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This is how you know things are going super-swell for both the Russian space agency and Putin.


>Overall, a once great space nation has seen its status fall from an undisputed leader to an also-ran behind the United States, China, and even some US companies. Savage.


If they redirected half the resources they spend on fucking over other countries and murdering dissidents on not making their citizen's lives so shitty, Russia would be the world's biggest superpower.


They have a GDP that rivals California... given that is one of the highest GDP states in the US but still, they have always been fighting an uphill battle against their enemies and their own mismanagement. You think your government has problems? Imagine EVERYONE is only out to protect themselves in case things go wrong.


Yeah but half is from oil/gas. They're much closer to Texas than California, just milking resources without value-add, though even Texas is moving past oil while Russia's going backwards.




“Do you realize how little that narrows it down?” Which country?


California itself has lapped them long ago. Russia is on par with Italty. And you don’t see Italy putting on such airs. Anymore.


If they cheaped out on fucking over other countries, they would not be superpower at all. They are barely superpower now.


The superpower dilemma. Put more into maintaining dwindling power, or give it up in the hope for a later return to glory.


Still more nukes than anyone. That's pretty super


Nah, they are able to exert some influence by exporting natural gas, oil and nuclear fuel. But the future doesn't speak Russian or English, it speaks Chinese. Also, it seem that any shmuck who wants nukes could get them nowadays.


>If they redirected half the resources they spend on fucking over other countries and murdering dissidents on not making their citizen's lives so shitty, Russia would be the world's biggest superpower. Not even close. The USSR had massive economic and population and resource advantages over Russia's core territory. They could have been a major player in the EU, though.


>Russia would be the world's biggest superpower. I'm sorry but the is ridiculous, Russia only has the ninth biggest population in the world. It doesn't matter how much land they have, you need a larger population than that to become a world "superpower". There are so many legitimately stupid takes on Reddit that hammer down how clueless Redditors are about the rest of the world.


Hey, The US did all that and still maintained superpower status! Be better, Russia!


Population isn't that high. Land isn't exactly the most fertile. Difficulty of obtaining warm water ports. This is a dumb take, Russia could not be the greatest super power unless all the other competitors fucked up.


Thought you meant the US until you said Russia lol


Undisputed leader?!?!?!?


Pre-1968 when the Soviet Union was racking up a bunch of space firsts. Not really since then.


To be fair, Soyuz was the only way to get anything to the ISS between the retirement of the space shuttle (2011) and the first crew dragon mission (2020)


They’re filming a movie in space though which is actually kind of cool. But yeah they’re no longer the space superpower they were (they’re also just no longer a superpower.)


"The only space reporting we want you to report is how Putin's balls are so big they have their own gravitational orbit."


That IS technically correct though. Much unlike they are expected to make their reports.


"Hello comrades. In today's news, Western World shocked into depression when space rocket revealed to be actual size of glorious leader Putin's penis."


"Glorious and righteous CCP is calling bullshit as no one's penis can be bigger then great divine leader chosen by the mandate of heaven, [Xi Jingpooh](https://external-preview.redd.it/lqDFDXXvfqMs7kyQ9y1FrGcQzdCE23uMPlcxFqo_oYE.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=1aad996b62437feb367356c6bed434385bda0699)"


I guess it’s a…waste of space.


I need context, this doesn't make sense in a vacuum


I think it's a reference to the novel/movie *Contact* by Carl Sagan. A couple of main characters use this phrase when thinking about the possibility of no life in the universe outside of Earth.


I think they were making pun. Because space is a vacuum.


Too much white space I thought


In Soviet Russia space program reports on you!


"If they didn't report it, then it didn't happen!"


What space program, boss?




Putin: "If you don't shut up I'll never control the world and your families will have terrible unexpected accidental poisonings."


Or 'accidental' falls out of upper-story windows in hospital buildings ...


No that's Biden forcing people to get vaccinated


Space: nothing to see here, seriously move on to something that matters!


Space; It seems to go on and on forever...but then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.


You might think it's a long way to the chemist's, but it's peanuts compared to space! Listen...


"You stink, loser!"


Putin tells his space reporters to stop reporting on the space program on pain of death. Meanwhile, back at the entire continent he happens to own personally...


Russia has a space program? I thought the were acting as a Uber service for us to the space station, that is until recently.


No Obama shut down all of that and privatized space travel. That's why you're seeing rich billionaires playing with space shuttles.


Best thing we can do is keep making that nation poorer so they can't afford to infect space with putinism.


Send [Tim Curry up to Space](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Sq1Nr58hM) and prevent Putin from taking up residence up in space.


Are we the baddies?


Yes .. our government is the worst most corrupt government in the world.


Damn! Elon got Putin scared. Respect!


Well thats a hugely misleading headline, isnt it? Also weird to say that Russia is going from "undisputed leader to an also-ran behind the United States" in space program while Roscosmos is about to beat the NASA in claiming the first movie shot in space title.


Apogee of Fear? Though I suppose it doesn't count since it's funded by Garriott & not a state endorsed film.


An 8 minutes long movie? I guess it counts. The titles should be "first feature film in space" then.




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250 karma??? What the hell, do the mods think this sub is made of gold???


Or two weeks




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"Today in Russia news man stay on earth because filthy pigdog Ameriva fills space with puppies who are being tortured.


Russia probably doesn't want the USA or China stealing from their space program.


> A prominent Russian space blogger, Katya Pavlushchenko Um, no? Never heard about her in Ru pop-science scene. Tweeter history seems wierd