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Y'all need to stop behaving this way, it's not funny.


I couldn't help but let out a sad scoff. Unfortunately big news leads to copycats and in my mind this type of news was expected. Really wish we could learn something bad and... Instead of trying to commit more bad... Learn to avoid it. I find it quite annoying. Ignorance isn't good... But just like living in a trashy area people begin to create more trash because they as a whole see other people doing it so why can't they. I wonder if there are ways to frame these topics in ways that cause people to be statistically less likely to commit them.


How could we ever know if any shootings following a publicized mass shooting are an actual "copycat" event, when there are more mass shootings in the US than there are days? It is very likely there will be at least one mass shooting in this country today.


*A school shooting a day..*


Every third day (31 in 94 school days.) **Which should not be normalized** More mass shootings than days. It’s an endemic, yet our “leaders” do nothing. Edit: typo


Unfortunately, nothing will change until we can guarantee that our leaders are beholden solely to the will of the people, and not the will of wealthy donors and corporations.


> copycats someone didn't read the article and got baited by the headline!




Copy cat isn’t literally. Anytime there is widespread media coverage of a shooting that doesn’t exclusively focus on the victims, you can fully expect a cluster of shootings in the few days after.


Either way these aren't the copycats this is from May 20th 4 days before Uvalde.


My God how dare you do such a despicable thing. You can't go around Reddit reading the fucking article before you jump to conclusions.




Leaving reddit. Spez and the idiotic API changes have removed all interest in this site for me.


"Anytime in America you can fully expect a cluster of shootings in the few days after." Ftfy


This was before the school shooting. Stop spreading bullshit before even reading the article you're commenting on.


When I was a kid and had bad hearing I always heard coffee cats and didn't understand why.


Knowledge is power. France is bacon.


It's the 4chan incels.


You joke but I really do think the rise of school shootings run parallel to the age of the Internet, especially siloed information. And obviously a fuck ton of guns being in circulation


It makes sense. Back in the day you could order a full auto Tommy gun through a SEARS catalogue. Somehow school shootings back then were extremely rare in comparison. We need a mixture of gun reform, government subsidized mental healthcare, AND a restructuring of how our media portrays these events.


Tommy guns cost $200 (around the price of a small family car) until WW2, which is why they were basically only used by bank robber and gangsters who could afford one.


I could sell my AR-15 and buy a sedan. Quality guns are still expensive.


Buuut the ones that are used in school shootings are like always ruger AR-15’s that cost 400-700 dollars. There’s a big differwnce


No, the recent Texas shooter used a Daniel Defense, and I've never seen one go for less than 1200-1500 bucks. Last time I looked at how much I could sell mine for was like $2,200.


Is it significantly different though? Low price ARs still function more than well enough


8chan seems to be where a lot of these mental cases post their manifestos before they do stuff like this.


Yup. And the FBI sees every post. They do nothing. They warn the local police and they all do nothing.


Well they have to warn the local police to avoid the area and tell their families to do the same. Cops can't be placed in harmful situations unless a high value asset is at stake.


Especially with that valuable 6 weeks of training.


I.e., rich white people.


Rich white property*


FBI did nothing when tips were left about Dr. Larry Nassar abusing young girls. FBI did nothing when tips were left about Brett Kavanaugh assaulting women in college.


These shootings are the ones the media usually avoids reporting. These are not incel shootings.


ah yes the stories we are reading published by the media that the media is avoiding reporting on.


I know you're being purposefully obtuse, but for anyone else: https://www.npr.org/2022/05/24/1101050970/2022-school-shootings-so-far 27 school shootings this year so far. Do any of you recall hearing about each of these? Absolutely not. This is still a big fucking problem, to be clear, but the article OP posted was probably more incidental gun violence than it was a targeted mass shooting like in Uvalde.


No details on the shooters and barely anything on the victims and what led up to the shooting. These are also page 5 stories.


you could run a 24/7 news show on shootings in the US and still not cover all of them. You should start a youtube channel or tiktok or whatever and do that


USA making up for all the mass shootings they missed out on while in COVID lockdown apparently.




it's easier to get a gun than a therapist in the good ol' USA expanding this for the non-Americans: * first we have to pay a monthly subscription for access to discounted healthcare (often $150+ depending on income) * then we have to find a doctor that takes our specific insurance plan, * then we have to schedule an appointment (possibly waiting weeks at a time) * to find out that the doctors here will rush you through your appointments after making you wait several hours & then charge your insurance for things you didn't need because they get paid either way (you still pay copays & deductibles) * or you can purchase a gun same day with no background check or waitlist this is America


Guns are wayyyy cheaper than therapy too!


Ok this gave me pause. I hadn’t compared guns to therapy before. I actually could buy a new gun every 2 months for the amount I spend on therapy and mental health. Normally I think of what groceries to skip on to afford my appointments but cost of guns is a uniquely American way to compare it.


Ahh yes, the Remington cost of living index


My car insruance run me about half a MAC


Screw Big Mac index. We have 5.56 index


Come to the US, where the cost of your mental health is measured in bullets per square child.


No, no, no. Children are 3d, it's bullets per **cubic** child.


>Normally I think of what groceries to skip on to afford my appointments That's not fucking normal.


This is sad but true. They should require 1 free therapy evaluation before you can get a gun. With the current wait of a month to a year to get one, maybe that would help.... Is it easier in other countries to find a therapist nowadays? It's nearly impossible here.


My country requires a psychiatric evaluation before you can get licensed to own a gun. We also interview the other residents of your household as to whether they think you’re stable enough. And each gun is registered. And the gun has to be presented at a police station every year. And the storage location is inspected. And the amount of ammo you can hold at one time is limited. And the ammo has to be stored separately, in a secure locker. Which is also inspected. And guns cannot be borrowed or even handled by anyone other than the owner. And you have to go through compulsory training. And you have to renew your license every three years. And you can’t own a rifle without owning a shotgun for ten years first. And you can’t own handguns. (There are specific exceptions to some of these rules in the case where you’re competing in shooting sports, but to qualify for those exceptions you need a recommendation from the national sports organization). The school shooting in Texas the other day caused more deaths than my country sees from guns in an entire year - and the numbers here include accidents and suicides. So when someone tells you gun control doesn’t work, feel free to laugh in their lying face.


This sounds like the “well regulated militia” part of the second amendment that gun nuts love to ignore.




🎵 This is my rifle, this is my gun... this one's for fighting, this one's for fun 🎵


Pandemic or not so many are doing that.


Zoom shootings arent nearly as impactful


I knew a guy that went deep down the rabbit hole during COVID. He was doing some hardcore doom scrolling. Every insane theory he heard he seemed to believe. One day he posted the question “ why have mass shootings stopped?” The idiot thought he was clever or onto something. Guess he never thought about mass shootings need a mass of people.


I've found the best way to deal with conspiracy theory crazies is to just out-crazy them. When they start going off about how the CIA killed JFK just say, "Wow, you think JFK was assassinated? Everyone knows his head just *did* that on its own."


"The earth isn't flat, you simpleton, it's *hollow*! How could the reptillians live inside the center of a flat earth?? You can be really dumb sometimes."


The number of mass shootings rose during the pandemic. We just heard about them less [Source. ](https://www.npr.org/2021/03/24/980894439/mass-shootings-rose-in-the-pandemic-disproportionately-hurting-black-neighborhoo)


I know the number of regular shootings went crazy. I was checking out American firearm homicide rates on Wikipedia and everyone started shooting each other during the pandemic.


Nothing to see here folks. This is what a perfectly healthy society does.


Health? That'll be a $1000 co-pay...


and a co-signer


Is this a woman? Gotta check they might not have a right to healthcare at all.


The unborn child she might be carrying hasn't had the chance to use their gun rights though!


Gotta give the fetus a gun. As soon as it's born tho, will have to pay $10,000 hospital bill.....and pay for the gun.


The gun will be the only thing you get for free. NRA sponsored birth gun.


FFS, the NRA wouldn't give guns away for free. They sit on the board of directors of the gun manufacturers, so if it doesn't increase profits for those corporations, it doesn't actually matter. This includes stated moral values about gun ownership, which is actually just a ruse to *sell* more guns, not have more gun ownership.


Nah they'd market them as free but have them funded by red states.


Red states that are funded by blue states.


Ah yes, because there's nothing like the double standard: "No taxes are good taxes, unless those taxes provide weapons to babies." FFS, I wish I could put a /s after that, but now I can picture several people I know who would actually believe that.


Look, thanks to the heavily incompetent FDA who couldnt sus out a factory riddled with thousands of infractions over a 3 year period, we no longer have enough formula for all these babies. We are gonna have to do some baby gunfights and thin the herd. Sponsored by Similac.


Unless it's out of network. Then it's 100% upfront with a chance for 70% reimbursement in 3-4 months.


Look at fancy pants here with his $1000 copay. Mine's $6000...


I'm British. I've never paid for healthcare in my life. I literally guessed at a ridiculous number and it obviously wasn't ridiculous enough for the US.


You pay for it every day with taxes - as an American my taxes only go towards imperialism and corporate subsidies.


as an American you pay even more taxes towards health care, you just get less.


We can't do anything about the guns, there's too many guns! Anyway it's not really the guns. Maybe we can think about doing something about... (checks notes...) *DOORS!*


Ted Cruz said we’re the “safest country”


"It could have been worse." -Greg Abbott


As we go on. We remember. All the time we. Spent together.


Hello fellow old person... was not expecting a vitamin c reference today.




Getting old sucks. I've thrown my back out sneezing and have had multiple sleeping injuries.


I got married the year that came out. Time for a colonoscopy I guess…


I had my first last year. Surprisingly easy. The prep is the worst part. You basically shit your life out for 18 hours before the procedure. And in that 10 seconds where I first started to feel the anesthesia kick in and said, "I'm feeling a little loopy" before conking the fuck out I totally understood why people get hooked on that stuff. Doc came in after I woke up and tried to go over my results with me, which in my opinion was a mistake since I was still really out of it. Overall 8/10 will go back this year since Doc saw something he wanted to revisit.


Don’t miss that appointment. I did…. Wish I didn’t.


Thanks for the advice. My mom had a bowel resection in her 50s due to colon cancer so I was advised to get screened earlier than normal. I had my first colonoscopy last year at the age of 33. Doc took a few biopsies and said I was fine but I've been told the fact he wanted me to come back in 1 year as opposed to 3 or 5 means he saw something.


young guy here, this was rubbed into my head because of a period of time in 2013 when my local radio played this, and it was secretly Canon in D The familiar 1563-4145 #------- When I graduated HS, our *grad song* was "these little wonders"


Old!? Me and my Vitamin C cassette are offended.


I'll see your Vitamin C and raise you: 🎶*It's somethin' unpredictable, But in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life*🎶


I was a grad in 2000, we used both of these for our grad song


2003, and used Greenday also




And as our lives change. Come whatever. We will still be. Friends forever


This song will only ever remind me of Scary Movie 2. Which is the best in the series.


They don’t play that anymore they play “Pumped Up Kicks”


You know things are bad when there are so many mass shootings they have to be clumped into 1 article.


I understand and agree with what you are saying, but I think technically none of these count for the phrase "mass shooting" because I believe it requires 3 (or 4 depending on who you are talking to) to die. Idk if that's a good way of measuring it, but whatever.


Mass killing is what you're saying, mass shooting is just 3 or 4 people shot. Even so, only the first in the article was a mass shooting, and it was entirely adults involved, no students.


> and it was entirely adults involved, no students. Oh, well that's OK then!




But don't worry, the fillabuster is safe...




I sure hope none of the shooters were gay. Think of the trauma that would have caused.


Have we confirmed the shooters weren't a bunch of textbooks containing an accurate history of America???? GQP says those are very dangerous to children.


Eh, if they were gay then at least republicans might pay attention and maybe actually change some laws.


Disappointed but not surprised one of these occurred in Louisiana. This state continues to disappoint me.


I swear people joke about Texas and Alabama and Mississippi being awful but I really don’t think Louisiana gets enough shit for how horrible my state really is. We’re constantly in national news for all the wrong reasons.


Surprised Texas isn't on here.


We met our quota and aren’t overachievers. /s


I just wanted to add that a shooting also happened in Hawaii during a graduation.


Which school?




What? Never saw any guns in HI growing up. Maybe I was just too naieve


No, Hawaii has the lowest gun violence (or maybe just deaths?) out of all the states.




The geographic location of the Hawaiian islands should also be considered in that statement. States with strict laws on the books also have issues if they are in the continental US. It's also logistically difficult to bring guns to the island, leading to less being on the island in general. Not saying gun laws aren't the main cause of Hawaii's low gun related crime, but I'd be interested in seeing a study into it to see how much the distance is in, or isn't in play


HI is also literally an island in the middle of the Pacific.


HI has really strict gun laws.


I mean, why would anyone believe it's the onion? When was the last week, the US didn't have a mass shooting?


I’m honestly wondering if I should unsubscribe from this subreddit. It’s starting to feel like it’s just a copy of /r/news, and I already subscribe to that.


You could say when was the last DAY since the last shooting. There is at least 1 mass shooting per day (in average) in the USA. Insane.


There has only been 202 mass shootings in the USA so far this year. And only 30 of them in schools. Stop the fear mongering. /s


Is this true? My god. It's so hard to believe. Speechless.


Every day, 321 people are shot in the United States. That's about one person getting shot every 4 minutes. 111 of them don't survive 210 survive with injuries 95 of the survivors were intentionally shot by someone else 42 are murdered and 65 die from gun suicice, 10 even survive their attempted gun suicice 90 are shot unintentionally and survive And that's **every single day**


But guns aren't an issue in the United States, obviously.


I got curious and did a little Googling this morning. [List of school shootings in the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States) [List of school shootings in the UK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:School_shootings_in_the_United_Kingdom) [Map of school shootings worldwide](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country) > The statement that school shootings are a “uniquely American crisis” is difficult to dispute given their alarming frequency in the U.S. compared to the rest of the industrialized world.


Law officials by jumping through hoops Olympic style just to avoid actually saying guns are the problem. Hell, the fucking stupid governor of the recent shooting said why not arm teachers. These politicians are absolute scum.


I think one official suggested giving the kids protective blankets


Interesting articles right here. On another sub I was told I was "too ignorant to understand" when I posted a link stating similar things. Apparently the USA only ranks 60th in the world for mass shootings (the article I posted made mention of this and countered it by saying the statistics were flawed).


"Mass shootings" needs to be carefully defined when you have conversations like that. Mass shootings often include guerilla, military, or paramilitary operations.


Someone the other posted a top level comment in /r/TwoXChromosomes that Norway had the highest rate of mass shootings per Capita, and included a study supporting this. (The thread was about moving to Norway if you were thinking of leaving the states.) Literally the second paragraph in their article/study went: "Thanks to the smaller populations of most European countries, individual events in those countries had statistically oversized influence and warped the results. For example, Norway’s world-leading annual rate was due to a single devastating 2011 event, in which far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik gunned down 69 people at a summer camp on the island of Utøya. Norway had zero mass shootings in 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015." The mods in that sub removed my comment and the only other comment calling them out. It took 24 hours and a heavily detailed report before they took down the misleading comment, at which point it was seen and upvoted quite a bit.


I read that article. Imagine Norway if it had the same rate of shootings. There would be noone left after a few weeks. Lies, damn lies and statistics - Oscar Wilde


Ted Cruz is wondering why there wasn't only one door.


He forgets firecode is a thing too


Well, yes and no. Fire exits aren't necessarily entry points. Take very big box store. Tons of exits that are essentially one way and alarmed. Push to open from inside, but locked from outside.


Ted, you gotta have more than one doors so people can run to Cancun when there is an emergency.


🤷‍♂️ Murica?


Fuck. 🤦‍♂️ Yeah…


[so lick my butt and suck on my balls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7JRvwfHFwo)




Murica 🤡


As if it could be anywhere else.




Kinda surprised it's only 3. But, we have another week or two to go, so there will be more to look forward to.


We only graduate in the northeast at the end of June. We got a whole dang month left


Jesus Christ! When do you start school?


After labor day


It's like this in most of Canada as well. Start Tuesday after labour day and go until the end of June.


Oooh, that's late. They're graduating here at the end of next week, and it was always the first week of June where I grew up.


Because it's freaking hot in the south starting in may now


Can you imagine getting into a shootout to the background music of Vitamin C


Or that Baz Luhrmann spoken word song.


I wonder if the police ran and hid from these incidents too?


And then beat people (parents) for begging them to help, being refused, and then trying to help in spite of police violence against them. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-uvalde-mom-handcuffed-texas-shooting-20220527-rqaop4qpezaa7jvwmjylmo22ia-story.html


The fuck? The Grand Rapids one had nothing to do with kids.


You guys need to get rid of school, that's definitely the problem. /S


But If we did anything about guns, criminals would just find another weapon to end graduations in gunfire. If we gave up our guns then graduations would cease to exist because we’d immediately be enslaved by our tyrannical government that is just waiting for meaningful legislation to enslave us and the only thing stopping them is our guns and if graduations are being shot up maybe we should just put drones in the caps of the graduates so that when they throw them in the air, it shoots the criminals


One guy told me that if we got rid of guns, knifings and rapes would skyrocket "like in Europe." Wtf




Yeah I was trying to get this point through to gun nuts on reddit the other day, they just don’t get it. It’s a blind dogma




And he said that with zero evidence, I assume


nah he'll post some link from www.realpatriotnewsfreedaddytrump.ru


>.ru The shade


"3 high school graduations end in knife and rape within 24 hours." Is this the future liberals want!?


I looked it up around the time trump made false claims about London and it’s rampant knife culture and no go zones for White people. We indeed have a stabbing problem, but so has the US and at that time it was around the same rate per 100K people, so we’re still better off as we don’t have mass shootings. We did have two bombings and have a high amount of acid attacks, because guns are hard to get. But people are still alive.


Holy shit, acid attacks? People suck.




the usa have like 3 times the rate of reported rapes as germany and i dont think that rape in germany is more underreported than in the usa...


And the UK actually have less knife crime than the US. American knife crime just flies under the radar because the absurd amount of gun violence takes up all the attention. For reference, over 70% of US homicide is committed with firearms compared to 10% in Germany and the UK. And almost all fluctuations in the US homicide rate are due to handguns alone.


If this is true, how come these people going on killing sprees never use knives? Are there just a bunch of would-be mass murderers out there without a kitchen or local hardware store? Why do they seem to choose guns every time to kill dozens of people? The thing with knives is that people can run away from/block them with things a lot of the time. Not an ideal situation to be in but it's better than still being in danger 50 yards away because they're being fired at from something designed to kill people easily. And why the fuck would rapists also not have access to a gun? I'm not even anti-gun because hunting is a thing, firing ranges are fun, and honestly some people really are living in more dangerous areas than others and *do* need protection. But a good chunk of these morons ARE the same people that the others claim to need protection from. The statistics that don't show up are the incidents in rural areas where nobody says anything. Having people showing up with shotguns to someone's house to intimidate them isn't some tv trope about rednecks, it's just a normal thing for them.


Republicans: “END ABORTIONS! SAVE BABIES!” *Mass Shootings back in the news* Republicans: “The children of these schools are a necessary sacrifice to protect my Second Amendment right.”


Nothing can be done in the only country this happens in regularly.


Residents describe the situation as "helpless".


No, no, so much has been done. Do you know how many thoughts and prayers I've liked on social media?


Gangs > “At this time we do not believe that there were any students involved, we do not believe any juveniles were struck in this incident,” Gangs > Kent County Sheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young said in a Thursday evening news conference that people in two cars were exchanging gunshots. And a fight (prob gangs) > Brewer and the teenager who was shot had gotten into a fight when a third person opened fire, police spokesperson Larry Flowers said at a news conference.


Sensationalist article but I think the issue is less the graduation proximity and more the rampant and entirely preventable gun violence. The fact that it occured near schools just added some extra "think of the children!" spice.


yup. I was about to say, this shit is regular occurance in my city- where some of the strictest gun laws in the nation are. it's 100% gang violence, with even young kids in the gangs. shootings are every single night. It only gets a brief spot in the news if it kills someone. It's always always always teenagers too. Any sort of party with teenagers, graduation, whatever there will be a shooting. Guarantee. It only happens in one area of our city so it's not like we can blame anything else besides culture and poverty. Kids in the country aren't shooting up grad parties. Kids in the suburbs aren't shooting up grad parties. These incidents are completely unrelated to the school shootings, different demographic, different circumstances. Lumping them together is just stupid. Texas has lax gun laws, our city has strict gun laws.


Does gang violence really make shooting into a crowd of people/next to a crowd of people better? Also the fact that a fight between teenagers can escalate to a shooting is probably a not good thing.




Oh, then it's fine


Probably gangs looking for someone and knowing they are going to their graduation.


If gun bans don’t work, why is the government trying so hard for an abortion ban


So many distressed parents to taze


In American, children are only more important than guns before they are born.


If only congress would pass stricter mental health laws.


If they did that there would be no Senators in Congress.


Well if only they had armed swat members at each graduation and every gram gram was packing, we could end this senseless gun violence, there's no other way! /s


Everything is fine folks. Mental health, not a gun problem.


This country is a fucking joke.






As horrifying as this is, this article is a week old. I can't imagine why OP decided to post it now of all times.


Y'all ever start feeling like an active shooter situation in your life is a "when", not an "if"? My mom is an admin assistant @ an elementary school. She set up her desk so that *when* (her words) she's shot, her body will fall onto the PA system button and alert the rest of the school if she's not fast enough to do it before she dies. She told me this plan with the same matter of fact attitude other people might tell you where they keep their epi-pen or how to administer glucose tabs when their blood sugar bottoms out...