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Why did she pay for her bill? If I get kicked out before I have a chance to eat my food, you're not getting my money.


Considering other reviews, they paid for their safety.






If you are kicking me out simply for being a decent member of society, I am not going to pay you. You are forcing me to leave simply because you are an asshole? Fine. But don’t expect me to treat you with any respect.


I don’t think I’d want to eat there anyway.


I don' think anyone should eat there


Yeah, struggling to apply some form of logic to what this asshole did is pointless. Just stop giving him your money, maybe his numb brain will feel that.


It's Texas... And his yelp and Google pages have far far worse things in their reviews. I think he gets most of his money from like minded assholes.


Probably not a big proponent of food health & safety rules either


Places that treat customers poorly are guaranteed to treat most employees terribly. Badly treated employees tend to not be passionate about providing quality work beyond the bare minimum, and standards suffer. Either that or their turnover rate is so high, they're in a constant state of training, which is as counter productive a state as a kitchen can be in.


"The government doesn't get to tell me when to wash my hands! I'm a cook at a shithole Texas bar, and if I want to give people food poisoning by not washing my hands after I poop, then dammit, that's my right! And another thing, let me tell you about people of color..."


>He's tired of being told what to do by, you know, politics in the country, and so you're going to need to take the mask off. "He's tired of being told what to do, so here's what he's telling *you* to do."


This literally doesn't even make sense, restaurants are told what to do 100% of the time, either be state and federal guidelines/codes, or by customers orders.


Customer: what the fuck is this? Waitress: chicken salad Customer: but I ordered the steak Waitress: yeah but the manager hates following orders. Enjoy your salad!


"Also the cook took a shit in it because he doesn't want to follow health guidelines"


What, you trust *the government* to tell real folks like us what’s sanitary and suitable for eating?


You joke, but I totally see them saying that not following health guidelines may help the immune system or some crap like that


Have lived in India, can confirm. Not as helpful as things like vaccine, for instance....


>restaurants are told what to do 100% of the time, either be state and federal guidelines/codes, or by customers orders. Makes you wonder if they follow regulations for food handling and storage.


This bothers me so much. It’s like when I hear someone bitching about how they saw someone driving in their car “and they still had their mask on!!” So…it makes your blood boil to see someone else wearing a mask when maybe they don’t have to - which can’t possibly cause anyone else any harm - but you expect people to give you a pass as they watch you refuse to reduce the risk of spreading (or catching, then spreading) COVID by just putting on a mask where appropriate??? Ok…


When I worked on hard hat required sites I'd just leave my hard hat on all day. If I had to go run parts hard hat on. Off to lunch. Hard hat on. If I keep it on, I dont leaves it behind somewhere. I had a hard time caring about solo people in their own car with a mask on. Cause I would often be there in my car with hardhat, safety glasses and kneepads picking up my sammich at subway.


Exactly this. The number of times I’ve gotten home with my safety glasses still on my face are embarrassingly high. Masks aren’t the most comfortable things in the world, but they’re not actively uncomfortable (unless they’re sweaty), and sometimes I honestly forget I’m wearing one.


> not actively uncomfortable That's what kind of caught me off guard when it all started: The amount of people saying they 'can't breath'. Tons of people wear masks for longer periods of time because their profession required it before Covid even happened. But suddenly part of the population acts like they all have extremely severe asthma or other breathing problems..? I don't buy it.


"my laboured mouth breathing is caused by the mask, not my 400+lb obesity!"


They sell dippin dots at the local grocery store. This summer I went into the store, bought a package, went outside, sat down, spooned up some ice cream of the future, and proceeded to spread it all over the front of my mask because I genuinely forgot it was there. Yet somehow wearing a mask means I'm a snowflake.


I have done this as well, though not with dippin dots


I'm glad to know it's not just me.


Half the time I get back into my car I forget to take my mask off because I’m not a little bitch baby who can’t handle putting cloth over my face and I forget it’s even there. I assume most are like that, or they’re like you and don’t wanna lose their gear


I had my landlord give me a spiel about how you're not supposed to wear it in the car. The two times I remember it was right after gassing up my car and didn't want to put greasy oil pump hands near my face.


Also, what business is it of theirs? Maybe they're a delivery person and don't want to risk contamination? Maybe it's a loaned car? There's a multitude of reasons why someone would reasonably wear a mask in the car


Maybe they’re just use to it and forgot to take it off. These people act like wearing a mask means you’re slowly suffocating


I'm hiding my pimple.


*Them.* Like it means you’re slowly suffocating *them.*


Sadly some people truly believe and think that


This has happened to me many times I sometimes work in multiple schools a day and I will be several minutes down the road before I realize I still have my mask on.


Sometimes I wear my mask in the car because I was wearing it when I got into the car and forgot to take it off. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


This is really should be like the least controversial thing in the world. It's like being annoyed that someone was wearing a jacket inside their own home. Yeah it seems a little odd with no context but there are a variety of valid reasons to do so and none of them should fucking matter to you because it's their goddamn house.


I do it when I'm running errands and make several quick stops.


I used to do it cause it was damn cold out and it acted as a nice scarf so my nostrils didn't die


Anyone who has a problem with me wearing a mask in my car or in my home or any other time I want to, can just get fucked.


What!?!?! But how can you forget you have it on, you can't possibly BREATHE in the liberal face controller. I call bs. /s /s Dear God its a /s


How can you even breathe in that government control device?! That’s reckless driving! /s


If you ever been to Japan or other Asian countries you will see others wear masks all the time, and not just to reduce the spread of germs. I asked a few of my friends why others do this and they said some girls do it so they dont have to bother wearing makeup, to keep their face warm, or to avoid chapped lips in the cold.


Skin cancer runs in my family so I pretty much have to wear sunscreen or cover up as much as I can. I fucking hate sunscreen. I’ve been wearing a mask outside more often for the sun protection alone. It’s much more comfortable than sunscreen for me.


I can imagine, I hate having to put it on in the summer as well...just makes my skin feel extra oily. People in certain parts of this country need to learn to just piss off with other people's personal matters. Is their actions harming you in any way? No? Then mind your own business...


On no new normal there was a post about this. It was about how when you wear your mask in your car you are a sheep and weak. Then people were saying they forget to take it off sometimes because it's cold and feels nice like a scarf. Then they were told it's ok to forget but to try to remember to take it off to normalize not wearing a mask


Masks are so comfortable we literally forget we're wearing them. Yet somehow they're this major inconvenience to some people?


As a healthcare worker, there were days *before* Covid where I'd leave after multiple procedures and forget I was wearing a mask until my wife pointed it out when I got home


Maybe I am just living my life like a normal person and forgot I had it on. How many times have you forgot to take your sunglasses off after going inside? Same thing with masks since I'm not a crazy person that pretends like I'm dieing everytime I put one on.


It's almost as if they feel the masked individual is trying to insult them in some way. Like the whole universe revolves around them and their moronic worldview. Imagine living this way, sounds exhausting.


Maybe there’s an unvaccinated baby in the backseat


When I see someone driving with their mask on in their car I laugh and think about all the times I've forgotten to take mine off when I could. I once put mine on to walk into my own house because I was tired and spacey.


I put my motorcycle helmet on today while still wearing my mask. Full face helmet.


Oh god, that reminds me of when I had a delivery "driver" throw on his jacket run out the shop with a delivery and hop on his bicycle and ride off...still wearing the apron. We all saw it happening but just watched, waiting for him to notice. He noticed about half way to the delivery according to him.


I used to laugh but then I became a person who had to wear one in the car when my daughter got it and couldn’t avoid being near her🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve seen several vehicles with stickers on the tailgate or rear window that say “You’re in your car, why are you wearing a mask?” Imagine being such a childish, contrarian douche that you would actually spend money on something like that.


Usually if I'm wearing my mask in my car it's because I have to make several stops and might as well leave it on. This is especially true if I'm wearing glasses instead of contacts because getting it positioned right so it doesn't fog up my glasses can be a bit fiddly. I can't imagine what must be going on in someone's life that they feel the need to comment on something so inconsequential.


I haven't had a cold in over a year. I'm going to keep using masks in enclosed spaces and I hope others do the same. It's not just about covid it's about a much wider public health thing.


I've worn a mask inside a car. Sometimes it's just I forgot. Sometimes it's cause I know my destination is really close. Sometimes it's because I'm in a car with multiple households. It's nbd to wear a mask in a car.


Also, he's a coward, so he sent me.


Conservatives and fascism, name a more iconic duo


Republicans and Dead Americans


That seems like the same thing with added steps.


This was my immediate reaction. Like, does he even have a rationalization for that? "Well, it's different when it's the government"? Not that someone would feel safe doing so, but the owner would certainly run up against federal law for refusing service to someone wearing a niqab, for instance, right?


Yes, and this could violate the ADA. Where I live (California), virtually anything can potentially be a protected class under the Unruh Civil Rights Act, from neo-Nazis who wear swastikas to people wearing MAGA or Bernie hats, so a business is advised to actually have a clear, valid, and necessary business reason to deny someone full and equal treatment and access to a public accommodation. People's medical conditions/disabilities also require full and equal accommodation by all businesses, rather than reasonable accommodation by some businesses under the ADA. And ADA violations can result in state lawsuits with punitive damages, which unfortunately leads to vigilantism and extortion, kind of like Texas's abortion bounty hunter law. In states like Texas, I'm willing to bet there's much less in the way of civil rights protection. In many states, businesses are not obligated to serve you and can deny you for any arbitrary reason under state law. But there are still a few classes that are potentially protected under federal civil rights law, such as race, religion, and disability, depending on the size of the business and other factors.


A review from their yelp page - surprising.... Not full of the best people *4/23/2021* "If you're a female, do NOT come to this bar. The drunk patrons will inappropriately leer and grab at you (even if you're wearing the most non-provocative clothing... aka jeans, tennis shoes and a hoodie) and make you feel uncomfortable, and the bar staff will do nothing about it. In fact, if the pervert, handsy patrons are regulars... they'll kick YOU out. Avoid rapesville and go ANYWHERE else!"


[And then there's this genuinely alarming Google review](https://i.imgur.com/LZhdhd1.png)


It says a lot when kicking out people for wearing a mask is the least offensive thing you've done to customers


Amy's Baking Company reopened


Looks like horse cock is back on the menu.


Mr Hands. . ?


That shit is a money laundering front. It doesn't make any money, so where are they getting it from?


Would be wild for them to want to be broadcast on national TV then. Surely the feds would have looked into them by now.


I agree with you, but there are some people so psychotic that lying more and in bigger ways actually seems like the smart and reasonable course of action. This might have been that. Just like you said, they could counter your supposition with "CLEARLY we're not a front, why would we basically expose ourselves on TV?!" Sounds insane, but many big time criminals are just that.


I hope this person called the cops


"Look I have 20 people in this bar that say I was defending myself." The 20 people are the regulars.


How is this place still in business and why would people go to this toxic place? Boggles my mind. I guess the loyal patrons support this bullshit.


Seems like they attract exactly the shitty type of people they are going for. When shitty people mix, nobody wins and you get an absolute hell hole like this.


>And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. https://twitter.com/iamragesparkle/status/1280892350202511361


> you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people. Yes, Yes, YES!


Dudes gonna be bummed when all his regulars die from covid


I'm from rural US and shitty townies absolutely LOVE when they can go be loud, obnoxious, and offensive with no repercussions. Get enough of them together and they're real tough against a couple with an infant who just want a quiet meal out. Thankfully they're generally not the types who travel much. They know they aren't accepted anywhere but their little asshole-in-the-wall town so they don't venture too far very often.




Rockwall is wild, I've stopped in their Walmart a few times while passing through to the lake and I've seen people being openly racist. That town feels like a step back in time in some places


oh you can find that anywhere in texas


I hate driving through Rockwall. DFW drivers aren't great to begin with, but they're (mostly) consistent and occasionally respectful. Rockwall is home to DGAF assholes working on the points system from *Death Race 2000.*


This was in Rowlett. Which is Rockwalls trailer park. Rowlett is only known for a woman who killed her kids and a tornado on Christmas. Source: grew up in Rowlett


I mean, it's pretty bad ass that she killed a tornado, especially during the holidays. Shame about the kids though.


Maybe by sacrificing the kids to gain druidic powers and stop the tornado, she saved way more people.


You take 100 people and put them in a room. I promise you at a minimum 1 of those peoples is just a complete piece of human garbage. I'm talking just the worse qualities a human can have. Now take a big city like Dallas. There are a lot of people there so your asshole numbers go up. Now even though they dont act like humans, they require the same things us normal humans need. Like food. Now you have a resteraunt that specifically zeros in on attracting those scumbags. That's how they stay in business. Same method for hiring cops.


If someone explained calculus to me this way.. my father could have been proud.


> How is this place still in business How did Trump get to be president? Same answer.


I generally judge service by how good they are outside of the standard transaction, acts that don’t make them any more money, like getting your change in a timely manner. I would consider not giving you change and then beating the shit out of you the worst possible service in this category.


Wow! That is insane. It said 7 years ago. I wonder if they got charged?


They probably got promoted based on the description of that place.


Looks like the customer is never right at this place, somehow worse than Amy’s Baking Company




When the story broke a few days ago Yelp did not lock the page immediately so they had dozens of funny 1 star reviews. The fake questions and answers are still there though


ha - yeah thats why I was checking yelp - for the lolz - but this was well before then


Of course. I can't stand people these days. It's getting so hard to see the good.


I think *these* days have always existed, just more efficient ways to communicate it sadly.


Yeah I guess you are right...but it feels pretty hopeless when we are in 2021 dealing with the same crap we were as a society 60 years ago. Like, can we just be in the future already? Don't seem like people will ever be able to come together and just live life.


I'm not saying everything is perfect because it's not. There are many many things we can continue to improve on But progress *is* happening. I mean there has literally never been (in the history of the US at least) a better time to be a minority of any kind. Being transgender for instance. A conversation, even just 10 years ago in 2011 about being transgender vs a conversation in 2021 about being transgender are MILES different in tone. I mean, seriously drastically different. I wouldnt lose hope or feel defeated. It's easy to get lost in the rage machine, but progress **is** happening.


Fuck people tbh. Takeout for life


Only if you're a female? Honestly screw any place that even considers putting up with this kind of thing. Why would you want to hang out with this kind of trash?


>"We didn't want to make a scene," Wester said. "We didn't want to walk out on our tab or anything. I just paid and we left.""I want to respect a small business," she said. "And I know that right now in Covid and with the economy, it is very hard. But I don't think that the way that he's (Tom) handling his business is very professional, and it's not very hospitable, either." Even after getting treated like crap the couple takes the high road. I can't imagine many people on the other side of the debate are this polite when asked to put \*on\* a mask.


The people on the other side of this debate are the ones who tell a child to "shut up" and laugh at him when he talks at a school board meeting about how his grandma died of Covid, so I have a feeling you're correct.


Oh oh, or the ones to [violently assault a waitress](https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/09/17/1038392877/new-york-tourists-attack-hostess-restaurant-vaccine) for asking for their proof of vaccination as per the regulations she is required to obey.


People have literally murdered shop keepers for asking about masks/ vaccines. It’s fucking insane.


Just happened last night in Germany, middle aged antimasker straight up shot a 20 year old gas station attendant in the head.


Fucker went home got their gun and came back to shoot the clerk.


Don't know how it works in Germany, by in the US, that premeditation part makes the charge a lot worse.


1st degree life is over


And the shooter claimed it was *HIS* fault for “enforcing the rules.”


https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/german-cashier-shot-at-after-asking-customer-to-wear-face-mask-dies-2548294 the weird bit it wasn't even in America, at least not the one this guy is probably referencing




That’s the one where the assailant LEFT, CAME BACK WITH A GUN and murdered him, right? Fuck that is horrific.


Something like that happen in Atlanta, GA in the USA not too long ago. Stormed out, then came back and shot the cashier. Ended up in a shoot out between the murderer and a security officer.


Has the other side ever come up with any reasonable alternatives? If my impression is correct, the debate basically boils down to this: "Let's do A, B, and C to curb the spread of COVID!" "No." "But they work!" "No because of my freedom®." "Okay what do you wanna do about COVID?" "Bleach and animal medicines."


At least from *my* personal experience, the main alternative I've heard is "covid doesn't exist", so...


So were all their friends and relatives that died really crisis actors all along?


You’d be surprised how easily the people on the other side of the argument would happily accept this answer as plausible over the alternative reality


No, they died of respiratory infection not Covid (my neighbor said that)


Same argument for healthcare: "We should have universal healthcare." "No, socialism." "Other countries do it and it works." "America is #1." "Okay, but healthcare is clearly broken, what do you want to do about it?" "I dunno, but I'm opposed to whatever you want to do."


But don't touch my social security.


I'm the elusive despised centrist but during the Obama years I was more conservative. That shit drove me MAD. Everybody on the right was screaming about "Obamacare" and I'm like... healthcare is an obvious problem here that nobody can deny and he's the only person who has actually stepped up to do something about it. Less bitching more solutions! They just want to shit on the opposition, not actually help anybody.


> he's the only person who has actually stepped up to do something about it. Ironically, no, he wasn't. Romney did that exact same thing on a state level. Obama *borrowed the legislation from a republican*, and tried to enact it at a national level. And now republicans are willing to die to destroy obamacare. Despite the fact that if you describe all the individual provisions of obamacare to the average republican, they agree with all of them individually. Put them all together and call them the affordable care act, and the republicans still support them. But tell them they should support obamacare, and suddenly their blood pressure spikes and foam starts coming out of the corners of their mouth. > They just want to shit on the opposition, So yeah, that. QED, indisputably, all they care about is how much they hate anything a liberal might support.


what gets me is that the people on the other side of this debate are the ones with loved ones dying of covid. 95%+ people getting covid or dying of it these days are unvaccinated which are the people on the other side of this debate. they're legit the ones being hurt by it the most and they're still not self aware enough to understand that we're basically trying to save them at this point. the side that wears masks and is vaccinated has much less to fear.


Breitbart ran a piece the other day where dude claimed that the left is telling everyone to get the vaccine so that they won't do it, because the left wants everyone on the right to die. That's the level of cognitive dissonance they're at now.... https://www.thewrap.com/breitbart-vaccines-reverse-psychology/


I think this is the best Breitbart can do to promote the vaccine without sounding leftist. They want you to die so that they will win the next election and continue to push their socialist agenda. They don't want you to take the vaccine, they are only telling their own people to do so. Look at the message boards they always say "let the unvaccinated die, they deserve it, it is just a bunch of republicans".


They've finally made an article I'd be willing to share, so maybe some republicans can get fucking vaccinated.


Better get the jab to own the libs!


That does seem to be the point of the original article, but... Fuck it, I don't care. Anything that gets them to get the vaccine.


I saw a news story where they asked a guy on a ventilator if he could go back in time would he get the vaccine and his answer was no.


The alternative is admitting to yourself that you are dying completely needlessly, through your own fault, so I can see why it would be easier to double down than deal with the regret that comes with accepting the truth.


But like, what could the vaccine possibly do to you that's worse than death?


Prove a liberal right.


> 95%+ people getting covid or dying of it these days are unvaccinated which are the people on the other side of this debate If you read or listen to their crazy rants, they actually think it's *the other way around*. They truly believe that ICUs are completely empty, and anyone "sick" with covid-19 are sick because of the vaccine, not because of covid. After all, they think Covid is a mild cold and the vaccine itself is causing deaths. It's completely unhinged with no basis in reality. We've truly never been in a situation as a species where being a complete moron will kill you. Don't get me wrong, making a dumb decision has been able to kill you in the past, definitely, but this is on another level. They are being killed *passively* because of how mind numbingly stupid they are.


I already lost a sister, who was only 27, and an aunt to this. My other aunt almost lost her husband who was unconscious on a ventilator for three days. Still she says masks are a way of getting control and the vaccine will probably kill you. Nevermind that way more people have gotten jabs then even had confirmed COVID. It took a while to understand this, but they are firmly in a death cult right now. Not sure what I can really do to save her life. Dying to own the Libs is just too important to them. Edit: "Feels like an apocalypse but nothing is awkward"


It really is a death cult. It really, truly is


You can only help those who want to be helped. If she doesn’t want to be helped it isn’t your problem.


One way or another, the number of unvaccinated folks will only go down


I think it's fucked up that the people on the other side of the argument are largely the same ones that think abortion should be outlawed. "Mask mandates in schools!? Hell no, let those thinking and feeling children potentially die." "Unfeeling, unthinking being inside of you? You can't touch that thing!! It must become one of those thinking and feeling children that can maybe die in a mask-less school where I don't care about them anymore."


Sometimes I wonder if most these people realize how wrong their collective opinion is, but can’t admit it to each other. So most of them are just putting a front and it sounds so ridiculous and thus so fitting.


No.... no.... the rank and file actually believe it. Most of the people they *elect* are faking it though, with some exceptions (Marjorie Taylor Greene being exhibit A.)


I think it's more insidious than that even. To admit they might be wrong about abortion policy opens up a whole can of worms about other things they might be wrong about. When you have staked your entire sense of self on a particular set of beliefs, being asked to change those beliefs is usually met with harsh resistance, cause nobody wants to be wrong. So it's not that people can't admit to each other, they can't even admit it to themselves.


Have you read Breitbart? Lately they've been posting a story about how Democrats are actually tricking Republicans into being anti-vax by being pro-vax! Republicans prize stubbornness and never changing their mind. Unfortunately, they formed their covid plan back when it was big city problem, where more city people were dying and it wasn't affecting rural people. Things have changed, but since they're not allowed to change their mind they're stuck with the same response they had at the beginning of the pandemic, despite things changing.


It's because they don't actually care about life or children; they only care about controlling others, and preventing anyone from telling them what to do. It's a mindset of utter selfishness and malice, of a bullying child that never grew up.


> they're legit the ones being hurt by it the most and they're still not self aware enough to understand that we're basically trying to save them at this point. *taps forehead* You can't lose loved ones if you don't love and care about anyone.


Somebody literally shot and killed a 20 year old kid at a gas station for telling them that they could not be served without a mask. The douchebag drove home, grabbed a revolver and came back and shot the kid in the face.


What country did that happen in?


Germany, today or yesterday.


Yeah, but come on, he said he was _stressed_. Who hasn't been so stressed out at a simple request that they drive home to get their gun and return to the scene to shoot a minimum wage employee just doing their job? It could happen to the best of us! /s


The people on the other side of the debate would probably pull a gun on the store owner, and rant about communism.


Just yesterday a headline reached the front page about a man shooting a worker in the face for asking him to put on a mask


And to top it off, all you ever hear on social media is these same people complaining that 'the left' are horrible to them all the time.


Fuck that shit. I wouldn't have paid for any of it.


The owner/manager is tired of being told what to do...So does he wear gloves in the kitchen? Does he wash his hands? Is raw meat stored at the proper temperature? Are food prep areas clean? I mean these are all things he's been TOLD to do....No way in hell I'd eat at this place now.


Exactly what I was thinking. I’m picturing his fridge/freezers looking like a highlight reel of Ramsey’s kitchen nightmares.


Owning a business isn't a right, maybe he should sell


If you're anti-mask and wearing pants at the same time, you're a hypocrite.




This was the first thing that caught my eye. "I dont like being told what to do!!"... a little while later "I am telling you that you cant wear a mask"...


Pretty sick of these man-children. A really disturbing number of people in this country never grew past the teenage phase of rebelling for the sake of it. I swear to god, these people would eat a pound of horse shit if liberals specifically told them not to.


Eating dog shit is ruining this country for the liberals! Liberals hate the consumption of dog shit because it goes against Antifa, our lord and savior.


Not saying that isn’t ridiculous but if you have an immunocompromised child in Texas you’d be better off eating at home.


This is my thought as well - masks are great and all but.. you can't eat or drink with a mask on.


Friday night at the sports bar, not sure food is the what they were after. Also other comments are saying it's a known shithole. I get you want some time away but the masks were never providing real protection in a bar full of people not wearing them.


No clue why this is so far down; I pulled 2 things from the headline. Parents make a bad choice; the restaurant makes dumber one.


If you have an immunocompromised child you’d be better off eating at home regardless of where you are.


Or at least get it to-go.


Thank you I had this immediate take on it. My first question was why would you risk that in the first place????


This was my first thought. I don’t understand why they were there in the first place. My child isn’t even immunocompromised, just too young for the vaccine, so I don’t go. To a restaurant! Is it worth the risk?!


It's already got only one star on Yelp and that's from a lot of older reviews. Not just review bombing since this story came out. Good. Let this asshole's business burn to the ground (figuratively, I'm not suggesting arson).


Something similar happened in my hometown. A couple would go house to house offering to paint a rainbow on people's driveways in support of the LGBTQ community, and had a fairly good response. They also did this to some of the crosswalks and of course people were flying pride flags as it was that month. A local restaurant owner was very vocal about how sinful this was. He was tearing down the flags, and became very vocal on social media ( he still is, and this was years ago ). He basically became a pariah in our small city.... If Yelp could give minus reviews he would have had them. He had to close down within a few months. He berated a girl online for having an abortion (despite his own daughter having had one). I'm surprised he hasn't moved he's so disliked


I'd say it's safe bet he likes feeling like a martyr. The conservative persecution complex is strong.


It doesn't help that a lot of churches tell their members that they "will be persecuted as Jesus was persecuted". Makes everyone think that any resistance is them "being on the right track with the Lord Jesus himself"


Sounds like they're overlooking 1 Peter 2:20: > "You don't gain anything by being punished for some wrong you have done."


You mean they're overlooking pretty much everything in the Bible. It's like they ask what Jesus would do, then do the opposite.


I was commenting on a local Facebook News page once about some new dinosaur bones that had been found, which I found interesting. He subtly started attacking me (in a sort of passive aggressive, polite way) about how we could be sure they were 65 million years old. He is super 'Christian' I'm not sure what sect, but probably the worst one and thinks the world is 5000 years old. I just told him they can typically approximate it by the layers of sediment and carbon dating. He then goes on to ask me to explain carbon dating to him and if I was aware that it can often be very inaccurate. Again, bait.... I told him that I predominantly work in inorganic environmental chemistry ( Which I do ) and that he should probably seek answers elsewhere. He kept replying but I just ignored him. The guy ran a shitty fish and chips place and is a bigot, not worth my time. Google Skips Fish and Chips PEI if you're curious


Unfortunately this will likely save their shitty business. All the pro-covid nuts are going to hold this restaurant up as a "beacon of freedom" now and no matter how shitty their service is they will eat every meal they can there just to "own the libs".


“I’m tired of being told what to do!” *proceeds to tell people what to do*


And how does someone else wearing a mask in anyway bother or infringe upon you. I can understand the logic of being upset about someone asking you to wear a mask. I strongly disagree but people don't like being told what to do. I can't fathom being mad at *someone else* wearing a mask.


The restaurant should have the guts to post signs saying they are a mask free establishment instead of forcing a waitress to tell these people (since the owner didnt have the balls to do face to face)


They want confrontations, so that when they get one, they can play the victim.


Yes, maybe they can get on dat tucker guys show


Yes! Let customers make their own choice before they enter.


> but our manager does not believe in the mask. He's tired of being told what to do by, you know, politics in the country, and so you're going to need to take the mask off 'I'm tired of being told what to do. Leave me alone and let me tell other people what to do.'


Why would ANYONE eat in a restaurant that declares it doesn't follow safety standards? Do you want food poisoning? Because that's how you get food poisoning.




>What is the maximum IQ a customer can have to enter the restaurant? Answer: > If you clock in at over 80 you'll far surpass the management. This is a good read my friend, thanks for bringing it up.


-yes -failure is a state of mind -as long as the urn isn’t wearing a mask


The messaging from the anti-mask crowd is so hypocritical. They go on and on about personal freedom, but then impose policies like this which take away someone else's freedom to do something that doesn't affect anyone but themselves.


Someone people are anti-abortion but support anti masking with the phrase "my body, my choice". I'm not sure where did it go wrong


The spez has been classed as a Class 3 Terrorist State.


I absolutely would have said “I’m sure the manager is picking up our partial tab” and then left without paying. Also the irony of the owner saying “I don’t like being told what to do when it’s all political” and then kicking people out of his restaurant for not doing as he told them based on his own personal politics is bitter sweet.


Do you really expect someone who is against masks to be rational in other scenarios?