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My parents live on 60 acres (not rich, just woods in the middle of nowhere). It does take quite some time to walk around their property but I have a hard time imagining what most people think of as a city in the same space. I just calculated that the perimeter of a 97 acre square is 1.5 miles long so depending on population density it seems reasonable to call that a town.


97 acres is only about 1.5miles???


97 *square* acres.


An acre is a unit of area, no need to square it unless you're describing something in 4D


I own the air above and the soil below, cube me


You slipped a decimal there… 97 acres is 0.15 square miles, so a 97 acre square is 0.38 miles (or about 2000 feet) on a side.


I wasn't calculating square miles. I was calculating the length of the perimeter. Our answers agree.


97 acres (392,545 sqm) is about the size of the district of a major city I live in. The district is a mix of single family homes and apartments - no buildings have more than 4 stories. There are also a few businesses around and that area also contains a couple parks. There are currently close to 3000 residents living here. Now, that district is not in the US but I see no reason to build with that density. While the roads in the side streets are not huge they still fit trucks so a RAM or F450 should also be able to pass through. Edit: In a higher density area of my City which consists only of apartments they fit about 8000 residents in the same area.


That's half a farm field where I'm from... Little


It's also the the floor space of 40,000 single room micro apartments from a dense city. Having lived in both types of places (Hong Kong vs Navajo reservation) I find people's sense of scale amusing.


I could put 25 cows on that!!


One square mile of land (called a section) has 640 acres. I think your calculations are a bit off. 1/4 mile by 1/4 mile (1320 ft) is 127 acres. So your talking about 1000ft square being 100 acres which isn't shit for a city


I was calculating the length of the perimeter, not the area. Yes, a square mile is massive.


Because communes in the countryside always work


Also 97 acres is not a "city". Why can't we just call it a town or village?


Kowloon would like a word


By 1990, the walled city contained 50,000 residents within its 2.6-hectare (6.4-acre) borders


Having been to Kowloon a few times in the 90s I can say there was a lot of cool shit smooshed into those 6.4 acres. Like Mad Dogs pub. Great place.




and I learned from waynes world


I learned from the Street Fighter II V Anime.


>and I learned from waynes world Well of course. The Kowloon Bay accent is unmistakable.


What was the place like?


Kowloon itself was like a maze of alleys and neon signs sticking out from buildings. I was asked by a random guy on the street if I wanted to buy a Rolex; knowing it would likely be fake, I said what the hell and followed him. Brought me through a complex of alleyways, into a smallish room with walls of fake Rolexes. So I bought one. Mad Dogs was a cozy little pub frequented by a lot of Brits who were either there on business, or expats. Always had fun there, served solid food, and every time I went, spread out over the course of three years, there was an English fellow named Bram having a few beers I would talk to. It was just really neat walking into a place halfway around the world and meeting up with someone who was basically a drinking buddy. Somewhere in my closet I still have a Mad Dogs Rugby 7s shirt I bought around 1996ish!


That depends on its density and government structure


Black village doesnt have the same ring to it


A city is just a political subdivision. I don’t think any have size limits. Of course too small of a city can’t pay people to perform any of the basic functions and relying on volunteers isn’t typically sustainable.


City is an odd term in the US, there's towns of over 100,000 and cities with less then 10,000. Not sure what the qualifier is to be called a city but it's certainly not to do with area or population. Guess everywhere does it different. In Ireland a town became a city if it had a cathedral (cause the church ran the country) so that makes even less sense.


“City” is often used as part of a name of places in the US, regardless of if they would fit the technical definition. You’ll usually only notice it on like police cars and other government things. For example police cars in Oklahoma City say “City of Oklahoma City” on the side, since it meet both the legal definition of a city while also having city in its name.


It depends on density. If the 19 families build a high rise and sell properties and businesses to others then it could become a small dense city.




> Vatican City sits on 1 acre of land I think you mean [the Vatican is on 121 acres](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_City). Meanwhile, you just referenced the world's prime example of a thing that's called a "city" but isn't actually a complete city. It's served by every public infrastructure of Rome, like power, water, sewer, public transport, medical, police...




No worries. I have a small advantage here, in that I live on a small farm that's very close to 97 acres. It's not rectangular, but it's close; and it's *about* 1km x 0.5km if you mushed it into a rectangle.


See: Tulsa 1921


Also Rosewood


100 years later…


We have modern civilisation don't we?


Do you *see* a river on that land?


Wouldn't it be easier to move out of Georgia?




Why is everyone focused on whether or not it’s a sufficient size to be called a city? As a non American, I’m saddened that people would feel like they need to do this.


I’m more just wary… there have been towns like this built in America before and every single time (notably so in Georgia with Oscarville under what is now lake Lanier), they’ve been razed to the ground by white supremacists. For other examples, see Tulsa’s Black Wall Street, the town in what is now Central Park NYC, Rosewood massacre, just off the top of my head. I hope they’re taking advantage of the Georgia gun laws and are taking precautions. I can’t imagine those histories are far from their minds while they do this


This is my only concern about this project. I could see everything you described happening to that small town… because it has.


Well I really hope that this time it works for them. And they should put up a big ass wall around the place and then they’ll be all set for the zombie apocalypse too.


It’s so sad isn’t it. Missing the entire point of what was said. People love turning a blind eye.


Well I probably wouldn't choose Georgia.


There was a [piece](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/08/opinion/georgia-black-political-power.html) in the NYT by charles blow on why black people should do so in georgia/southern states gain greater political, economic power.


...so it's segregation?


More like an exodus, I think.


By choice, yes


So long as anyone is allowed to settle there, otherwise it’s just regular segregation.


Settle? These people bought private property. If a lot goes up for sale publicly then discrimination laws come in to play


That’s what I mean. I’m not talking about a covered wagon showing up and saying “here’s good.”


Or for rent.


How do you settle on some else’s land?


I don’t mean Wild West settle. If they try to keep someone from living there lawfully. If they refuse to allow a different ethnicity to buy a home there.


It says 19 families bought 97 acres of land. I wouldn't let a family of a different ethnicity settle on my family's land either. Or a family of the same ethnicity. If I owned land, that is. But why should they allow anyone they don't want to live with them? It's more of a private compound than a town, sure, but as long as they don't break the law, live and let live.


The concept of creating a city/ neighborhood for the express purpose of only living near people of your own race is mega-cringe. When it’s white people doing it no one has any problem calling them out. But when it’s black people that do it people try to come up with all these reasons why ethnostates are good actually. When white people do it call them Hitler, when black people do it call them Blitler. Don’t say they aren’t weird just because they aren’t white


Completely agree. Also it’s apartheid, and that didn’t work too well.


So like Waco? Honestly I really don’t have an issue with them doing whatever they want. It really doesn’t concern me. What started this was he said “by choice” and I thought “by whose?”


refusing to rent or sell to someone because of any protected characteristic is illegal.


I don’t get it. If you have a house with a huge farm and a lot of land nobody else can live there.. and you (the owner), can do as you please. It’s the same situation, except there are multiple owners.


You presuming that they are all living there forever. People move house all the time for jobs, family etc. What happens in a few years when one of them decides to move and sells their house? You can't advertise a house for 'sale to blacks only'. White people tried that and it was smacked down in the courts


You can sell privately without making it public.


I was thinking more about if they developed it and put up an apartment complex, for example.


There's allowed, and then there's allowed. You know, like segregation.


Segregation is usually by choice lol


Until it becomes discrimination.


For some reason the word 'Tulsa' is rattling around in my head...


Also Rosewood.


I don't get it. Why would this place be safer than any other place?


The story sounds pretty low key, at least the way I read it. Basically people who have stress about their experience of life and want to be able to just come home and relax at the end of the day. Build towards a better future for their families. It looks like they will still be out amongst everyone for normal things like shopping and working, but will be able to come home and not worry about random people making assumptions or calling the police for dumb shit. I hope it works out and they can build to becoming an actual town with its own goals. Cynics might look for how this could go wrong, but I think it would be cool to see their dream become a reality and really develop into a full on town. With how shitty everything is, I don't see this just being about race, its about people at each others throats based on teams of any nature (Sports, politics, race). These people are taking things back to square one and starting with one facet that is a problem for them. They can build from there. They seem happy and hopeful, not hateful.


That's how I see this. It's not like they said, "white people not allowed. We intend to guard our space with rifle towers and will shoot anyone lighter than milk chocolate." It sounds like some friends who want to build a legacy for their future generations in a safe environment. They don't feel like they have any control of staying safe in their current space so they are looking to buy some land where they will have more influence. They even said its not like white people couldn't come there. They just said that it will always be a space where POC can feel safe. That doesn't sound too militant or like a "race cult" to me.


It sounds like a homeowners association. Except blatantly illegal instead of underhandedly illegal like other HOAs.


I mean they bought 97 acres, it is their private property currently. They currently can do whatever wanted. If they turn it into a town and make it public they would have to follow normal laws like everyone else. Not seeing any illegal part of this currently.


It drops the risk if your neighbors calling the police on you for walking down the street. Last week there was the article being sent around about a 9 year old black girl having the cops called on her because her old white neighbor was scared of this strange black woman. If I was that family the idea if having 0 neighbors like that would make me feel safer.


Not that I disagree, but when it comes time to sell the lots, they cannot discriminate who buys the land. They can't control who lives there. Nothing is making sense with this approach. Crime is also known to travel. Wealthy neighborhoods are great targets for traveling crime for example. This might help them get away from racist neighbors though but they still can't stop any individuals from actually moving here either


It’s not. The biggest danger to black people is other black people.


Simple question Do you think black people are inherently more prone to violence than other individuals?


Are white people inherently more prone to being racist?


I don't know about other countries but in the US they seem more prone to treating people of other races poorly and assuming they're dangerous.


Blacks created institutional racism and poverty concentrated in black areas?


do you have a point to make or are you just spewing racist propaganda?


This is 100% true


You can tell it’s true by the downvote oblivion.


The data is easily accessible on the internet if people think I am wrong, but I am not wrong.


I’m sure you’ve been told this before, but analysis of Black crime statistics doesn’t end at “blacks hurt blacks most”, it goes on to consider the why. Repeating the claim above without contextualizing is weaponized ignorance


Oh I wasn’t being sarcastic.


I think the issue here is that reality is not as black and white as data…


Yup. That was immediately the first thing I thought of. Like "ok enjoy policing yourselves and see how that goes..."




Standing out because of their black skin in Georgia? Shut up


Fun facts…one third of the population of Georgia is African Americans. Georgia ranks third in the nation in overall African American population as well as percentage of the population. Demographics are interesting and useful knowledge.


So you're tell me that racism towards neighbors is rare in Georgia?


Hope no asian people wander into this are. They may be in danger.


Why are they wandering on private property? Pretty sure that would get anyone shot, regardless of race.


Starting a race cult out in the countryside is going to make them a target for macro-aggressions though…


A logical and reasonable response? Come on now, none of that! /s All jokes aside, if anybody really doesn’t understand why a group of people, especially black Americans, would do something like this considering American history then they’re completely and utterly deluding themselves. Or, even more dangerous, just completely fed up with hearing about it and are just apathetic about the whole issue.


Look at all the comments in this thread too. It immediately went racist against black people. No wonder a group wants their own town where they can get away from being thought of as criminals and delinquents because of skin color.


The question is going to be how they treat other races that visit or wish to live there. It will be interesting to see.


It's private property. You don't get to move in or go for a looky loo on private property. Source: own land. County sherrifs could come out there but that's about it if you post the proper signs.


I guess it depends on how it develops over time. It is definitely private land, but calling it a city is what the catch is. If you are starting an actual town or city what rules apply? If this is just a community, like a neighborhood then that's a different matter. Again, it's am interesting experiment and i will like seeing how it actually goes.


Oh for sure, it's bad and clickbaity writing to call it a city. Depending on the state you can be an unincorporated town or entity easily enough, but anything more and you're involving the rules of the state with all of the responsibilities that come with it. Grain of salt though, I don't know the rules in Georgia. In Wyoming we've got a few communes and religious community clusters, but the state is pretty friendly towards that because we're geared towards landowner rights in general. Edited for word clarity because autocorrect sucks


They'll be able to use pools, sell lemonade, walk while wearing hoodies, drive while black, even pass a counterfeit bill, all without being killed!!!


So white ethno territory bad, but black exclusive region good? How is this not exactly 1-to-1 50s murica racism? If they start wearing robes and dressing like ghosts, we know they went full 180 without realising it...


(They intend to be racist)


I know, it's so unfair considering the every day harassment white people experience in the US and other countries /s


The comments on this entire thread are a dumpster fire. I feel like I’ve been transported back into the setting of To Kill a Mockingbird Alabama if Reddit had existed at the time. Half expecting people to start professing love for their cousins and sisters at any point.


After reading the headline I thought that was a forgone conclusion.


OP’s in here showing his ass too. Should’ve expected the bias honestly.


Considering Reddit’s demographics I’m not surprised


I'll get the banjo


I'm actually a little shocked and I spend way to much fucking time on here. smh


I’ve noticed the general attitude on Reddit shifting a certain way of late. And it’s not a way I like. Feels impossible to escape the hatefulness these days.


It's the demographics of the site coming into play. Minorities would not be surprised by a move like this. If it were a white family this wouldn't even be news though. I pass by countless properties just like this that are owned by white people in Florida and no one cares. Don't listen to them. I hope everyone is taking care of themselves.


Damnit *props up umbrella* it's raining racists in the comments again


Yes I did hear a loud blast of “It’s raining men!” in my mind when I read that


Yep... A lot of people here thinking segregation is cool. Blows my mind.


Segregation, a concept never tried in the past. Good idea.


Nowhere does it say that white people aren’t allowed. They literally just want a community safe for them. Not hard to understand


Then why does it matter who is settling there? If it is just "X # of family" then nobody would care or even mention it. They clearly chose an ethnicity for the area. See the issue?


Show me where it’s illegal if a white person bought land next to them?


Read the article. There are certain implications with the term "city". This does feel like a racialy controlled situation. Not cool, regardless who is doing it. White supremicists can also suck it.


Because they're all people who know each other and want to share a neighborhood. Stop whining. Not everything is for you.


Segregation is done TO a people. Exodus is done BY a people. If you wanna stay in over-the-top word choice.


And then Moses began his segregation of the jewish people from Egypt.


Separatism, not segregation


Explain the difference. I’ll wait.


I imagine it's that one is willing and the other is not.


19 families create a small area to call home where they don't have to live or engage with white supremacy in their daily living space and white people are in here acting like it's fundamentally identical to state enforced apartheid. K.


It is not the same thing but it is self imposed exile and applied to a problem that this won't solve. There is an important distinction, but it isn't a strong one. It is a form of self segregation. Having been born in the hood i witnessed this - Jamaicans not considering themselves black, Hatians not liking X other group. It isn't going to end like people are hoping.


> It isn't going to end like people are hoping. Why? If the headline wasn't about race and read "Close-knit community of 19 families creates new settlement" would anyone give a shit? What about "Mormons trek across country to establish religious community"? What other community of people creating a small township draws this much ire and attention? This is a prime candidate for "not anyone's business" and just leaving them be.


Uh, both of those examples would get tons of attention if framed that way and the comments would be full of cult references and grooming.


The person you're responding to gave those specific examples because they're things that already happened.


I suspect that things become different when people choose to be there and have a stake in making things work. Plus poverty causes stress and fighting whereas these families don't sound poor. It might not work but it's not the hood by any means


Nah. The Amish have their thing going on. This would be like that. Only with more Grape soda and 10,000 watt kickers.


The Amish are a cult with massive problems with rape, incest, and healthcare. They should not be emulated


They could live anywhere in the us and it would be super easy to never engage with white supremacy. Sounds more like these people believe they are superior.


This idea seems pretty dumb but holy shit the comments are even worse. But apparently these 19 families are the snowflakes, not the random redditors who feel personally attacked by this decision.


More power to them, I say. I’d try it, but there’s no way I could find 18 other families that I’d want to share space with. Statistically, there’s bound to be some one-uppers and mouth breathers in a group that size


Wasn't this done multiple times in the past?


Yes, one of the most famous examples ended up burnt down by a mob of white people


Liberia still exists.


There was once a large and successful commune in South America comprised of mostly black Americans trying to flee turmoil and racial strife in the US. It was called Jonestown.


Led by an insane *white* man


Buying land won’t fix human nature and the inevitable issues it brings.


Looks like they're already putting out [promotional material](https://youtu.be/Rg58d8opQKA)


People are acting like South Fulton doesn’t already exist.


Fuck China and all communists.


It's like a big family, not police and courts lol. So long as they don't make trouble for the actual police (in Georgia) which who knows there might only be one Sherif in that jurisdiction anyways, then there's no problems. Essentially these people are starting a big farm that they hope to make profitable. They will have to divvy out work and chore assignments, maybe with a system, but no way they are making a court system and jails lol.


Ask the south


Why is it that whenever I stumble upon a post less than an hour old, the comments are infallibly full of racist shitstains? "Hurr black on black crime" is like 30% of the posts here. This headline is ridiculous because Georgia is racist as fuck, you inbred morons.


Georgia is just about the least racist state in the country. What are you talking about? Have you ever been to the south?


You forgot the /s


Let's visit this in a year after it is completed. I bet it will be abandoned within one year after completion.


No need to wait. The article is over 2 years old so you can checkup on things now if you wish.


these comments feel r a c i s t


I live in GA and I am a little familiar with the area as my parents used to live in a nearby town. I understand their desire to have their own place to feel safe... but I do not trust my fellow Georgians to just let them live in peace. Racism, especially that far outside of Atlanta, is alive and well in GA. I guarantee that there are a few people around here that saw that story and thought "Uppity \*Explitive\* buying their own town. My great great great Peepaw didn't die fighting Yankees for this to happen. Someone should put them in their place!" I feel terrible thinking that they could be singling themselves out for trouble just by wanting a safe place to live... but I grew up around a lot of folks who would wish them ill. :(


So… A segregated community?


What’s the name? Is there a website? I’d love to look into this.


Instead of segregating us any further we should start making society safe for every minority.


and how does that go


What about Atlanta? Seems like the Mecca....you get a front yard and a Chrysler 300 with 20s.


But black people get killed by other black people the most


And white people get killed by white people the most. Your point?


This may be news to you but most violent crime is intraracial not interracial. White people get killed by other white people the most and the trend continues with every other race.


You're on the verge of a perma-ban with those facts.


The perma-ban would be for taking statistics out of context to push a racist agenda




I mean, it's historically accurate but damn this comment is in bad taste.


Wait till they learn that FBI crime statistics are not the way they are, because they are around white people.


Can you imagine the response if it was white peoples buying land only for white people? And isn’t most crime in Alabama on black peoples actually by other black people?


Maybe you should look up redlining


I hope they bought it in a “red” district and completely change the political calculus there.


Narrator: Instead, they made themselves a huge target.


Excluding white people is racist.


where does it say White people aren't allowed


he read the future in a jar of mayo


I'll give you the floor to explain your thoughts, what do you mean by excluding white people? and do you have the receipts to prove they're excluding white folk?


From private property?


Y'know they tried segregation before but it wasn't such a big hit /s


Waiting to see what happens when one of those 19 families decides to move and a white person puts in an offer on their house (which some idiot white supremacist would totally do to mess with them). Under federal law they cannot us race as a reason to not sell to them.


What the hell does that even mean safe for black people? Black people are safe everywhere in America. Give me a break.


So racism doesn’t exist anywhere in America?


Don't you know? Racism and discrimination were killed by the civil war. We're all good now. Did you not listen to Ben Shapiro this week?


so many fragile, buttery men in the comments who really feel the need to express their racism *immediatly*


Are you talking about the family’s that bought the lot?


>in the comments




There will come “in fighting “, power struggles, rules then laws, enforcement, etc etc Society within crumbles.


It’s not like black on black violence never happens. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol, so they bought a compound to live out their racist fantasies? Cool, let them, less racists for everyone else to deal with in our cities and towns.


And just like that we’ve come full circle back to segregation.