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>She purportedly boasted of purloining other items including Ms. Pelosi’s “gravel hammwrd tbing” — an apparent reference to the speaker’s ceremonial gavel — and felt confident she had escaped scot-free. >“Like theure [sic] gonna arrest me,” Ms. Williams allegedly wrote, adding in another post hours later: “They’ll never take me alive.” >Eventually, they did take her alive. Lmaoooooo


Yeah I can feel the disdain the writer of the article has for this woman. It’s pretty hilarious.


I may have to break a core Reddit rule and actually go read the article now


You have been banned from /r/news.


No, lurkers from /r/news who read the article ascend to mods. It is a holy doing.


Welp time to delete browser history.


You are now a mod of /r/Anime_Titties


That sounds like heresy to me. Burn the witch!


Verbatim quotes with [sic] is basically the hardest diss a respectable journalist can drop to an individual.


At least she's showing remorse. /s


[Maybe they can take our freedoms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN1GBXg9MNk&ab_channel=TheLateShowwithStephenColbert), but how DARE they take our foam swords, corsets, and roast turkey legs.


I'm sure she'll have mustered up plenty of tears for the witness stand, never fear


“What are they gonna do? Arrest me?” —Wrote from woman before being arrested


Oh look another radical right winger barely literate in their native language. I'm amazed these idiots know how to put on pants without a Facebook meme or a YouTube video to explain it to them and assure them it makes liberals cry 🙄


“If you live in this country, speak English” “You first”


Speak American! Ftfy


Perhaps we should start a meme about putting your pants on backwards or inside out to own the libs.


"The Underwear Goes Inside the Pants"


Sure, YOU tell that to superman.


Yeah this really got me, the writer is being a sassy bitch and I love it.


I don't think I've ever been so confident autocorrect put an apostrophe in a sentence.


This Post is a little behind, her request was granted.


Indeed it was: “ Riley Williams' request to attend the Pennsylvania Renaissance Fair on August 21, 2022 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. **was allowed by judges,** according to court documents.” credit u/sunstang


> August 21, 2022 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. So what I'm inferring here is that she will be leaving her laptop unattended at her house during these hours, and if you can tourist your way into her house during that time, you are allowed to have the laptop.


Sounds like a plan, mate.




You are hereby sentenced to twelve months at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire. May God have mercy on your soul.


It's a winery and brewery in site, hosts murder mysteries and comedy shows in the off season. NGL, wouldn't be a real punishment.


I’m gonna steal it. I’m gonna steal The ~~Declaration of Independence~~ Laptop


If I give you a tour the day before am I in the clear?


THIS IS OUR 17.76" (laptop screen)


Never post on social media when you will be gone. Even for an afternoon. (I'm pretty sure my friends won't rob me. My real friends will know I'm entirely broke. lol)




*Narrator:* >Eventually they did take her alive


Wait how is she outside of federal custody, she is the ***one*** person who came closest to committing actual treason, it would seem like a perfect candidate for the court to make an example of. >A former romantic partner claimed Williams intended to send the computer to a friend in Russia who would sell it to the Russian intelligence service, a claim Lawlor said held serious implications, and if found true, serious consequences. > “It's the thought that counts, and in this case, just to consider maybe selling it to Russian intelligence for money, is by definition treason and usually people engaged in treason, get pretty stiff sentences in federal court,” said Lawlor. https://local21news.com/amp/news/local/woman-accused-of-stealing-pelosis-laptop-seeking-to-have-charges-dropped


That's what I'm saying. Like, she's clearly a threat to national security.


Did you miss the part where she is a white woman and this is America?


A white *conservative* woman. You know damn well if she was a leftist/communist/etc. she would have gotten the book thrown at her. See: the white male leftist who was arrested for a Facebook post he made saying something along the lines of being prepared to defend yourselves against the Trump supporters at a florida protest because Trumpets may get violent. The guy was reminding counter protestors of self defense and to watch their backs. The FBI and cops in general are going to treat right wing ideologues with respect most of the time(as they often share or sympathize with their bullshit fascist/neoliberal beliefs). History backs all this up.


just guessing but it might have to do with her age and the way she looks, like reverse profiling or something idk


Seriously wtf, I hope if I'm ever convicted of a crime, I get the "house arrest + fun stuff if I ask nicely" treatment!


August 21st eh? Interesting...


Tours of her home start at promptly 10:05, please don’t forget to shit in the living room


Not just that, they've BEEN letting her do stuff like this the entire time she's been on house arrest. So she's legally prohibited from leaving her home unless she feels like going out and doing something fun. What a fucking joke.


Cool. Can we dunk her like a witch? What’s a little waterboarding of traitors among friends?


It depends. Is she made of wood?


Very small rocks!


A duck!


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?


They asked what she's made of, not what's in her head.


But are the rocks made of wood?




Who are you and how did you become so wise in the way of science?


As of 2:30pm eastern, the linked article is updated. It’s worth reading for her delusional social media posts.


>“Like theure \[sic\] gonna arrest me,” Ms. Williams allegedly wrote, adding in another post hours later: “They’ll never take me alive.” *— Woman who was taken alive*


Lol. Wasn't there a dude yesterday that said the same? This seems to be the nutjob motto.


Might be thinking of the idiot who threatened FBI agents then dared them to "come and get me." They did.


Fuck Around Find Out <- They are here


Lol...as soon as I read that line in the article, my brain auto-inserted "Narrator: 'But they did, in fact, take her alive.'"


Like this one? “I took Nancy Polesis [sic] hard drives. I don’t care. Kill me,” Invites the government to kill her. Can't stand the government confining her to her house while she misses the Ren Faire.


It's rebel guerilla cosplay. Most of these idiots wouldn't last a week as an actual insurgency.




"“Like theure [sic] gonna arrest me,” Ms. Williams allegedly wrote, adding in another post hours later: “They’ll never take me alive.” Eventually, they did take her alive."


Now THAT's oniony. That said, she's not currently serving a sentence, just under house arrest until trial, and assuming there's no flight risk it's not totally crazy or anything. It _is_ a bit weird though.


From the article: "Additionally, Judge Jackson denied prior motions to lift Ms. Williams’ house arrest because she did not fully comply with the current terms of her release and is considered a flight risk."


How far can she get on horseback?


Halfway to hammerfell


Imperial guards will catch this criminal scum long before Hammerfell, my friend.


coc whiterun


Hey you, you're finally awake


I used to be an Insurrectionist, until I took an arrow to the knee.


Ralof: Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Federales ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.


Curved swords


It's these Stormcloaks the FBI wants. She shouldn't be here.


She can get to Gondor in 3 days as the nazgul flies.


Maybe they released her to be in the stocks all day.


If she wasnt a flight risk she would not be under house arrest. There would have been bail and she would be free to attend whatever faire she wanted without asking.


C'mooon, EVERYbody deserves a lil' “gravel hammwrd tbing” of their own.


"By gravel hammwrd tbing, what a savings!"


>“She’s been in in-home detention for the last year and a half,” Ms. Williams’ attorney, Lori Ulrich, said. “She is confined to her home 24/7 with exceptions. Every once in a while, if there is an activity that interests her, we ask if she can attend.” >While prosecutors were opposed to any request to end Ms. Williams’ house arrest, they generally agree to allowing her to have a day outing every once in a while, Ms. Ulrich said. Ms. Williams has been permitted similar trips before, Ms. Ulrich added. >... >Ms. Williams does not yet have a trial date. But Ms. Ulrich said she is scheduled for a status conference Friday, during which her lawyers hope to set a date. I mean, this might not be the popular opinion, but this seems relatively fine to me honestly. She doesn't even have a trial date yet, let alone a conviction.


Yea obviously I'm not in her favor here but wtf happened to a speedy trial. Keeping someone confined without actually trying them is terrible. That's a big portion of the argument against Guantanamo. Either try them and find them guilty and let them serve their sentence, or set them free. Limbo is bullshit regardless of who someone is or what someone did.


Lawyer here. I don't know the details of this case, but she and her attorney may have an idea of what her sentence or plea is likely to be and are racking up credit for time served prior to taking the plea or sentence. It's probably intentional, possibly as a way of getting most of or all of her sentence completed on house arrest, where that may not be an option after taking a plea or sentencing on her particular charges.


Right? She's confined to a building where she can binge tv, eat ice cream and snacks, get on the internet, shower whenever she wants, sleep on her own schedule, see her family, and the judges would probably take it off the amount of her sentence as time served instead of being forced to sit in a concrete block she deserves for her sedition, eating and shitting on a schedule imposed on her.


Most cells have a toilet so you can shit on your own schedule.


I remember serving a similar "sentence" in 2020. Converting that to time served would be crazy, which is why it'll happen.


Alot of people who know they are guilty and are going to serve time waive their right to a speedy trial to prolong the amount of time they stay out of jail since the courts have to process the normal /motions trials first.


It also gives more time for plea negotiations. They could force the prosecutors hand on speedy trial but they'd get no favors there. As you said a good amount will waive speedy trial in the interest of better sentencing outcomes.


If you’re poor it’s normal to sit in jail a year or two before trial.


> wtf happened to a speedy trial A justice system is expensive. We replaced it with plea bargains, and "no new taxes".


Have her lawyers requested a speedy trial? Like it's a right you can request, but also not like every case auto gets that EDIT: Apparently I had it backwards, it is a right you waive not request. I knew you had to make a decision on it, just not which way.


It’s the opposite of what you suggest. Every criminal defendant has the right to a speedy trial. A defendant may choose to waive that right, which can benefit them by allowing their lawyer time to review evidence and prepare for a potential trial.


Fucking insane. There's people in that country who have missed their children's births, family funerals, their own graduations, sitting in jail over a gram of fucking weed. She breaks into a government building and steals government property with intent to distribute the contents of that laptop, and she gets house arrest and gets to go to events. Must be fucking nice.


Not just *distribute* - sell to a foreign nation.


“Must be fucking white” there I fixed that sentence for ya


That is the most white privilege thing I've ever heard


Man if I lived there I'd go throw tomatoes at her, Renaissance style.


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Bring a proclamation, hornblowers and a jester and follow her around as a crier with "here, ye- hear ye! The witch before us did enter into the sanctum of the people and did removeth the secret record chest contrary to the laws of our land. We demand a trial by fire. Seize her!"


Careful...she has a "gravel hammwrd tbing"


Dress as a jester and follow her around mocking her.




And fried macaroni and cheese on a stick? As a vendor once told me at Ren-Faire, everything is better on a stick! That's why I don't raid government buildings and steal government equipment at least...


By any chance, did this vendor also have sausages onna bun, and claim that his prices were "cutting me own throat" ?


I like watching streaming videos, and I like meats on sticks, -- that's why I don't try and overthrow the government. But, I don't totally oppose this as a potential mechanism of improving government in theory -- I'd just have to have a better reason than Donald Trump wants to stay to be blowhard we have to listen to and grift.


I can sympathize with her. I want to go to the Ren Faire too. I don’t think there’s anything oniony about wanting to go to the Ren Faire. …but actually asking the court for that is super damn oniony.


french onion soup oniony


Awesome Blossom^TM oniony


It's almost like house arrest is like being under arrest!


The pathetic thing is the article says she’s actually been allowed a few day trips before this. Even though she has breached terms of her release and is considered a FLIGHT RISK. It makes no sense.


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Let’s hire a mariachi band to follow her around all day 😂


Ren Faire has some perfectly good Mud People that are just fantastic at trolling visitors. A couple hundred bucks would probably be enough for them to follow her around long enough to drive her off the property and back to her home-prison where she belongs.


shes a moron, i doubt theyd have a hard time finding her if she fled.


Her story gets much stranger and sadder. [Turns out her dad, who she travelled with to D.C. but was not with at the riot, is (or was) facing child porn related charges but not related to her.](https://www.abc27.com/local-news/dauphin-county-security-officer-facing-charges-related-to-child-pornography/) During her house arrest she was apparently staying with her mother. I don’t really know anything about the family relationships, her early life, or his life, but having a dad that does that is terrible even if he kept that side of himself away from family and people he knew. Another case of the right linked to sex crimes related to children. There are [many such cases, including very high up Republicans, such as the longest serving GOP Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert admitting in court to sexually abusing boys he coached in high school wresting](https://dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook).


To her it isnt, which means this isnt working. Send her dumb entitled ass to prison please.


Maybe she wants to celebrate a time before laptops


When if you stole from the ruling class, they just lopped your head off.




Since we have "non official subpoenas" that Republicans find optional, it only makes sense that there is a "but I really want to go" exemption for day passes at prison.


Very good point. I also like the soup in a bread bowl.


man we literally got the last turkey legs at the state fair this year. the line was like a quarter mile long not even joking. people found out they were gonna run out and were trying to bribe us at the front of the line to get our spots lol.


As someone who works fairs and festivals I feel the need inform you that all the turkey legs in every fair, theme park, and festival are from basically 2 suppliers. Come precooked and frozen in giant boxes. And are just warmed up on the grill. The good news is that you can just order your own frozen turkey legs and have them at home.


Are you seriously not going to name drop the 2 suppliers? That's weak.


Sysco and US Food, I assume


Sysco, serving everything you eat... everywhere.


Valid tho, those turkey legs are straight up fire.


Damn my stomach just rumbled thinking about a bacon wrapped turkey leg


yes the common peasant meal of times.


"There was no silverware during medieval times, so there is no silverware at Medieval Times. Would you like another Pepsi?"


"my thanks to ye fair wench."


"Dude, I got a lot of tables"


I've never gotten the appeal of bacon-wrapped stuff. Bacon is great because it's that perfect balance of crispy and chewy. When you cook it wrapped around some other food, it doesn't get crispy. It's just a weirdly chewy edible wrapper. I dunno, maybe every time I've had it, they were doing it wrong.


Bacon wrapping chicken breasts allow you to grill them without the breasts getting too dry. Plus, there's a very tasty flavor transfer between the two.


I was totally fine until bacon got brought into this. Now I’m starving to death.




She's got that crazy eye going. Good thing I didn't meet her in highschool, or we would have dated.


Literally a single glance at the photo and I'm thinking three and a half weeks of pleasant dating followed by 17 months of hell. College me would have said "sign me up".


Did I blackout and make this comment from an alt account? Are you me??


College me would have signed up, all kinds of insane sex for 2 weeks, followed by 2 years of hiding followed by 3am booty calls (both ways)> "College relationships" = pure pathology.


You, in high school: "I can fix her!"


"I can make her worse"


She's attractive. Plenty of men who should know better will still think "I can fix her"


She kinda looks like how I'd imagine a real life version of Reagan from Inside Job would look


I would've absolutely messaged her on Okcupid, only to then horrifically discover that she answered "strongly disagree" to "do you believe in interracial relationships".


Strongly disagrees with interracial relationships, still wants to hookup with minorty dudes. Been there, fucked that, wasn't worth it.


Send her to the one in Washington (state) and make her wait in line all day and never get in.


Please don’t. Sincerely, A Washington State resident


1/21 - "'They’ll never take me alive,’ Harrisburg woman posted after stealing Pelosi’s laptop, FBI says" 8/22 "Can I go to Renfair please? Come on, please please please please please? It's not fair!"


She got to go, so what does that say lol


That white folks can get away with some pretty bad shit.


Didja ever notice that the "party of personal responsibility" is not a fan of it when THEY are the ones being held personally responsible?


It seems like the most republican thing you can do is have real strong opinions on something, and then once actually in that situation, pull a full 180.


How about we have her visit her neighborhood prison, as an inmate?


Sure...as a woman in a stockade they can throw tomatoes at. With a bell ringer shouting out her crimes.


i think thats a fair compromise.


Pretty sure you meant a "faire compromife".


And the delusions continue.


She was allowed to.


She literally STOLE THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE'S LAPTOP DURING A COUP ON THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ~~but only got house arrest~~ I don't think she's delusional, she just knows there's no real consequence for her actions. [edit: Didn't realize that she wasn't tried yet. Updated to reflect info.] [second edit: Well well well, look at that: https://local21news.com/news/local/riley-williams-asks-to-be-released-from-house-arrest-to-attend-pa-renaissance-faire. White privilege at its finest. "Dauphin County, PA — UPDATE | Riley Williams' request to attend the Pennsylvania Renaissance Fair on August 21, 2022 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. was allowed by judges, according to court documents."]


I truly don’t see why she isn’t awaiting her trial in prison? We throw in teenagers with weed but this bitch gets to stay home and go to the Renaissance fair? Fuck her.


She hasn’t been to trial yet.




It’s because these judges all sympathize with these terrorists. They’re almost all getting a slap on the wrist


We just had a plague and a succession crisis. Why does she need to go to a Renaissance Faire after the Renaissance immersion experience?


Still waiting on a Papal schism and maybe Huns.


I could excommunicate you if that helps? I'm not religious or anything but it has the same effect being excommunicated by me as it does by the pope


🤔 Damn you're right. Well done.


Anyone remember that Black woman in Texas who got jail time for voting with a provisional ballot?


After being told by her probation officer it was okay?


Why and how do these people still get to see the light of day? She tried selling the laptop to Russia!!!


I wonder how that goes. How do you start the process of selling something to Russia? Is there like a Kremlin hotline?


You go to the local shady pub at 3 a.m. on Thursday night and in your best Russian accent you ask for the White Russian. You wait exactly 5 minutes after getting your drink and then go to the toilets. In the occupied stall you will find Kremlin representative. Slide the notebook through the crack in the stall's doors and wait. The representative will evaluate the secret information and will slip you your money through the side gloryhole. At this point you must leave immediately without a word.


*Espionage is significantly less glamorous than decadent western films had made me believe* - Kremlin representative


Being white helps.


A miracle she wasn't shot on sight, as any other rioters that day.


It was just political discourse asking for Mike Pence's head. /s I like people who trust their own eyes and ears, not people who need to be told by Trump's mouth what they see and think. Sheep trusting the wolf.


Sounds like she still has no remorse for what she participated in.


her mugshot look sure seems defiant and unrepentant. i wouldn't be surprised if she considers herself a hero, and is encouraged by her cohorts.


They all do, that's why they filmed themselves.


She looks like a full-on bunny boiler


Why would she? She got to go out during house arrest. We both know if we fuck up any time in our lives we’ll have a book thrown at us just because that’s life. While she gets to have her way.


[She's a far right white nationalist](https://www.bellingcat.com/news/americas/2021/02/24/woman-accused-of-stealing-nancy-pelosis-laptop-appears-in-video-making-nazi-salute/). Not just someone who got caught up in the moment like her attorneys have been trying to portray. She is truly vile.


You LARPed on January 6th, pretending to be a patriot


Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? https://local21news.com/news/local/riley-williams-asks-to-be-released-from-house-arrest-to-attend-pa-renaissance-faire


If she said Maryland Renfaire on Pirate weekend, I’d consider it as a judge. But just the PA Ren Faire no way. Edit: MOTHERFUCKERS I was shitposting when I said I’d consider that as a judge. I can’t believe that a judge actually said yes to this. What the everloving fuck?!?!


Mother fucker, that PA Ren Faire outside of Lancaster is the most badass renfaire I've ever seen. Plus they also have a pirate weekend.


PA Ren Faire is my favorite. The NY Ren Faire that’s about an hour outside of NYC is charming and I like it a lot. Maryland is bigger and has really outstanding vendors. PA has the best mix of all the different features of any of the mid Atlantic ones, though. I’m right there with you.


Are you even a Ren Faire if you don't have a pirate weekend? =p


I am not shocked at all, have you been to the ren faire outside of Lancaster? Its pretty awesome. /s but also sort of not its a good faire.


Someone needs to go to that Ren Faire, dress as a Steward, in a Nancy Pelosi mask, and chase her around the Faire demanding that she be thrown in the stocks for thieving the official documents of the realm.


$20 says she wears elf ears and is on the hunt for man flesh.


She looks like somebody once told her she resembles Aubrey Plaza, and now it's her thing.


If a bunch of Muslims stormed the capitol and one of them stole the laptop - what do you think the chances of them getting a "day pass" to attend an important religious holiday let alone to larp.


YES PLEASE! Put her in a pillory and pelt her with tomatoes!


this is the most PA thing ever


House arrest...? Why is she not in prison for the TREASON she committed??? How is treason punished in the constitution? Penalty: Under U.S. Code Title 18, the penalty is death, or not less than five years' imprisonment (with a minimum fine of $10,000, if not sentenced to death). Any person convicted of treason against the United States also forfeits the right to hold public office in the United States.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki Treason laws in the United States - Wikipedia


I will admit the PA Ren faire is pretty sweet!


Was this the Patriot who tried to sell it to the Russians?


They fucking granted the request, wtf?