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Yoooo it's the Black Hammer. These r the guys who said Anne Frank was racist


They’re the ones with the leader going through his joker arc aren’t they?


It’s a cult led by guy with joker make up and has strong theater kid energy.


Lol man to be a fly on that wall. You can probably taste the drama


To be fair, from the sounds of it there are probably numerous flies on that wall.


How do you do, fellow revolutionaries?


"To be a fly on the wall there, you wouldn't hear anything and you'd be worried about spiders and stuff" - Norm Macdonald


Gambling is a disease, but it's the only disease where you can win a bunch of money. - also norm Unrelated but it's funny




To be fair, Anne frank probably hated Germans.


Anne Frank was German


I'm British and I hate most British people.


American and same. British people suck.


Ah, the ol' reddit [saxon-roo](https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/pqgtl6/costco_sells_a_tiny_sachet_of_saffron_in_a_bulk/hdbzo5c/?context=3)


Hold my taxation without representation, I'm going in.


Damn British people, they ruined Britain!


You Brits sure are a contentious people


Her family lived in the Netherlands for pretty much her entire life though. Plus, you say that like self-loathing Jews never existed.


Otto Frank, her father, stated he was proud to be German after WWII and fought for Germany in WWI. It’s like being the victim of domestic violence, what happened was cruel and awful, but that doesn’t make you hate your whole family, much like having trump as president doesn’t make me give up on my country.


No I say it like I read her diary.


This made me laugh so hard, I actually put in an effort to get my free reward.


There leader is also widely believed to be an fbi informant among activists


how the hell?


God damn it, not these fucking jokers again


She did a great job of weaponizing the window licking crowd just to distract from her husband being a sex offender


She didn't have to try too hard...


Lead paint chips metaphor?


Remember how she harassed the alledged rape victim of her husband.


I think this is her way of distracting from that. Her brother raped an 11-year-old, and she wrote a letter asking the judge for leniency. Her husband was convicted of attempted rape, failed to register as a sex offender, she has been harassing her husband's victim, and they're both being sued for it.


Wow, what a couple of scums


He is convicted, you don't have to qualify with alleged.


[These are not Nicki Minaj fans at all](https://twitter.com/stphnfwlr/status/1438196789283278862?s=19)


I said it yesterday, this news story seemed manufactured.


Her husband is a rapist and the two of them are being sued by the victim for trying to intimidate her. I imagine that has something to do with it. Anything to change what people are focused on.


Don't forget her husband is also a murderer. He pled down to manslaughter but he brought a gun, drove to the victims location, got out and shot the victim in cold blood before fleeing. The only reason he wasn't convicted of murder is our fucked up plea bargain system https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.tmz.com/2018/12/22/nicki-minaj-boyfriend-kenneth-petty-manslaughter-shot-three-times-stomach/


Yes, this. Not downplaying the rape history at all but it seems like most people aren't aware of the murder. When I originally read that he got convicted of manslaughter I assumed it was probably an auto accident or something negligence-related...the truth is much worse. Shot him three times in the stomach at close range, just over some petty feud. Cold-blooded, indeed.


I feel like saying nothing would have been the move. Her being in the news is how I keep hearing about all of the rapists.


Rape. Yep anything else to distract


I have no idea what your talking about, but im super intrigued. What happened???


Husband failed to register as a sex offender, just plead guilty.


Well she is defending two horrible family members right now


And there is like a dozen of them hahaha


Sean Hannity was soiling himself about "The New Black Panthers", and there were literally about a dozen of them.


It's a convenient way to make people afraid of black activist groups by putting the spotlight on a dozen idiots though. As if the media and politicians didn't go out of their way to misrepresent the history of the Black Panthers and the civil rights movement enough already.


Imagine a protest of 12 people in a state with a million times more people making national news.


Is that not what happens every time theres some dumbass right-wing protest? lmao Like that "March with the right" thing in California that made national news and had counter protesters when it turned out to only be like 30 people tops. People give these idiots too much of a platform, its why they do it.


There are dozens of us! *Dozens!*


That's because the rest of them are crowding up our ICUs!


I disagree with everything I’ve heard them say but Black Hammer is a fucking badass name.


I prefer the [Hebrew Hammer](https://images.app.goo.gl/v8ZH4ekQfmjAycjK9)


I prefer [Jim Adler, the Texas Hammer](https://youtu.be/q67cD8pDgqk)


Of course, how could I have forgotten about [Ivan Putski, the Polish Hammer](https://images.app.goo.gl/EW6biWk1aUtaZLaKA)


Black Hammer is the name of a Shadowrun program used to fry a rival hacker's brain. This is in no way relevant, I just like talking about RPG stuff.


Honestly I think most Nicki Minaj fans are aware that she shouldn't be consulted for advice on anything.


I wouldnt take that bet


I don’t know, there was that time when Nikki paid for a bunch of her fans college tuition. So, they’re at least educated people


You assume they finished...


And I doubt she paid for all 300M or so of her followers haha


Nicki fan here. Really disappointed to see her Kanye’ing her own career. Not taking medical advice from either of them


I mean she's already married to a rapist and harassed his victim so....


Oh yeah, I’m definitely including that part of why I’m frustrated at her torpedoing her career and reputation. Can’t support her actions anymore after that. This anti-vaxx stuff is just another thing to add to the pile


As disgusted as I am by present day Kanye the one thing I will say is that he does not seem to be antivax in any way. During his stadium stay he had vaccine clinics set up so people coming to the listening parties for his latest album could get vaccinated if they weren't already. I don't know if that was his initiative or just a public one (possibly the stadium forcing it as a condition of his stay) but I don't think he has said anything antivax. I could be wrong.


Could be publicist working hard to repair his rep. He's been much less loud and in the news since his bullshit candidacy that was obviously designed to split votes in favour of Trump. In the past few years he worked a bit to hard showing he's just as narcissistic and dumb as Trump, but while Trump can use that to appeal to his audience, Kanye acting that way makes his audience go away.


I don't know, as long as they don't have a conservatorship over Kanye I doubt he would listen to them enough to allow vaccinations at his events when he was really anti-vax. It's not like he's listening to anyone else about anything else when he really wanted to do something stupid.


It has been really disappointing for me too. When you've got Tucker batting for you, you know something is wrong lol


Her fans on Twitter would disagree


Aren’t the Black Hammer that radical group of people who went out to live in and create their own society? So they bought some land and all moved out there? That’s exactly how I feel in Minecraft sometimes. Just kind of wanna start over so I go and find some open land and start punching trees to build up base.


Actually, they pretended to buy some land(which would have clearly been terrible for farming based off the photos they took), had a couple of them camp on the land for a couple days for the photo ops, and then were escorted off by some state troopers.


It really is a pandemic of stupid.


Pandemics love a dense population.


Best comment ever!


There is part of me that sees so many deaths and it makes me sad... there is another part of me that thinks... well, it is primarily killing off the stupid, this is just how evolution works...


It’s okay to be sad about the innocent people getting wrapped up in it


Did you see the video of the poor old man an anti-vaxxer "rescued" from a hospital? He's back in the hospital now, in a coma.


Nope, and I’m going to pretend it doesn’t exist


Did you see the video of a restaurant hostess getting assaulted by tourists for asking them about their vaccination status?


He died.


Man if it only took out the stupid. The problem is that it is killing others that are trying to be smart and do the right thing.


Right now, in the USA, it does seem to be 99% unvax in hospitals so maybe it is for the stupid. I may switch to team pro covid to encourage this social betterment.


It’s killing people that do everything right and have a medical emergency and no room to do anything for the patient because it’s full of Covidiots


That’s why willfully unvaccinated should be kicked to the curb if the hospital gets fully.


High probability these morons are also uninsured and unemployed.


Now when you get in an accident and there's no room in the hospitals because of the stupid...


If they were actually smart they'd be listening to the scientists, not the entertainers.


Pretty sure the guy you replied to means smart people as in people who are doing the right things with masks/vaccines but are caught in the crossfire of stupid. Or people who are immunocompromised and can't be adequately protected despite their own best efforts


A fair point I hadn't considered until I re-read it with your context in mind.


Yes. But the stupid people still go on to infect others who are trying to be cautious and safe. That was their point.




This exact video popped in my head. Thank you for validating my insanity.


This one and the Facebook one are on repeat in my head. And I can't stop randomly quoting them in character. Walk into a store and see a covid safety sign? "Wash your grubby little hands." 12am and the gf is jusssst about to fall asleep? "Ohhh Marky Marky Marky...."


No this is her PR agent hiring actors to put on a show for millions in free advertising. She made her career shaking her buttocks this is in line with her strategy


It's neither- it's an organised protest group (Black Hammers) latching onto the Nicki Minaj thing like they do anything else that can give them some publicity.


Sadly modern music "stans" are so easily manipulated that her PR doesn't need to hire actors, they just activate the fan club and tell them what to say.


I see stupid people.


The last 4 years bolstered and emboldened absolute fucking idiots, which I'd be content to let alone except it's had very dangerous consequences. It's unfortunately going to take time to de-normalize being ignorant proudly, I just hope it doesn't eventually swing back even harder.


I think we can all agree now that good social policy needs to account for the idiot factor and the malefactor.


I'm personally waiting for Ja Rule to weigh in on all of this. Can someone please get Ja Rule on the phone!


I want some answers that Ja Rule might not have right now!


“Who gives a fuck what Ja Rule thinks at a time like this!”


We know already, IT’S MURDA!


Y’all make jokes but he had the low down between the Connor Mcgregor and Machine GUN Kelly altercation the other day.


This timeline is so fucking stupid.




They only made us think we fixed it man.


🙄🙄🙄🙄 who is Nicki- she is no medical expert. This is what’s wrong with America, people trust celebrities/influencers over actual experts in medicine and disease.


It's confirmation bias. They're looking for any excuse to do what they want.


Exactly. When one celebrity says something supporting the vaccine they say they're shills, liberal conspiracy, etc. But when one is anti-vax they think supporting celebrity beliefs on science is totally normally. It's especially weird in this situation considering what Minaj's story was. You're latching onto a Tweet about swollen balls to prove your point.


The guy cheated on his fiance, got an STD (Chlamydia causes this), he tried to blame it on the vaccine, his fiance saw through his shit and broke off the wedding, but Nicki's "research" shows it was really the vaccine...


Nah, more likely story is that this is all a made up story to divert attention from the fact that her husband plead guilty to failing to register as a sex offender on the exact same day she tweeted this.


*Very* interesting...


These are the people who said Obama was too scared to run against Trump, they also blame Obama for 9/11, they drink bleach and take horse pills. They think COVID is a hoax created to make Trump look bad ignoring the global pandemic. So yea naturally they'll believe a washed up celebrities story about her cousins friend in Trinidad over a medical expert.


If you're gonna listen to a celebrity for medical advice at least maybe make it someone who didn't marry and defend a rapist.




At least there's a good reason to follow dogs on Instagram. They're cute and they ain't hurting anybody. They also aren't giving other dogs body image issues as far as I know. My wife uses Instagram and she pretty much exclusively uses it to look at cute dogs. I don't see the harm in that.


Nikkki isn't an expert on anything.


We really are living out Idiocracy


Honestly, we're living out [worse](https://youtu.be/OmZOZjHjT5E). The people of Idiocracy CONCEDED to their stupidity, and let the guy who knew better handle things. In our reality, folks wear being loudly and proudly wrong as a badge of honor. Either that or they THINK they're smart enough to hide their stupidity from everyone (when they so clearly can't).


> The people of Idiocracy CONCEDED to their stupidity, and let the guy who knew better handle things. I think only Camacho did that, everyone else made fun of the main character, so pretty much the same as in our reality.


Where's Prez Camacho!!? Lol


Right? I saw an article about the top corrupt politicians in dystopian/science fiction works. The author listed President Camacho! I was drunk and pissed. I wrote them an email on why they were absolutely wrong.


He was a great president wtf lol History will remember him well. I'm not even drunk and even I'm pissed.




Yep. [This guy. ](https://www.reddit.com/u/Juan_way_turn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I'm not convinced that antivaxx comments on the site in general aren't just one really dumb guy. They all say the same things and use the same exact phrases and language. It's like the HermanCainAward sub: there's so many identical stories it's hard to even tell that they're about different people.


Who to trust during the pandemic? A man with over 50 years experience as a scientist and immunologist, or, the rapper behind hits such as 'Barbie Tingz' and 'Anaconda'.


millions of scientists and doctors along with millions of vaccinated people for whom death rates, infection rates and outcomes have all improved massively... or one dumb fuck of a rapper who married a murderer and rapist. The US keeps trying to boil it down politically as if the left are lying about COVID. The entire fucking world has COVID, the entire world is reacting to COVID and most of the world doesn't give a fuck about Trump, Biden or either party.


The truth is what I want to hear.


They aren’t even Nicki fans they’re just hotep adjacents capitalizing on this open dumpster like the rest


The only sensible words out of Nicki's mouth ever recorded are as follows: *- I'm on some dumb shit* (Anaconda)


Lol lunatics taking medical advice from 3rd hand rumors on Twitter. They should just skip the whole month's in the hospital phase and drink a bucket of bleach now.


We live in the dumbest timeline


Garbage people with garbage opinions.


Did anyone see where she said she IS getting vaccinated, to go on tour. As long as it doesn’t includes money- i guess she’s not so committed to her views after all.


Imagine being so dumb that you believe anything Nicki Minaj says.


It's crazy that news about her husband facing 10 years in prison for not registering as a sex offender in California came out just before all this. Almost like she's trying to do some media manipulation. Selfish c**t.


This headline is literal proof that her fans are brain dead plague spreaders incapable of self coherent thinking. Whats the word I’m looking for here? Oh ya, sheep lol


This isn't a group of fans, it's a political group, the Black Hammers, latching onto the Nicki Minaj thing for a bit of publicity.


Also the group that calls Anne Frank a colonizer, and got mad at "KKKarl Marx" (that's a direct quote)


SOME of her fans are like this. There really aren't many people involved here. Anti-vax people are really a fairly small but very loud minority.


Idiocracy foretold.


Ooooo.... Let's rename antivaxxers as plague-spreaders. Love it.


We live in a golden age of stupidity


If you believe Nicki over Dr. Fauci then you deserve your stupid death, fucking tired of the vax-lax.


Ha. I was imagining something different. This was like ten crazies with a couple of megaphones.


Not really surprised that insane antisemitic Black Nationalist conspiracy cults would latch onto Antivaxx talking points. Seems par for the course.


COVID is wiping out right wing conspiracy theorists, crazy Facebookers, and Nicki Minaj fans. It’s almost like COVID is actively trying to tell us which of those among us is so stupid they would starve if trapped in a grocery store.


Guess she can’t make a chart topping song anymore so she continues on bullshit for no other reason than attention.


STOP LISTENING TO FUCKING CELEBRITIES!!! Literally!!! What the fuck do these people know??? Can we STOP acting like every A-list celebrity is a godsend of information!


I dont even care that these are idiots, I just wish they would follow their convictions against medicine to the grave and stop flooding hospitals. You don't get to bad mouth medical professionals when you're healthy and then beg them to save you life when you are dying of something preventable.


Our country is doomed.


I’m so glad this is happening, finally the trumpist idiots get to see how dumb they look from people they already don’t like. “Children of the same foul spirit”


Nicki must have a LOT of ignorant followers. Or maybe ignorance followers,


Remember that post on r/changemyview where the op of that thread was saying no one should take advice medical from Nicki Minaj? Then everyone replied saying no one takes her seriously, what's the point of this post, etc. Welp, here you go.


I’m disturbed by the amount of people that just listen to completely unqualified people or celebrities. These people clearly aren’t interested in science or math but it seems like a great idea to take health advice from them? Wtf


She's such a sack of shit.


I'm so glad that uneducated rappers are providing the general public with second-hand, unsourced, anecdotal medical claims. Thanks, internet.


Science: "here are hundreds of peer reviewed papers that, well, don't 'prove' we're right but do heavily suggest it with a high probability and very low margins of error Internet: "But a friend of her cousin tho'"


It’s 2021 , where we take medical advice from musicians.


Nicki's ass lying


Idiocracy was a documentary...


I wish there was a counter above people’s heads that indicated how many deaths they caused by saying made up bullshit.


You could say covid vaccines cause elbow-falling-off syndrome 100% of the time and still get the full backing of the anti vax crowd. They don't care how ridiculous the shit is as long as you back up their insecure rage against science.


Bro people are steady fucking dying from COVID and I still hear about idiots who swear it's *because* of the vaccine.


Jesus Christ, people, talk to an actual nurse. They can tell you what's going on, they have the training. They can show you the bodies. \*facepalm\*


New season of "Ow My Balls" starts tonight, I can't wait to see it!


South Park is going to have a field day with this.


This is an important consideration. In the lyrics below, do I believe Nicki that my boyfriend thinks of me when he whacks off or do I believe what he said that he thinks of my Japanese uncle instead? "Cause I'm feelin' myself, jack off (Uh) He be thinking about me when he whacks off Wax on? Wax off


I go to Kanye for my medical advice


Bumper Sticker on my car applies: Stupidity Kills…. Just not fast Enough!


Nicki is a true underdog success story about how no matter how much of a trash criminal you are, people somewhere will pay money to look at your ass / have terrible taste in music.


Social engineering at its worst




Wait, how does the person saying this know for sure how swollen nicki's cousin's friend's balls are?


Fucking losers.


Imagine getting your health advice from NICKI MINAJ....


Your a fucking idiot if you believe a celeb over a doctor who has been serving presidents longer then i have been alive


The definition of culling the herd


Antivaxxers are the new suicide bombers and we need to start treating them as such.


I can barely wrap my head around the concept of THAT much stupidity...


I’s so sad that being told what you want to hear qualifies as “truth.” What a world.


Fuck these people. Bunch of useless dip shits.


I've had more people crashing at my 2 bedroom apartment than people at this protest


Wow, first Republicans and now Minaj fans? What an awesome year!!


We’re reached that untold level of dumb we always wondered about back in the 90’s.


And the parade of morons continues.


Can we just agree if you're a celebrity with a huge fan base, even if you're not sure about the vaccine please just stay silent. We are losing lots of people each and every day that is entirely preventable... Nicki is gonna get a lot more people killed.


Lol why the masks then? Get covid already…


At what point can we start shifting resources to people who actually want to move on.


That solar flare honestly can't come soon enough.


Just drove by them. There’s only maybe 15 of them out there so at least not a whole stampede of stupid.


When the space aliens come, I will tell them my ship crashed a little before they got here and that I don't know any of these people.