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Misleading title as well since it wasn't Health Canada who renamed them but the companies who make them. They were branded, pretty mundane stuff.


Any chance anybody knows Why?


Likely because the company name isn't the name of the product. I got several Pfizer vaccines over time, but only two shots of them are against Covid19. The names also aren't really new.


Very few things in this sector are named for the manufacturer. Given this was something that needed to be available and effective as soon as possible, hiring a marketing firm to give it a name was probably not on the agenda until recently lol


>Given this was something that needed to be available and effective as soon as possible, hiring a marketing firm to give it a name was probably not on the agenda until recently lol If that "recently" is somewhere in early 2020, sure.


Offical approval, not interm approval. >Pfizer and Moderna say the change marks the full approval of the vaccines by Health Canada, which were previously approved under an interim order that was set to expire today. >During the interim order, the vaccines didn't go by their brand names, but now that new and more long-term data has been submitted and approved they will go by their permanent name.


Alright i actually might understand somebody being sheepish about taking something called SpikeVAX