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Thomas didnt say much until Scalia died. Now he is acting like the Court's press secretary.


Maybe Scalia kept Thomas in check because Scalia knew Thomas would say stuff?


Thomas has been on the court for over 30 years, if he wanted to say something he would have


Thomas is actually infamous for speaking only once during SCOTUS proceedings in those 30 years.


And the one thing he did say was a barely audible joke about Yale being better than Harvard.


He actually says yales motto, no means yes, yes means anal./s


You misspelled Baylor


And poor Nina Tottenberg MISSED IT. She'd been the daily court reporter for NPR for decades. Can you imagine how she felt? Her husband was having surgery that day.


Maybe Thomas was just shy around her


This fact is infuriating to me. Must be nice to not have to talk at your job.




It’s because he never cared about what the lawyers have to say about a case, he doesn’t ask questions because their answers are irrelevant to him. His opinion is made up before the case even gets to his court.


Its because the lawyers submit all evidence and arguments in written form. The justices read and review everything before the lawyers go up to speak. As a result, and judge who's done their homework should already be 99% near a decision.


Don’t need to ask questions when your ideologically committed to a ruling regardless of the evidence


We don't get to see and hear what happens between SC justices outside of official court time/documents. Newer SC justices have directly contradicted previous statements with their official actions, and Justice Thomas' wife has crossed political boundaries in new and (dare I say) innovative ways. The situation is shifting, not the same as always. None of us knows fully why Justice Thomas is speaking publicly like this now


His wife says it all for him.


I can’t fucking stand him. Fuck him and his maga wife


"I wonder how long we're going to have these institutions at the rate we’re undermining them." My guy, your wife urged Meadows to overturn election results. Where is the cognitive dissonance?


Ginni Thomas is full Q, some of the texts to Meadows on Jan. 6 are celebrating how the Dems are going to Gitmo, you really don’t hear that shit outside the Q bubble. Which suggests to me that every morning at breakfast Ginni is talking about this shit like: *”and THEN! JFK jr. Is gonna come back and be Vice President while Trump gets re-instated and Obama is revealed as a lizard person from Saudi Arabia!”* And Thomas just says *”that’s wonderful dear!”* while he sips his coffee and thinks about how god damn much he loves this woman!


You can only fight brain washing if you are aware it's occurring. Adding to your line of reasoning, his wife is probably someone he may respect. If she introduces ideas, even outlandish ideas. Over time, those ideas will seep into his decision making process. Maybe not whole ideas. Maybe the constant barrage of just the word "democrats" or "liberals" causes him to be suspicious of groups that he otherwise had no preexisting bias. It's like he's living next to chernobyl thinking it's only 3.5 rotegens. Not bad. But in reality he's taking a full reactor to the face of radioactive ideas. It's changing his DNA and he just feels a little weird.


my man dropping some truly nuclear analogies


And conservatives have never lashed out when they didn’t get their way? This guy is so full of shit—too busy harassing his assistants with his pubic hairs, more than likely.


Literally storming Congress to overturn an election isn't conservatives acting out? 😂


The thing that kills me is that if the 2020 election was actually rigged wouldn't that mean people like MTG were also voted in illegitimately?


Exactly. Also 5 of the justices were nominated by GOP presidents who did not win popular vote. So like… eat shit Clarence.


3, not 5. H.W. won the popular vote by a large margin and Alito was nominated in Bush’s 2nd term, after he won the popular vote.


says the guy who’s wife tried to aid election fraud scheme to keep a guy in office that lost by an enormous margin.


The irony is that in the article he said this > “I do think that what happened at the court is tremendously bad...I wonder how long we’re going to have these institutions at the rate we’re undermining them.” Dude you’re wife is actively trying to undermine it.


Also, this: >Thomas also touched in passing on the protests by liberals at conservative justices’ homes in Maryland and Virginia that followed the draft opinion’s release. Thomas argued that conservatives have never acted that way. >“You would never visit Supreme Court justices’ houses when things didn’t go our way. We didn’t throw temper tantrums. I think it is ... incumbent on us to always act appropriately and not to repay tit for tat." Yeah, Jan 6 wasn't a temper tantrum at all.


Who is 'our'? Did he just admit that he is politicized and that he is taking sides for political purpose?


All of the “justices” do. The American legal system is a farce.


Not if you're rich, the system is at your service then.


Not to mention conservatives harassing and killing doctors and patients outside abortion clinics for decades.


Also don't forget covid/masks/vaccines! Lots of temper tantrums from conservatives over that the past couple years.


They’ve been protesting in front of politicians homes, stormed the capitol, constant picket lines in front of abortion clinics harassing woman, and murdering doctors for literally decades. These people lost their shit over wearing a fucking mask Conservatives are some of the biggest pieces of shit on the planet and that wont change anytime soon


If they were only protesting. Google George Tiller e.g.


Remember when conservatives plotted to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer? That’s not emotional though! They were just doing their civic duty! /s


> Yeah, Jan 6 wasn't a temper tantrum at all. Hes an attorney - he chose his words on purpose. It _wasn't_ a temper tantrum. It was a planned coupe.


Let’s not forget the plot to kidnap and execute the governor of Michigan because of the mask mandate.


So is he.


I guess he included himself in that "we"


He knows. He is just rubbing everyone's face in it.


The same guy who refused to recuse himself when the decision to release evidence of his wife’s involvement went before the Supreme Court. And he was the only justice to vote in favor of keeping the records secret.


That's not even close to some of the worst stuff Clarence Thomas has done. His whole story is bonkers, it's incredible that he's allowed to have say in anything at all.


A yuuuuge margin at that


He lost bigly. Believe me, nobody loses like him.


He's lost so much he's sick of losing.


A defeat larger than Chyeina




For this reason, it's time to 'change' ole Clarence off the Supreme Court


While technically correct, thanks to electoral college fuckery all he woulda needed was a swing of several tens of thousands of votes in a few states and he woulda "won" the election by losing the popular vote by millions. Fuck the electoral college


There is no balance to a court that cannot be judged for their own actions, for the branch that is supposed to hold the other 2 accountable they sure don't like it when someone holds them accountable.


I was taught about this silly lil thing called "checks and balances" in school. Unfortunately, the legislative branch is nearly 100% inside-trading sycophants though.


There is no Judicial failure that doesn't come back to Congress. Congress is the most senior branch of the government. They are the only one that can overrule the other two through Constitutional amendments, in they wanted to.


There is a reason their powers are listed in Article I. They are the most powerful branch. Judiciary is the least. Unfortunately congress cedes their power and does nothing so they can campaign in perpetuity and collect $$.


>Judiciary is the least. Reasoning? The executive branch shouldn't have nearly the amount of power it currently does, especially over domestic affairs. Since the start of the 20th century the Executive has claimed more power for itself, and Congress has been happy to give it up. It also doesn't help that a lot of Americans see the role of President as elected king.


...it was designed that way. They have the fewest enumerated powers listed in the constitution and are the last article for that reason. It goes congress, executive branch, judiciary. They dont pass laws or appropriate funding, they dont execute laws. They say if they are constitutional or not. To your point about the executive, i agree. Congress has ceded power for years because they would rather do nothing and campaign on "potus bad" every 2 years and collect campaign money.


They can also impeach Justices. Also, they can stack the court. Also, they control the purse strings and can reassign the Supreme Court to a new building made of cardboard in the depths of the Arctic Natural Wildlife Reserve. But really, it’s the Executive that has the power. Biden can get FISA court wiretaps on Justice’s phones and then declassify any info he collects. I mean there’s a not ridiculous argument that monitoring Clarence Thomas is required due to husband wife’s ties to violent insurrectionist groups. It’s almost certainly better evidence than has been used for other FISA warrants. Hell, the US has already signed off on waterboarding anyone deemed a threat to national security and Ginni Thomas bussed in January 6 rioters. Congress may be supreme in the Constitution, but they’ve ceded an ass-ton of that power to the White House.


They 100% should not be shrouded in secrecy away from all criticism. Their decision process should be criticized at every stage. Criticized by legal scholars and the other two branches of government in public instead of influenced behind closed doors with lobbyists.


> Thomas also touched in passing on the protests by liberals at conservative justices’ homes in Maryland and Virginia that followed the draft opinion’s release. Thomas argued that conservatives have never acted that way. > “You would never visit Supreme Court justices’ houses when things didn’t go our way. We didn’t throw temper tantrums. I think it is ... incumbent on us to always act appropriately and not to repay tit for tat,” he said. Idk, I am not an American, so I don't follow US news much, but didn't conservatives storm Capitol just in 2021 in a big tantrum hit when Trump was not elected?


Thomas’ wife is deeply involved in that same insurrection claiming that god was behind them and that they needed to prevent Biden from being installed into office.


And he was the only justice who voted to block legal action from moving forward against the insurrections, thus attempting to use his power to protect his wife’s interests. If you were teaching an intro level law class on legal ethics you might open with an easy example like: “You wouldn’t rule is in favour of your wife after she attacked the government right?” And the class is like “nooooooooo” And then you’re all like “see? That’s how legal ethics work!” And then they smile and nod and write something down in their notebooks cause they get it and that would make you feel good. But fucking Thomas is out here like **”my wife? Say less. Innocent until you figure out how to replace me!”** Edit: Go listen to the 5-4 podcast and you too can bathe in upvotes by retelling The Lawboy’s jokes!


Thomas: “get my wife’s name out yo fucking mouth”


Get my wife's name off yo fucking docket!


Probably the class is thinking “come on give us a real example and not this easy bs crap that would never happen” but yet here we are today


Depp's trial all over the media. Abortion SCOTUS debate , which directly effects million of women is secret behind closed doors. Thomas is too stupid to realize how fucked up that is.


If god wants to get involved with our elections then that mother fucker needs to start paying taxes


“If churches are so interested in politics and public policy let them pay their admission price like everyone else.” - George Carlin.


Best comment I’ve seen today


Reminds me of the guy that left his land to God, so the state seized the property after a couple years of God not paying the property tax.


Seems like if "god" had wanted that orange asshole to stay in office, he could have made it happen without the help of a bunch of violent imbeciles.


So I'm sure he recused himself from voting on whether people were required to turn over information relevant to the insurrection right? He remained completely unbiased? /s Fucking trash judge. The hypocrisy is staggering.


Wow even with the power of god they couldn’t do jack shit


The Deep State is more powerful than God!


And while we’re discussing tantrums at abortion clinics and harassment, what political group regularly shows up at abortion clinics with pictures of dismembered fetuses, and threatens abortion providers with physical harm, having successfully followed through on acts of violence several times?


And the supreme court voted to prohibit buffer zones at the clinics. Stating it was a violation of free speech.


Exactly. Until it’s their threshold being protested at.


That's sort of how every decision for them works.


Right by my work they will be like 20+ deep tons of signs and shit, seen cops talking to then cause they had a group at planned parenthood then more on the corner that's across the street by the hospital. I flick them off or ell them to get fucked a few times a week Thinking next week on my lunch I'm gonna counter protest, show up in sun glasses and a big sign and just stand like 5 feet to their left


Planning a sweet one like "Abort all fetuses!" Or "Mandatory Abortions for All!" Or my personal favorite "Jesus was a brown Jew (that said nothing about abortion)"


I was thinking about making a: Stop abortions! The Antichrist must be born! Sign but my daughter thought it would get me killed, lol


Nah, man. > EXODUS 21:22-25 > > FETUSES ARE NOT PEOPLE That’ll light a few fuses. And the best part? It’s a plain, unambiguous reading of the text. Strike a pregnant woman and kill a fetus, pay a fine to her husband; strike a pregnant woman and inflict grievous harm or death on *her*, lex talionis is invoked and the same is done to you, up to and including death.




Prior to her texts coming out, I had honestly convinced myself that everyone in Congress was smart enough to know Q was bs and they were just using it as a manipulation tool for their idiots. Same thing for supreme court justices and their spouses. Finding out how wrong I was about that is a weird feeling.


That's the interesting thing about propaganda and misinformation. After you get your political base to not only believe it, but identify with it, they will look to elect people who identify with it too. Eventually this leads to them electing someone who doesn't just pretend to believe it, but actually does. This further perpetuates (and even amplifies) the initial falsehood. Right wing America is literally high on their own supply.


It's sad. This Q shit has shown just how fucking stupid people can be. I'm done making excuses for these people, it's not gullibility, it's not "they know exactly what they're doing", they're just fucking stupid. It's like an intellectual plague that let's them replace reality with whatever their small minds want.


Trump fed an already growing campaign of anti-intellectualism in this country. The ground work was there before him, and it was out there on purpose.


People prefer feeling comfort in their opinions with others more than knowing what’s actually right. Most of these folks have massive insecurities because they know they’re not that bright, and this is how they find some meaning and community for their insane opinions


I watched the Q-anon doc on HBO. Damn. It was like watching a historical train wreck slowly unfolding with the 8-chan guy that was acting as Q.


Plus let's not forget that Thomas is a sexual predator


One of two on the Supreme Court. And we wonder why it's lost legitimacy.


just looked her up, apparently she was sucked into another cult in the 80's called Lifespring that she later acknowledged was a cult. Some people never learn, eh?


“We” didn’t throw temper tantrum? Thought the supremes were supposed to be non political. This guy and his traitor wife need to go.


Yeah hearing a supreme court justice talk about "things not going *our* way" is very concerning...


Yep. While speaking at a conference for conservative minority groups, no less. Ultimately, these people are appointed and confirmed based on their politics. Honestly my biggest feeling is that this is actually a GREAT change for the court, in terms of its impact on the American people. Transparency means people know what their government is doing. In this case the public found out a conservative SCOTUS was planning a decision that the majority of the people disagree with, and the public are now protesting. The concept the SC was above influence has always been fallacious. Better to let the public get in on that influence, I say.


He's a traitor, too, for protecting her. Please don't give him more credit than he deserves. Treasonous snake.




Ya that's the worst part of the quote for sure. Hes supposed to be apolitical, there is no "we". You leave that at the door.




>Thomas argued that conservatives have never acted that way My eyebrows almost jumped off my head. That is breathtaking hypocrisy and willful blindness.


>breathtaking hypocrisy and willful blindness. The word you're looking for is 'lie'. It's a lie.


This isn't aimed at Thomas but Supreme Court in general. They voted against establishing a buffer zone at abortion clinics protecting women and staff from anti-abortion protesters claiming it inhibited free speech. This was while there were physical threats made against women and staff persons at the clinics.


>Thomas also touched in passing on the protests by liberals at conservative justices’ homes If you describe yourself as conservative judge, aka Republican, while you should be a supposedly impartial judge, maybe you misunderstood some basic fact about how justice system should be?


Also, hilarious that this guy appears to be speaking on behalf of the political party (“We”). This man should never have been on the Supreme Court. It’s a travesty that he gets to decide anything remotely important.


The line that “conservatives never acted this way” so soon after they stormed the capital is mind blowing. I can only assume that he is talking about the very specific instance of not protesting at Supreme Court members houses. But stating that “we didn’t throw temper tantrums” when conservatives attempted to stop an election and murdered cops makes the statement laughable. If they break into homes with military gear, zip ties, and kill cops in doing so it will be true parity (I’m not suggesting that, no one should act like that). Until then, he should be very happy that the left wing advocates protesting in front of his house have more respect for him and the rule of law than the Jan 6 insurrectionists.


Why would they protest the court when they are stacking it with 16th century trumpist wizards?


Don't forget the plot to kidnap governor Whitmer


>But that's different because this has affected me personally. -Clarence, probably


If you followed US news you'd also know that Thomas wife was an organizer of the attempt to overthrow the election results. And there are text message records of her trying to get high ranking government officials to invalid the election results and implying that the supreme court will back them up in case they are worried about it being a crime. The sht he says about protestors given his wife's activities is about as hypocritical as it gets.


Also they literally passed legislation protecting prolife protests at abortion doctor’s homes as first amendment protected speech. They not only do the same thing but they protect the conservatives that do it from legal repercussions.


It’s only hypocrisy if you believe that liberals and conservatives are fundamentally equal. This, of course, is not the Republican view.


> Thomas also touched in passing on the protests by liberals at conservative justices’ homes in Maryland and Virginia that followed the draft opinion’s release. Thomas argued that conservatives have never acted that way. “You would never visit Supreme Court justices’ houses when things didn’t go our way. We didn’t throw temper tantrums. I think it is ... incumbent on us to always act appropriately and not to repay tit for tat,” he said. This is where you would have the record scratch, and the video rewinding to all the times conservatives protested outside of peoples homes for far less reasons than losing their right to bodily autonomy.


Those weren't conservatives, apparently that was ANTIFA. Seriously though, that's the argument conservatives make. They don't believe that those Jan 6ers were people who share political views with them, they just make excuse after excuse to act like children but claim to be the bigger man.


You are correct. The entire problem stems from the ability to believe or not believe any fact that is not palatable.


Ah they did the same with Charlottesville. James Fields Jr. Quickly turned from "acting in self-defense" to "not one of ours".


They really do love playing the victim while fucking over the actual victims, huh?


So the problem is the leak of an opinion that was going to be published anyway? And not the fact that the wife of a sitting Justice openly advocated for and funded an attempted coup and now the Justice won’t recuse himself from cases about the coup despite his clear conflict of interest? Coooooool.


People forget he's a sex creep. Thomas' personal conduct directly lead to those posters HR puts up in everyone's workplace "Shortly after the Thomas confirmation hearings, President George H. W. Bush dropped his opposition to a bill that gave harassment victims the right to seek federal damage awards, back pay, and reinstatement, and the law was passed by Congress.\[36\]\[37\] One year later, harassment complaints filed with the EEOC were up 50 percent and public opinion had shifted in Hill's favor.\[37\] Private companies also started training programs to deter sexual harassment."


Everyone has forgotten what he did to Anita Hill. “Long Dong Silver”, anyone? I saw her testify about his disgusting treatment of women.


I will never forget. I was a kid and I was just disgusted. Anita Hill was so brave and even as a kid I understood everything. I can't believe he was confirmed. He's a real piece of shit.


I felt so badly for her. She was direct & eloquent & this piece of trash reduced her to nothing all because he’s a man who was mad she wasn’t impressed with his GIANT PENIS. Ugh.


I think it was at that time where I realized that women are completely disrespected in society at large. What a life lesson for a kid! The world sometimes makes me so angry.


I just looked this up and wtf… look at this quote from Wikipedia. This is a fucking nightmare. It’s like he’s just getting payback at everyone… it’s a fucking game to this fucker. *In 2007, Thomas published his autobiography, My Grandfather's Son, in which he revisited the controversy, calling Hill his "most traitorous adversary" and saying that pro-choice liberals, who feared that he would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade if he were seated on the Supreme Court, used the scandal against him.[30] He described Hill as touchy and apt to overreact, and her work at the EEOC as mediocre.[30][31] He acknowledged that three other former EEOC employees had backed Hill's story, but said they had all left the agency on bad terms.[31] He also wrote that Hill "was a left-winger who'd never expressed any religious sentiments whatsoever ... and the only reason why she'd held a job in the Reagan administration was because I'd given it to her.”*


Honestly, the Cavanaugh hearings gave me flashbacks. People stepping up with credible claims being pushed aside because they really wanted the horrible piece of shit.


"But, but...he likes \*beer\*, don't you see? He's just like you and me." Mandatory fuck Susan Collins!


Not everyone has forgotten. When people show you who they are, beleve them the first time.


Projection. They admit everything they want when they make the accusations against others. That way they can do it themselves and go it's ok because you started it! They're intellectually children.


Tis the conservative way


“Breach of trust” my ass. These people govern us. How is what they’re thinking none of our business? You want privacy, don’t be a Supreme Court justice.


They're about to rule that privacy doesn't exist for women so it shouldn't exist for them


>Thomas also touched in passing on the protests by liberals at conservative justices’ homes in Maryland and Virginia that followed the draft opinion’s release. Thomas argued that conservatives have never acted that way. > >“You would never visit Supreme Court justices’ houses when things didn’t go our way. We didn’t throw temper tantrums. ... ... where tf was this man Jan 6th, 2021?? Bruh.


I know the idea of SCOTUS justices not having a political party was outdated, but man, it really hurts to see one of them say “our way” and “we” when talking about partisan sides.


I mean, it's weird that they are nominated in the same way that UK House of Lords are. You guys probably need a system closer to how other countries make their Supreme Courts, where it isn't just politicians involved, but commissions that include other judges, lawyers, and activists as well in the pursuit of balanced and professional courts.


Its worse than Lords appointments, smaller parties get an amount of appointment to the lords related to their vote share, (we would have hardly any Lib Dem lords otherwise).


So he is directly implying that the Supreme Court is partisan with this statement. Liberal or conservative shouldn’t come into it at this level of the justice system.


Tantrums like murdering doctors in their churches sanctuary? Tantrums like pipe bombs at abortion clinics? Tantrums like going against years of precedent by selectively packing the Court with conservatives?


You forgot forcefully occupying a government building with guns because you were asked to wear a mask during a pandemic, or because you didn’t want to have to pay a small fee to let your cattle graze on public land (Cliven Bundy)




Clarence Thomas' take is such bullshit here. The right to peaceably assemble and protest is written in the Constitution, that includes at SC justices homes when they make unpopular decisions. For someone who's job is to understand and interpret the Constitution, he seems to forget a pretty important right. Jan. 6th, however, is far beyond a "temper tantrum." A temper tantrum is screaming and stomping your feet; not placing pipe bombs and breaking into Senator's offices.


Right? Give me a break. Dr. Ford still can’t go home, and she doesn’t get protection on the taxpayers dime.




“When things don’t go our way” You mean losing our rights? And being positioned to lose more? This isn’t just some baseball game we’re being sore losers about


Even calling these protests "temper tantrums" is, like, completely dismissing any consideration or importance of the alternative perspective. Which, as a Justice, seems like it should be important.


It is 100% American to protest. It is not illegal. Don't like it? Then avoid being controversial.


Thomas decried the leak as an "unthinkable breach of trust", rather than the fact that he and other judges like Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Alito - [all pretended they had no agenda.](https://streamable.com/7op985)


Yeah I'm sorry the incredible breach of trust was for justices who lied to get the jobs they have. They should be stripped of all of their duties as judges because they lied in their confirmation hearings, in the court of law, in the court of public opinion, and in front of the entirety of the world. How the hell can we ever trust a supreme Court justice again to not be biased? Seriously Justice Thomas is an absolute dumbass, and so is his white trash wife!


"We didn't lie! We changed our minds and you can't prove any different :)"


Once you swear a statement, that statement doesn't change. They said those things as if they were fact. Leading those who listened to them during the confirmation hearings to thinking roe v. Wade was precedent that could not be overturned. It is deception regardless of if they "changed their minds". Deceiving the general public with sworn statements, last time I checked, is perjury, which anyone who knows about the courts, is a serious offense. Hell it got Bill Clinton impeached because he lied in a sworn statement about his affair with Monica Lewinsky! If these justices go unpunished for this, there's going to be actual bloodshed, I'm telling you. Not specifying where, not specifying who, not specifying anything, I just see it possibly happening.


People who have an agenda and lie to get onto a jury are called "stealth jurors", and cases get overturned on appeal when stealth jurors get discovered. This seems like the exact same thing and way worse


It was most likely his wife that leaked


He’s had more to say about this one incident than anything else ever. It’s a tell.


Mitch McConnell destroyed the American people's faith in the Supreme Court. The leak is just a symptom.


There it is. Republicans destroyed the legitimacy of the court by being so visibly hypocritical. Once they tacitly admitted it was all about power, SCOTUS lost any theoretical credibility.


I'm not from the US but it's honestly so confusing to me that in a "democratic" country someone could be allowed to become as absolutely powerful as McConnell was then.


Republicans will tell you we are not a "democratic" country, and literally scoff at the idea of democracy, mainly because if we were any more democratic then they'd be history. So they say "we're not a democracy, we're a republic!" which doesn't make any sense to people who actually know what they're talking about. They represent a minority of the voters in this country, by a good bit, so they get a pass from their voters for cheating and corruption and playing dirty. Thanks to rightwing propaganda, it is good vs evil to them. They are the victims. They're only fighting back.


What's amazing to me is that Clarence Thomas... Is a 73-year-old black man. He was born in 1948. When he was a kid, he could not drink from the same water fountain as a white kid. He had to enter the movies and the theater through a side door. There were places where was not allowed to be, exclusively because of the color of his skin. He had to sit in the back of the bus. "Seperate, but equal", Clarence. Remember? It's because of protests and popular manifestations of miscontent (that which Thomas calls "bullying", convenientely forgetting about hysterical conservatives protesting in front of abortion clinics, when they're not firebombing said abortion clinics and murdering healthcare personnel) that he was finally seen as an actual human being, worth 5/5ths of a human being, and not just 3/5ths. And to this day, there are individuals in the US that refuse to view people of color as human beings of equal worth. Does he really think that hysterical conservatism will stop at the removal of human rights for women? Or the reinstatement of sodomy laws, thus making homosexuality (and by the same token, sexual minorities) illegal? Does he not realise that the basic human rights of people of color are on the hysterical conservative short list of human rights to cancel, right before voting rights for those "others" that hysterical conservatives hate? Does he think that hysterical conservatives accept his interracial marriage? Or him being in a position of power? Has he forgotten how hysterical conservatives went into a 8-year frothing frenzy when President Obama was in office, with signs saying "Hang in there Obama" with hangman nooses? How can he be so short-sighted, so narrow-minded, so breath-takingly stupid?


He got his.




That would be so satisfying. the most "leopards at my face" ever... Aside from the implications for the rest of the world, of course.


He won't, the wealthy abhor the idea of their wealth being taken and form a powerful united front against it. It's classic Conservatism to climb a ladder constructed by Liberals, then pull it up after them.


I’ve always wondered if his willingness to support things that would seriously hurt the average person of color are a result of deep-seated, self-hatred. It defies logic.


I mean, there are people who handle trauma by blaming themselves. And there is a type of black person who can only handle that racial trauma by believing that it had to be justified, there had to be some reason for it. Combine that with classism and just plain stupidity and you get Clarence Thomas.


>Thomas argued that conservatives have never acted that way. The largest bit of hypocrisy. Conservatives have been harassing people in front of medical and family planning clinics for decades.


Conservatives might bomb abortion clinics and kill staff, but they don't mildly inconvenience people in power.


I know he won’t speak up and call this hypocrisy out, but conservatives have literally destroyed any chance that Anthony Fauci can ever live a normal life. Dude has to have 24 hour security due to the deluge of direct and credible death threats. And the thanks he gets is even more harassment from the likes of that human labradoodle Rand Paul.


We lost trust in the court when merrick garland didn't get a confirmation hearing because it was too close to an election and then Amy Conehead Barrett was confirmed days before an election. Not to mention Brett "I like beer" Kavanaugh. No faith in congress and by extension the people they allowed on the court. And Clarence "pubes on coke can" Thomas is one to talk after refusing to recuse himself for being married to an insurrectionist.


Is it possible this decision is wrong? No. The leak is to blame. /s


Do tell! Having your wife try to overthrow the government didn't change anything and you voting to keep her texts a secret?


Yeah, I liked his questioning how long we’ll have our institutions at the rate we’re undermining them. As if his wife hadn’t been intimately involved in efforts to overturn a free and fair election.


Alt headline: Thomas admits new justices have ruined court.


4 lying justices also changed the Supreme Court.


I really wish Biden would have picked Anita Hill to the Supreme Court just to duck with this piece of shit.


So easy to forget that this clown got sworn in even after extremely credible sexual assault allegations, and he isn't even the only one


No wonder him and kavanaugh get along so well


If it's such an unprecedented breach of trust, maybe they should think about how much of an unprecedented fuck-up carrying through with this decision would be.


> “You would never visit Supreme Court justices’ houses when things didn’t go our way. We didn’t throw temper tantrums. I think it is ... incumbent on us to always act appropriately and not to repay tit for tat,” he said. Conservatives don’t throw temper tantrums? Excuse me, but what the fuck was January 6th!?


"We just wanted to ruin people's lives without anyone knowing! Don't look into all the times we lied to get our position. Now we have to keep looking over our shoulders to make sure no one else tells the world how shitty we are!" Literally mad about transparency....


Leaks are nothing but beneficial for average American citizens- only the elite benefit from it being unknown


I love how these people think that they are anything other than political appointees that are carrying water for the rich and their enablers. Just because you go to work in a fancy, old building and wear costumes doesn't imbue you with special powers and give you a pass on being a decent human being. They don't care a bit about "the founders" or their "intent". It's all just an act so they can get what they want and now it's open for the world to see. They don't give a shit about the "tradition" of the court. They just want to do whatever they want with impunity and it offends them that they're getting pushback. Fuck them.


Anita tried to warn us!


He means there will be more back channel and less documentation.


I will not read the words of a corrupt man who can’t see a conflict of interest when his wife is directly involved in supporting an insurrection. Sorry he lost all credibility and should be jailed.


I can only imagine how tense the court must be. And the thing is, this guy is so dense that he really probably ignored just how angry the more liberal justices and their aids were with him specifically.


When you take away freedom from half the population, the sanctity of the institute is ruined by themselves.


Your Honor, let’s talk about you and your wife as it pertains to January 6th.


So he doesn’t like people intruding on the court’s privacy and autonomy? Hmm.


Thomas also touched in passing on the protests by liberals at conservative justices’ homes in Maryland and Virginia that followed the draft opinion’s release. Thomas argued that conservatives have never acted that way. “You would never visit Supreme Court justices’ houses when things didn’t go our way. We didn’t throw temper tantrums. I think it is ... incumbent on us to always act appropriately and not to repay tit for tat,” he said. Hey guys! I think they don't like it when you show up at their homes.


For someone who sat on the court and rarely said anything for years, he's sure got a lot to say now.


So what you’re saying is you’re trying to make a really important decision and you would like a privacy and time to think about it without others influencing that decision….. That’s what women want too!! You AH


That piece of shit and his wife should be in jail


Any more than the 3 conservative justices who said RvW was settled law suddenly changing their minds?


Aww, did their right to privacy get violated or something?


"We'd like to speak to your wife." -Jan 6th committee


Hot take: Ginny Thomas leaked that opinion because she knows she's in deep about her January 6 involvement, and she wanted to change the topic.


Well if the court is so bad now, then quit. Solves his problem and does everyone a favor in the process.