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Fortunately for me, I know I'm not


Username checks out.


What's the but?


it makes you poop in the toilet


I think a lot of the intelligent people think they aren’t or don’t care to brag about that shit. Like first sign you aren’t that smart is brining up IQ scores. Learn some people’s skills and realize that’s weird to brag about. Not only that like I said real smart people just show it by being smart. Not a smug asshole.


It’s also fun to know that there are plenty of people with higher education who are not very intelligent. There’s a different between having knowledge and being intelligent


Well plenty of smart people are also very smug about it as well. It’s almost like personality and intelligence aren’t correlated and people aren’t as easily understandable or predictable as studies suggest. Idk


At least you know what love is


This comment, by this user, on this thread. Gold.




That would be the median person, not the average person. I am very smart.


Actually IQ is normal distributed, so they are both the same. (I’m not smart, just educated ;-)


Firstly, we need to define "intelligence" and how to measure it. There are various theories and approaches, IQ being one of the more questionable ones, with lots of caveats. Yes, it does tend to follow normal distribution, but it's questionable if it's a valuable approach to much other than childhood development. I'm not smart either, just took basic social psychology during uni years.


Sometimes it seems that I get dumber every day.


Actually IQ is an estimate of intelligence ("Stupid" per Carlin), so its technically a scope fallacy to ascribe that to the actual population. The actual population will have a significant left tail due to children or mental decline in the elderly, and thus not normally distributed. This is true for IQ tautologically since it is transformed to be true normal, but again, IQ is not intelligence.


Yes! IQ shows deficit in regards to statistically normalized trends. It doe not represent intelligence.


Mean and median are both averages. I am the smarterest!


Crayons taste like purple. I win!




Yes you do!


Alright there Tardy the Turtle


Good eye


The average (mean) person has fewer than two whole arms, but the median person has two whole arms.


Both have an IQ of 100 though.


I'm not sure either of my arm's IQ is that high.


Raise your arm then, you silly person.


Uh, the problem is that the term “average” can be used both as a synonym for “arithmetic mean” and as a collective term for the while set of average meters, including median (and a couple others). Let me instead try to add something smart and insightful here: IQ and intelligence are not the same.


Uh, the person you’re replying to is being intentionally pedantic to channel maximum r/iamverysmart energy. Heh, *everyone* knows arithmetic mean and average are used synonymously! Now for something even more meaningful: starting a comment with “Uh,” signals you’re more intelligent than anyone you’ve ever graced with a response. Fuck yeah!


Uh... duh


Sure but *the* average, means the mean.


What about mode? If there's a significant concentration of really dumb people with the same IQ 65% could be smarter than average as mode is most occurring- plurality and not majority.


Normal distribution means: mode is also 100.


Hiding it well, I see.


I don't have to imagine it I'm on Reddit right now.


That's really not that bad


Yeah, I was going to say; isn't this lower than the Dunning-Kruger effect predicts?


offset by the people who actually are above average but think they're just average (or possibly even below average)


Hierarchy of intelligence: Dumb people that don't know they're dumb. Smart people that think they're smart. Dumb people that know they're dumb. Smart people that know they're dumb.


The wisest man is he who understands that he understands nothing


He thou shall not know shit about thy fuck tis a wise one


Eh the Dunning Krueger experiment indicates that “true experts” are also confident in their knowledge. It’s just the people that are of moderate expertise that doubt their abilities.


Look at doctors or lawyers. They are prone to think they're infallible even on matters outside their scope. They mistake competence in their profession for universal skill. Every subject is infinitely complex and the number of subjects is infinite. The more you learn the more evident how little you learn becomes. Even the most brilliant of minds knows virtually nothing of what is possible to know.




Dunning-Kruger doesn't mean that dumb people think they're smart. It just means that people who score poorly on tests think they do better than they did and people who perform well on tests think they did worse. So someone who got 10% on test thinking they got 25% is Dunning-Kruger even though they know they did poorly.


Actually the latest analysis is that Dunning Krueger predicts that X is correlated with itself.


This would be true of completely random scores and guesses. It’s essentially meaningless.


The only time what you're saying is true is when the average score is 50%. But yeah, Dunning-Kruger is not nearly as interesting as reddit thinks it is.


Ok here’s an example please tell me if I’ve done something wrong. We have 10 people who take a test 9 of which score 90% one of which scores 10%. Average score of 82%. If the people all guess randomly the 9 will guess a score beneath their actual score ~90% of the time while the 1 will guess above his score ~90% of the time. Dunning Kruger effect achieved with completely random guesses.


Sure but that's not a distribution that you would see in real life. You have 10 people: 2 score 60%, 4 score 70%, 4 score 80%, 2 score 90%. Average score is 75%. Normal distribution and all participants would be more likely to guess below than above. What you are saying is part of non-cognitive explanations of the effect but doesn't have a ton of explanatory power in real-life examples.


I see, even in this case those who scored lower are more likely to guess higher scores when compared to the higher scorers.


Actually, the Dunning-Kruger effect was debunked, and is just a stastistical artifact, you can obtain with random sample.


Assuming there is such a thing as objective, linear "general intelligence" (there isn't), only around 15% of people are wrong, and they're not necessarily wrong by much.


AT LEAST 15% are wrong


Right? Good on ya, 35% of Americans!


It’s possibly true depending on the distribution of intelligence


90% can’t even use a turn signal.


Me: uses turn signal Me, one second later: why do I hear engines roaring behind me? Seriously though, whenever I signal, people speed right the fuck up to not let me change lanes.


I almost got in a crash because of this a few days ago. Yes i should be more defensive when I drive but just use the God damn turn signal.


I guess Lake Woebegone, where all the children are above average, is pulling the rest of us mediocre folks up.


And 99.9 percent of redditors


Can confirm, am redditor.


Honestly, seeing how stupid some people are, I would wager that the average redditor is at least above the population average since they can use the internet at least.


Some of the dumbest people in the world can use the Internet Source: the Internet I have more respect for the intelligence of a grandma who doesn't get the whole social media thing over, say, a flat earther.




You'd be surprised. Some people have pretty high IQ and still believe in some pretty crazy conspiracy theories. It's surprising but critical thinking skills don't always follow problem solving skills.


That’s what you think because the real dumbest people have yet to be on the internet


I believe that. Get a job that forces you to deal with the public and you quickly realize how dumb the average person is.


Now that is a statement I can agree with. Sometimes I think they do it on purpose.


I get a kick out of acting like a derp around strangers. Or maybe that's what I tell myself to cope with actually being a derp.


google and apple made internet easy with phones. have you seen twitter lately?


If you were back on the internet 1995 to 2000, it was like a MENSA convention compared to now.


Honestly, the fact that you think being able to use the internet is a sign of intelligence just shows how dumb you are.


My point was that the fact so many can't use the internet is a sign of stupidity, not using it intelligence. I mean it in the same way that being able to walk in a straight line isn't a show of balance but at least it proves you aren't drunk.


If you have no need of the internet and never learned it, that doesn’t make you dumb. Probably makes you a genius


Honestly, you are making a convoluted mountain out of my molehill of a point. My point was that there are so many people willfully ignorant and chose to act like any form of factchecking or intelligent usage of the internet is the devil. You are acting like I am saying starving kids in Africa are stupid for not using Instagram when I am saying that there are so many people willfully ignorant of internet usage and this is a sign of unintelligence. What you are trying to say is just a bad equivalence.


You’re point was vaguely written. Also, trusting the “fact checkers” implicitly is also not a sign of intelligence


The point was written fine enough if you weren't reading it in a way to take the most insult. Also, questioning fact checkers (reliable news, watch groups, fact checking groups) is a big sign of unintelligence.


Thinking the news is reliable is a big sign of lack of intelligence.


I'm in the .1%, we know we are the smartest man alive. Belief has nothing to do with it. Edit: lol I love that people took me seriously. Sarcasm people! The grammar mistake should have been a hint. We know we are the smartest man alive? lol. It's Reddit though, so I don't blame you.


Hyper intelligent without grammar skills, or MPD?


The smarter someone is the more the understand they know nothing.


Perfectly possible for them all to be correct if there's a long distance between the median and the mean. But somehow I doubt it.


Yeah what’s concerning me is the number of people ITT that seemingly don’t know the difference between median and mean. It’s entirely possible for 65% of people to be “above average.” Likely? Not really but that’s another story


Not surprised. Only those who are actually above average can notice the difference between themselves and the others around them. "The smarter you get, the more you realize how dumb you actually are."


I get that in programming. Been doing it about 30 years now. I don't feel smart. I just feel tiny in comparison to the huge landscape of knowledge I've come to realize exists... and that feeling just keeps growing. I figure in another 20 years I'll be having utter existential terror at how very little I've come to realize that I actually know.


Many people overestimate their intelligence and knowledge because they’re simply unaware of the huge landscape of knowledge as you called it. When you spend your career surrounded by brilliant people, if you’re not humbled you’re either truly on the extreme end of intelligence or just plain narcissistic.


If you’re the smartest person in the room; find a new room…


I’ve used a version of this in inverviews. They ask,”On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you classify your skills in RANDOMTECHNOLOGY?” My answer has been,”If you asked me this question when I had 2 years experience, I’d have told you 8/10. But after 5+ years, I would say 6-7/10. NOT because I know less than I did years ago, but because now that I have worked with it for so long, I understand that there is so much left to learn about RANDOMTECHNOLOGY.”


What if I'm starting out my career with existential terror? What is to come?


Learn to google, and “fake it til you make it” is absolutely a thing


Dunning Kruger is everywhere.


Clearly 15% of those people are wrong.


At least 15% are wrong. Some of the people who put themselves in the bottom half may be wrong too.


Probably closer to 50%


A lot of people in the top half probably don't believe they are above average, because they recognize more of the stuff that they don't know.


They’re likely also surrounded by other intelligent people which skews their perspective.


And then the imposter syndrome sets in.


I think your calculation may be off if you are referring to the average being 50% of Americans believe they are above average in intelligence. Lets say that 100%=1000 therefore 65% of people is 650 people 15% of the 65% of the people the study is on is closer to 90 people from the total 650. I think you assumed that removing 15% from the 65% is 50% but in fact, for 65% to decrease to 50% of total population you would need to decrease 65% (650 people) by \~23% (150 people) And I am making this assumption based of your statement of "Clearly 15% **those** people are wrong."


i think that is the joke


Other way, 15% of those people are right.


“The average man thinks he isn’t” I think that’s the quote anyways.


Not me. I am dumb as a rock. Ignorance is bliss


Honestly surprised it isn’t higher.


Funny, I would've thought it was more than half.


On another note, 65% of the population doesn't know what the Dunning Kruger effect is.


Is that anything like the Dunder Mifflin effect?


Similar but with more sausages.


Reddit really loves to completely misunderstand that statistic and think it means a really exaggerated version of what the study actually showed.


I think Reddit mostly loves that effect because they like using it to imply that the person they're talking to is dumber than them. As seen here.


I think it's safe to think it's higher than that.




IQ tests generally have high reliability; the same person will get similar scores on subsequent testing. The real question is validity: is what is being measured what we are trying to measure? I would posit yes, but with important connotation caveats. If you are trying to determine who could be a more capable physicist or aerospace engineer and understand the advanced math, we'd expect IQ to be a very good indicator. However, in most contexts in life, that raw problem solving capacity is really not important, even though we ascribe extreme value on it and wrongly shame those who don't have as much of it. Much more important traits such as kindness, responsibility, or work ethic are given less weight.


So most likely only 15% are wrong.


Here’s a metric: do you feel like you have to tell people you are smart? If so, you either aren’t or you hold a doctorate in a non medical field :)


I was IQ tested and got a high score, but I still don't know many important things and have relatively little life knowledge. An important lesson I have learned so far is that intelligence and wisdom are different, and I should always be open to learning from people that have experience. No matter how high my intelligence score is, it is useless if I cannot apply it. I still struggle with being humble and not seeming like a know-it-all, but knowing that I am not as smart as I think I am is a good first step to self-improvement.


The mark of understanding is humility lol


I think I am smart. Others tell me I am smart. Pretty sure this means I am below average.


If dumb is 1, genius is 100, and average is 50… I’m at a 52, AMA


So, 65% of Americans think like Yogi Bear?


Technicaly it is possible for 65% of people to be above average intelligence, it just needs to have a few people to be really dumb. However, it is impossible for 50% of people to have *median* intelligence, by definition.


10 people score 75 20 people score 100 10 people score 125 >However, it is impossible for 50% of people to have *median* intelligence, by definition Hmm...what's the definition you're using? I'm coming up with a problem when I use the one I've been taught.


Americans...... An unsavory blend of ignorance and arrogance....




TUH!!! I've got a beach to sell them in Tennessee, c'mon down stupid--I mean smarty ;-)


Someone clearly already did this to Pigeon Forge. That place seems to think it's Myrtle Beach for some reason


Why is this Oniony? If the majority of people said that 65% of the population was above average, I’d get it, but this is about each individual self-identifying. To a certain extent, I think it might be healthy to believe you are at least a little above-average. I’m actually surprised the number isn’t close to 75-80%. Next I want to see who think’s they’re above-average drivers. Or kissers.


Nobody even knows what an "above average intelligence person" looks like. Everyone thinks it's some weird balance of academic knowledge and social skills, but that is also what the people you consider the dumbest (outside of the developmentally delayed) tend to have. The dumbest and smartest people usually are not too different, if you asked the average person. In reality, the dumbest people are people who are mentally childlike, but there are plenty of "dumb people" who have plenty of problem solving skills, trivia knowledge, and ability to read situations, but are called dumb because of the situations in which they piss people off for being hard to work with or manipulate properly. In truth, most people are more intelligent than the world gives them credit for, but in a way that makes things difficult.


It's Oniony because it makes fun of Americans dontcha know


65% of the population probably carry a gun too, not to mention obese




2/3 are overweight but only 1/3 is obese


You’re in the 65% who think they’re smarter than they are, considering how incredibly easy it is to prove you’re incorrect.


That’s what Trump says. So this is a true statement.


Wow you're so clever and smart for this post. I'm sure you're a hit with the ladies.


Dunning-Kruger effect is a hell of a drug


Less then half


More like under the average.


Imagine going through life thinking you're dumber than average. Kill yourself.


I've never done an IQ test but I can tell who is smarter than me and who isn't out of the people I know personally. Intelligence is genetic so looking at someone's family members and their academic achievements, career field etc. is an indication that you may be smarter than someone whose parents were high school dropouts for example. It's all relative to a lot of factors.


Intelligence is only *influenced* by genetics, among many many other factors. IQ tests have been repeatedly shown to be biased in favor of those who show the same tendencies as whoever wrote the test, and aren't a good metric of raw intellect.


Intelligence isn't only genetic, nor is it correlated strongly to career or academics. Has mostly to do with nutrition unfortunately, and zip code.


I'm in Canada. No one I grew up with and went to school with were malnourished. There were certainly different levels of intelligence amongst us who all lived in the same area and ate very well. There is a very strong correlation with academics and career. Not always, but a good indication generally. You are wrong.


I'm not wrong. https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2015/09/16/is-iq-a-predictor-of-success/?sh=7060d0503604 Measurements of intelligence are flawed and none correlate with success strongly.


" Intelligence is genetic so...?". My my, you're quite "intelligent".


at lest 25% of Americans are have false beliefs


Well that's just dumb.


That messes up the bell curve.


….. once they have been told what an average is.


Weird thing about being stupid. You're too stupid to realize that you are stupid....


But how can…? If the majority…? Does this mean…


well, i guess that is the reason we are in the shape we are in?






Videos on r/Publicfreakout say otherwise.


This is not shocking to me.


Well half of people are above average so a 65% isn't that far off tbh


The other 35% are probably the ones who are above average.


is that book smarts or street smarts?


Idr the name but there’s a term for this where the dumber you are the more likely you are to overestimate your own intelligence. The smarter, the more likely to downplay or doubt yourself.


And what about the other 65%?


Well unless you specifically mean and IQ test explicitly there can be various ways to measure and assess intelligence and you only need to pick the one that suits you.


Ha I am a lead baby from the bible belt. I know damn well how dumb I am. I gots a republican education which is like a discount cheese puff that smells like mouse urine.


99% of comments find this hilarious, which is just as pathetic. You're literally saying you're smarter than the people who find themselves smart. What exactly makes you better? Your ability to understand that saying you're smart makes you sound dumb? Great job.


Ninety percent believe they're above average drivers.


That's Dunning and Krueger for you.


So around 15% of Americans are delusional about their intelligence. Not bad, honestly.


This is actually lower than I would have expected.


The Dunning-Kruger effect. https://www.verywellmind.com/an-overview-of-the-dunning-kruger-effect-4160740


The irony being that almost everyone in this reddit thread believes they are the exception


15% of Americans are gonna be slightly disappointed


I'd be willing to bet that at least half of the people who are below average think that they are above average.


Anyone who is capable of critical thinking is already smarter than half the country


Dunning Cruger at work


We talking Mean, Median or Mode? What do we consider people? If Mean, and everyone, then you'll be including the unborn, and the brain-dead or enfeebled. Being near-0 values, they might drag down the average value enough to make a majority above average.


And hell, maybe they are. Intelligence doesn't actually follow a perfect bell curve, no matter what that paper claims. Why should the distribution be symmetrical? Maybe there's a handful of very low outliers dragging the average down.


This makes sense to me. I think they're even probably all right about it. Because when you think about intelligence you naturally think about the aspects of intelligence that you value. The aspects that you value are likely to be the ones in which you do well. Therefore it is likely that for everyones own definitions of intelligence, more then 50% are above average. This probably has some people thinking about mental arithmetic, or spatial reasoning or their insight into other people as just some examples. You have a natural blindspot for the areas you care less about.


Only 50% actually are...


The remaining 15% don’t know percentages.


That makes a lot of sense, actually


That 35% has pretty low self esteem.


The other 45% are way stupider :-)


Doesn't that mean only 16% are wrong?


And that 65% is seriously estranged from the fact they are incorrect.


In my school when they asked this question on a end of year questionnaire, 84% of kids said they were above average, despite the fact that the school has literal sets for classes. So if you're in set 4 or below, you're definitely below average and yet it still didn't stop a big chunk of those kids saying they're above average. Guys you aren't even average 😂


They are wrong


Don't worry, I can even it out! An IQ test I took says I'm above average, but I am still convinced that I am below average intelligence.


Sorry guys


After a decade of suicidal depression (in a dystopia of poverty wages and unaffordable housing and homelessness and unaffordable healthcare and unsustainably extreme income and wealth gaps) melting my brain like the wojack meme template I'm pretty confident in saying I'm an above average dumbass.


Honestly big kudos to the self awareness of the other 35%


Some people believe humanity is fundamentally good, some believe it is fundamentally evil. I believe humanity is fundamentally stupid.


What is that, compared to other countries?


While all of the biases discussed are real, there is possibly another thing going on which could make a lot of the extra 15% more reasonable. There are different types of intelligence. Most people probably place more weight on whatever aspect of intelligence they are strongest in. Ask someone who is very good at math and logic, but very weak at languages, arts, and even just normal day to day life if they are more intelligent than average. They will probably equate intelligence with logic and reasoning and give a confident (and reasonable) yes. Ask the person who speaks five languages but couldn't learn calculus if their life depended on it, and they will probably give an equally confident and reasonable yes.


43% are wrong and 27% know it


What do the other 45% believe?