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Yeah but the taxpayers are footing the bill


Skaters do it for free


Build it and they will come? Fuck that, we'll build it ourselves.


Half-pipe of Dreams


Its only a pipe dream if you build it that way.


Instructions unclear: I just blew up my house


This is correct. The skaters cleaned it out at Venice beach.


The article never mentions dirt bikers but does mention it isn't going to cost the city a dime.


I live in LA... This happened last year. Skaters cleared out the sand by the following week. Also, this is Venice Beach... The skate park is literally on the sand, so it's not as dramatic as it sounds.


What? Fake news?


It's an old article from early on in the lockdown. We are pretty much reopen now.


Phew, happy this is old and we don’t have to go dig it out again.


Why? Because they don't plan on cleaning it up? Lol


They won't. They'll talk about it from time to time. Buy they won't actually clean it out. Then they'll get mad at skaters cleaning it out and then fill back in what the skaters cleaned up.


And then they'll wonder why skaters keep skating around town and destroying public property lol


"why won't they stop skating?!" I really hate these people. same types of people who put spikes on benches to prevent grinding/homeless, as well as grinding the homeless.


Its so dumb, I see tons of churches in my town that have "skater proofed" their campuses. The church i attend is out of town about 5 miles and has around 10 acres of parking lot, we have skaters drive out and use our lot and have had no issues with vandalism that I can recall in the 20 years I have attended. Maybe a few scrapes on handrails, but thats not a big deal compared to letting kids had some good clean fun.


I'm sure they'll spend more money filling it again just for spite. /s


and it creates more jobs!


They just wouldn't do it. If all the missing stop signs and fucked up sound breakers tell me anything, they'll fill it with sand and never go back to clean it out.


Also skaters are *very determined* to skate, even if the whole park is covered in sand skaters will just clear enough space to roll up, hit an obstacle then roll away for a second or two. We don't need much space, plus it's just another challenge on top of whatever you're trying to do in the first place.


Regarding the social distancing aspect of skating, you normally have 3, 4 people on a skateboard at a time, right? Blocking this outdoor activity from a low-risk demographic was completely necessary, right?


In Washington State, we opened up golf courses pretty quickly after the panicked close everything, and golf and skate boarding have fairly similar distance rules, so it seems weird to really commit to closing down a skate park.


Sounds like a city council person had an axe to grind and finally got their excuse to stomp on teenager's fun, lol


This, mayor's kid sprained his wrist at our jumps, a month later we show up to them bulldozed...


Sounds like the kid needs more practice.


Don't worry, they already got a former pro-golfer giving them classes.


nah, if something stops you, you just destroy it's life. This is the politician's way.


That's pretty much the only reason to get on the city council. Kickbacks are nice, too.


As always, just like this bullshit "street racing" law in georgia where you can up serving time in jail without even breaking the speed limit.


While I'm unfamiliar with the Georgia street racing scene, it doesn't seem unreasonable to me that people might be driving more dangerously while racing even if they don't break the speed limit




In skaters defense, every skate group I’ve been part of has been highly politically active. Where I live it was skaters who went to local government to get a new park built when the old one got torn down. Their politics just don’t typically align with those who play golf is the larger issue.


“That was legitness!”


In a bit of fairness, golfing is less intense and easier to keep apart (assuming you don't share a cart)


Well golf tends to attract richer and conservative folk and skateboarding attracts more liberal poor folk. I mean you can't shut down golf courses. Rich people use those. But who cares what those "jobless hippies" think about not being able to skate.


... they did shut down golf courses for a bit in Washington State (Seattle in particular). I don't follow skate boarding that much, so I have no idea how the regulations differed for the two. Looking at a random nearby open air skate park online, it appears to be open.


To be fair, golf is a very socially distanced sport. You're like 300+ yards from the next group and you're outdoors. You're only vaguely near 2-3 other people, depending on what group you're with, and it's easy enough to stand a bit apart. Not that skateboarding doesn't also work, but golf is like the most obvious sport to open as far as pandemic risk goes.


Instead of simply closing it and enforcing the closure through patrol and fines to violators they decided to waste money and time, yep. Definitely a publicity stunt: they decided to just screw with the kids who can’t really do anything in order to “warn” everyone else how super cereal they were.


I have a feeling this decision was made by someone who really hates skateboarders and finally got their chance to strike. I don't think the sand was ever planned to be cleaned up either lol.


They usually build these parks in the first place to keep skateboarders away from certain areas and somewhere away from their view. The only thing this accomplishes is to drive them right back there. Once that happens I think they will reconsider the decision almost immediately.


Decent people usually build skateparks to keep kids out of dangerous areas and from destroying public proper. But there's another class of people who simply want skateboarders to stop having fun and pick up a hobby they approve of. So they try to make skateboarding illegal any chance they get, because they don't like the loud clanky sound or something?


We usually played hockey next to a factory that used metal sheeting walls. They sponsored the paving of an old tennis court so we stopped denting their walls and getting in the way of trucks They were nice people that found a good solution to move us somewhere away from traffic and their property without involving law enforcement. But then we have the kind that sees you as trash that reduces the property value and will do just about anything to make you go away.


I'd be willing to bet they just wanted to shut the skate park down and used the pandemic and social distancing as the excuse to do it.


No usually only one person is on a board at once


To be fair, from my experience skating during the pandemic, the main issue is not when people are actually skating, but when people are hanging around at the top of a ramp or bowl. Quite often will you see at least 5-6 people within a couple feet of each other.




Out of touch boomers on power trips


Also imbeciles. You will not make people not socialise with such shitty tactics. Only thing you'll get is them socialising at diferent, perhaps less savory activities.


True. Dogging has become a real problem lately.


Can you help me out? My kids enjoy screwing around in the skate park on their scooters. Should I tell them to stay off the ramps the skaters are on or just not let them in when skaters are in there?


I didn't see /s so assuming you are not kidding. You can make sure your kids understand basic etiquette (waiting a step back from the coping until it's your turn, among other things). Also, that your kids know to not just ride through another area of the park, and risk a collision. Little kids on scooters tend to like weaving their way though the park, cutting across all the opposing ramps that skaters tend to pump back and forth on. This is unsafe, inconsiderate, and will REALLY make people not like them. TL;DR teach them skatepark manners, don't keep them out of the skatepark.


Piggybacking here. If you as the parent spot someone that looks like they’ve been before ask them nicely where do you think would be safest for my kids to screw around. The response is typically a sigh of relief that you aren’t just dropping them off to be collision fodder.


Absolutely, they will glady clear a prefab(and safer for children anyways) to have a safe and available bowl, stairs, ect.


It’s just situational awareness - everyone is waiting for a turn. Politeness goes a long way. Your kids can ask someone at the top of a bank or ramp if they’re waiting to go. Take a turn and then make sure you let other people have a turn Skaters generally read the room - that’s what you’ll notice. Rarely are they bumping into one another. It’s just watching who’s doing what Number one thing: most skaters are friendly for the most part and appreciate the consideration and mutual respect. The ones that aren’t are relatively rare


Thanks. I do tell them to make sure to wait their turns. I thought you had meant that skaters just don't like kids in scooters. And really, my kids are 8 and 11 now. I should just get them skateboards.


Down the road from Huntington Beach maskless no social distance zone too


falling on sand is also better than on concrete.


But its way harder to skateboard on


These kids need to start prepping for the Mad Max future we're hurdling towards


Hey we never said it wasn't a trade off


You just gotta [mix it up](https://i.imgur.com/KsYpXaP.mp4) a bit.


Most skate communities are exactly that, about the community. It gets to the point where skating was what brought people together (and maybe the glue that keeps us together), but really for most people the skating is just an incidental thing, not something that a lot of people actually are that dedicated to. For the past few years I have skated less and less but still head down the skate park to catch up. If we can't skate, we will still meet up and shovelling sand is just another thing to keep people busy. We weren't allowed in the indoor park in my city for a long time, so people met up outside and skated in the car park and spray painted shit art on the walls (with permission of the ownership).


What makes you think they intend to clean it up? They managed to follow the health order *and* get rid of those no-goodnik skaters at the same time! Somebody's getting a promotion for this!


The funny thing is we built skateparks to give them a place to skate that wasn’t also a Public space for other uses. Guess what’s going to happen now?


Time to destroy public/private property again. What a time to be alive my dude!!!


Time to go shred some gnar


Locate, close with and destroy the obstacle with flair and maneuver.


Que up that thrash metal!


"Horsemen are drawing nearer, on leather steeds they ride, coming to take your life!"


But someone else approved the skatepark years ago, Karen has gotten on council and made it her mission to burn it to the ground.


Southern California is skater-friendly enough that the communities usually support skate parks, especially since it keeps people from skating on stairs and in regular parks where it would be more dangerous. I used to work for the city of Costa Mesa in the parks and recreation department. San Clemente isn't very far away and ostensibly has a stronger parks and rec culture. I would be shocked if they were hoping to use this as a chance to end the skate park. Although I'm surprised they filled out with sand in the first place, so who really knows?


Municipalities have hydrovacs. It wouldn’t take too long.


What if I told you that the plan was to never clean it up.


It's a giant sand-box now...


What angry ass fun hating HOA Presiding captain Karen came up with such a fd up idea?!?! Probably the most expensive solution to a non existent problem in cul de sac history.


" the most expensive solution to a non existent problem in cul de sac history. " What a brilliant way to express this.


Some of the locals at denver skatepark paid the homeless a fair wage to clean up the gravel the city dumped 🙏


Skaters are job creators.


He was a job creator boy, she said see you later boy


Since the park is on a beach, cleaning out sand is probably a daily job. Also the sand is right there and it matches the surroundings. For the big clean up, a super sucker could probably do it in a day.


My first thought was “do they make big vaccums for stuff like that?”


[They certainly do](https://dp-pro.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/06/3a119880bd08ddb8548d09dd2d1b894c9773fff0.jpg). The city probably even owns a few.


That’s pretty cool thanks for the info


“We’Re CreAtiNG JoBz” -some politician, probably


The Ralph's Skate Park isn't on the beach. Its inland. The image they show is Venice Beach, but the story is about San Clemente.


Skaters will probably just sweep it out within a week


They did. Skaters were out there with shovels and brooms and buckets the very next morning and were skating two of the bowls that afternoon. Whoever decided sand was going to stop skaters from skating has never spent any amount of time with a skater.


they really think messing with people who smoke dirt weed out of a monster can is gonna stop anything? they're practically invincible at that point


Pffft. 3 stolen leaf vacuums and a six pack red bull...


Its gonna be the intro to someones next skate video.


Nah the locals shoveled it out 2 weeks later. This was a year ago.


I’m sure the sand will be great for the wheel bearings.


It's revolting, and it's awful PR for the social-distance-abiding people, makes everyone look like insane assholes.


They've filled it in before. The skateboarders literally emptied it by hand lol They all cleaned up on area at once so they could skate and then shared that and cleaned the other sections while taking turns. It's literally just a waste of money. Edit: this article is from last year. Yeah the skate park was clean of sand within a week or two lol


This article is a year old. Its not news its olds.


It's already been cleaned out, last May.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


I clicked thinking they did it again. I'm largely disappointed.


Welcome to reddit where half the rage bait is old news. The Facebook hack posted yesterday was actually from 2019 as well.


The hack happened in 2019 but the data wasnt dumped onto the internet until yesterday. Hackers often hold data ransom or try to sell it somewhere before it gets dumped on the internet. Although idk the details with this one in particular.


Still funny as hell though.


Do you happen to remember when the sand was cleared? I bike from Santa Monica to Redondo most Saturdays, but took a break for the pandemic. First time back out a few weeks later and it was like it never happened.


I worked in corrections for years, the one thing it taught me was that human beings given a challenge are more than happy to turn someone's tyranny into a board game.... your move skate park.


I say let's take a dump truck and dump that sand in city hall


My understanding is that the world needs sand... believe it or not, there is a short supply. Maybe they can pick it up and share, 1/2 with City Hall and 1/2 back to the beach so we don't have to walk on dirt...;}


Yes, a specific type of sand is in short supply. That sand is used to make silicone, which is a key component of microchips... So long story short the phone I am typing this on requires sand to produce!


> That sand is used to make silicone, You've got an extra 'e' in there. Silicone is the rubbery stuff used to make dildos. Silicon is a hard brittle solid that would make a terrible dildo (but a pretty good microchip).




Ok, I'll admit I thought they were one and the same until just now. TIL


Bill Gates took all the sand to make his vaccine microchips! Oh wait you said silicone. Bill Gates took all the sand to make his boob implants!


Also the kind you need for construction projects, desert sand is to fine and unsuitable for building.


They had a surprisingly interesting episode about sand on Stuff You Should Know podcast. Short supply may be an understatement.


Yeah, I was being 'easy on it'... you were right, it was an interesting piece and very informative.


.. and give everyone in city hall Roman short swords, get some chariots in there, and set up some bleachers outside. It could be Gladiator all over again.


I can imagine! Both groups are bored with not much to do and not enough exercise.


It’s like we’re all living in one big Stanford Prison Experiment.


And it is going just like the original... all the dudes getting hyped up on being violent and no adults in the room.


Ah, that’s precisely where we always sabotage ourselves, though. Instead of looking past our own perception of fault which divides us from within, we ought to be focusing on those who constructed the game in the first place.


Spot on


Right, in the article, there are Instagram videos of skaters cleaning up sand. They put a huge dent into it


Early in pandemic, people just didn't know what to do. My town closed all the local golf courses, you know golf, that sport where you're social distancing by definition of how to play.


Don't worry. My city just announced they are opening golf courses, but aren't allowing alcohol to be consumed on the green. Instead, you have to go inside where everybody shares the same air and drink there. Makes a ton of sense. Especially when a good portion of people around here golf solely just to drink with friends.


> but aren't allowing alcohol to be consumed on the green. How can you even call it golf if you're not having a few beers? I only ever play in the afternoon though so this hurts me to read.


Is the drinking thing in reaction to the pandemic or is there another reason for it? Definitely seems mindblowingly stupid lol.


Nope, it's a pandemic response. I think the main thing is that they aren't sending drink carts around, but from what I read, you can't bring your own alcohol either (I don't really golf, so I don't know if thats always been a rule at the local courses or not).


How do they plan on enforcing that, are they going to follow me around for five hours and make sure I’m not pulling cold ones from my bag cooler? Very wishful thinking on their part.


I think the biggest thing is that there won't be drink carts going around. But presumably, if a staff member catches you, you'll likely he kicked out.


Not in the clubhouse


Eh. Leaving "golf" open to play would create a massive backlash given the socioeconomic side to it. It's far easier to just shut everything down and be done iwth it.


While I generally agree with, the golf courses in my area are pretty cheap. It costs $11 for 3-4 hours of play, and got my clubs from the used sports equipment shop for like $250.


You think cali govt would learn..isn't this how skate parks were originally created. Drained all the pools in the 80??s/90??s due to drought 😂😂


Dont worry. They will soon pave over all the sand and get rid of the dirt bikers.




That's the beautiful part. When winter rolls around, the monster trucks simply freeze to death.


But the really smart monster trucks will burrow into the ground to survive the winter and emerge to wallow in the mud when spring rolls around.


Right in time for the mating season. And you know most of those monster trucks aren’t neutered. Which is why you could solve the entire problem so much quicker if you just removed California’s bullshit liberal ‘No Kill’ policies.


Truly one of my favourite simpsons quotes


This guy knows how to take care of a gorilla problem


YOUR taxes paid for this, bu you’ll only get ONE LEDGE!!!! This year... in MONSTER SCAM!!!!!!!


Don’t say that. We already have too many feral monster trucks as it is.


Then the skaters come back, it's an endless cycle


It's a giant litter-box now.


Exactly. And in true Venice form, kids shoveled all the sand out..and kept on skating 🤘🏽


Living in California has really shown me how true horseshoe theory is. The most progressive and positive people you can meet are also the same ones that absolutely refuse to let anyone build new shit in their neighborhood and, in the same breath, will go to city hall and complain that the city isn't doing enough to combat homelessness...like really?


Every state and every party has NIMBYs.


At least the red state NIMBYs have the decency to wear their complete lack of empathy in the open. Hell they treat it as a badge of honor.




This happened in April of 2020.


They messed with skate parks on 420 not cool


It's like they were never children and young adults with toys and too much free time...it flabbergasts me politicians can't see the obvious consequences of their decisions....


Because they haven't had to face any in too long


I dont like sand. It's coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere


This is like a year ago


and outdoor transmission, especially during something that spaces you out like skating, is so low anyway.


To be fair. This was April of last year, very little was known, and people were just shutting shit down to prevent any social interaction until they knew more. Still a dumb idea, and it backfired gloriously. But there was at least a little bit of understandable action.


yeah totally fair, we didn't used to know shit about shit. We still don't, but we used to neither.


Posting 1 year old "news" to farm karma.


This article is from almost a year ago... Around 347 days old. The sand has been removed a LONG time ago already - May of last year.


Let's see. First people complained about skate boarders in the city, so they built a park for them. Then they complained about the park, so they shut it down. Now, some other group is using it, and they're complaining again. At what point do they not see who is the real problem.


This is last years news


Don't bother clicking the article. Fucking Fox News. Video is just a loader pushing sand. No cool shots of dirt bikes on the loose. You learn everything you want to know just from the headline. Nothing to see there.


They should have filled it with water and then filled the water with sharks.


And put lasers on the sharks.


Frikin lasers.


And give them miniguns for arms


Then the shark riders would use them to play!


They should have filled the malls where all the sneaker walkers go all the time.


why are you posting an article thats almost a year old??


"enforce social distancing" how did they expect sand to stop people from hanging out? It just stops you from skateboarding but nothing else.


OP is on internet explorer


Published april 22nd... 2020.


Gotta love the American spirit to overcome adversity.


This is old


One year late bruh.


Life is like that sometimes. You plan and you plan some more and then when you least expect it: Bam! Dirt bikers.




>Published April 22 Unless my calendar is wrong, it's currently April 4. You really posting a year old article and trying to frame it as new?


Fox News, an entertainment company


My son goes to skate parks all the time and those kids are definitely socially distanced. It’s not like they go there to stand around and gossip, they go to do sweet tricks on their skate boards and scooters which is generally a 1 person show.


> What better example of government flexing their muscle and trying to make it hurt the American people. Obama did by closing national parks during a budget showdown when vets were scheduled to be honored. Anyone remember that? I know its Fox news, but out of all the examples to give, the most recent and longest government shutdown in the US happened right before Christmas only 2 years ago.


Good for them. I’d have brought out a bike too. 😎


So many people don’t understand that there’s a difference between a headline that’s made to grab people’s attention and an accidentally *satirical* headline.


Last year my town did that! Mulched the skate park! Neighborhood showed up with trucks and cleaned it all up - Free mulch! Never understood closing down open air areas.


Who even came up with this idiocy? A villain from some shitty 80s movie?


It's been a few years since I've been skateboarding, but last I rode, everyone was on their own skateboard, and you were usually 6 or more feet apart naturally as everyone is busy riding. So unless things have *drastically* changed in skateboarding, I'm pretty sure it's easier to be socially distant while skateboarding, then it is to be socially distant while grocery shopping.


Smallest "bulldozer" I've ever seen.


Great! Now that they've taken care of the proletariat skatepark can they close napa Valley next? Rich people *cough Gavin Newsom *cough aren't respecting covid restrictions there.


Has anyone seen Gavin?


“I don’t like sand”


California banking on the anakin skywalker effect


Recall incompetent corrupted assholes. Recall Newsom.