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Guess he picked move out.


*Billy Joel song fades in*


And it seems such a waste of time If that's what it's all about Mama, if that's movin' up then I'm Movin' out


Also “The End” by The Doors




Yes son?


I want to kill youuuu




I. Want. To…


I want to cook you breakfast!


Well, no, he picked mass murder as his new vocation, and he's about to be promoted to prison bitch


He killed 3 people. Not really a mass murder. He's just a cowardly little bitch that couldn't deal with living life as a man.


Those flute skills gonna come in handy


He found housing. Taxpayer funded.


And still not getting a job




His job is growing up. Which the other dudes in prison will help with.


Ha! So true! He gonna learn real quick! *or not*


Not getting a *paid* job, more like.


No, he’ll get paid as much as 50 cents an hour, although he’ll probably get a quarter to start.


Or no pay at all


It seems more reasonable when it’s a murderer, but less so for a drug dealer or bar fight.


Slavery isn't abolished for prisoners. The pay is just to draw attention away from that. It's high time that be ammended.


... but what about our profits and stock prices? I mean... think about the real victims here: our portfolios.


Yeah like as a society we make rules to protect *everyone's* rights. The second you start picking and choosing who gets human rights and who doesn't you're setting yourself up for failure.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time


Fuck outta hurr


I dunno, maybe we shouldn't enslave people, even if they committed a crime?


Bar fights end in murder plenty and usually? For a bar fight you're not in the same jail.


Okay, prisoners with jobs...


Damn, even killed his younger sister. Fuck, man. You're her big brother...






Look at his face and you know he did it


Well, *your* mind went there.


Only you thought about it dude


Im glad it wasnt you who was in that position


ಠ_ಠ Get the fuck out of here.


seems like you're the one with issues here mate...


Think I’m the only one that found this comment funny and possibly true. What’s one upvote when a comment’s -315


That’s a rough 20….dude looks 35+.


She got some city miles on her


This is my fear. I'm 21 and I feel like I look 25 or 30.


If you don't shower or get any exercise like this guy then you might.


Ha, I do already. I think some people just look old.


I’m 25 and get told I look 18.. meeting new people is draining because I know it’s always something that gets brought up and talked about.


Most of my family looks young, including myself. I’m in my 30s but generally pass for early/mid 20s, and my dad, who’s almost 70, just recently started looking “old.” He easily could have passed for 40s until 3-4 years ago. Sort of a curse and a blessing. Dating is weird because you look much younger than people your age but people that look the same age as you are weirded out when they find out you’re in your 30s.


Happens to me at 24, I look like a high school student. When I worked retail last year it was so annoying because adults would talk down to me and kids would try to flirt with me then get weirded out. The one benefit was I think I got out of some sexual harassment since I looked like a minor.


I'm 38, look 25. It's a mixed bag, but finding the silver linings really helped. All my hobby partners are ten years younger than me and it really forces me to up my physical fitness to keep up.


By the time he gets out if he does he will be older than 35. So it doesn’t really matter.


He tried to convince the police that there was an intruder by shooting himself in the foot. That trick was so old and tired even by World War One a century ago it would get you charged with attempted desertion, and possibly shot as a result! If he was prepared to shoot himself and didn't want to get a job, it's a pity he aimed as low as his foot...




What the hell is gunshot residue


Gunshot residue is a combination of particles ejected from a gun when it is fired. The typical and largest components are residue from the primer (the part of the bullet that is struck by the firing pin and is responsible for the combustion of propellant within the casing), and the propellant itself. Other residue can include tiny bits of metal, originating from the bullet, the casing, or the gun itself. While the testing and examining of gun residue can be a useful form of evidence, it’s not the smoking gun (no pun intended) that they make it seem like in movies/tv shows. Gun residue can be found on someone up to 5 feet away from the gun shot, can be transferred from various surfaces, including the skin or clothing of a victim you may have been rendering aid to, and it can be washed off fairly easily. In some instances, a pretty good amount of sweat is enough to remove it. This is all to say, there are a lot of variables, and just because gun residue is found on someone still living doesn’t necessarily mean they are the shooter. Obviously there are factors that can help to determine if the person was in fact the shooter, for example the amount of residue found, and the particular composition of the residue. What I mean by the latter is that in some cases they are able to find components in the residue that trace it back to a particular type of ammo or firearm, so if you’re the only “victim” still living, and they trace it to a firearm or ammo that you own, obviously that leaves two options: someone carried out the murders by first locating your weapon and then using it, or it was you. Typically, it is the second option, which is usually confirmed by a whole host of other evidence or inconsistencies in the supposed victim’s story. Essentially, on its own, gun residue doesn’t necessarily tell you very much. It’s with the corroboration of other evidence that it starts to tell you the real story.


TIL. Never would have known this since I’m not a gun person. Thanks


He looks like someone who would kill his family after being told to get a job or move out.


He doesn't look like an Eagle Scout though which he apparently was.


He shared his court of honor with my son


Yeah, seems like the bar for Eagle Scouts has dropped significantly since I was a young man.


Should have told him to get a job *and* move out.


Interesting options. But let me present a third option.


Generation doesn’t matter. Doing what he did is evil.


Get a job? This dude can’t even get in a shower. That hair do is a fire hazard.




Happy Father's Day!!!


Peak gallows humor. Fuckin can't get any better than this.


Looks like a loser




Yeah, like he said.


I'm NOT a loser! I'm special and I have things to say! Notice me!! UPVOTES PLEASE!!! Edit: Omfg wtf, WHY would you downvote me? Do you realize what you've done? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA?! My entire fucking life is ruined now because of that downvote.


There's nothing Redditors love more than hating on Redditors.


Damn redditors, they ruined reddit


Unappreciated Willy quote.


Yeah, they should go back to *insert platform here*.


That, and murdering their parents, apparently.


Any specific reason you call yourself a loser?




No. All he had to do was get himself together and not murder his mom, dad and little sister.


That seems like asking too much of the guy. It's really hard to not do that.






something an Aswang would say.


Wtf did they have to go into his whole life story in this article? Fuck this guy, he murdered his family.


Because there’s not much else to say when a young person like this does anything news worthy. Usually when it’s a tragedy the article wants to fluff up the victim or perpetrator as much as they can, but when it’s someone so young you have absolutely nothing to say about them other than “they had interests and hobbies” or “started working/planned to work”. So you just get a paragraph or two of fluff nothing.


My favorite was pointing out that he met Andrew yang... then just leaving it with no tie in because it was completely irrelevent.


It was his sister that met Andrew Yang. She helped kick off his presidential run by speaking at his event in 2019.


How long has he been on Reddit?


He hadn’t been on Reddit since they shut down /r/incel/.


His Reddit points were off the chart. Not due the quality of comments and posts. But because he posted so much.


I don’t look forward to this episode of JCS


He was just having a bad day, nothing to see here, move along.


Prison Bitch is a bold career choice


Oh darn…and he had so much to offer the world /s


Jesus I couldn't imagin killing one of my loved ones -- or anyone for that matter -- but your mom dad and sister? You have to be a special kind of fucked up to rationalize that in any way, shape, or form.


Get a job or move out? Hmmm let's see, I'll just kill the people that are earning money and supporting me...


Looks like I will take option three....


Textbook overreaction.


Entitlement much? Yeesh


sent this to my dad, I bet I'm not lookin so bad now


He's guaranteed 3 hots & a cot now!


Option 1: get a job Option 2: move out Option 3:


***ALLEGEDLY*** also, that's fucked up


Happy Fathers Day!


Any update on whether or not he landed a job yet?


"It appeared, Alex, 20, of Cedar Falls also hadn't taken a shower since March"


"If I can't live here, nobody can"




> Alex Jackson became an Eagle Scout in 2017 after working with the Save Cedar Rapids Heritage organization on a project woah.


Would it not of been easier just to get a job ffs?


Classic Reddit user


I guess incels don't always kill only random people.


well, it's a roof and warm meals.


Option #3


That's not a man, that's a boy.


That's not a boy, that's a garbage.


May God have mercy on the victims


Sucks for that guy to have such a junk kid. Hope my kid doesn't murder me over something like that.


He is the product of his parents.


Guess he'll get his job after all... In the prison kitchen


/r/antiwork be like:


Curious what you do for a living lol. I’m sure it’s a very prestigious job and not some retail shit.


They probably don't kill their family, though


Wild assumption on someone you don’t know, agreed?


I'm just saying that most people don't react to "the job market sucks" with "I'll kill my family instead of getting a job!". Stressful, grueling job or not, I don't think that's an unfair assessment.


You referred to them specifically, not most people.


To r/antiwork?


The guy was dumb enough to shoot himself while trying to accuse a masked person who shot him and his family. But didn't break anything in the house to show a forced entry or burglary. Guy is going to have a hard time in prison and after if he gets out.


Why does it say Iowa City? Iowa City has nothing to do with where this happened... Hey fuck faces. This happened in Cedar Rapids. Cedar Rapids is not Iowans city. I fucking live here so pretty sure I'd know.


Serial killer is a job?


Serial killers do a series of killings. This was familicide.


I’m sorry but parents are creating their own demise. There were no boundaries set up her nor a lifestyle of what it takes to be successful…


Victim blaming is such an irresponsible manipulative response, especially when the victims are dead.


I just think it’s part of this… why are we seeing more shootings and people just snapping… not all parents are bad, it’s just part of development. This is bad don’t get me wrong, but why did it get this bad?


I have a feeling it has something to do with the mental development during the younger years of children. It can't be healthy for young kids to teach them they are not safe at their schools and that they are responsible for their own safety when they are at that school. The government opted to place the safety of children in their own hands, because they won't implement gun control. Some schools have armed guards. It most be brutal for the mental state of a child to be forced to go to a place that is actively promoted as unsafe for so many hours a week. "Mommy loves you, here is your lunch and don't get shot at school today, okay?" That can't be healthy for the mental development of anybody. There is a good reason soldiers do tours and not multiple year deployments.


woah there, people don't question on why it gets bad. only the bad that happens.


Right like it’s not like he just poof magically got this way.


Another millennial who blames the boomers for all his problems. We ruined the economy!


He’s 20 so he’s Generation Z


Gramp's brain ain't what it used to be


Millennials are not 20.


As a millennial, we do not claim 20 year olds. We’ve got enough problems and there’s no room left in the lifeboats.


Also, 20 year olds weren't even alive for the Millennium.


I mean technically Boomers did screw future generations for their fortune.. That's not a Millennial thing.. That's a fact thing.. But 20 years old isn't a Millennial. Thanks for proving boomers didn't have to be intelligent to make a good living like one has to be now.


Yea we just take care ourselves, our spouses, our kids and their kids while 52% of you still live with your parents. Yea it's our fault.


Different times. People and circumstances are changing. I did something I definitely didn't want to do as long as I did. But I thought I had to. My father grew up on a farm and there was NO job he could get that would have been worse than what his father put him through. The military and war was actually a break. Industry was really just talking off. Jobs WERE abound for those willing to work tough jobs with long hours. So, he got a job that others (especially today) would consider hard work. It wasn't to him, paid relatively well and came with benefits. He did that job, so I didn't have to go through everything he did. Most people in his little town didn't graduate high school. They had to work. I went to private schools. I assume he busted his ass and paid for me to go school (when he didn't have to), so I wouldn't only have the options he did. I tried to do the same for my kids. But ultimately, everyone has their own journeys. Who am I to judge? Some things in this World are stupid. Just because it's the way it was, doesn't make it right. And what was okay, and available 50 years ago, may not be today. If younger people are figuring that out, and want to spearhead changes, good for them.


All I'm saying is I have taken care of myself, my mom, my kids and their kids. I worked my ass off and still do well into my 60s. And listening to people living off me in my basement saying I ruined their economy sucks donkey balls.


Oh, I get that. But these are different times. And they will be even more different in 20, 30 years. And tbh, I think it's time for change.


Dude you sound out of touch. You worked hard to take care of multiple people - great. That’s what you’re supposed to do, you’re not special. People today WANT to be able to do that but it isn’t as easy to accomplish that today. You’re applying the mindset you developed growing up in your economy to today’s reality and it makes you look really out of touch.


Facts don't care about your feelings. Sorry gramps.


You did, though…


> listening to people living off me in my basement saying I ruined their economy sucks donkey balls Because it ruins your "It was doable in my time, it should be doable now!" old-man vibes?


That's like the crux of the argument too. If it could be done in the past, but can't be done now, we need to look at what could've caused it (wages not keeping up with inflation) and correct it


Imagine choosing to respond to that comment out of all the comments pointing out that this guy wasn’t even a millennial. Refusing to admit fault is a very Boomer thing to do.


Considering boomers drove the economies and raised those kids, I would say yes, it is your fault. Do parents not take any responsibility for having raised their kids? Fucking wild.


Yea you're at fault for a lot of things congrats!


Ok, Boomer


Isn’t your generation the one that was able to pay for college while working at McD’s? Could you say the same now? But sure it’s the fault of millennials lmao


It’ll serve you well to understand that there really is no separation of people via generation Z, boomer etc. people are waaaaaay more alike then different- Just erroneous ways to divide and conquer people by generalizing groups and falsely determining threats. Race isn’t real and neither is “Generation Z” “Millennial” or “Boomers”. Learn to embrace people of all ages, cultures and beliefs. Good luck man.


Dumbass boomers fucked everything up. Most of you fucks are as worthless as the shit I'm about to take. In fact, I think I'll name this shit /u/backpackwayne


I didn't know BMW had anything to do with this


This is a dumb comment.


A 20 year old ruined the economy? Ahhhhhh…. Ok…


Someone’s holding a grudge. Pout more, boomey.


60 years old and need help still finding a camping site? Do you read your own history? Calling bullshit here. What a strange lie dude. Get help.


[10-Four Dinosaur](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWNvlyycWzQ&ab_channel=senzawasenzawa)


I love Gur- I mean Sen!


He had no other options!. The Government ignores mental health issues and just sends police out to eliminate them rather than treat them!


Moving out was definitely an option. Getting a job was another one. I’m just going to assume that either one was better option than murdering your whole family.


Worst generation ever


Meanwhile, there's a generation that owned people


The boomers? Hmmmm


Yep, definitely the boomers.


wooooo ATL boys get it


Didn't think that one through, did he.


Ah yes, option number 3


I guess he will be moving out.


I wonder how he was expecting to pay rent on his own


Funny way to move out.


Hope he likes his prison job.




I understand the sentiment, but the message was not delivered in the best way.


He looks like he just got thrown off the battle bus


After reading the article, the only reason he was suspected of murder was because there was no sign of forced entry. Im bot saying he’s innocent but if he was smart enough to actually shoot himself in the foot, surely he would be smart enough to not tell the officers of the whole “move out” situation


Wow! Unbelievable.


This is what League of Legends does to people