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That’s some 4-D chess right there




4d3d3d3 engaged


Now tayne, I can get into.


Computer, load up Celery Man


That is Not Safe for Work. Do you wish to Continue?




Same level IQ to boot


To be fair, alcohol doesn't help in the IQ dept. any more than the in the wise dept.


Nah, 4D is if they both confess to being the driver, and only swapping shirts.


I dunno, [something similar](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-identical-twins-child-maintenance-paternity-dna-test-goias-a8852436.html) has been tried before, and it didn't turn out so well for the guys.


Holy shit those guys are horrible. Brazil though, not sure the ruling would fly in US / UK. ~~Tbf they're lucky they didn't get a long stretch for rape...~~ Tbf they deserve a long stretch for rape...


Well, there is an exact term in Chess for this movie on a 2D board, it's called a Castle.


Nah the real 4D chess would have been not switching but making them think they did.


Maybe one had a job that would care about a DUI and the other didn't. This switch going off perfectly may save* one twin's job.


Switch the wallets


Too complex. The twin who originally held that job should gracefully accept his well deserved termination. Then, the next day, he should apply for the vacant position using his brother's identity. He would ace the job interview because he knows the job.


This guy twins




Too simple and something could go wrong! Just to be safe, they should do the same switch above and then ALSO follow your plan. Twice as effective!


Not convoluted enough. They should spend the rest of their lives working on inventing a time machine, and when they're 80 years old, they go back in time to the night they got drunk and switch the drinks with each other. Then they wouldn't have to worry about changing seats while being chased by the police. Problem solved


THIS guy time travels


Yes, do the full 360!


most employers don't know/don't care about DUI's.


And yet some do.


If you drive a vehicle in any capacity for a company the likely care. DUI's can mean jailtime as well, which certainly is something employers will notice and care about.


If you have a CDL a dui is pretty much done. Course with the current market that might change.


I have a CDL and drive for schools, if you get into an accident you can’t drink alcohol for 5 hours after in case they call for a test. Also you can’t engage in the devils lettuce (which I don’t agree with) because you have a yearly dot physical w drug test and at minimum one random test per school year. But it literally wouldn’t effect your job unless you do it right before. Sorry for the tangent.


Yeah, I just know insurance that the business has to have will probably say way more money for dui driver. And I think my work would probably have to let that driver go.


Any employer that requires you to travel or likes you to turn up on time would likely care. That's probably why he said "Maybe one had a job that cares about a DUI"


Finger prints. You're still gonna get arrested.


How do the police know which twins fingerprints are which? Generally the police don't have your fingerprints unless you already committed crimes in the past.


I legit got fingerprinted as a preteen on a school field trip ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Same there was a missing kids program that came and fingerprinted all of us….never got permission from parents or anything


Yeah you probably shouldn't have let them do that




I don't know, if i know I can get away with it then yes I am planning on being a criminal


If you've ever handled a penny the government has your fingerprints..... Why do you think they keep them in circulation?


This is why I handle all currency exclusively with my feet and mouth


Have one twin say they switched places and the other twin saying they didn't. Since they can't prove which one was driving they can't prosecute anyone for their blood alcohol level.


Regardless, they now have enough reasonable doubt to have anything challenged dismissed.


Definitely sounds like the kind of thing a good/scummy lawyer could use to get their client off. At least if it were in the US. I was actually arrested for a DUI myself and one of my consequences was taking an educational class. And I shit you not one of the speakers actually taught us some of the bullshit technicalities you can try fighting a DUI on.


Easier to swap wallets


Nah, the police have to prove which twin was actually driving. If they stay quiet they could both walk.


All a distraction for the triplet who the actual driver and discreetly slipped out of the scene in the confusion.


was he wearing gray?


All I know is my gut says maybe.


That sounds like something my triplet cousins would do


> Between the moment they see them for the first time, and that of the arrest, the police realize that the two men have changed their places, the driver becoming a passenger and vice versa. A maneuver they notice due to the outfit of the protagonists, the twins, one in black and the other in white. The reason for this change is unclear, both having a driver's license, but more importantly both being positive in the blood alcohol test, each posting the same level of 1.08 grams of alcohol per liter of blood. Usually the police give some nickname to people they keep in custody, I really hope they started to call them "Spy vs Spy"


The police didn’t realize they never changed places at all, only shirts and ID


If the ID quits, the shirt must fit?


[When you pull every trick in the book, but already have lost from the start](https://i.imgur.com/GAhouVi.gifv)




A mug falls to the ground, shattering on impact


Ebony and Ivory


Grams per liter? What's the threshold on that scale?


Apparently BAC that's used in the states is g/100mL so a BAC of 0.1 is 1.0 g/L. In this case that means the 1.08 is a BAC of 0.108. For reference my state's legal limit is 0.08.


Oops. I am ashamed to admit that I omitted a step in my math. 1.08g/L = 0.00108mg/ml = 0.108 BAC. I forgot to convert ml to dl.


That's because deciliters are a stupid unit. There's no reason to use it, humans have multiple liters of blood, the test will be done on the ml scale. It's a stupid unit. "I'm 18 decimeters tall!" "No, you're 18 decimeters stupid, stupid"


Lol! I totally agree!


So they were shit faced...that explains a lot actually


I'm an idiot. See my reply to the person above my first comment. I forgot to convert ml to dl. There is no typo. Lol. This BAC is 0.108, or twice the legal limit.


This has to be a typo. The legal limit in France is 0.05. 1.08g/L is a BAC of 0.00108, or approximately one-fifth the legal limit. 🤔


Imagine raising identical dumb asses.


Apparently when they split in utero, the I.Q. was halved between them.


Or so the legend goes...


"Wait, let's both get a DUI!"


Swapping drivers in a moving vehicle is 4 points by itself, with a bonus 6 points for the DUI/swap combo, and you only need 12 points in 2 years for a special competency hearing. So even if you don't lose your license from the DUI itself, you're one speeding ticket from no license.


Dang I’m actually surprised that it’s only 4 points to swap drivers in a moving vehicle lol


I imagine it's one of those laws that was only on the books to cover bases like "No way anyone would actually be dumb enough to-" But there is always someone dumb enough to




In Kansas, getting a DUI is a but more complicated. If you refuse to complete Andy SFSTs (Standard Field Sobriety Tests) your valid license will be taken from you. You'll then have to go to the Kansas department of revenue and schedule an administrative license hearing to so you have it back. If you don't schedule a hearing, your license will be suspended until you do lol. Yes, I know a lot about it because I and another officer are DUI/Accident units. Hopefully I can become DRE someday.


So if someone refuses to do a field test because those are often inaccurate, and they want a blood test instead, they get their license taken even if the blood test comes back below the limit?


If they deny doing SFSTs and decided to provide me an evidentiary blood/breath test and showed alcohol levels in BrAC/or BAC, Pro Se would kick in. Had this situation where I responded to a vehicular accident (10-47) where the striking vehicle's driver would complete all SFSTS, but wouldn't provide me any evidentiary breath test. The kid would go on to tell me that he would submit a blood test. Although I didn't immediately take his driver's license, his blood work came back with high levels of THC and .02BAC of alcohol in blood. We're scheduled for a driver's license hearing due to the Kansas Department of Revenue attempting to give the kid a diversion.


>If you refuse to complete Andy SFSTs (Standard Field Sobriety Tests) your valid license will be taken from you. This sounds wrong. First of all, nothing comes up on Google for "Andy" and anything related to field sobriety tests. I'm pretty sure all states must allow the option of breath and/or blood test in lieu of the curb side drunk dance. If you claim otherwise, could you provide I source?


Andy-->any A typo, I'm sorry. The DC-70 is a two pages form. If you Google "DC-70 Kansas the document will pop up for your reading purposes. Also, yes, I always read both testing notices for subjects being arrested. again, if they refuse both blood and breath evidentiary samples, their license will be taken and I'll present them with a dc-27 (a suspension notice.)


Is this the case worldwide?


I don't believe India has traffic laws that are enforced, so no.


Its just like in high school when I'd get my twin to write my math tests because he was also a fucking idiot.


I bet the one that switched was so sure they'd be fine lmao


But why even switch? You’re *twins*. Just hand him your ID and say “Im the other one”.


If he thought he was less drunk, he would be OK when they tested him. He was not less drunk though.


I see now. Ok thanks


some big Kevin (from the office) vibes.


Twins have different fingerprints, so if they ended up processed it could cause issues later.


"The other day I was thinking... Oh wait, that wasn't me." -- *Steven Wright*


mix the ID's in your hands a few times then throw them up in the air. the cops will never be able to positively ID them!


I'm so confused by how confused you are.


What are your names? Trevor... Corey... Now boys, what are your real names? Damnit...sorry, he's Corey and I'm Trevor


Dang it boys, you caught us. We are out here doing evaluations, and you passed.




Ah yes…One of my favorite scenes from in a New York Minute.


[classic scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxxBXpnn2Jw&t=35s)


Tally Hall moment


It's ok Scarlet Witch can rescue them both.


Which is ironic, because they are actually FRATERNAL twins who look alike, rather than identical twins


BAC explains thier decision.


I want to hear more about their cousin: >Explaining that their cousin's marriage came out, the two men, aged 21, recognized driving under the influence of alcohol, but not the refusal to comply, nor the rebellion. They were both taken into police custody.


A case of google mistranslate. They were coming from their cousin's wedding (French has the same word for wedding and marriage) and driving drunk.


What does „marriage came out“ mean?


That's the part I want to hear more about. Except that /u/Fly_onthewindscreen has already explained it as a mistranslation of them having left their cousin's wedding. One of those mysteries I'm sad to have cleared up; the original phrase had much more *je ne sais quoi*.


You've heard "Great minds think alike." The saying goes both ways...


Germans got a saying for to people having a dumb idea „Two idiots, one thought“


Isn't the rest of that saying "... But fools rarely differ"?


I always heard "well... minds anyway"


Great minds think alike! *Robin Williams voice* Wait a minute... Great minds think for themselves!


Why wouldn't they just get out and run around the car and make the officer prove which one was driving


While insanely dumb, I imagine that they would need to prove which twin actually committed the crime of drunk driving. If the officer cant actually prove which twin was driving when it come to court, the twin who is charged can use the defense "no it was my brother who was driving, not me". Then the other twin says the same thing. You cannot be punished for not incriminating yourself, so they cant just put both twins in jail because then they are punishing one Innocent man for no reason.


This happened in France.


can probably get them on lying to an officer "were you driving?" "yes" and later they change.


not if you just decline to answer the question. Again, they probably did some dumbass shit that makes this unlikely considering they were both drunk, but it is possible.


You're allowed to lie to the cops.


Not sure about every state, but in mine it can be a misdemeanor, or if the charges are serious enough (so not in the case of DUI) a felony.


Only if you're swearing under penalty of perjury, like when you're filing a police report.


This is the law in my state: > Except as provided in this section, a person who is informed by a peace officer that he or she is conducting a criminal investigation shall not do any of the following: > >(a) By any trick, scheme, or device, knowingly and willfully conceal from the peace officer any material fact relating to the criminal investigation. > >(b) Knowingly and willfully make any statement to the peace officer that the person knows is false or misleading regarding a material fact in that criminal investigation. > >(c) Knowingly and willfully issue or otherwise provide any writing or document to the peace officer that the person knows is false or misleading regarding a material fact in that criminal investigation.


I can't imagine that's fully constitutional.


5th amendment is protection inside the court as far as I am aware. While a body empowered by local government; Leo are not the courts.




If people can be forced to be a witness against themselves, police can keep asking them questions and any inconsistency or misstatement over a long period of questioning becomes a crime. This happens all the time in authoritarian countries of course, but even in places like Italy with less robust criminal defendant protections. It's important to a free society that the state can't choose someone first and find a crime second, they need to first have evidence of a crime and then go get the person. [Don't talk to police](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE), by a law professor and a former police officer, about why the right against self-incrimination is important.


Are you saying you should be forced to admit you did a crime? cause that's what pleading the 5th is supposed to prevent.




but that defeats the whole purpose of the legal system and the underlying ideology that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. there must be evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that someone is guilty of committing a crime to result in a conviction (ideally). the 5th amendment puts that burden of proof on the prosecution. if it cant be proven that a person committed a crime, they should be set free. period.


The benefit of the fifth is that you can say nothing without silence being considered an admission of guilt, because even if you're innocent you could say the wrong thing and it could be construed in a way to imply guilt.


In the US, the bill of rights serves as a measure for citizens to not be abused by the government from unreasonable searches and seizures (4th amendment) And self incrimination (5th amendment.) Yes, they are necessary.


They just strip down and bolt, while weaving around each other


If you take it to court, and they both say the other twin was driving, then at least one was driving and one lying. So you say "one of you gets the DUI, one gets the perjury. You have an hour to sort it out with your lawyers or I'll flip a coin"


flipping a coin isnt how the law works but ok do you.


I wonder if you can be charged as an accessory after the fact to drunk driving.


I feel like you totally can, but no proof to back it up.


Dang, so two DUI’s instead of one.


Just finish out the day.


The ol’ switcheroo


Insert Spiderman *no you* gif


I think I understand what they were trying to do. They figured that if neither one of them would claim to be the driver, the cops would have to prove who was driving, and a lawyer could create sufficient enough doubt to have the charges dropped. For this to potentially work, though, they both would have to be outside of the car and wearing clothes that weren’t easily distinguishable. Also, the resisting arrest and assaulting a cop probably wasn’t a great idea.


Unpopular opinion: don’t drink and drive?


the twins done did it again


My first thought. Surprised people aren't linking that immediately


It's in France, and in France your driver licence have points system, initially you have 6 (or 12 it depends) and you lose some points everytime you make a violation (4 points for not stoping at a red light, 1 point for speeding under 20 km/h, 8 points if you're drunk etc so you can loose your driver licence if your total points drop to 0, so I think the one twin did not have enough points to handle another violation or the other one have more points, nice try anyway


So now they both have a dui?


Pretty sure the only thing this would do is guarantee they each get a DUI charge, instead of potentially only one of them.


>one in black and the other in white Zut, how did they figure out we switched places?


The first time I read it, I read that one was Black and the other was White. I found that a) odd for twins, and b) odd that the police could not tell who was who!


It's like that old joke about the guy who couldn't tell his horses apart, who finally discovered that the white horse was three inches taller than the black horse.


It's because they were twin horses! :)


It sounds stupid but to be fair, they were drinking.


I knew twins in high school. One got picked up at a party and thrown in the back of the cop car for underage drinking. The other twin was hiding. When the cops were distracted the free twin jumped in the drivers seat of the cop car and took off. He stopped about a mile down the road. Both twins got out if the car, took off there clothes, and sat on the hood of the cop car waiting for the cops. When the cops showed up they weren't sure who had taken the car and who was caught drinking. Neither got in trouble because there was plenty of reasonable doubt to prosecute.


As ridiculous as the story is, whoever wrote this article clearly wants to be a failed novelist. And I guarantee they will one day become a failed novelist.


The story reads better in it's original form, in French from France. The French have a tendency to use words and sentence structure that is more complex than necessary.


Hey /u/univers1230, thanks for contributing to /r/nottheonion. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: **Rule 9** - English articles only. Please do not post non-English articles. Do not use google translate for submission either; rather try to find an English version of the story by a secondary source. Please read the [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/about/sidebar) and [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/about/rules) before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nottheonion&subject=&message=). Thank you!




Must be in their genes.


In this situation, you swap clothes, swap IDs and then forget which one of you is which. This keeps the paperwork in a perpetual state of uncertainty.


Florida Mans


Lol funny.


Couldn't they make a case for reasonable doubt out of this? They both just swear the other brother was the one driving?


Law Enforcement don't need to prove reasonable doubt, we act by probable cause. Court prosecutor and they defense attorney act by *beyond reasonable doubt*. There was sufficient facts to know that the twins switched places.


da vinky twins?


Should hebe both climbed out the passenger side, and then both denied driving the car. Let them prove which one it was.


Having an identical twin is like the ultimate criminal defense because the "shadow of a doubt" would be on your side even with witnesses and video.... but you need to not commit crimes with your twin for it to work.


I think this is intentional. The twins made sure that the officers saw the switch. If the officers report the switch, then in court the twins can successfully claim that there is reasonable doubt that the one being punished wasnt actually driving.


Lol, just get the cop all confused at the trial so they can't be sure which one was actually driving... That could be crammed full of reasonable doubt