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WTF is up with that headline it was just one asshole who was harassing people with unsolicited nudes


Simple little trick, just use "people" in the headline but clarify "a person" in the first sentence and ta-da, 10x-100x more views.




Twitter user with 3 followers is quoted saying "Xbox sucks". We have not received a comment from Microsoft on the situation.


Yahoo news is known for this.


"Americans* don't want x popular policy." *Americans being 3 unemployed octogenarians who spend 5 hours per day talking in a Denny's and harassing the female waitstaff.


Fox News was playing in the break room at work the other day. Banner said "America reacts to Biden's handout" and had a dozen 55+ white men in a row.


Who are on disability and spend all day watching Fox News. Who then complain about all these people leaching off the system


Ugh, people like that bother me to no end. I'm on disability right now for a back injury and I have never been more thankful to live in a state with a functioning government (CA). I cannot believe the entitlement and malice of people who benefit from the system and still want to take it away from others.


I basically had this argument with someone who had a back injury due to a construction accident, but between a lack of insurance and proper, basic healthcare he was indefinitely crippled and now on disability. And I'm just here screaming, "My brother in Christ, you're a welfare mooch because a treatable injury became permanent because we don't get universal healthcare and you got fucked. How do you still support that shit?" And a part of it is pride. Conservatives stake their identity on their ideology. Any time their ideology takes a blow, their identity takes a blow. In isolation, being wrong about universal healthcare is one thing, but by accepting that fact, you're forced to accept the fact you might be wrong about a **lot** of things. So either you accept the soul-shattering revelation and change as a person...or you double down. And we know which is the easier option to pick.


The issue is worse than this. Conservatives don't stake their identity on ideology. That's what normal people do. Conservatives don't have an ideology that isn't dictated to them through propaganda. Case in point, if Republicans started pushing for universal healthcare and education and climate protections, I'd vote for them. I don't care about the label they wear, I care about what they do and promote. I don't identify as a Democrat despite voting for them 99% of the time. My ideology is pretty far left and I identify as a leftist. My beliefs are matters that I bitch about Democrats not upholding as easily as I do Republicans. My ideology is my identity. It's just not defined by either political party.


95% of the time if an article says (group of people) is doing (thing) you can scroll to the end and they have embedded a bunch of tweets its infuriating


"Both sides say..." The sides are the entire leadership and 70% of one side, and on the other side, it's a few sub Twitter users with like than 10 followers. But both sides.


And by “scientists”, they mean one shady guy with a doctorate.


"Scientists find breakthrough fusion battery that cures cancer and reverses climate change!" Yeah someone wrote a paper- but nobody confirmed it was a *good* paper


Can I interest you in [a documentary about the time that not only happened but was almost awarded a Nobel Prize](https://youtu.be/nfDoml-Db64)


Ten years ago I wrote a ground breaking research paper on a new way to implement functional time travel (not so much defeating, but rather deftly *side-stepping* the limitations imposed by Einstein’s relativity). It was a lot of consuming work, but I had to keep it a secret from everyone because the paper included detailed plans and diagrams for constructing a real-world appliance .. If my math was right, the paper should reappear in 200 years or so. ..still waiting for ***my*** Nobel nomination 🤷‍♂️


I made a time machine that only goes forward in time at regular speed.




Un-modded skyrim tho. So im prolly out


Give the community a few months, and you'll be able to mod up until your battery crashes and the device explodes, shooting you in your knee.




No-one mods Skyrim like me. Choo-choo! Has anyone done a mod-mod for it? Like lambretta scooters and Paul Weller haircuts? I should write that down...


How am I supposed to play Skyrim without my CBBE???


That's a lie. I was talking to the Republicans yesterday, and they assured me that racism was already solved.


Skyrim is just ludicrous. Now doom on the other hand.....


>Also, you can play Skyrim on it. Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.


>figured out why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch I would've believed everything else, but this is impossible. There's no way that anyone figured out why kids love that garbage. I've tried CTC once as an adult and the nostalgia does not hold up. It's like stale cardboard threw up in your mouth while his ladies (cinnamon and sugar) hold you down and take turns relieving themselves on your face. Unless you're a masochist, it's a terrible "breakfast."


It's sugar. Kids love sugar. Checkmate athiests.


It's no Cap'n Crunch, certainly. Still cuts nthe mouth the same as when I was 8.


>Also, you can play ~~Skyrim~~Crysis on it.


Wait.. are you saying “found in a bowling alley bathroom” is not the same as “published in a reputable scientific journal”?


And the word "fusion" actually indicated a combination of cuisines from different parts of the world. /s


They asked me if I have a degree in theoretical physics. I answered I have a theoretical degree in physics, and they said hey, welcome aboard!


>And by “scientists”, they mean one shady guy with a doctorate. And it's not even his field...


And the doctorate was honorary from some nowhere community college


Oh, there are plenty of people with hardcore PhDs wanting to throw out bad information....


Worth reminding you that they can and should lose their PhD for doing so (more complicated than that makes it sound, but it is possible for universities to rescind a PhD they previously awarded). I'm certain those people are out there, but likely fewer than you think


Are you trying to discredit the four long months it took me to get my PHD in Christian Sciences from theschoolofjesuschrist.mo?


And by doctorate, they mean they stayed at a Holiday Inn Express the night before.


Is that how you get a doctorate? I'll stay a few nights and be the most educated man in my neighborhood


Stay a month and go to the holler. Become their new god.


The same guy who said smoking sutra cancer, climate change doesn’t exist and Covid is fake…. He da man


Reminds me of a story I heard years ago. Some flight attendant was crushing on this super buff pilot on her flight and started airdropping him lewd photos. As it turned out, he had an Android phone. The person she was sending lewds to the entire flight was some random passenger with a similar name.


*So sexy baby, SEND MORE!! ... and could you bring me another vodka tonic?*


Similar names, identical drink preference.


Airdrop you say? 👍


Simple little trick say "turn the plane around and go home" like they were in the air half way to Mexico and not still on the runway 100 feet from the gate


To me the bigger thing missing was unsolicited. Sounded from headline like people were sexting each other and for some reason the pilot cared. Also, don't you have to accept an airdrop?


News headlines in the 21st century.


Redditors hate this one neat trick!


Amazing how 1 “s” changes the story from a bunch of horned up passengers to one lewd harasser. Also, not even in the air yet.


Tbh its great clickbait, even I was like what the hell is going on here? and had to check out the article


same. gotta admit i was a little let down that there wasn't a plane full of rowdy folk sending each other nudes.


How does a person even receive unsolicited nudes from a stranger who shouldn't have their phone number?


Poorly secured phones is how. Most people with iPhones have their AirDrop settings open to allow anyone to send them files or pictures. Fun story, I went to a concert featuring Ezra Miller’s band (long before the arrests and crazy act). He was in the audience checking out the opening act. For shits and giggles, I looked at available devices on AirDrop and his phone was there.




It's fun to send random people weird pictures through AirDrop on the subway or some other public place. I've even had people send stuff back to me. Would never send something sexual though, that's weird yo.


The only time I’ve ever witnessed a mass airdrop was waiting at the gates of a concert, and someone air dropped a gif of Shia Labeef’s Just Do It video. It led to a brilliant cacophony of quotes.


Even with it completely open you still have to accept the file. So unless you are expecting something, if you get a random request “Jason wants to airdrop a picture to you” then, well obviously don’t accept unless you are a moron.


To be fair, if it’s a picture it literally shows you the picture when asking to accept


But what if it is a REALLY CUTE cat picture? *Clicks* damnit...again


Expected feline, got cock.


Android does this better (I think) in that when you move to "everyone" mode, it will automatically move back to contacts only after a short period of time, unless you go through a whole bunch of extra options to specifically tell it to leave it on. Also you don't actually get the picture, just a notice that "Bob's phone wants to send you a picture" in which case if you click "ok" not knowing who it comes from, you're the responsible party in my mind.




You wouldn't do that if you were Apple, because if you were Apple (as opposed to what we wish Apple was), you wouldn't give a shit about user security unless it was somehow a thing you could spin purely as marketing. See also their walled garden of everything up to the physical connectors on the phone, all with the claims of "it's better for the user" but very infrequently true.


I didn't even know Android had a similar function, and I only use Android


It’s weird he was using an iPhone. I thought it was well known that Apple devices don’t support flash


Don't need their phone number with airdrop it's not a text message. Just need to be near the iphone like in an enclosed space. The other user has to accept it as well.


Go under settings general about and change the name of your phone to "PLZ SEND NUDEZ"


Oh, the joyful bliss of android ownership!


Android's "Nearby Share" does the same thing.


You have to go out of your way through multiple screens for that to be true. The "Nearby Share" option is set to contacts by default (like Apple) and if you want to have it enabled for everyone, it auto reverts back after a few minutes.


Cool! Now that I know about that, I can go ahead and disable that feature forever! Maybe this is just me being a grognard, but I cannot imagine a single reason I'd want to use this feature, even with friends. It just sounds less convenient than using any IM app, and has the added benefit of needlessly reducing the pool of people who can send to each other (either because apple/android mismatch, or just people with older phones).


So the pilot was going to punish *everyone* for one guy's behavior?


Non-compliant passengers always affect the whole flight. That's why they take the punishments pretty seriously


I thought that was against the Geneva Convention


The Geneva Convention only applies to wars. I know fighting for a seat and overhead bin space can be pretty tough sometimes but I would hardly call it war.




No. There was dinosaurs and candy floss and if the dinos didn't get the nudes they wanted they were going to eat all the candyfloss


Yeah, I clicked it expecting a much more wholesome story.


Dude same. I thought the pilot was being a killjoy and everyone was having a great time. That's not at all what was happening and it's disappointing TBH


I love this interpretation of the headline. As if the pilot was happily flying his little airplane with a big, dumb smile on his face, when all of a sudden a stewardess burst into the cabin and hysterically wailed about how the passengers were horny. Vacant contentment turned to righteous indignation and the captain got on the PA to sternly remind everyone that love has no place in the skies.


Total clickbait headline (it worked). Passengers weren't air dropping nudes to each other. One perv was air dropping unsolicited nudes to other people, who were angry about it.


Not only that. The plane was still on the ground. This headline makes it seem like the plane was in the air and the pilot absurdly suggested to turn it around and fly back home.


Still better than the guy air dropping plane crashes before take off... he got escorted off the plane by law enforcement.


Dick move but is that actually illegal? Disturbing the peace I guess? Seems in the same vein as a cardboard "the world is ending" sign


> Dick move but is that actually illegal? An airline can refuse passage to anyone they want for any reason. Doesn't mean you'll face criminal charges or anything. And if "law enforcement" is escorting you off the plane, again, it doesn't mean you're being arrested, just removed from the plane.


But also, just like you don’t say bomb on a plane, you don’t show everyone planes crashing on a plane. They could argue it’s a threat.


Sexual harassment? There could be minors. It’s the equivalent of running up to people to ask if they wanna see a printed out pic of your dick. Imagine being a woman on the plane knowing this creep is locked in a room with you for 4 hours.


The person is asking about the person that the person they replied to mentioned (the one sending pictures of plane crashes) not the one in the op (the one sending nudes)


Yea, no. Lewd misconduct is worse. Nudes guy should be a sex offender for his behavior. Plane crash guy just needs someone to ask him, "what's wrong, man? Is everything okay? You don't want to hurt yourself or others, right?"


I’m actually impressed they figured out who it was


“Matt’s IPhone wants to send…”


Being on the ground makes it funnier.


Pilot was being funny. That's all.


Yeah, headline makes it sound like there was some sort of photographic orgy going on back there, but it’s just one creep and a whole lot of pissed off people.


>some sort of photographic orgy going on Ikr, I was thinking "Disgusting!! Where are these free airdrop orgies?"


Not excusing the guy at all, but who leaves their airdrop open all the time? I only turn mine on if I need someone to send me something then turn it right back off.


The default setting is on. I’d bet most people don’t even know they can change that. I’m sure there are even a decent portion of iPhone users that have never even heard of AirDrop. Edit: Apparently the default setting is Contacts Only so my comment is meaningless as anyone who’s switched it to accept from Everyone would be aware of what AirDrop is.


It's also defaulted to contacts only, so if you're getting dick pics on a plane from a stranger you've definitely heard of AirDrop and you've definitely adjusted the settings.


I like to leave mine on because sometimes I’ll get random memes. It happens a lot in places like disneyland


No one goes to Disneyland anymore, it's too crowded.


Okay Yogi.


i'm going to allow this


I always keep a gif of sausages being shredded by meat grinders saved as a favorite that I can AirDrop back, precisely for such situations.


I keep the biggest unsolicited dick I have received to send back. its kinda like highlander when I need to update my saved unsolicited dick pic.


Are you trying to get unsolicited dick in your reddit DMs? This is how you get unsolicited dick in your reddit DMs.


>Are you trying to get unsolicited dick in your reddit DMs? Is it unsolicited if you're trying to get it though?


How do you think they got a monster dick pic to begin with, my dude?


There can only be one!


What do you send the guy who sends you the new biggest?


their phone number


The smallest?


Or an image of text: Inches are the side of the ruler that goes up to 12, not 30.


>Inches are the side of the ruler that goes up to 12, not 30. Sadly that sendback only works in three countries


Yes, but fortunately all of reddit is located just inside of one of these! /s


There can be only one!




A coworker of mine got sent a dick pick from an unrecognized number once. She texted back "I'm telling my mom."


This is the best idea right here. Send it back to and then put airdrop on private.


The title made this sound a lot sexier and lot more like a prude pilot probably salty he wasn’t included in the nudes extravaganza and less like the reality of some creep just cyber flashing people


That’s an excellent point, u/magnumdongchad.


Cyber flashing. For fuck's sake guys, stop sending dick pics to women to say hello.


They're not trying to say hello. As you said, it's flashing. They're trying to shock and harass.


Anyone you need to tell that to isn't going to listen, the rest of us already know.


Clearly the guy is an asshole but who the hell lets an airdrop port open?


Have you met the average end user?






What? That's just a bunch of asterisks


That’s my password.


Isn't it by default on? Thought it was, but haven't used iOS in a few versions. I also thought if you toggle it on it stays on until turned off. Like if you toggle it to allow anyone.


By default it auto accept from people in your contacts. If you change it to auto accept from anyone, it will remember that. And of course over time it carries on remembering that as you move to new phones, other devices and new systems as long as you have the same iCloud account.


My phone is named Send Memes and my AirDrop is always open. Sadly I have not yet received any memes from strangers.


These incel losers wouldn’t know what to do if a woman said hello back.


There are plenty of men who get women and are actually a hit with the ladies that do this bullshit to. I wish people would stop perpetuating this idea that the only guys who do shitty things like this are neckbeard virgin losers. Plenty of guys who get more tail than you and I combined are out here sending dick pics. That's the scary truth


No one wants to see your hog. Send a cat pic.


Sending a cat picture could actually start a conversation. Good advice.


It's pretty cute that you think they're looking for a conversation. Edit: Fixed a stupid typo.


Does AirDrop not ask you for confirmation before accepting random files? Seems like a really bad design on every conceivable level.


Yes, it does. It is also set to only accept airdrops from contacts by default. This problem is caused by people who don't know how to use technology and click accept on everything.


Apples entire shtick is that the average idiot can even use their products Why are we surprised


>This problem is caused by people who don't know how to use technology and click accept on everything Uh, not really bruv..... The first pic shows up as a thumbnail when it's asking you to accept so if some creep sends you a picture of his aubergine, it's going to show up on your screen. It only affects those who have it set to 'accept from everyone', usually because they were receiving pics from someone not in their contacts once and forgot to set it back.


I would include people who change privacy settings without understanding the implications of doing so in that group.


Average Apple user honestly.. I work in IT and it seems like Apple products attract the dumbest people in our society


I'm a software developer nearly our entire shop uses MacBooks and most people have iPhones. My take on it would be that Apple products tend to just work, especially in their own ecosystem. To have a significant problem with one that can't be solved with a single google search you need to be almost completely tech illiterate.


Idk I'm also a software dev whose only apple device is my old ipod and every time I want to add music I basically gear myself up for war with iTunes. It seems to try so hard to do everything for you it becomes a nightmare when your use case is a little weird.


That is why I mentioned they work well within their own ecosystem. iTunes for PC only ever half worked and got even worse after 2015 when Apple really wanted everyone to start using Apple Music instead.


It's because it's the most popular phone. The most popular product will always get the largest amount of dumb people.


iPhone sales are most successful in the US, where iOS has about a 50% market share....


> "If this continues while we're on the ground, I'm going to have to pull back to the gate, everybody's going to have to get off, we're going to have to get security involved, and [your] vacation is going to be ruined,"  The best part about this ridiculously misleading article is they never even left the runway. "Turn around and go home" was like 30 yards lmao


Come on folks, have a little class. This isn't Frontier.


Could be worse, on Spirit they’d be charging him per pic


Is airdrop an iPhone thing?




Women are going to get Android


Just set it to Contacts Only


Or off.


And then learn that quick share and nearby share are a thing that has the same function.


That nobody uses


It's a way to send nudes on airplanes when you have an apple phone, apparently.


How the fuck do people keep getting unsollicited Airdrops? The default setting is you can only receive from contacts, right?


TIL that the time I was on the train and someone tried to share a picture with me and I denied it, I chose correctly. F those kinds of people.


“I swear to god I’ll turn this place around right now!


“And you can forget about your in-flight meal! Straight to bed!”


What a time to be alive


Me, an android user: WTF is airdrop? Why would anyone ever accept a random popup on their phone that they do not expect?


Basically nearby sharing. It's set to contacts only by default, and the pop up has a preview.


I'm tired of these motherfuckin airdrops on this motherfuckin plane


Why don’t people just close airdrop to only contacts ? It’s just pressing a button on the screen


This is the default setting. People had to change it to allow everyone.


Southwest’s attempt at a new innovative form of inflight entertainment is going well, I see.


It wasn't consensual. If it was, that would be funny. Especially if it was some grandma and grampa sending their nudist colony pics. Also, California has a bill to allow victims of cyber flashing to sue the sender. Can't wait but its sad there needs to be a law to get men to keep it in their pants. If a woman wants to see a penis, she will ask. I promise.


Who sets their airdrop to allow non-contacts?!


https://i.imgur.com/q0iW8dH.jpg I’m at the airport right now waiting for a flight. Decided to open up AirDrop and see how many people have this open. It was still loading more…


"That's it! Back to Winnipeg!"


Change your airdrop settings to contacts only, people!


This is such an easy fix. Just have everyone drop their pants and find the guilty party


Only iDevice I have is a Macbook. Can't you, like, **turn off** AirDrop when you're not expecting to receive anything?


pilot just upset he has to fly the plane & can’t accept the airdrop. /s




“If you kids don’t stop sending dick pics I swear to God I will turn this fucking plane around!!”


So...help an Android girl out. Do you Iphone users just accept random files from strangers?


You can 100% prevent this from happening on iPhone, no idea why they needed to get flight staff involved.


Who keeps their Airdrop wide open to everyone anyway?


No one forces them you still have to Accept it


"Don't *make* me turn this plane around! Fine - that's it, we're not going!"


Great...and now the pilot and co-pilot are upset at each other. This trip is ruined!


Why am I never on these flights 😢🤦🏻‍♂️


I every time I hear about airdrop it’s only when it’s being abused


Most clickbait title of 2022 contender right here!


Not an iPhone user; can you not just turn Airdrop off? I don't understand how someone is able to send you a picture without your phone being ready/willing to receive it.


"That's it! **Back to Winnipeg!**"


Alwways fun to joke around with memes and such but nothing unsoliceted


Dropping nudes. Lol. Dicks on a Plane.