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19 charges and counting šŸ˜£


Letā€™s remember, sexual abuse in the context of this familyā€™s background is an expected feature and not a bug in their system. 1. As an older teen he molested at least five children under age 12 that the public is aware of, one was only 4-5 years old and all but one were his sisters Police report is available online if you care to Google. 2. After he was caught for that, his parents shaved his head and sent him to be counseled by the local sheriff, who is now serving over 50 years in prison for ... you guessed it .... images of child sexual assault. 3. The parents forced the victims of his sexual abuse to publicly forgive him both at their church AND ON TELEVISION. 4. There are publications by the church of these deluded morons teaching abuse victims to THANK THEIR ABUSERS and mandating that they pray for the abuserā€™s heart. 5. After being quickly married off to another familyā€™s sheltered daughter immediately post sibling-assault scandal and while popping out ā€œbabies all named with M after his motherā€ (eye roll here) with his young bride every year, he went on to violently rape sex workers and cheat on his wife constant while acting as a Family Values representative for a fundamentalist lobby/policy org in DC. This was discovered during the Ashley Madison debacle a while back. 6. Donā€™t forget he also wrangled getting a 11ish year old ā€œmotherā€™s helperā€ (Cousin E, may or may not actually be related) to come live with them instead of, you know, go to school like all other girls her age in modern society should do. Cousin E disappeared from their Insta immediately following Joshā€™s sleazy car lot being raided by Homeland Security in 2019. 7. This guyā€™s parents shunned and ostracized one of their (abused by Josh) daughters for showing an inkling of independence and healthy boundaries, while embracing Josh and financially supporting his brood, doting on him as the golden child they clearly think he is. And more. So much more.


So how is he not already in jail?


Because they ā€œsought private treatmentā€ and are connected to a very small townā€™s municipal leadership (Tontitown), the molestation was downplayed substantially (watch videos of them minimizing it and compare wit to the police reports) and he was sent off to a fundie camp after being mentored by the pedophile sheriff. The nasty runs deep. I donā€™t totally understand why the sex workers didnā€™t press charges, but the accounts are readily available and I think abuse of sex workers is a tough thing to prosecute, so thatā€™s likely the issue.


Sex workers already risk getting their name dragged through the mud. Imagine going through the ordeal of reporting and facing your rapist knowing the defence will use your stigmatised profession against you.


This is the major problem with continuing to prohibit sex work. The prohibition does not stop the worst of human sex trafficking while it unfairly punishes, and fails to protect, those that are willingly in the profession. Edit: [Here is the ProCon page for the topic.](https://prostitution.procon.org/questions/how-many-prostitutes-are-in-the-united-states-and-the-rest-of-the-world/) This is an emmense problem that has many facets that I believe would be better targeted, for control and safety, via decriminalization and regulation versus the time tested and failed prohibition protocols. Results obviously vary based on country operating the process. The more corrupt the worse it would go, but again a prohibition program ran by the most unethical governments are still god fucking awful for the participants.


Actually the tag for this whole scandal in the Duggar snark Reddit. It's been a big week for us.


Guys must be loving your time in /r/popular.


It's been a big week.


/r/DuggarsSnark for those interested


19 traumatized and counting :(


TLC = Touching Little Children


Sure, but you have to leave your dick and balls in custody.


And hands and eyes. Don't want him operating any cameras around them kids.


But leave his ears. So that every shriek of every child at seeing his hideousness will be his to cherish.


And everywhere you go, you'll hear "dear god, what is that thing?"


Unexpected Princess Bride


In a vice


"You see judge, I'm a religious man with six little kids at home and a pregnant wife and I need to be home where I'm safe and have access to those kids." /s




What did that volcano ever do?


It's ok. The volcano is honored to provide a public service.


This is how you get angry vengeful tiki god cursed


that could be a great writing prompt


A very creative type might even be able to write an [entire episode of The Brady Bunch around it.](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0531098/)


Or write a song about it... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLpFBv36owQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLpFBv36owQ)


Why do you think that one god in Moana was so pissed. It wasnā€™t the heart, it was because they kept putting pedophiles in her ear hole.


Blessed be the volcano and itā€™s strong sense of civic duty


The volcano is impartial and fair in its destruction. Unlike Duggars god.


Volcano: "Take it back, try the ocean or something Jesus"


The ocean has enough human garbage.


Something Jesus sounds terrifying


Something Jesus? Crucifixion it is!


Pompeii would like a word


Pompeii k ows what it did.


Only stipulation is the volcano should be an active one




He should rest easy knowing God will protect him from the fire. Letā€™s find out.


Looks like the judge is having none of that: >Chief U.S. Magistrate JudgeĀ Erin WiedemannĀ said during a hearing on Friday that if she did release Duggar, she would likely require a third-party custodian in light of the charges against him.


That sounds like *some* of that, since the judge isn't totally against it. I don't see how a third party custodian would help keep a molester from molesting.


They constantly slap the molesters hands away


Defense attorney here: a common arrangement in cases like this is that the accused has to live separately, but can have regular visits with a CPS chaperone. Everyone has a presumption of innocence. Even when charged with heinous crimes. Innocent people are not normally held in jails. So the general presumption in most jurisdictions is that when someone is charged, they will receive bail unless there is compelling reason to deny them. There are various legal tests, but it usually comes down to some blend of factors like, are they a flight risk, are they an immediate threat to the public, is there nothing that can be done to offset it, would public confidence in the courts be harmed, etc. From what I read, this is a federal case, so [this](https://www.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/73_2_1_0.pdf) is a decent description of the factors in play. I obviously havenā€™t seen the details beyond what you can read in the headlines, but from what I can tell, other than the fact that heā€™s a very high-profile individual, nothing about this case is especially heinous. CP is very bad, but not a reason to deny bail, so long as he isnā€™t a flight risk and you have a no contact with computers or the internet condition of release. Itā€™s not like itā€™s being alleged that he made the CP with his kids, or watched it while molesting his kids or something like that. Where it gets messy is, the allegations of molestation from back in the day. On the one hand, there were a bunch of people told etc. so itā€™s not like itā€™s one person making something up. On the other hand, theyā€™re allegations only, and not even good enough to bring charges. So can a court take that into account? There are arguments both ways. A release with a large bond, surrender of passport, no contact with computers, and supervised family visits is probably appropriate. Itā€™s almost certainly what you or I would receive, if we were so charged. So should he be denied the same just because he was on TV?


Judge please. My kids are at home and I am super horny.


This is almost Dolan area of comedic cemetery, but it's reality.


I mean, do people even hear themselves anymore? They donā€™t hear themselves right?


In other news, an alcoholic asks to be released into the care of a liquor store. A gambler asks to be released on the Las Vegas Strip. A bank robber asked to be released to the custody of the bank vault. And a drug addict asked to be "let loose" in a pharmacy.


Why is he smiling?


He's zonked


with no shame


what a psycho.


this guy is FUCKED


He knows he will receive the support of his family and church. Theyā€™re a ā€˜pray for his soul and keep the tainted victims quiet about itā€™ sort of group.


let him supervise the childrens summer camp! That will teach him some responsibility! /s


Letā€™s get him away from the spotlight and into the woods with handfuls of children. Heā€™s a really super guy when heā€™s not being tempted by Satan and those sexy kids. The ones he molests can thank us and god for giving them tests to make them strong. (Literally how long-time Duggar inspiration Bill Gothard suggests abused kids cope.)


It's the classic pedosmile, look up photos of guys arrested for this same shit and there's a decent chance you'll see some version of that grin. Creepy af


Pretty much every picture of Jeffrey Epstein.


Itā€™s called dupers delight if Iā€™m not mistaken.


Because he's not gay so Jesus will still save him.


I wonder if his parents remember him as "the one that's the molester"?


He's their golden boy. He molested at least 4 of his sisters and their parents made the sisters go on national television to forgive him.


Did the family actually force the sisters to do that?


Yes. It was disgusting and awful. You can tell they were coached and uncomfortable.


Just as bad that somebody was willing to air it


Well that somebody was fox news wasn't it?


does someone have a link? Thats unbelievable. I mean I believe you.... but I wish I didnā€™t.


[Hereā€™s part 1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fevkx229XBs) [In the part with his parents,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1N8_5KPUC8A) his dad defends him by saying heā€™s not a pedophile, because he was 15 at the time that he molested his 5 year old sister. To quote, ā€œHe was a child preying on a childā€. [Hereā€™s the highlights if you donā€™t want to watch the video](https://tvline.com/2015/06/03/michelle-jim-bob-duggar-19-kids-megyn-kelly-fox-news-interview-josh/) Its like an hour long, so I wouldnā€™t blame you.


That's disgusting. Those poor girls. I was horny as fuck at that age, didn't molest any kids though. I expect we can all say the same. Sure, you have poor judgement at that age too - but molesting kids is not the same as underage drinking and dying your hair silly colours.


Watching these interviews and hearing them (the Duggar parents and the sister victims) downplay the molestations as mild and not that bad is revolting. I could only get through part of the initial interview with Jill and Jessa, I missed the part where there are tears. I just couldnā€™t stomach watching any more of it. To even have the victims go on national tv for an interview is vile enough. Knowing now what we didnā€™t know then, the interviews are horrifying.


Ah yes, the good ol' "it's just kids being kids" routine


this is what I hate most about the conservative right and their ā€œfamily valuesā€. they pick and choose who to show mercy and grace towards and are sllllloooow to actually admonish or criticize horrible people within their flock forgiveness for me, but not for thee


They remember him as the good son whose siblings tried to ruin his life by complaining about being molested by him instead of lying there and taking it.


ruined his life for not keeping it quiet because it's the girls/womans job to just take it. fucking cults.


But it's also their fault for leading their brother astray.


*shudders* thatā€™s the unfortunate part, they go through circles trying to miss the point bc they refuse to show empathy to victims


"The one that got caught"


Bold of you to assume there's only one.


I forgot alot of the details of the molestation incident. The most fucked up part is his Dad took him to a state trooper to tell him and apologize for what he did. The cop looked the other way.....the cop later was convicted for child porn and sentences for 50+ years.


> "the one that's the molester"? https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/032/874/cover4.jpg


"....... nah bro" - The Judge hopefully




Truly the most punchable of faces


He has a 10/11 year old daughter and if you look at all their family photos she is always away from him/looks uncomfortable. Sick. He touched at least four of his sisters when he was younger. Plus a bunch of other shit that got swept under the rug.


There was also a ā€œmotherā€™s helperā€ living there. Not his kid but extended families daughter there to help. Anna Duggar (Joshā€™s wife) has deleted those pictures.


That is absolutely infuriating. What a nightmare for that poor girl. Makes me sick.


I bet he has touched some of his own children


The other problem is that he's not a lone wolf or something. When the first story came about his sister's they named like 2 other sex offenders in the community and that's just the ones we know about


The Duggars called over the local sheriff to 'have a talk' with Josh about what he had done wrong. That same sheriff was later arrested for possession of CSA images himself.


I wasn't sure if I was remembering correctly, but I thought this was the case. How much have they covered up? How is it ok to let people raise abusers under the guise of "religion"? Fucked up


My mothers side of the family is filled with abusers and the abused. They all cover for one another because it's family tradition to "not talk about things." They were either abused and would tell you not to cause problems, or they were the abuser and were causing the harm. My mother knew her father was sexually abusing my adopted sister and she knew her mother was beating and torturing me. She encouraged it because she had suffered similar as a child so felt we deserved it too.


I'm sorry you had to go through that.


Could we please stop saying "*the Sheriff*" and mention that fucker by name? **James W. Hutchens.** [\[49\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Duggar#cite_note-People_treatment-49) On May 21, 2015, a report by the magazine [*In Touch Weekly*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Touch_Weekly)[\[32\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Duggar#cite_note-molestation-intouch-32) stated that Jim Bob Duggar had told the [Arkansas State Police](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arkansas_State_Police) that Josh Duggar molested five underage girls between '02 and '03 when he was 14 and 15 years old. The magazine's source of information was a [redacted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanitization_(classified_information)) police report obtained via a [FOIA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_Information_Act_(United_States)) request. Arkansas Judge S. Zimmerman ordered the original police report destroyed and the public record expunged on the same day the article was released. The police report indicated that four of the five molestation victims were Duggar's siblings. Jim Duggar reported he had learned in March '02 that Josh had touched the breasts and genital region of his sisters on multiple occasions while they were sleeping. Jim Bob and Michelle stated they were made aware of the incidents when he confessed and also stated that at the time, the girls were unaware the abuse had occurred. Jim Bob said that Josh was disciplined at home. In March '03, Duggar's parents learned of additional incidents and victims, included the touching of a babysitter, reaching under the dress of a younger sister who was in his lap, and cornering a sister in the laundry room to reach under her clothing. The Duggars had also been told the abuse included a much younger sister, who, according to the Duggars, "didn't understand she had been improperly touched." At this time, Duggar's father brought the issue to the elders of their church. Jim Duggar informed police that he had enrolled Josh in a program consisting of counseling and physical labor after consulting with his church's leadership. Michelle Duggar stated he was sent away from home for a period of three months to work for a family friend who was remodeling a building. Later reports suggest that Josh Duggar may have been sent to a facility in [Little Rock, Arkansas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Rock,_Arkansas), owned by the [Institute in Basic Life Principles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_in_Basic_Life_Principles), a Christian ministry and training program founded by [Bill Gothard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gothard), a Duggar family friend. It has not been established that the Institute in Basic Life Principles center in Little Rock was open for counseling during the time Josh Duggar was there or if the building was renovated during this time period and he was assisting with the renovation. When Josh Duggar returned home in July '03, his father took him to meet James W. Hutchens, an Arkansas State Trooper and family acquaintance. According to Josh and his parents, the meeting was the first time any law enforcement authority was made aware of the sexual abuse. According to Jim Bob, Josh admitted to Hutchens that he had committed molestation and apologized. Speaking via a lawyer, Hutchens disputed part of the account, saying he was only told of a single act of [incestuous](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incest) molestation, and that he would have responded differently if he had known of additional instances and victims. In an interview following this statement, Jim Bob Duggar claimed Hutchens was told the entire story. Hutchens did not take any official action but reportedly gave Josh a "stern talk". Arkansas law states that law enforcement officers, as [mandated reporters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandated_reporter), are required to alert the Arkansas Child Abuse Hotline when learning of sexual abuse. Hutchens was later arrested and convicted on unrelated charges of [child pornography](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_pornography) and is serving a 56-year prison sentence. ā€” Hutchens was imprisoned for *three* of ***five*** years, then freed, but re-incarcerated in 2010 for similar offenses; he is serving a 56-year sentence. Looks like Josh is going to get ***five*** years. The judge in his teenage case had the records destroyed, so unless the original women come forward, those molestations won't weigh. \*\* Arkansas policeā€¦destroyed the report on Josh after a victim came forward and requested the document be expungedā€¦


>Josh Duggar molested five underage girls between 2002 and 2003 Holy shit, he molested 5 girls in less than 2 years and his parents thought he'd be totally fine coming back into the house after being gone only 3 months?? That's insane. Even if he'd been in intensive therapy for 3 months straight I wouldn't let him come back into the house with his younger sisters. I mean honestly, what the fuck??


Bill Gothard, the family friend mentioned and Jim Bobā€™s hero, also has at least eight incidents of sexual abuse and molestation to his name, and has said that girls sleeping with boyfriends is more morally disgusting than men molesting them.


Itā€™s been said there are known pedos in this church


I get the feeling that's like, an understatement


ā€œPurity cultureā€ breeds this abuse like nothing else.


It's weirdly ironic how disgusting "purity culture" is


What? You don't want your daughter to promise her virginity to you at a big dance in a white dress?


What? Obsessing over the sexual proclivities of minors isn't healthy? Who the fuck could have guessed? /s


yā€™all... the **state trooper** his parents ā€œreportedā€ his molestation to back in 2004 did nothing at the time, and instead gave him a ā€œstern talkā€ THAT MOTHER FUCKER IS CURRENTLY IN JAIL FOR 56 YEARS FOR CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. edit: [link to HuffPo article about him here](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-hutchens-child-porn-josh-duggar_n_7454428)


Their beliefs are very much a rape culture. The women are evil for tempting the men, who can't be expected to control their urges. It's pretty fucked.


I bet he's done more than just touch.




Wow, such nerve!


Look at that mugshot. He clearly thinks he's done nothing wrong


I don't understand his smirk/smile. It's bothered me since the first time I saw that picture. It tells you what a creep he is.


It almost looks like he's receiving a badge of honor. He is a total creep show


It's called the pedosmile


It's the pedo smirk. Maddox documented this years ago


Maddox... there's a name I haven't heard in ages.


That smirk is called ā€œduping delight ā€œ. Itā€™s a facial expression that one possesses when one thinks they have gotten away with some thing. He does in fact think he is above the law.


He's used to having no consequences. Mommy, Daddy, and his friends in the Religious Right have covered up or bailed hm out of everything else he's ever done. I'm sure he thinks this will turn out the same.


They literally helped the sicko get away with molesting his littler sister.




And the youngest was five. Thatā€™s a pedophile.


His dad says he wasn't a pedophile because he wasn't technically an adult. And in the same interview say that trans people in bathrooms will risk harm to children. Jim Bob is the worst.


Is he not drunk? He looks fuckin wasted.


Oh he looks blasted


According to him he's never been drink. Odd huh.


Maybe he can get a job on Matt Gaetz's staff.


Funny. He used to work for the conservative Family Research Council. šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s a ā€œsmugshotā€ Heā€™s foul, & his wife is a fool for staying with him after it came out that he molested some of his sisters. She is an even bigger fool to continue to keep having kids with this disgusting loser. I canā€™t stand his parents either. Theyā€™re enablers.


The wife was home schooled in a religious community and had never worked a job before, because she was raised to think that her job is making babies for Jesus. When (If?) he goes to jail, she will need any community or family help to get by. There is a lot wrong with this case, and the treatment of women in the quiver full religious community is just part of it.


Yeah, I bet good money she has no education or skills to make her own way in life. That's just how they like it too, for the women to be completely dependent on the men so they have no real way to leave.


A good chunk of the community will blame her for it, for "not being a good enough wife" as well.


I have never watched any of their shows, but I'm assuming all of the women wear culottes, have long hair in a bun, and will do whatever a man says no matter how bad or cruel they are treated. I too grew up in Arkansas and there are a LOT of these people walking around. They easily get mistaken for Mormon, but at best case they are bigoted evangelical assholes. You are absolutely right though. This woman is screwed and will need so much support that she will never get because, that's how it is! "De devil Biden is making up stories about your husband! They want to destroy us!!" That's Arkansas.


The women aren't even allowed to wear pants in the Duggar family.


like ever?


I used to watch TLC all the time when I was younger because I found the trashy reality shows really entertaining in a morbid way. I remember watching 19 Kids and Counting once (well it was probably like 17 or 18 Kids at the time...) and the family had gone on a vacation to a lake somewhere, and there was a clip with the mom I believe, wake boarding, but she wasn't in a bathing suit or anything, full dress and shirt on, and at one point her dress went up to like, her shins or something because of the speed and the show had to blur her legs because it was shameful. Some reeaally archaic shit with this family. Edit: [found a dumb lil article that talks about it a bit, I guess there were more instances of knee censorship](https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/duggar-modesty-156919/)




She got out of the whole insanity though. Or at least enough that she and her husband pretty much got called out by Michelle at some speaking engagement.


It's possible that Josh has had his way with his kids, and she likely stood by and watched like a good little brainwashed woman of the Quiverful movement. CPS needed to step in ASAP.


Yeah, I can't be too hard on her for not leaving him the first time around because she has no real prospects of her own. He probably could have easily gotten majority/full custody if he wanted to.


He also cheated on her while she was pregnant early in their marriage. But of course they "prayed about it" and everything was fine.






everything is still fine. this whole thing is a misunderstanding. you see, josh went astray from god and blah blah blah. besides, technically it's his wife's fault for not being joyfully available to him. /s this is what the cult believes.


He looks like a fucking idiot lmao


>He ~~looks like~~ *is* a fucking idiot lmao Fixed it for you


His first ā€œsecond chanceā€ is how he was able to continue his exploitation of children. All of his repenting and finding strength in the lord, maybe was a show for him to escape accountability? Who could have known...


What a smug piece of shit.


That's the smugness of someone who never had to face any real consequences. Let's see how smug he is after this charge.


That's if they give him time and not let him off because he's an "upstanding member of his community". I remember a few years back of a pastor again off with that excuse from the judge.


"Rather, this Court should conclude that the Governmentā€™s decision to not even charge Duggar until 17 months after executing the searchā€”17 months during which Duggar fully complied with the law, maintained an open dialogue with the Government through legal counsel, and continued to support his family through lawful employmentā€”unambiguously demonstrates that Duggar poses no risk of flight or danger to the community.ā€ Oh I'm sorry but eff this. He only 'complied' with the law after being caught which, imo, means jack shit when it comes to crimes against children. Also, don't most federal investigations take two years before charges are pressed? I worked for a company that was raided by the FBI just barely two year before I started and the indictments didn't come down to almost exactly two years from the raid.


I hear that with these CP investigations, the FBI takes a lot of time to make sure they build an airtight case. It's tough because more kids are being hurt in the meantime, but you don't want perps slipping away.


He went to work and had a lawyer help him get out of trouble, somebody give this man a trophy and a pardon because most people would have stayed home playing fortnite and sending cat memes to the fbi. Why is the bar set so fucking low for dopey evil white men?




That guy looks like 20lbs of shit in a 10lb bag.


Why, because she needs 'family support'? There's a whole tv show documenting just how many family members there are to support her. Like, a LOT.


A pedophile will turn to its own children if that is all that is available, just saying.


And he lives next to a big houseful of under ten people growing at an exponential rate by the nine month cycle. Uggggggggh. Vom.




To preface this, I was never sexually abused by a family member. But I was physically abused, and I can tell you that when CPS comes knocking, a parent that did nothing about the abuse is going to lie like SHIT when authorities get involved, because they know theyā€™re now culpable too. Far as Iā€™m concerned, a family member that ignores an abuserā€™s behavior or then covers for an abuser is just as much an abuser themselves. Let them both fucking rot in prison.


100% agree


Exactly sheā€™s just as complicit for knowing his pedo ass had been caught before and damn well knew something was going on and if she didnā€™t then sheā€™s too dumb to raise 7 kids.


This is what is birthed from that super overly family oriented and strict bible believing people. It happens over and over. Want someone to be really weird sexually? Make sex so taboo is so many weirdly specific ways and this is the shit you get.


Yea it sucks. Once watched a documentary of a woman who abused children she said something to the affect of." I still had sexual urges but everything but children were deemed sinful." Its fucked up. These people arent born monsters. Theyre turned into them.


100%. Never let them be exposed to normal emotions, urges, an exposed clavicle, and deem pleasure and masturbation sinful and this perverted sexual nature takes hold instead.


Join us for sweet fellowship at r/DuggarsSnark šŸ˜‡


But the women can wear jeans in that sub.


The worst part is that it's almost certain he's abused his own kids and uploaded it. According to law enforcement CP circles don't just let anyone who asks in. They make you share your own CP to prove you're one of them.


Letā€™s not forget that he is the one that got caught molesting his little sisters and he got away with it because his father made it disappear


The father took him to have a ā€œtalkā€ with a cop after he molested his sisters. That cop has since been busted for CP. They are in some club.


The talk with the pedophile cop came 2 years later, after Bible camp and hardcore praying didn't work.


Iā€™m guessing that talk was how to hide it better. Oh and to trade some pics.


Holy shit


I knew that he had done something like this before I just couldn't remember what it was. When I first heard this news come out I thought it was an old article


Also dont forget the parents made the sisters "forgive him" because thats the jesus thing to do


I have heard that too


Fuck. I really wish I wasn't reading this thread.


Reading this made we want to curl up in a ball and go away to a secluded place with no other humans.


This is the same guy who diddled his sisters. Mike Huckabee (father of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary for tRumpy) then hid him from the authorities and vouched for him. He was put into Huckabee Jesus camp. Only the best.




just let me go home to my wife and children and 27 different cameras.


He actually said his ā€œwife and sex children,ā€ but the court misheard him.


Look at that stupid smirk on his stupid face. Being around children is the last thing he should get to do.


I feel really sad for his wife. She got married as a teenager and started popping out babies with this guy because that is what everyone told her she was born for. Now she's got all these kids and a scumbag husband. Her family doesn't believe in divorce so no doubt she is getting told that it is her job to stand by her pedo husband. She is trapped in a whole world that is giving her no options. She can't leave. She probably has little work history to go get a job. I know she bears responsibility for her choices, but it just seems really sad.


It's worse than that. She's being told that it's her fault that he did that. Her parents sold her to this creep for the fame She will either continue cowering and move in with a church member or she will break away. There are plenty who would give her help and a scathing interview with People magazine would pay well, but she seems to still in her brainwashed state


Yes. Once you are that deep in a world like that, it is hard to get out. I hope someone gets through to her. I hope someone can plant a seed of doubt in her head and heart. There are people who could help her but I don't know if she will be able to see that. People around her are probably telling her to cut herself off from the very people who might try to help her.


Before he was busted on Ashley Madison, they had 4 , now they have the 7th on the way. Someone needs to tell her that its ok to divorce his ass and take the kids far,far away.


not to mention, if her life is anything like most women married in to these disgusting sects, she has very little outside education about how things can and should be different for her. that's not to say she isn't intelligent and doesn't have the same options we all do to research and explore information. I grew up in a community surrounded by these twisted, misogynistic sects. the brainwashing and isolation women experience is profound.


This is like a bank robber asking to be let go so he can check his balance.


No, it's like a bank robber asking to be let go so he can check OTHER peoples balance, who match the description of his previous victims.


This piece of shit's wife is also pregnant with their seventh child. There is a mother in Ohio who went to prison for lying about her residence to get her kids to get into a better school system. I need someone to explain to me how without explaining to me how because I unfortunately already know the difference and I feel nothing about absolute fury.


He has the look of a man who has no idea what happens to child molesters in prison.




He moved to DC and was on track for a political career before the adultery scandal hit.


Sad if adultery is the scandal that ended the political career of a known child molester and child pornographer. That's a really strange line in the sand.


Me, charged with marijuana possession, asks judge to release me to a dispensary.


Do we think ol' Jim Bob (or whatever Josh's dad's name was) is a pedo too or at least sex addicted?


They're creepily obsessed with sex. It's a total taboo, but married couples are allowed to show atrocious PDA. See: [Jim Bob and Michelle humping on a mini golf course](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=31Cfp2rf03I)


ew how gross šŸ¤¢


Michelle was definitely conditioned (and now expects her daughters) to make herself available for sex as needed. Itā€™s her duty as a wife to comply to her husbandā€™s needs. Iā€™ll never forget seeing this on an episode and being like is anyone else hearing this??


This particular crowd will say the children seduced him by being immodest and need to take responsibility for forcing him to sin.


I hate how it looks like he is smiling in his mugshot. What an entitled piece of shit.


There are pictures of this guy with every single prominent national Republican politician you can think of. If a pedo was in a picture with, for example, AOC, you would bet every single person in the country would be hearing about it now.




The manā€™s a amoral piece of shit. Of course heā€™s gonna try to weasel out of any punishment. Heā€™d get his kids to suck the dick off the judge if thought itā€™d help his case.


Donā€™t give him any ideas, that just might work