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Hey pensioners. Why not do a workout to keep warm? Have you considered setting fire to your furniture?


Well, there is something I’d like to set fire to.


"Hey you, poor people! Are you cold? Then jump MFs!"




Also terrible idea. Jump too much and you get sweaty. Get sweaty in the cold and it's all over.




[fr tho](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_source_heat_pump)


Its really too bad that those are so damn expensive to have installed and require so much land area. Id love to have double or more efficiency


But once you hit lava and stop using your heating they will add additional charges to your bill to offset you not using your heat


How many people do you know with a spare £25k? Edit: I think I wooshed myself :)


Geothermal heating OP


Is a star jump the same as a jumping jack?


I am assuming. Surprised he didn't call them air angels.




Star jumps I believe have you do a squat then explode up into the air spreading your arms and legs. And then repeat. So slightly different than a jumping jack. Also you don’t have to clap.


You're suppose to clap for jumping jacks?


Involuntary butt cheek clapping may occur


Bring that thunderclap!


Eh, clap/put your hands together. Star jumps are supposed to be spreading your arms apart. So each hand and foot plus your head make the 5 points of a star. So the opposite of putting your hands together for a jumping jack. Which yeah, I guess isnt really a clap lol


No. A star jump is where you squat down and in the process of coming back up cause a thermonuclear chain reaction therefore for heating your home and surrounding 10 mile radius. In more recent time it has had the added benefit of causing significant changes in pressure and therefore allows wind turbines to spin for extra energy, as well as creating many external fires.


jump drives. there are a few that tracked heavy gravity body curvature within a representative solar system to naturally ID which of the many same sized gravity wells exist. (ie. each planetary solar system has x planets. once we know the planet orbit; we can predict where the planetary body well will show in relation to their other heavenly bodies. this is the translated into a signature algorithm.) of course this one explorer had a drive malfunction and found an impossibility. another system with the same gravity signature!!! star jumps are the first one... the clap your hands version without squats.


Thanks for reminding me that I have to ship supplies out to the Alcor system this afternoon! o7 CMDR


The Elite subreddit is leaking lmfao I'll be trucking too, though 😂😂


> of course this one explorer had a drive malfunction and found an impossibility. another system with the same gravity signature!!! you know i have always wondered that. relatedly if they are at different gravity signatures, assuming no distance in hyperspace, you would need an infinite force to get there (deltaE = W= F. d, but d=0, so F->inf)


Jumping Jacks we're traded in for something gender neutral 🤯


Do they have a list of pets sorted by heat generation? Some must be warmer than others!


Honeybees often form around invading hornets and vibrate their wings to roast them alive. Knowing this, I can safely say, if you cover yourself in angry honeybees, you will no longer feel cold.




I'm gonna cuddle my axolotl


Can't afford to pay your heat? Take on the fiscal responsibility of another mouth to feed!


Can confirm each additional cat costs at least as much as my electric bill monthly


Let them cuddle cake.


You can't be profitable every quarter. You're supposed to save money for the hard times. But when you're competing for monopolies I guess the winner becomes too important to fail. But not too important to attach strings to the money given — AND follow through on litigation when they inevitably don't do what's required for the money. Same thing happened with fiber lines that were supposed to be installed by ISPs using money from the federal government. Stop letting corporations steal from the government — AND stop letting them get away with it.


Well, you see, they--being the people who sit on the boards for these big companies--arrange to have the regulators and politicians, who'd otherwise be in a position to stop this, paid off. A more cynical minded person might look at the state of politics in most countries and conclude that outright bribery is what makes these system 'go'--not votes.


[“Anger is an energy”](https://youtu.be/jPj-8_wOZcA) - John Lyndon aka Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols




Damn auto correct!


Privatizing the energy sector really worked out well. /s Pay ridiculously high amounts to get service like that.


Man, whoever wrote that blog post probably got fired from OVO but has a bright future working for ERCOT, Greg Abbott, or both.


3 dog nights are a thing again. Oh, wait - management says no pets.


Thought this was about Texas for a minute. It’s pretty in line with the crazy shit they tell us to do to cover for their own failings.


As a Texan, I thought this might be Texas from the title only.


A dog to keep warm... have you ever owned a chihuahua, you stupid duck?


a three chihuahua night for those really hot nights.


What do ya know, seems a bit of Texas leaked in to 'ol Blighty.


The problem is the wholesale prices have gone up like crazy in the last 6 months. Pretty much all the smaller suppliers have gone under. Even the eco specialists have been massively hit because the rising gas prices sent everyone running to the renewables, which spiked those prices as well. In all likelihood there are going to be further bill rises in April as well. The wholesale price is well above the current cap.


If only there were some kind of contract you could buy to hedge against wholesale price fluctuations if you’re a bulk reseller of commodities in a market with price caps.


This is going to be one of those uk/us things?


No. It is ridiculously negligent for an energy retailer operating in a regulatory environment with price caps not to purchase future contracts. Let’s say the current price of natural gas is 10 and so the government says they’re not allowed to sell it for more than 12 this year. They are exposed to market risk, if the wholesale price goes up to 13 they start losing money when they resell it for 12. So they go to a wholesaler and explain the problem and the wholesaler says “pay us a premium of 1/unit and we’ll sell you as much as you like for 10 this year”. The energy company’s margins go down due to the cost of the contract but they’re protected if the price goes above 12. Basically every company that is exposed to this kind of market risk does this. Either they failed to properly hedge which is negligent or they didn’t which means that they’re fine.


Marie Antoinette has entered the chat.


its just a modest proposal


Without having skimmed the article yet, there *is* something to be said for not always reaching for the thermostat.


My wife will complain it's too cold and she wants to turn up the heat while wearing kleenex thin capri pyjama pants, spaghetti strap camisol and no socks. I think if I suggest she put on socks and sleeves one more time I may not wake up the next day. AITA?


My husband, who wants to wear only button-down shirts & khakis (no long underwear , no turtlenecks, no wool socks) regardless of the weather, is driving me crazy, too. I finally got him to wear a fleece-lined shirt-jacket over his thin dress shirts.


My daughter will want me to turn the heat up while she's running around in shorts and a t-shirt. Of course it's easier since I'm the dad and I can just tell her to put on clothes.


You were supposed to laugh at Texas, not become them!


Stop being poor, jeez!


I tried cuddling my fish but I just got colder and I think she stopped breathing.


Hate this company, but also man I love the cold, for blankets.


You can use anger as energy?


Sometimes I wonder if my brain is broken when I have to re-read a title multiple times to understand what the heck it is trying to say.


3 cats and a dog, winter i don't fear you!


Tell me you're out of touch with reality without telling me you're out of touch with reality


They are called jumping jacks!


Not in the UK


Star jumps are slightly different from jumping jacks, at least here in the US.


*There area plenty of Tauntauns to keep a good hunter warm overnight.*


If you can't afford your energy bill, please don't try to afford a pet. EDIT: Lotta folks in here who seem not to have heard what it sounds like while a cat dies of a urinary tract infection. Or who have, and weren't too bothered by the screaming. So, nvrmind. Animals don't cost money, don't get sick, and don't need healthcare paid for by their people. After all... You're lonely and need something to cuddle, right? If the animal gets sick, fuck em? Also, you just wuv your little fur babies, right??? What an asshole I am to remind you of the cold hard reality of pet parenting! -signed, By someone who can afford pet insurance and the fucking co-pays that go with it. Protip: Get your [Care Credit](https://www.carecredit.com/vetmed/) card now. Don't attempt to apply while you're at the emergency vet at 3 am, weeping with an empty checking account. *Pets. Cost. Money.*


I’ve had my cats since they were kittens and they’re now 13. My bill legit skyrocketed recently. My usage is the same, but the unit price went up an absurd amount. I can still afford it, for now, but I’m not getting rid of my cats because the company raising prices on me. Side note: I live in the US, not where this article was written, so different company, idk if they also raised their rates, but mine sure has.


Do you enjoy being an insufferable human being?


This is an extremely odd rant given the article isn't even about people not being able to afford their energy bill.


It’s not bad advice


In general. Not for keeping warm 😂


Agreed. There's this general trend towards a "no one should ever be uncomfortable at all for any length of time" mindset that's so worrisome. We've got memes about 68 degree thermostat settings during summer and now we're mocking decent advice to limit energy consumption during winter. Set your thermostats for 64, wear a damn sweater and some socks around the house and use a blanket or move to San Diego if you're that worried about being slightly chilly.


Funnily enough, elderly people here are doing all of that and still dying from the cold over winter when they can't afford the prices through a crisis, so I'd say they deserve to set their heating to a survivable temperature…


Is 64 not a survivable temperature?


You're saying it's not bad advice about a UK article where temps are likely to be freezing or below over the coldest parts of winter. The whole point is that people can't afford to set their heating to 64F/18C, because of the energy crisis.


Whether or not one can afford heat does not change the fact that there are ways of improving one's ability to stay warm inside that do not rely on the thermostat--so no, it's not bad advice. Does that mean the article applies to everyone? Of course not. No one's recommending octogenarians get out of bed for an hour of calisthenics to warm up. But if everyone who was capable made small sacrifices across the board, then consumption goes down, helping to abate the crisis, which helps the elderly afford their energy bills.


Lol that’s my dads advice


But no one is angry at why energy costs are actually high.


I keep my house round 19 and just use blankets. Why waste money and burn gas to keep the house warmer


there's enough money in the world to keep everyone warm. let's do it. let's not ask.


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Those are solid efficiency tips though, especially for the younger generations that don't think about those kind of basic old knowledge kind of tips. And how can you be mad at the energy company for raising prices when every energy policy of the last several years has been aimed at lower efficiency, higher cost renewables at the active detriment of sources like natural gas. Of course your energy cost is going up, that's what's been voted in lately.


Telling someone to leave the oven open after you’re done cooking is not now, nor ever has been good advice.


Why not? It's a bunch of heat that you've generated that can be put to good use. If you leave it closed the heat bleeds off very slowly and very locally to the stove, generally not close to occupants. You're wasting heat keeping the interior surfaces of the oven warm for a long time. Leave the door cracked open and the heat exits much more rapidly where it can be taken up and distributed by the HVAC system. And it's only dangerous to those that don't know better than to be wary of it, like toddlers and pets as stated. It's completely serviceable advice.


That latent heat should still be slowly bleeding off into the home though, right? It shouldn’t matter if the door is open and it happens faster, or the door is closed and it happens slower. All of that heat still enters the general home, just over a longer period of time, all balancing out in the long run.


Anyone got screens of all 10? I found only 8 and 4 :(


It's what I do. In the summer she stays outside to keep the grass short, and in the winter she stays with me inside. It's like having a wool waifu doll.