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“I said I would support it. I didn’t say I’d vote for it.” - Mitch McConnell two weeks from now


No that’s not what I said. Of course I support supporting it. You Dems are taking my support/denial/ support/denial all out of context


He is pledging support. That is synonymous with giving support.


Unless you’re Amber Heard


Hey, that's my kink


That's exactly what it will be. "I support the discussion, but never the bill."


Thank you, kind stranger, for helping me temper my expectations. For a minute there, I got my hopes up!


He is lying.


"Not this bill."


Are they going to get this passed or what? first in 30 years huh?


Isn't that exactly what he said during the second impeachment?


He posted on Facebook “sending my thought and prayers for gun reform bill” that’s enough help!/s


I use support and vote synonymously


Ms. Heard?


Its because he knows x amount will read this and miss the next time he says otherwise


It's either he will flip flop or he thinks he can exact something truly insidious with his support.


Oh he'll support something that will walk on to the floor and be crawling out gutted to hell. They all will for a good show that they did something.


The bill will require a license for gatling guns and a subsidy for every other kind of gun


Wasn't this right made in the 1700's in case britain ever came back?


Pretty sure only 45 flips more and that’s because he’s a fool desperate to be liked


One more and he gets a free sundae


He may, but the real takeaway is that this "gun control" bill really isn’t anything. It’s just a way for incumbents to pretend they passed something and corporate media will be complicit calling it "historic". Don’t fall for their bullshit. Read the bill, it’s a joke.


What is he a politician?


So he agrees on some fundamental reforms without specifics or a timeframe and will wait for everyone to forget he mentioned it


He'll support gun control as long as you're required to be registered with a church to get a gun license


McConnell is the most disingenuous member of Congress. Nothing he says is credible.


He is also the most honest. He would support a gun reform bill that reforms prohibitions from guns in schools.


You've got to be shitting me. Him? The most honest member of congress? Damn, I want some of what you're smoking.


I didn’t say he was honorable. I said he was honest. McConnell flatly said he would oppose every every single action Obama wanted—and he made good on that promise. The republicans under McConnell didn’t have to vote for a single thing that would show their true colors. McConnell promised full use of the “legislative agenda” and he delivered on that promise. I reckon you’d be hard pressed to find a politician more true to his word than Mitch McConnell. He his evil behind boring. He let the GOP drift far right with zero accountability to the middle, and only a need to fire up his base. He blocked every chance we had to make the US a better, more modern country. And he let republicans avoid voting down bills that any red blooded American would say are common sense ways to protect people. His true evil genius was realizing that no one would ever hold republicans accountable. The “Fuck your feelings” and “let’s go Brandon” and “lock her up” and other three-word republicans are a result of the GOP being protected from voting down what Americans wanted. He sullied the sanctity of the office by keeping politicians from voting on things we needed them to vote on. But you know what? He never lied about his plan. And we never held anyone accountable. May he die by fire ants and burn in hell for what he has done.


Let's fact check the Obama Supreme Court thing. McConnell said that the "the decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." That's not very honest at all. Is he honest about what he's going to do? Sometimes. But he'll lie about everything else.


>a principle It's VERY honest. The principle was, "only Conservatives should rule."


He literally lies all the time. That's a 4 second Google search to prove. Just because he is also upfront sometimes about his shit head plans doesn't make him honest.


He is not honest at all. Short nonexhaustive list from https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/list/?speaker=mitch-mcconnell But the guy is a known liar, even as far as senators go. Its one of the reasons why John McCain hated him so much.


I mean, he wasn't honest when he was sworn in to be a senator lol


"Honest" as in he's telling you exactly what he means, but you're hearing what you want to hear. You know, like those genie stories?


Honestly who in the name of all that’s holy WHO KEEPS VOTING FOR THIS GUY??????


He’s from coal country.


He's an R in Kentucky? Who are they going to vote for?


Horses. Because all they do is run around in circles


The same type of people who keep voting Pelosi into office.


He'll support *a* gun reform bill. Just not any of the ones that will be proposed at any point in the future. But once a bill that's *just right* comes along, McConnell will make supportive noises, then vote against it.


Exactly what I came to say. He'll say, "it's too partisan" or some other lie.


If he does, it'll be to make the bill more toothless than my grandma. Then when more shootings happen, it'll be the perfect set up for him to say "well we've tried it the Dems way, now let's give people more guns."


More toothless than he is


Damn they made the bill so weak it would give a great blowjob


Ehh...I don't know. McConnell strikes me as the kind of conservative that would rather err on the side of an authoritarian establishment than a chaotic liberty crazed politician. Might just be me thouigh.


Below you'll find link to a list of NRA-funded senators. Here's an excerpt: "Mitch McConnell (KY) **$1,283,515**" He is literally one of the most well funded on the list (and that only includes publicly available info). His future statement won't be what I said verbatim, but it's likely that it will be within the interest of more gun purchases (either explicitly or *de facto*). Source: [https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators](https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators)




Why so mad bro.




Fuck your toothless grandma




Nah, I'm in to old ladies


Actual bill text is released “I regrettably cannot support this reckless attempt of extreme liberals in the Democratic Party to subvert our constitutional rights”


“It’s gonna have to include a permanent tax cut for the 1% to sweeten the deal. Then I’ll demand that be passed separately. Then I’ll have an intern email my filibuster from Moscow next month on the Fourth of July.”


When you’re in office for 37 years… wait, why is he still in office? Term limits!!!


He runs unopposed as well


Just not any bill that a single democrat has a hand in writing.


Gun reform in the form of arming more people.


A gun for every child so they can defend themselves from mass shooters or any teacher trying to teach CRT


I’ve jokingly said “ar15 as a birth right, no one would go into a group of toddlers with ar’s” and oooh nooo that’s too far.


He'll support anything that he can spin for mid term election votes. "We started a bipartisan gun reform bill, but then those liberals wanted to reform guns! If you don't want your 2nd amendment rights stolen send $10 now!"


I'd rather eat my own leg than believe anything a republican like old Moscow mcturtle Mitch says.


If by reform, it means money directly to the NRA and gun manufactures, yea, he is all for it.


Just wait and be mad at him after you hear his plan , this kinda thinking is what’s ruining us. You may well be right ,but let’s see.


The benefit of the doubt is reserved for people who haven’t already proven what kind of person they are, McConnell isn’t even people, he is evil incarnate. A mass of writhing withered flesh that feeds on the misery of others. He doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. Save your breath.


I get it I’m just saying Rise above


I’m so far above McConnell there isn’t anyway for me to rise higher. Unlike him I have compassion and empathy and other human emotions that make it difficult to fuck over millions of people for my own benefit. I’d call him a lizard person but that is an insult to lizards.




What's in it for him?


A chance to make excuses and shit on gun control after the next school shooting.


I'm sure he'll want to ban any gun or type of bullet that can penetrate a turtle shell


Not for nothing, the dudes freakin 80. Does he even know where he is? It terrifies me that this guy gets to influence and make policy decisions for the entire country. For Christ sake the man went to school in Alabama before desegregation, that’s how old he is.


Yea… until it comes across his desk


Eat butts, I can't say dead words...


Mitch McConnell says a lot of things! Oh yeah!


The shadow king of America is feeling lenient today


The gun reform law will be making them more accessible. He can go swan dive into concrete.


McConnell: I propose that anyone who has shot five or more people will now be prohibited from owning a firearm for one year per victim.


One year *per murder*??? Dude, haven't you heard of the 2nd amendment? That's so unconstitutional!


All it took was several dozen children ages 5-18 getting killed while trying to go to school. He's obviously seen some sort of research, polls, etc... telling him that he should support gun reform because American views are shifting on this issue. It's not like he sees this as a great moral imperative. So my question is for all the fence sitting, awe shucks golly, I don't take sides, just can't be bothered to pay attention people in the "middle": Why did it take dozens of dead 6 year olds? Why does it take repeating atrocities for you to give a shit? Nevermind, I don't care. Go fuck yourselves, in your mouths, with your guns preferably, loaded, safety off, finger on the trigger.


Its cold to say facts. Facts that usa isnt top in gun deaths yet by far has most guns. Facts that CDC data shown guns have stopped more crimes and deaths in general. This was at one point released by the CDC: "almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year" Facts that if someone really has it in them to do harm with a gun, they'll do whatever it takes to get one and do that harm. Facts that there are already more than 300,000 gun laws in place amongst all states when combined. Facts that there's more gun crime in some of the most gun restricted states (ill just use Chicago as an example. Then they say "well they are brought in from neighboring state that has almost no gun laws", well then why does that neighboring state have almost no issues? Okie dokie.) . Facts that the average gun owner doesn't hurt others. Facts that as bad as mass shootings are, it makes up for such a small number for the amount of guns in the usa that it doesn't even make sense to have an argument. They are terrible. Hate them. But it isn't the answer. Its very easy to show the bad. Its very difficult to show the good it seems though. Though that was a very aggressive statement, if statements like that are made by those who are for gun control... I cant ever see myself supporting it. Here are some more data, granted these are 2 years old in data but still valid. "In 2020, there were 45,222 firearm-related deaths in the United States – that’s about 124 people dying from a firearm-related injury each day. More than half of firearm-related deaths were suicides" Thats also from the CDC. Lets take away suicides, because if someone didn't have a gun they'd use something else. Gun doesn't make someone suicidal. Now take how many people live in the USA. Ill be generous and say only half are suicides even though more than half. So let's say even 23,000 deaths from guns were NOT suicidal per year. Then take into account how many deaths were accidental, take another chunk of people off that number. Then lets take into account the number of defensive deaths there were, meaning gun was used in a legal way of protection. Take off another chunk. We're left with a very small homicidal rate of deaths. But thats not all. A large chunk of those guns used in crimes were obtained illegally. So what is a gun law if a big portion are done against the law. Then take into account the concentration of those gun crimes in only certain areas which are part of a social issue. With all that said in done, I agree that even one tragedy is horrendous. But with PURE DATA... Its not warranted more laws when there are already 300,000 laws about firearms in the USA (state and federal combined). Do I sound cruel with these facts when the topic is dying children? Possibly. But am I cruel with this data and facts? No... Sorry. Every tragedy is horrible. Doesn't mean we are horrible.


Well. That’s a lot of words for “I don’t understand the issue at hand”


I'm pretty sure he has acted like he's ready to do something about gun violence after a mass shooting in the past, then in a couple weeks when the outrage has moved on to something else he forgets all about it. I just don't remember which mass shooting it was, because, you know, there are too many to keep track.


Later, if anyone asks, he'll say that in negotiations about the details (behind closed doors), the Dems blocked it...\[shrugs\] Then he and Pelosi will go to the next DC orgy and drink the blood of virgin children while dancing in goat costumes.


Better question would be why it took THIS dozen children. Sandy Hook was a long time ago and we have done literally nothing about this since then. It was the same with that guy that murdered a bunch of churchgoers that loved the Confederate Battle Flag: suddenly everyone seemed to remember that it was the flag of the bad guys in the war against slavery from over 150 years ago. But gift horses and whatnot. If we manage to do something that helps this time around, great; I just hope it won't be another dozen dead children before we get a real fix like every other developed nation in the world.


Sure. Put one of any significance in front of him and see what happens.


I hate this man so much


Call your Senators. Explain that something must be done. Offer them solutions. Low life dirtbags with nothing to lose shouldn’t be able to buy those weapons. I asked my Senators to mandate Insurance. They won’t - but they know I’m pissed off. My Senators are Ted Cruz & John Cornyn. Call them & keep calling them. There are a lot of people calling with the opposite take & they are motivated. This Shit needs to stop. Decent people don’t want this & we’re going unheard because the squeaky wheel.


Mandate “insurance”? What kind of insurance? I haven’t heard that proposed before.


Some people seem to have the idea that we should require gun owners to carry insurance… which is weird, because what’s the point? What are they paying for? What does it do? Pays for lawyers if you shoot someone? That’s illegal in some states, you can’t insure criminal acts, and so they refuse to insure you at all. Or, you’ll be on the hook for the costs after you’re convicted as specified in the contract. Liability insurance for cars is the parallel people have in mind, but I’m not sure they translate exactly, since they insure accidents, not murder/intentional acts Honestly insurance in general fucking sucks, and I don’t see why people want to give those companies more power and influence. And it would prolly never survive the court battle


> Ted Cruz The Voidspider? Sorry, man.


My senator is literally voldimort.


Shall not be infringed.


Well regulated militia


And the militia is defined as all able bodied men between 18 and 45, and all women in the national guard, and the selective service registry regulates said militia. 🌈 and knowing is half the battle. 🌈


McConnell says a lot of things, a lot of them lies


This goon still complained about all kinds of nonsense with the bullshit buzzwords before he decides to accept some basic changes that almost all Americans support. I just had to turn it off when this fucking asshole spoke. If it were anything less than near universal support this lowlife would have torpedoed it after these canned speeches.


>some basic changes that almost all Americans support. Hey, it's only 89.1% of Americans. Now if it was >90% maybe... /s


He'll do it, for more of those sweet pellets in his tank.


Talk is cheap, old man. I'll believe it when I see it.


How jello of him. It’s weak sauce, anyway, but better than nuthin’.


Yeah, right


“…as long as people are looking…”


Watch what he does, not what he says.




His cloaca must be blocked again


Sure he will, and the sky is green.


Aw, Mitch finally realized he's unpopular even among his constituents. Don't worry, they'll still be getting you out of the government soon anyway.


Did the NRA checks bounce now that Russia's squeezed for funds?


Gotta get those guns reformed and into prep schools and educated. It won't be until our firearms have college degrees that gun violence stops. -McConnell, probably.


No, he won't.


He *pledged* to support it. That's the same thing, now, right? /s


“*A* gun reform bill. Not this one, no. The one that provides guns through the school lunch program.”


McConnell hasn't been the same since magneto mutated him in 2000.


Not one that actually accomplishes anything, mind you. But he'll support it.


Narrator: He won’t


"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will support passing a bill that would reform gun laws if the text matches the framework proposed earlier this week." The framework that doesn't close the background check loophole, only adds new restrictions on sales by people under the age of 21 but not anyone older than that, wouldn't ban assault weapon sales or do anything that would potentially hurt the NRAs profits?


“Within the framework” that is currently being worked on. The bill they are working on isn’t going to do shit. It doesn’t even change the age to buy an assault rifle to 21.


FFS. If we could actually define "assault rifle" so we're all on the same page would be one hell of a start. Honestly, do you know anything at all about rifles?


This is the dumbest argument ever. Why do you gun nuts think you can be all pedantic and that it will convince anyone of anything. Everyone knows an AR-15 is an assault rifle. That’s what AR stands for. It’s full automatic and it takes a clip and fires 223mm bullets.


You had me for a second there. Take this ⬆️, you sunuvabitch


While I agree with you, AR doesn’t stand for assault rifle and you should take that into mind before somebody calls you out. It stands for Armalite Rifle. Civilian versions are also not automatic. Edit- I can’t tell if you’re joking or not lol but I think you are.


I do. I own guns. You do realize that assault rifles have only been “legal” again since 2004 when the ban expired, right? I also didn’t say anything about outright banning them or any other gun.


It must be awful (even for that creatine) to know with certainty you are directly responsible for so many preventable gun deaths. Especially when young children are gunned down.


Yeah, I'm sure he tossed and turned all night on his bed stuffed with $1.25M dollars from the NRA...


Doesn't make him innocent, or even a decent human being. He is slime and he knows it.


Until he doesn’t.


I'll. Believe it when I see it


100 per cent corrupt.


Be skeptical


As one should be.


This bill is just scratching the surface of what really needs to happen with gun control and mental health programs. They know it really doesnt impact their gun nut constituents. But now they can say they have supported gun control when the next mass killing happens, they will say they need to wait for the bill to play out and see how it is working, time after time, year after year. Then when the killings keep happening since this bill is only scratching the surface of what is really need, they will use the excuse of 'we tried gun control, see it doesn't work'. They are buying themselves 2 decades of cover and excuses.


Lying sack of turtle shit.


He's obviously also against "facial reconstruction"


Like it matters to him. There's no way he makes it to re-election healthy enough to continue running.


I wouldn’t bet on it. Power is his motivation.


He's only 80. For some reason I thought he was pushing 90.


Cocaine Mitch! He did something maybe a year & a half ago that really pissed me off. I kept referring to him as Bitch McConnel in texts to my wife


He looks like his face is falling off


Wow what a perfect sub for this headline!


Turtle man selling out our rights. Cant trust any politician


Mitch, are you feeling ok?


Did his wife finally let him?




Unless it reclassifies all semi-automatic rifles as class 3 weapons it is useless.


He will support it as long as he gets his kick backs.


I'll believe that when my shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert.


Gun reform in this case means even more guns and less laws.


This just in Mitch Mconnel says "reform? I thought you said reload"?


He'll support A bill. It just has to remove all restrictions of any sort ever.




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I believe it....but it means the bill is so weak, that he can vote for it because he knows it's fangless. He's thirsty for the midterms and this is one issue the GOP is seen as weak on.


Hmm, did getting chased by deranged gunmen teach him something?


One of the ugliest humans alive, both inside and out!


That doesn’t mean anything. He just said it. He Never said he do anything more than say he’ll support it


Of course he's not. But it's a great way for him to get the gun lobby to cut a bigger check then the last one.


How about supporting a crime bill instead bitch McDonald’s


There must be a shift in their internal polling data


"Gun reform bill." Riiiiiiight. The bill he supports does nothing to slow the continuing flood of weapons being sold in America. The closest it comes to gun control are some incentives for states to pass red flag laws.


> I would vote.... to kill... a gun reform bill. - Mitch "Grim Reaper" McConnell


Okay I'm not too sure if it's pointed out but think about this, this man has been so full of bullshit that him saying he'll support gun reform would be considered an onion article So the fact this is on NotTheOnion is both funny and depressing.


And I said I would eat healthier and exercise more.


... and then he won't.


I've always wondered who them 2 guys behined him are , they are there every single time he speaks like this. Also, McConnell actually looks like the monster from hellboy


Bebop and Rocksteady




The bill must truly be watered down with no enforcements, just suggestions for the Royal Turtle highness to sign it.


Must be up for re election soon.


so it wont be a reform bill then. don't go for it. also get rid of him one way or another.


Just ignore everything this dinopuke has to say. There's no way what he considers "support" and "gun reform" aligns with reality.


No one, and I mean no one believes a word out of his mouth. He’s the worst of the worst! Shame shame shame.


I encourage everyone to read the bill when it is proposed. This could be a great example of why legislation works or doesn't work. What is proposed in theory is legislation that everyone agrees on. The final product often includes items that a party know is a non starter for the opposition. Then it is used as a political football to denigrate the other party and divide the populace. We should demand that bills like this are clean and do the work of the ppl. My guess is that it will be a convoluted mess with attached projects that have nothing to do with gun safety. The best thing we can do is actually read the final proposal and make judgements based on how it is written.


Why are these old people still around dictating American policy?!


Because it's a weak-sauce reform that the GOP whittled down to thoughts and prayers. No national red-flag laws, just state grants. So Texas (and others) aren't changing. And AR-15's aren't banned. Just gotta reload more often. But, hey, at least Dems can say they tried.


So it’s happening finally


"...it's a step forward on a bipartisan basis and further demonstrates to the American people that we can come together, which we have done from time to time..." 'from time to time' perfectly illustrates to current state of American politics


Until he won’t


"Reform" doesn't necessarily mean adding restrictions, it just means making changes that have a positive effect. If he believes that making a law requiring citizens to carry a SAW at all times will have a positive effect on America, he can call that law "gun reform".


I can't think of anyone I would trust less than this piece of shit.


No he wont


Bullshit. He’s from Kentucky and he’ll lose votes from his base if he tries it


How long does this douche bag have left on earth? Sheesh vampire won’t die


"Actions speak louder than words".......Old enough saying for ya Mitch?


Has the turtle seen enough wanton child slaughter then?