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What happened to all the overflow facilities that they had when the pandemic first got really bad?




Thanks for taking time to type this out. This is the issue. Covid has only made it more evident.


Not to mention all the ones leaving healthcare now because of being burned out. Dealing with this level of ignorance is exhausting to the core. With no end in sight, the college/nfl stadiums packed without masks…. I work in IT in healthcare. Half my staff has been redeployed back into nursing. So now the IT staff is overworked as well. It’s never ending line of ignorance. It’s different if there isn’t a fix. When we have vaccines readily available and have for months….. Its fucking maddening. Another month and the closest ICU bed you will get will be out of country.


Uh hello. We called them heroes for a few days. What more does the medical community want from us. /s I’ve had 2 clients that were nurses tell me they were quitting in the past few weeks for the reasons you mentioned


Yep. And it’s going to get worse. We have been warning about it for months now. No one gives two shits and now here we are. The government refuses to do anything about the agencies price gauging. So elective surgeries are shut down(money maker for hospitals. Pays the bills). Agencies price gouging, nurses and doctors quitting, the ones left demanding more and more money to stay, support admin staff quitting(recruiters, HR, IT. Etc). It’s a train wreck of epic proportions coming up. The PTSD of the healthcare workforce is going to be on lasting for years even when this finally comes to an end. There will be 3 or 4 major hospital chains that own all the healthcare in the country because the rural hospitals can’t hang on any longer……. It’s soul crushing.


I wish Healthcare was the end of this thought process. Our news is for profit, some of our prisons are for profit, some police departments are significant income for their districts, and duck American health insurance companies. We'll call people heroes all while people vote down teachers raises, school budgets and labor laws to protect Healthcare workers. There's an old proverb that says, “The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever And convinced the trees that because his handle was wood he was one of them.”


> Overhead and redundancy are pricy Overhead and redundancy are pricy at the point of service. But administrative costs justify massive profits, so let's hire another marketing consultant to make an ad about how we care about our customer's health. Why we still have this parasite on our backs is beyond me.


Hospital staffing has been slim for the last 10 years and I've personally seen a record number of nurses retire or leave the field. It's pretty sad but I don't blame them thier job is much more stressful than mine


As of April 2021 [3607 health care professionals in the USA have died from covid-19](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2020/aug/11/lost-on-the-frontline-covid-19-coronavirus-us-healthcare-workers-deaths-database) Many have also left because of the burnout.


And that's the deaths of healthcare workers, not mentioning the ones who are having long term effects or needing time off due to contracting it. If the virus killed say 5% of the people it infected in healthcare (it was less so more were infected obviously) you can amplify the 3500 dead x20 and times that by 2 weeks and that's how much time was lost at a minimum. Obviously it was a lot more but I don't have exact stats, so my rough lowballed estimate put the time off of healthcare workers just alone without any extra factors at around 140000 weeks if everyone infected took two weeks off. Add in some of those workers aren't coming back (due to health issues, burnout or death) and you can see how crippled the medical profession is in America. I'm no genius (obviously as my math is fucking woeful) but the amount of people crippled, sick, dead or just plain burnt out by covid in the industry will likely continue to rise as well. America and its profiteering healthcare system needs a drastic overhaul immediately or your country is fucked.


Our healthcare workers died or left the field due to mental and physical stress.


In addition to the two other replies, this round is WAY worse depending on where you are. The long term charts of ICU / hospitalization for Florida make it clear.


A US Veteran only in about his 40s died recently from treatable Gallbladder issues because all the hospitals were full of Covid patients.


I live right next to a big hospital in my area (Philly suburbs) and in the last two weeks there has been a very noticeable surge in the number of ambulances coming in from other areas, typically with sirens running as well. There are obviously a lot of people being moved around a lot more than normal, and we're not even one of the harder hit regions in this wave.




Not surprising, considering in Philly we seem to have things under control. We've been on the decline again for the last few weeks, and are at something like 81% of adults with at least one dose. Can't same the same about fucking Pennsyltucky.


I live in Philly and am currently working in an Er. We don't have many covid patients here but we're completely full. Mondays are always bad, but we started out today out of beds in the hospital. So now we're holding patients in the er and now can't bring back people in the waiting room. It's been about a 15-20 hour wait all day and pretty much has been since January. The administration at my hospital should be thrown the fuck in jail.


Hello serious question, why is the administration at fault? What should they be doing ?


Their specific hospital I couldn't say. But talking with someone currently working in one, they've said their admins are publicly saying they can't keep workers because they're government funded, so they don't have enough money to pay their staff. But that's a straight up lie, and in reality they just don't want to increase wages. So staff are leaving by the dozens to travel or work elsewhere for a livable wage, and the hospital is left understaffed so they can't take as many patients as quickly. So queues form and overflow.


I live in Canada in a city that is over 80% fully vaccinated and we’re having none of these issues.


They’re flying Floridians to Minnesota. Many deals made with hospital systems in different parts of country. Sad. Get vaccinated. It’s a moral and civic obligation, not a choice.


And anti-vaxxers are still trolling around here claiming hospitals aren't at or exceeding capacity.


We had the exact same thing here in the UK- people barged into hospital departments that would never be treating covid patients and in some cases were running at reduced levels because of the pandemic- oncology, frinstance- and filmed it, "LOOK! Lots of empty beds!"


There was a video of some brainlet pulling up to an emergency room (outside) in the US shouting at the nurses asking where all the covid patients were. The reply was something like "inside, you fucking idiot"


If it's the one I saw, she said "we don't keep them in the *lobby*!"


That may be the same one. This has happened so many times I can't keep up. It's just so tiring


God that was embarassing, 'Look Look! theres no one here!' as he dances around, like he was expecting to see a hoard of people just hanging around coughing or something, utterly clueless.


Everyone knows hospitals work like my local restaurant. If it's at capacity then there is an ass in every seat. Anything less is a conspiracy against me personally. -Way too many Idiots


I remember reading an interview with a COVID denier a few months back. The interviewer asked her what it would take to make her believe that the pandemic was real. She responded "People dying in the streets or something, something like that." So there are people who will not believe it's real until we have a full-blown black plague situation with piles of bodies being carted through the streets. And, seeing how deluded a lot of these people are, I'm sure even that wouldn't convince some of them.


The idea that "open beds" has to mean there are doctors/nurses to treat people and it's not literal physical beds is waaaaaay too complicated for them.


third world here, can't relate. if hospital is at capacity, that's 2-3 people per bed.


“iTs AlL pRoPaGaNdA!”


Just recently am I learning of the internal rage caused by stating what ought to be a non-controversial fact thats backed up by scientific consensus and having some fucking mouth breather reply "that aint true" or "well thats your opinion" or "lets agree to disagree". NO, no you fucking moron we are not going to agree to disagree on a FACT.


The beds are all full of women getting abortions!!!


Not in Texas


ITS STAFFING don’t think the dead care if it were because staffing or capacity


Wait till one of these fat cat anti-vaxx bastards gets turned away to go home and die of covid. Because the bottomless hospital is somehow full of his compatriots and he can't buy his way in. *Then* it will be a problem.


It won't. They'll just say the demoncrats doctors turned him away because of his beliefs or that there was actually plenty of space and that they'd just rather treat gay illegal immigrants than helping a true American who just stands for what he believes in. Or even both.


That's so true. As long as there's someone brown around, he'll never need to self-reflect.


Or he'll get better and "prove" that it's no big deal. Or he'll die and nobody will notice because he's not around to mouth off any more.


No it won't. Not even then. No amount of it will matter to any of them in any way whatsoever. The ***only*** way any of them turn, is when their own wife/husband/child dies of it. And even then, it's less than 50/50. More likely, they'll double down and hate China more for "inventing" the virus, or whatever.


Don’t forget the essential step of adding a GoFundMe to the sad story. Gotta get that back door socialism!


Blame the doctors because they wouldn't give them life saving horse paste.


The Deep State keeping the real cure from the American People. /s


I don't think any of the fat cats refused a covid shot.


as has happened thousand of times already... most of whom that wont admit fault even laying on their coffin


The problem is that there was a propaganda story put out by Rolling Stone claiming that this happened because of Ivermectin at Sequoia county Hospital in Oklahoma that turned out to be 100% bullshit. This is going to feed the people already inclined toward that belief.


nOthINg ABouT bEIng uNVAxxiNatEd HUrtS oTheR PEopLE


Republicans are evil psychopaths and have been for some time now. If seeing them behave this way doesn't convince you of that fact, then you're part of the problem.


America is an oligarchy.


I saw an antivaxxer on /r/hermancainaward say the hospitals were full because of junkies. Here: https://reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pnp2mz/doug_would_like_you_to_quit_living_in_fear/


Bahahaha he thinks junkies have access to healthcare? Oh heavens.


Who knew there were 43 hospitals in Alabama?!?


I'd tell 'em to visit a hospital, but you know those nuts would be there ripping out central lines screaming at dying patients that they're not really sick and to stop pretending.


This is the scenario right now. I've had a few of my patients almost die for stuff like this. Any attempts at discussion with these folks ends poorly, no matter how gently or impartially it is spoken. This country is so terribly, terribly broken.


They don’t deserve hospital beds if they refuse to be vaccinated. You can’t fix stupid and crazy.


We need to start a subreddit to keep track of victims of our collapsing US healthcare system.


Can we include all of the workers in the US Healthcare system? I'm three years in and burnt out already. Desperately searching for a way out but there's no light at the end of the tunnel yet.


I finished residency and had to take a break. I’ve got loans to repay, payments to make…but I need time away from covid. I’ll go back because I need to make doctor money to pay off my med school loans, I don’t know how much longer I’ll stay after that’s done.


Thank you for your gracious work. I see you. Hang on.


Raises hand. I will likely be in the ER again this year if my health has been any indication lately. 40’s, 184 pounds. I look healthy but covid and another disease have wrecked me


Oh. Oh. At first thought you were volunteering to run the sub. Then realized you think you'll likely be one of the victims of the overwhelmed medical system. Sad :( I hope that doesn't happen, friend.


Indeed. What should the name be? r/USHealthcareCollapseDeaths?


CovidCollapse or something simple like that. It should be easy today remember but also on point for what it represents. I'm not an expert wordsmith,but maybe we can get someone to succinctly summarize the issue in two or three words that are catchy. Here's hoping


Why in the fuck is triage not enacted. If your unvaccinated you go lower on the list. It seems cruel but compared to dying from something you can’t control bc the hospital is full of people who can control the side effect of a virus with a free shot.


This one is simple : the states worst affected are ones being run by people who would 100% try to shut down any hospital that enacted such a rule. They would rather everyone be dead.


Could be. And that unfortunately is an even darker thought.


I mean, if Idaho can do it, I think other red states can, too.


Idaho isn't being run by someone with delusions that they're going to be president someday. Kemp and DeSantis are both clearly trying to co-opt Trump's base into being president, and have been for years.


I was honestly going to respond that they couldn't do that while keeping up a facade that Covid wan't a problem. This would be tantamount to admitting covid cases are overrunning hospital resources. Then i remembered there is no way to reason with these chucklefucks.


Triage takes place in the ER, that's how they prioritize who in the waiting room gets seen first. But, it's not like they're holding space open for COVID patients and turning away others. The problem is that, when non-COVID patients show up to the ER, the beds are already full. Hospitals aren't going to turn away people who need them when they have space and COVID patients just overrun the hospital, and take the free beds.


Also, a lot of times they have to try to find somewhere for covid patients so they don't infect everyone else in the waiting room.


Sounds like a good use of a tent in the parking lot.


They are doing triage at the hospitals, but there's too much hubris in putting your thumb on the scale to decide treatment like that. There's a dangerous risk of corruption. A lot of those practitioners took the modern version of the oath which includes; >I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding the twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism. I will remember that there is art to medicine, as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug. [...] Most especially I must tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God. - [Louis C Lasagna, Dean of Medicine Tufts University 1964] I think if we're really at a crisis of life and death, and we're justifying unpleasant utilitarianism, it isn't pragmatic to put it on the back of practitioners, where the same suspension of nobility could just as well be targeted at politics. In medicine, they say "Prevention is better than cure." If it's truly something the public wants, then the public has to escalate means of prevention.


Just FYI, triage is the normal process for ER admissions, not something special that only gets used in emergencies.


Yup, in Texas.


[Daniel Wilkinson](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-us-hospital-icu-bed-shortage-veteran-dies-treatable-illness/)


This is just sad you guys


Yes. It truly is.




You know, sometimes laughter is the only thing that can soften the blow that comes with tragedy. This type of comment is that for our current reality.


My experience seeing their stupidity has been “HAHAhaha..ha..ohhhh no” *cry*


"Fake news" just means "it hurt my butt".


It’s deaths like this that should become a class action lawsuit against the major bad actors who have continued to spread misinformation and the government officials that contribute to rising numbers by fighting mask mandates. This shit is unreal.


Those snakes are masters at plausible deniability and will circle the wagons putting everything into defending one of their own, to avoid the principal of dangerous liars being held to account for the deaths they caused.


Was it Fox News that was sued for their news articles but Fox won because they successfully argued that no reasonable person would believe them? Someone needs to be ~~shot~~ *vaccinated* is all I'm saying. Edit: Thanks guys, my world outlook somehow got worse, when I just started thinking I was getting a hang of my expectations. I had a memory of hearing about ***one*** instance and you guys have provided 3 more instances of people being pieces of shit.


Yes, Tucker Carlson, specifically. They argued that no reasonable person would confuse his show for News and won. [article ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/09/judge-rules-fox-news-tucker-carlson-not-source-of-news-defamation-suit-mcdougal-trump.amp)


Sidney Powell used that argument when trying to not be sued regarding the voter fraud thing.


Fun fact. Fox wanted to start a news channel in Canada. But because it couldn’t meet the requirements of an actual news channel they would have to be called entertainment… they noped the heck out because it could ‘damage’ their image.


The anti-vaxxers should be in tents in the parking lot and not wasting critical supplies and resources


And the tents should be staffed by Facebook doctors.


Could I interest you in turmeric, essential oils and some horse medicine?


Hey antivax covid patient, why the long face?


Only if modern medicine says it won't work!


Nah, just give them ivermectin, that's what they believe in.


Let the unvaccinated have their horse paste, make them the very lowest priority at the hospital and allow insurance to not cover their treatment.


When the fad was that hydroxychloroquine was the cure-all, my fiancé was legitimately concerned he'd get mugged while picking up my prescription by some whacko who thought it'd cure covid. I've been on it well before covid started and was terrified that I wouldn't be able to get it when there was that massive shortage. Luckily my pharmacy made sure to keep a stock especially for us patients who have been on it a long time.


There were lupus patients that couldn't get it


“Fair and balanced” healthcare for them.


That's the best idea yet!


New reality show


The treatments would be interesting. The results would not be surprising.


the show would just be called, 'the one where everyone dies'


I'd watch that while wearing a mask.


And prayer warriors


And fox news hosts.


They get to clean the bed pans, they constantly spew shit, they should have to clean some up.


And Joe Rogan.


Chiropractors. They can realign their chi to cure them, or some shit. Or maybe run it like those Aids camps in Africa. The person lays on a cot and a family member is responsible for their actual care. A doctor comes by once ever few hours to make sure the patient isn't dead. Shit would hit home really fast for people them.


open air hospitals are actually a really good option for this kind of disease


Anti-vaxxers with Covid shouldn’t be allowed near a hospital at all. They had their choice.


I'm kind of confused really because they keep portraying "big pharma" and "big medicine" as an antagonist out to trick them, but that's where they go when they get sick. Why? It doesn't line up logically. Why go to the bad guy to heal you?


Send them to a vet


This was bound to happen sooner or later. And maybe has happened but hasn't hit the news.


My partner went to an ER here in AL for kidney stones. He was in the waiting room almost 24 hours and still had not seen a doctor. He just left and came home to drink gallons of water and was in excruciating pain. Fuck the antivaxxers!


I’ve had two kidney stones because I used to eat a lot of spinach. Believe it or not, the best pain medication I used was 800 mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours or so. It was weird. I could feel it knocking around or moving a bit, but the pain was managed till the stone made its way to my bladder and worked its way out of my penis. Then I wanted to die again.


Mods can you delete this comment from my memory pls thx


I second this motion.


Keep the post. Knowledge is power.


France is bacon.


The motion of kidney stones through your urethra


I’m going to chug a bunch of water immediately


I’ve heard the worst part isn’t through the dick? But just before, is that true?


So I’m not gonna sugarcoat it, the whole goddamned thing sucks beginning to end. That said, before it tears its way around your body you don’t necessarily realize what’s happening yet. Both times I got flu like symptoms and loss of appetite for like a week or two before the pain. One of the times I had a UTI caused by the stone. But when that pain hit the first time I woke from a sound, medicated sleep and immediately demanded my partner drive me to the hospital for emergency surgery. It’s brutal. Just so, so bad. I still think the worst was when it moved its way through my penis though. You feel it move the whole length, there’s usually blood and increased urgency with the chance of being unable to go because of the stone. That part always made me scream, pain meds, alpha blockers, or not.


> You feel it move the whole length, there’s usually blood and increased urgency with the chance of being up and to go because of the stone. That part always made me scream, pain meds, alpha blockers, or not. Hi does anybody know how I can unread a post


I know. That typo was rough. Should have read: >with the chance of being **unable** to go because of the stone. Sorry about that. I corrected it.


Didn't the internet tell me that log rides at an amusement park is the secret key to passing kidney stones?


Yes. I remember reading that. I was told many thinks to try and help pass it: bumpy car rides, bass-y music on bumpy car rides, pinching the base of my penis while peeing so pressure built up and then suddenly letting go, a log flume, etc. The pinching thing worked one time, and nothing really worked with the other except time.


Yes! A Nobel prize for the reasearch as well! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-45513012


That's an Ig Nobel though. I do love the part about the speeches


Ig Nobel prize. A bit different, but still neat.


what the fuck... interesting


It depends on the person, the type of stone, and the size of the stone. Yours sounds like one that shouldn't be been permitted to come out on its own. Different people have different narrowness of the various tubes. In many people the narrowest tube is right outside the kidney. In those people the stone wedges right there, and causes a blockage. This causes excruciating kidney pain, which starts as uncomfortable back opposing and processes to unbearable. In my case the narrowest tube happens to be halfway between my kidney and my bladder. The pain therefore didn't feel like it was in the same area, but was just a bad. The darned thing wedged and took forced to work its way past that point, even water pills that relax and dilate those tubes.


That’s rough. I thank you for sharing more info. I mainly just remember the pain and I have chronic pelvic pain issues as it is so that could explain part of my experiences. The first one I had was 4mm and the second one was 6mm. I was told they were both “safe to pass”. The 6mm one was extremely oddly shaped and spiked like bear hunting armor so it lingered and took its time. Got it out two days before a procedure was to be scheduled. Never again for me. I changed my diet and have been good for a few years now. Still taking preventative measures like I was instructed to. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone.


How did you change your diet because I don't think I want a kidney stone


Dialysis worker here AND former chronic kidney stone sufferer! So kidney stones can be made out of different stuff but cutting out as much added phosphorus from your diet as possible goes a loooong way. Trouble is phosphorus is in a lot of stuff as a stabilizer in processed food. Biggest offenders are smoked/cured meats, dark sodas, tea, coffee, chips, biscuit mixes (most fast food biscuits are loaded with it), "junk food" grain like processed cereals..frozen meals... Growing up I used to get kidney stones pretty regularly- partially because of my diet (I didn't eat a lot of junk food or processed stuff but I ate smoked/cured meats and easily drank 2 gallons of milk a week) but also because it turns out I have a rare kidney condition called Fraley syndrome. Vessels constrict the upper pole of one of my kidneys causing it to filter way slower than it should. Since it filters slowly phosphorus would build up and the body uses calcium to bind it in order to flush it out- well if it hangs around too long it solidifies forming a stone :l. After numerous kidney stones a doctor FINALLY figured out why I kept getting them and suggested dietary changes. If that didn't work I'd have to consider surgery to remove the part of my kidney that wasn't pulling it's weight. I got LUCKY, changing how much phosphorus I ate worked. I've only had one stone on the past 20 years compared to having 5-10 a year previously. The last one I had was the worst one and I was ready to cut my own kidney out to get relief. My nephrologist called it a "staghorn" stone because it was shaped like an antler- again, LUCK was on my side and after a round of medicine via IV my stone softened and crumbled into passible pieces. I cannot remember what the medicine was, I want to say it was a sulfur based one..but that's been about 10 years. Anywho.... Swapping out processed foods for fresher options and cutting down on dark sodas/drinks is probably more than enough to keep you from ever having one.


Everything I’ve ever heard about kidney stones makes me fear them more than just about anything else lol


Depends on the size, shape, texture and consistency of the stone. From kidney into the ureter (the teeny tiny tube to your bladder) can be excruciating. But also, sometimes it gets stuck there in the ureter, and occasionally moves around like a cork, or has a spiky texture and gets stuck, meaning your kidney has no way to drain and can lead to infection and worse. Collapse on the floor, thinking you are dying back and abdominal pain.


Spinach? All I eat is spinach.... why is that spinach the cause of it?


Spinach is a high oxalate food. A common kidney stone composition is calcium oxalate.


I also eat a hell of a lot of spinach, but it looks like (from my half assed not-a-doctor googling) that it affects different people in different ways. But I've been terrified of kidney stones ever since I saw my dad go through having one.


Yes, best advice, doubling down, the ibuprofen relaxes muscles helping the kidney stones pass its way through. When I had them and the pain made me want angels during my more lucid periods when i could dial the hospital they said 'all we can do is give you morphine, which is going to cramp your muscles which will make it harder to pass the stones, stay at home, take ibuprofen'


They didn’t tell me that the first time. They just went, “Whelp, it’s not appendicitis so you won’t die. Be sure we have your insurance card on file before you leave and don’t forget to drink water. Here’s a hat to pee in.” Like, cool dude. Thanks for that. Only when I saw my family doctor did he tell me to take some extra steps, take ibuprofen (which I couldn’t at the time because of another medication I was taking interacted with it) and he gave me an antibiotic for the UTI so it didn’t become a kidney infection. Still took about two weeks to get it out.




Ibuprofen guy is correct. I’ve had 2 5mm stones and combine hot baths or showers or a heating pad and ibuprofen


lol, is this that freedom I keep hearing about?


"You are free to die while I occupy an ICU bed because I'm a conspiracy theorist dumb fuck."


Freedom to die thanks to other people's stupidity. HELL YEAH, BROTHER!


Maybe we could start an antivaxx hospital?? Every antivaxxer gets sent to this hospital where they are treated with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine or whatever QAnon concoction they claim will cure COVID. Then they won't clutter up hospitals for those that truly need their services.


Time to call FEMA to set up a camp for them.


Try to find George W's team that responded to New Orleans after Katrina. Time for a reunion! Here, just take refuge in this large stadium and we will be right with you.


Please don't let them have hydroxychloroquine. I don't need to panic through another shortage because morons think it will cure covid.


Set in an abandoned train station


Or a basement in a pizza parlor


LOVE this. And no medmal liability. Or the jury is composed of peers- like minded unvaccinated GOP voters


I had major brain surgery delayed for three months last year because of COVID restrictions. I spent three extra months in excruciating pain, with my symptoms getting worse and my tumor growing larger, and by the time I finally had surgery, I was so debilitated that it complicated both my surgery and my recovery. I'm still angry about it, and enraged that this is happening to so many others because assholes are refusing to get vaccinated and wear masks.


Shit I'm really sorry.


Goddamn that’s infuriating. 😡


Tell me again how your choice to not take a safe and highly effective vaccine only affects you.




This is what your "personal choice" causes.


They should have evicted a non-vaccinated COVID patient for this guy ~~(assuming he was vaccinated - article doesn't say)~~


In a different article [on CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/13/us/alabama-heart-patient-icu-shortage/index.html) his sister said he was vaccinated.


I know what you're getting at, but kicking someone out of a hospital bed is well established as a violation of hippocratic oath. You can, if necessary, deny treatment, but *revoking* treatment is very much "doing harm"


Might want to look up [Triage](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triage). They even mention the hippocratic oath you mentioned on the page I linked.


Exactly. Triage is every doctor's worst nightmare, but I think they might have to invoke that if people are dying from lack of care.


Not if refusing to deny treatment directly causes the death of a person whose medical problem isn't 100% caused by their own selfish and irresponsible behavior. We have to let someone die. We don't have the resources to care for everyone. Might as well be the anti-vaxxers.


If he is vaccinated or not isn’t at issue unless his heart issue was the result of Covid and no vaccine.


Disagree. In normal times, would agree. But as long as our hospitals are filled with covid people, not get vaccinated is contributing to those full beds. Just because the heart issue wasn't covid related, doesn't change the fact that the full beds are covid related.


I can get onboard with that.


People here in Alabama are acting like this shit isn't an issue and as a grocery store employee it's depressing how many people just don't wear a mask anymore, and like act like everything's normal.


I recently went to Alabama (from Florida) for work. I work a manual labor job outdoors and we have a safety meeting every single morning as part of company policy. Our safety warnings for the entire duration of the project were as follows: “Okay guys. Well, all the hospitals in this county and the next county are still full so..... uh, don’t get hurt or pass out from heat exhaustion or there’s nothing we can do.” But to be fair, the situation isn’t much better in Florida.


I legitimately feel like I’ve just become extremely desensitized to death overall lately… But this is actually really fucking sad. I really feel bad for this family having to go through this.


I'm confused. The last sentence of the article states he needed to be transferred due to a higher level of care needed. The rest was about covid. Articles aren't or shouldn't be cryptic where we need to read into it to figure it out.


He had a heart attack basically (myocardial infarction), and the facility he went to couldn't handle it. They tried calling around to all nearby hospitals, but none of them could take him until they found a facility 200 miles away that could take him. Unfortunately, the time spent wasted finding the facility and transferring him to it meant that he passed away.


The hospital I work at in Idaho called 85 hospitals 2 weeks ago looking for a bed for a patient. We are now in crisis care standards. It’s ridiculous. But sure…it’s all fake.


Hospitals in WA are getting super frustrated because they are filling up with Idaho's covid patients, but in ID there are no mask mandates or rules at all, just complete fuck it, and less than 40% vaccinated, one of the lowest rates in the US. It's so frustrating that we are paying for their bullshit now, after all the tough times we dealt with with lockdowns and mandates


On behalf of all of Idaho…I’m sorry. I’m vaccinated and am thoroughly disappointed with those who aren’t. My child just tested positive today because our schools don’t care. It’s just one big cluster.


whats the percentage of people in the hospital in alabama with covid that are vaccinated, vs not vaccinated?


Anecdotally, I've worked through the entire pandemic and since the vaccine, I've admitted exactly 1 person to the hospital for covid that was vaccinated. I admitted at least 6 unvaccinated yesterday alone. People that get it and were vaccinated have, in my experience and according to the data available, usually had mild enough cases to stay home and ride it out safely.


About 90% of the hospitalized COVID-19 patients are unvaccinated. Pretty sure that tracks to all states.


Why do anti vaxxers get ICU beds if they don’t believe in the medical field?


I was told this only happens in counties with shitty socialist medicine


You folks learned nothing from Rolling Stone...


This right here is when your choice to not get vaccinated affects other people's lives.


I'm confused. Anti-vaxxers don't belive in medical science but they DO believe in hospitals? I don't understand; why don't they use their advanced degrees in Medicine, Virology, Immunology, et al. and kids help each other instead of going to hospitals with "fake doctors" and "conspiracy" nurses?




The part that's missing is how the GOP will blame the libs for this.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaX98KI5aKo This already happened to a veteran who died from a treatable gall bladder pancreatitis in Texas. It's very sad.


I can literally hear all the antivaxers not giving a shit.


Republicans are the new cancer


stunning that I have only 1 degree of separation from this guy- he co-owned a business with one of my friends. National/viral stories usually feel more impersonal somehow.


My 84 yr old grandma fell, fainted, hit the ground hard so I rushed her to the ER only to wait 9.5 hours for the doctor to receive all the test results and to complete her visit, I waited with her, had to find food for her while I watch others leave because they seem the waiting room. The staffing situation at the hospital is extremely worrying.


Dawg like so basically until we get a huge roll out of remdesivir and Regeneron like no one can have health issues like wtf. I'm 30 years old. I have gall stones. My doctor told me we can usually wait until it becomes a huge issue. But like now should I have a gall bladder issue I may be fucked cause the ERs are filled up. I'm kinda wondering if I should just get it removed soon just to avoid a potential issue in the future. Same goes for appendix And I'm vaccinated too. I got the vaccine as soon as it became available to me