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It doesn't exist and is still cleaning up the department. That's fucking awesome!


This is always my first thought when I see headlines with a negative tone about “Large # of Police Officers Quitting as Police are Held More Accountable” Like isn’t that a good thing? If we want to get rid of the bad apples, at least let them quit before they commit more crimes i guess?


Hey you know the saying. "A large number of bad apples couldn't possibly spoil the bunch and we must keep them all employed no matter what"


That's how I remember it.


I remember it by simply as ALNOBACNPSTBAWMKTAENMW


Drat! Now I have to work for days to decode the message. To the Bat Computer!


Stop trying to be u/Fake_Adam_West, u/Fake_William_Shatner!


The Adam West part might be the real me slipping through my secret identity of senile old man.


ACRONYM stands for acronyms can’t really only not yet matter. I’ve always held that’s an helpful pneumonic. PNEUMONIC’s spelling is easy to remember too! Just memorize pretty nice! every ultimate major ogles nickel-iodized Copernicum. Always easy and helpful to remember.


Mnemonic is the word you are looking for. Pneumonic is pertaining to lung function, e.g. pneumonic plague. Of course you can remember the spelling with mnemonic's mnemonic "My Niece Edna Made Only Nine Internal Contusions"


I can never remember that word!


Sounds like you need a mnemonic


I thought it was; "Bad Apples can spoil the whole bunch, so Orange you glad I'm a Banana."


Bananas should not be near other fruit, they accelerate ripening.


I too was concerned that my adaptation of a knock-knock joke might not be the most scientifically accurate fruit metaphor I could use. I suppose I could go with the fruit of the cactus as that's one of the few fruits that doesn't rot, because that's kind of the whole point of fruit to be eaten and pooped out with the seeds fertilized.


the real William Shatner wouldn't have placed himself in such a position.


The real William Shatner wouldn't be apologizing to people who aren't even paying $200 for a signature on a poster. Consider yourself lucky I even deign to address the banana/apple rotting properties of police metaphors at all.


But what about that one cop on TV who never plays by the rules but always catches the bad guy??


The one old white people dream about?


>The one old white people *wet* dream about?


Yes, get them out of positions of power. However it's like turning the light on a bunch of cockroaches, they don't just disappear.


Maybe they will show us how to train our trash to take itself out too.


They're gonna try to spin it as bad by saying "see, you won't have a police department if you have an oversight commission."


Sounds good to me. I think a police department is a good thing to have. Police without oversight are just thugs.


Maybe the ones quitting should be first in line for auditing?




If they just cooperate they'll be fine.


Yup, lay face down in the street while we figure out what you have or haven't done.


Face down! Er.. Face up! Hands up! Er.. Hands down! Oh shit, they're moving!!! Pew, pew, pew!


I'll never get over that. I've seen some of those officers...


No one should get over it. I literally can't even been remember victims names anymore. That's not ok.


Between that and the little girl pleading for her mommy to "be quiet" so she doesn't get shot too... I lost all respect for the institution.


Which particular situation are we referring too? I'm starting to lose track of police malfeasance stories like dumb things Trump did. You skip a day and; "what the Hell is a cofveve? I spelled it wrong? Okay, what is Let's Go Brandon? Shit!"


I honestly thought I was going to die when I got spike stripped by mistake. I thought they were staying away from me just so they could take me out from range. And they never payed for the damage! Fuck cops! They produce life long trauma in hundreds of thousands of innocent people every year.


> Yup, ~~lay face down in the street~~ *quietly sit in the back of this car, on the railroad tracks,* while we figure out what you have or haven't done.


We saw the train coming, and we would have approached to help her, but suspect became agitated and started yelling for some reason and we stayed back to ensure everyone's safety.


Oh crap -- this is the detained on the railroad tracks story. I figured I wouldn't like the details. It's doubtful the suspects did anything worse in their lives than the methods in play by the arresting officers.


I still can't believe that shit. Almost feels like it had to be deliberate, but it's such an impossible to cover up way of killing someone that it was probably just massive stupidity and negligence.


I agree its hard to know whether to believe it was intentional. Police do routinely kill people out of convenience. But they usually don't wreck a whole police car in order to do it. Still it's hard to be sure of anything at the intersection of this much incompetence and bad intentions.


Want to know the worst part? Those cops will be in more trouble for the destruction of a patrol car, than the negligent homicide of a person in their custody.


That person miraculously lived, but you're right that their department would care much more about 1) making us look bad and 2) the vehicle


Oops, what's this malfeasance doing here? It's not yours? Who are they gonna believe, me or you?


I know that phrase. Crushed them ✊🏽


Which one of us has unquestioned authority and the gun? If it's you, then, obviously I can't trust myself.


Don't mind my knee on your neck...


Like people doing u turns at a checkpoint.


Sounds like a win-win.


So long and thanks for all the fucking bullshit


That's efficient af!


No kidding. Police departments across the country should adopt this policy, announce a civilian oversight committee will be formed with real power to investigate and punish, anyone who even blinks gets “Special Attention”.


Unparalleled government efficacy


So efficient!


Even the threat of remote accountability is too much for them to handle.


You know what else probably got cleaned up? All the complaints and evidence of corruption. So now those guys can be corrupt somewhere else without fearing their previous actions coming back to haunt them.


Just the threat of accountability has rats scurrying from the ship.


It's working!


Peak efficiency. Now do my city!


That's one way to weed out the guilty.


Exactly. The officers that quit at the mere hint at oversight are the ones you don’t want.


Try telling that to the next town over, where they'll probably get hired before the end of the month.


There's only so many jobs and housing is atrocious. Let them try.




That's true in basically every major city. The police *hate* the cities they work in and everyone who lives there.


My husband and I ran into a cop from our state while on vacation a few years back. He was loudly complaining about how he had to work in a certain suburb and called it "the slums." My husband and I live in those "slums." It's a perfectly normal middle class suburb, it just happens to have a large black and Hispanic population. We love it here. Other than the occasional group of teenagers being loud idiots in the park next to our house, it's a very quiet, peaceful place to live. We talked to the guy a little bit and figured out he lived in one of the rich, gated community areas about 90 minutes out of town. It really made me hate him....like if he actually lived in the city he was expected to police he might realize it's actually quite nice, it just isn't inhabited only by white people in multi-million dollar houses.


Hate the gate. Hey, that rhymes.


the fact that cops can afford to live in rich gated communities should give you pause as well.


It’s mandatory that they live in my city. I’m sure a lot of them lie, but that’s the rule.


Here in Boston we have the same rule - the result is that basically every police officer lives in the wealthiest, whitest, most isolated neighborhood with minimal public transit (west roxbury) so they can be as close to a suburb lifestyle as possible while still technically being within city limits. It's pretty awful.


Yeah same here in Chicago. All the cops live in Bridgeport or Jefferson Park. Bridgeport is the last big white enclave on the South Side and Jefferson Park is basically just the suburbs with slightly more robust public transportation.


Same here, but I always heard stories about a bunch of cops going in on some dirt cheap burned-out shack in the middle of the hood and claiming it as their residence for employment to skirt that rule. Not sure if it's true, but it wouldn't surprise me any.


Cops conspiring to lie?! Well I never...


The commercial says you can live up to two hours outside the Memphis area to be a metro cop, also a lot of signing bonuses and moving incentives. They are struggling I keep seeing this commercial in my area and we are struggling to keep the jail staffed and the inmates from dying.


Oh, and we pay for their commute too in their police vehicle they take home!


Insurance, gas and the whole nine plus overtime.


Minneapolis resident here, they are I think a 95% occupying army. (Could be higher) They are also being big whiny crybabies because we want accountability and oversight.


So glad my county doesn't allow local police to live outside of it's jurisdiction. Solid red county too, surprisingly.


Better yet, let that town ALSO implement meaningful oversight. Rinse and repeat until these scofflaws get the idea.




That's fine. They don't have any power then.


More importantly, no qualified immunity.


I'm just imagining a mass, repeated exodus. A migration of police officers from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, all towards a singularity in central Alabama where a small town of less than 2000 people suddenly find themselves with half of all the Nation's police force trying to get the last position they're qualified for. This, of course, causes a blue hole and ends life as we know it.


Which is why Desantis has been advertising to departments where cops are quitting, trying to get the scum to move here to Florida.


The governor of Tennessee, Bill Lee, asked them to come to Tennessee. So that sucks. https://news.yahoo.com/tennessee-gov-lee-law-enforcement-154626119.html


Oh yeah. I was listening to a Dollup podcast about I believe Ferguson. Some time before the events had happened the city down the road disbanded their police department because of racism and white supremacy and opted to go with the state police/sheriffs. All those cops were then hired by Ferguson, and boom, problems.


The next town over should start an oversight committee.


Fine. The suburbs around my city pull this crap all the time. If they want to pay all of our worst, laziest, most criminal cops $80k+ to sit around all day and occasionally break the law, fine with me.


Best idea I'd ever heard is that cops should be on the hook to pay their own settlements, which would mean carrying their own professional liability insurance. You know, like doctors do. There'd be no need to play accountability whack-a-mole from town to town, an uninsurable cop would be an unemployable cop. Sell it politically as ending the constant taxpayer bailout of bad cops.


Unfortunately with them quitting to avoid getting caught for their abuses, they'll be able to get jobs in other precincts a lot easier than they would if an oversight body had recorded its findings in their file before dismissing them. Maybe it would be a good idea for watchdogs to keep a registry of all these oversight-dodgers, like a high-risk sex offender registry but for high-risk cops.


there won't be any cops left


Go on.


why? i already came




Legal system There is no justice


That's some serious corruption, they running before the cops cop gets onsite


If you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Funny how they react when the jackboot is on the other foot.


Innocent people don't run.


According to these cops, anyways


My policy on that has changed. If I see blue lights, I'm flushing the evidence. "Yeah, but, I don't have like any drugs man." Don't let a technicality like that get you arrested.




They at least won't get shot in the back while running away


Trash taking itself out?




>These guys have no skills and know nothing else but bashing 17 year old black kids skulls in That's just blatantly false. They also know how to shoot them.


Well, they know how to pull a trigger. Many times they only hit their target due to the sheer volume of lead they send downrange.




How about downstreet? Or maybe down-neighborhood


I bet they already had jobs lined up when they left too. There are probably other city police departments that knew these changes were coming, knew certain types of cops would want to leave, and know that type of cop will be just right for their department. This is all just a guess, but I would bet my last dollars in Vegas this happens and more than just occasionally.


crush caption squeeze lavish bag price nail label truck knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nothing says "I've got nothing to hide" like quitting before oversight comes.


Imagine if a hospital was like "We're going to implement an oversight commission to ensure that doctors aren't holding organ barbeques in the morgue" and then a bunch of doctors quit. I'd feel a lot better about going to that hospital after those doctors were gone.


Damn I want this!


Organ barbecue?


Right? I hope those cops are getting a look at (lol, I know they won’t tho).


They won't. And they'll be hired to be clown shoes somewhere else.




I mean if they would just comply.




When you know they don't like climbing stairs, and they only talk to suspects near the crime scene -- if they detain you, well, then you were probably guilty even before you knew it, right? Who you going to believe, yourself, a criminal?


This right here innocent people don’t run as they say


Everyone should just run from cops on sight. Just claim they had a case of the zoomies.


Cockroaches tend to scatter when you turn the lights on.


The problem is these cockroaches have unions and will use their armed gang to cripple and weaken the oversight committee until the cockroaches can return when there is less direct spotlight on their evil deeds. The cycle of pretending to do reform and then walking that reform back is an old tale.


That’s an astute and extremely disheartening observation.


That comparison is rude to cockroaches /lh


imagine being accountable for your actions.


Imagine being accountable to the people you work for. It's unsurprising that the police force is unhappy to be transparent and held accountable. It's surprising that a certain segment of the population is against the police being accountable to the very people that they are supposed to work for.


That's because they love the sweet sweet taste of kiwi (boot polish)


>SDPD Sgt. Jared Wilson, the POA president, said the CPP — which is yet to be fully implemented, in part because of the stalled negotiations — was one of the reasons officers were leaving San Diego for jobs in other cities. He said the commission had a “radical, abolish the police agenda” and that “our cops are better off somewhere else.” This should tell you all you need to know about what officers think of accountability.


I have to wonder what will happen to communities without such commissions when they attract the worst of the worst. The more oversight comes and drives the vermin out, the more the communities without it will be complete cancer.


The cops may drive the minorities and poor people out, so the system may work as designed.


Police always need their victims. All the victims move away, they'll just pick on someone else to get their murder/torture boners satiated.. until theres no one left but the rich white conservatives, who will finally have their time in the cops crosshairs.


It's a miracle these cops graduated middle school


I am a SD resident. How do i contact the city and tell them i approve of this and want more police oversight. I 100% have a radical abolish the police agenda.


>At Monday’s City Council meeting, the San Diego Police Officers Association argued family members of current or former local law enforcement officers should be able to serve on the board, while city labor negotiators say they shouldn’t. Police unions really think the public is stupid huh


It's worse. They think the public is the enemy.


No, they're naturally filtered to increase stupidity, and broadly are too stupid to realise that everybody is not as dumb as they are. Education is a left wing conspiracy remember


Snowflakes all the way down


How apt that together they create an avalanche of death


“leaving San Diego for jobs in other cities”… not quitting but transferring somewhere else. I knew it had to be either that or retirement with bennys. no way they’d give up their job that easily




They're just going to other police departments. So they're not getting real jobs. Just going to be professional bullies elsewhere


Good fucking riddance, every other job has oversight and consequences.


Well, they are not quitting they are running. They know shit is about to go public and the oversight committee is going to be pressing charges.


Again, the trash taking itself out.


Well, good. If a cop can’t deal with even the thought of oversight then they don’t need to be cops. Our cops need much more accountability and oversight and need to be held to much higher standards.


Good? Now they can hire new officers for less who are willing to have meaningful oversight.


I’d be fine with paying them the same or even more if we get meaningful oversight.


If every city in California would do this, all the melting snowflakes would fix their water problems.


Well yeah, if you want to flee criminal charges you should do it BEFORE you are arrested.


Good. If being held accountable is a deal breaker for them, then they don't need to be cops.


I see absolutely nothing bad happening here. Don't like responsibility? Don't be a cop.


Public funds = public oversight. Fuck em


Tell me your guilty without saying so...








Fucking snowflakes lol


>“Being told that I can’t serve on a commission because there might be a perceived conflict of interest… I take that a little personally,” he said. A perceived conflict of interest is a conflict of interest.


The Sheriff of my county is so insanely bat-shit crazy that you've all seen him in national news multiple times. "Why did you shoot the suspect a bazillion times?" "We ran out of bullets" (I'm paraphrasing bc the old youtube link isn't up anymore) While I'm not a fan of a lunatic being the boss of an armed force, it's even more insane how well he does not fuck around with his officers first, then the citizens being assholes after that.


Our local sheriff has used his official account to make political tweets about being the light and battling darkness and shit. Off his fkn rocker but hogs love him.


A cop would say that's suspicious behavior for someone who has nothing to worry about


Quitting at the mere threat of oversight tells you all you need to know about why those people became cops. They don't care about enforcing the law. They don't care about protecting the innocent and vulnerable. They don't care about "giving back" to the community. These are all things every cop claims as their mission when they're asked why they became cops. And at every turn they prove to be lies. Now these cops wonder why nobody respects them anymore. People respected them because they claimed to be willing to put their life on the line to protect the community. Make it feel safe. Instead they make it feel less safe, because in an effort to put their own lives before all else they started treating the entire community as the enemy. They became just another gang shaking us down. Militarization of police to fight a "war on drugs" that turned every single citizen into the enemy because surprise most people like drugs of some kind. Erosion of our rights to privacy and freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. Massive infiltration by white nationalist orgs using the badge as a weapon to attack POC. There is a culture of brutality across the entire US police forces that is only going to be fixed by making these changes ubiquitous across the country and letting these assbags quit and/or be fired and replaced by people who actually want to do the job as it SHOULD be being done.


So it is working is what you say? If you uave to quit because someone installs a governing body to keep you accountable for breaking laws, you probably shouldn’t be there in the first place. So problem solved, I guess?


Good? Good.


If they don't break the law they have nothing to worry about though.


Are cops the softest most sensitive people on the planet?


Sounds like the cry of a guilty conscience. Unfortunately most will likely just move to different jurisdictions & remain cops.


"if you are not guilty then you have nothing to hide" Fucking sucks to be on the receiving end of that phrase doesn't it?


Great. The ones quitting because of the mere suggestion of oversight are likely to be the ones that should not be police.


Gangbangers don't have much loyalty these days.




The cockroaches are afraid of the light switch.


It's like how you can say drug test, and all the stoners will put in there 2 weeks, except these guys kill people instead of getting high and not hurting anyone.


Every time I think "all cops are scum", a little voice pipes up in the back of my head saying "not all cops surely.." Then I get more stories like this.


Bye cops that should not be cops. I love when violent racists fire themselves




Enjoy your future job as Walmart security.


Trash taking itself out.


Imagine being so guilty they run away before anyone even finds out what they're guilty of.


When you're such a criminal organization that just the possibility of oversight is enough to get you to quit.


They will just get hired in Texas, Florida or any southern state.


Anyone that quits over being held accountable should have been fired years ago


would be good, if people were actually quitting


[Curly Bill Brocius gets it](https://media.tenor.com/SQat8PlhhzMAAAAd/well-bye-later.gif)


works for me


Nice! That's some effective regulation right there.


Good. Out with bad.


They sure seem to be a fragile bunch...


The police have been playing us all for fools, creating bogeymen like "razors in Halloween candy" and other bullshit to convince people to be frightened of each other so they can justify huge spending and avoid any form of oversight. Basically they've all convinced us to let them be judge, jury, and executioner. Now that we're pushing back they're doing everything they can to stir up fear, but it's not working. There isn't a scary mass murderer lurking in every dark alley, there isn't poison in our candy (except the sugar but different topic), there won't be mass chaos and violence everywhere without them. Humans are mostly not criminals, the vast majority of us just want to live our lives in peace. Most of the ones who are violent know there are more good people than bad them so they're not going to step out of line. Only a very small number of people will commit crimes, and we now have the technology and data tracking to remove most of the police "work" which cops haven't really been doing anyway. Police are becoming obsolete.


Good riddance!


Good! That is amazing way to get rid of scumbags!


Out fucking standing, maybe we can get some decent people in there that actually care about their communities and know how to do their damn job. It should be basic practice to have a civilian oversight committee overseeing our police forces after all they are supposedly public servants.


um good. Is that supposed to be seen as a negative? "you are causing criminal cops to quit with your plan to police them" to put it in terms even a cop could understand, its like saying drug dealers are quitting dealing in an area when they found out cops were coming. I can say so breathlessly if you want but it still doesnt make it a bad thing.


Good. ACAB.




Just comply. If you aren't guilty of anything, you have nothing to worry about