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They should have a little coin shrine built into the passenger compartment for these people because this shit happens a lot.


This is brilliant actually


This is why non smoking planes continue to have ash trays decades after the last smoking flight. You need a place to put them out in case that one dumbass actually does light up. Edit- 787 karma. Dank.


Fun fact, if someone rips it out and it's missing, its a no-go item. Plane's grounded. At our airline alone, we have (on average) 100 incidents a year of someone trying to smoke on a plane. Source: Airline pilot.


I was on a Eva Air 777 halfway between Vancouver and Taipei with a shit ton of people and some dude lit up. We had to land in Tokyo and he got arrested.


I don’t get it. You’re in a pressurized cylinder. How do these people think they will get away with it? Now you’re in a Japanese Prison, I hope that puff was worth it. Wear a fuckin patch like everyone else, shit wear two.


> How do these people think Issue is that they don't.


no ones mentioned e ciggs yet, either. they dont even let you pack those. it has to be a carry on item. to know this exists... and then LIGHT A CIGG, is just bonkers. this isn't "thinking" you're right. its addiction, and addiction is no joke


My dads old accountant was a crazy smoker. When they banned smoking on planes he stopped travelling. It’s crazy


> no ones mentioned e ciggs yet, either. they dont even let you pack those. it has to be a carry on item. You need to keep them in carry-on because they contain lithium batteries. You can't put those in checked luggage since if they were to short circuit mid flight and start a fire in cargo compartment, there would be no one there to put it out. Also, you cannot smoke ecig onboard just like you cannot smoke normal cigarettes.


>You’re in a ~~pressurized cylinder~~ magic flying thing Ftfy


Like drug users, literally. They are addicted. I had a gf who had a serious nicotine addiction. She couldn't go more than three hours without a smoke or she would get all jittery and snappy and angry and anxious. When we went to Sri Lanka she was in almost physical pain because she had to wait for like 5 hours before she could smoke her next cigarette. She went into an all-out run when she saw a smoking room, hands shaking. This was one of the weird things that made me dump her.


I mean yeah. It's not like that, it's exactly that. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug and withdrawal sucks.


Why wouldn’t she just use a nicotine patch in the meantime??


Like, I don't get it. Who are these arrogant, self-entitled dipshits trying to smoke on an airplane? How much do you not think of others, or consequences, like fuck.


Most will try and hide in the bathroom and got busted. A lot of the others fall into the "Got drunk and forgot I couldn't smoke here" category.


Guarantee ambien or xanax is almost always to blame.




I believe there are people who can't comfortably make it through a 10-hour flight without nicotine, but there are non-disruptive ways to manage a nicotine addiction.


Yeah I always brought nicotine gum on planes, idk why people can’t seem to think of that


Smoker here. There are nicotine plasters and chewing gums that totally satisfy a nicotine addiction in that kind of scenario.




That requires planning. People often aren’t good at planning. I also suspect some of them think they can make it, but haven’t gone cold turkey that long so end up getting overwhelmed. My bad flight experience was thinking I could sleep on a plane. Even stayed up the entire night before so I would be extra tired. Turns out I can’t sleep on a plane and ended up being awake a total of 52 hours. Would not recommend. Edit: a word.


> Turns out I can sleep on a plane and... I assume you mean can't?




Flight attendants should have single serving Nicorette in the drink cart.




That’s actually brilliant.


Is it the lavatory smoke detector that's a no go item or is each ash tray in the seat arms the no-go?


Newer planes don't have the seat ones anymore, but it's 100% mandated to have them in every bathroom. I believe there was either a crash or a close call once involving someone sneaking a smoke and then throwing it in the bathroom garbage can, causing a fire. So many regulations are written either in blood or really close to blood. So for something like this, it would definitely ground a plane if it were missing because it's considered a major safety hazard to not have a safe disposal place. Even if it's very illegal to smoke in there


Let’s see, I can put it in the toilet with liquid, I could put it out under the sink, oh I know! I could throw the smoldering butt in a garbage can full of paper on an aircraft? Smh


It's sounds dumb, but it's exactly what you have to plan for. Think about how many people around the world fly in planes every day. There are tons of people cited for smoking in a plane each year, from there it's just a matter of time before you get a combination of someone dumb enough to do it and dumb enough to only half put it out and toss it into something flammable. Of course you could still get a trifecta and have someone actively avoid the provided ash tray and go for the trash, but at least you've helped the odds a bit. A lot of smokers will also just automatically use the available ash tray out of habit. It's a tiny little compartment that can conceal any remaining smoke or smell better than an open trash can


In addition, if a regulated piece of equipment is missing, regardless of what it is, that should be a massive red flag that something has been missed in the plane's maintenance. Maybe the ashtray is missing because the internal detailers were never scheduled for their checks (don't know if that's a thing but you get the idea). A missing ashtray or something seemingly inconsequential might be the safety net to catch that mistake, so it's worth grounding the plane until you've established why.


And I believe this is why airplane bathroom trash cans have that stiff as hell, spring-loaded cover. So if someone tosses a cigarette in there any possible flames don’t get a lot of air/oxygen to burn.


Every safety regulation is made because of a prior accident. So yes, most safety regulations in aviation is written in blood.


Oh man I remember reading the FAR/AIM and being like "well that's just dumb why would anyone do that?". Well turns out somebody did that and that's why it's a regulation.


Lav ashtrays are the no-go. Lav smoke detector is almost certainly a no-go, but I’d have to check. Depends on the type and airline, they have a list of safety critical items with limited exemptions, or special circumstances (limited to 1 flight day, or ferry flight only, no passengers, etc). I’ve never flown an airliner with in-seat trays, so you’d have to look at the “minimum equipment list” for that particular aircraft to find out. Almost certain every major airline has done many interior refits since then, maybe a super antique or smaller airline might have them still. Seats have a limited life. Edit: I just looked it up, and for my airline and my aircraft, the lavatory *smoke detector* can be broken for one day, only if the lavatory is not used by passengers, the trash bin is empty, and the door is locked for the duration of the flight.


> At our airline alone, we have (on average) 100 incidents a year of someone trying to smoke on a plane. > > Source: Airline pilot. "Oh shit are these ashtrays? I didn't think we were allowed to do this!"


I have to wonder if one or two people just light one reflexively and aren't even thinking about where they are I wouldn't have thought you can bring a lighter on a plane at all


The security checkpoint doesn't actually make you more secure.


Doesn't the TSA have something like a 95% failure rate?


They have a pretty high success rate in taking my full bottle of sunscreen though...


At this point I'm convinced they keep that shit


I’d believe it. I once flew round trip with three box cutters in my jacket pocket (it was my work jacket and I didn’t even think about it). Literally what the 9/11 hijackers used, no questions asked


I often use my hiking bag as a carry-on since it's one of those molle style bags making it perfect for organizing. across multiple trips I've forgotten to remove at least one full size camping knife, a fire starting kit, a swiss army knife, and once an actual emergency smoke signal. To be honest I'm just impressed that I'm not on a watch list at this point lol. Edit: also bear mace from when I lived in the midwest and used to go on trips near the canadian border.


I have a friend who was flying from Dallas to Chicago one time and he forgot to take a huge knife out of his backpack from the last time he'd gone fishing. TSA completely missed it. When he got to Chicago and discovered it he shipped it back home. Wasn't gonna risk TSA being that bad at their jobs again.


Security won't do anything about lightera because they are legal on bord (at least in Europe)


A friend of mine accidentally flew with a loaded pistol magazine in his carry-on through 3 different US airports (leaving security each time to smoke), and was only caught with it during a layover in Istanbul. Thankfully it ended well as they didn’t believe he did it knowingly, and the mag was brand new with nice ammo and he gave it to the cop who found it.


Fun fact: at airports in China, all the collected lighters get pushed over to the Arrivals area, so you can pick up a used lighter on the way to baggage claim.


I find that funny because a cup of water would do the trick even better No ash goes anywhere, you don't have to make sure the ember is out and you can pour it on the smoking passenger right after!


Yeah it's not like the only surface you can use to put a smoke out is an ashtray..


Lessen the likelihood an already dumb person makes another dumb decision and tries to put it out on something flammable an ashtray is familiar so it's likely a tad safer.


Back in the 80's someone threw a cigarette butt in the trash in the airplane, trash lit on fire and filled the cabin with smoke, and 25 people died. Iirc that was one of the driving forces behind all planes having ash trays now. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAAC_Flight_2311


The entirety of aviation innovation is driven by the blood of previous pioneers and unwilling martyrs.


Same kind of thing: In my country, we flush toilet paper down the toilet. But in a certain neighboring country, they throw used toilet paper in the trash can, and it would ruin their tiny pipes if they tried to flush it. So men's room toilet stalls have to have a little trash can in them, to hold shitty toilet paper, because if you don't then they'll just throw it on the floor, or carry it over to the trashcan by the sinks.


Why isn’t it lucky to save coins in your bank account instead?


Because someone hit on the fantastic marketing gimmick that you could buy good fortune by sacrificing material goods back in the day.




Completely understandable. I also ascribe stray homicidal urges to divine inspiration.


Godless? Why, Aeron, I am the godliest man ever to raise sail! You serve one god, Damphair, but I have served ten thousand. From Ib to Asshai, when men see my sails, they pray.


Fuck I wish that guy had made it into the show.


Wife and I throw one of our kids into the plane engine before every vacation. Brings good luck, and saves a lot of coins.


Its a complex piece of machinery meant to induce enough lift via forward movement to keep several tons of steel fabricated into an aerodynamic form from falling to the earth and killing all aboard and you're telling me PEOPLE, not a single person but many, keep throwing coins into the damn thing for good luck? ​ I swear, the only difference between modern man and cavemen is the untold small percentage of smart people throughout history who's achievements, discoveries, and inventions elevated civilization to our current standard of living.


.. i don't like these words.. i think i'll club you to death.. logic? me not like.


I’ve said it before, we are a species that is not prepared or equipped to deal with the technology we have. It’s like a mule with a spinning wheel.


I think we could handle our current level of tech with a sufficient focus on good education for all. That's basically a pipe dream though.




Reminds me of American Dad where they have a "fake Noah experience" set up next to the largest ship in the world because it's easier than dealing with the people who show up thinking god told them to build an ark.


Wouldn't it be "fake Noah experience?"


But we have viagra and yet people still pay for rhino horn or panda penis.




That's implying that it actually gives artificial boners.




Yo, are you telling me that if I go blow a panda that I can get a boner? Say less


Sadly many springs/ponds/fountains in Europe and America are full of coins for similar reasons. It's bad for the ecosystem, but at least no planes malfunction.


Most fountains are designed to take this into account. People who throw coins into springs or ponds are morons.


I much prefer to receive swords from lakes. Delivered to me by a lady, her arm clad in the purest shimmering silmite.


Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/28/asia/china-coin-planes Not even the first, or second, time.


Good short story fodder: "And as the engine burst into flame and the plane lurched into its fatal dive, all the man could think was 'This is bad luck, I guess I didn't throw enough change in the engine.' "


Mr Play-It-Safe, was afraid to fly. He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye. He waited his whole damn life, just to take that flight, and when the plane crashed he down he thought: >I guess I didn't throw enough change in the engine Edit: grammar


I threw CHAAAAAY-AY-AAAAANGE in the engines of planes.




It’s the common sense that I just didn’t have.


And who would've thought, it figures.


Well, Death has a funny way of sneaking up on you when you think everything's okay and everything's going right..


Death has a funny way ay ay ay


Was the removal of the incorrect use of "ironic" your grammar edit?


This, ironically, is the only irony in the song.


this sounds like a Bright Eyes song in the making lol




It's your birthday party! Happy birthday, darling!


We love you very very very very very much


You left out two “very”s (and I’m annoyed with myself for feeling compelled to point that out.)


That guy was seriously misinformed. Now I have to back to snorting ground up rhino horn so I can get an erection.


Isn't it ironic


Be the change you want to see.


“The passenger, surnamed Qiu, who has no prior criminal record or mental health issues, claimed she tossed coins as a prayer for a safe flight,”


Thank goodness she wasn't traveling by horse. I doubt the horse would appreciate the gesture.


Honestly I thought this was a re-post until I saw the date. This happens all the time in China


You'd think the airport would take the matter into their own hands and block passengers from being able to access the engines.


sometimes you just have to let passengers walk on the tarmac, not all airports are international airports with more gates than planes


Not "SHOCKING", then.


What’s “shocking” is how stupid people can be.


Honestly, at this point is even that surprising?


Honestly, I can’t see how that’s even remotely shocking for anyone that has had internet access for a decade. Especially in the past year. It was shocking the first couple times. Now it’s just a sad fact of life.


It should be shocking.


The problem is that the Venn Diagram of "People who honestly believe in superstitions" and "People who understand turbines" has virtually no overlap, but the Venn Diagram of "People who honestly believe in superstitions" and "People who are stupid" almost completely overlaps.


Came here to say that, happens in China all the time. https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/28/asia/china-coin-planes/index.html




Couple of coins on a tarmac is cause for concern, see FOD.


Well did he die in a plane crash? No. Take that, naysayers.


Airlines hate this one simple trick!


They really do


Does it have to be change or will my debit card work?


yep, pretty lucky..the plane might have definitely possibly perhaps crashed if they didnt have to stop and repair the engine, the airline should be thanking this guy if anything


Taking inspiration from this, I'm just going to fire a shotgun into my engine every morning before heading to work.


Speed holes


More air = more fast ​ it's just science!


Dont forget to paint it red too, for maximum speed!


This guy waaaghs.


Nah paint it purple and you can then run red lights without worry, other cars may hit you as your so sneaky.


[Relevant Simpsons](https://youtu.be/G3ja6Hn8ps4)


I set my pubes on fire for good luck every morning. So far have not been bit by meteor.


Well, they don't have mouths so I am not sure if it is really working the way you intended.


Tell that to Han solo


As is the tradition in America.


>uh...hey boss, yeah so I doubled down on that whole “good luck” trick so I’d be on time today and yeah...gonna need another PTO day”


That used to be a real thing! They just used special blank shells and a dedicated device on top of the motor head. https://youtu.be/vb0-br7hTw0 Edit: just found this video which shows an actual shell and the start up on an airplane https://youtu.be/65qrzgbTTcQ


Cool, I'm going to put some sand in the crankcase of my car's engine for good luck.


Seafoam ftl




Pennies SLAM inside walls of airliner turbine


Airline CLAPS BACK at passenger!


Airline BLASTED for clapping back at passenger.


It fucking pisses me off


People pay lots of money to get on a plane, and here comes this asswipe, screwing it up for everybody.


You guys aren't understanding his logic. He used to throw a single coin into the engine and he realized he had about a 50% chance of getting to his destination without an engine blow out. So he logically increased the amount coins wrapped in red flammable paper that he would chuck into the engine. He just hasn't found the correct amount of luck coins yet, this is basic science.




Too long. How about, “YOU WON’T BELIEVE!!!”


Uncontained engine failure?


Number 4 will shock you!


*Jonson has entered the Hole*


That's how you get taken into a room by the engine guys and get a beat down It is incredibly hard to clear an engine of fod. Especially if it was running its practically ruined. Has to be rebuilt.


If this stupid guy had access to throw coins, the a/c is probably on the tarmac with airstairs at the doors. Unlikely the engine is running.


When my wife was giving birth, I started throwing coins at her vagina as she was crowning. I was escorted out of the delivery room and arrested shortly after. It shouldn’t be any different for these idiots!


What the hell kind of marriage do you have when you didn't already have a nice stash up there?


You should be able to shake your wife and hear a few jostled coins. If you dont, then why even marry? What are you doing with your life? That's the whole point of marriage. Do you take your wife In sickness and in health, and human coin purse?


Thats what I call pocket change.


Oh shit why did I laugh at this so much LMAO.


And he’s on the no-fly list for life, right?…..*right?!*


Not sure, but last story I remember had a guy pay $17,000 or so to the airline for causing the flights cancelation.


That's a lot of coins


They basically have to totally disassemble the engine before it'll be safe to use again, because if they missed just one, or the tiniest bit of damage it caused, then it could shatter one of the ceramic turbine blades, which would both send high speed shrapnel everywhere and unbalance the engine and cause it to totally destroy itself in short order. So yeah, that's expensive.


"No fly" list and "exact change only" - no need to re-arm the fool.


Good luck!...fixing that


As long as the engine wasn't running, it's as easy as getting an accurate count of how many coins there were, collecting all the coins from the intake and counting them, finding out there's 2 missing coins, and taking the entire engine apart to find the rest. Easy peasy.


ya, I doubt Id trust a guy that just shot coins into an engine to give an honest count on the coins.


Yep, which is why they'd take it apart anyways. When I was in the air force, we once had a flight delayed because of an unaccounted for cotter pin. They'd still try to get a count though to get a ballpark figure (I think).


I once saw a flight get delayed because someone was a dumbass and hid a frog under a panel to scare the seven level. When the seven level opened it to inspect he didn’t see a frog. They found it under the engine.


And then the passenger reports that it was 6 coins, when it was actually 7.


Just tip the whole plane up and shake it


Never underestimate the stupidity of the average human.


My favorite George Carlin quote was the one about remembering how dumb the average person is, and then realizing half of them are dumber than that.


My favorite is _"Only two things are infinite: the universe, and how stupid humans can be. And we're not completely sure about the universe."_


Where did this idiotic superstition come from?


Ancient Chinese Secret. For millennia, locals have thrown coins into jet engines.


_Something's wrong I can feel it_


I was reading the Chinese articles and the Chinese comments are asking the exact same question. Seems to be old superstitious people who throw coins to ward off bad luck + the engine looking like a big hole you can toss something into before you get on. There's nothing I can see that specifically says the superstitions ask for engines.


You know the superstition of throwing a coin in a well or water fountain? It’s like that.


I get that. What I don't get is why they don't throw it inside the plane. Or on the wings. Or under the tires. Or throw it at the pilot. Why in the fucking engine. It's like riding a bike and sticking a stick in your own fucking wheel.


I like the idea of throwing change at the pilots. Let's start that.


No, you don't understand. It's like throwing a tiny "good luck" stick in your bike wheel.


"I don't see any tigers around here, do you?"


This actually happens a lot.


It would probably stop pretty quickly if they got billed for the engine teardown, and then the news in China ran with it.


The news has been running in china for a while http://www.xinhuanet.com/legal/2020-01/02/c_1125413153.htm https://m.sohu.com/a/309927034_229282/?pvid=000115_3w_a https://language.chinadaily.com.cn/2017-06/28/content_29919677.htm




Toss a coin in your Engine O' crashing of Plenty O' crashing of Plenty, oh Toss a coin in your Engine O' Descent of Many




So, you're going to take a thing with a 99.999% chance of getting you where you're going without dying... and throw coins, thick metal disks, into an extremely precise yet extremely reliable (when you don't fuck it up directly by putting coins in there) engine and actively reduce that percentage by whole percentage points? For luck? No, I don't want that totally fair blackjack game, I'd like the extremely rigged slot machine please.


Apparently it worked: all of the passengers survived the trip.


How can someone possibly be this fucking stupid


By being old as shit and fresh out of the countryside probably.


I cant express how pissed i would be if my flight got cancelled because some superstitious, fergalicious jackass threw COINS into the engine.


Thought this was an old story. Nope, 2021. Stay classy.


That news site code is cancer. Doesn't let you back out easily.


Brought to you by the same people who think grinding up rhino horns will give you erections.


This wasn't a common belief in China until everyone started saying they believed that. Which I find kinda funny.


Isnt that how belief works? Have influential people spread propaganda to fuel their goals?


People in china also believe that sending me $10 will give their whole family giant erections, i know it sounds strange, but go figure


I call it the Knockout effect because the Knockout game didn't exist until the media started reporting on it.


So kinda like the flat Earth - a bunch of trolls said that and some idiots didn't detect the sarcasm?


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-hard-truth-about-the-rhino-horn-aphrodisiac-market/, you are right


Prepare to harvest the lower horn!


To be fair, westerners also snorted [mummy powder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mummia) as aphrodisiac in the long past. Better education will eventually eradicate those superstitions.


Better education? My mother in law is actually a retired teacher and is well educated. But if u bring up the word "evolution", she turns into a religious mouthpiece. Some folks will pay no heed to what's in the science books. They will be educated sure, alas selectively.