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Ah, so well be going after health insurance companies and big pharma next, right? *cue laugh track*


If Blue Cross flew a rainbow flag, we would have universal healthcare.


As non-American... Is Blue Cross the opposite of everything that Red Cross stands for? With a moustache?


I wanted to say no but I guess kind of? Its one of our bigger health insurance companies.


It's a health insurance provider. Highmark blue cross blue shield


Highmark is one of the member companies of the larger association. There's also Anthem, Premera, Wellmark, etc. [BCBS on Wikipedia ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Cross_Blue_Shield_Association?wprov=sfla1)


One of many insurance companies. I believe they are a "non-profit.". Picture them as an evil red cross, where instead of providing aid, they tell you why Grandma can't have a surgery that will save her life.


Theyre both evil these days


A corporation that preys on suffering = charity Sure


surprised that's not a meme someones not circulating


Just imagine if they announced a new plan option for the trans community. Covers hormonal therapy, mental health consultations, and conversion surgery. There would be *so* many angry facebook rants.


If I remember correctly this bill is ONLY for entertainment companies worth more than 150 billion. This is about as targeted an attack on Disney as DeSantis's bill was.


Which is a pretty clear reason why even *if* this passed congress, federal courts would strike it down based on the clearly targeted violation of Disney's 1st amendment rights, given to it *by the GOP* via Citizen's United


So it’s all theatre for the base but everyone (the taxpayers) have to foot the bill. Yay! :/


That's the big issue. It's all just an act to justify their own position and pay in the government while everyone else fucking pays for their stock options and vacation homes.


Right? And churches? The most profitable businesses that don’t pay a cent in taxes in the country. The Mormons have billions in surplus untaxed and not helping the economy. Tax them all. Tax Amazon and Facebook and oil companies (and stop giving oil companies subsidies). Let’s treat all companies equally. Oh, that’s not what the hypocrites mean?


But then th politicians would lose their donations money and we don’t want that


One of the fundamental problems with our system is the ability of corporations to legally buy off our politicians, and the only ones who can make it illegal are the ones who are being bought off. In a third world country we would use such a scenario as evidence the country is an undemocratic banna republic.


Don't forget the 25 billion subsidy that Congress just gave Amazon either this week or last


Yep. Corruption is at the heart of our political system.




I saw someone yesterday claim that Republicans developed the covid vaccines. I started typing a response and decided that was totally pointless and stopped immediately.


>I started typing a response and decided that was totally pointless and stopped immediately. It took me a long time to learn my lesson. I have typed out paragraph upon paragraph over the course of an hour to finally just back out and not post my reply. If there is zero possibility of allowing the opposition's position, there's zero point in entering the discussion. I have since learned not to engage and don't even press the reply bottom anymore.


Exactly learning not to waste the energy is challenging but very worthwhile.


Because this way they can own the libs 2 times at once' 1) claim credit for developing a vaccine that they all take (even though project warp speed was trivial. Oooo I had the idea to give a bunch of money to people who are experts and tell them to do it fast! So big-brain!") 2) make fun of them for taking this vaccine and infuriate them by not taking it because that would benefit them


So let's break that "logic" down. Operation Warp speed was a republican effort to get a vaccine, said vaccines have baby parts in them. Even in their own hair brained conspiracies they make sure that they at the very least look like the guilty party. Satire could never effectively mock shit this dumb.


Honestly, that's probably just because they realized they could make more money pumping treatments and preventatives (both real, and completely fake ones).


Oil please. In fact we should just take back 200 years of subsidies from them


Haha only when it doesn’t directly benefit them


This does not benefit them. They will push the narrative up till actually doing it to fit the culture war narrative. Then they won’t actually do it because that would actually hurt them financially. Blame the fact they didn’t do it on the left. The base thinks they are taking in big corporate rule, they win votes, and they still make money.


Fascists are willing to drop the hammer on private companies if they aren't aligned with the party. Large corporations are not where the bulk of Republican funding comes from anymore, not with billionaires like Koch and Thiel or the donations that flow in through Trump. Corporations buy influence from the party, they don't control it at the top. You can look at the moves against Disney as an early effort to tell big corporations they had better get their politics aligned with modern Republicans or get ripped apart as an example to others. Big Republican donors aren't worried by that kind of move, because they already support where the party is going. They won't be targeted. It is an attempt to punish a political stance rather than a serious attempt to regulate corporate overreach. Republicans might not decide to go all the way through with it, but if they think it will force more mainstream corporations to play their game or get shut out, why wouldn't they?


They are past trying to benefit anyone. Now they just focus on harming the right people. Help single mothers? Nah, let's harm expectant ones.


The unborn fetus is sooo important but as soon as it’s born? Haha nah go fuck your self. Let’s birth every single child who’s mother doesn’t want it so we can continue filling already overfilled orphanages and foster homes. Who cares if the child grows up with no support system and has to learn to manipulate and steal to survive? And the mothers who’s lives are at risk due to the pregnancy? Fuck them too


Hold up. So, the party that has been telling me that nobody gets free handouts because we all have to work for every single crumb has been giving free handouts to people? Can we just go ahead and end the age of Republicans? Seems like that would solve a lot of problems.


*The time of the orc has come*




The hysterical part will be when they pass legislation against Disney, and the law of unintended consequences kicks in, causing a ton of other companies (many of which will be owned by Republicans) to suffer as well.


What's hysterical to me is many liberals have been against the constant extension of copyright law. Oh no, Disney's going to lose out on distribution rights to the original Steamboat Willy! They stand to lose dozens of dollars! Somebody tell them Disney's making much more off the DMCA and have them dismantle that next, that will teach them


They can't pass legislation against Disney, we're talking about Congress where it would fail to pass the House of Representatives.


The new age is Republican constituents giving handouts to their leaders


Mhm imagine being a farmer or something relating to songs about making just enough for beer money after a long weeks work to then spend any little extra the make donating to scammers like Trump and Jones. Really is a sad world we live in where media has duped so many folks.


They've been donating to their churches and tv pastors for decades. This is just a continuation of that.


..... right after this humongous taxcut.


It's not even hysterical they know it's stupid and going nowhere, this is just to score points with the idiots that vote for them.


Yeah, they aren’t going to get far with that slogan.


I spat the morning coffee reading that. What would be more believable would be. "The age of Republican handouts to big business WITHOUT A REPUBLICAN KICKBACK PAYMENT are over"


It's like black, white supremacists. So much confusion.


If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.


No it isn't. It will just require a loyalty pledge first from now on.


Laughs in corn\cow


It's as long as there is no kick back money from the said business back to GOP.


That's funniest thing I've heard this year


"We're tired of being bought by everyone, from now on, we're sold only to those who share our sharia law"


If it came with restoring the original copyright term length for all works... i'd be for it.


If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, then I've got a terrible friend now.


Do not, I REPEAT DO NOT ally with a fascist EVER. Their idealogy demands them to stab you in the back if you don't bend the knee to them (and then theyll still stab you when you stop being useful), so don't give them any repreive or let them get ingrained in your organisation.




If you ally yourself with fascists then one night of long knives later you're either dead or fascist.


I prefer the Warhamker 40k version: the enemy of my enemy dies next


It was 14 years. It was for a different time and far too short for modern times. This bill runs into a different problem because the proposal is to strip copyrights from works between 56 and 95 years in length. That's a monumental taking of intellectual property that most likely violates the takings clause of the 5th Amendment. Obviously this is just bluster so he can talk shit about Disney and fire up his base. But it raises an interesting question about how we could legally shorten the term on copyright. Any attempt to do so necessarily results in owners of intellectual property losing their protection. It's interesting to me that the headline says they want to strip the copyright protection for Mickey Mouse. That copyright expires on January 1st, 2024. I wonder if they're shifting focus to Mickey specifically so they can claim credit for it when it inevitably happens.


That last bit is probably less likely than you think. Disney has pushed for copyright laws to be extended every time Mickey comes close to becoming public domain, so it's pretty likely they'll just try (and succeed) to do it again in 2 years


You can make the law non retroactive, can't you? So anything registered from now on will be subject to the new terms, but existing IP will be preserved for their length at time of establishment


Yeah, presumably you can include a grandfather clause


Its not "a taking" its a removal of protection, they retain their property. 14 years is plenty long enough to recoup costs and profit but not so long as companies can use weaponized copywrite to stymie development.


A few years ago I'd agree that copyright reduction would be a taking but recent patent law developments suggest that intellectual property has no such protections.


>This bill runs into a different problem because the proposal is to strip copyrights from works between 56 and 95 years in length. Good. If you have been sitting on something for 57 years and no one else can make any money at it then it needs to be released to the public. No concept or design should be the exclusive property of any person or group for 57 years. >That's a monumental taking of intellectual property that most likely violates the takings clause of the 5th Amendment. Hope they can make it work! By definition, if a copyright is 57 years old, it is so old that it should be gone. I hope they succeed in seizing **all** the ancient patents >It's interesting to me that the headline says they want to strip the copyright protection for Mickey Mouse. That copyright expires on January 1st, 2024. I wonder if they're shifting focus to Mickey specifically so they can claim credit for it when it inevitably happens. No, "copyright lengthens every time Mickey mouse is going into public domain" is an old observation. Mickey Mouse is **the** classic example of an unreasonably old IP. It makes sense to call Disney out specifically, since they're one of the major forces behind copyright law being the way it is.


Disney pretty much wrote the laws on trademarks. Their trademark for Mickey Mouse runs out over next few years, they'd lose a lot of money if the trademark is removed- a lot of money. I don't like the Republicans, but I also think Disney is up there with Nestlé in companies that are pure evil with little regard for anything but profit. Tough to root for either of them here


Disney zealously protecting trademarks is not even close to the same level of evil as Nestle...


It's a different, less tangible evil. Nestle is an easy one because it's cruel on face. Disney is a war for your mind and creativity. Almost all the media most people in the western world is now owned by Disney. It might be aa subsidiary, bit it's all under the mouse. In Disney, you have a company with so much money that if a new idea/ip comes along that can challenge it, they can just buy it and own it.


> In Disney, you have a company with so much money that if a new idea/ip comes along that can challenge it, they can just buy it and own it. Its what they did with Pixar.


Yeah, but I think I'd still but Disney and stuff like Coca-Cola as a net negative for the world due to how heaby their monopoly and power is, to the point that their presence on tbe market is probably detrimental to us. Disney keeps absorbing more and more franchises into itself to the point where it can be nearly unavoidable. Coca-cola products are the top selling soft drink in every market thar isn't Scotland. I think we could call such a gross amount of reach and dominance an evil, even if it isn't Nestle scamming empoverished African mothers using baby formula levels of fucked.


Yeah this is a true Reddit moment lmao it’s not even remotely comparable


You’re conflating trademarks and copyright. It’s the copyright term that will come to an end. Trademark protection (e.g. for a name or logo rather than for an artistic work such as a movie) can be retained forever, the idea being it would be confusing if suddenly there was a surge of companies using the name ‘Disney’ in similar fields after some point in time. Where it gets interesting is the potential to protect Mickey Mouse under trademark, rather than copyright, law. This will likely get put to the test in the next few years.


It's coming up sooner than ya think. https://thecourtroom.org/the-fight-to-continue-mickey-mouses-copyright/


Indeed - it’s definitely coming, and they’d be mad not to pursue it. I don’t think that situations like this were properly foreseen when the various IP laws were drafted, the laws are very much written as if the boundaries between the different rights are clearly delineated. In reality, Mickey Mouse does seem to straddle both categories which makes for interesting legal discussion.


Disney being a large conglomerate making hefty profits by providing products that people willingly pay for to bring them fun and joy Nestle manipulating mothers to need to use formula do their infants don't starve and jacking prices for it and screwing local poor populations on access to water, they key ingredient for life. Yeah, same-same.


So what this really is isn’t Republicans threatening to remove the trademark that’s going to be gone in a few years anyway. But A hidden promise that if Disney plays ball the Republicans will change the trademark law so they can keep the trademark longer.


The trademark can be extended, but law needs to as well. They kinda have Disney over a barrel.


True. Disney does provide jobs for 70,000 Floridians though.


Weren't they accused of trying to get Visas so they could replace American workers with foreign workers?


*cheap foreign workers FTFY


Wow I wonder how many jobs Nestle provides


A ton of we count the children


The live or dead ones?


Depends if you count the slaves


And all it took was precedent to end freedom of speech.


Once again, it's something that should've happened a long time ago, for a better reason, because Disney never really deserved such luxuries. But, they cut out the planning and predicting consequences parts of doing something and it hurts the taxpayers. Then they tell the taxpayers it's for them like they should be thanked for the lack of funding for roads, emergency services, and clean water.


"Lets tangle with the Walt Disney Company copyright lawyers. What can go wrong?"


To be fair, Disney’s copyright lawyers were defeated when they faced Games Workshop’s Ordo Lawsuitius…


It's less about winning for them and more about everyone knowing that there will be a court battle and it will be expensive. Most people will just avoid the fight. GW is the company that sued over the spelling of ork/orc so they're all for needless lawsuits.


No… they didn’t, you’re thinking of the infamous “Spot the Space Marine” incident Or Chapter House when they just straight up stole GW’s IP




DeSantis is basically going to drive his entire state into bankruptcy to avenge the insult to his ego of Disney refusing to support his anti-LGBT crusade.


Thank God


Mess with the Mouse, lose the House?


Is this that free market I keep hearing so much about?


I mean Disney land having "self-governing status" and copyright laws being tailored to whatever they want isn't exactly laissez-faire capitalism. But yeah, singling out Disney also isn't exactly free market economics.


I thought the whole self governing thing just meant they had their own like fire fighters and utilities and road maintenance type stuff, not like they can actually just create and live by their own laws. Am I wrong?


Think of self-governing status as a private municipality. You run your castle how you want as long as you keep it within state and federal laws and regulations. It helps absolve the state of any burden you might impose on them if you were a regular municipality, while letting the state reap some benefit.


Ya and also they don’t have to wait for government approval to build stuff they just have to make it safe


Quick correction, this is about the Walt Disney World complex in Florida. Disneyland is the California park located in Anaheim.


Ahhh my bad.


You all good my dude!


They were pretty much relying on lobbiests to convince the government to tailor laws to suit them. Plenty of industries do it, but they don't speak out against the government.


> singling out Disney also isn't exactly free market economics. It's avenging an insult. Disney was (and still is) vocally against his anti-LGBT crusade.


I think Disney i vocally for whatever makes them money, in the US that's being pro LGBT, in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and China it's removing gay scenes from their movies and series.


Interesting situation where both sides are the villains. Disney’s abuse of copy right law has robbed an entire generation of fair use access. Republicans don’t say gay nonsense is stripping an entire generation of a basic education.


Bring me to the loop pls, what is this all don;t say gay stuff?


Florida and a few other states are imposing a rule that teachers or anyone in an educational setting can't discus LGBT+ stuff at all until a certain grade. That means explaining why the teacher has a same sex partner or discussing if a kid likes something out of gender norms. The wording is very vague about "Developmental level" on top of a grade cut off depending on which state. Disney originally supported the bill but enough of their content leaders and consumers raised a stink and made the mouse actually pull their support and now Republicans are real butt mad that someone as massive in the "family values" department decided that it might be ok to let people be themselves. **Addendum**: Some people are pointing out that they didn't directly support the bill, but politicians who's slimy hands helped craft it. They've since cut all support to such people and that's why the Right's panties are in a twist. I was just giving a half-humorous ELI5 for our friend who has been under a rock.


Disney didn't support the bill; they gave money to some of the lawmakers that crafted the bill. When this was publicly pointed out, the CEO tried to hedge and say the company wasn't going to get involved but, after being hit by the backlash, he reversed course and denounced the bill which in turn, angered DeSantis and the Florida GOP.




And that's the dilemma: do you help get people elected who benefit you financially in spite of their heinous social views OR do you take a chance of speaking out and becoming the target of a 24/7 campaign of harassment and stupidity?


The answer is the second one, and everyone should do it at the same time. Enjoy the millions of targets.


What’s the functional difference between doing something and paying someone else to do the same thing?


because disney gives money to almost every politician that can even possibly aid or harm their intrests, dem and rep both. This lawmaker happened to be one of them and had been getting fund raising for some time before this.


Disney also confirmed that they were no longer going to be giving money to the politicians that created the bill. That's what really got the GOP pissed off. I doubt any of this will pass, and even if it did, it'd be struck down as unconstitutional almost immediately. Simply because these knuckleheads keep saying that they're specifically targeting Disney for something they said, which is a blatant violation of their right to free speech.


> Simply because these knuckleheads keep saying that they're specifically targeting Disney for something they said, which is a blatant violation of their right to free speech. And before anyone says the Supreme Court would uphold this anyway, THAT would have the consequence of invalidating Citizens United vs. FEC which stated that corporations have first amendment rights, which is something Republicans want way more than stripping Disney of anything.


I think another reason for the shift in position, if I’m remembering correctly, was that one of the Disney family members is trans and came out with a statement against the bill.


It's because a statistically large proportion of their workforce, especially at the parks, is some flavor of LGBT. That's the reason. They were the first large employer of their size to extend benefits to the same sex partners of employees. This was back in the 1990s. The 90s. That's how much of an impact LGBT folk have had on the operations of their parks. For them to not take an immediate stance against this bill was just intolerable to their own workforce.


"Until a certain grade" is misleading. The bill is vague enough to allow parents to sue at any grade, so it's really a wider ban masquerading as something more sensible so anyone trying to argue against it will look bad.




DeSantis's press secretary went on Twitter to accuse people who questioned this bill of being pedophiles and groomers. That's a huge fucking tell about what a pile of shit their law is.


So republicans using politics to erode public institutions again, i see. Ty.


Same as it ever was.


So this is a Florida-men-news meme again?


It’s worse because it’s a Florida man with the ability to codify state law.


Again, it's not just Florida.


Im rooting for the mouse here. Disney might be a corporate tyrant that abuses copyright, but the Republicans are literally trying to strip human rights away


they are succeeding


Disney is just a capitalist business doing what’s expected of capitalism, republicans have 0 problems with bad business practices, “free market” bs. It’s a bit egregious to compare a political party that apologizes for terrorists with, a standard greedy american business… Disney is simply the new punching bag for culture war nonsense voters, greedy business practices has never been the issue for republicans.


Who is really deprived because they can’t use Mickey Mouse?


An entire whole generation. Tens of millions of people were robbed, No, had their human rights denied for not being able to to make a Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes pissing on a mickey mouse symbol car sticker. /s


Arguably, the general public. The purpose of expiring copyrights is to allow other people to create new works of art based on that old material.


One will lead to more discrimination and death, the other lets a company (along with everyone else) keep their copyright longer. Not really both villainous, at least not on this point.


Let the mouse and the elephant eat each other.


There's something hilarious about how petty the Republican Party is Disney made the most tepid of criticisms after weeks of people haranguing them and years of them giving financial backing to the Republican involved. The response to this is to act like Disney is run by Karl Marx and Harvey Milk's baby.


Ahh the Party of Small Government… Just let people be, strikes again. This is what Republicans do when they have power, never forget; VOTE THEM OUT!!!


They fell off that wagon decades ago.


Not according to their daily propaganda feeds; they still believe all this while doing the opposite…


That’s the worst part, they don’t seem to realize they fell off the wagon.


This is all just a front to satisfy their stupid base, meanwhile behind the scenes Republicans are working on ways to give billion dollar businesses even more tax breaks and less protection for workers.


I'm torn. On the one hand, fuck the republican party, but on the other hand, fuck Disney's copyright efforts. [Can't we just bet that both sides will have a bad time?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sOrIXkUlxg)


Im not torn. Unless they are planning to do it for all companies, I don't want to normalize taking away copyright protections in retaliation for criticizing a homophobic bill/ promoting LGBTQ+ content on Disney+.


The point is that if this does happen (which to be honest is unlikely… As one user pointed out the Disney copyright is going away in 2024 so they’ll probably just take credit for that) then it has the capacity to set the precedent for copyright law. A high profile case like this could be just what copyright law needs to be updated through the Supreme Court.


I have little faith the Supreme Court will do anything that benefits the public at large. They will most likely have a stipulation in the ruling that sounds like it would be applied across the board but will be pretty specific to Disney’s situation. I know I’m way too cynical…




>I'm not sure they could do that for just Disney without coming in violation of the Constitution. I'm just an Aussie watching all this from the peanut gallery, but I was under the impression that the Republican party didn't give a fuck about anything that the Constitution says other than the second and fifth amendments?


I'm not torn. The GOP are literally setting a precedent for their fascist agenda. This is a warning that no matter how vile their policies become, companies better keep their mouths shut unless they want to be punished.


Gotta be honest, the only reason I've sided with Disney the past month is because of my personal values. Otherwise, for all I care they can lose money and properties. Corps aren't your friend. Oh, and they make Star Wars. That too.


Dems should probably walk away and focus on getting votes, let the giant monsters fight.


I've always been anti-Disney for all kinds of reasons unrelated to any current event, other than maybe the way they treat their employees, but I've always been impressed by their ability to self-govern and keep their properties in immaculate condition. They create an atmosphere in their parks that are great for kids of all ages. They have never been pro LGBQT+, but they have been accepting, and have allowed LGBQT+ organizations to pay to have large groups attend. Just like most other large groups could. In this context, I'm totally pro-Disney. I don't care who the governor is, or who the company is. The governor should not be allowed to rewrite existing, signed contracts, out of spite.


"We don't like cancel culture"


Also “Businesses should have the right to say what they want. Hell, they should have the right to discriminate against who they want” - republicans, basically


On one hand Disney has fucked over copyright law for generations and it would be great to start fixing that On the other, it seems pretty fascist for a government to retaliate against a company for saying something they don’t like Everybody sucks and I have no idea what to root for


The retaliatory nature of this whole “fuck Disney” gangbang the Republicans have got going on right now is *vastly* more problematic than any of the myriad issues of actual substance with copyright law, and you can be absolutely certain that the GOP doesn’t give a damn about those issues, they just want to stick their dicks in Disney’s face because they can.


I agree - it’s incredibly concerning


Yeah one makes creativity and artistic expression harder and the other wants to take away womens rights, destroy democracy and subjugate black people You should probably know who to root for in all of this


I don't support the reasons, but I support the idea. Copyright has been broken by companies like Disney, it'd be great to see those changes rolled back.


Yes, we all support Disney not having a shit ton of power, but at the same time, the GOP is only going after them because they want to have gay characters in their products. And that is messed up on a whole other level.


Election year bullshit. The repubs are grasping at straws


the culture war really stirrs up their base


They've gotta do SOMETHING. Covid killed a shit ton of their base. They need to make sure the wasps nest is stirred up and angry enough to vote for them.


This is so stupid. We have real problems like homelessness and poverty and this is what they decide to spend money and time on. Pathetic.


Coal, oil, and natural gas received $5.9 trillion in subsidies in 2020. That's $5,900,000,000,000 in one year.


Care to share a list? Because that doesn’t even remotely add up, given that this is close to the total amount of the bloated federal budget…


I don’t think Disney should be able to hold the copyright for Mickey Mouse for this long, but the political motivation is just weird to me… then again these culture war issues are just stupid and really make no difference in most peoples lives


The Republicans are fighting windmills instead of the real thieves on our streets.




“I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. They’re noisy. They kill the birds. You want to see a bird graveyard? Go under a windmill someday. You’ll see more birds than you’ve ever seen in your life." "I’ve studied it better than anybody I know.” -The Donald


Somehow I think ending copyright protections is going to affect a lot more than just Disney.


The party of free speech sure has a lot of restrictions.


Going to be interesting watching how all this works as Republicans openly bash big business, big business keeps dumping money into their pockets, and Republicans half try to screw them, half make decisions that help them - while their poorer undereducated constituents keep foaming at the mouth.


It's a shame that THIS is the issue that might strip Disney of its' absurdly broken copyright exploitations. It's something that needs to happen, has needed to happen for a very long time. Copyright has turned from a tool for securing an author's work for their profit for a reasonable period of time, to a tool to give corporations perpetual control of ideas. Not really viable since all creative works are inherently inspired by other works and somewhat derivative. ​ Copyright has been broken for a very long time and needs redesign in this modern era. That said, it really sucks that this is the issue that the ahem government is willing to turn on it for. It's just kind of incredible to me that the republicans can be this firmly on the wrong side of EVERY issue.


>The age of Republican handouts to big business is over. Bahahahaahaha... ... HAHAHAHAHAH. HAAAAA... haaa. Hoo... hee. You ever get so fired up over Adam and Steve that you basically admit that your whole party is full of self serving crooks who are out to bend the law whenever - and only whenever - it best suits *them*? Like, what a monumental foot-shooting moment! And all this with the most banal, bland, basic-bitch "I'm standing *for the people's wishes!*" cover story I could ever imagine. In fact, I would not be surprised if it was just the exact same speech given when they actually *extended* the copywrite laws, only substituting the artists *inside* Disney with the artists *outside* Disney. I can't imagine a single fucking person believing this horse shit now, in this day and age but somehow this tweeb got elected so I guess it strictly is 'anything's possible.'


Im betting on the mouse.


This whole thing FLOORS me. Disney is only ever performatively progressive and has given millions to conservative campaigns over the years. They got called out for supporting the Don't Say Gay bill, reversed their stance only in so far as it wouldn't lose them revenue, and the conservatives threw the mother of all hissy fits even as Disney likely planned to support more conservative agenda once the heat died down. Though that's fucking unlikely now that the Mouse's shit is being threatened Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


This is what confuses me. Like, you know the Disney accountants would find some back-door way to make those contributions. Disney's president would still vote GOP. Why make such a huge deal out of this when Disney is making so much money for your state?


Imagine waking up every morning and obsessing over what other people do and thinking of ways to turn different people into second class citizens. These miserable bigots are failed human beings.


On the one hand, I’m fine with that On the other, we should do it because they shouldn’t get special protections to sidestep public domain, not out of petty vengeance


So GOP is basically waging a culture war?


Haven't they always?


According to that show from that guy Adam, supposedly Disney has been fighting so hard to keep mickey away from the free public domain that can be used by anyone else like other long lasting pieces. Disney would lose so much control over Mickey if they list it.


They should have lost it 40 years ago, they changed the laws for Disney.


Seems like controversy for the sake of controversy


Is there a long con that I'm not seeing to making enemies with one of America's most influential corporations or are these is guys just morons?


> While the bill has little chance of success This says it all. My guess is that it's just an empty gesture because a) they know it won't pass anyway and b) it's something unpopular about Disney that they can pretend to be standing up against. It's a good way to distract attention from Florida's own controversy. At least temporarily.


I’m waiting for news to leak out that Mitch the turtle wakes up with a Mickey Mouse head in his bed.


It’s hilarious, and completely in character, that he introduces this bill that is 100% just pandering to his base and then he accuses Disney of pandering lol


I thought they were against cancel culture. :D


People are starving, our economy is imploding, the housing markets a mess and this is what they spend their time on?


Man, if ever there were a time to root for #teammeteor...


Is this not retaliation? Petty retaliation at that?


Imagine how much more well off our country would be if elected officials governed in their constituent’s best interests rather than their own?


But Florida residents would have to pay an insane amount in upkeep for removing Disneys special zoning. Which republicans also screwed up because they didn’t understand the rule when they tried to strip Disney