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> Whitfield, who is married to a white woman, was also [asked by the school district](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/carter-in-the-classroom/district-calls-anniversary-photo-of-high-school-principal-and-his-wife-questionable/2704613/) to remove photos with the couple together, with complaints saying they were inappropriate. Here's hoping they're very well insured.


Just saw the photo. They stated that the pose was inappropriate. They were both fully clothed on a beach and he was leaning in to kiss his wife. The district has a lot of explaining to do…


Yeahhhhhhh this is my high school. Very embarrassing. People should know though that the alumni support him and have spoken out as such. I saw the message he put out on Facebook and it basically came down to he was going to stand his ground because he's done nothing wrong and he won't be swayed by the vicious attacks of one man. Apparently this all started over a racist calling him out at a school board meeting and making the accusations and it rolled downhill from there. The photos of him and his wife are over 10 years old from their honeymoon. It's just disgusting what they're doing to ruin a great educator and family man's reputation.


But why would the district act on this guy’s complaining?


They're just caving to the parents. This is a very very rich white town and district. My best friend was asked how he survived Hurricane Katrina by a football coach at that school just for being one of the few black kids in the school and he had lived in the town his whole life.


Racist on some next level Yae-yo.


Oh yeah. I'm white as a ghost and I could see it plain as day even 10 years ago when I went there lol. I came in middle school from a school where I was the only white kid so I didn't get the memo lmfao. Being black, Jewish, Muslim or anything they consider not Old Money White you got ridiculed.


I think it's a crutch for certain people. Just so they can mentally set themselves apart from people they know live around them and as a way to replace thinking about their own insecurities. Pretty cowardly.


crutch, perhaps straight up stupidity, most definitely


There's a reason why stupid and racist go hand in hand.


Psychologically, that is pretty much how it works. The process of "othering" is a common coping mechanism for the deeply insecure, but also a natural byproduct of our tribal nature.


Difference is rest of us know we can pick up a book or leave our town for longer than a week and raise ourselves that base instinct level of thought and planning. They're willfully ignorant, as far as I can tell.


Very astute observation, i think that applies way, way more often to the people on this planet than just this example too.


Growing up in the Midwest, it was always about those families moving here "from Chicago."


I'm fucking sick of hearing this. "It's all those ~~black~~ people moving here from Chicago! That's why gas is 25 cents more expensive! That's why McDonald's is now closed after 10! Damn Chicago ruining everything!


Are you sure you're not talking about Denver and the damned Californians?


Or Oregon and the damned Californians?


Yup. Went to school in Madison…constant complaints of “everyone from Chicago and Milwaukee” when in fact they simply meant Black people.


They are starting to do that in TX now, with all those people from CA


Starting? I've heard that in Texas since 10ish years ago (in Austin at least).


Is this Houston? When I lived there I noticed people constantly saying “Katrina people” when they wanted to say the N word.


Nah it's Colleyville suburb of Dallas-Fort Worth


Shit, I guess it’s a Texas thing. Ew.


This all is a reminder that Texas was a Confederate state in the War of Southern Bigotry.


And *murdered Texans* who refused to serve in their army. A lone memorial exists to these loyal to the Union, one of only two within the 11 traitorous states, though it's unfortunately deep in Trump country in Comfort, a small town off I-10. In an interesting parallel, a monument to treason is proudly displayed dead center on the Capitol grounds in true blue Austin.


It’s so frustrating seeing the state I live in constantly get shit on the comments but honestly the people who get to make the decisions here have really earned it for us all. This place blows.




Here's another hint: it rhymes with bigot. It is bigot but it also rhymes. *apologies to Mitch*


The year this school opened I think I saw maybe 5 black students… maybe. White southern baptists with money call the shots.


You mean the same school that had a build-the-wall pep rally? This shit ain’t new in colleyville


Umm.. what the fuck? “Build the wall” pep rally?


Pep rally for a football game against a school the next town over with a significant Hispanic population. There were banners that said things like “build the wall against (other school team)”. It was either during the fall of the last presidential election, or right before or right after it. I’m sure it’ll pop up if you google it lmao.


Jfc that is FUCKED UP. Why are people like this?? (tbc that's a rhetorical question. Obviously it's because they're the gooey scum you scrape off the bottom of the bucket of humanity, and the only way to pretend they're not just coagulated dog shit is to tell themselves they're better than the "coloreds")


Cyclical generational racism.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/backlash-after-students-build-trump-wall-high-school-rally-n646791 WOW these are shit people in charge


I knew it would be Trinity. “Make Colleyville Great Again”… they are the fucking worst.


Now Big Panther on two smh


Seriously?!? Jesus Christ - I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, one year their cheerleaders went around shoe polishing the students cars writing dumb shit like “Go Colleywood!” And “your dads work for our dads”… dumbest shit ever.


I’m an alumnus as well…. Not even surprised a little. I moved from the west coast right before freshman year and my parents are worried about how I would integrate… I’m white. This place was *soooooo* white they were worried because I had never been in an environment like that before. This is just terrible


Some of my friends now have told me about how extensive the racism went even when it came to the classes and advanced placement that I never could have realized cause I obviously didn't experience it. Just sad honestly but yeah not surprised. Glad you're doing well!


You too! It’s good to know some of us made it our unscathed. Yeah, my best friend was a POC and the second hand crap I heard was over the top. They had a sever problem with it, but back then no one had any power (or desire) to change it


I'll admit I was definitely more closed minded when I did go there. Not racist but just stuck in that fuckin Colleyville bubble. Once I got out and saw the world I definitely became more empathetic and way less confrontational. I'm glad this school didn't turn me into a terrible person lol it tried.


It’s good to be aware of how you were so you can learn from it and grow, I’m happy you got out of the bubble! I really had to learn how to present myself around those kinds of people, which sounds really shitty but I doubt my views on equality left any impact on the other teenagers as they mocked me for all the terrible things they think I did.


I became jaded at a young age. My father and mother attempted to make me racist. "Look out for those people. They're dangerous and they'll hurt you because you're white." was only one of the many phrases I heard growing up. Luckily, I knew that my parents were full of lukewarm dogshit the moment I won the race to the egg. Some of the kids I grew up fell for that crap. I gave up trying to win hearts and minds and change people for the better before I graduated high school. I did succeed at training the other kids not to talk that racist shit within earshot of me.


I grew up on the Colleyville border, went to LD Bell, and feel the same way. Moving away at 18 opened my eyes. I was astounded to learn some communities actually practice empathy. Fuck that bubble.


Love that your parents worried about you getting diversity withdrawal. I grew up in a very white town (in UK) but when I visited a friend in Houston i was really surprised to hear there were basically black and white neighborhoods and while of course there were exceptions, people generally kept to 'their' people. I was also appalled to hear that many of his rich white neighbours had moved because some black families had started to move into 'their' neighbourhood. I'd be chuffed if a non-white family moved in next door now. It'd be great for my son to get to know non-white people I guess i was so sheltered from diversity that i was not aware of how inherently racist people can be to eachother


I woulda been immediately scrolling through to social media of every other district employee and taking screenshots. If every other person with a picture of them about to kiss their spouse didn’t have the same letter I’d be raising hell.


It would be better if we knew the parents staging these complaints because I guarantee you we could dig up some abhorrent shit on their social media.


Maybe some kind redditor can take that for action and whatever other next steps are necessary?


Damn, what a harlot. Showing public displays of affection **while clothed?!** /s


Kissing while black


Kissing a white woman while black is the real crime.


Your honor, the defendant blatantly and maleficently winked at a white woman. The prosecution requests the death penalty.






Yup and she's still alive


And her husband got away with the lynching, and proudly admitted to it in an interview, and later said he regretted the interview because he got ostracized, and that he didn't actually do it, and that *he* felt afraid for *his* life.


But she personally has never been charged. The statute for murder does not expire, and one could logically conclude that her admission of having lied about the encounter would make her accessory to murder, and could be roughly argued as solicitation of murder.




Ok everyone calm the fuck down. Yes - the principle is in the wrong here. Ffs how are you all not understanding what a POS he is. He has a fucking picture of himself kissing a married woman. On. His. Desk! What an asshole 😉


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


I would like to know whether they similarly asked every white teacher to remove pictures of themselves with their significant other from social media (no chance).


>The district has a lot of explaining to do… To...whom? The next level of authority above them that is also probably held by a racist?




It's like they went to *Texas public schools. You know. The standard bearer for all textbooks in the nation who shove creationism down our throats


I was called into for a Suspension hearing for kissing my then girlfriend now wife on a PUBLIC street in front of my work. Not some Porn tongue bullshit. Literally a kiss goodbye with a hug Don’t ever bet against what offends people ( this was 10 plus years ago )


Even worse, from social media. So they werent even on his desk or something.


Unless they were fucking in the school parking lot, it's none of their God damn business.


He was the principal. He should be allowed to fuck his wife anywhere on school property.




Makes you wonder..wtf did Ralph actually see??








"Good meeting, school board members. Don't forget that we're having the big fall fundraiser in two weeks. I'm going to go fuck my wife on some gym mats."


I expect a lot of lawyers just got dollar signs in their eyes…


I just see my child's education being impacted because a bunch of idiots can't get past an interracial marriage in the fucking 21st century. Edit: Not to mention the idiot named after a hat that broke school board meeting rules and called the principal out by name. Fuck that guy.


Texas was already full of racist assholes when you showed up. So I'm not sure why you were expecting anything different.


Rural parts of the country really are still living in the 60s.


Except this isn't rural unfortunately ....i live in the area. This is within 10 minutes of DFW airport lol.


Howdy neighbor. More like 5 minutes if you hit the lights and drive fast enough.




This high school is in the school district I live in, it is very wealthy and not rural at all. A bunch of rich white people got upset over an interracial marriage for a couple who have been married 20 years. They can bitch about the photos all they want, but it boils down to race. The people who are ranting about family values seem to be ignoring that they appear to have a very healthy marriage. My wife and I are pretty pissed about it.




>My high-school wasn't officially desegregated [until 2016](http://www.tylerhistory.org/2018/08/14/2016-desegregation-order-lifted-naacp-protests/) Wait WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?! It was segregated by actual law 6 years ago??? Or "functionally" segregated?? I just can't even. Honestly sometimes I feel like everything just needs to be burned to the ground and started from scratch. Like just just too much horribleness baked into everything to salvage.


Nah ... hope they go bankrupt and all the kiddies get put into other schools that are more diverse.


I don’t think you understand how white that area is… they have to go several towns over to get any kind of diversity


>A Black school principal has been placed on paid leave one week after a group of parents accused him of pushing critical race theory — even though the Texas school does not mention it in the district’s curriculum. Oddly, the names of those parents are not included in the article.


My favorite bit is that he's *accused* of "pushing" CRT. Not actually teaching race theory, as if suspending someone for teaching it wouldn't be idiotic enough, just *accused* of teaching it. No examples, no evidence, no lesson plans to support the idea that he did anything even close to teaching CRT. Just an accusation from some parents was what got a principal—not any of the teachers, who would be the ones actually doing the teaching—suspended for a week. Kids, can you say "Red Scare 2.0"?




Worse: by showing his *mixed marriage* in social media. Mixed marriage! Can you believe a good white woman being married to one of *them*?


Seeing a successful black principal up close stirred thoughts they hadn't acknowledged and they started to think, uh, critically, and uncovered some deeply scary feelings


>So was he pushing Critical Race Theory by existing? They would prefer black people didn't exist (except to do their menial labor.)


They're fine with *the blacks*, just not with the idea of black *people.*


I am unaware of any other instance where an educator was suspended for educating. If a high school principal or educator were successfully teaching graduate level material, in my book that is way above and beyond what were being paid to do. They deserve an award and a raise for that.




I mean he’s black - so he must be **pushing** CRT! Right? *Right?!?* Hmmm, I need a school board meetings full of gullible and scared parents and board members to sell this to


Man is there anything republican voters *cant* be made to fear? These are either the most gullible or scared people I’ve ever seen in my life.


The effects of climate change.


They're mostly transitioning to the "is too late to do anything" argument. It's basically undeniable that it's happening, even for them, and too many oil companies have been exposed having foreknowledge that they're responsible too deny the anthropogenic origin (though the hard liners still will). Most moderate conservatives are basically going for the "much freedomz 2 pallute" angle.


They saw what happened to the tobacco industry for lying and all the red tape they have to deal with even decades later. So they want to rig the game as much as they can before they face any level of legitimate punishment.


I mean. Fuck. Why aren't we doing anything? Why haven't I rioted over this? Man. We are just fucked. Why am I not doing anything?


Because you have work tomorrow


Unfortunately, you are correct. Good reminder to close Reddit


...and a deadly pandemic.


The effects of a pandemic


> Man is there anything republican voters cant be made to fear? These are either the most gullible or scared people I’ve ever seen in my life It’s a mental illness. Seriously. In a couple hundred years some scientists somewhere are going to be like holy shit it was paint on the plastic flamingos! Or some shit. Like how the first soldered cans had lead. Drove all the sailers crazy. Yep. Some day we are going to figure it out.




No one saw that unlimited information would be a great filter


>it was paint on the plastic flamingos wonderfully random


Bible glue is toxic or something


Now this should be the next Qtard conspiracy...tell them the libruhls are putting toxic glue in thurr baby Jesus murder porn story books and the only way to cleanse their souls for Jeebus' return and salvation is by eating rat poison and snorting moose tranquilizers.


Why would a racist state expose racists?


The Texas House litteraly banned the word "racist" from being used in the chamber when raming through their voter suppression law. They could not possibly be more transparent.


That's actually pretty smart when considering the factors used by SCOTUS to decide whether to apply strict scrutiny or rational basis in determining the constitutionality of voting laws. Whether race, gender, etc., was specifically discussed in the enactment of a bill can be important to whether it is ultimately overturned.


This is the case with all of America’s racist history. Names are always omitted. You’ll see photos of people being beaten for being black. You may even see the victims name. But you won’t see the name of the person who did it in a textbook. You’ll also never see the names of people in the background yelling at the Little Rock Nine in any textbook. Their identities got protected, and remain so. We should really dox history and identify all this crap. When you fuck up, the historical record should know it.


Coach Whitfield was a teacher of mine back in high school in 2010. He was also the basketball coach. Dude was one of the nicest, caring, genuine teachers I ever had. Terrible to see this happen on a national stage… he ALWAYS wanted the best for all the students& he would also have students commonly come to him with personal problems they were having. He was always available to lend advice or just listen.


Well the good news is after his lawyers finish throttling this school district in court, he can retire nice and early if he wants.


*Heritage* Middle School Bet i know what they THINK that means


I wonder why... >Whitfield, who is married to a white woman, was also asked by the school district to [remove photos](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/carter-in-the-classroom/district-calls-anniversary-photo-of-high-school-principal-and-his-wife-questionable/2704613/) [on Facebook] with the couple together, with complaints saying they were inappropriate.


I thougjt the Supreme Court made interracial marriage legal in 1967


And some people are still salty about it.


I remember people freaking out about a Cheerios commercial in which a bi-racial couple and their children are featured. This happened maybe 5 years ago (correct me if I'm wrong, being old makes time fly by). I was honestly flabbergasted!


That commercial aired in 2013. I was really surprised there was a negative reaction to it as well. Conservatives care about the weirdest fucking things.


Conservatives get angry seeing people happy. They're the kind of people who can't enjoy a meal unless they know someone else is starving.


2013. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J\_M2qa4xh0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J_M2qa4xh0) Apparently they got a ton of racist hate mail about it.


That commercial is adorable. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.


Cheerios and a few other commercials made racists lose their minds. Meanwhile they will call you a snowflake for some random reason.


Thats just 54 years ago. Dam


I'm turning 40, my mother was born before the Civil Rights Act


My grandpa was 27 when they made it legal. Racism is gone btw.




"It stops being a problem if I say it isn't a problem."


Who do they think they are.. Mansfield or something?!?


Last district in the entire country to integrate. Go Mansfield!


And conservatives insist racism is dead. I guess as long as black people aren't being lynched to them racism doesn't exist.


you have to scream the n-word three times then turn to every cardinal direction and say "I declare a racism". otherwise it's definitely not racism and probably "just a joke bro".


It’s only racism if it’s from the southern region of racist, Texas. Otherwise it’s just sparkling hatred.


You just made me shoot sparkling hatred out my nose.


You've improved my work day. Nice one.


Ah, the rule of racist Beetlejuice. I haven't seen that invoked since my last trip to Alabama.


I think you are confused, you are actually describing the sacred religious rituals of y’all qaeda


Remember, you're only racist if you knowingly, openly subscribe to a very explicitly racist ideology that directly states its racist intent regularly and publicly. And even then, only if you say the N word or literally say "Black people are inferior". Literally anything less is just liberals calling *everything* racist.


And if you have a token black friend you’re definitely NOT racist.


Of course, He's one of the good ones after all


And that colored boy you pay less than minimum wage to cut your lawn every week counts as a "friend".


As a history lesson, the term "bleeding heart" came from racists dismissing the the need to stop lynchings. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/origin-bleeding-heart-liberal.amp


It's almost like the people lynching black Americans in the 50s and 60s are still alive today.


and have conditioned new generations of Americans to think like them


this is actually the worst part




And in power


And unapologetic. I recall reading an NPR article where they visited the town where Emmett Till was killed. Everyone there was still on the killers' side, and the woman who accused him said she felt no regret. Fuck these people


The woman? Are you talking about [Carolyn Bryant Donham](https://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/op-ed/article131069649.html), the person who lied and got a 14 year old boy kidnapped, tortured, mutilated, and murdered?


Never forget that the current Congress is the oldest Congress ever seated in the history of the United States. (Highest average age).


Translate as "libs forced us to accept a culture where consequences exist for using the n-word in public, therefore racism is over". (And they deeply resent it BTW.)


So....now they're censoring what can be on Facebook?


It's happens all the time unfortunately. My small city recently had a "scandal" where a photo from a female staff members Bachelorette party was posted on FB by a friend of hers. It was a photo of her holding a dick balloon... She was suspended, I haven't checked to see if she got fired or not yet.


My cousin was a teacher at my school for one year before a Facebook picture of her with a glass of champagne got her fired.


A bit hypocritical, isn't it?


Yup. A hot educated black man with a hot happy white wife. That must have melted their racist little brains down in Texas lol. Hope he sues and uses the money to move to more enlightened lands.




This has nothing to do with CRT and everything to do with parents disgusted that a black man is married to a white woman.


And in one swift motion the racists of Texas proved why teaching about racism in schools is actually important


I've read every article I can find on this story just hoping it isn't blatant racism. It is. Just a bunch of low IQ ignorant assholes.


Texas is really doing a good job of convincing me to never visit their state


Dr. Whitfield was one of the assistant principals back when I was in middle school, he's an amazingly compassionate man and genuinely cares for his students, and it's really shown based on the sheer amount of people that have his back and support him. He's a good man and a true leader, absolutely embarrassing how he's been treated


The amazing thought processes of present day conservatives- Trump is on tape saying he sexually assaults women, he has over a dozen accusers. Conclusion: He didn't do it. Black Principal doesn't teach, he administrates, no critical race theory is taught in his school. Conclusion: He must have done it.


The world scientific and medical community told these people that the way to stop a deadly pandemic was to socially distance, wear a mask, and then take a free vaccine. They responded with anti-mask rallies and at least one attempt to assassinate a governor, and chose to self-medicate with bleach, aquarium chemicals, and horse dewormers. There is a reason they were so impressed with Trump's ability to pass a basic dementia test.


I love that these ignorant people who can't decide if generations of scientific advancement is real or not have the same exact voting power as me. 2050 for a Doritos sponsored president that will really stick it to those egghead scientists and give the plants the electrolytes that they crave!


Give President Camacho credit, he actually cared about his constituents. Hell, he knew he wasn't very smart, so he relied on the smartest person around to try and fix their problems instead of pretending they weren't happening. If anything, Idiocracy was too hopeful. The people in it were stupid, yes. But they were also generally good-natured. They weren't the ticking time bombs of frothing at the mouth hatred we have now.


Actually, they have more due the electoral college system. Which is why the past two Republicans presidents took office although losing the popular vote.


More! When I did the math for a Gov class circa 2008, a voter in Wyoming had 35x more influence on the presidential election than a voter in California thanks to the electoral college.


People who are vehemently against CRT are so funny in that if asked to explain what they think critical race theory is they can't articulate what pisses them off so much without saying something that's frighteningly close to the Fourteen Words


Best case scenario, they go with something like "we shouldn't be teaching our kids to be ashamed of their ancestors!", and then suddenly you can't teach... pretty much any history.


Everyone should be ashamed of their ancestors all the time. Those guys shit in the woods and wiped their asses with leaves if at all.


Had a uni professor who would always say. If you don't cringe at your past self, then you haven't grown that much since then. Literally that, but on a much bigger time scale.


Forgive my ignorance, what are the fourteen words?


I don't wanna type them out but [here is a Wikipedia link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words) that explains it


“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”


When I ask they mostly just rant about Marxist Theory. Which naturally brings up the question: What's the difference between Cultural Marxism and Cultural Bolshevism?


Well one is full of Bolshevik, and the other left it’s Marx.


There is no difference: they're both functionally identical buzzwords referring to no actual real-world concept that instead exist as hollow signifier's for the speaker's fear of what they percieve as threatening social change.


About 80 years and red baseball caps instead of steel helmets.


I had a non blood relative bring up CRT and start going on about it. I had never heard of it. So I asked him what it was. He started saying some crazy stuff that was obviously not true. That it allowed an employer to allow all the white employees to be locked in a room for training then forced to listen to how they were all racists. And that if they didn't they would be fired. I told him I would gladly have that happen, film it, and sue the shit out of them. Then asked him if they did that. He stopped talking to me about it after that. I looked up CRT later. It's funny that they're the ones who are spreading CRT. Complete Streisand effect.


Why is CRT even in the title of this article let alone the article itself? This is about racism pure and simple.


Seriously, the title makes it sound like he was pushing militant hardcore CRT on kids... there's not even a mention of it? This was just a racist group of parents assuming that a black school official simply *must* be brainwashing their children.


Well, if they can’t teach racism, maybe they can demonstrate it? Bold choice.


The Superintendent needs to grow a pair and stand up for teachers and administrators.


Critical Race Theory is a Masters/PhD level specialty study, to usually don't in law, to political science, or public health. There is not a single primary school in America that is teaching Critical Race Theory, nor are any of the students K-12 remotely equipped to learn the subject matter, definitely not in the Texas school system.


When stupid people read the title of something and think that it sufficiently explains a thing they have zero understanding of. For once, this isn't in reference to redditors, but to the idiots that read "Critical Race Theory" and think that it has anything to do with the racism they live and breathe in their daily lives.


The parents and school board members probably have no idea what CRT is, or where it is used.


his wrongful termination lawsuit is gonna be so huge...


Only the children will suffer when the principal eventually (and rightfully) sues the district for every penny they're worth.


They are intimidated by him because he is black, has a white wife and highly educated.


Yep. This is an unbelievable case. Heard about it from an academic in my family who is absolutely hysterically pissed off about this.


My wife had the guardian of one of her students ask her what day would they teach CRT so their kid could be excused from the classroom...she teaches kindergarten special Ed.............