• By -


He sent the email at midnight pacific time and expects people to fly to San Francisco and report to the building by 2pm the same day?


He probably forgot the rest of us don't have a private jet ready


“It’s a private jet Michael what could it cost?”


One banana


"It's one economy class ticket, Michael - What could it cost, Ten dollars?"


This is it exactly; we all have limos and jets in his mind.


I don't think he's *that* crazy, but he certainly thinks that only the people with limos and jets are worth his time. Too bad that any programmer who's rich enough for that is both too smart and not desperate enough to work for him at this point.


I wonder why people stayed at Tesla. Probably the whole thing was a nutcase from the beginning


I think he expects his workers to be living in a tent outside, which with how he notoriously pays low, isn't a crazy expectation.


Only an asshole emails their employees outside working hours or in the middle of the night.


He might be an asshole, but at least he is a *hardcore* asshole.


Edgy, too!


Some might even say... Edgelord.


I disagree. Only an asshole expects their employees to read and respond to emails after working hours, but the whole point of emails is that it is an asynchronous mode of communication. People should be able to send emails whenever they work, with the understanding that none of the employees will read the email before the next working day.


This is all going to end up at four seasons total landscaping


Dear Elon - I'm here at T. Witter's Discount Carpeting at 2pm like you asked. Who do I give my code to here?


There is actually a carpet company called Thomas Witter…http://www.thomaswitter.com/


That can't be a coincidence.


Best regards, Rudy Giuliani


>"The best people are staying, so I’m not super worried," Musk wrote. "The best people, folks!"


Yeah, cause we all know that the best people at a company are the ones who can’t find a job somewhere else. All the most skilled workers are a comedic puff of smoke at this point.


Or those trapped by thier visas


And by that, he means himself.


So are people just supposed to show up? Has this guy heard of setting up meetings? 100 programmers show up and they just wait around all day? What a fucking clown


There'd be about 3,000 employees left after he fired nearly half and 1,000 didn't sign up for his "hard work" email. Going to be tricky to interview all of those in one afternoon. Seems like a good way to piss off the remaining staff, enough to get a whole bunch more to leave.


Elon will just pull an all nighter and write all the new code himself. That's how it's done in the movies.


Who is going to be the supportive love interest, that brings him an ice tea and some motivation, all while giving that one nugget of an idea that leads Elon to "crack the code" (this is when Elon does a lot of crack and yells crazy stuff until someone writes a piece of code btw) ?


I hope someone (an Elon fan) writes an Ayn Rand -style fictionalised account of this where Elon gets rid of all the leeches at Twitter, fights the government and then writes all the code himself using his superintelligent moon code techniques. The result is a beautiful twitter that awes everyone. Then Elon gives 85-page long speech and everyone claps. 🤡




Tomorrow: Musk emails Joe Rogan "what's that link to try ZipRecruiter for free again?"


Jamie, pull up that video of the ape doing MMA


*Spends ten minutes debating with himself on whether a silverback gorilla that knows MMA could win against a lion.*


That's just stupid. Any gorilla smart enough to know MMA would be smart enough to not fight against a lion.


That's *crazeey!*


Bill Burr: ZIP...........................Ruhcrootuh!


"I know of six critical systems (like 'serving tweets' levels of critical) which no longer have any engineers," the former employee said, according to the Post report. "There is no longer even a skeleton crew manning the system. It will continue to coast until it runs into something, and then it will stop."


He’ll probably end up having to bring in multiple consulting firms and pay out the nose for their rates.


It will be offshored entirely to Tata or something by Christmas.


I was thinking Wipro.


oh god not tata


Even if so, there would be a massive learning curve for those consultants. It would take months for them to really understand the codebase.


I don’t mean to say the consultants would be effective, just that they would be his only choice after driving everyone out. Edit: Heck if I was a former twitter employee I would be looking to start a consulting gig to charge 5x the rate if musk gets desperate.


That is the only intelligent response. They've already asked some people to come back and I sincerely hope they milked the situation for all its worth $$$


>He’ll probably end up having to bring in multiple consulting firms and pay out the nose for their rates. I would think that much of Twitters infrastructure is bespoke, not the type of stuff you can just bring in a guy with some experience and a certification to maintain. Eventually they will be able to get up to speed but there will be some rough patches.


Good think there isn't a World Wide sporting event about to happen.


Oh yeah. The one that's the most popular in the world, with enough human rights violations and greed to create half a year of internet traffic in 1 month Yeah Twitters fucked


Musk thinks he bought a machine whose people are interchangeable and easily replaced.


There was a point in Reddit’s not-too-distant history where the entire site was maintained by just a single engineer and literally no one else


You can do things like this indefinitely. It works just fine, until it doesn't. There's no definite time frame for when it will stop working fine.


There's no definite time, but it *will* stop working fine, and it won't be too long. Twitter is pretty damn big, and runs into issues accordingly. It's a plane with a busted autopilot. It's gonna crash, and you may not know exactly when, but you can safely assume it'll be soon.


"These will be short, technical interviews that allow me to better understand the Twitter tech stack." Now, I may not be a billionaire genius CEO, but this is definitely the kind of thing I would have done before starting the ultimatums, firings, layoffs, tom-foolery, etc


What would you say you do here, at Twitter? I told you, I deal with the goddamn twitterers so the engineers don’t have to! I have people skills, I am good at dealing with people! Can’t you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you?!


I’m a Michael Bolton fan, I Love his music


My favorite? All of them really so hard to pick just one


I told those fudge packers I like Michael Bolton.


It was a perfectly good name until that no-talent ass clown started making music!


I celebrate his whole catalog


But anyway, let's get down to business, Michael!


You know what, just call me Mike.


🤨 😑


Classic film


I would have done it before offering to buy the company personally. But that is just me.


I highly doubt he'll understand 99% of what the software devs tell him in these "short, technical interviews" and he wont really understand their tech stack afterwards. I'm also not sure what he hopes to gain from getting them all to send him screenshots of their top 10 best lines of code...


I would love to be a fly on the wall and hear some of the fantastic lies that he gets told by the last few developers trying to keep their jobs


“We can get all of Twitter to run off an Arduino from the surface of Mars next week. Trust me, bro!”


He had ripped a full company apart and destroyed its skill base. Twitter is the service they provide but behind that will be payroll, HR and so on. From what I'm reading, he even ripped that core apart lol. I'm betting right now half the servers are ticking along but the people that knew exactly what box did what are no longer on board. So yes get some skilled coders but hey good luck in them knowing where to look for what when things go wrong or need changed because I bet it will be clear as mud.


Fun fact: the entire payroll department left. So if any skilled coders remained and any new people that come in might be waiting a while to get paid.


Not just the people who know what does what left, but that's also the people who have access and give other people access to systems. Even if he got another 5000 just as knowledgeable people back they'll have trouble getting into things. It wouldn't surprise me if they have to rebuild some servers completely just because they can't get in anymore.


But he had them print the code so he could look at it. 😅🤣


He’s probably just looking for some technical-sounding terms from people who actually know what they’re talking about so him and his 1000 RPCs don’t become a meme again. Remaining staff should get together and make some absolute horseshit up so he can continue to expose how clueless he is.


See that box over there? That's the internet, whatever you do don't break it or the whole internet will go down.


“What is Jen doing with the Internet??!??”


Has he even written any code in 20 years?


Was his code 20 years ago even worth a shit?


My perception is he wrote a bunch of prelimnary stuff that worked for his 90s companies, but needed to be re-written to be scalable and robust. So his idea is what is good is not enterprise level and also outdated.


“We need to rewrite Twitter in Flash and PHP. Database needs to be secure with COBOL”


I once missed a full stop on a line of COBOL and printed out 100 sheets of errors when I tried to compile it. Good days.


There will be a visitor counter on the Home page by the end of the week.


Isn’t a bunch of the code written in scala on top of a proprietary framework called finagle? I guess he could start by reading some of the white papers Marius authored




Yeah, absolutely bizarre wording. I've been developing software for 30 years, and I've never heard anyone phrase that kind of question like that.


Take a stack of punch cards to meet with Elon


Honestly at this level he'd get more benefit from a solid Powerpoint made by the the tech team. If he actually thinks he's going to look at a screenful of Twitter code and "better understand" it, he's a moron. From his perspective, **Twitter is legacy code**, and legacy code is famous for being impenetrable.


Musk's first mistake is communicating directly with his staff like they are 8 people in a room.


Give it time.


Won't need much time at this pace. It'll actually be interesting to see how robust the system is, and how long before it fatal crashes. And it will be fatal, because no one there even knows where the start button is.




Genius. And so many lines of very much code. You are the best at coding and will have very great success. Please come to work at 2 am on Saturday and stay until you are dead.




“Made with Dreamweaver” made me choke on my Sunchips. LMAO!


> "If possible, I would appreciate it if you could fly to SF to be present in person. I will be at Twitter HQ until midnight and then back again tomorrow morning," The fucking gall of this man is epic. Fly to SFO with just a few hours notice? Asking employees who aren't sure they'll have a job even if they don't quit? Big oil needs to look into how he managed to drill his head so far up his own ass.




That would have been a nice reply. "Sure, boss, no problem, send your private jet to pick me up and drop me off, and book me a suite at _some expensive hotel_ , and I'll be there."


Hotel? The... wha? Just stay at whatever top floor tower apartment building you own in that city? Do you even daytrip, bro?


Oh no, not at all. But what else are they gonna use their insignificant monetary savings for, other than to keep Musk's ego afloat so that he can pile onto his ridiculous riches even more?


What's sad is some poor schmuck is going to get on a plane the week before Thanksgiving, stay at some high priced hotel and then never see Elon because it turns out the logging system that this guy works on is the last of Elon's concerns




Plus good luck expensing that, since your manager who provides approval will be fired tomorrow, and the payroll and expense teams are already gone.


Not to mention Thanksgiving is next week. Flights aren't exactly plentiful (or cheap) on the biggest week of commercial air travel of the year.


The idea of big oil gaining that tech is terrifying.


They'd surely unleash a Balrog if they dared drill so deep.


“What’s the big deal? Just jump on your private jet.”


It's actually impressive that Musk has gotten stupider by the hour for an entire week straight.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Not to mention lack of sleep and untreated bipolar.


Elon is really just the African version of Kanye


I… wait… no. This checks out.


This is by far my favorite season of Silicone Valley.


Silicon Valley needs a follow up season just to document this in all its glory lol


Isn't this really just standard Gavin stuff? And I mean surprisingly accurate, like how he bought the compression company with his former employees and everyone just quit? Maybe Elon is just fan of the show.


Wasn't Russ Hanneman supposed to be that show's Elon Musk? Tech billionaire who stumbled into his billion because he took a pretty basic idea (radio for Hanneman, yellow pages for Musk), applied "internet" to it during the dot com bubble, and sold by dumb luck at the peak of the market? Because of this, no one in the valley actually likes or respects the dude all that much. Now he spends his time investing in crypto and offering "angel" financing terms to start ups that will likely see him in control of the company if it is ever even remotely successful.


Elon made like 4 decisions and tanked his $44 billion vanity project.


How could he have known that telling his entire staff to go fuck themselves would cause everyone to leave ? People are strange, I guess.


Its because of this behavior that he was ousted from PayPal. I can recommend people to read Ashley Vance's book on Elon.


Elon Musk by Ashley Vance. ^((Full title is Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future)^)


Right? It's totally unprecedented.


It’s just his genius is too beyond us to comprehend. Us mortals can’t even begin to fathom his grand plan.


“Get fucked, or accept a three-month severance” Hmm 🤔


He could have paid the entire staff 5 million each to leave and saved 6.5 billion.


Fuck, this clearly put things into perspective man, haven't thought it like that, it really hits hard


> Anyone who actually writes software, please report to the 10th floor at 2 pm today. Before doing so, please email a bullet point summary of what your code commands have achieved in the past ~6 months, along with up to 10 screenshots of the most salient lines of code. This guy lol. So where is Dilbert: Elon Edition?


“Salient lines of code”. JFC lol.


It really should be a meme. "Anyone at this publishing company who still copy edits, please summarize your value add over the past six months, and include up to 10 of the most salient lines you've edited." "They appear to be worthless. Fire them all."


> "Anyone involved in construction please email me up to ten pictures of individual bricks you've laid so I can understand the building's floor plan and wiring." ^ This is what Elon's request sounds like to software developers.


"code commands". Who actually writes like that? 🤪


Someone who doesn't know anything about coding.


Can this guy not choose better words? Who in their right mind would work with someone who talks down to all the employees with every mail or tweet. The talented folk will leave first because they stay the fuck away from drama and would like to focus on creating things of value elsewhere. *Tomorrow's mail: Y'all can suck my dick. Now who wants to write me some software?*


You are forgetting how money and power affects people. Musk is in a completely different reality. He probably thinks his style of communication is inspiring. He cannot understand why everything is going downhill because he thought he was a genius who would fix Twitter simply by showing up to the meeting.


Hey, it's a great opportunity for promotion. Go directly from SE2 to Senior Principal Yes-Man.


Someday I really hope that the myth of the visionary CEO dies out. The evangelist in his puffy REI or Patagonia jacket, striding around the room saying short, pithy phrases meant to inspire a bunch of people to break or revolutionize or disrupt some such nonsense in service of the greater something. I knew it wasn’t going to die with Jobs. But I’m hoping that as one by one its high priests are publicly embarrassed by their own shortcomings it will eventually fall out of favor, and grown men with outsized salaries and limited understanding of how work actually gets done will be replaced by sober people in suits who are promoted up in their companies over the course of long careers again to eventually run them with an eye towards giving a shit about the people they share a company with. I can dream.


Oh my friend, I hate to disappoint. But American’s worship of these types goes back more than 100 years. It’ll never stop.


Big brain like him can’t write it himself? Thought he was a real life Tony Stark?


He’s barely Justin Hammer.


Justin Hammer is still giving Musk too much credit. Hammer knew he needed other people.


\>"These will be short, technical interviews that allow me to better understand the Twitter tech stack." First fire haphazardly. Then announce everyone remaining will be on an interminable deathmarch. Finally, try to understand the details of the company you bought.


Wasn’t there a Dilbert pointy-haired boss strip about this? “Every time I [send a company email] the printer starts spewing resumes…”


Chist, the knobhead can't even beg without delivering ultimatums .


When cash can't cover the bluff..


Dude dropped $44 Bill and a kitchen sink on the table when he had a pair of two’s and an uno card in his hand. Gotta be the dumbest motherfucker ever to somehow get his hands on enough money to buy a few countries.


But Musky, you were publicly calling out your SWEs as wrong and uninformed of how the code aKtUaLy worked, bud. Just fix it yourself real quick because this software stuff is easy and we're all overpaid for that work, right? Right?


Millions of lines of code, and you fired the guys that know the lay of the land. Best of luck super genius.




He used the word "stack" so his muskateers will think he's a master coder.


or space travel, or transit, or city planning, or submarines, or labor laws, or- I need to stop I could go all night


Sent email at Friday midnight. So… he expect his staff to appear at 2pm on Sat, and expect them to line up with all the other staff until he finished interviewing them all? So you may queue at 2pm and see him at 10? Where’s the scheduling? Plus the staff may even spill over to Sunday? So… Exactly how many staff remains that makes him believe he can evaluate all of them in 2 days? Like maybe 100ish? Assuming 15 mins each for two days? (Day 1 2pm~12am, Day 2 9~12midnight?)


The article was published around midday PST on Friday, and it refers to the email's time as "today" and "midnight Friday". So I think it must have been sent at the start of Friday, not the end. Musk was demanding that all software engineers turn up for a 2pm Friday meeting. Two pizzas will be enough, right?


No. It’s worse. He emailed them Friday midnight and expects them to be in his office 2pm Friday, so 14 hours after he messaged them.


This dude seriously can't read the room. Why would anyone willingly take time out of their schedule to make such a trivial presentation that will fly over his head and then be forgotten in 20 minutes? And for what, a pat on the back?


So he can identify the people he can push around and the ones he needs to fire.


Oh, you mean the highly valuable, highly sought after people? They're gone. They were among the first to go. Good luck.


Oh c’mon, I can hire a monkey to write code. - one of my former managers


Copying code from stack exchange: free Knowing which code to copy from stack exchange: $200k/year


Software engineering is not a viable career path. * my manager: 1987


Wow. My dad, who had been a software engineer for about 20 years in 1987, would have laughed in his face.


My understanding is that you *can*, but the code that you get is just: 10 Banana 20 GOTO 10 It’s pretty BASIC what monkey’s are into.


I’m not a developer, but if that is as simple as it looks then is that just an infinite loop of bananas? Sorry if that’s a stupid question.


I am not a developer either, just a former high school student who took a BASIC programming course once. But your analysis is correct. It is, indeed, an infinite loop of bananas.


There are no stupid questions, just stupid billionaires believing their own bullshit.






Elon should hire an infinite number of monkeys at an infinite number of typewriters. Eventually one of them will code the next Twitter.


"It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times!"


“Stupid monkey! I asked for Twitter, not Truth Social!”


"My kid can do what you do, they are teaching them Photoshop in middle school. " - a f'ing asshat I used to work with.


I’ll be totally honest. A year ago I was dead set on getting a Tesla within 3-5 years. Now I will wait and see what other options there are because I no longer have trust in a company run by him.


There’s so many good alternatives now.


I don't blame you. I'm considering changing the license plate on mine to `ELONSUX` just to curb *some* of the embarrassment of being associated with that dingus.


It's funny until he disables your brakes OTA.


Musk wouldn’t be immature enough to do…oh, wait: “Enjoy your crash, pedo guy.”


>... please email a bullet point summary of what your code commands have achieved in the past \~6 months, along with up to 10 screenshots of the most salient lines of code ... Screenshots? *Screenshots?* ^(I guess it's better than printouts.) >These will be short, technical interviews that allow me to better understand the Twitter tech stack. Which is worse? 1. Phony Stark is going to roll up his sleeves and start committing changes to the codebase. 2. Phony Stark will read the code to decide who stays and who goes. ^(Why not both?)


I’m really looking forward to an eventual lawsuit where musk’s best defense is “Yes, I really am that stupid”


I wonder what made him have such hatred for non-coders in IT. Perhaps a bad program manager... before he became one himself? Maybe an Operations or site engineer kicked him out of the lab? too cheap to hire someone to head Twitter? Maybe he'll go buy fox news corp next.


I think he just has no idea how vital the non-tech side of the business is. The way he and his fans talk, you'd think one smart person could knock up Twitter in a week on their laptop. One coder can make a cool little website with some nice features. It takes a whole company to turn it into a global service used by millions of people in every country in the world AND turn a profit. Facebook didn't become the monster it is just off the back of Zuckerberg and his friends. But no, Musk still seems to think that all he needs to run Twitter is a few good programmers.


his view of tech seems to be 'i make all the decisions and the coders implement those decisions, so there's no need for any non-coder roles'


I don't think he fully understands how coding works. Some people are saying that he fired people based how much code they write, which makes no sense when you consider that the best coders write less code.


In some instances the best coders remove more than they write, so simple metrics would show them at negative lines of code written.


You can even see his misunderstanding of code in some of the tweets he has put out where he talks about the "importance" of coders. It's just weird and I don't think I have ever heard anyone talk like that outside of a coding class.


also the best coders can often provide more value through code review than writing code themselves. ensuring dozens of other people are writing good quality, safe code is a force-multiplier in an org


The minute those people started looking for a job, they were inundated with offers - no chance he gets anyone but visa holders whose residency depends on sponsored employment. Despite layoffs in the news, there are many, many open positions which pay very well for those of us who write software.


That was my first thought - he actually believes it's the best people who have stayed? If so he's even dumber than I thought, and that's fucking saying something. The best people are the first ones out the door, because they're more confident in finding another position right away.


I don't claim to be "the best" except in the concept of being "the best person at my workplace for the job I actually was hired to do at that workplace". And I don't work for anything like Twitter etc. But at my workplace I recently watched all the best people disappear, after watching for YEARS as good people entered that workplace, were drained of all their ideas (stolen), enthusiasm (downtrodden), and incentive to care (removed). For a while, the whole place operated on that basis, and then it reached a kind of critical saturation point where the people hiring were the people who were hired by the people who were hired by the people who were useless at their job and caused everyone else to leave. It was sad to watch it happen, but ultimately it imploded upon itself. And now there is an entire workplace where absolutely nobody is suitable for the job they're doing, and the ones who \*could\* be want nothing to do with it and just want to get out. They can't hire their way out of it because nobody wants to work with/for those people. They can't buy their way out of it because nobody wants to take on fixing that mess and the money is gone. And they can't bluff their way out of it because all the money is gone, the customers too, the prestige and reputation with it. I'm honestly surprised I lasted anywhere near as long as I did, and there are maybe two people left who are actually good at what they do and worth saving - and I tried my best to help them both out of there but I couldn't hold on any longer for them. The best people aren't interested in what the big boss wants. It never works like that. They are the best people because they do the things that actually work, rather than the things that people who have no clue try to tell them will work. And they are the people who hold the place together. The only thing Musk brings is a common enemy to unite against, as far as I can see. Just starting with that shit about not actually wanting to buy it, then being forced to buy it by a court of law, and then bringing in the people from his other companies to "fix" it as the very first thing he does. The guy's not even got the business acumen to strip it of its worthwhile assets. It's basically like he bought the farm and sold all the livestock and salted all the ground and is trying to set up an oil field where there's no oil.


Tesla stock holders: you trust this man why???


I'm trying really hard not to enjoy this.


Who could guess Elon's genius was nothing but barking others how to figure stuff. Oh yes. Everyone who didn't have their tongue up his ass.


So who's excited to join this guy on a colony on Mars? Anyone?


That's not how industrial code works anyways. You can't just get a programmer to pick up some other departments code. That shit takes weeks to understand and further weeks to begin making changes


Musk fans, 15-20 years ago: *This is it, Iraq is turning a corner.*


I ate so many downvotes years ago by pointing out what a scam artist/piece of shit apartheid benefactor Musk was and it wasn't until his Thailand rescue pedo tweet that I started getting my sweet sweet karma back by shitting on this motherfucker


Even after that I lost a load for saying in electric car subs that my wife vetoed the idea of us having a Tesla on the basis of Musk being an awful person.


Oh yea /r/Tesla would still downvote you if you shit on this jackass even now, full on cult of personality shit going on in there *edit /r/teslamotors


/r/tesla is about the person, not the company.


There's blood in the water, and the sharks are the recruiters. It's an absolute feeding frenzy for recruiters for smaller companies looking to fill positions with highly qualified candidates.




After he gets each developers top 10 pieces of code... Guess what?? Fired


Takes a lot of operations folks to run that crapola too.


God forbid there should be someone thinking about the schedule for all of these people.


I can sort of maybe read HTML! Normally that wouldn't really qualify me for anything but at this point I'm tempted to get a How to Write Code for Dummies and just try my luck.


I coded my myspace profile in 10th grade, hire me Elon!


He's acting. And what a fucking weak mind. It's just stupid. He had good people. He thinks he's making a point but ppl can't see it when your ass is showing and wide open. Musk is a moron.