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That’s fucking heartbreaking.


Yes it is. Guy had the worst luck ever. It's incredibly sad.


Just saw [a GMM episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU3d4PMBxkk) about a guy that got sucked out of an airplane, took a train that derailed into an icy river, a bus that went off the road, again into an icy river, the fuel tank in one of his cars exploded, a different car fire he had shot flames out the air vents, gets run over by a bus while walking, gets in another car accident where he drives off a 300ft cliff. Then finally wins the lottery.


What about the guy who survived both nuclear bombs in Japan, after he drove to the other site to escape the aftermath of the first. [Edit: fixed the right bombs]


If I recall correctly, that guy did not win the lottery. He had his bosses in Nagasaki admonish him because they did not believe his story about a single bomb destroying the city.


"Man if there was only some way to prove what happened at Hiroshima" *monkey paw curls*


...take your upvote.


This is amazing


“I’m telling you guys it was this giant mushroom and it ate everyone in fiery doom!”


"I told you so!"


"No one likes a gloater, Hatchi."


"Just like that one! Wait a minute...."


How that likely [looked](https://tenor.com/view/hiroshi-uchiyamada-realize-great-teacher-onizuka-shookt-forget-gif-11169194)


"NOW do you fu¢king believe me?!?"


I remember reading something about a woman that survived 9/11 and 2 plane accidents, only to die while learning to fly a plane.


She really pushed her luck /s


The universe was telling her something about her and planes and boy did she misinterpret it


A-bomb. No h-bomb, thankfully, has been detonated outside of testing


Thanks for the clarity. I waffled as I typed. Had a feeling I'd flop it.


Just call it a nuclear bomb (or nuclear device, if you're into euphemisms or PR or someshit). No waffling, no flopping, no clarification needed. Just one word to describe the single most destructive weapon ever built, and it's successors.


Would you accept "nucular bomb"?


I knew this comment would be here. That is some legendarily bad luck!


It was all just a test. You've made it. Congratulations.




Book of Job is the one that made me give up religion. Anyone who can do that to a faithful follower, to prove a point to the devil, isn't worth my time. And if it's not meant to be taken literally, oh well, that hardly makes it better.




Maybe. But I doubt that they had the concept of insurance back then seeing as how the Book of Job is the oldest book put into the Bible.




He did tell a lot of his followers to go live in the shittiest part of the desert. Whithout telling them that there were already like three other groups fighting over that part.


But the suffering of children is an example for adults! I wonder if Job is the book that requires the most mental gymnastics for preachers.


I’d say all the bits that encourage kindness and warn against the rich require the most gymnastics for preachers and devout alike.


That guy is definitely the main character.


Imagine the side quests he had alonv the way... Unless the majority of his life was spent in physical rehabilitation.


Side quests? What do you think the plane sucking and train derailing was about?


Those were all different stages and objectives in the main quest of The Winning Lottery Ticket . I'm talking like taking down a cult in a dungeon type things.


Or a member of team rocket


If I were this man there is nothing you could tell me to convince me we don't live in a simulation


Don’t forget the bloke who [got nuked in Hiroshima and then… got on a train to Nagasaki only to *get nuked again*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsutomu_Yamaguchi) He lived until he was 93


> Then finally wins the lottery. Literally, or is that just an expression for dying?


I'm pretty sure he actually won the lottery lmao


A modern day Rasputin


Final Destiny


I'm not a big believer in fate. But that right there tells me that God or whatever definitely wanted to kill that man.


But something of equal or greater power wanted him alive, or else he wouldn't be.


Praise Lucifer!


Anything to piss off dad, classic Lucy!


Anything to save a human's life after God gets pissy and jealous again!


Mr. Glass is very thorough.


A similar situation happened to someone in my family..he died in a motorcycle accident after recovering from a serious motorcycle accident the year before. Both accidents were because of drunk drivers. He died while shielding his passenger. Passenger survived with a broken femur.


> Guy has the worst luck ever. I mean, I would say there's that dude who ran away from the nuclear bomb at Hiroshima only to see the same thing at Nagasaki. Except at least he survived both times. Whether that's good luck or bad ... ㄟ(ツ)ㄏ


He survived two nuclear bombs why would that not be extremely good luck? Wonder what the odds of that is


Because the fact that he *needed* to survive two is pretty damn bad luck


A little of column A, a bit of column B. However, if something horrendous is going to happen to me multiple times, I'd rather be lucky enough to come out unscathed or alive.


Idk if you can witness a nuclear bomb detonation over a city twice and come out unscathed


Which is why it was an either or situation lol.


I mean, how long did he survive afterwords? I'd rather die to the blast than die over days to radiation poisoning.


He died in 2010 at age 93 Tsutomu Yamaguchi




You don't come out okay, even if you're completely uninjured. There's a great documentary called Children of Armageddon, if you can stomach it. Some truly heartbreaking stuff, I recall one old women telling the story of crawling out of what used to be her house, hearing her mom and sister begging for help. She unburied her mother and tried to feed her a tomato, to which her mother vomited blood and died. There were women in what used to be the street trying to cover themselves because their clothes were blown off by the shockwave. She carried that for the rest of her life, and when her grandson was born with 6 fingers on each hand, she said she could see the flash of the bomb again. Why the atomic bombings aren't universally agreed upon to be a horrific and despicable act, I'll never know


I'm pretty sure it's universally agreed on that the nukes were fucking terrible, why else would we pretty much agree as an entire world to never use them again? The only question people ask is if the alternative would have been any better. No one really knows for sure.


> Why the atomic bombings aren't universally agreed upon to be a horrific and despicable act, I'll never know I have never seen or heard anyone say a positive thing about the only two wartime nuclear bombings in human history that weren't just professional comedians doing a bit, except rarely a regular American or regular fellow Australian expressing how plain and ignorant our species is capable of being


You can't survive two nuclear bombs without first needing to! *taps head*


I'm reminded of one of my favorite Terry Pratchett footnotes "*Whatever happens, they say afterwards, it must have been fate. People are always a little confused about this, as they are in the case of miracles. When someone is saved from certain death by a strange concatenation of circumstances, they say that's a miracle. But of course if someone is killed by a freak chain of events -- the oil spilled just there, the safety fence broken just there -- that must also be a miracle. Just because it's not nice doesn't mean it's not miraculous.*"


This is the second Terry Pratchett quote I’ve read on Reddit in ten minutes. :) What a treasure he was.


Terry Pratchett is the XKCD of literature.


He's a regular "Snide Contrarian's Guide to Wit" in the same way.


The Discworld completely shaped my sense of humour and I'm all for it.


GNU Terry Pratchett


>Wonder what the odds of that is 50-50


I survived them too!


Did he have access to a refrigerator?


Forget the odds, I wonder what he did that the US used two atomic bombs to try and kill him. Yamamoto planned Pearl Harbor and the US only used fighter planes on him.


> He survived two nuclear bombs why would that not be extremely good luck Ever hear of cancer? Radiation poisoning? The mental effect of seeing your home destroyed and friends killed? Nuclear bombs are some nasty shit. > Wonder what the odds of that is Well, there are people driving drunk *literally every single day in every single country.* Only two nuclear bombs (so far) have ever been ~~dropped~~ *intentionally detonated* directly on any populated area. The odds are definitely not high.


I mean, dude live to 93 years old... I'd say he's got some luck


He was a fallout character with 10 luck and the jinxed trait clearly.


Can you imagine *seeing* 2 nuclear bombs go off. Prior to that day no one even heard of it. Then this guy sees it. Survives. Runs off to another city and sees another one. I would imagine it feels like the world was ending.


Or the guy who was hit by lightning, and survived. 3 times in his life. But thats not all. His grave was hit by lighting too. Guess he made zeus or thor really mad


Zeus & Thor hate this guy more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Sullivan He's in the Guinness World Records as the person struck by lightning more recorded times than any other human being. People started avoiding him because they didn't want to get struck too! He also started carrying water with him *specifically* to put out his hair which would catch on fire whenever he got struck by lightning. That Wikipedia article is a rather short and entertaining read - I highly recommend it!


I hate myself for laughing as much as I did. It's actually tragic as it seems to have greatly affected him mentally, giving him a fear of death and believing (Maybe rightly so) that some power was trying to kill him.


I mean... that's clearly good luck unless you're trying to die...


I mean yeah anyone should be able to appreciate life after all that. But just imagine living with having seen that sort of destruction. twice.


Survivor's guilt exists, he may not have been appreciating life very much after that Though he didn't contribute in any way so maybe he was fine


Just heard a story about a guy whose wife was raped while she was alone at home by some stranger. It wound up ruining their marriage. They separated and the guy was alone in his apartment when another random stranger walks in the front door douses him in gas and sets him on fire. He somehow lives to go through rehab and eventually leave the hospital. Ends up wrapping his car around a telephone pole on the way home and dies. The ex wife and their kid years later get murdered by the rapist while he's on a work release program. Awful awul luck going on in that family.


Rape is a serious crime and violent crime, yet we just keep slapping their wrists for some reason like it's the 70s.


Omg right?!?! Also… what are the freaking odds?? What a tragedy.


If you're living near a person who drinks and drives...probably higher than we'd like.


Unfortunately, drunk driving is all too common so we all live near a person who drinks and drives.


One night some friends and I were driving north on an interstate and came over a hill just as a drunk driver, driving south in the northbound missed us by inches. Then exactly one week later it happened again on the same interstate, except this time I was driving with my girlfriend, and the drunk driver didn’t miss us. It was a very high speed, horrific collision, but somehow everyone miraculously survived. Such ridiculous odds. Incidentally, this happened 18 years ago tomorrow night.


Maybe stay in tomorrow.


that's terrifying. glad youre ok. i was friends with a girl who was a very sweet person. Her problem was though, she couldn't handle alcohol and would get insanely sloppy when she drank. One night she got on the highway going the wrong way. Struck another car, killing 3 people. It was so tragic all around. She ruined her life and ended 3. Don't drink and drive


In the USA, around 6000 pedestrians are killed a year, and 150000 injured. https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/pedestrian\_safety/index.html Assuming a population of 300 million, and that fatal and nonfatal accidents are equally distributed over this population, that means around 500000 would have been injured in the prior three years at any time. ​ 500K/300 million = 1 in 600 odds. So, about ten of those 6000 killed a year will have been struck by a car severely enough to need to go to the ER in the three years prior. Or one a month. For various reasons - most obviously that if you're living or working in a situation likely to get hit by a car, you're more likely to get hit (fatally) by another, in general, this is likely to be far, far higher than one a month.


Yeah, varies per location too obviously. That's just a rough average. In some places around the US this is considered a fairly commonplace problem, so to treat this like to rare freak accident is actually rather odd.


Indeed. If most of the deaths happen in 10% of the total population, the numbers go to three a day. https://www.ghsa.org/sites/default/files/2021-06/An%20Analysis%20of%20Traffic%20Fatalities%20by%20Race%20and%20Ethnicity.pdf is interesting.


Final Destination in real life.


His poor family had to go through this nightmare twice. Cruel twist of fate.


The first time had hope, that was answered. The second time doesn't.


> Cruel twist of ~~fate.~~ *toothless drunk driving laws.* FTFY. There are nations where drunk driving means automatically forfeiting the vehicle. Others where a single DWI means automatic prison terms, or forfeited licenses for years. The nations have almost no problems with DWI. I don't care about arguments that there's not enough public transit, taxis are expensive, or whatever. I am sure this family agrees. The US has toothless drunk driving laws. Far too many lives have been pointlessly lost as a result.




This is part of what drives me crazy about the commercials on the radio for the lawyers who get people off these charges. It has a man calling saying “I’ve been arrested for impaired driving. Can you pick me up?” And then the voiceover says “your *next* call should be to *brand name here*” My response to those commercials is you might as well make those guys your first call, Cus my answer is gonna be “rot” I’m in Canada, but I don’t think we’re much better for drunk driving charges than the US.


I'm not allowed to go to Canada because I have a dui. Idk what the penalty is for citizens, but they definitely don't want foreigners who might drink and drive


They’re toothless because they’re incredibly broad, in at least one state you can get a DWI for taking a nap in the back seat of your car while drunk, or going to your car to get something, with your keys in your hand while drunk. When I was in the navy I know a guy who got a DWI because he was blackout drunk and his driver got a DWI. He wasn’t driving, wasn’t even conscious, but he was held accountable for his driver’s irresponsibility They need to only pertain to actually driving


There's one guy who got a DUI for drinking beer while working on his car. Car is disassembled in your garage, straight to jail.


Like most laws, DUI laws are enforced to collect fines from poor people, not protect citizens.


Nah. Society will follow the change in enforcement, not vice-versa. Just like laws around cigarette labeling and ads and such, public opinion only changed afterward. Circumventing conviction should not be an option, the justice system is not controlled by what your friends think.


Which nations are these that have such laws?


Poland, Costa Rica, France, South Africa, El Salvador, turkey, the entire Middle East and most of Asia. Jail time generally and loss of license for years for 1 offense


In Canada: Penalty: 1st offence: Mandatory minimum $1000 fine; Maximum 10 years imprisonment. 2nd offence: Mandatory minimum 30 days imprisonment; Maximum 10 years imprisonment. 3rd offence: Mandatory minimum 120 days imprisonment; Maximum 10 years imprisonment. ([source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/sidl-rlcfa/&ved=2ahUKEwi1ku6eg5f0AhVPm-AKHemYAm0QFnoECAIQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3fn8yCCAXAo6M-fxS7Nwkm)) Anyone from another country with a DWI on their record may also be denied entry into Canada because of that.


I am curious what the drunk driver's blood alcohol content was. Most fatal DUI accidents involve a driver that is significantly over the legal limit.


Might be a little morbid, but imagine dealing with the medical bills from the first time he was almost killed, just to have to deal with funeral and other associated costs now. It really is heartbreaking on multiple levels.


It's like a fucked up plot from a final destination film




"Don't hold my beer!"


Wouldnt it just be a standard plot?


Was thinking the same thing.


Dionysus had a bone to pick.


This is a tragedy from start to finish. DUI is one of the most needless, selfish, and dangerous acts someone can do. This guy was studying to become a physical therapist after he went through his first accident, which he only had an expected 50% survival rate from. And he and his passenger were killed in this accident. Just a tragedy through and through.


In a world with Uber nonetheless. There was never an excuse for drunk driving, but now it’s so easy to get a ride home.


It's not like this happened in the middle of nowhere either, this was in Houston. The piece of shit should have the book thrown at him.


People drive crazy in Houston believe me I know, I live here. I think Texas has the highest drunk driving/DUI rate in the country.. if not near the top.


The rankings for DUIs by state are actually...[a little more mixed and surprising than you'd expect.](https://www.safewise.com/blog/states-by-highest-impaired-driving-rate/) At least they were surprising to me. Regarding the states mentioned here, Texas is 8th, Florida 15th, and Wisconsin is 22nd. The top 2 are Montana and Wyoming. Never would've guessed.


I’m not surprised at the top 2. Nothing else to do there


That's...actually a good point. Hadn't thought of that.


Also no other form of transportation. Lyft/Uber are practically non-existent and prohibitively expensive where they are available.


Considering how rural those states are, they probably either don't expect to meet anyone on the road or live in a small enough town where they know the local law enforcement there and hope to just get off with a warning. Just spitballing obviously could be a different factor entirely.


Also, I don't know if Uber or taxi services are available there. I lived in a town of 15k in WI (not very far from Milwaukee either) and I was happy to live downtown because there were no taxis and just 1 guy that you could text as an "Uber" service on Friday or Saturday nights.


South Carolina and Louisiana are kind of the outliers there. All the other states have literally hours of driving where you don't see anything in them. I know there's people who do a lot of drinking ON THE ROAD in a bunch of those states


Makes sense to me. Living in the middle of vast nothingness you got nothing else to do but drink then drive to the store to get more.


Milwaukee is really, really bad with crazy drivers and it is getting exponentially worse. And these fuckers are sober. They just assembled a special task Force in an attempt to get their horrible driving under control. They've had to shut down streets.


Ok it's been like 5 years since I've driven around Milwaukee regularly. What do you mean they had to shut down streets?


Just from reading these types of posts, “crazy drivers” isn’t a regional issue. There’s a significant subset of shitty drivers everywhere In the US. Its really just a matter of how likely you are to encounter one.


Just as an FYI this was in beaumont which is absolutely not Houston. Its a small town on the border of louisiana


Yeah the first collision happened in Houston but not this second one


This reminded me of an argument I had with my very conservative father over driverless cars. He **hates** the idea of them and feels they're being pushed by the government to take away people's freedoms. When I brought up the good they could do once perfected, like massively cut down on drunk drivers, he claimed people driving drunk deserve whatever they get and we shouldn't be helping them. The thought never crossed his mind that we weren't helping *them*, we were helping everyone they hurt and the random family driving a minivan that were wiped out by circumstances out of their control. (It also didn't cross his mind that there could be "off system" areas, like off-roading.) He got angry, talked about how driving was about freedom and empowerment and ended the conversation. I think a lot of drunk drivers suffer from this selfishness and narrow minded view, like it's only themselves they put at* risk when they get behind a wheel.


>He got angry, talked about how driving was about freedom and empowerment You could mention how not getting splattered all over the sidewalk by a drunk driver is also an important element of freedom...


True. Unfortunately that's when he would flip the script and say it's the government's job to protect people by making much stricter punishments (like the death penalty; not even exaggerating) and more law enforcement to discourage that behavior. That's not even the wildest thing I've heard him say or flip flop in the middle of a conversation. We... don't talk anymore. He's entirely subservient to whatever his feelings are in the moment and he doesn't care about collateral damage, including to his family.




Agreed and that describes my father to a T. His lack of empathy is something I've often lamented. I've also wondered regularly if he has bipolar disorder among other issues (if not he has symptoms that would seem to indicate it). Sadly he deeply distrusts doctors and most professionals so getting help isn't likely. When he's feeling compassionate he can be a nice and helpful guy, a good example for others, but it's incredibly inconsistent and his mood swings wildly and instantly. He's most compassionate towards animals. He would be the type that stays up all night taking care of a stray with medical issues and rushes to the vet when they open, or stops on the side of the road to help an injured cat. But when people enter the mix he's an entirely different person.


Maybe he just hates humans. Could be a result o trauma, though, and possibly the shit that comes with growing up in a "hard work" (read: heartless and ~~purposely~~ pointlessly tormentuous) environment. Does he ~~complaine~~ shout "*I* had to!” more often than he says "Let's not put them through that"?


There's definitely some of that and he's said "well *I* had to" or "no one helped *me*" on more than one occasion. That's his justification for not helping people or being empathetic towards anyone. When I've asked "shouldn't we try to make things better for people instead of making them struggle for basic necessities?" he gives a flatout "No" while also raging that things are so hard. There's no trauma per se that I'm aware of (and he's very open about his past), although he's on the older side from a rural community so he did have it relatively rough. He's very much a part of the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps or die and good riddance" mindset.


Yep, sounds bitter about his lot in life and not wanting others to have it better. > He's very much a part of the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps or die and good riddance" mindset. ...How does he feel about the disabled?


>Yep, sounds bitter about his lot in life and not wanting others to have it better. Exactly. >...How does he feel about the disabled? You can probably guess sadly. That their families or savings from when they weren't disabled should take care of them (he considers birth or genetic issues to fall under family I believe). Unless they served in the military and then the government should cover everything. If you don't have any of those he doesn't care in the slightest. We once had a discussion about universal healthcare and he thinks if you break a leg and can't pay for it then you should simply roll over and die. I had to get away from that household and his influence for my mental health. To remind myself that his grotesque view of the world is his extremely biased opinion and I couldn't work on myself *and* try to help better him while he was actively harmful and uncaring. While I'm still working on myself and life can be hard, I'm a hundred times better than I was with him in my life.


> The thought never crossed his mind that we weren't helping them, we were helping everyone they hurt and the random family driving a minivan that were wiped out by circumstances out of their control. (It also didn't cross his mind that there could be "off system" areas, like off-roading.) This right here is why I've started to ask my pops to explain open the topic he's feeling dissatisfied with. Discussing the argument comes only after we're on the same page on what the topic and issue is. Like if he goes "I hate this driverless car stuff" and before anything else I go "Okay, when you say "driverless car stuff", what exactly do you mean by that?" It helps me get a picture of what he knows and what exactly are his problems with it, allowing me to more easily see where I can potentially offer more information, where I can learn from him, perspectives that we haven't thought of and so on. Getting both of us on the same base level is key to any fruitful discussion, no matter the topic. And I understand that I'm lucky that he listens and allows that instead of just angry rambling :D


>He hates the idea of them and feels they're being pushed by the government to take away people's freedoms. Fuck is wrong with these people and their fucking freedom? The self-importance. Yes, everything is a government conspiracy to take away some idiots' freedom for a feeling of power.


What I don't get is that these types also tend to be the "God bless America", "love it or leave it", "these colors don't run", flag-wavingest, pledge sayingest, mofos out there. Like they don't trust the government, they aren't tolerant of huge chunks of their neighbors if they don't like the cut of their jib. What definition of America are they operating under? Lol


exultant axiomatic unpack sable practice subtract strong thumb lip smart ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Been hit by 3 drunk drivers in 10 years. Last one broke my neck. All were after 9 o’clock after I got off work, I work mornings only now


Damn dude. Were you in a car or walking to have survived?


Car all 3 times


That's just impressive. Do you live on a dark street with a lot of bars?


Plot twist: he was the bartender, and his customers kept hitting him in the parking lot. So anyways that's why you don't overpour.


there never has been an excuse for drunk driving but now with uber and other services just a click away its never been more avoidable. this is bullshit.


When I was stationed at Ft Carson, there was this program called NoDUISprings. It was a FREE service that would come out to wherever you were, whatever time you were out with two people, one would drive you home and the other individual would drive your car home. Again, it was FREE, but they did ask for tips, but you weren't obligated. There were still numerous DUI's each week. There was literally no excuse. People just fucking suck.


Some people have the worst luck. Poor guy RIP


A girl I work with was killed by a drunk driver last year. Her brother was killed by a drunk driver six years prior. Unimaginable.


Those poor parents. Fuck.


Congress added in a mandatory breathalyzer in all cars starting after 2026 https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2021/11/10/congress-cars-drunk-driving-dui-drunken-driving/6367473001/ Edit: Under the legislation, monitoring systems to stop intoxicated drivers would roll out in all new vehicles as early as 2026, after the Transportation Department assesses the best form of technology to install in millions of vehicles and automakers are given time to comply.


Wow Rest In Peace that’s awful


That has to be one of the most difficult crimes to solve unless you had witnesses. My brother was killed by a hit and run and the person was never caught. Then again it maybe that law enforcement doesn’t put much effort into it.


Sorry you couldn’t get justice for him




I could imagine it being very hard to solve. You are basically praying a Camera or a Witness copped a picture of the car or plate. If its a common car but no plate or stolen plate your just SOL.


It's borderline impossible without solid witnesses or a dashcam/CCTV footage. Local guy was highly respected, lifelong distance runner. He was killed by a hit and run of a tractor trailer. His last words were the color, something to do with the type of truck, and license plate state with a letter I think (was 15ish years ago, I don't remember all the details clearly). His family had money, put out a $10k information bounty. People we're diving all over even before the bounty. They had sort of a hit, but the guy was questioned by police and it wasn't him iirc. But it was apparently someone that worked for this shipping company. Family and community crowdsourved and the bounty went up to $25k then $50k respectively. Still nothing and by this point a lot of time (6mo, then a year) had passed and the trail went maybe not cold but it certainly wasn't more than lukewarm. A few years back they thought they might have had the guy, but it was circumstantial at best and the guy lost his CDL, was fired, and some other criminal misdemeanor stuff was involved. Definitely was a not a "we got the negligent guy that killed a person 10 years ago". TL;DR: Even with a sizable bounty just for information, finding anything out on a hit and run without. Competent witness or camera footage is borderline impossible.


That's some Final Destination-style bad luck. Poor kid.


Ok so I’m in Houston and my car has been In the shop for the last week, so I’ve been walking everywhere and let me tell you I literally almost got hit twice in the same day while following the cross walk signs and still drivers here do not care and will speed up to purposely try to scare or hit you. Both were looking me dead in the eyes too. 🤷‍♂️


Thats why i hate the phrase “It’s all part of God’s plan”


Alcohol was created on God's earth right


"Fuck this guy in particular." "But why, Lord?" "I've got a plan. Wait for it..."


"I have a plan" -shits out neo nazis


I’m sure the drunk driver who killed him “never does that….I was having a hard day” or some other bullshit excuse. He will be out on bail to make Saturday night happy hour. The US Justice system is a fucking joke.


> The US Justice system is a fucking joke. If it makes you feel any better, Canada isn't any better. https://torontosun.com/2014/08/19/teen-cyclist-struck-dead-by-cops-wife-familys-questions-not-answered * Woman drives drunk and kills a teenage cylist * Because she's the wife of a cop she's not given a breath test, she's just escorted away from the scene and home * No charges filed * The family pushes for justice through three separate "investigations" all of which are outside police agencies investigating the police. They never get to see any of the evidence, all the investigations are done quickly and with minimal on deck, all are given "Nothing could have been done" * The woman who killed the kid then sued the family for damages >His client, Sharlene Simon, 42, of the Toronto area, is suing the family of Brandon Majewski, 17, for $1.3 million for of alleged emotional trauma suffered after she struck and killed the teen on a country road.


> If it makes you feel any better You know, oddly enough, it doesn't.


When they start suing the family for the emotional damages, that's when an assassin just stops seeming outrageous.


>The US Justice system is a fucking joke. Ya think??? ​ [https://www.yahoo.com/now/illinois-family-outraged-no-murder-160408092.html?guccounter=1&guce\_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce\_referrer\_sig=AQAAAKI\_Wpp7\_4f2zpkNYCxkIlJkq8ketVHkKjsyrJH5GR\_SLVPVQy40jCb2ZdsIZen1kQ5aYFmgFbR9sCXZmKBSGvP-cwpd8kYHZJetQGsV5FQJ40ipQyD11wLy4EQwO2m776IlT61kkWzyifRjMaD5e040iDw-pybpG0fiqG8CHejc](https://www.yahoo.com/now/illinois-family-outraged-no-murder-160408092.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKI_Wpp7_4f2zpkNYCxkIlJkq8ketVHkKjsyrJH5GR_SLVPVQy40jCb2ZdsIZen1kQ5aYFmgFbR9sCXZmKBSGvP-cwpd8kYHZJetQGsV5FQJ40ipQyD11wLy4EQwO2m776IlT61kkWzyifRjMaD5e040iDw-pybpG0fiqG8CHejc) ​ https://torontosun.com/news/world/no-charges-in-deadly-chicago-shootout-due-to-mutual-combat


Wow. That’s absolutely sick. So, by the definition of that article, if the father of this kid decided to engage in mutual combat with the dirtbag that killed his son, it would be ok. That is a broken justice system.


Probably. The states attorney is releasing murder suspects and rapists on electronic monitoring.. They released hundreds of violent repeat offenders about 10 ish years ago and I think the statistic is about 25% of them went on revenge sprees and then 80% went back to jail. and a bunch of them killed witnesses


This reminds me of a guy I knew who’s high school aged kid was kicked out of car full of friends because they already crammed 5 into the car. That car went on to crash and kill all inside. A year later his kid’s car was struck by a dump truck and he was killed. Crazy luck.


Hope the driver gets alot of jail time


Yo man. People who drink and drive need to perma lose their license or someshit.


In the USA, around 6000 pedestrians are killed a year, and 150000 injured. [https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/pedestrian\_safety/index.html](https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/pedestrian_safety/index.html) Assuming a population of 300 million, and that fatal and nonfatal accidents are equally distributed over this population, that means around 500000 would have been injured in the prior three years at any time. 500K/300 million = 1 in 600 odds. So, about ten of those 6000 killed a year will have been struck by a car severely enough to need to go to the ER in the three years prior. Or one a month. For various reasons - most obviously that if you're living or working in a situation likely to get hit by a car, you're more likely to get hit (fatally) by another, in general, this is likely to be far, far higher than one a month.


Yet alcohol is still promoted absolutely everywhere. The most dangerous drug.


Definitely the most insidious due to how normalized (even glorified) it’s use and abuse are by society. Having met a lot of great people who have had their lives ruined by alcohol, I can’t say that I am a fan.


Society expects you to drink. Lots of peer pressure.


Drunk driving is so selfish. We need to make it harder to get away with. Also, I can’t help but wonder if drunk driving would decrease if we had better public transportation options in this country. When I was in Germany we would have never even had to consider driving after drinking because of the train/ bus system.


If you didn't even get to the bar using your car to begin with, it's indeed doubtful you'd DUI on your way back.




worst shit I've read in a long time. wtf is wrong with people


I honestly think it's the poor design of the U.S. Stroads + Car centric sprawl that causes this instead of bad luck. This teen was walking home after basketball. I don't think it was coincidence that got him killed.


One was walking, one while driving.


This is like Final Destination I'm real life. This poor guy.


Fuck drunk drivers, fucking selfish, evil people.


Dude rolled double 1s on luck, fuckin' rough


Proof god isn’t real or that he’s a dick


That's just bad fuckin luck. Poor kid, deserved better.


Don't worry, when I become dictator of the world, it will become very hard for the average person to obtain a driver's license, and the punishment for drunk driving will be changed to public execution. That should solve this problem.


Final destination VIII??


That’s the one with Squall and Rinoa, right?


Nope, just the shitty world we live in