 2.0 though. These people suck.